
Your IP :

Current Path : /home/scgforma/www/wp-content/plugins_desactiver/si-contact-form/
Upload File :
Current File : /home/scgforma/www/wp-content/plugins_desactiver/si-contact-form/readme.txt

=== Fast Secure Contact Form ===
Contributors: Mike Challis
Author URI: http://www.642weather.com/weather/scripts.php
Donate link: https://www.FastSecureContactForm.com/donate
Tags: Akismet, captcha, contact, contact form, form, mail, email, spam, multilingual
Requires at least: 3.4.2
Tested up to: 4.6
Stable tag: trunk

An easy and powerful form builder that lets your visitors send you email. Blocks all automated spammers. No templates to mess with.

== Description ==

Easily create and add forms to WordPress. Fields are easy to add, remove, and re-order. The contact form will let the user send emails to a site's admin, and also send a meeting request to talk over phone or video.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HM7MXUSGh50]

Features: easy form edit, multiple forms, confirmation emails, no templates to mess with, and an option to redirect visitors to any URL after the message is sent. Includes CAPTCHA and Akismet support to block spammers. Spam is no longer a problem. You can add extra fields of any type: text, textarea, checkbox, checkbox-multiple, radio, select, select-multiple, attachment, date, time, hidden, password, and fieldset.

* [FastSecureContactForm.com](http://www.fastsecurecontactform.com/)
* [Download WordPress Plugin Version](http://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/si-contact-form.zip)
* [Download PHP Script Version](http://www.fastsecurecontactform.com/download-php-script)

= Help Keep This Plugin Free =

If you find this plugin useful to you, please consider [__making a donation__](https://www.fastsecurecontactform.com/donate) to help contribute to my time invested and to further development. Thanks for your kind support! - [__Mike Challis__](http://profiles.wordpress.org/users/MikeChallis/)

 * All new improved 4.xx version code base.
 * New user interface with tabs.
 * New 'Fields' tab where you can re-order the display sequence of all the fields via a drag and drop interface.
 * Forms are easy to add, remove, label, and edit and preview. Add as many as you need.
 * Comes with standard fields of (Name, Email, Subject, Message). Any of the standard fields can be disabled.
 * Fields are easy to add, remove, and re-order.
 * Add extra fields of any type: text, textarea, checkbox, checkbox-multiple, radio, select, select-multiple, attachment, date, time, hidden, password, fieldset(box). [See FAQ](http://www.fastsecurecontactform.com/how-to-add-extra-fields)
 * File attachments are supported, see here for details: http://wordpress.org/support/topic/416371
 * Backup/restore tool. You can backup/restore all your forms or single forms and settings.[See FAQ](http://www.fastsecurecontactform.com/backup-restore-forms)
 * Easy to hide subject and message fields for use as a newsletter signup.
 * Send mail to single or multiple contacts.
 * Optional - redirect to any URL after message sent.
 * Optional - posted data can be sent as a query string on the redirect URL. [See faq](http://www.fastsecurecontactform.com/sending-data-by-query-string)
 * Optional - confirmation email message.[See FAQ](http://www.fastsecurecontactform.com/tip-add-email-autoresponder)
 * Valid coding for HTML, XHTML, HTML STRICT, Section 508, and WAI Accessibility.
 * Reloads form data and warns user if user forgets to fill out a field.
 * CAPTCHA can be turned off or hidden from logged in users and or admins.
 * Auto form fill for logged in users.
 * Customizable form field labels.
 * Customizable CSS style.
 * New PHP Sessions are no longer enabled by default allowing for best compatibility with servers, caching, themes, and other plugins. This should resolve any PHP sessions related issues some users had.
 * New added filter hooks for 3rd party plugins and custom modifications.
 * New improved validation of time fields.
 * New improved CAPTCHA images.
 * New improved select options setting.
 * New more optimized HTML indents when view source, added ID tags to form elements.
 * New setting on the Advanced tab to enable a "view / print message" button after message sent. This feature will be skipped if the "redirect after the message sends" is also enabled.
 * New Default CSS style for 'labels on top' is now responsive(note:your theme style has to be responsive also).
 * New improved Styles tab with internal or external CSS Style feature, you choose what you want.
 * New easier to use field labels, tags, and field options. You no longer have to escape comas in form labels and options.
 * New feature: for select, radio, checbox-miltiple, select-multiple field types: If you add options as a key==value set (use == to separate) the value will show on the form and the key will show in the email.
 * New field Setting: "Hide label" check this setting if you want to hide the field label on the form.
 * New field setting: "Default as placeholder" Check this setting if you want the default text to be a placeholder inside the form field. The placeholder is a short hint that is displayed in the input field before the user enters a value. Works with the following input types only: name, email, subject, message, text, textarea, url, and password.
 * New tags capability for fields.
 * New 'Reset Form' button to Tools tab.
 * New 'Delete Form' function to Tools tab.
 * New 'Reset Styles on all forms' button to the Tools tab.
 * New setting to skip names of non-required and unfilled-out fields in emails.
 * Sends Email with UTF-8 character encoding for US and International character support.
 * Pre-fill in form fields from a URL query string. [See FAQ](http://www.fastsecurecontactform.com/query-string-parameters)
 * Save emails to the WordPress database, or export to CSV or Excel. [See FAQ](http://www.fastsecurecontactform.com/save-to-database)
 * I18n language translation support. [See FAQ](http://www.fastsecurecontactform.com/how-to-translate)
Online Scheduling, Appointment Booking and Free Invoicing via vCita:
* Add an online scheduling button to your form, or at the bottom of every page 
* Display your up-to-date availability on your website, based on your existing calendar (Google, Outlook, etc)
* Invite leads and clients to schedule a phone call, book an appointment or request a service
* Automated confirmations and reminders will be sent to your clients, including meeting details (time, location or phone number)
* Scheduled appointments will be added to your calendar 
* Built-in phone conference service, and easy integration with Skype, Google Hangout, and other online meetings. 
* Collect payments online before the appointment or invoice and bill your clients for your time and services
* Learn more about vCita [Online Scheduling Software](http://www.vcita.com/software/online_scheduling)

