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 * The template for displaying Comments.
 * The area of the page that contains both current comments
 * and the comment form.  The actual display of comments is
 * handled by a callback to graphene_comment which is
 * located in the functions.php file.
 * @package Graphene
 * @since Graphene 1.0
global $graphene_settings;

    /* Only show comments depending on the theme setting */
    if ( ! graphene_should_show_comments() ) : 

<?php if ( post_password_required() && ( comments_open() || have_comments() ) ) : ?>
			<div id="comments">
				<p class="nopassword message-block notice_block"><?php _e( 'This post is password protected. Enter the password to view any comments.', 'graphene' ); ?></p>
                <?php do_action( 'graphene_protected_comment' ); ?>
			</div><!-- #comments -->
		/* Stop the rest of comments.php from being processed,
		 * but don't kill the script entirely -- we still have
		 * to fully load the template.

<?php do_action( 'graphene_before_comment_template' ); ?>

<?php /* Lists all the comments for the current post */ ?>
<?php if ( have_comments() ) : ?>

<?php /* Get the comments and pings count */ 
	global $graphene_tabbed_comment;
	$comments_num = graphene_get_comment_count();
	// to also show comments awaiting approval
	$allcomments_num = graphene_get_comment_count( 'comments', false );
	$pings_num = graphene_get_comment_count( 'pings' );
	if ( $comments_num )
		$comment_count = sprintf( _n( '%s comment', '%s comments', $comments_num, 'graphene' ), number_format_i18n( $comments_num ) );
	if ( $pings_num ) 
		$ping_count = sprintf( _n( '%s ping', '%s pings', $pings_num, 'graphene' ), number_format_i18n( $pings_num ) );
	$graphene_tabbed_comment = ( $comments_num && $pings_num ) ? true : false;
	$class = 'clearfix';
	if ( ! $comments_num ) $class .= ' no-comment';
	if ( ! $pings_num ) $class .= ' no-ping';
	global $is_paginated;
	$is_paginated = get_option( 'page_comments' );

<div id="comments" class="<?php echo $class; ?>">
    <?php if ( $comments_num ) : ?>
    	<h4 class="comments current"><?php if ($graphene_tabbed_comment) {echo '<a href="#">'.$comment_count.'</a>';} else {echo $comment_count;}?></h4>
	<?php endif; ?>
    <?php if ( $pings_num ) : ?>
	    <h4 class="pings"><?php if ($graphene_tabbed_comment) {echo '<a href="#">'.$ping_count.'</a>';} else {echo $ping_count;}?></h4>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php if ( ( ( $is_paginated && get_option( 'comments_per_page' ) > 3 ) || ! $is_paginated ) && ( $comments_num > 3 || $pings_num > 6 ) ) : ?>
    	<p class="comment-form-jump"><a href="#respond"><?php _e( 'Skip to comment form', 'graphene' ); ?></a> &darr;</p>
	<?php endif; ?>

	<?php do_action( 'graphene_before_comments' ); ?>

	<?php if ( $comments_num || $allcomments_num ) : ?>
    <div class="comments-list-wrapper">
        <ol class="clearfix" id="comments_list">
            /* Loop through and list the comments. Tell wp_list_comments()
             * to use graphene_comment() to format the comments.
             * If you want to overload this in a child theme then you can
             * define graphene_comment() and that will be used instead.
             * See graphene_comment() in functions.php for more.
             $args = array( 'callback' => 'graphene_comment', 'style' => 'ol', 'type' => 'comment' );
             wp_list_comments( apply_filters( 'graphene_comments_list_args', $args ) ); ?>
        <?php graphene_comments_nav(); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php if ( $pings_num ) : ?>
        <ol class="clearfix<?php if (!$comments_num) echo ' display-block'; ?>" id="pings_list">
            /* Loop through and list the pings. Use the same callback function as
             * listing comments above, graphene_comment() to format the pings.
             $args = array( 'callback' => 'graphene_comment', 'style' => 'ol', 'type' => 'pings', 'per_page' => 0 );
             wp_list_comments( apply_filters( 'graphene_pings_list_args', $args ) ); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php do_action( 'graphene_after_comments' ); ?>
<?php endif; // Ends the comment listing ?>

<?php /* Display comments disabled message if there's already comments, but commenting is disabled */ ?>
<?php if ( ! comments_open() && have_comments() ) : ?>
	<div id="respond">
		<h3 id="reply-title"><?php _e( 'Comments have been disabled.', 'graphene' ); ?></h3>
        <?php do_action( 'graphene_comments_disabled' ); ?>
<?php endif; ?>

<?php /* Display the comment form if comment is open */ ?>
<?php if ( comments_open() ) : ?>

	<div id="comment-form-wrap" class="clearfix">
		<?php do_action( 'graphene_before_commentform' );
        /* Get the comment form. */ 
        $allowedtags = '';
		if ( ! $graphene_settings['hide_allowedtags'] ){
			$allowedtags .= '<p class="form-allowed-tags">';
            $allowedtags .= sprintf( __( 'You may use these <abbr title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</abbr> tags and attributes: %s', 'graphene' ), '<code>' . allowed_tags() . '</code>' );
			$allowedtags .=	'</p>';
        $args = array(
                    'comment_notes_after'  	=> apply_filters( 'graphene_comment_allowedtags', $allowedtags ),
                    'id_form'              	=> 'commentform',
                    'label_submit'         	=> __( 'Submit Comment', 'graphene' ),
        comment_form( apply_filters( 'graphene_comment_form_args', $args ) ); 
        do_action( 'graphene_after_commentform' );  ?>
<?php endif; // Ends the comment status ?>