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# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - members
MembersArea=Members area
MemberCard=Member card
SubscriptionCard=Subscription card
ShowMember=Show member card
UserNotLinkedToMember=User not linked to a member
ThirdpartyNotLinkedToMember=Third party not linked to a member
MembersTickets=Members Tickets
FundationMembers=Foundation members
ListOfValidatedPublicMembers=List of validated public members
ErrorThisMemberIsNotPublic=This member is not public
ErrorMemberIsAlreadyLinkedToThisThirdParty=Another member (name: <b>%s</b>, login: <b>%s</b>) is already linked to a third party <b>%s</b>. Remove this link first because a third party can't be linked to only a member (and vice versa).
ErrorUserPermissionAllowsToLinksToItselfOnly=For security reasons, you must be granted permissions to edit all users to be able to link a member to a user that is not yours.
SetLinkToUser=Link to a Dolibarr user
SetLinkToThirdParty=Link to a Dolibarr third party
MembersCards=Members business cards
MembersList=List of members
MembersListToValid=List of draft members (to be validated)
MembersListValid=List of valid members
MembersListUpToDate=List of valid members with up to date subscription
MembersListNotUpToDate=List of valid members with subscription out of date
MembersListResiliated=List of terminated members
MembersListQualified=List of qualified members
MenuMembersToValidate=Draft members
MenuMembersValidated=Validated members
MenuMembersUpToDate=Up to date members
MenuMembersNotUpToDate=Out of date members
MenuMembersResiliated=Terminated members
MembersWithSubscriptionToReceive=Members with subscription to receive
MembersWithSubscriptionToReceiveShort=Subscription to receive
DateSubscription=Subscription date
DateEndSubscription=Subscription end date
EndSubscription=End subscription
SubscriptionId=Subscription id
MemberId=Member id
NewMember=New member
MemberType=Member type
MemberTypeId=Member type id
MemberTypeLabel=Member type label
MembersTypes=Members types
MemberStatusDraft=Draft (needs to be validated)
MemberStatusActive=Validated (waiting subscription)
MemberStatusActiveLate=Subscription expired
MemberStatusPaid=Subscription up to date
MemberStatusPaidShort=Up to date
MemberStatusResiliated=Terminated member
MembersStatusToValid=Draft members
MembersStatusResiliated=Terminated members
NewCotisation=New contribution
PaymentSubscription=New contribution payment
SubscriptionEndDate=Subscription's end date
MembersTypeSetup=Members type setup
MemberTypeModified=Member type modified
DeleteAMemberType=Delete a member type
ConfirmDeleteMemberType=Are you sure you want to delete this member type?
MemberTypeDeleted=Member type deleted
MemberTypeCanNotBeDeleted=Member type can not be deleted
NewSubscription=New subscription
NewSubscriptionDesc=This form allows you to record your subscription as a new member of the foundation. If you want to renew your subscription (if already a member), please contact foundation board instead by email %s.
SubscriptionNotReceived=Subscription never received
ListOfSubscriptions=List of subscriptions
SendCardByMail=Send card by email
AddMember=Create member
NoTypeDefinedGoToSetup=No member types defined. Go to menu "Members types"
NewMemberType=New member type
WelcomeEMail=Welcome email
SubscriptionRequired=Subscription required
VoteAllowed=Vote allowed
ResiliateMember=Terminate a member
ConfirmResiliateMember=Are you sure you want to terminate this member?
DeleteMember=Delete a member
ConfirmDeleteMember=Are you sure you want to delete this member (Deleting a member will delete all his subscriptions)?
DeleteSubscription=Delete a subscription
ConfirmDeleteSubscription=Are you sure you want to delete this subscription?
Filehtpasswd=htpasswd file
ValidateMember=Validate a member
ConfirmValidateMember=Are you sure you want to validate this member?
FollowingLinksArePublic=The following links are open pages not protected by any Dolibarr permission. They are not formatted pages, provided as example to show how to list members database.
PublicMemberList=Public member list
BlankSubscriptionForm=Public self-subscription form
BlankSubscriptionFormDesc=Dolibarr can provide you a public URL/website to allow external visitors to ask to subscribe to the foundation. If an online payment module is enabled, a payment form may also be automatically provided.
EnablePublicSubscriptionForm=Enable the public website with self-subscription form
ForceMemberType=Force the member type
ExportDataset_member_1=Members and subscriptions
LastMembersModified=Latest %s modified members
LastSubscriptionsModified=Latest %s modified subscriptions
DateAndTime=Date and time
PublicMemberCard=Member public card
SubscriptionNotRecorded=Subscription not recorded
AddSubscription=Create subscription
ShowSubscription=Show subscription
# Label of email templates
SendingAnEMailToMember=Sending information email to member
SendingEmailOnAutoSubscription=Sending email on auto registration
SendingEmailOnMemberValidation=Sending email on new member validation
SendingEmailOnNewSubscription=Sending email on new subscription
SendingReminderForExpiredSubscription=Sending reminder for expired subscriptions
SendingEmailOnCancelation=Sending email on cancelation
# Topic of email templates
YourMembershipRequestWasReceived=Your membership was received.
