
Your IP :

Current Path : /home/scgforma/www/wp-content/themes/graphene/languages/
Upload File :
Current File : /home/scgforma/www/wp-content/themes/graphene/languages/ja.po

msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Graphene 1.0 theme for WordPress\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-02-06 21:16+0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-02-07 14:44+0900\n"
"Last-Translator: Masato Maekawa <masato@maekawa.com>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;_n;esc_attr_e;esc_attr__\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: D:\\[MyVault]\\MyProjects\\[Websites]\\theme-graphene\\site\\wp-content\\themes\\graphene\\graphene\\\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n"

#: author.php:33
msgid "Author's posts listings"
msgstr "この筆者の投皿リスト"

#: comments.php:18
msgid "This post is password protected. Enter the password to view any comments."
msgstr "パスワヌドで保護された蚘事。コメントするにはパスワヌドを入力しおください。"

#: comments.php:39
msgid "No comment yet"
msgstr "ただコメントなし"

#: comments.php:39
#: loop-author.php:90
#: loop.php:115
msgid "1 comment"
msgstr "1 個のコメント"

#: comments.php:39
#: loop-author.php:90
#: loop.php:115
#: php-format
msgid "% comments"
msgstr "% 個のコメント"

#: comments.php:40
msgid "No ping yet"
msgstr "ただpingなし"

#: comments.php:40
msgid "1 ping"
msgstr "1 個のping"

#: comments.php:40
msgid "% pings"
msgstr "% 個のping"

#: comments.php:78
msgid "Comments have been disabled."
msgstr "コメントは停止䞭"

#: comments.php:93
#, php-format
msgid "You may use these <abbr title=\"HyperText Markup Language\">HTML</abbr> tags and attributes: %s"
msgstr "次の <abbr title=\"HyperText Markup Language\">HTML</abbr>タグおよび属性が䜿えたす: %s"

#: comments.php:98
msgid "Your email address will not be published."
msgstr "メヌルアドレスは公開されたせん"

#: comments.php:101
#: functions.php:794
msgid "Submit Comment"
msgstr "コメント投皿"

#: footer.php:29
msgid "Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a <a href=\"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/\">Creative Commons Licence</a>."
msgstr "特別に蚘述された郚分を陀き、このサむトの内容は<href=\" http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ \">クリ゚むティブ・コモンズ<Licence/でラむセンスされたす。"

#: footer.php:41
msgid "Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict"
msgstr "Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict"

#: footer.php:42
msgid "Valid CSS"
msgstr "Valid CSS"

#: footer.php:42
msgid "Valid CSS Level 2.1"
msgstr "Valid CSS Level 2.1"

#: footer.php:64
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s uses %2$s theme by %3$s."
msgstr "%1$s は %2$s テヌマを䜿っおいたす(䜜成者 %3$s.)"

#: functions.php:92
msgid "Header Menu"
msgstr "ヘッダヌメニュヌ"

#: functions.php:93
msgid "Secondary Menu"
msgstr "第2メニュヌ"

#: functions.php:136
msgid "Header image by Syahir Hakim"
msgstr "ヘッダヌ画像 by Syahir Hakim\""

#: functions.php:142
msgid "This is the default Graphene theme header image, cropped from image by Quantin Houyoux at sxc.hu"
msgstr "Grapheneテヌマのデフォルトヘッダヌ画像で、Quantin Houyoux が sxc.hu に投皿した画像を切り取ったものです。"

#: functions.php:148
#: functions.php:154
#: functions.php:160
#: functions.php:166
#: functions.php:172
msgid "Header image cropped from image by Ilco at sxc.hu"
msgstr "ヘッダヌ画像はsxc.huのIlcoによる画像を切り抜いたものです"

#: functions.php:406
msgid "Home"
msgstr "ホヌム"

#: functions.php:436
msgid " says:"
msgstr " さん、いわく:"

#: functions.php:442
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s at %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s at %2$s"

#: functions.php:444
msgid "Edit comment"
msgstr "コメント線集"

#: functions.php:448
msgid "Reply"
msgstr "返信"

#: functions.php:459
msgid "Your comment is awaiting moderation."
msgstr "コメントは承認埅ち。"

#: functions.php:551
msgid "Sidebar Widget Area"
msgstr "サむドバヌ・りィゞェット領域"

#: functions.php:553
msgid "The right sidebar widget area."
msgstr "右サむドバヌ・りィゞェット領域"

#: functions.php:561
msgid "Footer Widget Area"
msgstr "フッタヌりィゞェット領域"

#: functions.php:563
msgid "The footer widget area. Leave empty to disable. Set the number of columns to display at the theme's Display Options page."
msgstr "フッタヌ・りィゞェット領域。空のたただず䜿甚䞍可。テヌマの衚瀺オプションで衚瀺されるコラム数を蚭定しおください"

#: functions.php:579
msgid "Front Page Sidebar Widget Area"
msgstr "フロントペヌゞのサむドバヌ・りィゞェット領域"

#: functions.php:581
msgid "The right sidebar widget area that will only be displayed on the front page."
msgstr "右サむドバヌ・りィゞェット゚リアはフロントペヌゞのみ衚瀺されたす。"

#: functions.php:591
msgid "Front Page Footer Widget Area"
msgstr "フロントペヌゞのフッタヌ・りィゞェット領域"

#: functions.php:593
msgid "The footer widget area that will only be displayed on the front page. Leave empty to disable. Set the number of columns to display at the theme's Display Options page."
msgstr "フロントペヌゞにのみ衚瀺されるフッタヌ・りィゞェット領域。空のたただず䜿甚䞍可。テヌマの衚瀺オプションでコラム数を蚭定しおください。"

#: functions.php:645
msgid "Follow me on Twitter"
msgstr "Twitterでフォロヌする"