 * Akismet spam protection support.
 * Spam checks: prevents spammer forcing to:, cc:, bcc:, newlines, and other email injection attempts to spam the world.
 * Makes sure the contact form was posted from your blog domain name only.
 * Secure input validation.
 * Email message footer shows blog username(if logged on), Date/Time timestamp, IP address, and user agent (browser version) of user who contacted you.

CAPTCHA Image Support:
 * Uses Open-source free PHP CAPTCHA library by www.phpcaptcha.org (customized version included)
 * Abstract backgrounds with multi colored, angled, distorted, text
 * Arched lines through text
 * Refresh button to reload CAPTCHA
 * CAPTCHA can be disabled on the 'Security' tab.

 * Works with Wordpress 3.4.2+ and WPMU (Wordpress 4+ is highly recommended)
 * PHP5 

== Installation ==

1. Install automatically through the `Plugins`, `Add New` menu in WordPress, or upload the `si-contact-form` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory. 

2. Activate the plugin through the `Plugins` menu in WordPress. On the Admin screen use the Plugins side menu to select FS Contact Form to configure the forms.  

3. You must add this shortcode `[si-contact-form form='1']` in a Page, Post, or Text Widget. You can find this shortcode on the Basic Settings tab of any form. Here is how to add the shortcode: Log into your blog admin dashboard. Click `Pages`, click `Add New`, add a title to your page, enter the shortcode `[si-contact-form form='1']` in the page. Uncheck `Allow Comments`, then click `Publish`. 

4. Test an email from your form.

5. Updates are automatic. Click on "Upgrade Automatically" if prompted from the admin menu. If you ever have to manually upgrade, simply deactivate, uninstall, and repeat the installation steps with the new version.

= For best mail delivery results, be sure to properly configure the email settings on the Basic Settings tab: =

Read the following instructions and watch the YouTube video below:

Set the "Return-path address" setting to a real email address on the SAME domain as your web site. This step really is ALWAYS necessary so mail is properly identified as originating from your server. For best results the "Email To" and the "Return-path address" should ALWAYS be separate REAL email addresses on the SAME DOMAIN as your web site (don't skip this important step!).

Some people will like to set the "Email To" to a gmail.com, outlook.com, or some other webmail address (if that is what you want, go ahead and try it), but the "Return-path address" should ALWAYS be set to a real email addresses on the SAME DOMAIN as your web site. If you try a webmail address and your mail is not sending, try changing the "Email to" address to a REAL email addresses on the SAME DOMAIN as your web site. You can still deliver it to your webmail address by forwarding the email from a setting in your hosting control panel, or [configuring your webmail to fetch a mail account](https://support.google.com/mail/answer/21289?hl=en).

Next step, check this setting box:
Enable when web host requires "Mail From" strictly tied to site (don't skip this important step!).

Click "Save Changes", then test your form's mail delivery by sending a message from the form on your page. When testing your form on your page, do not fill out the email field with the same email address as the "Email To" or "Return-path address". Use a different email address because some server's security settings do not allow email to send from/to the same address.

If you have other forms in use, be sure to repeat these settings for each form.

Now your email is properly configured for best delivery. Your form Email should now be DMARC compliant for users who submit your form with yahoo, aol, comcast, or any other provider who now requires DMARC compliance.

The email you receive will appear to be from your site email address, but because the email header "Reply-to" is set as the form user's email address. You should be able to just hit reply and send email back to the real sender. Also you should see the sender's email address in the message content. So it is still possible to send mail to that address if the "Reply-to" is somehow ignored by your email program.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HM7MXUSGh50]

= I just installed this and do not get any email from it, what could be wrong? =

Follow the instructions above, but if you still need help...

[See the FAQ page: How to troubleshoot mail delivery](http://www.fastsecurecontactform.com/email-does-not-send)

== Screenshots ==

1. screenshot-1.gif is the contact form.

2. screenshot-2.gif is the contact form showing the inline error messages.

