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/* Copyright (C) 2011		Dimitri Mouillard	<dmouillard@teclib.com>
 * Copyright (C) 2012-2014	Laurent Destailleur	<eldy@users.sourceforge.net>
 * Copyright (C) 2012-2016	Regis Houssin		<regis.houssin@inodbox.com>
 * Copyright (C) 2013		Florian Henry		<florian.henry@open-concept.pro>
 * Copyright (C) 2016       Juanjo Menent       <jmenent@2byte.es>
 * Copyright (C) 2018       Frédéric France         <frederic.france@netlogic.fr>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

 *    \file       holiday.class.php
 *    \ingroup    holiday
 *    \brief      Class file of the module paid holiday.
require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT .'/core/class/commonobject.class.php';

 *	Class of the module paid holiday. Developed by Teclib ( http://www.teclib.com/ )
class Holiday extends CommonObject
	 * @var string ID to identify managed object
	public $element='holiday';

	 * @var string Name of table without prefix where object is stored
	public $table_element='holiday';

	 * 0=No test on entity, 1=Test with field entity, 2=Test with link by societe
	 * @var int
	public $ismultientitymanaged = 0;

	 * @var int Field with ID of parent key if this field has a parent
	public $fk_element = 'fk_holiday';

	public $picto = 'holiday';

	 * @deprecated
	 * @see $id
	public $rowid;

	 * @var int User ID
	public $fk_user;

	public $date_create='';

	 * @var string description
	public $description;

	public $date_debut='';			// Date start in PHP server TZ
	public $date_fin='';			// Date end in PHP server TZ
	public $date_debut_gmt='';		// Date start in GMT
	public $date_fin_gmt='';		// Date end in GMT
	public $halfday='';				// 0:Full days, 2:Start afternoon end morning, -1:Start afternoon end afternoon, 1:Start morning end morning
	public $statut='';				// 1=draft, 2=validated, 3=approved

     * @var int ID
	public $fk_validator;

	public $date_valid='';

     * @var int ID
	public $fk_user_valid;

	public $date_refuse='';

     * @var int ID
	public $fk_user_refuse;

	public $date_cancel='';

     * @var int ID
	public $fk_user_cancel;

	public $detail_refuse='';

     * @var int ID
	public $fk_type;

	public $holiday = array();
	public $events = array();
	public $logs = array();

	public $optName = '';
	public $optValue = '';
	public $optRowid = '';

	 * Draft status
	const STATUS_DRAFT = 1;
	 * Validated status
	 * Approved
	 * Canceled
	 * Refused
	const STATUS_REFUSED = 5;

	 *   Constructor
	 *   @param		DoliDB		$db      Database handler
	public function __construct($db)
		$this->db = $db;

	 *  Returns the reference to the following non used Order depending on the active numbering module
	 *  defined into HOLIDAY_ADDON
	 *	@param	Societe		$objsoc     third party object
	 *  @return string      			Holiday free reference
	public function getNextNumRef($objsoc)
		global $langs, $conf;

		if (empty($conf->global->HOLIDAY_ADDON))
			$conf->global->HOLIDAY_ADDON = 'mod_holiday_madonna';

		if (! empty($conf->global->HOLIDAY_ADDON))

			$file = $conf->global->HOLIDAY_ADDON.".php";
			$classname = $conf->global->HOLIDAY_ADDON;

			// Include file with class
			$dirmodels=array_merge(array('/'), (array) $conf->modules_parts['models']);
			foreach ($dirmodels as $reldir)
				$dir = dol_buildpath($reldir."core/modules/holiday/");

				// Load file with numbering class (if found)
				$mybool|=@include_once $dir.$file;

			if ($mybool === false)
				dol_print_error('', "Failed to include file ".$file);
				return '';

			$obj = new $classname();
			$numref = $obj->getNextValue($objsoc, $this);

			if ($numref != "")
				return $numref;
				//dol_print_error($this->db,get_class($this)."::getNextNumRef ".$obj->error);
				return "";
			print $langs->trans("Error")." ".$langs->trans("Error_HOLIDAY_ADDON_NotDefined");
			return "";

	 * Update balance of vacations and check table of users for holidays is complete. If not complete.
	 * @return	int			<0 if KO, >0 if OK
	public function updateBalance()

		// Update sold of vocations
		$result = $this->updateSoldeCP();

		// Check nb of users into table llx_holiday_users and update with empty lines
		//if ($result > 0) $result = $this->verifNbUsers($this->countActiveUsersWithoutCP(), $this->getConfCP('nbUser'));

		if ($result >= 0)
			return 1;
			return -1;

