
Your IP :

Current Path : /home/scgforma/www/wp-content/themes/graphene/languages/
Upload File :
Current File : /home/scgforma/www/wp-content/themes/graphene/languages/sr_YU.po

msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Graphene 1.6b theme for WordPress\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-21 21:34+1200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-30 14:27+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Boban Svemoguci <svemoguci.bob@hotmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Balkanboy Media <hello@balkanboymedia.com>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;_n:1,2;esc_attr_e;esc_attr__\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: D:\\MyVault\\MyProjects\\Websites\\theme-graphene\\site\\wp-content\\themes\\graphene\\\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
"X-Poedit-Language: Serbian\n"
"X-Poedit-Country: YUGOSLAVIA\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n"

#: 404.php:25
#, php-format
msgid "Searching for: <span>%s</span>"
msgstr "Pretraga: <span>%s</span>"

#: 404.php:31
msgid "Error 404 - Page Not Found"
msgstr "Greška 404 - Stranica Nije Nađena"

#: 404.php:33
msgid "Sorry, I've looked everywhere but I can't find the page you're looking for."
msgstr "Izvinite, tražio sam svuda ali nisam našao stranicu koju tražite"

#: 404.php:34
msgid "If you follow the link from another website, I may have removed or renamed the page some time ago. You may want to try searching for the page:"
msgstr "Ako pratite link sa drugog sajta, možda je pomeren ili je stranica preimenovana  pre izvesnog vremena. Možda želite da pretražujete stranicu:"

#: 404.php:42
msgid "Automated search"
msgstr "Automatska pretraga"

#: 404.php:45
#, php-format
msgid "Searching for the terms <strong>%s</strong> ..."
msgstr "Pretraga termina <strong>%s</strong> ..."

#: archive.php:24
#, php-format
msgid "Daily Archive: %s"
msgstr "Dnevna arhiva: %s"

#: archive.php:26
#, php-format
msgid "Monthly Archive: %s"
msgstr "Mesečna arhiva: %s"

#. translators: F will be replaced with month, and Y will be replaced with year, so "F Y" in English would be replaced with something like "June 2008".
#: archive.php:28
msgid "F Y"
msgstr "F Y"

#: archive.php:30
#, php-format
msgid "Yearly Archive: %s"
msgstr "Godišnja arhiva: %s"

#: archive.php:40
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s Archive: <span>%2$s</span>"
msgstr "%1$s Arhiva: <span>%2$s</span>"

#: archive.php:43
msgid "Blog Archive"
msgstr "Blog arhiva"

#: author.php:32
msgid "Author's posts listings"
msgstr "Autorovi listinzi članaka"

#: category.php:13
#, php-format
msgid "Category Archive: <span>%s</span>"
msgstr "Arhiva kategorije: %s"

#: comments.php:25
msgid "This post is password protected. Enter the password to view any comments."
msgstr "Ovaj članak je zaštićen šifrom. Ukucajte šifru da vidite komentare."

#: comments.php:49
#: loop-author.php:85
#: loop.php:166
#, php-format
msgid "1 comment"
msgid_plural "%d comments"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""

#: comments.php:51
#, php-format
msgid "1 ping"
msgid_plural "%d pings"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""

#: comments.php:109
msgid "Comments have been disabled."
msgstr "Komentari su onemogućeni"

#: comments.php:126
#, php-format
msgid "You may use these <abbr title=\"HyperText Markup Language\">HTML</abbr> tags and attributes: %s"
msgstr "Možete koristiti sledeće <abbr title=\"HyperText Markup Language\">HTML</abbr> tagove i atribute: %s"

#: comments.php:131
msgid "Your email address will not be published."
msgstr "Vaša email adresa neće biti obavljena."

#: comments.php:134
msgid "Submit Comment"
msgstr "Postaviti Komentar"

#: footer.php:41
msgid "Copyright"
msgstr "Autorska prava"

#. translators: %s will replaced by a link to the Creative Commons licence page, with "Creative Commons Licence" as the link text.
#: footer.php:56
#, php-format
msgid "Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a %s."
msgstr "Osim kada je drugačije naznačeno, sadržaj ovog sajta je licenciran pod %s."

#: footer.php:56
msgid "Creative Commons Licence"
msgstr "Creative Commons Licenca"

#: footer.php:58
msgid "Creative Commons Licence BY-NC-ND"
msgstr "Creative Commons Licenca BY-NC-ND"

#: footer.php:79
msgid "Return to top"
msgstr "Vratite se na vrh stranice"

#. translators: %1$s is the link to WordPress.org, %2$s is the theme's name
#: footer.php:89
#, php-format
msgid "Powered by %1$s and the %2$s."
msgstr "Omogućeno od strane %1$s i %2$s"

#: footer.php:89
msgid "Graphene Theme"
msgstr "Graphene Tema"

#: header.php:36
#, php-format
msgid "Subscribe to %s's RSS feed"
msgstr "Pretplatite se na $s RSS feed"

#: header.php:36
msgid "Subscribe to RSS feed"
msgstr "Pretplatite se na RSS feed"

#: header.php:82
#: header.php:102
msgid "Go back to the front page"
msgstr "Vratite se na početnu stranicu"

#: loop-author.php:23
msgid "Author's details"
msgstr "Podaci o autoru"

#. translators: %1$s is the first name, %2$s is the last name
#: loop-author.php:25
#, php-format
msgid "<strong>Name:</strong> %1$s %2$s"
msgstr "<strong>Ime:</strong> %1$s %2$s"

#: loop-author.php:26
#, php-format
msgid "<strong>Date registered:</strong> %1$s"
msgstr "<strong>Datum registracije:</strong> %1$s"

#: loop-author.php:35
msgid "Biography"
msgstr "Biografija"

#: loop-author.php:52
msgid "Latest posts"
msgstr "Poslednji članci"

#: loop-author.php:55
#: loop-author.php:85
#, php-format
msgid "Permalink Link to %s"
msgstr "Link stalne veze do %s"

#: loop-author.php:55
#: loop-author.php:85
#: loop-children.php:45
#: loop-page.php:8
#: loop-page.php:35
#: loop-post-formats.php:36
#: loop-single.php:67
#: loop.php:31
#: loop.php:66
msgid "(No title)"
msgstr "(bez naslova)"

#: loop-author.php:92
msgid "Most commented posts"
msgstr "Najvise komentarisani članci"

#: loop-children.php:45
#: loop-children.php:53
#: loop-post-formats.php:36
#: loop.php:65
#: loop.php:134
#, php-format
msgid "Permalink to %s"
msgstr "Link stalne veze do %s"

#: loop-children.php:53
msgid "View page &raquo;"
msgstr "Pogledajte stranicu &raquo;"

#: loop-not-found.php:3
msgid "Not found"
msgstr "Nije pronadjeno"

#: loop-not-found.php:8
msgid "Sorry, but you are looking for something that isn't here. Wanna try a search?"
msgstr "Izvinjavamo se, ali tražite nešto čega ovde nema. Želite li da pokušate sa pretragom?"

#: loop-not-found.php:10
msgid "Sorry, but no results were found for that keyword. Wanna try an alternative keyword search?"
msgstr "Izvinjavamo se, ali nema rezultata za ove ključne reči. Želite da pokušate pretragu sa alternativnim ključnim rečima?"

#: loop-page.php:23
#: loop-page.php:24
#, php-format
msgid "Print this %s"
msgstr "Odštampajte %s"

#: loop-page.php:45
#: loop-single.php:83
#: loop.php:85
#, php-format
msgid "Edit %s"
msgstr "Edituj %s"

#: loop-page.php:66
#: loop-single.php:122
#: loop.php:148
msgid "Pages:"
msgstr "Stranice:"

#: loop-page.php:90
#: loop-post-formats.php:89
#: loop-single.php:172
#: loop.php:179
msgid "Permanent link to this article:"
msgstr "Trajni link do ovog članka:"

#: loop-post-formats.php:15
msgid "Status update"
msgstr "Ažuriranje statusa"

#: loop-post-formats.php:16
msgid "Audio"
msgstr "Audio"

#: loop-post-formats.php:17
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Slika"

#: loop-post-formats.php:18
msgid "Video"
msgstr "Video"

#: loop-post-formats.php:19
msgid "Post format"
msgstr "Format članka"

#. translators: This is the PHP date formatting string for the status post format. See http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php for more details.
#: loop-post-formats.php:32
msgid "l F j, Y"
msgstr "l F j, Y"

#: loop-post-formats.php:32
msgid "g:i A"
msgstr "g:i A"

#: loop-post-formats.php:42
msgid "Edit post"
msgstr "Izmeniti članak"

#. translators: This is the PHP date formatting string for the image post format. See http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php for more details.
#: loop-post-formats.php:77
#, php-format
msgid "Posted on: %s"
msgstr "Postavljeno na: %s"

#: loop-post-formats.php:77
msgid "F j, Y"
msgstr "F j, Y"

#: loop-single.php:76
#: loop.php:78
msgid "Categories:"
msgstr "Kategorije:"

#: loop-single.php:98
#: loop.php:102
#, php-format
msgid "by %s"
msgstr "od %s"

#: loop-single.php:132
#: loop.php:158
msgid "Tags:"
msgstr "Oznake:"

#: loop-single.php:132
#: loop.php:158
msgid "This post has no tag"
msgstr "Ovaj članak nema oznaku"

#: loop-single.php:153
msgid "About the author"
msgstr "O autoru"

#: loop.php:127
msgid "Read the rest of this entry &raquo;"
msgstr "Pročitajte ostatak ovog članka &raquo;"

#: loop.php:166
msgid "Leave comment"
msgstr "Ostavite komentar"

#: loop.php:166
msgid "Comments off"
msgstr "Komentari su isključeni"

#: search-404.php:14
msgid "Suggested results"
msgstr "Predloženi rezultati"

#. translators: %s is the search term
#: search-404.php:18
#, php-format
msgid "I've done a courtesy search for the term %s for you. See if you can find what you're looking for in the list below:"
msgstr "Pretražili smo termin %s za Vas. Pogledajte da li možete naći ono što tražite u listi ispod:"

#: search-404.php:35
msgid "<strong>Sorry, couldn't find anything.</strong> Try searching for alternative terms using the search form above."
msgstr "<strong>Izvinite, ne možemo ništa da nadjemo.</strong> Pokušajte da tražite alternativne termine koristeći pretragu iznad."

#: search.php:10
#, php-format
msgid "Search results for: %s"
msgstr "Rezultati pretrage za: %s"

#: searchform.php:3
#: searchform.php:4
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Petraga"

#: sidebar-two.php:35
#: sidebar.php:41
msgid "Meta"
msgstr "Meta"

#: sidebar-two.php:40
#: sidebar.php:46
msgid "Posts RSS"
msgstr "Meta"

#: sidebar-two.php:41
#: sidebar.php:47
msgid "Comments RSS"
msgstr "RSS Komentara"

#. translators: %s is the link to wordpress.org
#: sidebar-two.php:43
#: sidebar.php:49
#, php-format
msgid "Powered by %s"
msgstr "Omogućeno od strane %s"

#: sidebar-two.php:43
#: sidebar.php:49
msgid "Powered by WordPress, state-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform."
msgstr "Omogućeno od strane WordPress, state-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform."

