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# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - install
InstallEasy=Följ bara instruktionerna steg för steg.
MiscellaneousChecks=FörutsÀttningar kontrolleras
ConfFileExists=Konfigurationsfilen <b>%s</b> finns.
ConfFileDoesNotExistsAndCouldNotBeCreated=Configuration file <b>%s</b> does not exist and could not be created!
ConfFileCouldBeCreated=Konfigurationsfil <b>%s</b> skulle kunna skapas.
ConfFileIsNotWritable=Configuration file <b>%s</b> is not writable. Check permissions. For first install, your web server must be able to write into this file during configuration process ("chmod 666" for example on a Unix like OS).
ConfFileIsWritable=Konfigurationsfilen <b>%s</b> Àr skrivbar.
ConfFileMustBeAFileNotADir=Configuration file <b>%s</b> must be a file, not a directory.
ConfFileReload=Reloading parameters from configuration file.
PHPSupportSessions=Detta stöder PHP sessioner.
PHPSupportPOSTGETOk=Detta stöder PHP variabler POST och GET.
PHPSupportPOSTGETKo=It's possible your PHP setup does not support variables POST and/or GET. Check the parameter <b>variables_order</b> in php.ini.
PHPSupportGD=This PHP supports GD graphical functions.
PHPSupportCurl=This PHP supports Curl.
PHPSupportUTF8=This PHP supports UTF8 functions.
PHPSupportIntl=This PHP supports Intl functions.
PHPMemoryOK=Din PHP max session minne Àr instÀllt pÄ <b>%s.</b> Detta bör vara nog.
PHPMemoryTooLow=Your PHP max session memory is set to <b>%s</b> bytes. This is too low. Change your <b>php.ini</b> to set <b>memory_limit</b> parameter to at least <b>%s</b> bytes.
Recheck=Click here for a more detailed test
ErrorPHPDoesNotSupportSessions=Your PHP installation does not support sessions. This feature is required to allow Dolibarr to work. Check your PHP setup and permissions of the sessions directory.
ErrorPHPDoesNotSupportGD=Your PHP installation does not support GD graphical functions. No graphs will be available.
ErrorPHPDoesNotSupportCurl=Your PHP installation does not support Curl.
ErrorPHPDoesNotSupportUTF8=Your PHP installation does not support UTF8 functions. Dolibarr cannot work correctly. Resolve this before installing Dolibarr.
ErrorPHPDoesNotSupportIntl=Your PHP installation does not support Intl functions.
ErrorDirDoesNotExists=Nummer %s finns inte.
ErrorGoBackAndCorrectParameters=Go back and check/correct the parameters.
ErrorWrongValueForParameter=Du kan ha skrivit fel vÀrde för parametern &quot;%s&quot;.
ErrorFailedToCreateDatabase=Misslyckades med att skapa databasen %s.
ErrorFailedToConnectToDatabase=Det gick inte att ansluta till databasen &quot;%s&quot;.
ErrorDatabaseVersionTooLow=Databasens version (%s) för gammal. Version %s eller senare krÀvs.
ErrorPHPVersionTooLow=PHP version gamla ocksÄ. Version %s krÀvs.
ErrorConnectedButDatabaseNotFound=Connection to server successful but database '%s' not found.
ErrorDatabaseAlreadyExists=Databas &quot;%s&quot; finns redan.
IfDatabaseNotExistsGoBackAndUncheckCreate=If the database does not exist, go back and check option "Create database".
IfDatabaseExistsGoBackAndCheckCreate=Om databasen redan finns, gÄ tillbaka och avmarkera &quot;Skapa databasen&quot; valen.
WarningBrowserTooOld=Version of browser is too old. Upgrading your browser to a recent version of Firefox, Chrome or Opera is highly recommended.
PHPVersion=PHP Version
License=AnvÀnda licens
WebPagesDirectory=Katalog dÀr webbsidor lagras
DocumentsDirectory=Katalog för att lagra upp och genererade dokument
URLRoot=URL Root
ForceHttps=Tvinga sÀkra anslutningar (https)
CheckToForceHttps=Markera detta alternativ för att tvinga sÀkra anslutningar (https). <br> Detta krÀver att webbservern Àr konfigurerad med ett SSL-certifikat.
DolibarrDatabase=Dolibarr Database
DatabaseType=Databas typ
DriverType=Driver typ
ServerAddressDescription=Name or ip address for the database server. Usually 'localhost' when the database server is hosted on the same server as the web server.
ServerPortDescription=Databasservern hamn. HÄll tom om okÀnd.
DatabaseName=Databas namn
DatabasePrefix=Database table prefix
DatabasePrefixDescription=Database table prefix. If empty, defaults to llx_.
AdminLogin=User account for the Dolibarr database owner.