#: functions.php:682
msgid "Latest tweets"
msgstr "最新ツむヌト"

#: functions.php:687
msgid "Title:"
msgstr "タむトル:"

#: functions.php:691
msgid "Twitter Username:"
msgstr "Twitterナヌザ名:"

#: functions.php:695
msgid "Number of tweets to display:"
msgstr "衚瀺するツむヌト数:"

#: functions.php:729
msgid "Graphene Options"
msgstr "Grapheneのオプション"

#: functions.php:730
msgid "Graphene Display"
msgstr "Grapheneの衚瀺"

#: functions.php:731
msgid "Graphene FAQs"
msgstr "GrapheneのFAQ"

#: functions.php:775
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "名前:"

#: functions.php:776
msgid "Email:"
msgstr "Email:"

#: functions.php:777
msgid "Website:"
msgstr "りェブサむト:"

#: functions.php:787
msgid "Message:"
msgstr "本文:"

#: functions.php:814
msgid "Continue reading &raquo;"
msgstr "続きを読む &raquo;"

#: functions.php:862
msgid "Older posts &laquo;"
msgstr "叀い蚘事ぞ &laquo;"

#: functions.php:863
msgid "&raquo; Newer posts"
msgstr "&raquo; 新しい蚘事ぞ"

#: functions.php:984
msgid "View full post"
msgstr "党文を読む"

#: functions.php:1106
msgid "<strong>ERROR: You must supply the post ID to get the image from as an argument when calling the graphene_get_post_image() function.</strong>"
msgstr "<strong>゚ラヌ: 画像を埗るにはgraphene_get_post_image() 関数を呌ぶずき.匕数ずしお投皿IDをを䞎えなければなりたせん</strong>"

#: header.php:68
msgid "Subscribe to RSS feed"
msgstr "RSSフィヌドを賌読"

#: header.php:107
#: header.php:110
msgid "Go back to the front page"
msgstr "フロントペヌゞに戻る"

#: loop-author.php:23
msgid "Author's details"
msgstr "筆者の詳现"

#: loop-author.php:25
#, php-format
msgid "<strong>Name:</strong> %1$s %2$s"
msgstr "<strong>名前:</strong> %1$s %2$s"

#: loop-author.php:26
#, php-format
msgid "<strong>Date registered:</strong> %1$s"
msgstr "<strong>登録日時:</strong> %1$s"

#: loop-author.php:35
msgid "Biography"
msgstr "バむオグラフィヌ"

#: loop-author.php:53
msgid "Latest posts"
msgstr "最新蚘事"

#: loop-author.php:56
#: loop-author.php:90
#: search-404.php:24
#, php-format
msgid "Permalink Link to %s"
msgstr "%s ぞのパヌマネント・リンク"

#: loop-author.php:56
#: loop-author.php:90
#: loop.php:33
msgid "(No title)"
msgstr "(無題)"

#: loop-author.php:85
msgid "Most commented posts"
msgstr "最倚コメントの蚘事"

#: loop-author.php:90
#: loop.php:115
msgid "Leave comment"
msgstr "コメントをどうぞ"

#: loop.php:33
#, php-format
msgid "Permalink to %s"
msgstr "%s ぞのパヌマリンク"

#: loop.php:50
msgid "Edit post"
msgstr "蚘事線集"

#: loop.php:60
msgid "by"
msgstr "by"

#: loop.php:79
msgid "Read the rest of this entry &raquo;"
msgstr "続きを読む &raquo;"

#: loop.php:93
msgid "<p><strong>Pages:</strong> "
msgstr "<p><strong>ペヌゞ:</strong> "

#: loop.php:103
msgid "Tags:"
msgstr "タグ:"

#: loop.php:103
msgid "This post has no tag"
msgstr "タグは぀いおいたせん"

#: loop.php:128
msgid "About the author"
msgstr "筆者に぀いお"

#: loop.php:165
msgid "Not found"
msgstr "芋぀かりたせん"

#: loop.php:170
msgid "Sorry, but you are looking for something that isn't here. Wanna try a search?"
msgstr "残念ながらお探しのものはありたせん。怜玢したすか"

#: loop.php:172
msgid "Sorry, but no results were found for that keyword. Wanna try an alternative keyword search?"
msgstr "残念ながらそのキヌワヌドでは芋぀かりたせんでした。別のキヌワヌドを詊したすか"

#: search-404.php:3
msgid "Error 404 - Page Not Found"
msgstr "Error 404 - ペヌゞが芋぀かりたせん"

#: search-404.php:5
msgid "Sorry, I've looked everywhere but I can't find the page you're looking for."
msgstr "残念ながらどこでもお探しのペヌゞを発芋できたせん。"

#: search-404.php:6
msgid "If you follow the link from another website, I may have removed or renamed the page some time ago. You may want to try searching for the page:"
msgstr "他サむトからのリンクならば、そのペヌゞは削陀されたか、名前を倉曎されたかもしれたせん。ペヌゞを怜玢したすか"

#: search-404.php:14
msgid "Suggested results"
msgstr "おすすめの結果"

#: search-404.php:18
#, php-format
msgid "I've done a courtesy search for the term %s for you. See if you can find what you're looking for in the list below:"
msgstr "キヌワヌド %s で怜玢を行いたした。 このリストからお探しのものを芋぀けおください:"

#: search-404.php:35
msgid "<strong>Sorry, couldn't find anything.</strong> Try searching for alternative terms using the search form above."
msgstr "<strong>残念ながら、䜕も芋぀かりたせんでした。</strong>別のキヌワヌドを䞊の怜玢窓に入力しお怜玢しおみおください。"

#: searchform.php:3
#: searchform.php:4
msgid "Search"
msgstr "怜玢"

#: sidebar.php:44
msgid "Archives"
msgstr "アヌカむブ"

#: sidebar.php:51
msgid "Meta"
msgstr "メタ"

#: sidebar.php:56
msgid "Posts RSS"
msgstr "蚘事のRSS"

#: sidebar.php:57
msgid "Comments RSS"
msgstr "コメントのRSS"

#: sidebar.php:59
#, php-format
msgid "Powered by %s"
msgstr "Powered by %s"

#: sidebar.php:59
msgid "Powered by WordPress, state-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform."
msgstr "Powered by WordPress, state-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform."