3. screenshot-3.gif is the `Contact Form options` tab on the `Admin Plugins` page.

4. screenshot-4.gif adding the shortcode `[si-contact-form form='1']` in a Page.

4. screenshot-5.png Schedule an appointment feature.

== Credits ==

* [Mike Challis](http://www.642weather.com/weather/scripts.php) - Plugin Author / Lead programmer
* [Ken Carlson](http://kencarlsonconsulting.com/) - Plugin programmer

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

[See the official FAQ at FastSecureContactForm.com](http://www.fastsecurecontactform.com/faq-wordpress-version)

= I just installed this and do not get any email from it, what could be wrong? =

[See FAQ page: How to troubleshoot email delivery](http://www.fastsecurecontactform.com/email-does-not-send)

= If I upgrade from version 3.xx, will my forms and settings be lost? =
No, it will automatic import of settings from versions 2.5.6 up to 3.xx. As long as you do not use the delete button when deactivating the plugin.
You can and should [make a backup of your forms](http://www.fastsecurecontactform.com/backup-restore-forms).

= I upgraded from version 3.xx, to 4.xx and my forms and settings did not import =

The forms should have imported. In some rare cases, they don't import. Sorry for any inconvenience. 
Update to the latest version, click the button on the Tools tab "Import forms from 3.xx version". 

More help is on this help page:
[I upgraded to 4.xx version and my forms did not import](http://www.fastsecurecontactform.com/forms-did-not-import)

= What happens during upgrade from 3.xx, where are the settings stored? =

The upgrade is run automatically only once after installing or upgrading the 4.xx version over a 3.xx versions.
The 4.xx version uses different wp options settings than 3.xx
The options settings are rows in the wp_options database table.

4.xx wp_options:

3.xx wp_options:

During 4.xx install, the installation looks to see if 4.xx options are not present(first time install), and if 3.xx options are present(3.xx was installed previously), if it passes both those tests, then it runs the import code in

= How do I backup or restore my forms? =

On the Tools settings tab is a backup / restore tool.
The backup / restore feature can be used for backups or as a site to site transfer. You can back up ALL forms and transfer ALL forms to the same or new site using the restore feature. Or you can back up individual forms and restore them to the the same or new site replacing any one form selected during the restore. Please consider that restoring one form or ALL forms makes permanent replacements to the forms already on the site you restore them to.
Read [more about backups](http://www.fastsecurecontactform.com/backup-restore-forms)

= Is this plugin available in other languages? =

Yes. To use a translated version, you need to obtain or make the language file for it.
At this point it would be useful to read [Installing WordPress in Your Language](http://codex.wordpress.org/Installing_WordPress_in_Your_Language "Installing WordPress in Your Language") from the Codex. You will need an .mo file for this plugin that corresponds with the "WPLANG" setting in your wp-config.php file. Translations are listed below -- if a translation for your language is available, all you need to do is place it in the `/wp-content/plugins/si-contact-form/languages` directory of your WordPress installation. If one is not available, and you also speak good English, please consider doing a translation yourself (see the next question).

The following translations are included:

= Translators =
* Albanian (sq_AL) - Romeo Shuka
* Arabic (ar) - Jasmine Hassan
* Bulgarian (bg_BG) - Dimitar Atanasov
* Chinese (zh_CN) - Awu
* Danish (da_DK) - GeorgWP
* Farsi (Persian)(fa_IR) Ramin Firooz
* Finnish (fi) - Mikko Vahatalo
* French (fr_FR) - Pierre Sudarovich
* German (de_DE) - Sebastian Kreideweiss
* Greek (el) - Ioannis
* Hebrew, Israel (he_IL) - Asaf Chertkoff FreeAllWeb GUILD
* Hungarian (hu_HU) - Jozsef Burgyan
* Italian (it_IT) - Gianni Diurno
* Japanese (ja) - Ichiro Kozuka
* Norwegian Bokmal (nb_NO) - Tore Johnny Bratveit
* Polish (pl_PL) - Pawel Mezyk
* Portuguese (pt_PT) - AJBFerreira Blog
* Portuguese Brazil (pt_BR) - Rui Alao
* Romanian (ro_RO) - Anunturi Jibo
* Russian (ru_RU) - Iflexion
* Spanish (es_ES) - Manuel
* Swedish (sv_SE) - Elger Lindgren
* Traditional Chinese, Taiwan (zh_TW) - Cjh
* Turkish (tr_TR) - Tolga
* Ukrainian (uk_UA) - Wordpress.Ua
* More are needed... Please help translate.

= Can I provide a translation? =

How to translate Fast Secure Contact Form for WordPress

= Is it possible to update the translation files for newest version? =

How to update a translation of Fast Secure Contact Form for WordPress

For more help... [See the official FAQ at FastSecureContactForm.com](http://www.fastsecurecontactform.com/faq-wordpress-version)

= What is the "Schedule an appointment" button on my contact form? = 

You can extend your contact form to let your users to schedule appointments based on your availability.
Learn more about [Why should I add Online Scheduling to my website](http://www.vcita.com/software/online_scheduling)

You can enable or disable this option in the "Scheduling" tab of your contact form plugin settings page.

