
Your IP :

Current Path : /home/scgforma/www/soctest/htdocs/langs/tr_TR/
Upload File :
Current File : /home/scgforma/www/soctest/htdocs/langs/tr_TR/website.lang

# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - website
WebsiteSetupDesc=Kullanmak istediğiniz web sitelerini burada oluşturun. Daha sonra bunları düzenlemek için "Web siteleri" menüsüne gidin.
DeleteWebsite=Websitesi sil
ConfirmDeleteWebsite=Are you sure you want to delete this web site? All its pages and content will also be removed. The files uploaded (like into the medias directory, the ECM module, ...) will remain.
WEBSITE_TYPE_CONTAINER=Sayfa/kapsayıcı türü
WEBSITE_PAGE_EXAMPLE=Örnek olarak kullanılacak web sayfası
WEBSITE_PAGENAME=Sayfa adı/rumuz
WEBSITE_ALIASALT=Alternatif sayfa adları/takma adlar
WEBSITE_ALIASALTDesc=Use here list of other name/aliases so the page can also be accessed using this other names/aliases (for example the old name after renaming the alias to keep backlink on old link/name working). Syntax is:<br>alternativename1, alternativename2, ...
WEBSITE_CSS_INLINE=CSS dosya içeriği (tüm sayfalarda ortak)
WEBSITE_JS_INLINE=Javascript dosya içeriği (tüm sayfalarda ortak)
WEBSITE_HTML_HEADER=Addition at bottom of HTML Header (common to all pages)
WEBSITE_ROBOT=Robot dosyası (robots.txt)
WEBSITE_HTACCESS=Web sitesinin .htaccess dosyası
WEBSITE_MANIFEST_JSON=Website manifest.json file
EnterHereLicenseInformation=Enter here meta data or license information to fille a README.md file. if you distribute your website as a template, the file will be included into the temptate package.
HtmlHeaderPage=HTML başlığı (yalnızca bu sayfaya özgü)
PageNameAliasHelp=Sayfanın adı veya takma adı.<br>Bu takma ad, web sitesi bir web sunucusunun (Apacke, Nginx gibi ...) Sanal host'undan çalıştırıldığında bir SEO URL'si oluşturmak için de kullanılır. Bu takma adı düzenlemek için "<strong>%s</strong>" düşmesini kullanın.
EditTheWebSiteForACommonHeader=Note: If you want to define a personalized header for all pages, edit the header on the site level instead of on the page/container.
MediaFiles=Medya kütüphanesi
EditCss=Web sitesi özelliklerini düzenle
EditMenu=Menü düzenle
EditMedias=Medyaları düzenle
EditPageMeta=Sayfa/kapsayıcı özelliklerini düzenle
EditInLine=Satır içi düzenle
AddWebsite=Web sitesi ekle
Webpage=Web sayfası/kapsayıcı
AddPage=Sayfa/kapsayıcı ekle
HomePage=Ana Sayfa
PreviewOfSiteNotYetAvailable=Preview of your website <strong>%s</strong> not yet available. You must first '<strong>Import a full website template</strong>' or just '<strong>Add a page/container</strong>'.
RequestedPageHasNoContentYet=İstenen %s kimlik numaralı sayfa henüz bir içeriğe sahip değil, önbellek dosyası .tpl.php kaldırıldı. Bu sorunu çözmek için sayfa içeriğini düzenleyin.
SiteDeleted='%s' web sitesi silindi
PageDeleted=%s websitesinin Sayfa/Kapsayıcı '%s'  öğesi silindi
PageAdded=Sayfa/Kapsayıcı '%s'  eklendi
ViewSiteInNewTab=Siteyi yeni sekmede izle
ViewPageInNewTab=Siteyi yeni sekmede izle
SetAsHomePage=Giriş Sayfası olarak ayarla
RealURL=Gerçek URL
ViewWebsiteInProduction=Web sitesini giriÅŸ URL si kullanarak izle
SetHereVirtualHost=<u>Use with Apache/NGinx/...</u><br>If you can create, on your web server (Apache, Nginx, ...), a dedicated Virtual Host with PHP enabled and a Root directory on<br><strong>%s</strong><br>then set the name of the virtual host you have created in the properties of web site, so the preview can be done also using this dedicated web server access instead of the internal Dolibarr server.
