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# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - projects
RefProject=Ref. project
ProjectRef=Project ref.
ProjectId=Project Id
ProjectLabel=Project label
ProjectsArea=Projects Area
ProjectStatus=Project status
PrivateProject=Project tengiliðir
ProjectsImContactFor=Projects for I am explicitly a contact
AllAllowedProjects=All project I can read (mine + public)
AllProjects=Öll verkefni
MyProjectsDesc=This view is limited to projects you are a contact for
ProjectsPublicDesc=Þetta sýnir öll verkefni sem þú ert að fá að lesa.
TasksOnProjectsPublicDesc=This view presents all tasks on projects you are allowed to read.
ProjectsPublicTaskDesc=Þetta sýnir öll verkefni og verkefni sem þú ert að fá að lesa.
ProjectsDesc=Þetta sýnir öll verkefni (notandi heimildir veita þér leyfi til að skoða allt).
TasksOnProjectsDesc=This view presents all tasks on all projects (your user permissions grant you permission to view everything).
MyTasksDesc=This view is limited to projects or tasks you are a contact for
OnlyOpenedProject=Only open projects are visible (projects in draft or closed status are not visible).
ClosedProjectsAreHidden=Closed projects are not visible.
TasksPublicDesc=Þetta sýnir öll verkefni og verkefni sem þú ert að fá að lesa.
TasksDesc=Þetta sýnir öll verkefni og verkefni (notandi heimildir veita þér leyfi til að skoða allt).
AllTaskVisibleButEditIfYouAreAssigned=All tasks for qualified projects are visible, but you can enter time only for task assigned to selected user. Assign task if you need to enter time on it.
OnlyYourTaskAreVisible=Only tasks assigned to you are visible. Assign task to yourself if it is not visible and you need to enter time on it.
ImportDatasetTasks=Tasks of projects
ProjectCategories=Project tags/categories
NewProject=Ný verkefni
AddProject=Create project
DeleteAProject=Eyða verkefni
DeleteATask=Eyða verkefni
ConfirmDeleteAProject=Are you sure you want to delete this project?
ConfirmDeleteATask=Are you sure you want to delete this task?
OpenedProjects=Open projects
OpenedTasks=Open tasks
OpportunitiesStatusForOpenedProjects=Leads amount of open projects by status
OpportunitiesStatusForProjects=Leads amount of projects by status
ShowProject=Sýna verkefni
ShowTask=Sýna verkefni
SetProject=Setja verkefni
NoProject=Engin verkefni skilgreind eða í eigu
NbOfProjects=No. of projects
NbOfTasks=No. of tasks
TimeSpent=Tíma sem fer
TimeSpentByYou=Time spent by you
TimeSpentByUser=Time spent by user
TaskId=Task ID
RefTask=Task ref.
LabelTask=Task label
TaskTimeSpent=Time spent on tasks
TasksOnOpenedProject=Tasks on open projects
WorkloadNotDefined=Workload not defined
MyTimeSpent=Minn tími var
BillTime=Bill the time spent
BillTimeShort=Bill time
TimeToBill=Time not billed
TimeBilled=Time billed
TaskDateStart=Task start date
TaskDateEnd=Task end date
TaskDescription=Task description
NewTask=Ný verkefni
AddTask=Create task
AddTimeSpent=Create time spent
AddHereTimeSpentForDay=Add here time spent for this day/task
Activities=Verkefni / starfsemi
MyActivities=verkefni mín / starfsemi
MyProjects=Verkefnin mín
MyProjectsArea=My projects Area
DurationEffective=Árangursrík Lengd
ProgressDeclared=Declared progress
TaskProgressSummary=Task progress
CurentlyOpenedTasks=Curently opened tasks
TheReportedProgressIsLessThanTheCalculatedProgressionByX=The declared progress is less %s than the calculated progression
TheReportedProgressIsMoreThanTheCalculatedProgressionByX=The declared progress is more %s than the calculated progression
ProgressCalculated=Calculated progress
WhichIamLinkedTo=which I'm linked to
WhichIamLinkedToProject=which I'm linked to project
ListOfTasks=List of tasks
GoToListOfTimeConsumed=Go to list of time consumed
GoToListOfTasks=Go to list of tasks
GoToGanttView=Go to Gantt view
GanttView=Gantt View
ListProposalsAssociatedProject=List of the commercial proposals related to the project
ListOrdersAssociatedProject=List of sales orders related to the project
ListInvoicesAssociatedProject=List of customer invoices related to the project