If you have additional questions visit [vCita Support Page](http://support.vcita.com)

== Changelog ==

= 4.0.43 =
- (23 Jun 2016) - Fix: wp_get_current_user error after wordpress 4.5.

= 4.0.42 =
- (18 Jun 2016) - Fix: syntax error on password field.
- added autocomplete=off to CAPTCHA field.
- fix: removed stray ampersand on end of redirect url.

= 4.0.41 =
- (13 Feb 2016) - Fix: PHP Fatal error: Class 'securimage_ctf' not found.

= 4.0.40 =
- (12 Feb 2016) - Fix: Captcha did not show on some PHP7 installations
- Fix: W3C validation Error with the attachment field.

= 4.0.39 =
- (01 Jan 2016) - Fix: The sender's location was no longer being shown in emails when you upgraded Visitor Maps and Who's Online to version
- updated vCita code for recent API changes.
- removed advertisements.
- updated the Swedish translation

= 4.0.38 =
- (07 Sep 2015) - Fix: There are five form settings fields where unfiltered HTML is allowed by form Administrators by design. The problem fixed was that the setting DISALLOW_UNFILTERED_HTML was not being checked before allowing HTML. This issue was reported by Sathish from Cyber Security Works Pvt Ltd.

= 4.0.37 =
- (25 May 2015) - fixed bug: redirect url encoding.
- fixed bug: the auto form fill feature will now automatically make the name and email form fields readonly when the feature is enabled to auto fill the logged on user's name and email. Non-logged in users can still edit those fields to enter their own name and email. Note: administrator is ignored, always has to fill in the fields. 
- fixed bug: placeholder was not working on password field type.
- added filter to modify autoresponder subject. This is useful for adding a ticket number.

= 4.0.36 =
- (02 May 2015) - Fixed possible xss vulnerability with add_query_arg(), remove_query_arg() and esc_url() usage.
- Improved timezone compliance with WP standards.

= 4.0.34 =
- (03 Apr 2015) - added a new filter hook to allow modifying the $user_info array. The user info is displayed at the end of the email
- changed the default CSS for Radio and Checkbox field inputs to comply with [google webmaster tools mobile friendly test](https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/mobile-friendly/). The tap targets were too close for radio and checkbox fields on mobile devices.
CSS changes made in an update will only change the defaults for new forms you add, not any existing ones. This is to respect any settings you might have made yourself on the forms you have now.

Please adjust these settings manually on any existing forms with radio or checkbox fields:
Edit each of your forms on the form edit page, click on the Styles tab
Change these two settings, like so:
Input checkbox fields: width:22px; height:32px;
Input radio fields: width:22px; height:32px;

Click the Save Changes button, repeat for your other forms.
The defaults settings were: width:13px; 

= 4.0.33 =
- (17 Feb 2015) - fixed fscf_init_languages priority
- fixed a print array was left active during silent send
- updated turkish language file
= 4.0.32 =
- (22 Dec 2014) - Move the filter hook si_contact_email_fields_posted to before Silent Remote Sending.
- add new advanced tab setting "Enable Internationalized Domain Names when checking for a valid email address". Because this setting relaxes the email validation check considerably, do not enable unless you have to allow Russian, Japanese, Chinese, etc. characters in the email address.
- Fix so field tags can have upper case characters.

= 4.0.30 =
- (23 Sep 2014) - Translated Spanish 100% (es_ES) - Translated by [Manuel](http://www.mbrsolution.com/)

= 4.0.29 =
- (18 Sep 2014) - Fix the validate email function is updated for new generic top-level domains (gTLDs) released in 2014 and beyond. Allows up to 12 characters like .training, .photography, .company, etc. 
- Fix so honeypot field slug will never conflict with custom post types.
- Add new feature for Default field properties: For the Default setting of a date field type, you can enter any date in the configured format. Or to show today's date as default, just put the word today in brackets. example: [today].

= 4.0.28 =
- (13 Sep 2014) - Fix error 'Invalid argument supplied for foreach' when add new form.
- Increase z-index for the calendar pop up.
- Updated Turkish language file.

= 4.0.27 =
- (09 Sep 2014) - Fix 'After form additional HTML' was not printing on form.
- Fix to check for conflicting post types and show a warning. None of the field slugs can be the same as a post type rewrite_slug or you will get "page not found" when posting the form with that field filled in. In this new version, if you have this conflict there will be a warning on the form and on the form edit page. Warning: one of your field tags conflicts with the post type redirect tag "tag name". To automatically correct this, click the "Save Changes" button on the form edit page. Also the form editor will not let a conflict happen while editing, but a conflict can still happen if you add custom post types. So if you add any custom post types, be sure to check your forms for any warning messages.

