
Your IP :

Current Path : /home/scgforma/www/wp-content/themes/graphene/languages/
Upload File :
Current File : /home/scgforma/www/wp-content/themes/graphene/languages/ar.po

msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Graphene 1.0 theme for WordPress\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-12-31 20:31+0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-02-08 07:54+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: 123abc <promises74@yahoo.com>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;_n;esc_attr_e;esc_attr__\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: D:\\[MyVault]\\MyProjects\\[Websites]\\wordpress-theme-test\\site\\wp-content\\themes\\graphene\\\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n"

#: author.php:33
msgid "Author's posts listings"
msgstr "جميع مشاركات الكاتب"

#: comments.php:18
msgid "This post is password protected. Enter the password to view any comments."
msgstr "هذه التدوينة محمية بكلمة مرور. أدخل كلمة المرور لعرض التعليقات."

#: comments.php:39
msgid "No comment yet"
msgstr "لا يوجد تعليقات"

#: comments.php:39
#: loop-author.php:80
#: loop.php:92
msgid "1 comment"
msgstr "1 تعليق"

#: comments.php:39
#: loop-author.php:80
#: loop.php:92
#, php-format
msgid "% comments"
msgstr "% تعليقات"

#: comments.php:40
msgid "No ping yet"
msgstr "لا يوجد بنج"

#: comments.php:40
msgid "1 ping"
msgstr "بنج 1"

#: comments.php:40
msgid "% pings"
msgstr "% بنج"

#: comments.php:79
msgid "Comments have been disabled."
msgstr "تم تعطيل التعليقات."

#: comments.php:92
#, php-format
msgid "You may use these <abbr title=\"HyperText Markup Language\">HTML</abbr> tags and attributes: %s"
msgstr "يمكنك استخدام هذه  <abbr title=\"HyperText Markup Language\">HTML</abbr> الدلالات والميزات:"

#: comments.php:97
msgid "Your email address will not be published."
msgstr "لن ينشر بريدك الإلكتروني."

#: comments.php:100
#: functions.php:800
msgid "Submit Comment"
msgstr "إرسال التعليق"

#: footer.php:29
msgid "Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a <a href=\"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/\">Creative Commons Licence</a>."
msgstr "إذا لم تتم الإشارة لخلاف ذلك، تم ترخيص محتوى هذا الموقع تحت  <a href=\"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/\">Creative Commons Licence</a>."

#: footer.php:41
msgid "Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict"
msgstr "Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict"

#: footer.php:42
msgid "Valid CSS"
msgstr "Valid CSS"

#: footer.php:42
msgid "Valid CSS Level 2.1"
msgstr "Valid CSS Level 2.1"

#: footer.php:64
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s uses %2$s theme by %3$s."
msgstr "%1$s يستخدم %2$s لـ %3$s."

#: functions.php:92
msgid "Header Menu"
msgstr ""

#: functions.php:136
msgid "Header image by Syahir Hakim"
msgstr ""

#: functions.php:142
msgid "This is the default Graphene theme header image, cropped from image by Quantin Houyoux at sxc.hu"
msgstr ""

#: functions.php:148
#: functions.php:154
#: functions.php:160
#: functions.php:166
#: functions.php:172
msgid "Header image cropped from image by Ilco at sxc.hu"
msgstr ""

#: functions.php:415
msgid "Home"
msgstr "الرئيسي"

#: functions.php:443
msgid " says:"
msgstr "كتب:"

#: functions.php:449
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s at %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s الساعة %2$s"

#: functions.php:451
msgid "Edit comment"
msgstr "تحرير"

#: functions.php:455
msgid "Reply"
msgstr "رد"

#: functions.php:466
msgid "Your comment is awaiting moderation."
msgstr "تعليقك يحتاج موافقة المدير."

