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This readme.txt is last updated on: 10 June 2013


Theme URI: 	http://www.graphene-theme.com/
Author: 	Syahir Hakim
Author URI: http://www.khairul-syahir.com/
Tags: 		black, blue, white, one-column, two-columns, three-columns, right-sidebar, left-sidebar, fixed-width, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-background, custom-menu, editor-style, theme-options, threaded-comments, sticky-post, translation-ready, rtl-language-support, post-formats, featured-image-header, featured-images, full-width-template, microformats
License: 	GNU General Public License, Version 3 (or newer)


We believe that every theme should facilitate creative writing, not hinder it. We also believe that each site should have the opportunity to be unique. Since the theme's inception, we have received countless suggestions and requests on features that really matter. We listened, and we delivered. 

Here's a theme that's packed full of features that you need, yet far from being overwhelming. Here's a theme that's easy to use for beginners, yet well documented and powerful enough to be endlessly customisable to users with even only moderate technical skills. Here's a theme that's available in more than  30 languages and is backed with active community support, where questions, ideas and suggestions are always welcomed. 

And best of all, here's a theme that's completely free. Here's a theme that's yours to make it special.


Manual installation:
1. Upload the `graphene` folder to the `/wp-content/themes/` directory

Installation using "Add New Theme"
1. From your Admin UI (Dashboard), use the menu to select Themes -> Add New
2. Search for 'graphene'
3. Click the 'Install' button to open the theme's repository listing
4. Click the 'Install' button

Activation and Use
1. Activate the Theme through the 'Themes' menu in WordPress
2. See Appearance -> Graphene Options for Theme Options


Comprehensive documentation for the theme is provided at the theme's Documentation Wiki: http://docs.graphene-theme.com/Main_Page

== ADD-ONS ==

The Graphene theme is not a responsive theme, that is, the layout does not automatically adapt to the width of the devices being used to display a website using the Graphene theme. While there are significant merits to being responsive, there are also significant drawbacks like sub-optimal performance, constrained layout for dekstop view, and a lot of unnecessary resources being loaded for both desktop and mobile view, to list a few.

For this reason, we have developed two premium mobile themes that would work in concert with the Graphene theme to optimise the display of your site on mobile devices. You can obtain them from these locations:
Graphene Mobile: 		http://www.graphene-theme.com/graphene-mobile/features-and-functionalities/
Graphene Mobile Neo:	http://www.graphene-theme.com/graphene-mobile-neo/features-and-functionalities/


## 1. Where should I go for the theme’s support? ##

Please direct all support requests for the theme at the theme’s Support Forum.

## 2. The post’s featured image is replacing my header image. Help! ##

This is actually one of the theme’s features, based on the feature in the default TwentyTen theme. Any featured image that has a size greater than or equal to the theme’s header image size (960 x 198 pixels by default) will replace the header image when the post/page that featured image is assigned to is being displayed. It enables you to have different header image for different posts and/or pages.If you want to disable this feature, simply tick the Disable Featured Image replacing header image option in the Graphene Options page, under Display > Header Display Options.

## 3. Can I modify Graphene? ##

The Graphene WordPress theme, along with all the other themes in the WordPress.org Official Free Themes Directory, is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 3. The full text of that licence is included with the theme’s licence.txt file.

Releasing the theme under that licence means, among others, that you are free to modify the theme in any way for any purpose (including commercial) without any obligation to the theme’s author. However, if you decide to redistribute the theme, the licence dictates that you must release the theme under the same licence, GPLv3.

But of course, the author would always appreciate donations to support ongoing and future developments of the theme.

## 4. What is this Creative Commons licence option? ##

The Creative Commons licence is a popular licence nowadays that are used by a lot of web-based content authors to license their work such that it protects their intellectual property but in the same time allows its free distribution. It is included with the theme simply to make it easy for the theme’s users to make use of the licence for the content they publish. Theme users can enable it via the theme’s Options page should they wish to use it.

However, it is not the licence that is applied for the theme itself, but just for the website’s content should the theme user wants to use it.

## 5. Is the theme compatible with this plugin or that plugin? ##

We don’t know. With so many plugins available for WordPress, there’s no way that we (or anybody else for that matter) can test for compatibility for all of them. Having said that, the theme is built with all the necessary WordPress components included with it, so chances are most plugins will be compatible with the theme.

Our suggestion is to just install the plugin and try it. If you stumble into problem, ask for support from the plugin author first. If the plugin author says that it’s a problems with the theme, you know where to find support.

## 6. Some posts don’t have thumbnail image in their excerpts. Why? ##

Automatic thumbnail images in post excerpts are taken from the following, in that order:
(1) Featured image for the post
(2) First image uploaded for that post

Note that for (2), it’s not necessarily the first image that you inserted into the post. We would recommend setting a featured image for the posts that do not have any images uploaded for it.


Our gratitude to these image authors who have allowed us to include their royalty-free images with the theme:

    * "Flow" header image by Quantin Houyoux (http://www.sxc.hu/profile/quentinh)
    * "Fluid", "Techno", "Fireworks", and "Sparkle" header images by Ilco (http://www.sxc.hu/profile/ilco)


To display codes within the <code> element with the preformatted styling, include the class attribute class="block". Example: <code class="block">some code here</code>.