= 4.0.26 =
- (24 Aug 2014) - Added a new setting on the Advanced tab "Enable to prevent double click on submit button." It is enabled by default.
This setting disables the Submit button after click, to prevent double click on the button. Also prevents going back and submitting the form again. Note: this setting is ignored if the "Are you sure?" popup for the submit button is enabled, or when you have filled in the Submit button input attributes setting with a "onclick" attribute.
- Fixed tags were sometimes showing in confirmation email.
- Fixed Success page additional HTML shows outside of fieldset box.
- Updated fscf-placeholders.min.js to version 3.0.2.
- Updated Turkish language file

= 4.0.25 =
- (11 Aug 2014) - Fix 'Add New Field' button not working on German translation. last fix was not working.

= 4.0.24 =
- (10 Aug 2014) - Fix 'Add New Field' button not working on German translation.
- Added Silent Conditional Field and value settings for the silent send feature on the Advanced tab. Use this optional setting to conditionally disable silent sending unless this field tag and value are selected and submitted. Example usage: Your form has a checkbox to "signup for our newsletter" with the tag "signup-newsletter". You do a silent send to MailChimp to sign up people to the newsletter but you want to disable the silent send if the checkbox is left unchecked. For this example you will set the Silent Conditional Field to "signup-newsletter" and the Silent Conditional Value to "selected", this will only match the field tag and value when the checkbox is selected on the form.

= 4.0.23 =
- (05 Aug 2014) - Added "Success page additional HTML" setting to the Advanced tab. This is printed on the success page after the message sent text. Useful for tracking a conversion with Google Analytics. Put the Google Code for Conversion Page here. HTML is allowed.
- Fixed email DNS check setting was ignored.

= 4.0.22 =
- (29 Jul 2014) - Fixed support links

= 4.0.21 =
- (21 Jun 2014) - Fixed broken "Disable email sending" for data export.
- Better explanation of email settings. 

= 4.0.20 =
- (11 Jun 2014) - akismet 3.xx compatible.
- Bug fix: ampersand and quotes were showing as entity in the To: name in the email.
- Better explanation of an email setting. 

= 4.0.19 =
- (15 May 2014) - Removed themefuse ad (their site was flagged by Google as possibly infected).
- Bug Fix: the 'follow' feature was not working correctly if fields were re-sorted.
- New feature: When Name field is set to "First Name, Last Name" you can use the check box "inline" to get the last name to follow the first name on the same line.
- tested for WP 3.9.1

= 4.0.18 =
- (07 Dec 2013) - Bug fix: query into hidden field type was not working.
- Bug fix: Standard field labels did not translate in email message.
- Bug fix: Standard field labels changed on the Labels tab did not change in email message.
- Bug fix: fixed HTML validation errors for datepicker css and for textarea.
- Update German, French, and Turkish Languages.

= 4.0.17 =
- (17 Nov 2013) - Bug fix: calendar js conflict when two forms are on same page with date fields.
- Bug fix: "Notice: Undefined index: subject" error if subject field is disabled.
- added filter hook for modifying redirect URL.

= 4.0.16 =
- (25 Oct 2013) - Bug fix: some fields would not validate if value was zero.
- Bug fix: tags for time field types were not working in the confirmation email or subject.
- Bug fix: admin css improvements to avoid conflicting plugins.
- Added ip_address as an available data send / export field.
- Added setting to the Advanced tab to enable and HTML anchor tag on the form POST URL.
- updated German (de_DE) translation. 

= 4.0.15 =
- (12 Oct 2013) - allow HTML in "Your message has been sent, thank you." custom label.
- Bug fix: the attrubutes setting was not working on name, email, subject, fields.
- Bug fix: schedule a meeting button could show when not activated.

= 4.0.14 =
- (11 Oct 2013) - Bug fix: view /print button did not work with some plugins.
- Bug fix: schedule a meeting button user preference default problem.
- updated German (de_DE) translation. 

= 4.0.13 =
- (08 Oct 2013) - Bux fix: some forms would fail to import when label had some Non-US-ASCII or Chinese characters.
- Bug fix: Form save error when tag had some Non-US-ASCII or Chinese characters.  
- Bug fix: button on the Tools tab "Import forms from 3.xx version" did not always work correctly.

= 4.0.11 & 4.0.12 =
- (06 Oct 2013) - Improved placeholder text to work on older browsers.
- Added new style setting for "Placeholder text" so you can change placeholder text color if you want.
- Note: if you are using the External CSS setting you should import the new placeholder css, click "View custom CSS" on the Styles tab to see it.
- added new setting to Advanced tab "Enable to have the email labels on same line as values".
- updated German (de_DE) translation.
- Bug fix: copy styles was not copying all of the style settings.
- Bug fix: button on the Tools tab "Import forms from 3.xx version" did not work correctly.

= 4.0.10 =
- (03 Oct 2013) - Bug fix: Activation generates "unexpected output" notice to admin.
- Bug fix: Could not select "Block spam messages" for Akismet.
- Bug fix: Field Regex was always validating as if required.
- Bug fix: Atachment file types, and file size labels were not working properly.
- Bug fix: Field default text was not showing in form.