PasswordAgain=Retype password confirmation
AdminPassword=Lösenord för Dolibarr databas Àgaren.
CreateDatabase=Skapa databas
CreateUser=Create user account or grant user account permission on the Dolibarr database
DatabaseSuperUserAccess=Databasserver - superanvÀndare tillgÄng
CheckToCreateDatabase=Check the box if the database does not exist yet and so must be created.<br>In this case, you must also fill in the user name and password for the superuser account at the bottom of this page.
CheckToCreateUser=Check the box if:<br>the database user account does not yet exist and so must be created, or<br>if the user account exists but the database does not exist and permissions must be granted.<br>In this case, you must enter the user account and password and <b>also</b> the superuser account name and password at the bottom of this page. If this box is unchecked, database owner and password must already exist.
DatabaseRootLoginDescription=Superuser account name (to create new databases or new users), mandatory if the database or its owner does not already exist.
KeepEmptyIfNoPassword=Leave empty if superuser has no password (NOT recommended)
SaveConfigurationFile=Saving parameters to
DatabaseCreation=Databas skapas
CreateDatabaseObjects=Databasobjekt skapande
ReferenceDataLoading=Referensdata lastning
TablesAndPrimaryKeysCreation=Tabeller och primÀrnycklar skapande
CreateTableAndPrimaryKey=Skapa tabell %s
CreateOtherKeysForTable=Skapa frÀmmande nycklar och index för tabell %s
OtherKeysCreation=FrÀmmande nycklar och index skapande
FunctionsCreation=Funktioner skapande
AdminAccountCreation=Administratören logik skapande
PleaseTypePassword=Please type a password, empty passwords are not allowed!
PleaseTypeALogin=Please type a login!
PasswordsMismatch=Passwords differs, please try again!
SetupEnd=Slutet av installationen
SystemIsInstalled=Denna installation Àr klar.
SystemIsUpgraded=Dolibarr har uppgraderats med framgÄng.
YouNeedToPersonalizeSetup=Du mÄste konfigurera Dolibarr till era behov (utseende, funktioner, ...). För att göra detta, följ lÀnken nedan:
AdminLoginCreatedSuccessfuly=Dolibarr administrator login '<b>%s</b>' created successfully.
GoToDolibarr=GĂ„ till Dolibarr
GoToSetupArea=GÄ till Dolibarr (setup-omrÄdet)
MigrationNotFinished=The database version is not completely up to date: run the upgrade process again.
GoToUpgradePage=GĂ„ till uppgradering sida igen
WithNoSlashAtTheEnd=Utan ett snedstreck &quot;/&quot; i slutet
DirectoryRecommendation=It is recommended to use a directory outside of the web pages.
LoginAlreadyExists=Redan finns
DolibarrAdminLogin=Dolibarr admin logik
AdminLoginAlreadyExists=Dolibarr administrator account '<b>%s</b>' already exists. Go back if you want to create another one.
FailedToCreateAdminLogin=Failed to create Dolibarr administrator account.
WarningRemoveInstallDir=Warning, for security reasons, once the install or upgrade is complete, you should add a file called <b>install.lock</b> into the Dolibarr document directory in order to prevent the accidental/malicious use of the install tools again.
FunctionNotAvailableInThisPHP=Not available in this PHP
ChoosedMigrateScript=VĂ€lj migration script
DataMigration=Database migration (data)
DatabaseMigration=Database migration (structure + some data)
ProcessMigrateScript=Script bearbetning
ChooseYourSetupMode=VÀlj din setup-funktionen och klicka pÄ &quot;Start&quot; ...
FreshInstall=Ny installation
FreshInstallDesc=Use this mode if this is your first install. If not, this mode can repair a incomplete previous install. If you want to upgrade your version, choose "Upgrade" mode.
UpgradeDesc=AnvÀnd detta lÀge om du har ersatt gamla Dolibarr filer med filer frÄn en nyare version. Detta kommer att uppgradera din databas och data.
InstallNotAllowed=Setup tillÄts inte av <b>conf.php</b> behörigheter
YouMustCreateWithPermission=Du mÄste skapa filen %s och sÀtta skrivrÀttigheter pÄ den för den webbserver under installationsprocessen.
CorrectProblemAndReloadPage=Please fix the problem and press F5 to reload the page.
AlreadyDone=Redan har övergÄtt
DatabaseVersion=Databas version
ServerVersion=Databasservern version
YouMustCreateItAndAllowServerToWrite=Du mÄste skapa denna katalog och möjliggöra för webbservern att skriva in i den.
DBSortingCollation=Tecken sorteringsordning
YouAskDatabaseCreationSoDolibarrNeedToConnect=You selected create database <b>%s</b>, but for this, Dolibarr needs to connect to server <b>%s</b> with super user <b>%s</b> permissions.
