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# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - compta
MenuFinancial=Billing | Payment
TaxModuleSetupToModifyRules=Go to <a href="%s">Taxes module setup</a> to modify rules for calculation
TaxModuleSetupToModifyRulesLT=Go to <a href="%s">Company setup</a> to modify rules for calculation
OptionMode=Option for accountancy
OptionModeTrue=Option Incomes-Expenses
OptionModeVirtual=Option Claims-Debts
OptionModeTrueDesc=In this context, the turnover is calculated over payments (date of payments). The validity of the figures is assured only if the book-keeping is scrutinized through the input/output on the accounts via invoices.
OptionModeVirtualDesc=In this context, the turnover is calculated over invoices (date of validation). When these invoices are due, whether they have been paid or not, they are listed in the turnover output.
FeatureIsSupportedInInOutModeOnly=Feature only available in CREDITS-DEBTS accountancy mode (See Accountancy module configuration)
VATReportBuildWithOptionDefinedInModule=Amounts shown here are calculated using rules defined by Tax module setup.
LTReportBuildWithOptionDefinedInModule=Amounts shown here are calculated using rules defined by Company setup.
RemainingAmountPayment=Amount payment remaining:
Accountparent=Parent account
Accountsparent=Parent accounts
MenuReportInOut=Income / Expense
ReportInOut=Balance of income and expenses
ReportTurnover=Turnover invoiced
ReportTurnoverCollected=Turnover collected
PaymentsNotLinkedToInvoice=Payments not linked to any invoice, so not linked to any third party
PaymentsNotLinkedToUser=Payments not linked to any user
AccountingResult=Accounting result
BalanceBefore=Balance (before)
Piece=Accounting Doc.
AmountHTVATRealReceived=Net collected
AmountHTVATRealPaid=Net paid
VATToPay=Tax sales
VATReceived=Tax received
VATToCollect=Tax purchases
VATSummary=Tax monthly
VATBalance=Tax Balance
VATPaid=Tax paid
LT1Summary=Tax 2 summary
LT2Summary=Tax 3 summary
LT1SummaryES=RE Balance
LT2SummaryES=IRPF Balance
LT1SummaryIN=CGST Balance
LT2SummaryIN=SGST Balance
LT1Paid=Tax 2 paid
LT2Paid=Tax 3 paid
LT1PaidES=RE Paid
LT1Customer=Tax 2 sales
LT1Supplier=Tax 2 purchases
LT1CustomerES=RE sales
LT1SupplierES=RE purchases
LT1CustomerIN=CGST sales
LT1SupplierIN=CGST purchases
LT2Customer=Tax 3 sales
LT2Supplier=Tax 3 purchases
LT2CustomerES=IRPF sales
LT2SupplierES=IRPF purchases
LT2CustomerIN=SGST sales
LT2SupplierIN=SGST purchases
VATCollected=VAT collected
ToPay=To pay
SpecialExpensesArea=Area for all special payments
SocialContribution=Social or fiscal tax
SocialContributions=Social or fiscal taxes
SocialContributionsDeductibles=Deductible social or fiscal taxes
SocialContributionsNondeductibles=Nondeductible social or fiscal taxes
LabelContrib=Label contribution
TypeContrib=Type contribution
MenuSpecialExpenses=Special expenses
MenuTaxAndDividends=Taxes and dividends
MenuSocialContributions=Social/fiscal taxes
MenuNewSocialContribution=New social/fiscal tax
NewSocialContribution=New social/fiscal tax
AddSocialContribution=Add social/fiscal tax
ContributionsToPay=Social/fiscal taxes to pay
AccountancyTreasuryArea=Billing and payment area
NewPayment=New payment
PaymentCustomerInvoice=Customer invoice payment
PaymentSupplierInvoice=vendor invoice payment
PaymentSocialContribution=Social/fiscal tax payment
PaymentVat=VAT payment
ListPayment=List of payments