= 4.0.9 =
- (02 Oct 2013) - Bug fix: PHP method of calling form display was not working.
- Bug fix: time validation did not work on 24 hour format.

= 4.0.7 & 4.0.8 =
- (01 Oct 2013) - Added a button on the Tools tab "Import forms from 3.xx version" for those who might be troubled by an import failure.
- Bug Fix: fixed a couple problems with importing settings from 3.xx version.
- Bug fix: none of the language translations were working.
- Bug fix: there were some ui image 404 errors from includes/images
- Bug fix: vCita setting error.
- other minor bug fixes.

= 4.0.6 =
- (29 Sep 2013) - Version 4.0.6 is fiinally released after one year of programming by Mike Challis and Ken Carlson and 6 weeks of beta testing.
- Most notable changes:
- All new code base with better use of class structure.
- New user interface with tabs.
- New 'Fields' tab where you can re-order the display sequence of all the fields via a drag and drop interface.
- The standard fields (name,email,subject,message) can now be manipulated and re-ordered along with the extra fields in the new 'Fields' tab.
- Forms are easier to add, remove, label, and select for edit or preview.
- Fields are easier to add, remove, and re-order.
- Easier to use field labels, tags, and field options. You no longer have to escape comas in form labels and options.
- Automatic import of settings from version 2.5.6 and all 3.xx versions.
- You can restore your backed up forms from version 2.8 and newer with 'Restore Settings' on the new 'Tools' tab.
- Updated Online Meeting Scheduler by vCita on the new 'Scheduler' tab.
- Updated 'Constant Contact' plugin integration for the new 'Newsletter' settings tab.
- PHP Sessions are no longer enabled by default allowing for best compatibility with servers, caching, themes, and other plugins. This should resolve any PHP sessions related issues some users had.
- Added filter hooks for 3rd party plugins and custom modifications.
- Improved validation of time fields.
- Improved CAPTCHA images.
- More optimized HTML indents when view source.
- New setting on the Advanced tab to enable a "view / print message" button after message sent. This feature will be skipped if the "redirect after the message sends" is also enabled.
- Default CSS style for 'labels on top' is now responsive(note:your theme style has to be responsive also).
- New feature: for select, radio, checbox-miltiple, select-multiple field types: If you add options as a key==value set (use == to separate) the value will show on the form and the key will show in the email.
- New field Setting: "Hide label" check this setting if you want to hide the field label on the form.
- New field setting: "Default as placeholder" Check this setting if you want the default text to be a placeholder inside the form field. The placeholder is a short hint that is displayed in the input field before the user enters a value. Works with the following input types only: name, email, subject, message, text, textarea, url, and password.
- New tags capability for fields.
- New 'Reset Form' button to Tools tab.
- New 'Delete Form' function to Tools tab.
- New 'Reset Styles on all forms' button to the Tools tab.
- Lots of work on the Style tab:
- Added more style settings for Style of labels, field inputs, buttons, and text.
- Separated style sections into "Alignment DIVs", and "Style of labels, field inputs, buttons, and text".
"Alignment DIVs" settings are for adjusting the alignments of the form elements.
You can also check "reset the alignment" to return to defaults and make the "labels on top" or "labels on left".
"Style of labels, field inputs, buttons, and text" are for setting style of the form labels, field inputs, buttons, and text.
This is a great way to change label or field colors. You can add color:red; any style attributes you want.
You can also check "reset the styles" to return to defaults.
- New setting on the Style tab: "Select the method of delivering the form style":
"Internal Style Sheet CSS (default)"
"External Style Sheet CSS (requires editing theme style.css)"
By default, the FSCF form styles are editable below when using "Internal Style Sheet CSS". The style is included inline in the form HTML.
CSS experts will like the flexibility of using their own custom style sheet by enabling "External Style Sheet CSS", then the FSCF CSS will NOT be included inline in the form HTML, and the custom CSS below must be included in the style.css of the theme. Be sure to remember this if you switch your theme later on.
Premium themes can now add support for Fast Secure Contact Form style in the theme's CSS. Select "External Style Sheet CSS" when instructed by the theme's installation instructions.
- New "Reset Styles on all forms" button to the Tools menu, and you should click it once after upgrading from version 3.xx to acquire the many changes/improvements to the default styles.
- Editorial change: E-mail is now Email, and e-mail is now email.
- Includes all the recent improvements from the 3.xx versions.
- Hundreds of bug fixes and code improvements.

