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# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - paypal
PaypalSetup=Άμεση εγκατάσταση μονάδας
PaypalDesc=This module allows payment by customers via <a href="http://www.paypal.com" target="_blank">PayPal</a>. This can be used for a ad-hoc payment or for a payment related to a Dolibarr object (invoice, order, ...)
PaypalOrCBDoPayment=Pay with PayPal (Card or PayPal)
PaypalDoPayment=Pay with PayPal
PAYPAL_API_SANDBOX=Λειτουργία δοκιμής / sandbox
PAYPAL_API_USER=API όνομα χρήστη
PAYPAL_API_PASSWORD=API κωδικό πρόσβασης
PAYPAL_API_INTEGRAL_OR_PAYPALONLY=Offer "integral" payment (Credit card+PayPal) or "PayPal" only
PaypalModeOnlyPaypal=PayPal μόνο
ONLINE_PAYMENT_CSS_URL=Optional URL of CSS stylesheet on online payment page
ThisIsTransactionId=Αυτό είναι id της συναλλαγής: <b>%s</b>
PAYPAL_ADD_PAYMENT_URL=Include the PayPal payment url when you send a document by email
NewOnlinePaymentReceived=New online payment received
NewOnlinePaymentFailed=New online payment tried but failed
ONLINE_PAYMENT_SENDEMAIL=Email address for notifications after each payment attempt (for success and fail)
ReturnURLAfterPayment=Επιστροφή στο URL μετά από την πληρωμή
ValidationOfOnlinePaymentFailed=Validation of online payment failed
PaymentSystemConfirmPaymentPageWasCalledButFailed=Payment confirmation page was called by payment system returned an error
SetExpressCheckoutAPICallFailed=SetExpressCheckout API call failed.
DoExpressCheckoutPaymentAPICallFailed=DoExpressCheckoutPayment API call failed.
DetailedErrorMessage=Λεπτομερές μήνυμα λάθους
ShortErrorMessage=Short Error Message
ErrorCode=Λάθος κωδικός
ErrorSeverityCode=Error Severity Code
OnlinePaymentSystem=Online payment system
PaypalLiveEnabled=PayPal "live" mode enabled (otherwise test/sandbox mode)
PaypalImportPayment=Import PayPal payments
PostActionAfterPayment=Post actions after payments
ARollbackWasPerformedOnPostActions=A rollback was performed on all Post actions. You must complete post actions manually if they are necessary.
ValidationOfPaymentFailed=Validation of payment has failed
CardOwner=Card holder
PayPalBalance=Paypal credit