#: functions.php:559
msgid "Sidebar Widget Area"
msgstr ""

#: functions.php:561
msgid "The right sidebar widget area."
msgstr ""

#: functions.php:569
msgid "Footer Widget Area"
msgstr ""

#: functions.php:571
msgid "The footer widget area. Leave empty to disable. Set the number of columns to display at the theme's Display Options page."
msgstr ""

#: functions.php:587
msgid "Front Page Sidebar Widget Area"
msgstr ""

#: functions.php:589
msgid "The right sidebar widget area that will only be displayed on the front page."
msgstr ""

#: functions.php:599
msgid "Front Page Footer Widget Area"
msgstr ""

#: functions.php:601
msgid "The footer widget area that will only be displayed on the front page. Leave empty to disable. Set the number of columns to display at the theme's Display Options page."
msgstr ""

#: functions.php:653
msgid "Follow me on Twitter"
msgstr "تابعنا على تويتر"

#: functions.php:690
msgid "Latest tweets"
msgstr "اخر التغريدات"

#: functions.php:695
msgid "Title:"
msgstr "عنوان:"

#: functions.php:699
msgid "Twitter Username:"
msgstr ""

#: functions.php:703
msgid "Number of tweets to display:"
msgstr ""

#: functions.php:736
msgid "Graphene Options"
msgstr ""

#: functions.php:737
msgid "Graphene Display"
msgstr ""

#: functions.php:738
msgid "Graphene FAQs"
msgstr ""

#: functions.php:781
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "الاسم:"

#: functions.php:782
msgid "Email:"
msgstr "البريد الالكتروني:"

#: functions.php:783
msgid "Website:"
msgstr "الموقع:"

#: functions.php:793
msgid "Message:"
msgstr "التعليق:"

#: functions.php:820
msgid "Continue reading &raquo;"
msgstr "اقرأ المزيد &raquo;"

#: functions.php:868
msgid "Older posts &laquo;"
msgstr "مشاركات سابقة &laquo;"

#: functions.php:869
msgid "&raquo; Newer posts"
msgstr "&raquo; مشاركات الأحدث "

#: functions.php:989
msgid "View full post"
msgstr "شاهد المشاركة الكاملة"

#: functions.php:1109
msgid "<strong>ERROR: You must supply the post ID to get the image from as an argument when calling the graphene_get_post_image() function.</strong>"
msgstr ""

#: header.php:64
msgid "Subscribe to RSS feed"
msgstr "اشترك في خدمة RSS"

#: header.php:110
#: header.php:113
msgid "Go back to the front page"
msgstr "العودة للصفحة الرئيسية"

#: loop-author.php:23
msgid "Author's details"
msgstr "عن الكاتب"

#: loop-author.php:25
#, php-format
msgid "<strong>Name:</strong> %1$s %2$s"
msgstr "<strong>الاسم:</strong> %1$s %2$s"

#: loop-author.php:26
#, php-format
msgid "<strong>Date registered:</strong> %1$s"
msgstr "<strong>تاريخ التسجيل:</strong> %1$s"

#: loop-author.php:35
msgid "Biography"
msgstr "نبذة عن"

#: loop-author.php:48
msgid "Latest posts"
msgstr "اخر المشاركات"

#: loop-author.php:51
#: loop-author.php:80
#: loop.php:26
#: search-404.php:24
#, php-format
msgid "Permalink Link to %s"
msgstr "رابط دائم لـ %s"

#: loop-author.php:51
#: loop-author.php:80
#: loop.php:26
msgid "(No title)"
msgstr "(بدون عنوان)"

#: loop-author.php:75
msgid "Most commented posts"
msgstr "أكثر تعليقات لمشاركة"

#: loop-author.php:80
#: loop.php:92
msgid "Leave comment"
msgstr "إرسال التعليق"

#: loop.php:46
msgid "by"
msgstr "بواسطة"

#: loop.php:48
msgid "Edit post"
msgstr "تحرير مشاركة"

#: loop.php:66
msgid "Read the rest of this entry &raquo;"
msgstr "أكمل قراءة التدوينة &raquo;"