#: sidebar-two.php:48
#: sidebar.php:34
msgid "Archives"
msgstr "Arhive"

#: tag.php:13
#, php-format
msgid "Tag Archive: <span>%s</span>"
msgstr "Arhiva oznake: <span>%s</span>"

#: admin/custom-fields.php:14
msgid "Graphene post-specific options"
msgstr "Odredjene opcije Graphene članka"

#: admin/custom-fields.php:15
msgid "Graphene page-specific options"
msgstr "Odredjene opcije Graphene stranice"

#: admin/custom-fields.php:97
msgid "These settings will only be applied to this particular post or page you're editing. They will override the global settings set in the Graphene Options or Graphene Display options page."
msgstr "Ova podešavanja će važiti samo za odredjene članke ili stranicu koju prepravljate. Ona će presnimiti globalna podešavanja na stranici podešena u Graphene Opcijama ili Graphene stranici Opcije prikazivanja."

#: admin/custom-fields.php:98
msgid "Slider options"
msgstr "Slider opcije"

#: admin/custom-fields.php:102
msgid "Slider image"
msgstr "Slajder slika"

#: admin/custom-fields.php:106
#: admin/custom-fields.php:132
#: admin/custom-fields.php:146
msgid "Use global setting"
msgstr "Koristite globalno podešavanje"

#: admin/custom-fields.php:107
msgid "Don't show image"
msgstr "Ne prikazuj sliku"

#: admin/custom-fields.php:108
msgid "Featured Image"
msgstr "Izdvojena slika"

#: admin/custom-fields.php:109
msgid "First image in post"
msgstr "Prva slika u članku"

#: admin/custom-fields.php:110
msgid "Custom URL"
msgstr "Prilagođen URL"

#: admin/custom-fields.php:116
msgid "Custom slider image URL"
msgstr "URL prilagođene slike slajdera"

#: admin/custom-fields.php:120
msgid "Make sure you select Custom URL in the slider image option above to use this custom url."
msgstr "Proverite da li ste odabrali Prilagođen URL u opciji slajder slika da biste koristili prilagodjen URL"

#: admin/custom-fields.php:124
msgid "Display options"
msgstr "Opcije prikazivanja"

#: admin/custom-fields.php:128
msgid "AddThis Social Sharing button"
msgstr "AddThis Social Sharing dugme"

#: admin/custom-fields.php:133
msgid "Show button"
msgstr "Prikažite dugme"

#: admin/custom-fields.php:134
msgid "Hide button"
msgstr "Sakrijte dugme"

#: admin/custom-fields.php:142
msgid "Post date display"
msgstr "Prikaz datuma članka"

#: admin/custom-fields.php:147
msgid "Hide date"
msgstr "Sakrijte datum"

#: admin/custom-fields.php:155
msgid "Navigation options"
msgstr "Opcije za navigaciju"

#: admin/custom-fields.php:159
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Opis"

#: admin/custom-fields.php:163
msgid "Only required if you need a description in the navigation menu and you are not using a custom menu."
msgstr "Zahteva se samo ako je potreban opis u meniju navigacije i ako ne koristite prilagođeni meni."

#: admin/faq.php:11
msgid "Graphene's Frequently Asked Questions"
msgstr "Graphene često postavljena pitanja"

#: admin/faq.php:14
msgid "Where should I go for the theme's support?"
msgstr "Koj sajt da posetim za podršku u vezi teme?"

#: admin/faq.php:15
msgid "Please direct all support requests for the theme at the theme's <a href=\"http://forum.khairul-syahir.com/graphene-wordpress-theme/\">Support Forum</a>."
msgstr "Molimo Vas sve tehničke zahteve teme prosledite na <a href=\"http://forum.khairul-syahir.com/graphene-wordpress-theme/\"> na Forum za podršku </a>."

#: admin/faq.php:18
msgid "The post's featured image is replacing my header image. Help!"
msgstr "Izdvojena slika članka menja moju sliku zaglavlja. Pomozite!"

#: admin/faq.php:19
msgid "This is actually one of the theme's features, based on the feature in the default TwentyTen theme. Any featured image that has a size of greater than or equal to the theme's header image size (960 x 198 pixels) will replace the header image when the post/page that featured image is assigned to is being displayed. It enables you to have different header image for different posts and/or pages."
msgstr "Ovo je u stvari jedna od opcija teme, bazirane na opciji u podrazumevanoj TwentyTen temi. Bilo koja izdvojena slika koje je veća ili je iste veličine kao slika zaglavlja (960 x 198 piksela) zameniće sliku zaglavlja kada članak/stranica kojoj je opcija slike dodeljena će biti prikazana. To omogućava da imate različitu header sliku za različite postove i/ili stranice."

#: admin/faq.php:20
msgid "If you want to disable this feature, simply tick the <em>Disable Featured Image replacing header image</em> option in the <a href=\"themes.php?page=graphene_options&tab=display\">Graphene Options</a> page, under Display &gt; Header Display Options."
msgstr "Ako želite da onemogućite ovu opciju, jednostavno označite <em>Isključi izdvojenu sliku i zameni slikom zaglavlja</em> opciju u <a href=\"themes.php?page=graphene_options&tab=display\">Graphene Opcije</a> stranici, pod Prikaz > Opcije prikazivanja zaglavlja."

#: admin/faq.php:23
msgid "Can I modify Graphene to my heart's content without paying anything?"
msgstr "Mogu li da modifikujem Graphene temu kako mi srce želi bez da bilo šta platim?"

#: admin/faq.php:24
msgid "The Graphene WordPress theme, along with all the other themes in the WordPress.org Official Free Themes Directory, is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 2. The full text of that licence is included with the theme in the <code>licence.txt</code> file in the theme's folder. Releasing the theme under that licence means, among others, that you are <em>free to modify the theme in any way for any purpose (including commercial)</em> without any obligation to the theme's author. However, if you decide to redistribute the theme, the licence dictates that you must release the theme under the same licence, GPLv2."
msgstr "Graphene WordPress tema, zajedno sa ostalim temama u WordPress.org Official Free Themes Directory, je objavljeno pod GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 2. Kompletan tekst licence je uključen u temu u  <code>licence.txt</code> fajl u folderu teme. Objavljivanje teme pod licencom znači, izmedju ostalog, da ste <em> slobodni da modifikujete temu na bilo koj način ili u bilo koje svrhe ( uključujući komercijalne)</em> bez ikakvih obligacija prema autora teme, licenca diktira da morate objaviti temu pod istom licencom, GPLv2."

#: admin/faq.php:25
msgid "But of course, the author would always appreciate <a href=\"themes.php?page=graphene_options\">donations</a> to support ongoing and future developments of the theme."
msgstr "Ali naravno , autor bi uvek cenio <a href=\"themes.php?page=graphene_options\">donaciju</a> da podrži tekuće i buduće razvoje teme."

#: admin/faq.php:28
msgid "If the theme is released under GPLv2, what is this Creative Commons licence in the theme's footer?"
msgstr "Ako je tema objavljena pod GPLv2, šta je onda Creative Commons licence u podnožju teme?"

#: admin/faq.php:29
msgid "The Creative Commons licence is a popular licence nowadays that are used by a lot of web-based content authors to licence their work such that it protects their intellectual property but in the same time allows its free distribution. It is included with the theme simply to make it easy for the theme's users to make use of the licence for the content they publish. Theme users can remove it altogether via the theme's Options page should they wish not to use it."
msgstr "The Creative Commons licenca je popularna licenca današnjice koja se koristi od strane mnogih autora stranica koje se baziraju na web sadržaju da licenciraju svoj rad tako što štite intelektualnu svojinu ali u isto vreme omogućavaju slobodnu distribuciju. To je uključeno u temu jednostavno da omogući korisnicima teme lakše korišćenje licence za sadržaj koji objavljuju. Korisnici tema mogu da je uklone zajedno preko teme stranice Opcija ako ne žele da je koriste."

#: admin/faq.php:30
msgid "Put simply, <em>it is not the licence that is applied for the theme itself</em>, but just for the website's content should the theme user wants to use it."
msgstr "Ubacite jednostavno, <em> to nije licenca koja se primenjuje za samu temu </em>, već za sadržaj vebsajta koji korisnik teme želi da upotrebi. "

#: admin/faq.php:33
msgid "Is the theme compatible with this plugin or that plugin?"
msgstr "Da li je tema kompatibilna sa ovim ili onim dodatkom?"

#: admin/faq.php:34
msgid "I don't know. With so many plugins available for WordPress, there's no way that I (or anybody else for that matter) can test for compatibility for all of them. Having said that, the theme is built with all the necessary WordPress components included with it, so chances are most plugins will be compatible with the theme."
msgstr "Ne znam. Sa toliko dodataka-ova dostupnih za WordPress, nije moguće da ja (ili bilo ko drugi u ove svrhe) može da testira kompatibilnost za sve njih. Takoreći, tema je napravljena sa svim potrebnim WordPress komponentama koje su uključene, tako da je većina  dodataka-ova kompatibilna sa temom.   "

#: admin/faq.php:35
msgid "My suggestion is to just install the plugin and try it. If you stumble into problem, ask for support from the plugin author first. If the plugin author says that it's a problems with the theme, you know where to find support."
msgstr "Moja sugestija je da samo instalirate i probate. Ako naletite na problem, potražite pomoć od autora dodatka prvo. Ako autor dodatka kaže da je problem u temi, znate gde da nadjete podršku. "

#: admin/feature-pointers.php:8
msgid "Where are all the options?!"
msgstr "Gde su sve opcije?"

#: admin/feature-pointers.php:9
msgid "We've decided to clean things up!"
msgstr "Rešili smo da raščistimo stvari"

#: admin/feature-pointers.php:10
msgid "We know how too many options can really be daunting to new users, so we've hidden them."
msgstr "Znamo da previše opcija ume da obeshrabri nove korisnike, zato smo ih sakrili."

#: admin/feature-pointers.php:11
msgid "But no worries! If you're a seasoned user of the Graphene theme, or whenever you feel ready to further customise your site, just click on the \"Show all options\" link, and they will magically appear to you."
msgstr "Ali bez brige! Ako ste povremeni korisnik Graphene teme, ili kad god odlučite da više preuredjujete svoj sajt, samo kliknite na \"Prikaži sve opcije\", i one će vam se prikazati odmah."

#: admin/options-advanced.php:12
#: admin/options.php:350
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Pregled"

#: admin/options-advanced.php:19
msgid "Enable preview of your site on the Graphene Theme Options page"
msgstr "Uključi pregled promena svog sajta na Graphene stranici Opcije prikaza"

#: admin/options-advanced.php:31
msgid "Action Hooks Widget Areas"
msgstr "Action Hooks Widget polja"

#: admin/options-advanced.php:34
msgid "This option enables you to place virtually any content to every nook and cranny in the theme, by attaching widget areas to the theme's action hooks."
msgstr "Ova opcija Vam omogućava da virtualno postavite bilo koji sadržaj bilo gde, na taj način što ćete postaviti vidžet polja na action hooks teme."