ListOfCustomerPayments=List of customer payments
ListOfSupplierPayments=List of vendor payments
DateStartPeriod=Date start period
DateEndPeriod=Date end period
newLT1Payment=New tax 2 payment
newLT2Payment=New tax 3 payment
LT1Payment=Tax 2 payment
LT1Payments=Tax 2 payments
LT2Payment=Tax 3 payment
LT2Payments=Tax 3 payments
newLT1PaymentES=New RE payment
newLT2PaymentES=New IRPF payment
LT1PaymentES=RE Payment
LT1PaymentsES=RE Payments
LT2PaymentES=IRPF Payment
LT2PaymentsES=IRPF Payments
VATPayment=Sales tax payment
VATPayments=Sales tax payments
VATRefund=Sales tax refund
NewVATPayment=New sales tax payment
NewLocalTaxPayment=New tax %s payment
SocialContributionsPayments=Social/fiscal taxes payments
ShowVatPayment=Show VAT payment
TotalToPay=Total to pay
BalanceVisibilityDependsOnSortAndFilters=Balance is visible in this list only if table is sorted ascending on %s and filtered for 1 bank account
CustomerAccountancyCode=Customer accounting code
SupplierAccountancyCode=vendor accounting code
CustomerAccountancyCodeShort=Cust. account. code
SupplierAccountancyCodeShort=Sup. account. code
AccountNumber=Account number
NewAccountingAccount=New account
Turnover=Turnover invoiced
TurnoverCollected=Turnover collected
SalesTurnoverMinimum=Minimum turnover
ByExpenseIncome=By expenses & incomes
ByThirdParties=By third parties
ByUserAuthorOfInvoice=By invoice author
CheckReceipt=Check deposit
CheckReceiptShort=Check deposit
LastCheckReceiptShort=Latest %s check receipts
NewCheckReceipt=New discount
NewCheckDeposit=New check deposit
NewCheckDepositOn=Create receipt for deposit on account: %s
NoWaitingChecks=No checks awaiting deposit.
DateChequeReceived=Check reception date
NbOfCheques=No. of checks
PaySocialContribution=Pay a social/fiscal tax
ConfirmPaySocialContribution=Are you sure you want to classify this social or fiscal tax as paid?
DeleteSocialContribution=Delete a social or fiscal tax payment
ConfirmDeleteSocialContribution=Are you sure you want to delete this social/fiscal tax payment?
ExportDataset_tax_1=Social and fiscal taxes and payments
CalcModeVATDebt=Mode <b>%sVAT on commitment accounting%s</b>.
CalcModeVATEngagement=Mode <b>%sVAT on incomes-expenses%s</b>.
CalcModeDebt=Analysis of known recorded invoices even if they are not yet accounted in ledger.
CalcModeEngagement=Analysis of known recorded payments, even if they are not yet accounted in Ledger.
CalcModeBookkeeping=Analysis of data journalized in Bookkeeping Ledger table.
CalcModeLT1= Mode <b>%sRE on customer invoices - suppliers invoices%s</b>
CalcModeLT1Debt=Mode <b>%sRE on customer invoices%s</b>
CalcModeLT1Rec= Mode <b>%sRE on suppliers invoices%s</b>
CalcModeLT2= Mode <b>%sIRPF on customer invoices - suppliers invoices%s</b>
CalcModeLT2Debt=Mode <b>%sIRPF on customer invoices%s</b>
CalcModeLT2Rec= Mode <b>%sIRPF on suppliers invoices%s</b>
AnnualSummaryDueDebtMode=Balance of income and expenses, annual summary
AnnualSummaryInputOutputMode=Balance of income and expenses, annual summary
AnnualByCompanies=Balance of income and expenses, by predefined groups of account
AnnualByCompaniesDueDebtMode=Balance of income and expenses, detail by predefined groups, mode <b>%sClaims-Debts%s</b> said <b>Commitment accounting</b>.
AnnualByCompaniesInputOutputMode=Balance of income and expenses, detail by predefined groups, mode <b>%sIncomes-Expenses%s</b> said <b>cash accounting</b>.
