
Your IP :

Current Path : /home/scgforma/www/soctest/htdocs/societe/
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Current File : /home/scgforma/www/soctest/htdocs/societe/document.php

/* Copyright (C) 2002-2007 Rodolphe Quiedeville <rodolphe@quiedeville.org>
 * Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Laurent Destailleur  <eldy@users.sourceforge.net>
 * Copyright (C) 2005-2012 Regis Houssin        <regis.houssin@inodbox.com>
 * Copyright (C) 2010      Juanjo Menent        <jmenent@2byte.es>
 * Copyright (C) 2013      CĂ©dric Salvador      <csalvador@gpcsolutions.fr>
 * Copyright (C) 2015      Marcos GarcĂ­a        <marcosgdf@gmail.com>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

 *  \file       htdocs/societe/document.php
 *  \brief      Tab for documents linked to third party
 *  \ingroup    societe

require '../main.inc.php';
require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/company.lib.php';
require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/files.lib.php';
require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/images.lib.php';
require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/html.formfile.class.php';

$langs->loadLangs(array("companies", "other"));

$action=GETPOST('action', 'aZ09');
$id=(GETPOST('socid', 'int') ? GETPOST('socid', 'int') : GETPOST('id', 'int'));
$ref = GETPOST('ref', 'alpha');

// Security check
if ($user->societe_id > 0)
	$socid = $user->societe_id;
$result = restrictedArea($user, 'societe', $id, '&societe');

// Get parameters
$sortfield = GETPOST("sortfield", 'alpha');
$sortorder = GETPOST("sortorder", 'alpha');
$page = GETPOST("page", 'int');
if (empty($page) || $page == -1) { $page = 0; }     // If $page is not defined, or '' or -1
$offset = $conf->liste_limit * $page;
$pageprev = $page - 1;
$pagenext = $page + 1;
if (! $sortorder) $sortorder="ASC";
if (! $sortfield) $sortfield="position_name";

$object = new Societe($db);
if ($id > 0 || ! empty($ref))
	$result = $object->fetch($id, $ref);

	$upload_dir = $conf->societe->multidir_output[$object->entity] . "/" . $object->id ;
	$courrier_dir = $conf->societe->multidir_output[$object->entity] . "/courrier/" . get_exdir($object->id, 0, 0, 0, $object, 'thirdparty');

// Initialize technical object to manage hooks of page. Note that conf->hooks_modules contains array of hook context

 * Actions

include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/core/actions_linkedfiles.inc.php';

 * View

$form = new Form($db);

$title=$langs->trans("ThirdParty").' - '.$langs->trans("Files");
if (! empty($conf->global->MAIN_HTML_TITLE) && preg_match('/thirdpartynameonly/', $conf->global->MAIN_HTML_TITLE) && $object->name) $title=$object->name.' - '.$langs->trans("Files");
llxHeader('', $title, $help_url);

if ($object->id)
	 * Show tabs
	if (! empty($conf->notification->enabled)) $langs->load("mails");
	$head = societe_prepare_head($object);

	$form=new Form($db);

	dol_fiche_head($head, 'document', $langs->trans("ThirdParty"), -1, 'company');

	// Build file list
	$filearray=dol_dir_list($upload_dir, "files", 0, '', '(\.meta|_preview.*\.png)$', $sortfield, (strtolower($sortorder)=='desc'?SORT_DESC:SORT_ASC), 1);
	foreach($filearray as $key => $file)

    $linkback = '<a href="'.DOL_URL_ROOT.'/societe/list.php?restore_lastsearch_values=1">'.$langs->trans("BackToList").'</a>';

    dol_banner_tab($object, 'socid', $linkback, ($user->societe_id?0:1), 'rowid', 'nom');

    print '<div class="fichecenter">';

    print '<div class="underbanner clearboth"></div>';
	print '<table class="border tableforfield centpercent">';

	// Prefix
	if (! empty($conf->global->SOCIETE_USEPREFIX))  // Old not used prefix field
		print '<tr><td class="titlefield">'.$langs->trans('Prefix').'</td><td colspan="3">'.$object->prefix_comm.'</td></tr>';

	if ($object->client)
		print '<tr><td class="titlefield">';
		print $langs->trans('CustomerCode').'</td><td colspan="3">';
		print $object->code_client;
		if ($object->check_codeclient() <> 0) print ' <font class="error">('.$langs->trans("WrongCustomerCode").')</font>';
		print '</td></tr>';

	if ($object->fournisseur)
		print '<tr><td class="titlefield">';
		print $langs->trans('SupplierCode').'</td><td colspan="3">';
		print $object->code_fournisseur;
		if ($object->check_codefournisseur() <> 0) print ' <font class="error">('.$langs->trans("WrongSupplierCode").')</font>';
		print '</td></tr>';

	// Number of files
	print '<tr><td class="titlefield">'.$langs->trans("NbOfAttachedFiles").'</td><td colspan="3">'.count($filearray).'</td></tr>';

	// Total size
	print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans("TotalSizeOfAttachedFiles").'</td><td colspan="3">'.dol_print_size($totalsize, 1, 1).'</td></tr>';

	print '</table>';

	print '</div>';


	$modulepart = 'societe';
	$permission = $user->rights->societe->creer;
	$permtoedit = $user->rights->societe->creer;
	$param = '&id=' . $object->id;
	include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/core/tpl/document_actions_post_headers.tpl.php';
	accessforbidden('', 0, 0);

// End of page