= 4.0.5 Beta 5 =
- (27 Sep 2013) - added ability to use "Default as placeholder" setting with "Enable double email entry" setting enabled. The "Default" setting should be in this example format: "Email==Re-enter Email". Separate words with == separators.
- added ability to use "Default as placeholder" setting with "First Name, Last Name" setting enabled. The "Default" setting should be in this example format: "First Name==Last Name". Separate words with == separators.
- When using "Default as placeholder" setting with "First Name, Middle Name, Last Name" setting enabled. The "Default" setting should be in this example format: "First Name==Middle Name==Last Name". Separate words with == separators.
- added a warning message if placeholder is enabled with empty Default text.
- added a warning message if double email setting is enabled with Default text in wrong format.
- added a warning message if "First Name, Last Name" is enabled with Default text in wrong format.
- Bug Fix: left a diagnostic print statement in the code in the placeholder feature.
- added new feature for select, radio, checbox-miltiple, select-multiple field types: If you add options as a key==value set (use == to separate) the value will show on the form and the key will show in the email.
- added two new settings to fields:
"Hide label" check this setting if you want to hide the field label on the form.
"Default as placeholder" Check this setting if you want the default text to be a placeholder inside the form field. The placeholder is a short hint that is displayed in the input field before the user enters a value. Works with the following input types only: name, email, subject, message, text, textarea, url, and password.
- added a "Reset Styles on all forms" button to the Tools menu, and I suggest clicking it each time you replace the plugin files to test the beta because I have been making many changes/improvements to the default styles.
- added new css element "Field Pre-Follow DIV" (fscf-div-field-prefollow) to properly set fields just to before the follow fields to the proper with while allowing wider labels for other fields.
- changed the CSS for the "Field Left DIV" (fscf-div-field-left) on 'labels on top' setting to fix labels not wide enough problem.
- Fix bug: option value of '0' was deleted.
- got rid of the additional sentence "Enter your email again." and the fields are now "Email", and "Re-Enter Email", just like Facebook signup has it.
- On Fields tab changed 'Name' setting to 'Label' as it perfectly relates to the actual form element.
- renamed the 'Border Style' setting to 'Fieldset Box' as it perfectly relates to the actual form element.
- also the external CSS element 'fscf-border' was renamed to 'fscf-fieldset'
- added width:99%; max-width:250px; to the Field Follow DIV (labels on top) so follow fields are matching width
- added a separate style for fieldset field, so now there is "Form Fieldset Box" (fscf-fieldset) for the form fieldset and "Field Fieldset Box" (fscf-fieldset-field) for fieldset field types.

= 4.0.4 Beta 4 =
- (24 Sep 2013) - added a setting on the Advanced tab to enable a "view / print message" button after message sent. This feature will be skipped if the "redirect after the message sends" is also enabled.
- added vCita Online Appointment scheduler.
- added a couple more style settings for vCita.
- integrated vcita with external style CSS feature.
- added mode Save Changes buttons on settings pages.
- Optimized default styles some more. To aquire all the new style changes, you have to click the checkboxes to reset the styles on the Style settings tab.
- Default CSS for 'labels on top' is now responsive(note:your theme has to be also).
- Removed settings for text field size, textarea cols and rows, because this is now controlled by CSS instead.
- Adjusted CAPTCHA fonts larger.
- All time field selects default to blank, then you select them.
- Improved the time validation: if a time field is not required and you select hour but not day, it will fail validation with message: "The time selections are incomplete, select all or none."
- the * prefix is really not necessary for single selections in the email, so I removed it,
- you should only have a ' * ' separating fields with multiple selected options from now on.
- Fix bug: time fields now obey required, not required.
- added new setting to Advanced tab: "Enable to skip names of non-required and unfilled-out fields in emails."
- Fix bug: required field checkbox was stuck on required on every field when double email field was enabled.
- added more ID tags to form HTML.

= 4.0.3 Beta 3 =
- (16 Sep 2013) - added more ID tags to form HTML.
- More work on the Style tab:
- added new setting to "Select the method of delivering the form style":
- "Internal Style Sheet CSS (default)"
- "External Style Sheet CSS (requires editing theme style.css)"
- By default, the FSCF form styles are editable below when using "Internal Style Sheet CSS". The style is included inline in the form HTML.
- CSS experts will like the flexibility of using their own custom style sheet by enabling "External Style Sheet CSS", then the FSCF CSS will NOT be included inline in the form HTML, and the custom CSS below must be included in the style.css of the theme. Be sure to remember this if you switch your theme later on.
- Premium themes may have added support for Fast Secure Contact Form style in the theme's style.css. Select "External Style Sheet CSS" when instructed by the theme's installation instructions.
- Note: if you use the setting "reset the alignment styles to labels on left(or top)", or "Reset the styles of labels, field inputs, buttons, and text", then the custom CSS below will reflect the changes. You would have to edit your custom CSS again to see the changes on the form.
- "Required field" will also be set when double email is enabled in the Email Address field settings.
- added Save Changes button to field details on the Fields tab
- added (standard field) note next to standard field names on the Fields tab.
- added note "Standard field names can be changed on the Labels tab." to the field details on the Fields tab
- added standard field note will indicate if a (standard field name was changed on the Labels tab).
- added a couple more filters.
- If you have changed a standard field label, it will display the changed label in bold on the Fields tab.
- Optimized code for email from name when name field is disabled
- Fix big: date validation failed if date field was emptied, even if date not required.
- Added "After form message" setting to the "Advanced' tab, you can use this to add any HTML after the form.
- Adjusted CAPTCHA difficulty down slightly.
- Fix big: now uses correct Return-path address setting for the confirmation email
- Fix bug: confirmation email might send to admin if email field is disabled
- updated http://www.fastsecurecontactform.com/how-to-add-extra-fields
- Editorial changes to field instructions.
- Fix bug: the tools tab lost focus when submitting a tool option.