#: admin/options-advanced.php:35
msgid "All action hooks available in the Graphene Theme are listed below. Click on the filename to display all the action hooks available in that file. Then, tick the checkbox next to an action hook to make a widget area available for that action hook."
msgstr "Svi action hook-ovi u Graphen temi su dostupne u listi ispod. Kliknite na ime fajla da prikažete sve action hook-ove dostupne u fajlu. Zatim, označite checkbox do action hook-a da napravite vidžet polje dostupno za action hook."

#: admin/options-advanced.php:44
msgid "Click to show/hide the action hooks for this file"
msgstr "Klikni prikaži/sakrij action hooks za ovaj fajl"

#: admin/options-advanced.php:56
msgid "Rescan action hooks"
msgstr "Skenirajte ponovo action hooks"

#: admin/options-display.php:13
msgid "Header Display Options"
msgstr "Opcije prikaza zaglavlja"

#: admin/options-display.php:19
msgid "Use light-coloured header bars"
msgstr "Koristi svetle boje za bar zaglavlja"

#: admin/options-display.php:25
msgid "Link header image to front page"
msgstr "Linkuj sliku zaglavlja do početne stranice "

#: admin/options-display.php:28
msgid "Check this if you disable the header texts and want the header image to be linked to the front page."
msgstr "Štiklirajte ovo ukoliko ste isključili tekst zaglavlja i želite da slika zaglavlja linkuje početnu stranicu."

#: admin/options-display.php:33
msgid "Disable Featured Image replacing header image"
msgstr "Isključi da izdvojena slika zamenjuje sliku zaglavlja"

#: admin/options-display.php:36
msgid "Check this to prevent the posts Featured Image replacing the header image regardless of the featured image dimension."
msgstr "Štiklirajte ovo kako bi ste sprečili izdvojenu sliku članka da zameni sliku zaglavlja bez obzira na dimenzije izdvojene slike."

#: admin/options-display.php:41
msgid "Use random header image"
msgstr "Koristi nasumičnu sliku zaglavlja"

#: admin/options-display.php:45
msgid "Check this to show a random header image (random image taken from the available default header images)."
msgstr "Štiklirajte ovo da prikažete nasumičnu sliku zaglavlja (nasumična slika je uzeta iz dostupnih predefinisanih slika zaglavlja)."

#: admin/options-display.php:46
msgid "<strong>Note:</strong> only works on pages where a specific header image is not defined."
msgstr "<strong>Napomena:</strong> radi samo na stranicama gde nije definisana slika zaglavlja. "

#: admin/options-display.php:52
msgid "Search box location"
msgstr "Lokacija polja za pretraživanje"

#: admin/options-display.php:56
msgid "Top bar"
msgstr "Top bar"

#: admin/options-display.php:57
msgid "Navigation bar"
msgstr "Bar za navigaciju"

#: admin/options-display.php:58
msgid "Disable search box"
msgstr "Isključi box za pretragu"

#: admin/options-display.php:71
msgid "Column Options"
msgstr "Opcije kolona"

#: admin/options-display.php:77
msgid "Column mode"
msgstr "Mod kolona"

#: admin/options-display.php:86
#: admin/options-display.php:131
msgid "One column"
msgstr "Jedna kolona"

#: admin/options-display.php:93
#: admin/options-display.php:138
msgid "Two columns (with sidebar right)"
msgstr "Dve kolone( sa sajdbarom desno)"

#: admin/options-display.php:97
#: admin/options-display.php:142
msgid "Two columns (with sidebar left)"
msgstr "Dve kolone( sa sajdbarom levo)"

#: admin/options-display.php:104
#: admin/options-display.php:149
msgid "Three columns (with two sidebars right)"
msgstr "Tri kolone (sa dva sajdbara desno)"

#: admin/options-display.php:108
#: admin/options-display.php:153
msgid "Three columns (with two sidebars left)"
msgstr "Tri kolone (sa dva sajdbara levo)"

#: admin/options-display.php:112
#: admin/options-display.php:157
msgid "Three columns (with sidebars left and right)"
msgstr "Tri kolone (sa sajdbarovima levo i desno)"

#: admin/options-display.php:122
msgid "bbPress column mode"
msgstr "bbPress mod kolona"

#: admin/options-display.php:173
msgid "Column Width Options"
msgstr "Opcije širine kolone"

#: admin/options-display.php:176
msgid "Note: Leave values empty to reset to the default values."
msgstr "Napomena: Ostavite prazne vrednosti da resetujete na predefinisane vrednosti"

#: admin/options-display.php:180
msgid "Container width"
msgstr "Širina container-a"

#: admin/options-display.php:197
#: admin/options-display.php:220
msgid "Column width"
msgstr "Širina kolone"

#: admin/options-display.php:197
msgid "two-column mode"
msgstr "Mod sa dve kolone"

#: admin/options-display.php:201
#: admin/options-display.php:228
msgid "Content"
msgstr "Sadržaj"

#: admin/options-display.php:205
msgid "Sidebar"
msgstr "Sajdbar"

#: admin/options-display.php:220
msgid "three-column mode"
msgstr "Mod sa tri kolone"

#: admin/options-display.php:224
msgid "Left sidebar"
msgstr "Levi sajdbar"

#: admin/options-display.php:232
msgid "Right sidebar"
msgstr "Desni sajdbar"

#: admin/options-display.php:253
msgid "Posts Display Options"
msgstr "Opcije prikazivanja članka"

#: admin/options-display.php:259
msgid "Hide post author"
msgstr "Sakrij autora članka"

#: admin/options-display.php:269
msgid "Hidden"
msgstr "Sakriven"

#: admin/options-display.php:270
msgid "As an icon (without the year)"
msgstr "Kao ikona (bez godine)"

#: admin/options-display.php:271
msgid "As an icon (including the year)"
msgstr "Kao ikona (uključujući godinu)"

#: admin/options-display.php:272
msgid "As inline text"
msgstr "Kao inline tekst"

#: admin/options-display.php:274
msgid "Note: displaying date as inline text allows more space for the content area, especially useful for a three-column layout configuration."
msgstr "Napomena: Prikazivanje datuma kao inline tekst dozvoljava više prostora za područje sadržaja, naročito za layout konfiguraciju sa tri kolone."

#: admin/options-display.php:279
msgid "Hide post categories"
msgstr "Sakrij kategorije članka"

#: admin/options-display.php:285
msgid "Hide post tags"
msgstr "Sakrij oznake članka"

#: admin/options-display.php:291
msgid "Hide post comment count"
msgstr "Sakrij broj komentara članka"

#: admin/options-display.php:292
msgid "Only affects posts listing (such as the front page) and not single post view."
msgstr "Utiče samo na listing članaka (kao što je početna stranica) ne samo na jedan post."

#: admin/options-display.php:297
msgid "Show post author's <a href=\"http://en.gravatar.com/\">gravatar</a>"
msgstr "Prikaži <a href=\"http://en.gravatar.com/\">gravatar</a> autora članka"

#: admin/options-display.php:301
msgid "Show post author's info"
msgstr "Prikaži informacije autora članka"

#: admin/options-display.php:313
msgid "Excerpts Display Options"
msgstr "Opcije prikaza odlomka"

#: admin/options-display.php:319
msgid "Show excerpts in front page"
msgstr "Prikaži odlomak na početnoj stranici"

#: admin/options-display.php:325
msgid "Show full content in archive pages"
msgstr "Prikaži pun sadržaj na stranicama arhive"

#: admin/options-display.php:329
msgid "Note: Archive pages include the archive for category, tags, time, and search results pages. Enabling this option will cause the full content of posts and pages listed in those archives to displayed instead of the excerpt, and truncated by the Read More tag if used."
msgstr "Napomena: Stranice arhive uključuju arhivu za kategorije, oznake, vreme i stranice rezultata pretrage. Uključivanje ove opcije  će učiniti da se potpuni sadržaj članaka i stranica prelista u ovim arhivama  umesto odlomaka i biće skraćeno sa Pročitaj više tagom."

#: admin/options-display.php:333
msgid "Show More link for manual excerpts"
msgstr "Prikaži Više link za manualne odlomke"

#: admin/options-display.php:337
msgid "Retain these HTML tags in excerpts"
msgstr "Zadržati ove HTML oznake u odlomcima"

#: admin/options-display.php:340
msgid "Enter the HTML tags you'd like to retain in excerpts. For example, enter <code>&lt;p&gt;&lt;ul&gt;&lt;li&gt;</code> to retain <code>&lt;p&gt;</code>, <code>&lt;ul&gt;</code>, and <code>&lt;li&gt;</code> HTML tags."
msgstr "Unesite HTML tagove koje želite da zadržite u odlomcima. Na primer, unesite <code>&lt;p&gt;&lt;ul&gt;&lt;li&gt;</code> da zadržite <code>&lt;p&gt;</code>, <code>&lt;ul&gt;</code>, i <code>&lt;li&gt;</code> HTML oznake."

#: admin/options-display.php:353
msgid "Comments Display Options"
msgstr "Opcije prikazivanja komentara"

#: admin/options-display.php:359
msgid "Hide allowed tags in comment form"
msgstr "Sakrij dozvoljene oznake u formi komentara"

#: admin/options-display.php:372
msgid "Colours Options"
msgstr "Opcije za boju"

#: admin/options-display.php:375
msgid "Changing colours for your website involves a lot more than just trial and error. Simply mixing and matching colours without regard to their compatibility may do more damage than good to your site's aesthetics."
msgstr "Menjanje boje vašeg sajta uključuje mnogo više od procesa i greške. Jednostavno mešanje i uklapanje boja bez obzira na njihovu kompatibilnost mogu da napravi više štete od nego koristi estetici Vašeg sajta. "

#: admin/options-display.php:376
#, php-format
msgid "It's generally a good idea to stick to colours from colour pallettes that are aesthetically pleasing. Try the %s website for a kickstart on some colour palettes you can use."
msgstr "Generalno je dobra ideja da se držite palete boja koje su estetski zadovoljavajuće. Probajte %s vebsajt za palete boja koje možete koristiti."

#: admin/options-display.php:377
msgid "When you've got the perfect combination, you can even share it with fellow Graphene theme users through the <a href=\"http://forum.khairul-syahir.com/\">Support Forum</a>."
msgstr "Kada dobijete idealnu kombinaciju, možete to podeliti sa korisnicima Graphene teme preko <a href=\"http://forum.khairul-syahir.com/\">Foruma za podršku</a>."

#: admin/options-display.php:378
msgid "<strong>Note:</strong> The previews work best on modern Gecko- and Webkit-based browsers, such as Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome."
msgstr "<strong>Napomena:</strong> Pregled najbolje radi na modernim Gecko i Webkit pregledačima, kao što su Mozilla Firefox i Google Chrome."

#: admin/options-display.php:379
msgid "<strong>Note:</strong> To reset any of the colours to their default value, just click on \"Clear\" beside the colour field and save the settings. The theme will automatically revert the value to the default colour."
msgstr "<strong>Napomena:</strong> Da resetujete bilo koju od boja na njihove predefinisane vrednosti, samo kliknite na \"Obriši\" pored polja sa bojama i sačuvajte ga u podešavanjima. Tema će se automatski vratiti u vrednost predefinisane boje."

