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# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - exports
NewExport=New Export
NewImport=New Import
ExportableDatas=Exporteras dataset
ImportableDatas=Importeras dataset
SelectExportDataSet=VÀlj uppsÀttning data du vill exportera ...
SelectImportDataSet=VÀlj uppsÀttning data du vill importera ...
SelectExportFields=Choose the fields you want to export, or select a predefined export profile
SelectImportFields=Choose the source file fields you want to import and their target field in database by moving them up and down with anchor %s, or select a predefined import profile:
NotImportedFields=FÀlt av kÀllfil importeras inte
SaveExportModel=Save your selections as an export profile/template (for reuse).
SaveImportModel=Save this import profile (for reuse) ...
ExportModelName=Export profilnamn
ExportModelSaved=Export profile saved as <b>%s</b>.
ExportableFields=Exporteras fÀlt
ExportedFields=Exporterad fÀlt
ImportModelName=Importera profilnamn
ImportModelSaved=Import profile saved as <b>%s</b>.
DatasetToExport=Dataset att exportera
DatasetToImport=Importera filen i datasetet
ChooseFieldsOrdersAndTitle=VÀlj fÀlt för att ...
FieldsTitle=FĂ€lt titel
FieldTitle=FĂ€lt titel
NowClickToGenerateToBuildExportFile=Now, select the file format in the combo box and click on "Generate" to build the export file...
AvailableFormats=Available Formats
FormatedImport=Import Assistant
FormatedImportDesc1=This module allows you to update existing data or add new objects into the database from a file without technical knowledge, using an assistant.
FormatedImportDesc2=First step is to choose the kind of data you want to import, then the format of the source file, then the fields you want to import.
FormatedExport=Export Assistant
FormatedExportDesc1=These tools allow the export of personalized data using an assistant, to help you in the process without requiring technical knowledge.
FormatedExportDesc2=First step is to choose a predefined dataset, then which fields you want to export, and in which order.
FormatedExportDesc3=When data to export are selected, you can choose the format of the output file.
NoImportableData=Inga importeras data (ingen modul med definitioner för att möjliggöra data import)
FileSuccessfullyBuilt=File generated
SQLUsedForExport=SQL Request anvÀnds för att bygga exportfil
LineId=Id av rad
LineLabel=Label of line
LineDescription=Beskrivning av linjen
LineUnitPrice=Priset per enhet pÄ linjen
LineVATRate=Momssats pÄ linjen
LineQty=Kvantitet för linje
LineTotalHT=Amount excl. tax for line
LineTotalTTC=Belopp med skatt för linje
LineTotalVAT=Det mervÀrdesskattebelopp för linje
TypeOfLineServiceOrProduct=Typ av linje (0 = produkt, 1 = tjÀnst)
FileWithDataToImport=Fil med data för att importera
FileToImport=KĂ€lla fil du vill importera
FileMustHaveOneOfFollowingFormat=File to import must have one of following formats
DownloadEmptyExample=Download template file with field content information (* are mandatory fields)
ChooseFormatOfFileToImport=Choose the file format to use as import file format by clicking on the %s icon to select it...
ChooseFileToImport=Upload file then click on the %s icon to select file as source import file...
SourceFileFormat=KĂ€lla filformat
FieldsInSourceFile=FÀlt i kÀllfilen
FieldsInTargetDatabase=Target fÀlt i Dolibarr databas (fetstil = obligatorisk)
NoFields=Inga fÀlt
MoveField=Flytta fÀlt %s kolumn nummer
SaveImportProfile=Spara denna import profil
ErrorImportDuplicateProfil=Misslyckades med att spara denna import profil med detta namn. En befintlig profil finns redan med detta namn.
TablesTarget=Riktade tabeller
FieldTarget=Riktade omrÄde
FieldSource=KÀlla fÀlt
NbOfSourceLines=Antal rader i kÀllfilen
NowClickToTestTheImport=Check that the file format (field and string delimiters) of your file matches the options shown and that you have omitted the header line, or these will be flagged as errors in the following simulation.<br>Click on the "<b>%s</b>" button to run a check of the file structure/contents and simulate the import process.<br><b>No data will be changed in your database</b>.
RunSimulateImportFile=Run Import Simulation
FieldNeedSource=Detta fÀlt krÀver data frÄn kÀllfilen
SomeMandatoryFieldHaveNoSource=Vissa obligatoriska fÀlt inte har nÄgon kÀlla frÄn datafil
InformationOnSourceFile=Information om kÀllfil
InformationOnTargetTables=Information om mÄl fÀlt
SelectAtLeastOneField=Byt minst en kÀlla fÀlt i kolumnen i fÀlt att exportera
SelectFormat=VĂ€lj denna import filformat
RunImportFile=Import Data
NowClickToRunTheImport=Check the results of the import simulation. Correct any errors and re-test.<br>When the simulation reports no errors you may proceed to import the data into the database.
DataLoadedWithId=The imported data will have an additional field in each database table with this import id: <b>%s</b>, to allow it to be searchable in the case of investigating a problem related to this import.
ErrorMissingMandatoryValue=Mandatory data is empty in the source file for field <b>%s</b>.