SeeReportInInputOutputMode=See %sanalysis of payments%s for a calculation on actual payments made even if they are not yet accounted in Ledger.
SeeReportInDueDebtMode=See %sanalysis of invoices%s for a calculation based on known recorded invoices even if they are not yet accounted in Ledger.
SeeReportInBookkeepingMode=See <b>%sBookeeping report%s</b> for a calculation on <b>Bookkeeping Ledger table</b>
RulesAmountWithTaxIncluded=- Amounts shown are with all taxes included
RulesResultDue=- It includes outstanding invoices, expenses, VAT, donations whether they are paid or not. Is also includes paid salaries.<br>- It is based on the validation date of invoices and VAT and on the due date for expenses. For salaries defined with Salary module, the value date of payment is used.
RulesResultInOut=- It includes the real payments made on invoices, expenses, VAT and salaries. <br>- It is based on the payment dates of the invoices, expenses, VAT and salaries. The donation date for donation.
RulesCADue=- It includes the customer's due invoices whether they are paid or not. <br>- It is based on the validation date of these invoices.<br>
RulesCAIn=- It includes all the effective payments of invoices received from customers.<br>- It is based on the payment date of these invoices<br>
RulesCATotalSaleJournal=It includes all credit lines from the Sale journal.
RulesAmountOnInOutBookkeepingRecord=It includes record in your Ledger with accounting accounts that has the group "EXPENSE" or "INCOME"
RulesResultBookkeepingPredefined=It includes record in your Ledger with accounting accounts that has the group "EXPENSE" or "INCOME"
RulesResultBookkeepingPersonalized=It show record in your Ledger with accounting accounts <b>grouped by personalized groups</b>
SeePageForSetup=See menu <a href="%s">%s</a> for setup
DepositsAreNotIncluded=- Down payment invoices are not included
DepositsAreIncluded=- Down payment invoices are included
LT1ReportByCustomers=Report tax 2 by third party
LT2ReportByCustomers=Report tax 3 by third party
LT1ReportByCustomersES=Report by third party RE
LT2ReportByCustomersES=Report by third party IRPF
VATReport=Sale tax report
VATReportByPeriods=Sale tax report by period
VATReportByRates=Sale tax report by rates
VATReportByThirdParties=Sale tax report by third parties
VATReportByCustomers=Sale tax report by customer
VATReportByCustomersInInputOutputMode=Report by the customer VAT collected and paid
VATReportByQuartersInInputOutputMode=Report by Sale tax rate of the tax collected and paid
LT1ReportByQuarters=Report tax 2 by rate
LT2ReportByQuarters=Report tax 3 by rate
LT1ReportByQuartersES=Report by RE rate
LT2ReportByQuartersES=Report by IRPF rate
SeeVATReportInInputOutputMode=See report <b>%sVAT encasement%s</b> for a standard calculation
SeeVATReportInDueDebtMode=See report <b>%sVAT on flow%s</b> for a calculation with an option on the flow
RulesVATInServices=- For services, the report includes the VAT regulations actually received or issued on the basis of the date of payment.
RulesVATInProducts=- For material assets, the report includes the VAT received or issued on the basis of the date of payment.
RulesVATDueServices=- For services, the report includes VAT invoices due, paid or not, based on the invoice date.
RulesVATDueProducts=- For material assets, the report includes the VAT invoices, based on the invoice date.
OptionVatInfoModuleComptabilite=Note: For material assets, it should use the date of delivery to be more fair.
ThisIsAnEstimatedValue=This is a preview, based on business events and not from the final ledger table, so final results may differ from this preview values
NotUsedForGoods=Not used on goods
ProposalStats=Statistics on proposals
OrderStats=Statistics on orders
InvoiceStats=Statistics on bills
ToDispatch=To dispatch
ThirdPartyMustBeEditAsCustomer=Third party must be defined as a customer
SellsJournal=Sales Journal
PurchasesJournal=Purchases Journal
DescSellsJournal=Sales Journal
DescPurchasesJournal=Purchases Journal
CodeNotDef=Not defined
WarningDepositsNotIncluded=Down payment invoices are not included in this version with this accountancy module.
