
Your IP :

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Current File : /home/scgforma/www/wp-content/themes/graphene/footer.php

 * The template for displaying the footer.
 * Closes the <div> for #content, #content-main and #container, <body> and <html> tags.
 * @package Graphene
 * @since Graphene 1.0
global $graphene_settings;
<?php do_action( 'graphene_bottom_content' ); ?>
    </div><!-- #content-main -->
        /* Sidebar 2 on the right side? */
        if ( graphene_column_mode() == 'three_col_left' ){
            get_sidebar( 'two' );
		/* Sidebar 1 on the right side? */
        if ( in_array( graphene_column_mode(), array( 'two_col_left', 'three_col_left', 'three_col_center' ) ) ){
    <?php do_action( 'graphene_after_content' ); ?>

</div><!-- #content -->

<?php /* Get the footer widget area */ ?>
<?php get_template_part('sidebar', 'footer'); ?>

<?php do_action('graphene_before_footer'); ?>

<div id="footer" class="clearfix">
    <?php if ( ! $graphene_settings['hide_copyright'] ) : ?>
    <div id="copyright">
    	<h3><?php _e('Copyright', 'graphene'); ?></h3>
		<?php if ( $graphene_settings['copy_text'] == '' && ! $graphene_settings['show_cc'] ) : ?>
            <?php printf( '&copy; %1$s %2$s.', date( 'Y' ), get_bloginfo( 'name' ) ); ?>
        <?php elseif ( ! $graphene_settings['show_cc'] ) : ?>
				if ( ! stristr( $graphene_settings['copy_text'], '</p>' ) ) { $graphene_settings['copy_text'] = wpautop( $graphene_settings['copy_text'] ); }
				echo $graphene_settings['copy_text']; 
 	    <?php endif; ?>
        <?php if ( $graphene_settings['show_cc'] ) : ?>
        	<?php /* translators: %s will replaced by a link to the Creative Commons licence page, with "Creative Commons Licence" as the link text. */?>
				<?php printf( __( 'Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a %s.', 'graphene' ), '<a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/">' . __( 'Creative Commons Licence', 'graphene' ) . '</a>' ); ?>
        	<p class="cc-logo"><span><?php _e( 'Creative Commons Licence BY-NC-ND', 'graphene' ); ?></span></p>
        <?php endif; ?>

    	<?php do_action('graphene_copyright'); ?>
<?php endif; ?>

	<?php if ( has_nav_menu( 'footer-menu' ) || ! $graphene_settings['hide_return_top'] ) : ?>
	<div class="footer-menu-wrap">
    	<ul id="footer-menu" class="clearfix">
			<?php /* Footer menu */
            $args = array(
                'container' => '',
                'fallback_cb' => 'none',
                'depth' => 2,
                'theme_location' => 'footer-menu',
                'items_wrap' => '%3$s'
            wp_nav_menu(apply_filters('graphene_footer_menu_args', $args));
            <?php if ( ! $graphene_settings['hide_return_top'] ) : ?>
        	<li class="menu-item return-top"><a href="#"><?php _e('Return to top', 'graphene'); ?></a></li>
            <?php endif; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php if ( ! $graphene_settings['disable_credit'] ) : ?>
    <div id="developer" class="grid_7">
        <?php /* translators: %1$s is the link to WordPress.org, %2$s is the theme's name */ ?>
<?php printf( __('Powered by %1$s and the %2$s.', 'graphene'), '<a href="http://wordpress.org/" rel="nofollow">WordPress</a>', '<a href="http://www.graphene-theme.com/" rel="nofollow">' . __('Graphene Theme', 'graphene') . '</a>'); ?>

	<?php do_action('graphene_developer'); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php do_action('graphene_footer'); ?>
</div><!-- #footer -->

<?php do_action('graphene_after_footer'); ?>

</div><!-- #container -->

<?php if (!get_theme_mod('background_image', false) && !get_theme_mod('background_color', false)) : ?>
    </div><!-- .bg-gradient -->
<?php endif; ?>

<?php wp_footer(); ?>