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Current File : /home/scgforma/www/soctest/htdocs/includes/ace/snippets/markdown.js

ace.define("ace/snippets/markdown",["require","exports","module"], function(require, exports, module) {
"use strict";

exports.snippetText = "# Markdown\n\
# Includes octopress (http://octopress.org/) snippets\n\
snippet [\n\
	[${1:text}](http://${2:address} \"${3:title}\")\n\
snippet [*\n\
	[${1:link}](${2:`@*`} \"${3:title}\")${4}\n\
snippet [:\n\
	[${1:id}]: http://${2:url} \"${3:title}\"\n\
snippet [:*\n\
	[${1:id}]: ${2:`@*`} \"${3:title}\"\n\
snippet ![\n\
	![${1:alttext}](${2:/images/image.jpg} \"${3:title}\")\n\
snippet ![*\n\
	![${1:alt}](${2:`@*`} \"${3:title}\")${4}\n\
snippet ![:\n\
	![${1:id}]: ${2:url} \"${3:title}\"\n\
snippet ![:*\n\
	![${1:id}]: ${2:`@*`} \"${3:title}\"\n\
snippet ===\n\
regex /^/=+/=*//\n\
snippet ---\n\
regex /^/-+/-*//\n\
snippet blockquote\n\
	{% blockquote %}\n\
	{% endblockquote %}\n\
snippet blockquote-author\n\
	{% blockquote ${1:author}, ${2:title} %}\n\
	{% endblockquote %}\n\
snippet blockquote-link\n\
	{% blockquote ${1:author} ${2:URL} ${3:link_text} %}\n\
	{% endblockquote %}\n\
snippet bt-codeblock-short\n\
snippet bt-codeblock-full\n\
	``` ${1:language} ${2:title} ${3:URL} ${4:link_text}\n\
snippet codeblock-short\n\
	{% codeblock %}\n\
	{% endcodeblock %}\n\
snippet codeblock-full\n\
	{% codeblock ${1:title} lang:${2:language} ${3:URL} ${4:link_text} %}\n\
	{% endcodeblock %}\n\
snippet gist-full\n\
	{% gist ${1:gist_id} ${2:filename} %}\n\
snippet gist-short\n\
	{% gist ${1:gist_id} %}\n\
snippet img\n\
	{% img ${1:class} ${2:URL} ${3:width} ${4:height} ${5:title_text} ${6:alt_text} %}\n\
snippet youtube\n\
	{% youtube ${1:video_id} %}\n\
# The quote should appear only once in the text. It is inherently part of it.\n\
# See http://octopress.org/docs/plugins/pullquote/ for more info.\n\
snippet pullquote\n\
	{% pullquote %}\n\
	${1:text} {\" ${2:quote} \"} ${3:text}\n\
	{% endpullquote %}\n\
exports.scope = "markdown";