#: admin/options-display.php:380
msgid "Content area"
msgstr "Oblast sa sadržajem "

#: admin/options-display.php:384
msgid "Main content wrapper background"
msgstr "Pozadina okvira glavnog sadržaja"

#: admin/options-display.php:385
msgid "Post and pages content background"
msgstr "Pozadina sadržaja članka i stranica"

#: admin/options-display.php:386
msgid "Post meta and footer border"
msgstr "Meta članka i okvir podnožja"

#: admin/options-display.php:387
msgid "Post and pages top border"
msgstr "Gornji okvir članka i stranice"

#: admin/options-display.php:388
msgid "Post and pages bottom border"
msgstr "Donji okvir članka i stranice"

#: admin/options-display.php:398
#: admin/options-display.php:428
#: admin/options-display.php:454
#: admin/options-display.php:481
#: admin/options-display.php:510
#: admin/options-display.php:646
#: admin/options-display.php:667
msgid "Clear"
msgstr "Obriši"

#: admin/options-display.php:405
msgid "Widgets"
msgstr "Vidžeti"

#: admin/options-display.php:408
msgid "Widget preview"
msgstr "Pregled vidžeta"

#: admin/options-display.php:409
msgid "Widget title"
msgstr "Naslov vidžeta"

#: admin/options-display.php:409
msgid "List item"
msgstr "Član liste"

#: admin/options-display.php:413
msgid "Widget item background"
msgstr "Pozadina stavke u vidžetu"

#: admin/options-display.php:414
msgid "Widget item list border"
msgstr "Okvir stavke iz liste vidžeta"

#: admin/options-display.php:415
msgid "Widget header border"
msgstr "Okvir zaglavlja vidžeta"

#: admin/options-display.php:416
msgid "Widget title colour"
msgstr "Boja vidžet naslova"

#: admin/options-display.php:417
msgid "Widget title text shadow colour"
msgstr "Boja senke teksta vidžet naslova"

#: admin/options-display.php:418
msgid "Widget header gradient bottom colour"
msgstr "Donja boja gradijenta zaglavlja vidžeta"

#: admin/options-display.php:419
msgid "Widget header gradient top colour"
msgstr "Gornja boja gradijenta zaglavlja vidžeta"

#: admin/options-display.php:436
msgid "Slider"
msgstr "Slajder"

#: admin/options-display.php:439
msgid "Slider background preview"
msgstr "Pregled pozadine slajdera"

#: admin/options-display.php:444
msgid "Slider top left colour"
msgstr "Boja gornjeg levog slajdera"

#: admin/options-display.php:445
msgid "Slider bottom right colour"
msgstr "Boja donjeg desnog slajdera"

#: admin/options-display.php:462
msgid "Block buttons"
msgstr "Blok dugmad"

#: admin/options-display.php:465
msgid "Block button preview"
msgstr "Pregled blok dugmeta"

#: admin/options-display.php:466
msgid "Button label"
msgstr "Oznaka dugmeta"

#: admin/options-display.php:470
msgid "Button background colour"
msgstr "Boja pozadine dugmeta"

#: admin/options-display.php:471
msgid "Button label colour"
msgstr "Boja teksta dugmeta"

#: admin/options-display.php:472
msgid "Button label text shadow"
msgstr "Senka teksta dugmeta"

#: admin/options-display.php:489
msgid "Archive title"
msgstr "Naslov arhive"

#: admin/options-display.php:492
msgid "Archive title preview"
msgstr "Pregled naslova arhive"

#: admin/options-display.php:493
msgid "Archive title:"
msgstr "Naslov arhive:"

#: admin/options-display.php:493
msgid "Sample title"
msgstr "Naslov primera"

#: admin/options-display.php:497
msgid "Archive background gradient left colour"
msgstr "Boja levog gradijenta pozadine arhive"

#: admin/options-display.php:498
msgid "Archive background gradient right colour"
msgstr "Boja desnog gradijenta pozadine arhive"

#: admin/options-display.php:499
msgid "Archive label colour"
msgstr "Boja oznake arhive"

#: admin/options-display.php:500
msgid "Archive text colour"
msgstr "Boja teksta arhive"

#: admin/options-display.php:501
msgid "Archive label and text shadow colour"
msgstr "Boja oznake, i senke teksta arhive"

#: admin/options-display.php:525
msgid "Text Style Options"
msgstr "Opcije stila teksta"

#: admin/options-display.php:528
msgid "Note that these are CSS properties, so any valid CSS values for each particular property can be used."
msgstr "Ovo su CSS stavke, pa se  bilo koje validne CSS vrednosti mogu koristiti za svaku stavku. "

#: admin/options-display.php:529
msgid "Some example CSS properties values:"
msgstr "Neki od primera CSS stavki:"

#: admin/options-display.php:532
msgid "Text font:"
msgstr "Font teksta:"

#: admin/options-display.php:536
msgid "Text size and line height:"
msgstr "Veličina teksta i visina linije:"

#: admin/options-display.php:540
msgid "Text weight:"
msgstr "Debljina teksta:"

#: admin/options-display.php:544
msgid "Text style:"
msgstr "Stil teksta:"

#: admin/options-display.php:548
msgid "Text colour:"
msgstr "Boja teksta:"

#: admin/options-display.php:553
msgid "Header Text"
msgstr "Tekst zaglavlja"

#: admin/options-display.php:557
msgid "Title text font"
msgstr "Font teksta naslova"

#: admin/options-display.php:563
msgid "Title text size"
msgstr "Veličina teksta naslova"

#: admin/options-display.php:569
msgid "Title text weight"
msgstr "Debljina teksta naslova"

#: admin/options-display.php:575
msgid "Title text line height"
msgstr "Visina linije teksta naslova"

#: admin/options-display.php:581
msgid "Title text style"
msgstr "Stil teksta naslova"

#: admin/options-display.php:590
msgid "Description text font"
msgstr "Font opisa teksta"

#: admin/options-display.php:596
msgid "Description text size"
msgstr "Veličina opisa teksta"

#: admin/options-display.php:602
msgid "Description text weight"
msgstr "Debljina opisa teksta"

#: admin/options-display.php:608
msgid "Description text line height"
msgstr "Visina linije opisa teksta"

#: admin/options-display.php:614
msgid "Description text style"
msgstr "Stil opisa teksta"

#: admin/options-display.php:620
msgid "Content Text"
msgstr "Sadržaj teksta"

#: admin/options-display.php:624
msgid "Text font"
msgstr "Font teksta"

#: admin/options-display.php:630
msgid "Text size"
msgstr "Veličina teksta"

#: admin/options-display.php:636
msgid "Text line height"
msgstr "Visina linije teksta"

#: admin/options-display.php:642
msgid "Text colour"
msgstr "Boja teksta"

#: admin/options-display.php:652
msgid "Link Text"
msgstr "Tekst linka"

#: admin/options-display.php:656
msgid "Link colour (normal state )"
msgstr "Boja linka (normal)"

#: admin/options-display.php:657
msgid "Link colour (visited state )"
msgstr "Boja linka (visited)"

#: admin/options-display.php:658
msgid "Link colour (hover state )"
msgstr "Boja linka (hover)"

#: admin/options-display.php:675
msgid "Text decoration (normal state )"
msgstr "Dekoracija teksta (normal)"

#: admin/options-display.php:681
msgid "Text decoration (hover state )"
msgstr "Dekoracija teksta ( hover)"

#: admin/options-display.php:694
msgid "Footer Widget Display Options"
msgstr "Opcije prikazivanja vidžeta podnožja"

#: admin/options-display.php:700
msgid "Number of columns to display"
msgstr "Broj kolona za prikaz"

#: admin/options-display.php:707
msgid "Number of columns to display for front page footer widget"
msgstr "Broj kolona za prikaz vidžeta u podnožju na početnoj stranicu"

#: admin/options-display.php:721
msgid "Navigation Menu Display Options"
msgstr "Opcije prikazivanja navigacionog menija"

#: admin/options-display.php:727
msgid "Dropdown menu item width"
msgstr "Širina stavke opadajućeg menija "

#: admin/options-display.php:733
msgid "Disable description in Header Menu"
msgstr "Isključi opis u meniju zaglavlja"

#: admin/options-display.php:741
msgid "Description for default menu \"Home\" item"
msgstr "Opis za predefinisanu meni stavku \"Home\" "

#: admin/options-display.php:757
msgid "Miscellaneous Display Options"
msgstr "Raznovrsne opcije prikazivanja"

#: admin/options-display.php:760
msgid "Site title options"
msgstr "Opcije naslova sajta"

#: admin/options-display.php:761
msgid "Use these tags to customise your own site title structure: <code>#site-name</code>, <code>#site-desc</code>, <code>#post-title</code>"
msgstr "Koristite ove oznake da prilagodite strukturu naslova sajta: <code>#site-name</code>, <code>#site-desc</code>, <code>#post-title</code>"

#: admin/options-display.php:765
msgid "Custom front page site title"
msgstr "Prilagođeni naslov sajta na početnoj stranici"

#: admin/options-display.php:769
msgid "Defaults to <code>#site-name &raquo; #site-desc</code>. The <code>#post-title</code> tag cannot be used here."
msgstr "Predefinisani <code>#site-name &raquo; #site-desc</code>. <code>#post-title</code> oznaka se ne može koristiti ovde."

#: admin/options-display.php:774
msgid "Custom content pages site title"
msgstr "Prilagodi sadržaj naslova stranice sajta"

#: admin/options-display.php:778
msgid "Defaults to <code>#post-title &raquo; #site-name</code>."
msgstr "Predefinisani <code>#post-title &raquo; #site-name</code>."

#: admin/options-display.php:783
msgid "Favicon options"
msgstr "Favicon opcije"

#: admin/options-display.php:787
msgid "Favicon URL"
msgstr "Favicon URL"

#: admin/options-display.php:791
#: admin/options-general.php:98
msgid "Upload or select image from gallery"
msgstr "Otpremi ili selektuj sliku iz galerije"

#: admin/options-display.php:791
msgid "Simply enter the full URL to your favicon file here to enable favicon. Make sure you include the <code>http://</code> in front of the URL as well. Or use the WordPress media uploader to upload an image, or select one from the media library."
msgstr "Jednostavno unesite kompletan URL do Vašeg favicon fajla ovde da bi se prikazao favicon. Budite sigurni da ste uneli <code>http://</code> ispred URL-a. Ili koristite WordPress media uploader da otpremite sliku, ili da selektujete jednu iz media biblioteke."

#: admin/options-display.php:796
msgid "WordPress Editor options"
msgstr "Opcije Wordpress uređivača"

#: admin/options-display.php:800
msgid "Disable custom editor styles"
msgstr "Onemogućite prilagođene stilove uređivača"

#: admin/options-display.php:813
msgid "Custom CSS"
msgstr "Prilagođeni CSS"

#: admin/options-display.php:818
msgid "Custom CSS styles"
msgstr "Prilagođeni stilovi CSS"

#: admin/options-display.php:820
msgid "You can enter your own CSS codes below to modify any other aspects of the theme's appearance that is not included in the options."
msgstr "Možete uneti Vaš CSS kod ispod da modifikujete bilo koji od aspekata izgleda teme koja se ne nalazi u opcijama."