= 4.0.2 Beta 2 =
- (30 Aug 2013) - Lots of work on the Style tab:
- Added more style settings for Style of labels, field inputs, buttons, and text.
- Separated style sections into "Alignment DIVs", and "Style of labels, field inputs, buttons, and text".
- "Alignment DIVs" settings are for adjusting the alignments of the form elements.
- You can also check "reset the alignment" to return to defaults and make the "labels on top" or "labels on left".
- "Style of labels, field inputs, buttons, and text" are for setting style of the form labels, field inputs, buttons, and text.
- This is a great way to change label or field colors. You can add color:red; any style attributes you want.
- You can also check "reset the styles" to return to defaults.
- Fix bug: The donate box div did not minify.
- Fix bug: The Label CSS and Field CSS field options did not work on all field types.
- Fix bug: max_forms_num could get out of sync when deleting forms.
- Fix bug: setting was ignored "Enable sender information in email footer"
- Fix bug: Custom Label CSS was ignored for checkbox, checkbox-multiple, and radio fields.
- Fix bug: CSS setting 'labels on left' messed up checkbox, checkbox-multiple, and radio fields.
- Fix bug: CSS setting 'labels on left' messed up HTML before/after form field position.
- Fix bug: Field Label setting for the Reset button adds onclick= to the label.
- Fix bug: When viewing a form preview, changing the form select switches back to Edit mode.
- Fix Bug: Reply-To email header was set to incorrect address.
- "Email From" setting renamed to the more accurate "Return-path address".
- Fixed and added more error label settings.
- Moved "Enable PHP sessions" setting to the 'Advanced' tab.
- Split 'Styles/Labels' tab into a 'Styles' tab and a 'Labels' tab.
- Optimize backup file download then test with IE, FF, Chrome, Opera.
- Added form_number to the 'fsctf_mail_sent' action hook object array
- Added 'Domain Protect Settings' to the 'Security' settings tab
- Added setting for "Additional allowed domain names(optional)" to the 'Security' settings tab.
- Added show/hide details labels to field settings toggle buttons.
- Added focus to new field with message when adding New Field.
- Added setting: CSS style for form checkbox, checkbox-multiple, and radio labels. (useful to change colors).
- Updated admin and form stylesheets.
- Edited some settings labels.
- More optimized HTML indents when view source.
- Minor UI changes.

= 4.0.1 Beta 1 =
- (15 Aug 2013) - After one year of hard work, Mike Chalis and Ken Carlson have redeveloped the whole plugin.
- All new codebase with better use of class structure.
- New user interface with tabs.
- New 'Fields' tab where you can re-order the display sequence of all the fields via a drag and drop interface.
- The standard fields (name,email,subject,message) can now be manipulated and re-ordered along with the extra fields in the new 'Fields' tab.
- Forms are easier to add, remove, label, and select for edit or preview.
- Fields are easier to add, remove, and re-order.
- Easier to use field labels, tags, and field options. You no longer have to escape comas in form labels and options.
- A 'Reset Form' and 'Delete Form' button has been added to the new 'Tools' tab.
- Automatic import of settings from older version 2.5.6 and newer.
- You can restore your backed up forms from version 2.8 and newer with 'Restore Settings' on the new 'Tools' tab.
- Updated Meeting Scheduler - by vCita is still being developed for the new 'Meeting' settings tab.
- Updated 'Constant Contact' plugin integration for the new 'Newsletter' settings tab.
- PHP Sessions are no longer enabled by default allowing for best compatibility with servers, caching, themes, and other plugins. This should resolve many sessions related issues some users had.
- Added filter hooks for 3rd party plugins.
- Removed HTML before/after field divs.
- Relocated some email settings from 'Basic Settings' to 'Advanced' tab.
- Editorial change: E-mail is now Email, e-mail is email
- Includes all the recent improvements from the 3.xx versions.
- Many bug fixes and code improvements.

= 3.1.9 =
- (15 Aug 2013) - Added announcement of Fast Secure Contact Form Version 4.0 Beta was released August, 15 2013. Please help test it!
- [Download and test the 4.0 Beta](http://www.fastsecurecontactform.com/beta)

= =
- (13 Aug 2013) - fixed label style for checkbox, checkbox-multiple, and radio field types.
- removed divs for HTML before/after field settings.
- minor bug fixes.

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- (18 Jul 2013) - added new settings: "Submit button input attributes" and "Form action attributes". These can be used for Google Analytics tracking code.
- added captcha font randomization.
- fixed date does not have to be required.
- fixed date error message translation.

= =
- (07 Jul 2013) - Fixed CAPTCHA PHP warning on some servers.
- Added better date input validation.

[Fast Secure Contact Form - WordPress changelog archive](http://www.fastsecurecontactform.com/changelog-archive)