YourMembershipWasValidated=Your membership was validated
YourSubscriptionWasRecorded=Your new subscription was recorded
SubscriptionReminderEmail=Subscription reminder
YourMembershipWasCanceled=Your membership was canceled
CardContent=Content of your member card
# Text of email templates
ThisIsContentOfYourMembershipRequestWasReceived=We want to let you know that your membership request was received.<br><br>
ThisIsContentOfYourMembershipWasValidated=We want to let you know that your membership was validated with the following information:<br><br>
ThisIsContentOfYourSubscriptionWasRecorded=We want to let you know that your new subscription was recorded.<br><br>
ThisIsContentOfSubscriptionReminderEmail=We want to let you know that your subscription is about to expire or has already expired (__MEMBER_LAST_SUBSCRIPTION_DATE_END__). We hope you will renew it.<br><br>
ThisIsContentOfYourCard=This is a summary of the information we have about you. Please contact us if anything is incorrect.<br><br>
DescADHERENT_AUTOREGISTER_NOTIF_MAIL_SUBJECT=Subject of the notification email received in case of auto-inscription of a guest
DescADHERENT_AUTOREGISTER_NOTIF_MAIL=Content of the notification email received in case of auto-inscription of a guest
DescADHERENT_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_AUTOREGISTER=Email template to use to send email to a member on member autosubscription
DescADHERENT_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_MEMBER_VALIDATION=Email template to use to send email to a member on member validation
DescADHERENT_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_SUBSCRIPTION=Email template to use to send email to a member on new subscription recording
DescADHERENT_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_REMIND_EXPIRATION=Email template to use to send email reminder when subscription is about to expire
DescADHERENT_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_CANCELATION=Email template to use to send email to a member on member cancelation
DescADHERENT_MAIL_FROM=Sender Email for automatic emails
DescADHERENT_ETIQUETTE_TYPE=Format of labels page
DescADHERENT_ETIQUETTE_TEXT=Text printed on member address sheets
DescADHERENT_CARD_TYPE=Format of cards page
DescADHERENT_CARD_HEADER_TEXT=Text printed on top of member cards
DescADHERENT_CARD_TEXT=Text printed on member cards (align on left)
DescADHERENT_CARD_TEXT_RIGHT=Text printed on member cards (align on right)
DescADHERENT_CARD_FOOTER_TEXT=Text printed on bottom of member cards
ShowTypeCard=Show type '%s'
HTPasswordExport=htpassword file generation
NoThirdPartyAssociatedToMember=No third party associated to this member
MembersAndSubscriptions= Members and Subscriptions
MoreActions=Complementary action on recording
MoreActionsOnSubscription=Complementary action, suggested by default when recording a subscription
MoreActionBankDirect=Create a direct entry on bank account
MoreActionBankViaInvoice=Create an invoice, and a payment on bank account
MoreActionInvoiceOnly=Create an invoice with no payment
LinkToGeneratedPages=Generate visit cards
LinkToGeneratedPagesDesc=This screen allows you to generate PDF files with business cards for all your members or a particular member.
DocForAllMembersCards=Generate business cards for all members
DocForOneMemberCards=Generate business cards for a particular member
DocForLabels=Generate address sheets
SubscriptionPayment=Subscription payment
LastSubscriptionDate=Date of latest subscription payment
LastSubscriptionAmount=Amount of latest subscription
MembersStatisticsByCountries=Members statistics by country
MembersStatisticsByState=Members statistics by state/province
MembersStatisticsByTown=Members statistics by town
MembersStatisticsByRegion=Members statistics by region
NbOfMembers=Number of members
NoValidatedMemberYet=No validated members found
MembersByCountryDesc=This screen show you statistics on members by countries. Graphic depends however on Google online graph service and is available only if an internet connection is is working.
MembersByStateDesc=This screen show you statistics on members by state/provinces/canton.
MembersByTownDesc=This screen show you statistics on members by town.
MembersStatisticsDesc=Choose statistics you want to read...
LastMemberDate=Latest member date
LatestSubscriptionDate=Latest subscription date
MemberNature=Nature of member
Public=Information are public
NewMemberbyWeb=New member added. Awaiting approval
NewMemberForm=New member form
SubscriptionsStatistics=Statistics on subscriptions
NbOfSubscriptions=Number of subscriptions
AmountOfSubscriptions=Amount of subscriptions
TurnoverOrBudget=Turnover (for a company) or Budget (for a foundation)
DefaultAmount=Default amount of subscription
CanEditAmount=Visitor can choose/edit amount of its subscription
MEMBER_NEWFORM_PAYONLINE=Jump on integrated online payment page
ByProperties=By nature
MembersStatisticsByProperties=Members statistics by nature
MembersByNature=This screen show you statistics on members by nature.
MembersByRegion=This screen show you statistics on members by region.
VATToUseForSubscriptions=VAT rate to use for subscriptions
NoVatOnSubscription=No VAT for subscriptions
ADHERENT_PRODUCT_ID_FOR_SUBSCRIPTIONS=Product used for subscription line into invoice: %s
NameOrCompany=Name or company
SubscriptionRecorded=Subscription recorded
NoEmailSentToMember=No email sent to member
EmailSentToMember=Email sent to member at %s
SendReminderForExpiredSubscriptionTitle=Send reminder by email for expired subscription
SendReminderForExpiredSubscription=Send reminder by email to members when subscription is about to expire (parameter is number of days before end of subscription to send the remind. It can be a list of days separated by a semicolon, for example '10;5;0;-5')
MembershipPaid=Membership paid for current period (until %s)
YouMayFindYourInvoiceInThisEmail=You may find your invoice attached to this email
XMembersClosed=%s member(s) closed