#: admin/options-general.php:12
msgid "Slider Options"
msgstr "Slider opcije"

#: admin/options-general.php:18
msgid "Disable slider"
msgstr "Isključite slajder"

#: admin/options-general.php:26
msgid "What do you want to show in the slider"
msgstr "Šta želite da prikažete na slajderu"

#: admin/options-general.php:30
msgid "Show latest posts"
msgstr "Prikaži poslednje članke"

#: admin/options-general.php:33
msgid "Show random posts"
msgstr "Prikaži nasumične članke"

#: admin/options-general.php:36
msgid "Show specific posts/pages"
msgstr "Prikaži odredjene članke/stranice"

#: admin/options-general.php:39
msgid "Show posts from categories"
msgstr "Prikažite članke iz kategorija"

#: admin/options-general.php:44
#: admin/options-general.php:258
msgid "Posts and/or pages to display"
msgstr "Članci i/ili stranice za prikaz"

#: admin/options-general.php:49
#: admin/options-general.php:263
msgid "Enter ID of posts and/or pages to be displayed, separated by comma. Example: <code>1,13,45,33</code>"
msgstr "Unesite ID članaka i/ili stranica za prikaz, odvojedni zarezom. primer:<code>1,13,45,33</code>"

#: admin/options-general.php:50
msgid "Applicable only if <strong>Show specific posts/pages</strong> is selected above."
msgstr "Primenljivo samo ako su <strong> Prikazani odredjeneni članci/stranice </strong> selektovani iznad"

#: admin/options-general.php:56
msgid "Categories to display"
msgstr "Kategorije za prikaz"

#: admin/options-general.php:57
msgid "All posts within the categories selected here will be displayed on the slider. Usage example: create a new category \"Featured\" and assign all posts to be displayed on the slider to that category, and then select that category here."
msgstr "Svi članci medju selektovanim kategorijama ovde biće prikazani na slajderu. Primer upotrebe: kreiraj novu kategoriju \"Featured\" "

#: admin/options-general.php:73
msgid "Number of posts to display"
msgstr "Broj članaka za prikaz "

#: admin/options-general.php:104
msgid "Slider display style"
msgstr "Stil prikazivanja slajdera"

#: admin/options-general.php:108
msgid "Thumbnail and excerpt"
msgstr "Mala slika i odlomak"

#: admin/options-general.php:109
msgid "Background image and excerpt"
msgstr "Pozadinska slika i odlomak"

#: admin/options-general.php:110
msgid "Full post content"
msgstr "Pun sadržaj članka"

#: admin/options-general.php:116
msgid "Slider animation"
msgstr "Slajder animacija"

#: admin/options-general.php:121
msgid "Horizontal slide"
msgstr "Horizontalni slajd"

#: admin/options-general.php:122
msgid "Vertical slide"
msgstr "Vertikalni slajd"

#: admin/options-general.php:123
msgid "Fade"
msgstr "Fade"

#: admin/options-general.php:124
msgid "No effect"
msgstr "Bez efekta"

#: admin/options-general.php:130
msgid "Slider height"
msgstr "Visina slajda"

#: admin/options-general.php:138
msgid "Slider speed"
msgstr "Brzina slajda"

#: admin/options-general.php:141
#: admin/options-general.php:150
msgid "milliseconds"
msgstr "milisekunde"

#: admin/options-general.php:142
msgid "This is the duration that each slider item will be shown"
msgstr "Vremenski period koliko će svaki slajd trajati"

#: admin/options-general.php:147
msgid "Slider transition speed"
msgstr "Brzina tranzicije slajdera"

#: admin/options-general.php:151
msgid "This is the speed of the slider transition. Lower values = higher speed."
msgstr "Ovo je brzina tranzicije slajdera. Niže vrednosti = veća brzina"

#: admin/options-general.php:156
msgid "Move slider to bottom of page"
msgstr "Prebaci slajder na dno stranice"

#: admin/options-general.php:169
msgid "Front Page Options"
msgstr "Opcije početne stranice"

#: admin/options-general.php:175
msgid "Front page posts categories"
msgstr "Kategorije članaka na početnoj stranici"

#: admin/options-general.php:177
msgid "Only posts that belong to the categories selected here will be displayed on the front page. Does not affect Static Front Page."
msgstr "Samo članci koji pripadaju selektovanim kategorijama biće prikazane na početnoj stranici. Ne utiče na statičnu početnu stranicu."

#: admin/options-general.php:182
msgid "--Disabled--"
msgstr "--Onemogućeno--"

#: admin/options-general.php:190
msgid "You may select multiple categories by holding down the CTRL key."
msgstr "Možete selektovati više kategorija tako što ćete pritisnuti CTRL taster."

#: admin/options-general.php:202
msgid "Homepage Panes"
msgstr "Paneli početne strane"

#: admin/options-general.php:209
msgid "Disable homepage panes"
msgstr "Onemogućiti panele početne strane "

#: admin/options-general.php:219
msgid "Type of content to show"
msgstr "Vrsta sadržaja koja se prikazuje"

#: admin/options-general.php:226
msgid "Latest posts by category"
msgstr "Poslednji članci po kategorijama"

#: admin/options-general.php:229
msgid "Posts and/or pages"
msgstr "Članci i/ili stranice"

#: admin/options-general.php:234
msgid "Number of latest posts to display"
msgstr "Broj poslednjih članaka za prikazivanje"

#: admin/options-general.php:238
msgid "Applicable only if <strong>Latest posts</strong> or <strong>Latest posts by category</strong> is selected above."
msgstr "Primenljivo samo ako su <strong>Poslednji članci</strong> ili <strong>Poslednji članci po kategorijama</strong> selektovani iznad."

#: admin/options-general.php:243
msgid "Category to show latest posts from"
msgstr "Kategorije koje pokazuju poslednje postove od"

#: admin/options-general.php:253
msgid "Applicable only if <strong>Latest posts by category</strong> is selected above."
msgstr "Primenljivo samo ako su <strong>Poslednji članci po kategorijama</strong> selektovani iznad."

#: admin/options-general.php:264
msgid "Applicable only if <strong>Posts and/or pages</strong> is selected above."
msgstr "Primenljivo samo ako su <strong>članci i/ili stranice</strong> selektovani iznad."

#: admin/options-general.php:270
msgid "<strong>Note:</strong> homepage panes are only displayed when using a <a href=\"http://codex.wordpress.org/Creating_a_Static_Front_Page\">static front page</a>."
msgstr "<strong>Napomena:</strong> paneli na početnoj stranici se prikazuju samo ako se koristi <a href=\"http://codex.wordpress.org/Creating_a_Static_Front_Page\">statična početna stranica</a>."

#: admin/options-general.php:280
msgid "Comments Options"
msgstr "Opcije komentara"

#: admin/options-general.php:286
msgid "Commenting"
msgstr "Komentarisanje"

#: admin/options-general.php:290
msgid "Use WordPress settings"
msgstr "Koristite WordPress podešavanja"

#: admin/options-general.php:291
msgid "Disabled for pages"
msgstr "Onemogućiti za stranice"

#: admin/options-general.php:292
msgid "Disabled completely"
msgstr "Potpuno onemogućiti"

#: admin/options-general.php:294
msgid "Note: this setting overrides the global WordPress Discussion Setting called \"Allow people to post comments on new articles\" and also the \"Allow comments\" option for individual posts/pages."
msgstr "Napomena: ova podešavanja zamenjuju globalne WordPress opcije diskusije \"Dozvoliti da se postuju komentari na novim artiklima\" ili takodje \"Dozvoliti komentare\"  opciju za individualne članke/stranice."

#: admin/options-general.php:306
msgid "Child Page Options"
msgstr "Opcije stranice ćerke"

#: admin/options-general.php:312
msgid "Hide parent box if content is empty"
msgstr "Sakij polja ako nema sadržaja"

#: admin/options-general.php:318
msgid "Child page listings"
msgstr "Listinzi stranica ćerke"

#: admin/options-general.php:322
msgid "Show listing"
msgstr "Pokaži listing"

#: admin/options-general.php:323
msgid "Hide listing"
msgstr "Sakrij listing"

#: admin/options-general.php:324
msgid "Only show listing if parent content is empty"
msgstr "Pokaži listing samo ako nema sadržaja"

#: admin/options-general.php:337
msgid "Widget Area Options"
msgstr "Opcije za vidžet polja"

#: admin/options-general.php:340
msgid "Header widget area"
msgstr "Vidžet polje u zaglavlju"

#: admin/options-general.php:341
msgid "<strong>Important:</strong> This widget area is unstyled, as it is often used for advertisement banners, etc. If you enable it, make sure you style it to your needs using the Custom CSS option."
msgstr "<strong>Važno:</strong> Ovo vidžet polje nije stilizovano kako je inače slučaj za reklamne banere, itd. Ako ovo omogućite, vodite računa da ste ga uredili po svojim optrebama koristeći opciju Prilagodjen CSS."

#: admin/options-general.php:345
msgid "Enable header widget area"
msgstr "Uključite vidžet polje u zaglavlju"

#: admin/options-general.php:354
msgid "Alternate Widgets"
msgstr "Rezervni vidžeti"

#: admin/options-general.php:355
msgid "You can enable the theme to show different widget areas in the front page than the rest of the website. If you enable this option, additional widget areas that will only be displayed on the front page will be added to the Widget settings page."
msgstr "Možete uključiti da tema pokazuje različita vidžet polja na početnoj stranici od ostatka vebsajta. Ako omogućite ovu opciju, dodatna vidžet polja koja će biti prikazana na početnoj stranici će biti dodata na stranici Vidžeti."

#: admin/options-general.php:358
msgid "Enable alternate front page sidebar widget area"
msgstr "Uključite rezervni sajdbar na početnoj stranici"

#: admin/options-general.php:362
msgid "Enable alternate front page footer widget area"
msgstr "Uključite rezervno vidžet polje u podnožju na početnoj stranici"

#: admin/options-general.php:363
msgid "You can also specify different column counts for the front page footer widget and the rest-of-site footer widget if you enable this option."
msgstr "Možete odrediti različiti broj kolona za vidžet u podnožju na početnoj stranici i ostalim vidžetima u podnožju na sajtu ukoliko omogućite ovu opciju."

#: admin/options-general.php:376
msgid "Top Bar Options"
msgstr "Top bar opcije"

#: admin/options-general.php:382
msgid "Hide the top bar"
msgstr "Sakrij top bar"

#: admin/options-general.php:390
msgid "Hide feed icon"
msgstr "Sakrij Feed ikonu"

#: admin/options-general.php:394
msgid "Use custom feed URL"
msgstr "Koristi prilagodjeni feed URL"

#: admin/options-general.php:397
msgid "This custom feed URL will replace the default WordPress RSS feed URL."
msgstr "Ovaj prilagođeni feed URL će zameniti predefinisani WordPress RSS feed URL."