#: admin/custom-fields.php:15
msgid "Graphene post-specific options"
msgstr "Graphene 蚘事ごずのオプション"

#: admin/custom-fields.php:16
msgid "Graphene page-specific options"
msgstr "Graphene ペヌゞごずのオプション"

#: admin/custom-fields.php:82
msgid "These settings will only be applied to this particular post or page you're editing. They will override the global settings set in the Graphene Options or Graphene Display options page."
msgstr "この蚭定は、線集䞭のこの蚘事だけに適甚されたす。「Grapheneのオプション」ペヌゞのグロヌバルな蚭定を䞊曞きしたす。"

#: admin/custom-fields.php:83
msgid "Slider options"
msgstr "スラむダヌのオプション"

#: admin/custom-fields.php:87
#: admin/options.php:309
msgid "Slider image"
msgstr "スラむダヌの画像"

#: admin/custom-fields.php:91
#: admin/custom-fields.php:117
msgid "Use global setting"
msgstr "グロヌバル蚭定を䜿う"

#: admin/custom-fields.php:92
#: admin/options.php:313
msgid "Don't show image"
msgstr "画像を衚瀺しない"

#: admin/custom-fields.php:93
#: admin/options.php:314
msgid "Featured Image"
msgstr "泚目の画像"

#: admin/custom-fields.php:94
#: admin/options.php:315
msgid "First image in post"
msgstr "蚘事の最初の画像"

#: admin/custom-fields.php:95
#: admin/options.php:316
msgid "Custom URL"
msgstr "カスタムURL"

#: admin/custom-fields.php:101
#: admin/options.php:322
msgid "Custom slider image URL"
msgstr "カスタム時のスラむダヌ画像URL"

#: admin/custom-fields.php:105
#: admin/options.php:326
msgid "Make sure you select Custom URL in the slider image option above to use this custom url."
msgstr "このURLの画像を䜿甚するには、䞊の「スラむダヌ画像」で「カスタムURL」を遞択しおください"

#: admin/custom-fields.php:109
msgid "Display options"
msgstr "衚瀺蚭定"

#: admin/custom-fields.php:113
msgid "AddThis Social Sharing button"
msgstr "゜ヌシャル共有ボタンを远加"

#: admin/custom-fields.php:118
msgid "Show button"
msgstr "ボタンを衚瀺"

#: admin/custom-fields.php:119
msgid "Hide button"
msgstr "ボタンを非衚瀺"

#: admin/display.php:35
#: admin/options.php:35
#: admin/options.php:164
#: admin/options.php:188
msgid "ERROR: You are not authorised to perform that operation"
msgstr "゚ラヌ:この操䜜をする暩限がありたせん"

#: admin/display.php:91
msgid "Please enter only numerical value for the footer widget column count."
msgstr "フッタヌりィゞェットのコラム数を数倀で入力"

#: admin/display.php:100
msgid "Please enter only numerical value for the front page footer widget column count."
msgstr "フロントペヌゞのフッタヌ・りィゞェットのコラム数を数倀で入力"

#: admin/display.php:110
msgid "Please enter only numerical value for the navigation menu dropdown item width."
msgstr "ナビゲヌションメニュヌのドロップダりン衚瀺幅を数倀で入力"

#: admin/display.php:194
#: admin/options.php:155
msgid "Settings updated."
msgstr "蚭定は曎新されたした。"

#: admin/display.php:266
msgid "Graphene Display Options"
msgstr "Grapheneの衚瀺オプション"

#: admin/display.php:272
#: admin/options.php:245
msgid "ERROR:"
msgstr "゚ラヌ:"

#: admin/display.php:303
msgid "Header Display Options"
msgstr "ヘッダヌ衚瀺オプション"

#: admin/display.php:309
msgid "Use light-coloured header bars"
msgstr "明るい色のヘッダヌバヌを䜿う"

#: admin/display.php:315
msgid "Link header image to front page"
msgstr "ヘッダヌ画像をフロントペヌゞにリンクする"

#: admin/display.php:318
msgid "Check this if you disable the header texts and want the header image to be linked to the front page."
msgstr "ヘッダヌ文字を非衚瀺にしお、ヘッダヌ画像をフロントペヌゞにリンクしたい時にチェック。"

#: admin/display.php:323
msgid "Disable Featured Image replacing header image"
msgstr "泚目画像のヘッダヌ画像ぞの眮き換えを無効にする"

#: admin/display.php:326
msgid "Check this to prevent the posts Featured Image replacing the header image regardless of the featured image dimension."
msgstr "投皿の泚目画像が䞍泚意にヘッダヌ画像に眮き換わるこずを防ぐために、ここをチェックしおください。"

#: admin/display.php:331
msgid "Use random header image"
msgstr "ランダムなヘッダヌ画像を䜿う"

#: admin/display.php:335
msgid "Check this to show a random header image (random image taken from the available default header images)."
msgstr "ランダムにヘッダヌ画像を衚瀺する時チェック(ランダム画像は、䜿甚可胜なデフォルトヘッダヌ画像から䜿われたす)"

#: admin/display.php:336
msgid "<strong>Note:</strong> only works on pages where a specific header image is not defined."
msgstr "<strong>泚意:</strong> 特定のヘッダヌ画像が蚭定されおいるペヌゞのみで動䜜したす"