#: loop.php:70
msgid "<p><strong>Pages:</strong> "
msgstr "<p><strong>صفحات:</strong> "

#: loop.php:80
msgid "Tags:"
msgstr "كلمات دلالية:"

#: loop.php:80
msgid "This post has no tag"
msgstr "لا يوجد كلمات دلالية"

#: loop.php:105
msgid "About the author"
msgstr "عن الكاتب"

#: loop.php:142
msgid "Not found"
msgstr "غير موجود"

#: loop.php:147
msgid "Sorry, but you are looking for something that isn't here. Wanna try a search?"
msgstr "المعذرة، الصفحة التي طلبتها غير موجودة. حاول أن تستخدم البحث."

#: loop.php:149
msgid "Sorry, but no results were found for that keyword. Wanna try an alternative keyword search?"
msgstr "المعذرة، لم يتم إيجاد نتائج مطابقة لطلبك. يرجى البحث من جديد باستخدام كلمات مختلفة."

#: search-404.php:3
msgid "Error 404 - Page Not Found"
msgstr "Error 404 - الصفحة غير موجودة"

#: search-404.php:5
msgid "Sorry, I've looked everywhere but I can't find the page you're looking for."
msgstr "المعذرة، الصفحة التي طلبتها غير موجودة. حاول أن تستخدم البحث."

#: search-404.php:6
msgid "If you follow the link from another website, I may have removed or renamed the page some time ago. You may want to try searching for the page:"
msgstr "المعذرة، الصفحة التي طلبتها غير موجودة. حاول أن تستخدم البحث."

#: search-404.php:14
msgid "Suggested results"
msgstr "نتائج مقترحة"

#: search-404.php:18
#, php-format
msgid "I've done a courtesy search for the term %s for you. See if you can find what you're looking for in the list below:"
msgstr "لقد قمنا ببحث المصطلح %s من أجلك. قد تجد ما تبحث عنه في القائمة أدناه :"

#: search-404.php:35
msgid "<strong>Sorry, couldn't find anything.</strong> Try searching for alternative terms using the search form above."
msgstr "<strong>المعذرة، لم يتم إيجاد نتائج مطابقة لطلبك.</strong> يرجى البحث من جديد باستخدام كلمات مختلفة."

#: searchform.php:3
#: searchform.php:4
msgid "Search"
msgstr "بحث"

#: sidebar.php:34
msgid "Archives"
msgstr "أرشيف"

#: sidebar.php:41
msgid "Meta"
msgstr "وصف"

#: sidebar.php:46
msgid "Posts RSS"
msgstr "RSS المشاركات"

#: sidebar.php:47
msgid "Comments RSS"
msgstr "RSS التعليقات"

#: sidebar.php:49
#, php-format
msgid "Powered by %s"
msgstr "هذا الموقع يستخدم %s."

#: sidebar.php:49
msgid "Powered by WordPress, state-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform."
msgstr "Powered by WordPress, state-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform."

#: admin/custom-fields.php:15
msgid "Graphene post-specific options"
msgstr ""

#: admin/custom-fields.php:16
msgid "Graphene page-specific options"
msgstr ""

#: admin/custom-fields.php:82
msgid "These settings will only be applied to this particular post or page you're editing. They will override the global settings set in the Graphene Options or Graphene Display options page."
msgstr ""

#: admin/custom-fields.php:83
msgid "Slider options"
msgstr ""

#: admin/custom-fields.php:87
#: admin/options.php:291
msgid "Slider image"
msgstr ""

#: admin/custom-fields.php:91
#: admin/custom-fields.php:117
msgid "Use global setting"
msgstr ""

#: admin/custom-fields.php:92
#: admin/options.php:295
msgid "Don't show image"
msgstr ""

#: admin/custom-fields.php:93
#: admin/options.php:296
msgid "Featured Image"
msgstr ""

#: admin/custom-fields.php:94
#: admin/options.php:297
msgid "First image in post"
msgstr ""