#: admin/options-general.php:401
msgid "Open social media links in new window"
msgstr "Otvori social media linkove u novom prozoru"

#: admin/options-general.php:405
msgid "Twitter URL"
msgstr "Twitter URL"

#: admin/options-general.php:408
msgid "Enter the URL to your Twitter page."
msgstr "Unesite URL do vaše Twiter stranice"

#: admin/options-general.php:412
msgid "Facebook URL"
msgstr "Facebook URL"

#: admin/options-general.php:415
msgid "Enter the URL to your Facebook profile page."
msgstr "Unesite URL do vaše Facebook profil stranice"

#. translators: %s will be replaced by the social media service name. Example: LinkedIn Title
#: admin/options-general.php:426
#, php-format
msgid "%s Title"
msgstr "%s Naslov"

#: admin/options-general.php:431
#, php-format
msgid "The title is empty and the following title will be shown: <strong>%s</strong>"
msgstr "Nema naslova i sledeći naslov će biti prikazan: <strong>%s</strong>"

#. translators: %s will be replaced by the social media service name. Example: LinkedIn URL
#: admin/options-general.php:437
#, php-format
msgid "%s URL"
msgstr "%s URL"

#. translators: %s will be replaced by the social media service name. Example: LinkedIn icon URL
#: admin/options-general.php:442
#, php-format
msgid "%s icon URL"
msgstr "%s ikona URL"

#: admin/options-general.php:445
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Obrišite"

#: admin/options-general.php:453
msgid "Add new social media icon"
msgstr "Dodaj novu social media ikonu"

#: admin/options-general.php:465
msgid "Social Sharing Buttons"
msgstr "Social Sharing dugmad"

#: admin/options-general.php:470
msgid "Show social sharing button"
msgstr "Prikaži dugme za social sharing"

#: admin/options-general.php:476
msgid "Show in Pages as well?"
msgstr "Takodje prikaži na stranici?"

#: admin/options-general.php:480
msgid "Social sharing buttons location"
msgstr "Pozicija social sharing dugmadi "

#: admin/options-general.php:483
msgid "Bottom of posts"
msgstr "Ispod članaka"

#: admin/options-general.php:484
msgid "Top of posts"
msgstr "Iznad članaka"

#: admin/options-general.php:485
msgid "Both top and bottom"
msgstr "Zajedno iznad i ispod"

#: admin/options-general.php:491
msgid "Your social sharing button code"
msgstr "Kod za vaše social sharing dugme"

#: admin/options-general.php:492
msgid "You can use codes from any popular social sharing sites, like Facebook, Digg, AddThis, etc."
msgstr "Možete koristiti kodove za bilo koji popularni social sharing sajta kao što su Facebook, Digg, AddThis itd."

#: admin/options-general.php:495
msgid "You may use these tags to get the post's URL, title, and excerpt:"
msgstr "Možete koristiti ove oznake da dobijete URL članka, naslov i odlomak:"

#: admin/options-general.php:507
msgid "Adsense Options"
msgstr "Adsense opcije"

#: admin/options-general.php:513
msgid "Show Adsense advertising"
msgstr "Prikaži Adsense reklamiranje"

#: admin/options-general.php:521
msgid "Show ads on front page as well"
msgstr "Prikaži reklame i na početnoj stranici"

#: admin/options-general.php:527
msgid "Your Adsense code"
msgstr "Vaš Adsense kod"

#: admin/options-general.php:540
msgid "Google Analytics Options"
msgstr "Google Analitycs opcije"

#: admin/options-general.php:545
msgid "Enable Google Analytics tracking"
msgstr "Uključi Google Analytics praćenje"

#: admin/options-general.php:552
msgid "<strong>Note:</strong> the theme now places the Google Analytics script in the <code>&lt;head&gt;</code> element to better support the new asynchronous Google Analytics script. Please make sure you update your script to use the new asynchronous script from Google Analytics."
msgstr "<strong>Napomena:</strong> tema sada stavlja Google Analytics skriptu u  <code>&lt;head&gt;</code> element da bolje podrži novu asinhrovanu Google Analytics skriptu. Proverite da li ste ažurirali skriptu da bi koristili novu asinhrovanu skriptu iz Google Analytics-a."

#: admin/options-general.php:556
msgid "Google Analytics tracking code"
msgstr "Kod za praćenje Google Analytics"

#: admin/options-general.php:557
msgid "Make sure you include the full tracking code (including the <code>&lt;script&gt;</code> and <code>&lt;/script&gt;</code> tags) and not just the <code>UA-#######-#</code> code."
msgstr "Proverite da li ste ubacili ceo kod za praćenje (uključujući <code>&lt;script&gt;</code> i <code>&lt;/script&gt;</code> oznake) a ne samo <code>UA-#######-#</code> kod."

#: admin/options-general.php:570
msgid "Footer Options"
msgstr "Opcije podnožja"

#: admin/options-general.php:575
msgid "Use Creative Commons licence for content"
msgstr "Koristi Creative Commons licencu za sadržaj"

#: admin/options-general.php:580
msgid "Copyright text (html allowed)"
msgstr "Copyright tekst (html dozvoljen)"

#: admin/options-general.php:581
msgid "If this field is empty, the following default copyright text will be displayed:"
msgstr "Ako je ovo polje prazno, sledeći predefinisani copyright tekst biće prikazan:"

#: admin/options-general.php:587
msgid "Do not show copyright info"
msgstr "Ne pokazuj copyright informaciju"

#: admin/options-general.php:591
msgid "Do not show the \"Return to top\" link"
msgstr "Ne prikazuj \"Vratite se na vrh stranice\" link"

#: admin/options-general.php:603
msgid "Print Options"
msgstr "Opcije štampanja"

#: admin/options-general.php:608
msgid "Enable print CSS for single posts and pages?"
msgstr "Uključi CSS za štampu za pojedinačne članke i stranice?"

#: admin/options-general.php:614
msgid "Show print button"
msgstr "Prikazati dugme za štampanje?"

#: admin/options-import.php:38
#: admin/options-import.php:169
#: admin/options-presets.php:48
#: admin/uninstall.php:32
msgid "ERROR: You are not authorised to perform that operation"
msgstr "GREŠKA: Niste autorizovani da izvedete ovu operaciju"

#: admin/options-import.php:59
msgid "Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following error:"
msgstr "Pre nego što otpremite svoj uvežen fajl, moraćete da popravite sledeće greške:"

#: admin/options-import.php:65
#: admin/options-import.php:98
msgid "Import Graphene Theme Options"
msgstr "Uvoženje opcije Graphene Theme "

#: admin/options-import.php:67
msgid "<strong>Note:</strong> This is an experimental feature. Please report any problem at the <a href=\"http://forum.khairul-syahir.com/forum/bug-report\">Support Forum</a>."
msgstr "<strong>Naznačite:</strong> Ovo je eksperimentalni opcija . Molimo Vas prijavite bilo koji problem na <a href=\"http://forum.khairul-syahir.com/forum/bug-report\">Forum za podršku</a>."

#: admin/options-import.php:69
msgid "Choose a file from your computer:"
msgstr "Izaberite fajl sa Vašeg kompjutera:"

#: admin/options-import.php:69
#, php-format
msgid "Maximum size: %s"
msgstr "Maksimalna veličina: %s"

#: admin/options-import.php:76
msgid "Upload file and import"
msgstr "Otpremi fajl i uvezi"

#: admin/options-import.php:141
msgid "Options import completed"
msgstr "Uvoženje opcija izvršeno"

#: admin/options-import.php:142
msgid "Go to the Graphene options page"
msgstr "Idi na stranicu Graphene opcije"

#: admin/options-import.php:145
#: admin/options-import.php:150
#: admin/options-import.php:155
msgid "Sorry, there has been an error."
msgstr "Izvinite, doslo je do greške."

#: admin/options-import.php:146
msgid "The uploaded file does not contain valid Graphene options."
msgstr "Otpremljeni fajl ne sadrži validne Graphene opcije."

#: admin/options-import.php:151
msgid "The uploaded file could not be read."
msgstr "Otpremljeni fajl ne može da se učita."

#: admin/options-import.php:156
msgid "The uploaded file is not supported."
msgstr "Otpremljeni fajl nije podržan."

#: admin/options-import.php:164
msgid "File is empty. Please upload something more substantial. This error could also be caused by uploads being disabled in your php.ini or by post_max_size being defined as smaller than upload_max_filesize in php.ini."
msgstr "Fajl je prazan. Molimo otpremite nešto više kul. Ova greška takođe može biti izazvana ukoliko je otpremanje onemogućeno u Vašem php.ini ili je post_max_size definisano kao manje od upload_max_filesize u php.ini."

#: admin/options-init.php:34
msgid "Graphene Options"
msgstr "Graphene Opcije"

#: admin/options-init.php:35
msgid "Graphene FAQs"
msgstr "Graphene FAQs"

#: admin/options-init.php:85
msgid "Toggle all options boxes"
msgstr "Otvori sva polja za opcije"

#: admin/options-init.php:127
msgid "Template preview not found."
msgstr "Pregled šablona nije pronadjen."

#: admin/options-init.php:130
msgid "default"
msgstr "podrazumevano"

#: admin/options-init.php:186
#: admin/options-init.php:190
msgid "Theme default"
msgstr "Theme default"

#: admin/options-presets.php:36
msgid "The \"Normal website\" settings preset has been applied."
msgstr "\"Normal website\" podešavanja su primenjena"

#: admin/options-presets.php:41
msgid "Settings have been reset."
msgstr "Podešavanja su resetovana"

#: admin/options-validator.php:24
msgid "ERROR: Invalid category to show in slider."
msgstr "Greška: Nevalidna kategorija za prikazivanje na slajderu."

#: admin/options-validator.php:27
msgid "ERROR: You must specify the posts/pages to be displayed when you have \"Show specific posts/pages\" selected for the slider."
msgstr "Greška: Morate odrediti članke/stranice koje se prikazuju kada imate  \"Prikaži specifične članke/stranice\"  selektovane za slajder."

#: admin/options-validator.php:30
msgid "ERROR: You must have selected at least one category when you have \"Show posts from categories\" selected for the slider."
msgstr "Greška: Morate selektovati najmanje jednu kategoriju kada imate \"Prikaži članke iz kategorije\" selektovano u ovom folderu."

#: admin/options-validator.php:40
msgid "ERROR: Invalid category selected for the slider categories."
msgstr "Greška: Nevalidna kategorija selektovana za slajder kategorije"

#: admin/options-validator.php:46
msgid "ERROR: The number of posts to displayed in the slider must be a an integer value."
msgstr "Greška: Broj postova prikazanih na slajderu mora biti celi broj."

#: admin/options-validator.php:49
msgid "ERROR: Invalid option for the slider image is specified."
msgstr "Greška: Nevalidna opcija za slajder sliku je odredjena."

#: admin/options-validator.php:51
msgid "ERROR: Bad URL entered for the custom slider image URL."
msgstr "Greška: Loš URL unešen za prilagođenu slajder sliku"

#: admin/options-validator.php:53
msgid "ERROR: Invalid option for the slider display style is specified."
msgstr "Greška: Odredjena je nevalidna opcija za prikaz stila slajdera."

#: admin/options-validator.php:55
msgid "ERROR: The value for slider height must be an integer."
msgstr "Greška: Vrednost za visinu slajdera mora biti celi broj"

#: admin/options-validator.php:57
msgid "ERROR: The value for slider speed must be an integer."
msgstr "Greška: Vrednost za brzinu slajdera mora biti celi broj."