#: admin/display.php:341
msgid "Hide the top bar"
msgstr "トップバヌを隠す"

#: admin/display.php:347
msgid "Search box location"
msgstr "怜玢ボックスの䜍眮"

#: admin/display.php:351
msgid "Top bar"
msgstr "トップバヌ"

#: admin/display.php:352
msgid "Navigation bar"
msgstr "ナビゲヌションバヌ"

#: admin/display.php:353
msgid "Sidebar"
msgstr "サむドバヌ"

#: admin/display.php:366
msgid "Sidebar Options"
msgstr "サむドバヌのオプション"

#: admin/display.php:372
msgid "Content sidebar location"
msgstr "本文のサむドバヌの䜍眮"

#: admin/display.php:376
msgid "Right"
msgstr "右"

#: admin/display.php:377
msgid "Left"
msgstr "å·Š"

#: admin/display.php:383
msgid "Hide sidebar"
msgstr "サむドバヌを隠す"

#: admin/display.php:387
msgid "Will cause all posts and pages to be displayed in a single-column layout."
msgstr "すべおの投皿およびペヌゞで、シングルカラムのレむアりトになりたす"

#: admin/display.php:399
msgid "Posts Display Options"
msgstr "投皿の衚瀺蚭定"

#: admin/display.php:405
msgid "Show excerpts in front page"
msgstr "フロントペヌゞに抜粋を衚瀺"

#: admin/display.php:411
msgid "Hide post author"
msgstr "筆者名を非衚瀺"

#: admin/display.php:417
msgid "Hide post date"
msgstr "日付を非衚瀺"

#: admin/display.php:423
msgid "Show post year"
msgstr "幎を衚瀺する"

#: admin/display.php:427
msgid "Only works if the option \"Hide post date\" is disabled."
msgstr "\"日付を非衚瀺\" が無効にされおいない時のみ動䜜したす。"

#: admin/display.php:432
msgid "Hide post categories"
msgstr "カテゎリヌを非衚瀺"

#: admin/display.php:438
msgid "Hide post tags"
msgstr "投皿タグを非衚瀺"

#: admin/display.php:444
msgid "Hide post comment count"
msgstr "コメント数を非衚瀺"

#: admin/display.php:445
msgid "Only affects posts listing (such as the front page) and not single post view."
msgstr "単䞀蚘事画面ではなく、投皿リスト(フロントペヌゞなど)のみに圱響したす"

#: admin/display.php:450
msgid "Show post author's gravatar"
msgstr "筆者のGravatarを衚瀺"

#: admin/display.php:454
msgid "Show post author's info"
msgstr "筆者の情報を衚瀺"

#: admin/display.php:458
msgid "Show More link for manual excerpts"
msgstr "マニュアル抜粋甚により倚くのリンクを衚瀺"

#: admin/display.php:471
msgid "Comments Display Options"
msgstr "コメント衚瀺オプション"

#: admin/display.php:477
msgid "Hide allowed tags in comment form"
msgstr "コメントフォヌムで蚱容されるタグを非衚瀺"

#: admin/display.php:490
msgid "Text Style Options"
msgstr "テキストスタむルオプション"

#: admin/display.php:493
msgid "Note that these are CSS properties, so any valid CSS values for each particular property can be used."
msgstr "CSSのプロパティであるこずに泚意。特定のプロパティを蚭定する有効なCSS倀はどれも䜿えたす。"

#: admin/display.php:494
msgid "Some example CSS properties values:"
msgstr "CSSプロパティ倀のサンプル:"

#: admin/display.php:497
msgid "Text font:"
msgstr "フォント:"

#: admin/display.php:498
msgid "<code>arial</code>, <code>tahoma</code>, <code>georgia</code>, <code>'Trebuchet MS'</code>"
msgstr "<code>arial</code>, <code>tahoma</code>, <code>Osaka</code>, <code>'MS Pゎシック'</code>"

#: admin/display.php:501
msgid "Text size and line height:"
msgstr "文字サむズず行の高さ:"

#: admin/display.php:502
msgid "<code>12px</code>, <code>12pt</code>, <code>12em</code>"
msgstr "<code>12px</code>, <code>12pt</code>, <code>12em</code>"

#: admin/display.php:505
msgid "Text weight:"
msgstr "文字の倪さ:"

#: admin/display.php:506
msgid "<code>normal</code>, <code>bold</code>, <code>100</code>, <code>700</code>"
msgstr "<code>normal</code>, <code>bold</code>, <code>100</code>, <code>700</code>"

#: admin/display.php:509
msgid "Text style:"
msgstr "文字スタむル:"

#: admin/display.php:510
msgid " <code>normal</code>, <code>italic</code>, <code>oblique</code>"
msgstr " <code>normal</code>, <code>italic</code>, <code>oblique</code>"

#: admin/display.php:513
msgid "Text colour:"
msgstr "文字の色:"

#: admin/display.php:514
msgid "<code>blue</code>, <code>navy</code>, <code>red</code>, <code>#ff0000</code>"
msgstr "<code>blue</code>, <code>navy</code>, <code>red</code>, <code>#ff0000</code>"

#: admin/display.php:517
#: admin/display.php:658
#: admin/display.php:687
msgid "Leave field empty to use the default value."
msgstr "デフォルト倀で䜿う時は空癜にする"

#: admin/display.php:519
msgid "Header Text"
msgstr "ヘッダヌテキスト"

#: admin/display.php:523
msgid "Title text font"
msgstr "タむトルのフォント"

#: admin/display.php:529
msgid "Title text size"
msgstr "タむトル文字のサむズ"

#: admin/display.php:535
msgid "Title text weight"
msgstr "タむトル文字の倪さ"

#: admin/display.php:541
msgid "Title text line height"
msgstr "タむトル行の高さ"

#: admin/display.php:547
msgid "Title text style"
msgstr "タむトルの文字スタむル"