TooMuchErrors=There are still <b>%s</b> other source lines with errors but output has been limited.
TooMuchWarnings=There are still <b>%s</b> other source lines with warnings but output has been limited.
EmptyLine=Tom rad (kommer att slÀngas)
CorrectErrorBeforeRunningImport=You <b>must</b> correct all errors <b>before</b> running the definitive import.
FileWasImported=Filen importeras nummer <b>%s.</b>
YouCanUseImportIdToFindRecord=You can find all the imported records in your database by filtering on field <b>import_key='%s'</b>.
NbOfLinesOK=Antal rader utan fel och inga varningar: <b>%s.</b>
NbOfLinesImported=Antal rader importerades: <b>%s.</b>
DataComeFromNoWhere=VÀrde att infoga kommer frÄn ingenstans i kÀllfilen.
DataComeFromFileFieldNb=VÀrde att infoga kommer frÄn nummer <b>%s</b> fÀltet i kÀllfilen.
DataComeFromIdFoundFromRef=Value that comes from field number <b>%s</b> of source file will be used to find the id of the parent object to use (so the object <b>%s</b> that has the ref. from source file must exist in the database).
DataComeFromIdFoundFromCodeId=Code that comes from field number <b>%s</b> of source file will be used to find the id of the parent object to use (so the code from source file must exist in the dictionary <b>%s</b>). Note that if you know the id, you can also use it in the source file instead of the code. Import should work in both cases.
DataIsInsertedInto=Uppgifter frÄn kÀllfilen kommer att införas i följande omrÄde:
DataIDSourceIsInsertedInto=The id of parent object was found using the data in the source file, will be inserted into the following field:
DataCodeIDSourceIsInsertedInto=Id av förÀlder linje hittades frÄn kod, kommer att införas i följande fÀlt:
SourceRequired=Data vÀrde Àr obligatoriskt
SourceExample=Exempel pÄ möjliga datavÀrde
ExampleAnyRefFoundIntoElement=Varje ref för element <b>%s</b>
ExampleAnyCodeOrIdFoundIntoDictionary=Varje kod (eller id) fann i <b>ordlistan% s</b>
CSVFormatDesc=<b>Comma Separated Value</b> file format (.csv).<br>This is a text file format where fields are separated by a separator [ %s ]. If separator is found inside a field content, field is rounded by round character [ %s ]. Escape character to escape round character is [ %s ].
Excel95FormatDesc=<b>Excel</b> file format (.xls)<br>This is the native Excel 95 format (BIFF5).
Excel2007FormatDesc=<b>Excel</b> file format (.xlsx)<br>This is the native Excel 2007 format (SpreadsheetML).
TsvFormatDesc=<b>Tab Separerad VÀrde</b> filformat (.tsv) <br> Detta Àr en textfil format dÀr fÀlten skiljs Ät av en tabulator [flik].
ExportFieldAutomaticallyAdded=Field <b>%s</b> was automatically added. It will avoid you to have similar lines to be treated as duplicate record (with this field added, all lines will own their own id and will differ).
CsvOptions=CSV format options
Separator=Field Separator
Enclosure=String Delimiter
ExportStringFilter=%% TillÄter ersÀtta ett eller flera tecken i texten
ExportDateFilter=YYYY, YYYYMM, YYYYMMDD: filters by one year/month/day<br>YYYY+YYYY, YYYYMM+YYYYMM, YYYYMMDD+YYYYMMDD: filters over a range of years/months/days<br> > YYYY, > YYYYMM, > YYYYMMDD: filters on all following years/months/days<br> < YYYY, < YYYYMM, < YYYYMMDD: filters on all previous years/months/days
ExportNumericFilter=NNNNN filters by one value<br>NNNNN+NNNNN filters over a range of values<br>< NNNNN filters by lower values<br>> NNNNN filters by higher values
ImportFromLine=Import starting from line number
EndAtLineNb=End at line number
ImportFromToLine=Limit range (From - To) eg. <b>to omit header line(s)</b>
SetThisValueTo2ToExcludeFirstLine=For example, set this value to 3 to exclude the 2 first lines.<br>If the header lines are NOT omitted, this will result in multiple errors in the Import Simulation.
KeepEmptyToGoToEndOfFile=Keep this field empty to process all lines to the end of the file.
SelectPrimaryColumnsForUpdateAttempt=Select column(s) to use as primary key for an UPDATE import
UpdateNotYetSupportedForThisImport=Update is not supported for this type of import (only insert)
NoUpdateAttempt=No update attempt was performed, only insert
ImportDataset_user_1=Users (employees or not) and properties
ComputedField=BerÀknat fÀlt
## filters
SelectFilterFields=Om du vill filtrera pÄ vissa vÀrderingar, fyll i ingÄngsvÀrden hÀr.
FilteredFields=Filtrerad fÀlt
FilteredFieldsValues=VÀrde för filter
FormatControlRule=Format control rule
## imports updates
KeysToUseForUpdates=Key (column) to use for <b>updating</b> existing data
NbInsert=Number of inserted lines: %s
NbUpdate=Number of updated lines: %s
MultipleRecordFoundWithTheseFilters=Multiple records have been found with these filters: %s