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# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - trips
ShowExpenseReport=عرض تقرير حساب
Trips=تقارير المصاريف
TripsAndExpenses=تقارير النفقات
TripsAndExpensesStatistics=إحصاءات تقارير المصاريف
TripCard=حساب بطاقة تقرير
AddTrip=إنشاء تقرير حساب
ListOfTrips=قائمة التقارير حساب
ListOfFees=قائمة الرسوم
TypeFees=Types of fees
ShowTrip=عرض تقرير حساب
NewTrip=تقرير حساب جديد
LastExpenseReports=Latest %s expense reports
AllExpenseReports=All expense reports
CompanyVisited=Company/organization visited
FeesKilometersOrAmout=كم المبلغ أو
DeleteTrip=حذف تقرير حساب
ConfirmDeleteTrip=Are you sure you want to delete this expense report?
ListTripsAndExpenses=قائمة التقارير حساب
ListToApprove=تنتظر الموافقة
ExpensesArea=منطقة تقارير المصاريف
ClassifyRefunded=تصنيف "ردها"
ExpenseReportWaitingForApproval=وقد قدم تقرير حساب جديد للموافقة عليها
ExpenseReportWaitingForApprovalMessage=A new expense report has been submitted and is waiting for approval.<br> - User: %s<br> - Period: %s<br>Click here to validate: %s
ExpenseReportWaitingForReApproval=An expense report has been submitted for re-approval
ExpenseReportWaitingForReApprovalMessage=An expense report has been submitted and is waiting for re-approval.<br>The %s, you refused to approve the expense report for this reason: %s.<br>A new version has been proposed and waiting for your approval.<br> - User: %s<br> - Period: %s<br>Click here to validate: %s
ExpenseReportApproved=An expense report was approved
ExpenseReportApprovedMessage=The expense report %s was approved.<br> - User: %s<br> - Approved by: %s<br>Click here to show the expense report: %s
ExpenseReportRefused=An expense report was refused
ExpenseReportRefusedMessage=The expense report %s was refused.<br> - User: %s<br> - Refused by: %s<br> - Motive for refusal: %s<br>Click here to show the expense report: %s
ExpenseReportCanceled=An expense report was canceled
ExpenseReportCanceledMessage=The expense report %s was canceled.<br> - User: %s<br> - Canceled by: %s<br> - Motive for cancellation: %s<br>Click here to show the expense report: %s
ExpenseReportPaid=An expense report was paid
ExpenseReportPaidMessage=The expense report %s was paid.<br> - User: %s<br> - Paid by: %s<br>Click here to show the expense report: %s
TripId=تقرير حساب الهوية
AnyOtherInThisListCanValidate=شخص إبلاغ عن التحقق من الصحة.
TripSociete=شركة المعلومات
TripNDF=المعلومات تقرير حساب
PDFStandardExpenseReports=قالب قياسي لتوليد وثيقة PDF لتقرير حساب
ExpenseReportLine=خط تقرير حساب
TF_TRIP=وسائل النقل
TF_TAXI=سيارة اجره
EX_KME=Mileage costs
EX_PAR=Parking CV
EX_TAX=Various Taxes
EX_IND=Indemnity transportation subscription
EX_SUM=Maintenance supply
EX_SUO=Office supplies
EX_CAR=Car rental
EX_CUR=Customers receiving
EX_OTR=Other receiving
EX_CAM=CV maintenance and repair
EX_EMM=Employees meal
EX_GUM=Guests meal
EX_PAR_VP=Parking PV
EX_CAM_VP=PV maintenance and repair
DefaultCategoryCar=Default transportation mode
DefaultRangeNumber=Default range number
UploadANewFileNow=Upload a new document now
Error_EXPENSEREPORT_ADDON_NotDefined=Error, the rule for expense report numbering ref was not defined into setup of module 'Expense Report'
ErrorDoubleDeclaration=لقد أعلن تقرير حساب آخر في نطاق تاريخ مماثل.