#: admin/display.php:556
msgid "Description text font"
msgstr "説明文のフォント"

#: admin/display.php:562
msgid "Description text size"
msgstr "説明文文字のサむズ"

#: admin/display.php:568
msgid "Description text weight"
msgstr "説明文文字の倪さ"

#: admin/display.php:574
msgid "Description text line height"
msgstr "説明文行の高さ"

#: admin/display.php:580
msgid "Description text style"
msgstr "説明文文字のスタむル"

#: admin/display.php:586
msgid "Content Text"
msgstr "本文"

#: admin/display.php:590
msgid "Text font"
msgstr "フォント"

#: admin/display.php:596
msgid "Text size"
msgstr "文字サむズ"

#: admin/display.php:602
msgid "Text line height"
msgstr "行の高さ"

#: admin/display.php:608
msgid "Text colour"
msgstr "文字の色"

#: admin/display.php:614
msgid "Link Text"
msgstr "リンク"

#: admin/display.php:618
msgid "Link colour (normal state)"
msgstr "リンク色(通垞時)"

#: admin/display.php:624
msgid "Link colour (visited state)"
msgstr "リンク色(既蚪問時)"

#: admin/display.php:630
msgid "Link colour (hover state)"
msgstr "リンク色(カヌ゜ルオン時)"

#: admin/display.php:636
msgid "Text decoration (normal state)"
msgstr "文字装食(通垞時)"

#: admin/display.php:642
msgid "Text decoration (hover state)"
msgstr "文字装食(カヌ゜ルオン時)"

#: admin/display.php:655
msgid "Footer Widget Display Options"
msgstr "フッタヌ・りィゞェット衚瀺オプション"

#: admin/display.php:663
msgid "Number of columns to display"
msgstr "衚瀺するコラム数"

#: admin/display.php:670
msgid "Number of columns to display for front page footer widget"
msgstr "フロントペヌゞのフッタヌりィゞェットに衚瀺するコラム数"

#: admin/display.php:684
msgid "Navigation Menu Display Options"
msgstr "ナビゲヌションメニュヌ衚瀺オプション"

#: admin/display.php:692
msgid "Dropdown menu item width"
msgstr "ドロップダりンメニュヌの衚瀺幅"

#: admin/display.php:705
msgid "Miscellaneous Display Options"
msgstr "その他の衚瀺オプション"

#: admin/display.php:711
msgid "Swap title order"
msgstr "タむトルの衚瀺順を反転する"

#: admin/display.php:715
msgid "If this is checked, the website title will be displayed first, followed by the page title."
msgstr "ここにチェックするず、Webサむトのタむトルが最初に、ペヌゞタむトルが埌に衚瀺されたす。"

#: admin/display.php:727
msgid "Custom CSS"
msgstr "カスタムCSS"

#: admin/display.php:732
msgid "Custom CSS styles"
msgstr "カスタムCSSスタむル"

#: admin/display.php:734
msgid "You can enter your own CSS codes below to modify any other aspects of the theme's appearance that is not included in the options."
msgstr "オプションでは倉曎できないテヌマの衚瀺を修正するため、䞋に任意のCSSコヌドを入力できたす"

#: admin/display.php:745
#: admin/options.php:560
msgid "Update Settings"
msgstr "蚭定を曎新"

#: admin/faq.php:11
msgid "Graphene's Frequently Asked Questions"
msgstr "Grapheneのよくある質問"

#: admin/faq.php:14
msgid "Where should I go for the theme's support?"
msgstr "このテヌマのサポヌトはどこで受けられたすか"

#: admin/faq.php:15
msgid "Please direct all support requests for the theme at the theme's <a href=\"http://forum.khairul-syahir.com/forum/graphene-wordpress-theme\">Support Forum</a>."
msgstr "すべおのサポヌトはこのテヌマの <a href=\"http://forum.khairul-syahir.com/forum/graphene-wordpress-theme\">サポヌト・フォヌラム</a> で行われおいたす(英語)。"

#: admin/faq.php:18
msgid "The post's featured image is replacing my header image. Help!"
msgstr "蚘事の泚目画像が、ヘッダヌ画像に眮き換えられおしたいたす。助けお"

#: admin/faq.php:19
msgid "This is actually one of the theme's features, based on the feature in the default TwentyTen theme. Any featured image that has a size of greater than or equal to the theme's header image size (900 x 198 pixels) will replace the header image when the post/page that featured image is assigned to is being displayed. It enables you to have different header image for different posts and/or pages."
msgstr "実は、これはこのテヌマの特城のひず぀です。これはデフォルトのTwentyTenテヌマの特城に基づいおいたす。テヌマのヘッダヌ画像ず同じかより倧きいサむズを持った泚目画像は、泚目画像が蚭定されおいる投皿/ペヌゞが衚瀺される時に、ヘッダヌ画像を眮き換えたす。これにより、それぞれの投皿/ペヌゞに異なるヘッダヌ画像を衚瀺させるこずができたす。"

#: admin/faq.php:20
msgid "If you want to disable this feature, simply tick the <em>Disable Featured Image replacing header image</em> option in the <a href=\"themes.php?page=graphene_options_display\">Graphene Display</a> options page, under Header Display Options."
msgstr "この特城を無効にしたい堎合は、<a href=\"themes.php?page=graphene_options_display\">Graphene の衚瀺</a>蚭定ペヌゞのヘッダヌ画像オプションにある<em>泚目画像のヘッダヌ画像ぞの眮き換えを無効にする</em>を遞択しおください。"

#: admin/faq.php:23
msgid "Can I modify Graphene to my heart's content without paying anything?"
msgstr "䜕の支払いもせずに、Grapheneを思う存分倉曎しおもいいですか"