ListPredefinedInvoicesAssociatedProject=List of customer template invoices related to the project
ListSupplierOrdersAssociatedProject=List of purchase orders related to the project
ListSupplierInvoicesAssociatedProject=List of vendor invoices related to the project
ListContractAssociatedProject=List of contracts related to the project
ListShippingAssociatedProject=List of shippings related to the project
ListFichinterAssociatedProject=List of interventions related to the project
ListExpenseReportsAssociatedProject=List of expense reports related to the project
ListDonationsAssociatedProject=List of donations related to the project
ListVariousPaymentsAssociatedProject=List of miscellaneous payments related to the project
ListSalariesAssociatedProject=List of payments of salaries related to the project
ListActionsAssociatedProject=List of events related to the project
ListTaskTimeUserProject=List of time consumed on tasks of project
ListTaskTimeForTask=List of time consumed on task
ActivityOnProjectToday=Activity on project today
ActivityOnProjectYesterday=Activity on project yesterday
ActivityOnProjectThisWeek=Afþreying á verkefni í þessari viku
ActivityOnProjectThisMonth=Afþreying á verkefni í þessum mánuði
ActivityOnProjectThisYear=Afþreying á verkefni á þessu ári
ChildOfProjectTask=Barn verkefni / hlutverk
ChildOfTask=Child of task
TaskHasChild=Task has child
NotOwnerOfProject=Ekki eigandi þessa einka verkefni
AffectedTo=Áhrifum á
CantRemoveProject=Þetta verkefni er ekki hægt að fjarlægja eins og það er vísað af einhverjum öðrum hlutum (Reikningar, pantanir eða annað). Sjá Referers flipann.
ValidateProject=Staðfesta projet
ConfirmValidateProject=Are you sure you want to validate this project?
CloseAProject=Loka verkefni
ConfirmCloseAProject=Are you sure you want to close this project?
AlsoCloseAProject=Also close project (keep it open if you still need to follow production tasks on it)
ReOpenAProject=Opna verkefni
ConfirmReOpenAProject=Are you sure you want to re-open this project?
ProjectContact=Tengiliðir verkefnisins
TaskContact=Task contacts
ActionsOnProject=Aðgerðir á verkefninu
YouAreNotContactOfProject=Þú ert ekki samband við þessa einka verkefni
UserIsNotContactOfProject=User is not a contact of this private project
DeleteATimeSpent=Eyða tíma
ConfirmDeleteATimeSpent=Are you sure you want to delete this time spent?
DoNotShowMyTasksOnly=See also tasks not assigned to me
ShowMyTasksOnly=View only tasks assigned to me
TaskRessourceLinks=Contacts of task
ProjectsDedicatedToThisThirdParty=Verkefni hollur til þessa þriðja aðila
NoTasks=Engin verkefni fyrir þetta verkefni
LinkedToAnotherCompany=Tengjast öðrum þriðja aðila
TaskIsNotAssignedToUser=Task not assigned to user. Use button '<strong>%s</strong>' to assign task now.
ErrorTimeSpentIsEmpty=Tími er tómur
ThisWillAlsoRemoveTasks=Þessi aðgerð mun einnig eyða öllum verkefnum verkefnisins <b>(%s</b> verkefni í augnablikinu) og allt inntak tíma varið.
IfNeedToUseOtherObjectKeepEmpty=Ef sumir hlutir (nótum röð ...), sem tilheyra öðrum þriðja aðila, verður að vera í tengslum við verkefnið til að búa til, halda þessu tóm til að hafa verkefni verði fjölnota þriðja aðila.
CloneTasks=Clone tasks
CloneContacts=Clone contacts
CloneNotes=Clone notes
CloneProjectFiles=Clone project joined files
CloneTaskFiles=Clone task(s) joined files (if task(s) cloned)
CloneMoveDate=Update project/tasks dates from now?
ConfirmCloneProject=Are you sure to clone this project?
ProjectReportDate=Change task dates according to new project start date
ErrorShiftTaskDate=Impossible to shift task date according to new project start date
ProjectsAndTasksLines=Projects and tasks
ProjectCreatedInDolibarr=Project %s created
ProjectValidatedInDolibarr=Project %s validated
ProjectModifiedInDolibarr=Project %s modified
TaskCreatedInDolibarr=Task %s created
TaskModifiedInDolibarr=Task %s modified
TaskDeletedInDolibarr=Task %s deleted
OpportunityStatus=Lead status
OpportunityStatusShort=Lead status
OpportunityProbability=Lead probability
OpportunityProbabilityShort=Lead probab.