	 *   Créer un congés payés dans la base de données
	 *   @param		User	$user        	User that create
	 *   @param     int		$notrigger	    0=launch triggers after, 1=disable triggers
	 *   @return    int			         	<0 if KO, Id of created object if OK
	public function create($user, $notrigger = 0)
		global $conf;


		// Check parameters
		if (empty($this->fk_user) || ! is_numeric($this->fk_user) || $this->fk_user < 0) { $this->error="ErrorBadParameterFkUser"; return -1; }
		if (empty($this->fk_validator) || ! is_numeric($this->fk_validator) || $this->fk_validator < 0)  { $this->error="ErrorBadParameterFkValidator"; return -1; }
		if (empty($this->fk_type) || ! is_numeric($this->fk_type) || $this->fk_type < 0) { $this->error="ErrorBadParameterFkType"; return -1; }

		// Insert request
		$sql = "INSERT INTO ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."holiday(";
		$sql.= "fk_user,";
		$sql.= "date_create,";
		$sql.= "description,";
		$sql.= "date_debut,";
		$sql.= "date_fin,";
		$sql.= "halfday,";
		$sql.= "statut,";
		$sql.= "fk_validator,";
		$sql.= "fk_type,";
		$sql.= "fk_user_create,";
		$sql.= "entity";
		$sql.= ") VALUES (";
		$sql.= "'".$this->db->escape($this->fk_user)."',";
		$sql.= " '".$this->db->idate($now)."',";
		$sql.= " '".$this->db->escape($this->description)."',";
		$sql.= " '".$this->db->idate($this->date_debut)."',";
		$sql.= " '".$this->db->idate($this->date_fin)."',";
		$sql.= " ".$this->halfday.",";
		$sql.= " '1',";
		$sql.= " '".$this->db->escape($this->fk_validator)."',";
		$sql.= " ".$this->fk_type.",";
		$sql.= " ".$user->id.",";
		$sql.= " ".$conf->entity;
		$sql.= ")";


		dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::create", LOG_DEBUG);
		if (! $resql) {
			$error++; $this->errors[]="Error ".$this->db->lasterror();

		if (! $error)
			$this->id = $this->db->last_insert_id(MAIN_DB_PREFIX."holiday");

			if (! $notrigger)
				// Call trigger
				$result=$this->call_trigger('HOLIDAY_CREATE', $user);
				if ($result < 0) { $error++; }
				// End call triggers

		// Commit or rollback
		if ($error)
			foreach($this->errors as $errmsg)
				dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::create ".$errmsg, LOG_ERR);
				$this->error.=($this->error?', '.$errmsg:$errmsg);
			return -1*$error;
			return $this->id;

	 *	Load object in memory from database
	 *  @param	int		$id         Id object
	 *  @param	string	$ref        Ref object
	 *  @return int         		<0 if KO, >0 if OK
	public function fetch($id, $ref = '')
		global $langs;

		$sql = "SELECT";
		$sql.= " cp.rowid,";
		$sql.= " cp.ref,";
		$sql.= " cp.fk_user,";
		$sql.= " cp.date_create,";
		$sql.= " cp.description,";
		$sql.= " cp.date_debut,";
		$sql.= " cp.date_fin,";
		$sql.= " cp.halfday,";
		$sql.= " cp.statut,";
		$sql.= " cp.fk_validator,";
		$sql.= " cp.date_valid,";
		$sql.= " cp.fk_user_valid,";
		$sql.= " cp.date_refuse,";
		$sql.= " cp.fk_user_refuse,";
		$sql.= " cp.date_cancel,";
		$sql.= " cp.fk_user_cancel,";
		$sql.= " cp.detail_refuse,";
		$sql.= " cp.note_private,";
		$sql.= " cp.note_public,";
		$sql.= " cp.fk_user_create,";
		$sql.= " cp.fk_type,";
		$sql.= " cp.entity";
		$sql.= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."holiday as cp";
		if ($id > 0) $sql.= " WHERE cp.rowid = ".$id;
		else $sql.=" WHERE cp.ref = '".$this->db->escape($ref)."'";

		dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::fetch", LOG_DEBUG);
		if ($resql)
			if ($this->db->num_rows($resql))
				$obj = $this->db->fetch_object($resql);