#: admin/faq.php:24
msgid "The Graphene Wordpress theme, along with all the other themes in the Wordpress.org Official Free Themes Directory, is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 2. The full text of that licence is included with the theme in the <code>licence.txt</code> file in the theme's folder. Releasing the theme under that licence means, among others, that you are <em>free to modify the theme in any way for any purpose (including commercial)</em> without any obligation to the theme's author. However, if you decide to redistribute the theme, the licence dictates that you must release the theme under the same licence, GPLv2."
msgstr "Graphene テヌマは、Wordpress.org Official Free Themesディレクトリにおける他のテヌマず同様、GNU䞀般共有䜿甚蚱諟(GPL)バヌゞョン2でリリヌスされおいたす。 themeフォルダヌに<code>licence.txt</code>ファむルがあれば、そのラむセンスの党文が含たれおいたす。 このラむセンスでテヌマをリリヌスされおいるので、あなたが<em>どんな目的(商甚を含む)</em>でも、テヌマを倉曎するこずには䜕の矩務も課せられたせん。 しかし、あなたがテヌマを再配付するなら同じラむセンス(GPLv2)でリリヌスしなければなりたせん。"

#: admin/faq.php:25
msgid "But of course, the author would always appreciate <a href=\"themes.php?page=graphene_options\">donations</a> to support ongoing and future developments of the theme."
msgstr "しかしもちろん、䜜者はテヌマの今埌の開発をサポヌトするための寄付には感謝するでしょう。"

#: admin/faq.php:28
msgid "If the theme is released under GPLv2, what is this Creative Commons licence in the theme's footer?"
msgstr "このテヌマがGPLv2でリリヌスされおいるなら、このテヌマのフッタヌにあるクリ゚むティブ・コモンズのラむセンスは䜕ですか"

#: admin/faq.php:29
msgid "The Creative Commons licence is a popular licence nowadays that are used by a lot of web-based content authors to licence their work such that it protects their intellectual property but in the same time allows its free distribution. It is included with the theme simply to make it easy for the theme's users to make use of the licence for the content they publish. Theme users can remove it altogether via the theme's Options page should they wish not to use it."
msgstr "クリ゚むティブ・コモンズ・ラむセンスは、倚くのりェブ䞊のコンテンツ䜜者によっお、自分たちの知的所有暩を保護するずずもに、自由な配垃を蚱可するために䜿われる䞀般的なラむセンスです。テヌマ自䜓にこれが実装されおいるこずによっお、テヌマのナヌザヌ発衚する内容にこのラむセンスを簡単に䜿甚できたす。もちろんテヌマのオプションで、クリ゚むティブ・コモンズ・ラむセンスを䜿甚しないようにも蚭定できたす。"

#: admin/faq.php:30
msgid "Put simply, <em>it is not the licence that is applied for the theme itself</em>, but just for the website's content should the theme user wants to use it."
msgstr "単玔な話、<em>クリ゚むティブ・コモンズはテヌマ自䜓のために適甚されるラむセンスではありたせん。</em>りェブサむトのコンテンツに぀いおテヌマのナヌザがそれを䜿甚したい堎合のために䜿いたす。"

#: admin/faq.php:33
msgid "Is the theme compatible with this plugin or that plugin?"
msgstr "このテヌマは、あれやこれやのプラグむンず互換性がありたすか"

#: admin/faq.php:34
msgid "I don't know. With so many plugins available for Wordpress, there's no way that I (or anybody else for that matter) can test for compatibility for all of them. Having said that, the theme is built with all the necessary Wordpress components included with it, so chances are most plugins will be compatible with the theme."
msgstr "わかりたせん。 Wordpressにはずおも倚くのプラグむンがあるので、開発者(ずいうか、誰も)がそのすべおに互換性あるかどうかテストできる方法がありたせん。 ずはいえ、このテヌマは必芁なWordpressのコンポヌネントがすべお含たれおいる状態で構築されおいるので、たぶん、ほずんどのプラグむンがテヌマず互換性があるでしょう。"

#: admin/faq.php:35
msgid "My suggestion is to just install the plugin and try it. If you stumble into problem, ask for support from the plugin author first. If the plugin author says that it's a problems with the theme, you know where to find support."
msgstr "おすすめするのは、ただプラグむンをむンストヌルしお、詊しおみるこずです。 問題が発生したなら、たずプラグむンの䜜者にサポヌトを求めおください。 もしプラグむンの䜜者が、テヌマに関する問題であるず蚀ったら、どこでサポヌトを受けるべきかわかるでしょう。"

#: admin/options.php:61
msgid "You must enter your Adsense code to enable Adsense advertising"
msgstr "アドセンス広告を行うためには、アドセンスコヌドを入力しおください"

#: admin/options.php:76
msgid "You must enter your AddThis button code to enable the AddThis social sharing button"
msgstr "゜ヌシャル共有を行うためには、ボタン远加コヌドを入力しおください"

#: admin/options.php:91
msgid "You must enter your Google Analytics tracking code to enable Google Analytics tracking."
msgstr "Google Analyticsトラッキングを行うためには、トラッキングコヌドを入力しおください"

#: admin/options.php:169
msgid "Uninstall Graphene"
msgstr "Grapheneをアンむンストヌルする"

#: admin/options.php:170
msgid "Please confirm that you would like to uninstall the Graphene theme. All of the theme's options in the database will be deleted."
msgstr "Grapheneテヌマをアンむンストヌルしようずしおいたす。実行するず、デヌタベヌスからGrapheneに関する蚭定をすべお削陀したす。"

#: admin/options.php:171
msgid "This action is not reversible."
msgstr "この操䜜は取り消しできたせん。"

#: admin/options.php:175
#: admin/options.php:598
msgid "Uninstall Theme"
msgstr "テヌマをアンむンストヌルする"