OpportunityAmount=Lead amount
OpportunityAmountShort=Lead amount
OpportunityAmountAverageShort=Average lead amount
OpportunityAmountWeigthedShort=Weighted lead amount
WonLostExcluded=Won/Lost excluded
##### Types de contacts #####
TypeContact_project_internal_PROJECTLEADER=Project leiðtogi
TypeContact_project_external_PROJECTLEADER=Project leiðtogi
TypeContact_project_task_internal_TASKEXECUTIVE=Verkefni framkvæmdastjóri
TypeContact_project_task_external_TASKEXECUTIVE=Verkefni framkvæmdastjóri
SelectElement=Select element
AddElement=Link to element
# Documents models
DocumentModelBeluga=Project document template for linked objects overview
DocumentModelBaleine=Project document template for tasks
DocumentModelTimeSpent=Project report template for time spent
PlannedWorkload=Planned workload
ProjectReferers=Related items
ProjectMustBeValidatedFirst=Project must be validated first
FirstAddRessourceToAllocateTime=Assign a user resource to task to allocate time
InputPerDay=Input per day
InputPerWeek=Input per week
InputDetail=Input detail
TimeAlreadyRecorded=This is time spent already recorded for this task/day and user %s
ProjectsWithThisUserAsContact=Projects with this user as contact
TasksWithThisUserAsContact=Tasks assigned to this user
ResourceNotAssignedToProject=Not assigned to project
ResourceNotAssignedToTheTask=Not assigned to the task
NoUserAssignedToTheProject=No users assigned to this project
TimeSpentBy=Time spent by
TasksAssignedTo=Tasks assigned to
AssignTaskToMe=Assign task to me
AssignTaskToUser=Assign task to %s
SelectTaskToAssign=Select task to assign...
ManageTasks=Use projects to follow tasks and/or report time spent (timesheets)
ManageOpportunitiesStatus=Use projects to follow leads/opportinuties
ProjectNbProjectByMonth=No. of created projects by month
ProjectNbTaskByMonth=No. of created tasks by month
ProjectOppAmountOfProjectsByMonth=Amount of leads by month
ProjectWeightedOppAmountOfProjectsByMonth=Weighted amount of leads by month
ProjectOpenedProjectByOppStatus=Open project/lead by lead status
ProjectsStatistics=Statistics on projects/leads
TasksStatistics=Statistics on project/lead tasks
TaskAssignedToEnterTime=Task assigned. Entering time on this task should be possible.
IdTaskTime=Id task time
YouCanCompleteRef=If you want to complete the ref with some suffix, it is recommanded to add a - character to separate it, so the automatic numbering will still work correctly for next projects. For example %s-MYSUFFIX
OpenedProjectsByThirdparties=Open projects by third parties
OnlyOpportunitiesShort=Only leads
OpenedOpportunitiesShort=Open leads
NotOpenedOpportunitiesShort=Not an open lead
NotAnOpportunityShort=Not a lead
OpportunityTotalAmount=Total amount of leads
OpportunityPonderatedAmount=Weighted amount of leads
OpportunityPonderatedAmountDesc=Leads amount weighted with probability
AllowToLinkFromOtherCompany=Allow to link project from other company<br><br><u>Supported values:</u><br>- Keep empty: Can link any project of the company (default)<br>- "all": Can link any projects, even projects of other companies<br>- A list of third-party ids separated by commas: can link all projects of these third partys (Example: 123,4795,53)<br>
LatestProjects=Latest %s projects
LatestModifiedProjects=Latest %s modified projects
OtherFilteredTasks=Other filtered tasks
NoAssignedTasks=No assigned tasks found (assign project/tasks to the current user from the top select box to enter time on it)
ThirdPartyRequiredToGenerateInvoice=A third party must be defined on project to be able to invoice it.
# Comments trans
AllowCommentOnTask=Allow user comments on tasks
AllowCommentOnProject=Allow user comments on projects
DontHavePermissionForCloseProject=You do not have permissions to close the project %s
DontHaveTheValidateStatus=The project %s must be open to be closed
RecordsClosed=%s project(s) closed
SendProjectRef=Information project %s
ModuleSalaryToDefineHourlyRateMustBeEnabled=Module 'Salaries' must be enabled to define employee hourly rate to have time spent valorized
NewTaskRefSuggested=Task ref already used, a new task ref is required
TimeSpentInvoiced=Time spent billed
OneLinePerUser=One line per user
ServiceToUseOnLines=Service to use on lines
InvoiceGeneratedFromTimeSpent=Invoice %s has been generated from time spent on project
ProjectBillTimeDescription=Check if you enter timesheet on tasks of project AND you plan to generate invoice(s) from the timesheet to bill the customer of the project (do not check if you plan to create invoice that is not based on entered timesheets).