YouCanAlsoTestWithPHPS=<u>PHP gömülü sunucu ile kullanın</u><br>Geliştirme ortamında, siteyi PHP gömülü web sunucusu ile test etmeyi tercih edebilirsiniz (PHP 5.5 gerekli)<br><strong>php -S -t%s</strong>
YouCanAlsoDeployToAnotherWHP=<u>Run your web site with another Dolibarr Hosting provider</u><br>If you don't have a web server like Apache or NGinx available on internet, you can export and import your web site onto another Dolibarr instance provided by another Dolibarr hosting provider that provide full integration with the Website module. You can find a list of some Dolibarr hosting providers on <a href="https://saas.dolibarr.org" target="_blank">https://saas.dolibarr.org</a>
CheckVirtualHostPerms=Check also that virtual host has permission <strong>%s</strong> on files into<br><strong>%s</strong>
TestDeployOnWeb=Test/deploy on web
PreviewSiteServedByWebServer=<u>Preview %s in a new tab.</u><br><br>The %s will be served by an external web server (like Apache, Nginx, IIS). You must install and setup this server before to point to directory:<br><strong>%s</strong><br>URL served by external server:<br><strong>%s</strong>
PreviewSiteServedByDolibarr=<u>Preview %s in a new tab.</u><br><br>The %s will be served by Dolibarr server so it does not need any extra web server (like Apache, Nginx, IIS) to be installed.<br>The inconvenient is that URL of pages are not user friendly and start with path of your Dolibarr.<br>URL served by Dolibarr:<br><strong>%s</strong><br><br>To use your own external web server to serve this web site, create a virtual host on your web server that point on directory<br><strong>%s</strong><br>then enter the name of this virtual server and click on the other preview button.
VirtualHostUrlNotDefined=Harici web sunucusu tarafından sunulan sanal host URL'si tanımlanmamış
NoPageYet=Henüz hiç sayfa yok
YouCanCreatePageOrImportTemplate=Yeni bir sayfa oluşturabilir veya tam bir web sitesi şablonunu içe aktarabilirsiniz
SyntaxHelp=Belirli sözdizimi ipuçları hakkında yardım
YouCanEditHtmlSourceckeditor=Düzenleyicideki "Kaynak" düğmesini kullanarak HTML kaynak kodunu düzenleyebilirsiniz
YouCanEditHtmlSource=<br><span class="fa fa-bug"></span> You can include PHP code into this source using tags <strong>&lt;?php ?&gt;</strong>. The following global variables are available: $conf, $db, $mysoc, $user, $website, $websitepage, $weblangs.<br><br><span class="fa fa-bug"></span> You can also include content of another Page/Container with the following syntax:<br><strong>&lt;?php includeContainer('alias_of_container_to_include'); ?&gt;</strong><br><br><span class="fa fa-bug"></span> You can make a redirect to another Page/Container with the following syntax (Note: do not output any content before a redirect):<br><strong>&lt;?php redirectToContainer('alias_of_container_to_redirect_to'); ?&gt;</strong><br><br><span class="fa fa-link"></span> To add a link to another page, use the syntax:<br><strong>&lt;a href="alias_of_page_to_link_to.php"&gt;mylink&lt;a&gt;</strong><br><br><span class="fa fa-download"></span> To include a <strong>link to download</strong> a file stored into the <strong>documents</strong> directory, use the <strong>document.php</strong> wrapper:<br>Example, for a file into documents/ecm (need to be logged), syntax is:<br><strong>&lt;a href="/document.php?modulepart=ecm&file=[relative_dir/]filename.ext"&gt;</strong><br>For a file into documents/medias (open directory for public access), syntax is:<br><strong>&lt;a href="/document.php?modulepart=medias&file=[relative_dir/]filename.ext"&gt;</strong><br>For a file shared with a share link (open access using the sharing hash key of file), syntax is:<br><strong>&lt;a href="/document.php?hashp=publicsharekeyoffile"&gt;</strong><br><br><span class="fa fa-picture-o"></span> To include an <strong>image</strong> stored into the <strong>documents</strong> directory, use the <strong>viewimage.php</strong> wrapper:<br>Example, for an image into documents/medias (open directory for public access), syntax is:<br><strong>&lt;img src="/viewimage.php?modulepart=medias&amp;file=[relative_dir/]filename.ext"&gt;</strong><br>
ClonePage=Sayfa/kapsayıcı kopyasını oluştur
CloneSite=Sitenin kopyasını oluştur
SiteAdded=Web sitesi eklendi
ConfirmClonePage=Please enter code/alias of new page and if it is a translation of the cloned page.
PageIsANewTranslation=Yeni sayfa mevcut sayfanın çevirisi mi?
LanguageMustNotBeSameThanClonedPage=You clone a page as a translation. The language of the new page must be different than language of source page.
ParentPageId=Ãœst sayfa kimliÄŸi
WebsiteId=Web Sitesi KimliÄŸi
CreateByFetchingExternalPage=Harici bir URL'den sayfa çekerek sayfa/kapsayıcı oluştur...