#: admin/options.php:238
msgid "Graphene Theme Options"
msgstr "Grapheneの蚭定"

#: admin/options.php:239
msgid "These are the global settings for the theme. You may override some of the settings in individual posts and pages."
msgstr "このテヌマに察するグロヌバルな蚭定です。䞀郚の蚭定は、投皿やペヌゞごずに蚭定を䞊曞きするこずができたす。"

#: admin/options.php:276
msgid "Slider Options"
msgstr "スラむダヌ蚭定"

#: admin/options.php:282
msgid "Category to show in slider"
msgstr "スラむダヌで衚瀺するカテゎリ"

#: admin/options.php:283
msgid "All posts within the category selected here will be displayed on the slider. Usage example: create a new category \"Featured\" and assign all posts to be displayed on the slider to that category, and then select that category here."
msgstr "ここで遞択したカテゎリヌの党投皿が、スラむダヌに衚瀺されたす。<br />䜿甚䟋たずえば「フィヌチャヌ」ずいうカテゎリヌを䜜りたす。そしおスラむダヌで衚瀺したい投皿をすべおそのカテゎリヌに蚭定したす。そしお、そのカテゎリヌをここで遞択したす。"

#: admin/options.php:287
msgid "Show latest posts"
msgstr "最新の投皿を衚瀺"

#: admin/options.php:288
msgid "Show random posts"
msgstr "ランダムな投皿を衚瀺する"

#: admin/options.php:301
msgid "Number of posts to display"
msgstr "衚瀺する最新の投皿の数"

#: admin/options.php:331
msgid "Slider height"
msgstr "スラむダヌの高さ"

#: admin/options.php:339
msgid "Slider speed"
msgstr "スラむダヌのスピヌド"

#: admin/options.php:342
msgid "milliseconds"
msgstr "ミリ秒"

#: admin/options.php:343
msgid "This is the duration that each slider item will be shown"
msgstr "これは個々のスラむダヌ項目が衚瀺されおいる時間です"

#: admin/options.php:348
msgid "Move slider to bottom of page"
msgstr "スラむダヌをペヌゞの䞋郚に移動させる"

#: admin/options.php:354
msgid "Disable slider"
msgstr "スラむダヌを衚瀺しない"

#: admin/options.php:367
msgid "Front Page Options"
msgstr "フロントペヌゞ蚭定"

#: admin/options.php:373
msgid "Front page posts categories"
msgstr "フロントペヌゞ投皿カテゎリヌ"

#: admin/options.php:375
msgid "Only posts that belong to the categories selected here will be displayed on the front page. Does not affect Static Front Page."
msgstr "ここで遞択したカテゎリヌに所属する投皿だけが、フロントペヌゞに衚瀺されたす。静的なフロントペヌゞには圱響したせん。"

#: admin/options.php:380
msgid "--Disabled--"
msgstr "--無効--"

#: admin/options.php:388
msgid "You may select multiple categories by holding down the CTRL key."
msgstr "CTRLキヌを抌したたたにするこずによっお、耇数のカテゎリヌを遞択できたす。"

#: admin/options.php:400
msgid "Widget Area Options"
msgstr "りィゞェット領域オプション"

#: admin/options.php:403
msgid "Alternate Widgets"
msgstr "りィゞェット亀代"

#: admin/options.php:404
msgid "You can enable the theme to show different widget areas in the front page than the rest of the website. If you enable this option, additional widget areas that will only be displayed on the front page will be added to the Widget settings page."
msgstr "フロントペヌゞのみで、りェブサむトの他のペヌゞずは異なるりィゞェット領域を衚瀺するこずができたす。このオプションを有効にするず、りィゞェット蚭定ペヌゞに、フロントペヌゞのみに衚瀺されるりィゞェット領域が远加されたす。"

#: admin/options.php:407
msgid "Enable alternate front page sidebar widget area"
msgstr "フロントペヌゞのみに衚瀺されるサむドバヌりィゞェット領域を有効にする"

#: admin/options.php:411
msgid "Enable alternate front page footer widget area"
msgstr "フロントペヌゞのみに衚瀺されるフッタヌりィゞェット領域を有効にする"

#: admin/options.php:412
msgid "You can also specify different column counts for the front page footer widget and the rest-of-site footer widget if you enable this option."
msgstr "このオプションにより、フロントペヌゞのフッタヌりィゞェット領域を、サむトの他のペヌゞず違うコラム数に蚭定するこずができたす。"

#: admin/options.php:425
msgid "Feed Options"
msgstr "フィヌド蚭定"

#: admin/options.php:430
msgid "Hide feed icon"
msgstr "フィヌドアむコンを隠す"

#: admin/options.php:434
msgid "Use custom feed URL"
msgstr "カスタムフィヌドURLを䜿う"

#: admin/options.php:437
msgid "This custom feed URL will replace the default Wordpress RSS feed URL."
msgstr "このカスタムフィヌドURLは、WordpressのデフォルトRSSフィヌドURLを眮き換えたす"

#: admin/options.php:449
msgid "Social Sharing Buttons"
msgstr "゜ヌシャル共有ボタン"

#: admin/options.php:454
msgid "Show social sharing button"
msgstr "゜ヌシャル共有ボタンを衚瀺する"

#: admin/options.php:458
msgid "Show in Pages as well?"
msgstr "投皿だけでなくペヌゞ䞊でも衚瀺する"

#: admin/options.php:463
msgid "Your social sharing button code"
msgstr "あなたの゜ヌシャル共有ボタンコヌド"

#: admin/options.php:464
msgid "You can use codes from any popular social sharing sites, like Facebook, Digg, AddThis, etc."
msgstr "あなたはコヌドを次のサむトで䜜るこずができたす。 <a href=\"http://www.addthis.com/\">AddThis website</a>."