#: admin/custom-fields.php:95
#: admin/options.php:298
msgid "Custom URL"
msgstr ""

#: admin/custom-fields.php:101
#: admin/options.php:304
msgid "Custom slider image URL"
msgstr ""

#: admin/custom-fields.php:105
#: admin/options.php:308
msgid "Make sure you select Custom URL in the slider image option above to use this custom url."
msgstr ""

#: admin/custom-fields.php:109
msgid "Display options"
msgstr ""

#: admin/custom-fields.php:113
msgid "AddThis Social Sharing button"
msgstr ""

#: admin/custom-fields.php:118
msgid "Show button"
msgstr ""

#: admin/custom-fields.php:119
msgid "Hide button"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:35
#: admin/options.php:35
#: admin/options.php:156
#: admin/options.php:180
msgid "ERROR: You are not authorised to perform that operation"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:82
msgid "Please enter only numerical value for the footer widget column count."
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:91
msgid "Please enter only numerical value for the front page footer widget column count."
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:101
msgid "Please enter only numerical value for the navigation menu dropdown item width."
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:170
#: admin/options.php:147
msgid "Settings updated."
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:232
msgid "Graphene Display Options"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:238
#: admin/options.php:234
msgid "ERROR:"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:264
msgid "Header Display Options"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:268
msgid "Use light-coloured header bars"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:274
msgid "Link header image to front page"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:277
msgid "Check this if you disable the header texts and want the header image to be linked to the front page."
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:282
msgid "Disable Featured Image replacing header image"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:285
msgid "Check this to prevent the posts Featured Image replacing the header image regardless of the featured image dimension."
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:292
msgid "Posts Display Options"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:296
msgid "Show excerpts in front page"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:302
msgid "Hide post author"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:308
msgid "Hide post date"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:314
msgid "Hide post categories"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:320
msgid "Hide post tags"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:326
msgid "Hide post comment count"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:327
msgid "Only affects posts listing (such as the front page) and not single post view."
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:332
msgid "Show post author's gravatar"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:336
msgid "Show post author's info"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:340
msgid "Show More link for manual excerpts"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:346
msgid "Comments Display Options"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:350
msgid "Hide allowed tags in comment form"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:358
msgid "Text Style Options"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:359
msgid "Note that these are CSS properties, so any valid CSS values for each particular property can be used."
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:360
msgid "Some example CSS properties values:"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:363
msgid "Text font:"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:364
msgid "<code>arial</code>, <code>tahoma</code>, <code>georgia</code>, <code>'Trebuchet MS'</code>"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:367
msgid "Text size and line height:"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:368
msgid "<code>12px</code>, <code>12pt</code>, <code>12em</code>"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:371
msgid "Text weight:"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:372
msgid "<code>normal</code>, <code>bold</code>, <code>100</code>, <code>700</code>"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:375
msgid "Text style:"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:376
msgid " <code>normal</code>, <code>italic</code>, <code>oblique</code>"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:379
msgid "Text colour:"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:380
msgid "<code>blue</code>, <code>navy</code>, <code>red</code>, <code>#ff0000</code>"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:383
#: admin/display.php:515
#: admin/display.php:537
msgid "Leave field empty to use the default value."
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:384
msgid "Header Text"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:388
msgid "Title text font"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:394
msgid "Title text size"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:400
msgid "Title text weight"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:406
msgid "Title text line height"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:412
msgid "Title text style"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:421
msgid "Description text font"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:427
msgid "Description text size"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:433
msgid "Description text weight"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:439
msgid "Description text line height"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:445
msgid "Description text style"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:450
msgid "Content Text"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:454
msgid "Text font"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:460
msgid "Text size"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:466
msgid "Text line height"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:472
msgid "Text colour"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:478
msgid "Link Text"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:482
msgid "Link colour (normal state)"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:488
msgid "Link colour (visited state)"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:494
msgid "Link colour (hover state)"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:500
msgid "Text decoration (normal state)"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:506
msgid "Text decoration (hover state)"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:514
msgid "Footer Widget Display Options"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:520
msgid "Number of columns to display"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:527
msgid "Number of columns to display for front page footer widget"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:536
msgid "Navigation Menu Display Options"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:542
msgid "Dropdown menu item width"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:549
msgid "Miscellaneous Display Options"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:553
msgid "Swap title order"
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:557
msgid "If this is checked, the website title will be displayed first, followed by the page title."
msgstr ""