OrEnterPageInfoManually=Or create page from scratch or from a page template...
FetchAndCreate=Getir ve OluÅŸtur
ExportSite=Web sitesini dışa aktar
ImportSite=Web sitesi şablonunu içe aktar
IDOfPage=Sayfanın kimliği
BlogPost=Blog yazısı
WebsiteAccount=Web sitesi hesabı
WebsiteAccounts=Web sitesi hesapları
AddWebsiteAccount=Web sitesi hesabı oluştur
BackToListOfThirdParty=Üçüncü Parti listesine geri dön
DisableSiteFirst=Önce web sitesini devre dışı bırak
MyContainerTitle=Web sitemin başlığı
AnotherContainer=This is how to include content of another page/container (you may have an error here if you enable dynamic code because the embedded subcontainer may not exists)
SorryWebsiteIsCurrentlyOffLine=Sorry, this website is currently off line. Please comme back later...
WEBSITE_USE_WEBSITE_ACCOUNTS=Web sitesi hesap tablosunu etkinleÅŸtir
WEBSITE_USE_WEBSITE_ACCOUNTSTooltip=Enable the table to store web site accounts (login/pass) for each website / third party
YouMustDefineTheHomePage=Öncelikle varsayılan Giriş sayfasını tanımlamanız gerekir
OnlyEditionOfSourceForGrabbedContentFuture=Warning: Creating a web page by importing an external web page is reserved for experienced users. Depending on the complexity of source page, the result of importation may differ from the original. Also if the source page uses common CSS styles or conflicting javascript, it may break the look or features of the Website editor when working on this page. This method is a quicker way to create a page but it is recommended to create your new page from scratch or from a suggested page template.<br>Note also that edits of HTML source will be possible when page content has been initialized by grabbing it from an external page ("Online" editor will NOT be available)
OnlyEditionOfSourceForGrabbedContent=Only edition of HTML source is possible when content was grabbed from an external site
GrabImagesInto=Grab also images found into css and page.
ImagesShouldBeSavedInto=Görüntüler dizine kaydedilmelidir
WebsiteRootOfImages=Web sitesi görüntü dosyaları için kök dizin
SubdirOfPage=Sayfaya adanmış alt-dizin
AliasPageAlreadyExists=Alias page <strong>%s</strong> already exists
CorporateHomePage=Kurumsal Giriş sayfası
EmptyPage=BoÅŸ sayfa
ExternalURLMustStartWithHttp=Harici URL http:// veya https:// ile başlamalıdır
ZipOfWebsitePackageToImport=Upload the Zip file of the website template package
ZipOfWebsitePackageToLoad=or Choose an available embedded website template package
ShowSubcontainers=Dinamik içeriği dahil et
InternalURLOfPage=Sayfanın iç URL'si
ThisPageIsTranslationOf=This page/container is a translation of
ThisPageHasTranslationPages=Bu sayfa/kapsayıcı'nın çevirisi mevcut
NoWebSiteCreateOneFirst=Henüz bir web sitesi oluşturulmadı. Önce bir tane oluşturun.
GoTo=Go to
DynamicPHPCodeContainsAForbiddenInstruction=You add dynamic PHP code that contains the PHP instruction '<strong>%s</strong>' that is forbidden by default as dynamic content (see hidden options WEBSITE_PHP_ALLOW_xxx to increase list of allowed commands).
NotAllowedToAddDynamicContent=You don't have permission to add or edit PHP dynamic content in websites. Ask permission or just keep code into php tags unmodified.
ReplaceWebsiteContent=Search or Replace website content
DeleteAlsoJs=Bu web sitesine özgü tüm javascript dosyaları da silinsin mi?
DeleteAlsoMedias=Bu web sitesine özgü tüm medya dosyaları da silinsin mi?
MyWebsitePages=My website pages
SearchReplaceInto=Search | Replace into
ReplaceString=New string
CSSContentTooltipHelp=Enter here CSS content. To avoid any conflict with the CSS of the application, be sure to prepend all declaration with the .bodywebsite class. For example:<br><br>#mycssselector, input.myclass:hover { ... }<br>must be<br>.bodywebsite #mycssselector, .bodywebsite input.myclass:hover { ... }<br><br>Note: If you have a large file without this prefix, you can use 'lessc' to convert it to append the .bodywebsite prefix everywhere.
LinkAndScriptsHereAreNotLoadedInEditor=Warning: This content is output only when site is accessed from a server. It is not used in Edit mode so if you need to load javascript files also in edit mode, just add your tag 'script src=...' into the page.
Dynamiccontent=Sample of a page with dynamic content
ImportSite=Web sitesi şablonunu içe aktar