#: admin/options-validator.php:59
msgid "ERROR: The value for slider transition speed must be an integer."
msgstr "Greška: Vrednost tranzicije slajdera mora biti celi broj."

#: admin/options-validator.php:61
msgid "ERROR: Invalid slider animation."
msgstr "Greška: Nevalidna slajder animacija."

#: admin/options-validator.php:75
msgid "ERROR: Invalid category selected for the front page posts categories."
msgstr "Greška: Označena nevalidna kategorija za kategorije članaka na početnoj stranici"

#: admin/options-validator.php:86
msgid "ERROR: Invalid option for the type of content to show in homepage panes."
msgstr "Greška: Nevalidna opcija za tip sadržaja koji se prikazuju na okvirima na početnoj stranici."

#: admin/options-validator.php:88
msgid "ERROR: The value for the number of latest posts to display in homepage panes must be an integer."
msgstr "Greška: Vrednost brojeva poslednjih članaka koji se prikazuju na okvirima na početnoj stranici moraju biti celi broj."

#: admin/options-validator.php:93
msgid "ERROR: Invalid category selected for the latest posts to show from in the homepage panes."
msgstr "Greška: Selektovana nevalidna kategorija za prikazivanje poslednjih članaka koji će se prikazivati na okviru početne stranice."

#: admin/options-validator.php:107
msgid "ERROR: Invalid option for the comments option."
msgstr "Greška: Nevalidna opcija za opcije komentara."

#: admin/options-validator.php:116
msgid "ERROR: Invalid option for the child page listings."
msgstr "Greška: Nevalidna opcija za listing stranice ćerke."

#: admin/options-validator.php:134
msgid "ERROR: Bad URL entered for the custom feed URL."
msgstr "Greška: Loš URL unešen za prilagođeni feed URL"

#: admin/options-validator.php:138
msgid "ERROR: Bad URL entered for the Twitter URL."
msgstr "Greška: Loš URL unešen za Twitter URL"

#: admin/options-validator.php:140
msgid "ERROR: Bad URL entered for the Facebook URL."
msgstr "Greška: Loš URL unešen za  Facebook URL."

#: admin/options-validator.php:152
msgid "ERROR: Bad URL entered for the social media icon URL."
msgstr "Greška: Loš URL unešen za ikonu social media"

#: admin/options-validator.php:153
msgid "ERROR: Bad URL entered for the social media URL."
msgstr "Greška: Loš URL unešen za social media URL."

#: admin/options-validator.php:169
msgid "ERROR: Invalid option for the social sharing buttons location."
msgstr "Greška: Nevalidna opcija za lokaciju social sharing dugmadi."

#: admin/options-validator.php:229
msgid "ERROR: Invalid option for the Search box location."
msgstr "Greška: Nevalidna opcija za Search box lokaciju"

#: admin/options-validator.php:234
msgid "ERROR: Invalid option for the column mode."
msgstr "Greška: Nevalidna opcija za column mode."

#: admin/options-validator.php:235
msgid "ERROR: Invalid option for the bbPress column mode."
msgstr "Greška: Nevalidna opcija za bbPress mod kolona."

#: admin/options-validator.php:242
#, php-format
msgid "ERROR: Invalid width for %s. Width value must be positive number without units."
msgstr "Greška: Nevalidna širina za %s. Vrednost širine mora biti pozitivni broj bez mere za jedinicu."

#: admin/options-validator.php:250
msgid "ERROR: Invalid option for the post date display."
msgstr "Greška: Nevalidna opcija za prikaz vremena na članku."

#: admin/options-validator.php:316
msgid "ERROR: The number of columns to be displayed in the footer widget must be a an integer value."
msgstr "Greška: Broj kolona koje se prikazuju vidžetu podnožja moraju biti celi brojevi."

#: admin/options-validator.php:321
msgid "ERROR: The width of the submenu must be a an integer value."
msgstr "Greška: Širina u podmeniju mora biti celi broj."

#: admin/options-validator.php:329
msgid "ERROR: Bad URL entered for the favicon URL."
msgstr "Greška: loš URL unešen za favicon URL."

#: admin/options-validator.php:344
msgid "ERROR: Invalid action hook selected widget action hooks."
msgstr "Greška: nevalidni action hook selektovan."

#: admin/options.php:81
#: admin/uninstall.php:23
msgid "Uninstall Graphene"
msgstr "Deinstalirati Graphene"

#: admin/options.php:82
msgid "Please confirm that you would like to uninstall the Graphene theme. All of the theme's options in the database will be deleted."
msgstr "Molim potvrdite da želite da deinstalirate Graphene temu. Sve opcije teme u bazi podataka će biti obrisane."

#: admin/options.php:83
msgid "This action is not reversible."
msgstr "Ova radnja nije reverzibilna."

#: admin/options.php:87
#: admin/options.php:339
msgid "Uninstall Theme"
msgstr "Deinstaliraj temu."

#: admin/options.php:101
msgid "Graphene Theme Options"
msgstr "Opcije Graphene teme"

#: admin/options.php:103
msgid "These are the global settings for the theme. You may override some of the settings in individual posts and pages."
msgstr "Ovo su globalna podešavanja teme. Možete promeniti neka podešavanja u individualnim člancima i stranicama."

#: admin/options.php:111
msgid "General"
msgstr "Opšte"

#: admin/options.php:112
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Prikaz"

#: admin/options.php:113
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Napredno"

#: admin/options.php:152
msgid "Save Options"
msgstr "Sačuvajte opcije"

#: admin/options.php:164
msgid "Need help?"
msgstr "Potrebna Vam je pomoć?"

#: admin/options.php:168
msgid "Documentation Wiki"
msgstr "Wiki dokumentacija"

#: admin/options.php:169
msgid "Support Forum"
msgstr "Forum za podršku"

#: admin/options.php:171
#, php-format
msgid "Also, find out how you can %s."
msgstr "Takođe, saznajte kako možete da %s."

#: admin/options.php:171
msgid "support the Graphene theme"
msgstr "podržite Graphene temu"

#: admin/options.php:178
msgid "Support the developer"
msgstr "podržite divelopera"

#: admin/options.php:181
msgid "Developing this awesome theme took a lot of effort and time, months and months of continuous voluntary unpaid work. If you like this theme or if you are using it for commercial websites, please consider a donation to the developer to help support future updates and development."
msgstr "Razvitak ovih super tema zahteva puno truda i vremena, mesece i mesece neprekidnog volonterskog rada. Ako Vam se svidja ova tema ili ako je koristite za komercijalne sajtove, molimo Vas razmislite o donaciji diveloperu da pomognete podršku budućih abdejtova i razvoja. "

#: admin/options.php:195
msgid "Graphene Theme news"
msgstr "Vesti Graphene teme"

#: admin/options.php:206
msgid "No news items."
msgstr "Nema vesti."

#: admin/options.php:223
msgid "Graphene Usage Survey"
msgstr "Anketa korišćenja Graphene"

#: admin/options.php:226
msgid "Help us to get to know you better. Take the Graphene theme usage survey now! Every opinion counts towards making the theme better. The survey is very short, and is completely anonymous."
msgstr "Pomozite nam da Vas upoznamo bolje. Popunite anketu o korišćenju Graphene teme ! Svako mišljenje pomaže stvaranju bolje teme. Anketa je kratka, i potpuno anonimna."

#: admin/options.php:227
msgid "Take the survey"
msgstr "Popunite anketu"

#: admin/options.php:237
msgid "Add-ons and plugins"
msgstr "Dodaci"

#: admin/options.php:240
msgid "Add-ons"
msgstr "Dodaci"

#: admin/options.php:241
msgid "Add-ons are not shipped with the theme, but can be installed separately to extend the theme's capability."
msgstr "Dodaci ne idu uz temu, ali mogu biti instalirani posebno da produže sposobnost teme."

#: admin/options.php:245
msgid "Installed"
msgstr "Instalirano"

#: admin/options.php:246
#: admin/options.php:265
msgid "Not installed"
msgstr "Nije instalirano"

#: admin/options.php:246
msgid "Learn more"
msgstr "Naučite više"

#: admin/options.php:247
msgid "Mobile extension developed specifically for optimised display of your site on mobile devices, such as iPhone and Android devices."
msgstr "Mobilna ekstenzija razvijena posebno za optimizovan prikaz Vašeg sajta na mobilnom uredjaju, kao što su iPhone i Android"

#: admin/options.php:250
msgid "Plugins"
msgstr "Dodaci"

#: admin/options.php:251
msgid "The plugins listed here are natively supported by the theme. All you need to do is install the plugins and activate them."
msgstr "Dodaci navedeni ovde su direktno podržani od strane teme. Sve što treba da uradite je da instalirate dodatke i aktivirate ih."

#: admin/options.php:264
msgid "Activated"
msgstr "Aktivirano"

#: admin/options.php:277
msgid "Options Presets"
msgstr "Prisetovi opcija"

#: admin/options.php:280
msgid "The default settings for the theme is preconfigured for use in blogs. If you're using this theme primarily for a normal website, or if you want to reset the settings to their default values, you can apply one of the available options presets below."
msgstr "Predefinisanja podešavanja za temu su prekonfigurisana za upotrebu na blogovima. Ako koristite temu prevashodno za normalan sajt, ili ako želite da resetujete podešavanja na njihove predefinisane vrednosti, možete primeniti jednu od mogućih opcija prisetovanih ispod."

#: admin/options.php:281
msgid "Note that you can still configure the individual settings after you apply any preset."
msgstr "Znajte da još uvek možete konfigurisati individualna podešavanja pošto ste prijavili bilo koji priset"

#: admin/options.php:286
msgid "Select Options Preset"
msgstr "Selektujte prisetove opcije"

#: admin/options.php:289
msgid "Normal website"
msgstr "Standardni vebsajt"

#: admin/options.php:292
msgid "Reset to default settings"
msgstr "Resetuj na predifinisana podešavanja"

#: admin/options.php:297
msgid "Apply Options Preset"
msgstr "Primeni prisetove opcije"

#: admin/options.php:307
msgid "Import/export theme options"
msgstr "Opcije Uvoza/Izvoza"

#: admin/options.php:310
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Uvoz"

#: admin/options.php:313
msgid "Import Theme options"
msgstr "Uvezi temu"

#: admin/options.php:315
msgid "Export"
msgstr "Izvoz"

#: admin/options.php:319
msgid "Export Theme options"
msgstr "Izvezi temu"

#: admin/options.php:329
msgid "Uninstall theme"
msgstr "Deinstaliraj temu"

#: admin/options.php:332
msgid "<strong>Be careful!</strong> Uninstalling the theme will remove all of the theme's options from the database. Do this only if you decide not to use the theme anymore."
msgstr "<strong>Budite obazrivi!</strong> Deinstaliranjem teme ćete ukloniti sve opcije teme iz baze podataka. Učinite ovo samo ako odlučite da ne koristite ovu temu ikada više."

