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BlockedLog=Неизменяемые логи
BlockedLogDesc=This module tracks some events into an unalterable log (that you can't modify once recorded) into a block chain, in real time. This module provides compatibility with requirements of laws of some countries (like France with the law Finance 2016 - Norme NF525).
Fingerprints=Archived events and fingerprints
FingerprintsDesc=This is the tool to browse or extract the unalterable logs. Unalterable logs are generated and archived locally into a dedicated table, in real time when you record a business event. You can use this tool to export this archive and save it into an external support (some countries, like France, ask that you do it every year). Note that, there is no feature to purge this log and every change tried to be done directly into this log (by a hacker for example) will be reported with a non-valid fingerprint. If you really need to purge this table because you used your application for a demo/test purpose and want to clean your data to start your production, you can ask your reseller or integrator to reset your database (all your data will be removed).
CompanyInitialKey=Company initial key (hash of genesis block)
BrowseBlockedLog=Unalterable logs
ShowAllFingerPrintsMightBeTooLong=Показать все архивные логи (может быть долго)
ShowAllFingerPrintsErrorsMightBeTooLong=Показать все недействительные архивные логи (может быть долго)
DownloadBlockChain=Download fingerprints
KoCheckFingerprintValidity=Архивные записи недействительна. Это значит, что кто-то (хакер?) изменил некоторые данные этого  после того, как они были записаны, или удалил предыдущую архивную запись (проверьте, что строка с предыдущим # существует).
OkCheckFingerprintValidity=Архивная запись в журнале действительна. Данные в этой строке не были изменены, и запись следует за предыдущей.
OkCheckFingerprintValidityButChainIsKo=Archived log seems valid compared to previous one but the chain was corrupted previously.
AddedByAuthority=Stored into remote authority
NotAddedByAuthorityYet=Not yet stored into remote authority
ShowDetails=Показать сохраненные данные
logPAYMENT_VARIOUS_CREATE=Payment (not assigned to an invoice) created
logPAYMENT_VARIOUS_MODIFY=Payment (not assigned to an invoice) modified
logPAYMENT_VARIOUS_DELETE=Payment (not assigned to an invoice) logical deletion
logPAYMENT_ADD_TO_BANK=Payment added to bank
logPAYMENT_CUSTOMER_CREATE=Платеж клиента создан
logPAYMENT_CUSTOMER_DELETE=Customer payment logical deletion
logDONATION_PAYMENT_CREATE=Платеж пожертвования создан
logDONATION_PAYMENT_DELETE=Donation payment logical deletion
logBILL_PAYED=Счет клиента оплачен
logBILL_UNPAYED=Неоплаченный счет клиента
logBILL_VALIDATE=Проверка векселя
logBILL_SENTBYMAIL=Customer invoice send by mail
logBILL_DELETE=Customer invoice logically deleted
logMODULE_RESET=Module BlockedLog was disabled
logMODULE_SET=Module BlockedLog was enabled
logDON_VALIDATE=Пожертвование подтверждено
logDON_MODIFY=Пожертвование изменено
logDON_DELETE=Donation logical deletion
logMEMBER_SUBSCRIPTION_CREATE=Member subscription created
logMEMBER_SUBSCRIPTION_MODIFY=Member subscription modified
logMEMBER_SUBSCRIPTION_DELETE=Member subscription logical deletion
logCASHCONTROL_VALIDATE=Cash fence recording
BlockedLogBillDownload=Customer invoice download
BlockedLogBillPreview=Customer invoice preview
BlockedlogInfoDialog=Log Details
ListOfTrackedEvents=List of tracked events
DownloadLogCSV=Export archived logs (CSV)
logDOC_PREVIEW=Preview of a validated document in order to print or download
logDOC_DOWNLOAD=Download of a validated document in order to print or send
DataOfArchivedEvent=Full datas of archived event
ImpossibleToReloadObject=Original object (type %s, id %s) not linked (see 'Full datas' column to get unalterable saved data)
BlockedLogAreRequiredByYourCountryLegislation=Unalterable Logs module may be required by the legislation of your country. Disabling this module may render any future transactions invalid with respect to the law and the use of legal software as they can not be validated by a tax audit.
BlockedLogActivatedBecauseRequiredByYourCountryLegislation=Unalterable Logs module was activated because of the legislation of your country. Disabling this module may render any future transactions invalid with respect to the law and the use of legal software as they cannot be validated by a tax audit.
BlockedLogDisableNotAllowedForCountry=List of countries where usage of this module is mandatory (just to prevent to disable the module by error, if your country is in this list, disable of module is not possible without editing this list first. Note also that enabling/disabling this module will keep a track into the unalterable log).
TooManyRecordToScanRestrictFilters=Too many records to scan/analyze. Please restrict list with more restrictive filters.
RestrictYearToExport=Restrict month / year to export