DatePaymentTermCantBeLowerThanObjectDate=Payment term date can't be lower than object date.
Pcg_version=Chart of accounts models
Pcg_type=Pcg type
Pcg_subtype=Pcg subtype
InvoiceLinesToDispatch=Invoice lines to dispatch
ByProductsAndServices=By product and service
RefExt=External ref
ToCreateAPredefinedInvoice=To create a template invoice, create a standard invoice, then, without validating it, click onto button "%s".
LinkedOrder=Link to order
Mode1=Method 1
Mode2=Method 2
CalculationRuleDesc=To calculate total VAT, there is two methods:<br>Method 1 is rounding vat on each line, then summing them.<br>Method 2 is summing all vat on each line, then rounding result.<br>Final result may differs from few cents. Default mode is mode <b>%s</b>.
CalculationRuleDescSupplier=According to vendor, choose appropriate method to apply same calculation rule and get same result expected by your vendor.
TurnoverPerProductInCommitmentAccountingNotRelevant=The report of Turnover collected per product is not available. This report is only available for turnover invoiced.
TurnoverPerSaleTaxRateInCommitmentAccountingNotRelevant=The report of Turnover collected per sale tax rate is not available. This report is only available for turnover invoiced.
CalculationMode=Calculation mode
AccountancyJournal=Accounting code journal
ACCOUNTING_VAT_SOLD_ACCOUNT=Accounting account by default for VAT on sales (used if not defined on VAT dictionary setup)
ACCOUNTING_VAT_BUY_ACCOUNT=Accounting account by default for VAT on purchases (used if not defined on VAT dictionary setup)
ACCOUNTING_VAT_PAY_ACCOUNT=Accounting account by default for paying VAT
ACCOUNTING_ACCOUNT_CUSTOMER=Accounting account used for customer third parties
ACCOUNTING_ACCOUNT_CUSTOMER_Desc=The dedicated accounting account defined on third party card will be used for Subledger accounting only. This one will be used for General Ledger and as default value of Subledger accounting if dedicated customer accounting account on third party is not defined.
ACCOUNTING_ACCOUNT_SUPPLIER=Accounting account used for vendor third parties
ACCOUNTING_ACCOUNT_SUPPLIER_Desc=The dedicated accounting account defined on third party card will be used for Subledger accounting only. This one will be used for General Ledger and as default value of Subledger accounting if dedicated vendor accounting account on third party is not defined.
ConfirmCloneTax=Confirm the clone of a social/fiscal tax
CloneTaxForNextMonth=Clone it for next month
SimpleReport=Simple report
AddExtraReport=Extra reports (add foreign and national customer report)
OtherCountriesCustomersReport=Foreign customers report
BasedOnTwoFirstLettersOfVATNumberBeingDifferentFromYourCompanyCountry=Based on the two first letters of the VAT number being different from your own company's country code
SameCountryCustomersWithVAT=National customers report
BasedOnTwoFirstLettersOfVATNumberBeingTheSameAsYourCompanyCountry=Based on the two first letters of the VAT number being the same as your own company's country code
LinkedFichinter=Link to an intervention
ImportDataset_tax_contrib=Social/fiscal taxes
ImportDataset_tax_vat=Vat payments
ErrorBankAccountNotFound=Error: Bank account not found
FiscalPeriod=Accounting period
ListSocialContributionAssociatedProject=List of social contributions associated with the project
DeleteFromCat=Remove from accounting group
AccountingAffectation=Accounting assignment
LastDayTaxIsRelatedTo=Last day of period the tax is related to
VATDue=Sale tax claimed
ClaimedForThisPeriod=Claimed for the period
PaidDuringThisPeriod=Paid during this period
ByVatRate=By sale tax rate
TurnoverbyVatrate=Turnover invoiced by sale tax rate
TurnoverCollectedbyVatrate=Turnover collected by sale tax rate
PurchasebyVatrate=Purchase by sale tax rate