				$this->id    = $obj->rowid;
				$this->rowid = $obj->rowid;	// deprecated
				$this->ref   = ($obj->ref?$obj->ref:$obj->rowid);
				$this->fk_user = $obj->fk_user;
				$this->date_create = $this->db->jdate($obj->date_create);
				$this->description = $obj->description;
				$this->date_debut = $this->db->jdate($obj->date_debut);
				$this->date_fin = $this->db->jdate($obj->date_fin);
				$this->date_debut_gmt = $this->db->jdate($obj->date_debut, 1);
				$this->date_fin_gmt = $this->db->jdate($obj->date_fin, 1);
				$this->halfday = $obj->halfday;
				$this->statut = $obj->statut;
				$this->fk_validator = $obj->fk_validator;
				$this->date_valid = $this->db->jdate($obj->date_valid);
				$this->fk_user_valid = $obj->fk_user_valid;
				$this->date_refuse = $this->db->jdate($obj->date_refuse);
				$this->fk_user_refuse = $obj->fk_user_refuse;
				$this->date_cancel = $this->db->jdate($obj->date_cancel);
				$this->fk_user_cancel = $obj->fk_user_cancel;
				$this->detail_refuse = $obj->detail_refuse;
				$this->note_private = $obj->note_private;
				$this->note_public = $obj->note_public;
				$this->fk_user_create = $obj->fk_user_create;
				$this->fk_type = $obj->fk_type;
				$this->entity = $obj->entity;

			return 1;
			$this->error="Error ".$this->db->lasterror();
			return -1;

	 *	List holidays for a particular user or list of users
	 *  @param		int|string		$user_id    ID of user to list, or comma separated list of IDs of users to list
	 *  @param      string			$order      Sort order
	 *  @param      string			$filter     SQL Filter
	 *  @return     int      					-1 if KO, 1 if OK, 2 if no result
	public function fetchByUser($user_id, $order = '', $filter = '')
		global $langs, $conf;

		$sql = "SELECT";
		$sql.= " cp.rowid,";
		$sql.= " cp.ref,";

		$sql.= " cp.fk_user,";
		$sql.= " cp.fk_type,";
		$sql.= " cp.date_create,";
		$sql.= " cp.description,";
		$sql.= " cp.date_debut,";
		$sql.= " cp.date_fin,";
		$sql.= " cp.halfday,";
		$sql.= " cp.statut,";
		$sql.= " cp.fk_validator,";
		$sql.= " cp.date_valid,";
		$sql.= " cp.fk_user_valid,";
		$sql.= " cp.date_refuse,";
		$sql.= " cp.fk_user_refuse,";
		$sql.= " cp.date_cancel,";
		$sql.= " cp.fk_user_cancel,";
		$sql.= " cp.detail_refuse,";

		$sql.= " uu.lastname as user_lastname,";
		$sql.= " uu.firstname as user_firstname,";
		$sql.= " uu.login as user_login,";
		$sql.= " uu.statut as user_statut,";
		$sql.= " uu.photo as user_photo,";

		$sql.= " ua.lastname as validator_lastname,";
		$sql.= " ua.firstname as validator_firstname,";
		$sql.= " ua.login as validator_login,";
		$sql.= " ua.statut as validator_statut,";
		$sql.= " ua.photo as validator_photo";

		$sql.= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."holiday as cp, ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."user as uu, ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."user as ua";
		$sql.= " WHERE cp.entity IN (".getEntity('holiday').")";
		$sql.= " AND cp.fk_user = uu.rowid AND cp.fk_validator = ua.rowid"; // Hack pour la recherche sur le tableau
		$sql.= " AND cp.fk_user IN (".$user_id.")";

		// Selection filter
		if(!empty($filter)) {
			$sql.= $filter;

		// Order of display of the result
		if(!empty($order)) {
			$sql.= $order;

		dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::fetchByUser", LOG_DEBUG);

		// If no SQL error
		if ($resql) {

			$i = 0;
			$tab_result = $this->holiday;
			$num = $this->db->num_rows($resql);

			// If no registration
			if(!$num) {
				return 2;

			// List the records and add them to the table
			while($i < $num) {

				$obj = $this->db->fetch_object($resql);

				$tab_result[$i]['rowid'] = $obj->rowid;
				$tab_result[$i]['ref'] = ($obj->ref?$obj->ref:$obj->rowid);

				$tab_result[$i]['fk_user'] = $obj->fk_user;
				$tab_result[$i]['fk_type'] = $obj->fk_type;
				$tab_result[$i]['date_create'] = $this->db->jdate($obj->date_create);
				$tab_result[$i]['description'] = $obj->description;
				$tab_result[$i]['date_debut'] = $this->db->jdate($obj->date_debut);
				$tab_result[$i]['date_fin'] = $this->db->jdate($obj->date_fin);
				$tab_result[$i]['date_debut_gmt'] = $this->db->jdate($obj->date_debut, 1);
				$tab_result[$i]['date_fin_gmt'] = $this->db->jdate($obj->date_fin, 1);
				$tab_result[$i]['halfday'] = $obj->halfday;
				$tab_result[$i]['statut'] = $obj->statut;
				$tab_result[$i]['fk_validator'] = $obj->fk_validator;
				$tab_result[$i]['date_valid'] = $this->db->jdate($obj->date_valid);
				$tab_result[$i]['fk_user_valid'] = $obj->fk_user_valid;
				$tab_result[$i]['date_refuse'] = $this->db->jdate($obj->date_refuse);
				$tab_result[$i]['fk_user_refuse'] = $obj->fk_user_refuse;
				$tab_result[$i]['date_cancel'] = $this->db->jdate($obj->date_cancel);
				$tab_result[$i]['fk_user_cancel'] = $obj->fk_user_cancel;
				$tab_result[$i]['detail_refuse'] = $obj->detail_refuse;