YouAskLoginCreationSoDolibarrNeedToConnect=You selected create database user <b>%s</b>, but for this, Dolibarr needs to connect to server <b>%s</b> with super user <b>%s</b> permissions.
BecauseConnectionFailedParametersMayBeWrong=The database connection failed: the host or super user parameters must be wrong.
OrphelinsPaymentsDetectedByMethod=Orphans betalning pÄvisas med metoden %s
RemoveItManuallyAndPressF5ToContinue=Ta bort den manuellt och trycka pÄ F5 för att fortsÀtta.
FieldRenamed=FĂ€lt bytt namn
IfLoginDoesNotExistsCheckCreateUser=If the user does not exist yet, you must check option "Create user"
ErrorConnection=Server "<b>%s</b>", database name "<b>%s</b>", login "<b>%s</b>", or database password may be wrong or the PHP client version may be too old compared to the database version.
InstallChoiceRecommanded=Rekommenderat val att installera version <b>%s</b> frÄn din nuvarande version <b>%s</b>
InstallChoiceSuggested=<b>Installera val föreslÄs av installationsprogrammet.</b>
MigrateIsDoneStepByStep=The targeted version (%s) has a gap of several versions. The install wizard will come back to suggest a further migration once this one is complete.
CheckThatDatabasenameIsCorrect=Check that the database name "<b>%s</b>" is correct.
IfAlreadyExistsCheckOption=Om detta namn Àr korrekta och att databasen Ànnu inte finns, mÄste du kontrollera alternativet &quot;Create database&quot;.
OpenBaseDir=PHP openbasedir parameter
YouAskToCreateDatabaseSoRootRequired=You checked the box "Create database". For this, you need to provide the login/password of superuser (bottom of form).
YouAskToCreateDatabaseUserSoRootRequired=You checked the box "Create database owner". For this, you need to provide the login/password of superuser (bottom of form).
NextStepMightLastALongTime=The current step may take several minutes. Please wait until the next screen is shown completely before continuing.
MigrationCustomerOrderShipping=Migrate shipping for sales orders storage
MigrationShippingDelivery=Bli lagring av frakt
MigrationShippingDelivery2=Bli lagring av sjöfarten 2
MigrationFinished=Migration fÀrdiga
LastStepDesc=<strong>Last step</strong>: Define here the login and password you wish to use to connect to Dolibarr. <b>Do not lose this as it is the master account to administer all other/additional user accounts.</b>
ActivateModule=Aktivera modul %s
ShowEditTechnicalParameters=Klicka hÀr för att visa / redigera avancerade parametrar (expertlÀge)
WarningUpgrade=Warning:\nDid you run a database backup first?\nThis is highly recommended. Loss of data (due to for example bugs in mysql version 5.5.40/41/42/43) may be possible during this process, so it is essential to take a complete dump of your database before starting any migration.\n\nClick OK to start migration process...
ErrorDatabaseVersionForbiddenForMigration=Your database version is %s. It has a critical bug, making data loss possible if you make structural changes in your database, such as is required by the migration process. For his reason, migration will not be allowed until you upgrade your database to a layer (patched) version (list of known buggy versions: %s)
KeepDefaultValuesWamp=You used the Dolibarr setup wizard from DoliWamp, so values proposed here are already optimized. Change them only if you know what you are doing.
KeepDefaultValuesDeb=You used the Dolibarr setup wizard from a Linux package (Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora...), so the values proposed here are already optimized. Only the password of the database owner to create must be entered. Change other parameters only if you know what you are doing.
KeepDefaultValuesMamp=You used the Dolibarr setup wizard from DoliMamp, so the values proposed here are already optimized. Change them only if you know what you are doing.
KeepDefaultValuesProxmox=You used the Dolibarr setup wizard from a Proxmox virtual appliance, so the values proposed here are already optimized. Change them only if you know what you are doing.
UpgradeExternalModule=Run dedicated upgrade process of external module
SetAtLeastOneOptionAsUrlParameter=Set at least one option as a parameter in URL. For example:  '...repair.php?standard=confirmed'
NothingToDelete=Nothing to clean/delete
NothingToDo=Nothing to do
# upgrade
MigrationFixData=Fix för denormalized data
MigrationOrder=Migrering av data för kundens order
MigrationSupplierOrder=Data migration for vendor's orders
MigrationProposal=Migrering av data för kommersiella förslag
MigrationInvoice=Migrering av data för kundens fakturor
MigrationContract=Migrering av data för kontrakt
MigrationSuccessfullUpdate=Bli framgÄngsrik
MigrationUpdateFailed=Misslyckades uppgraderingsprocessen
MigrationRelationshipTables=Migrering av data för relation tabeller (%s)
MigrationPaymentsUpdate=Betalning data korrigering
MigrationPaymentsNumberToUpdate=%s betalning (s) att uppdatera
MigrationProcessPaymentUpdate=Uppdatera betalning (s) %s
MigrationPaymentsNothingToUpdate=Inga fler saker att göra
MigrationPaymentsNothingUpdatable=Inga fler betalningar som kan rÀttas till
MigrationContractsUpdate=Kontrakt data korrigering
MigrationContractsNumberToUpdate=%s kontrakt (s) att uppdatera
MigrationContractsLineCreation=Skapa kontrakt linje för %s kontrakt ref
MigrationContractsNothingToUpdate=Inga fler saker att göra
MigrationContractsFieldDontExist=Field fk_facture does not exist anymore. Nothing to do.