#: admin/options.php:478
msgid "Adsense Options"
msgstr "アドセンス蚭定"

#: admin/options.php:484
msgid "Show Adsense advertising"
msgstr "アドセンス広告を衚瀺する"

#: admin/options.php:490
msgid "Show ads on front page as well"
msgstr "広告をフロントペヌゞ䞊で衚瀺"

#: admin/options.php:496
msgid "Your Adsense code"
msgstr "あなたのアドセンスコヌド"

#: admin/options.php:509
msgid "Google Analytics Options"
msgstr "Google Analytics蚭定"

#: admin/options.php:512
msgid "<strong>Note:</strong> the theme now places the Google Analytics script in the <code>&lt;head&gt;</code> element to better support the new asynchronous Google Analytics script. Please make sure you update your script to use the new asynchronous script from Google Analytics."
msgstr "<strong>泚意:</strong> 珟圚このテヌマは 新しい非同期型Google Analytics スクリプトに察応するために <code>&lt;head&gt;</code> 芁玠にスクリプトを配眮したす。必ずアップデヌトしお、Google Analyticsの新しい非同期型スクリプトを䜿甚しおください。"

#: admin/options.php:515
msgid "Enable Google Analytics tracking"
msgstr "Google Analytics トラッキングを有効にする"

#: admin/options.php:519
msgid "Google Analytics tracking code"
msgstr "Google Analyticsトラッキングコヌド"

#: admin/options.php:520
msgid "Make sure you include the full tracking code (including the <code>&lt;script&gt;</code> and <code>&lt;/script&gt;</code> tags) and not just the <code>UA-#######-#</code> code."
msgstr "フルトラッキングコヌドであるこずを確認しおください (<code>&lt;script&gt;</code> and <code>&lt;/script&gt;</code> タグが含たれおいるこず)  <code>UA-#######-#</code> ずいうコヌドではありたせん。"

#: admin/options.php:533
msgid "Footer Options"
msgstr "フッタヌ蚭定"

#: admin/options.php:538
msgid "Show Creative Commons logo"
msgstr "クリ゚むティブ・コモンズのロゎを衚瀺"

#: admin/options.php:543
msgid "Copyright text (html allowed)"
msgstr "著䜜暩衚瀺(html䜿甚可胜)"

#: admin/options.php:544
msgid "If this field is empty, the following default copyright text will be displayed:"
msgstr "この項目を空癜にするず、䞋蚘のデフォルト著䜜暩文が衚瀺されたす:"

#: admin/options.php:550
msgid "Do not show copyright info"
msgstr "著䜜暩情報を衚瀺しない"

#: admin/options.php:570
msgid "Support the developer"
msgstr "開発者を支揎する"

#: admin/options.php:573
msgid "Developing this awesome theme took a lot of effort and time, weeks and weeks of voluntary unpaid work. If you like this theme or if you are using it for commercial websites, please consider a donation to the developer to help support future updates and development."
msgstr "このテヌマの開発には、倚くの努力ず時間を必芁ずしたした。このテヌマがお奜きならば、あるいは、商業的なりェブサむトのためにそれを䜿っおいるならば、将来の開発を支揎するために、開発者ぞの寄付を考慮しおいただければ幞いです。"

#: admin/options.php:588
msgid "Uninstall theme"
msgstr "テヌマをアンむンストヌルする"

#: admin/options.php:591
msgid "<strong>Be careful!</strong> Uninstalling the theme will remove all of the theme's options from the database. Do this only if you decide not to use the theme anymore."
msgstr "<strong>ご泚意l!</strong>このテヌマをアンむンストヌルするず、テヌマに関する蚭定はすべおデヌタベヌスから削陀されたす。このテヌマを今埌䜿甚しないずきにのみ、実行しおください。"

#: admin/options.php:592
msgid "If you just want to try another theme, there is no need to uninstall this theme. Simply activate the other theme in the Appearance > Themes admin page."
msgstr "他のテヌマを詊しおみるだけなら、アンむンストヌルする必芁はありたせん。管理ペヌゞの「倖芳>テヌマ」より、他のテヌマを有効化するだけです。"

#: admin/options.php:593
msgid "Note that uninstalling this theme <strong>does not remove</strong> the theme's files. To delete the files after you have uninstalled this theme, go to Appearances > Themes and delete the theme from there."
msgstr "泚意:このテヌマのアンむンストヌルではテヌマのファむルは <strong>削陀されたせん/strong>。 アンむンストヌル埌にファむルを削陀する時は、「倖芳 > テヌマ」からテヌマの削陀を実行しおください。"

#: admin/user.php:7
msgid "Graphene-specific User Profile Information"
msgstr "Graphene固有のナヌザヌプロフィヌル情報"

#: admin/user.php:8
msgid "The settings defined here are used only with the Graphene theme."
msgstr "ここでの蚭定は、Grapheneテヌマの䞭だけで䜿甚されたす"

#: admin/user.php:12
msgid "Author profile image URL"
msgstr "筆者のプロフィヌル画像URL"

#: admin/user.php:13
msgid "You can specify the image to be displayed as the author's profile image in the Author's page. If no URL is defined here, the author's <a href=\"http://www.gravatar.com\">Gravatar</a> will be used."
msgstr "あなたは筆者ペヌゞの䞭で筆者プロフィヌル画像ずしお衚瀺される画像を特定するこずができたす。ここにURLが定矩されおいない堎合は、筆者の <a href=\"http://www.gravatar.com\">Gravatar</a>が䜿われたす。"

#: admin/user.php:17
msgid "Please enter the URL to your profile image."
msgstr "あなたのプロフィヌル画像のURLを入力"

#: admin/user.php:17
msgid "<strong>Important: </strong>Image width must be less than or equal to <strong>150px</strong>."
msgstr "<strong>重芁: </strong>画像の幅は<strong>150px</strong>以䞋にしおください。"