#: admin/display.php:565
#: admin/options.php:459
msgid "Update Settings"
msgstr ""

#: admin/faq.php:11
msgid "Graphene's Frequently Asked Questions"
msgstr ""

#: admin/faq.php:14
msgid "Where should I go for the theme's support?"
msgstr ""

#: admin/faq.php:15
msgid "Please direct all support requests for the theme at the theme's <a href=\"http://forum.khairul-syahir.com/forum/graphene-wordpress-theme\">Support Forum</a>."
msgstr ""

#: admin/faq.php:18
msgid "Can I modify Graphene to my heart's content without paying anything?"
msgstr ""

#: admin/faq.php:19
msgid "The Graphene Wordpress theme, along with all the other themes in the Wordpress.org Official Free Themes Directory, is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 2. The full text of that licence is included with the theme in the <code>licence.txt</code> file in the theme's folder. Releasing the theme under that licence means, among others, that you are <em>free to modify the theme in any way for any purpose (including commercial)</em> without any obligation to the theme's author. However, if you decide to redistribute the theme, the licence dictates that you must release the theme under the same licence, GPLv2."
msgstr ""

#: admin/faq.php:20
msgid "But of course, the author would always appreciate donations to support ongoing and future developments of the theme."
msgstr ""

#: admin/faq.php:23
msgid "If the theme is released under GPLv2, what is this Creative Commons licence in the theme's footer?"
msgstr ""

#: admin/faq.php:24
msgid "The Creative Commons licence is a popular licence nowadays that are used by a lot of web-based content authors to licence their work such that it protects their intellectual property but in the same time allows its free distribution. It is included with the theme simply to make it easy for the theme's users to make use of the licence for the content they publish. Theme users can remove it altogether via the theme's Options page should they wish not to use it."
msgstr ""

#: admin/faq.php:25
msgid "Put simply, <em>it is not the licence that is applied for the theme itself</em>, but just for the website's content should the theme user wants to use it."
msgstr ""

#: admin/faq.php:28
msgid "Is the theme compatible with this plugin or that plugin?"
msgstr ""

#: admin/faq.php:29
msgid "I don't know. With so many plugins available for Wordpress, there's no way that I (or anybody else for that matter) can test for compatibility for all of them. Having said that, the theme is built with all the necessary Wordpress components included with it, so chances are most plugins will be compatible with the theme."
msgstr ""