#: admin/options.php:333
msgid "If you just want to try another theme, there is no need to uninstall this theme. Simply activate the other theme in the Appearance &gt; Themes admin page."
msgstr "Ako želite da pokušate sa drugom temom , nema potrebe da deinstalirate ovu temu. Jednostavno aktivirajte drugu temu u  Izgled > Teme admin stranici"

#: admin/options.php:334
msgid "Note that uninstalling this theme <strong>does not remove</strong> the theme's files. To delete the files after you have uninstalled this theme, go to Appearances &gt; Themes and delete the theme from there."
msgstr "Uočite da deinstaliranje ove teme <strong> ne uklanja </strong> fajlove teme. Da obrišete fajlove pošto ste deinstalirali ovu temu, idite na Izgled > Teme i obrisite teme odatle."

#: admin/options.php:351
msgid "The preview will be updated when the \"Save Options\" button above is clicked."
msgstr "Pregled će biti ažuriran kada se \"Sačuvajte opcije\" dugme iznad klikne."

#: admin/uninstall.php:24
#, php-format
msgid "Theme uninstalled. Redirecting to %s"
msgstr "Tema je deinstalirana. Redirekcija %s"

#: admin/user.php:7
msgid "Graphene-specific User Profile Information"
msgstr "Informacije korisničkog profila specifičnog za Graphene"

#: admin/user.php:8
msgid "The settings defined here are used only with the Graphene theme."
msgstr "Podešavanja koja su definisana ovde se koriste samo sa Graphene temom."

#: admin/user.php:12
msgid "Author profile image URL"
msgstr "URL slike autorovog profila"

#: admin/user.php:13
msgid "You can specify the image to be displayed as the author's profile image in the Author's page. If no URL is defined here, the author's <a href=\"http://www.gravatar.com\">Gravatar</a> will be used."
msgstr "Možete odrediti da slika bude prikazana kao što je autorova profil slika na njegovoj stranici. Ako URL nije definisan ovde, autorov <a href=\"http://www.gravatar.com\">Gravatar</a> će biti korišćen."

#: admin/user.php:17
msgid "Please enter the full URL (including <code>http://</code>) to your profile image."
msgstr "Molimo da  unesete pun URL (uključujući <code>http://</code>) na vašu profil sliku."

#: admin/user.php:17
msgid "<strong>Important: </strong>Image width must be less than or equal to <strong>150px</strong>."
msgstr "<strong>Važno: </strong>širina slike mora biti jednaka ili manja od <strong>150px</strong>."

#: admin/js/admin.js.php:47
msgid "Social Media name"
msgstr "Social Media ime"

#: admin/js/admin.js.php:50
msgid "Name of the social media, e.g. LinkedIn, etc."
msgstr "Ime social media, npr. LinkedIn itd."

#: admin/js/admin.js.php:54
msgid "Social Media title"
msgstr "Social Media naslov"

#: admin/js/admin.js.php:57
msgid "Title for the social media, leave empty for generated title."
msgstr "Naslov za social media, ostavite prazno za generisani naslov."

#: admin/js/admin.js.php:61
msgid "Social Media profile URL"
msgstr "URL do Social Media profila"

#: admin/js/admin.js.php:64
msgid "URL to your page for the social media."
msgstr "URL do Vaše stranice za social media."

#: admin/js/admin.js.php:68
msgid "Social Media icon URL"
msgstr "Social Media URL ikone"

#: admin/js/admin.js.php:71
#, php-format
msgid "URL to the social media icon. Note: the theme uses the %s icon set for the social media icons. Please do not hotlink the icons on the site. Download the icons you need and upload them to your server instead."
msgstr "URL do social media ikone  <strong>Napomena:</strong> tema koristi %s set ikona za social media ikone. Nemojte da hotlinkujete ikone na sajtu. Daunloudujte ikone koje su vam potrebne i aploudujte ih umesto toga na svoj server."

#. translators: %1$s is the comment date, %2$s is the comment time
#: includes/theme-comments.php:34
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s at %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s u %2$s"

#: includes/theme-comments.php:36
msgid "Edit comment"
msgstr "Izmeniti komentar"

#: includes/theme-comments.php:40
msgid "Reply"
msgstr "Odgovoriti"

#: includes/theme-comments.php:51
msgid "Your comment is awaiting moderation."
msgstr "Vaš komentar čeka odobrenje"

#: includes/theme-comments.php:76
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Ime:"

#: includes/theme-comments.php:81
msgid "Email:"
msgstr "Email:"

#: includes/theme-comments.php:86
msgid "Website:"
msgstr "Vebsajt:"

#: includes/theme-comments.php:100
msgid "Message:"
msgstr "Poruka:"

#: includes/theme-functions.php:72
#, php-format
msgid "Follow %s on Twitter"
msgstr "Pratite %s na Tviteru"

#: includes/theme-functions.php:75
#, php-format
msgid "Visit %s's Facebook page"
msgstr "Posetite %s's Facebook stranicu"

#: includes/theme-functions.php:97
#, php-format
msgid "Visit %1$s's %2$s page"
msgstr "Posetite %1$s's %2$s stranicu"

#: includes/theme-loop.php:85
msgid "Continue reading &raquo;"
msgstr "Pročitaj više &raquo;"

#: includes/theme-loop.php:137
msgid "Older posts &laquo;"
msgstr "Stari postovi &laquo;"

#: includes/theme-loop.php:138
msgid "&raquo; Newer posts"
msgstr "&raquo; Noviji članci"

#: includes/theme-loop.php:140
msgid "Next page &raquo;"
msgstr "Sledeća stranica &raquo;"

#: includes/theme-loop.php:141
msgid "&laquo; Previous page"
msgstr "&laquo; Prethodna stranica"

#: includes/theme-loop.php:221
msgid "<strong>ERROR: You must supply the post ID to get the image from as an argument when calling the graphene_get_post_image() function.</strong>"
msgstr "<strong>GREŠKA: Morate dodati ID članka kao argument da biste dobili sliku kada pozivate graphene_get_post_image() function.</strong>"

#: includes/theme-menu.php:65
msgid "Home"
msgstr "Početna"

#: includes/theme-panes.php:93
msgid "Read more"
msgstr "Pročitaj više"

#: includes/theme-setup.php:90
msgid "Header Menu"
msgstr "Meni zaglavlja"

#: includes/theme-setup.php:91
msgid "Secondary Menu"
msgstr "Sekundarni Meni"

#: includes/theme-setup.php:92
msgid "Footer Menu"
msgstr "Meni podnožja"

#: includes/theme-setup.php:125
msgid "Header image by Syahir Hakim"
msgstr "Slika zaglavlja od strane Syahir Hakim"

#: includes/theme-setup.php:129
msgid "This is the default Graphene theme header image, cropped from image by Quantin Houyoux at sxc.hu"
msgstr "Ovo je podrazumevana slika zaglavlja Graphene teme, isečena od strane Quantin Houyoux at sxc.hu"

#: includes/theme-setup.php:133
#: includes/theme-setup.php:137
#: includes/theme-setup.php:141
#: includes/theme-setup.php:145
#: includes/theme-setup.php:149
msgid "Header image cropped from image by Ilco at sxc.hu"
msgstr "Slika zaglavlja isečena iz slike Ilco na sxc.hu"

#: includes/theme-setup.php:204
msgid "Sidebar Widget Area"
msgstr "Polje za vidžete u Sajdbaru"

#: includes/theme-setup.php:206
msgid "The first sidebar widget area (will always be displayed on the right hand side)."
msgstr "Prvo Sajdbar vidžet područje (uvek će biti prikazano na desnoj strani)"

#: includes/theme-setup.php:213
msgid "Sidebar Two Widget Area"
msgstr "Drugo vidžet polje u Sajdbaru"

#: includes/theme-setup.php:215
msgid "The second sidebar widget area (will always be displayed on the left hand side)."
msgstr "Drugo Sajdbar vidžet polje (dostupno samo u lejautu sa tri kolone)"

#: includes/theme-setup.php:222
msgid "Footer Widget Area"
msgstr " Vidžet polje podnožja"

#: includes/theme-setup.php:224
msgid "The footer widget area. Leave empty to disable. Set the number of columns to display at the theme's Display Options page."
msgstr "Vidžet polje podnožja. Ostavite prazno da ne bude prikazano. Postavite broj kolona koje ćete prikazati na stranici Opcije Prikazivanja. "

#: includes/theme-setup.php:239
msgid "Front Page Sidebar Widget Area"
msgstr "Polje za Sajdbar vidžet na početnoj stranici"

#: includes/theme-setup.php:241
msgid "The first sidebar widget area that will only be displayed on the front page."
msgstr "Prvo Sajdbar vidžet polje koje će biti prikazano na početnoj stranici"

#: includes/theme-setup.php:248
msgid "Front Page Sidebar Two Widget Area"
msgstr "Polje za drugi vidžet Sajdbar na početnoj stranici  "

#: includes/theme-setup.php:250
msgid "The second sidebar widget area that will only be displayed on the front page."
msgstr "Drugo Sajdbar vidžet polje koje će biti prikazano samo na početnoj stranici."

#: includes/theme-setup.php:259
msgid "Front Page Footer Widget Area"
msgstr "Polje u podnožju za vidžet na početnoj stranici"

#: includes/theme-setup.php:261
msgid "The footer widget area that will only be displayed on the front page. Leave empty to disable. Set the number of columns to display at the theme's Display Options page."
msgstr "Polje u podnožju za vidžet  koje se prikazuje samo na početnoj stranici. Ostavite prazno da ne bude prikazano. Postavite broj kolona za prikaz na stranici Opcije prikazivanjai teme."

#: includes/theme-setup.php:271
msgid "Header Widget Area"
msgstr "Vidžet polje zaglavlja"

#: includes/theme-setup.php:273
msgid "The header widget area."
msgstr "Vidžet polje za zaglavlje"

#: includes/theme-setup.php:290
#, php-format
msgid "Dynamically added widget area. This widget area is attached to the %s action hook."
msgstr "Dinamički dodato vidžet polje. Ovo vidžet polje je prikačeno na %s action hook."

#: includes/theme-slider.php:115
#: includes/theme-slider.php:143
msgid "View full post"
msgstr "Pogledaj ceo članak"

#: includes/theme-widgets.php:14
msgid "Display the latest Twitter status updates."
msgstr "Prikažite poslednje Twitter status informacije"

#: includes/theme-widgets.php:46
msgid "Loading tweets..."
msgstr "Učitavanje tvitova..."

#: includes/theme-widgets.php:50
msgid "Follow me on Twitter"
msgstr "Pratite me na twitter-u"

#: includes/theme-widgets.php:60
msgid "follower"
msgstr "pratilac"

#: includes/theme-widgets.php:61
msgid "followers"
msgstr "pratilaca"

#: includes/theme-widgets.php:93
msgid "Latest tweets"
msgstr "Najnoviji tvitovi"

#: includes/theme-widgets.php:100
msgid "Title:"
msgstr "Naslov:"

#: includes/theme-widgets.php:104
msgid "Twitter Username:"
msgstr "Tviter korisničko ime:"

#: includes/theme-widgets.php:108
msgid "Number of tweets to display:"
msgstr "Broj tvitova koji se prikazuju:"

#: includes/theme-widgets.php:112
msgid "Show followers count"
msgstr "Prikaži broj pratilaca"

#: includes/theme-widgets.php:116
msgid "Open links in new window"
msgstr "Otvorite linkove u novom prozoru"