MigrationContractsEmptyDatesUpdate=Kontrakt tom datum korrigering
MigrationContractsEmptyDatesUpdateSuccess=Contract empty date correction done successfully
MigrationContractsEmptyDatesNothingToUpdate=Inga kontrakt tom datum för att korrigera
MigrationContractsEmptyCreationDatesNothingToUpdate=Inget avtal datum för skapande att korrigera
MigrationContractsInvalidDatesUpdate=Bad valuteringsdag kontrakt korrigering
MigrationContractsInvalidDateFix=RÀtt kontrakt %s (Contract datum = %s, som börjar min tjÀnst datum = %s)
MigrationContractsInvalidDatesNumber=%s kontrakt modifierade
MigrationContractsInvalidDatesNothingToUpdate=Inget datum med dÄlig vÀrde för att korrigera
MigrationContractsIncoherentCreationDateUpdate=DÄligt vÀrde kontraktet datum för skapande korrigering
MigrationContractsIncoherentCreationDateUpdateSuccess=Bad value contract creation date correction done successfully
MigrationContractsIncoherentCreationDateNothingToUpdate=Inget dÄligt vÀrde för kontrakt skapande datum för att korrigera
MigrationReopeningContracts=Öppna kontraktet stĂ€ngs av misstag
MigrationReopenThisContract=Öppna kontrakt %s
MigrationReopenedContractsNumber=%s kontrakt modifierade
MigrationReopeningContractsNothingToUpdate=Ingen stÀngd kontrakt för att öppna
MigrationBankTransfertsUpdate=Update links between bank entry and a bank transfer
MigrationBankTransfertsNothingToUpdate=Alla lÀnkar Àr uppdaterade
MigrationShipmentOrderMatching=Sendings kvitto uppdatering
MigrationDeliveryOrderMatching=Leveranskvitto uppdatering
MigrationDeliveryDetail=Leverans uppdatering
MigrationStockDetail=Uppdatering lager VĂ€rdet av produkter
MigrationMenusDetail=Uppdatera dynamiska menyer tabeller
MigrationDeliveryAddress=Uppdatera leveransadress i transporter
MigrationProjectTaskActors=Data migration for table llx_projet_task_actors
MigrationProjectUserResp=Data migrationsomrÄdet fk_user_resp av llx_projet till llx_element_contact
MigrationProjectTaskTime=Uppdatera tid i sekunder
MigrationActioncommElement=Uppdatera uppgifter om ÄtgÀrder
MigrationPaymentMode=Data migration for payment type
MigrationEvents=Migration of events to add event owner into assignment table
MigrationEventsContact=Migration of events to add event contact into assignment table
MigrationRemiseEntity=Update entity field value of llx_societe_remise
MigrationRemiseExceptEntity=Update entity field value of llx_societe_remise_except
MigrationUserRightsEntity=Update entity field value of llx_user_rights
MigrationUserGroupRightsEntity=Update entity field value of llx_usergroup_rights
MigrationUserPhotoPath=Migration of photo paths for users
MigrationReloadModule=Reload module %s
MigrationResetBlockedLog=Reset module BlockedLog for v7 algorithm
ShowNotAvailableOptions=Show unavailable options
HideNotAvailableOptions=Hide unavailable options
ErrorFoundDuringMigration=Error(s) were reported during the migration process so next step is not available. To ignore errors, you can <a href="%s">click here</a>, but the application or some features may not work correctly until the errors are resolved.
YouTryInstallDisabledByDirLock=The application tried to self-upgrade, but the install/upgrade pages have been disabled for security (directory renamed with .lock suffix).<br>
YouTryInstallDisabledByFileLock=The application tried to self-upgrade, but the install/upgrade pages have been disabled for security (by the existence of a lock file <strong>install.lock</strong> in the dolibarr documents directory).<br>
ClickHereToGoToApp=Click here to go to your application
ClickOnLinkOrRemoveManualy=Click on the following link. If you always see this same page, you must remove/rename the file install.lock in the documents directory.