AucuneLigne=لا يوجد تقرير مصروفات تعلن بعد
ModePaiement=طريقة الدفع
VALIDATOR=العضو المسؤول عن الموافقة
VALIDOR=التي وافقت عليها
AUTHOR=تم تسجيلها عن طريق
CANCEL_USER=حذف من قبل
DATE_REFUS=تاريخ ينكر
DATE_SAVE=تاريخ التحقق من الصحة
DATE_CANCEL=تاريخ الإلغاء
DATE_PAIEMENT=تاريخ الدفع
ExpenseReportRef=Ref. expense report
ValidateAndSubmit=التحقق من صحة ويقدم للموافقة عليها
ValidatedWaitingApproval=التحقق من صحة (في انتظار الموافقة)
NOT_AUTHOR=أنت لست صاحب هذا التقرير حساب. إلغاء العملية.
ConfirmRefuseTrip=Are you sure you want to deny this expense report?
ValideTrip=الموافقة على تقرير النفقات
ConfirmValideTrip=Are you sure you want to approve this expense report?
PaidTrip=دفع تقرير مصروفات
ConfirmPaidTrip=Are you sure you want to change status of this expense report to "Paid"?
ConfirmCancelTrip=Are you sure you want to cancel this expense report?
BrouillonnerTrip=الرجوع تقرير نفقة لوضع "مسودة"
ConfirmBrouillonnerTrip=Are you sure you want to move this expense report to status "Draft"?
SaveTrip=التحقق من صحة التقرير حساب
ConfirmSaveTrip=Are you sure you want to validate this expense report?
NoTripsToExportCSV=أي تقرير نفقة لتصدير لهذه الفترة.
ExpenseReportPayment=دفع تقرير حساب
ExpenseReportsToApprove=Expense reports to approve
ExpenseReportsToPay=تقارير النفقات لدفع
ConfirmCloneExpenseReport=Are you sure you want to clone this expense report ?
ExpenseReportsIk=Expense report milles index
ExpenseReportsRules=Expense report rules
ExpenseReportIkDesc=You can modify the calculation of kilometers expense by category and range who they are previously defined. <b>d</b> is the distance in kilometers
ExpenseReportRulesDesc=You can create or update any rules of calculation. This part will be used when user will create a new expense report
expenseReportTotalForFive=Example with <u>d</u> = 5
expenseReportRangeFromTo=from %d to %d
expenseReportRangeMoreThan=more than %d
expenseReportCoefUndefined=(value not defined)
expenseReportCatDisabled=Category disabled - see the c_exp_tax_cat dictionary
expenseReportRangeDisabled=Range disabled - see the c_exp_tax_range dictionay
expenseReportPrintExample=offset + (d x coef) = %s
ExpenseReportApplyTo=Apply to
ExpenseReportDomain=Domain to apply
ExpenseReportLimitOn=Limit on
ExpenseReportDateStart=تاريخ بداية
ExpenseReportDateEnd=تاريخ انتهاء
ExpenseReportLimitAmount=Limite amount
AllExpenseReport=All type of expense report
OnExpense=Expense line
ExpenseReportRuleSave=Expense report rule saved
ExpenseReportRuleErrorOnSave=Error: %s
RangeNum=Range %d
ExpenseReportConstraintViolationError=Constraint violation id [%s]: %s  is superior to %s %s
byEX_DAY=by day (limitation to %s)
byEX_MON=by month (limitation to %s)
byEX_YEA=by year (limitation to %s)
byEX_EXP=by line (limitation to %s)
ExpenseReportConstraintViolationWarning=Constraint violation id [%s]: %s  is superior to %s %s
nolimitbyEX_DAY=by day (no limitation)
nolimitbyEX_MON=by month (no limitation)
nolimitbyEX_YEA=by year (no limitation)
nolimitbyEX_EXP=by line (no limitation)
CarCategory=Category of car
ExpenseRangeOffset=Offset amount: %s
RangeIk=Mileage range
AttachTheNewLineToTheDocument=Attach the new line to an existing document