#: admin/faq.php:30
msgid "My suggestion is to just install the plugin and try it. If you stumble into problem, ask for support from the plugin author first. If the plugin author says that it's a problems with the theme, you know where to find support."
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:57
msgid "You must enter your Adsense code to enable Adsense advertising"
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:72
msgid "You must enter your AddThis button code to enable the AddThis social sharing button"
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:87
msgid "You must enter your Google Analytics tracking code to enable Google Analytics tracking."
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:161
msgid "Uninstall Graphene"
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:162
msgid "Please confirm that you would like to uninstall the Graphene theme. All of the theme's options in the database will be deleted."
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:163
msgid "This action is not reversible."
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:167
#: admin/options.php:484
msgid "Uninstall Theme"
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:227
msgid "Graphene Theme Options"
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:228
msgid "These are the global settings for the theme. You may override some of the settings in individual posts and pages."
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:260
msgid "Slider Options"
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:264
msgid "Category to show in slider"
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:265
msgid "All posts within the category selected here will be displayed on the slider. Usage example: create a new category \"Featured\" and assign all posts to be displayed on the slider to that category, and then select that category here."
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:269
msgid "Show latest posts"
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:282
msgid "Number of latest posts to display"
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:286
msgid "This setting only affects the slider if \"Show latest posts\" is selected above."
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:313
msgid "Slider height"
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:321
msgid "Slider speed"
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:324
msgid "milliseconds"
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:325
msgid "This is the duration that each slider item will be shown"
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:330
msgid "Move slider to bottom of page"
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:336
msgid "Disable slider"
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:343
msgid "Feed Options"
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:346
msgid "Use custom feed URL"
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:349
msgid "This custom feed URL will replace the default Wordpress RSS feed URL."
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:355
msgid "Adsense Options"
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:359
msgid "Show Adsense advertising"
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:365
msgid "Show ads on front page as well"
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:371
msgid "Your Adsense code"
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:380
msgid "AddThis Options"
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:383
msgid "Show AddThis social sharing button"
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:387
msgid "Show in Pages as well?"
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:392
msgid "Your AddThis button code"
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:393
msgid "You can generate your button code from the <a href=\"http://www.addthis.com/\">AddThis website</a>."
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:401
msgid "Google Analytics Options"
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:402
msgid "<strong>Note:</strong> the theme now places the Google Analytics script in the <code>&lt;head&gt;</code> element to better support the new asynchronous Google Analytics script. Please make sure you update your script to use the new asynchronous script from Google Analytics."
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:405
msgid "Enable Google Analytics tracking"
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:409
msgid "Google Analytics tracking code"
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:410
msgid "Make sure you include the full tracking code (including the <code>&lt;script&gt;</code> and <code>&lt;/script&gt;</code> tags) and not just the <code>UA-#######-#</code> code."
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:418
msgid "Widget Area Options"
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:419
msgid "Alternate Widgets"
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:420
msgid "You can enable the theme to show different widget areas in the front page than the rest of the website. If you enable this option, additional widget areas that will only be displayed on the front page will be added to the Widget settings page."
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:423
msgid "Enable alternate front page sidebar widget area"
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:427
msgid "Enable alternate front page footer widget area"
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:428
msgid "You can also specify different column counts for the front page footer widget and the rest-of-site footer widget if you enable this option."
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:436
msgid "Footer Options"
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:439
msgid "Show Creative Commons logo"
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:444
msgid "Copyright text (html allowed)"
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:445
msgid "If this field is empty, the following default copyright text will be displayed:"
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:451
msgid "Do not show copyright info"
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:465
msgid "Support the developer"
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:466
msgid "Developing this awesome theme took a lot of effort and time, weeks and weeks of voluntary unpaid work. If you like this theme or if you are using it for commercial websites, please consider a donation to the developer to help support future updates and development."
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:476
msgid "Uninstall theme"
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:477
msgid "<strong>Be careful!</strong> Uninstalling the theme will remove all of the theme's options from the database. Do this only if you decide not to use the theme anymore."
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:478
msgid "If you just want to try another theme, there is no need to uninstall this theme. Simply activate the other theme in the Appearance > Themes admin page."
msgstr ""

#: admin/options.php:479
msgid "Note that uninstalling this theme <strong>does not remove</strong> the theme's files. To delete the files after you have uninstalled this theme, go to Appearances > Themes and delete the theme from there."
msgstr ""

#: admin/user.php:7
msgid "Graphene-specific User Profile Information"
msgstr ""

#: admin/user.php:8
msgid "The settings defined here are used only with the Graphene theme."
msgstr ""

#: admin/user.php:12
msgid "Author profile image URL"
msgstr ""

#: admin/user.php:13
msgid "You can specify the image to be displayed as the author's profile image in the Author's page. If no URL is defined here, the author's <a href=\"http://www.gravatar.com\">Gravatar</a> will be used."
msgstr ""

#: admin/user.php:17
msgid "Please enter the URL to your profile image."
msgstr ""

#: admin/user.php:17
msgid "<strong>Important: </strong>Image width must be less than or equal to <strong>150px</strong>."
msgstr ""