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# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - printing
Module64000Name=Direct Printing
Module64000Desc=Enable Direct Printing System
PrintingSetup=Setup of Direct Printing System
PrintingDesc=This module adds a Print button to send documents directly to a printer (without opening document into an application) with various module.
MenuDirectPrinting=Direct Printing jobs
DirectPrint=Direct print
PrintingDriverDesc=Configuration variables for printing driver.
ListDrivers=List of drivers
PrintTestDesc=List of Printers.
FileWasSentToPrinter=File %s was sent to printer
ViaModule=via the module
NoActivePrintingModuleFound=No active driver to print document. Check setup of module %s.
PleaseSelectaDriverfromList=Please select a driver from list.
PleaseConfigureDriverfromList=Please configure the selected driver from list.
SetupDriver=Driver setup
TargetedPrinter=Targeted printer
UserConf=Setup per user
PRINTGCP_INFO=Google OAuth API setup
PRINTGCP_TOKEN_ACCESS=Google Cloud Print OAuth Token
PrintGCPDesc=This driver allow to send documents directly to a printer with Google Cloud Print.
GCP_displayName=Display Name
GCP_Id=Printer Id
GCP_OwnerName=Owner Name
GCP_State=Printer State
GCP_connectionStatus=Online State
GCP_Type=Printer Type
PrintIPPDesc=This driver allow to send documents directly to a printer. It requires a Linux system with CUPS installed.
PRINTIPP_HOST=Print server
NoDefaultPrinterDefined=No default printer defined
DefaultPrinter=Default printer
IPP_Uri=Printer Uri
IPP_Name=Printer Name
IPP_State=Printer State
IPP_State_reason=State reason
IPP_State_reason1=State reason1
IPP_Media=Printer media
IPP_Supported=Type of media
DirectPrintingJobsDesc=This page lists printing jobs found for available printers.
GoogleAuthNotConfigured=Google OAuth setup not done. Enable module OAuth and set a Google ID/Secret.
GoogleAuthConfigured=Google OAuth credentials were found into setup of module OAuth.
PrintingDriverDescprintgcp=Configuration variables for printing driver Google Cloud Print.
PrintTestDescprintgcp=List of Printers for Google Cloud Print.