				$tab_result[$i]['user_firstname'] = $obj->user_firstname;
				$tab_result[$i]['user_lastname'] = $obj->user_lastname;
				$tab_result[$i]['user_login'] = $obj->user_login;
				$tab_result[$i]['user_statut'] = $obj->user_statut;
				$tab_result[$i]['user_photo'] = $obj->user_photo;

				$tab_result[$i]['validator_firstname'] = $obj->validator_firstname;
				$tab_result[$i]['validator_lastname'] = $obj->validator_lastname;
				$tab_result[$i]['validator_login'] = $obj->validator_login;
				$tab_result[$i]['validator_statut'] = $obj->validator_statut;
				$tab_result[$i]['validator_photo'] = $obj->validator_photo;


			// Returns 1 with the filled array
			$this->holiday = $tab_result;
			return 1;
			// SQL Error
			$this->error="Error ".$this->db->lasterror();
			return -1;

	 *	List all holidays of all users
	 *  @param      string	$order      Sort order
	 *  @param      string	$filter     SQL Filter
	 *  @return     int      			-1 if KO, 1 if OK, 2 if no result
	public function fetchAll($order, $filter)
		global $langs;

		$sql = "SELECT";
		$sql.= " cp.rowid,";
		$sql.= " cp.ref,";

		$sql.= " cp.fk_user,";
		$sql.= " cp.fk_type,";
		$sql.= " cp.date_create,";
		$sql.= " cp.description,";
		$sql.= " cp.date_debut,";
		$sql.= " cp.date_fin,";
		$sql.= " cp.halfday,";
		$sql.= " cp.statut,";
		$sql.= " cp.fk_validator,";
		$sql.= " cp.date_valid,";
		$sql.= " cp.fk_user_valid,";
		$sql.= " cp.date_refuse,";
		$sql.= " cp.fk_user_refuse,";
		$sql.= " cp.date_cancel,";
		$sql.= " cp.fk_user_cancel,";
		$sql.= " cp.detail_refuse,";

		$sql.= " uu.lastname as user_lastname,";
		$sql.= " uu.firstname as user_firstname,";
		$sql.= " uu.login as user_login,";
		$sql.= " uu.statut as user_statut,";
		$sql.= " uu.photo as user_photo,";

		$sql.= " ua.lastname as validator_lastname,";
		$sql.= " ua.firstname as validator_firstname,";
		$sql.= " ua.login as validator_login,";
		$sql.= " ua.statut as validator_statut,";
		$sql.= " ua.photo as validator_photo";

		$sql.= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."holiday as cp, ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."user as uu, ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."user as ua";
		$sql.= " WHERE cp.entity IN (".getEntity('holiday').")";
		$sql.= " AND cp.fk_user = uu.rowid AND cp.fk_validator = ua.rowid "; // Hack pour la recherche sur le tableau

		// Selection filtering
		if(!empty($filter)) {
			$sql.= $filter;

		// order of display
		if(!empty($order)) {
			$sql.= $order;

		dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::fetchAll", LOG_DEBUG);

		// If no SQL error
		if ($resql) {

			$i = 0;
			$tab_result = $this->holiday;
			$num = $this->db->num_rows($resql);

			// If no registration
			if(!$num) {
				return 2;

			// List the records and add them to the table
			while($i < $num) {

				$obj = $this->db->fetch_object($resql);

				$tab_result[$i]['rowid'] = $obj->rowid;
				$tab_result[$i]['ref'] = ($obj->ref?$obj->ref:$obj->rowid);
				$tab_result[$i]['fk_user'] = $obj->fk_user;
				$tab_result[$i]['fk_type'] = $obj->fk_type;
				$tab_result[$i]['date_create'] = $this->db->jdate($obj->date_create);
				$tab_result[$i]['description'] = $obj->description;
				$tab_result[$i]['date_debut'] = $this->db->jdate($obj->date_debut);
				$tab_result[$i]['date_fin'] = $this->db->jdate($obj->date_fin);
				$tab_result[$i]['date_debut_gmt'] = $this->db->jdate($obj->date_debut, 1);
				$tab_result[$i]['date_fin_gmt'] = $this->db->jdate($obj->date_fin, 1);
				$tab_result[$i]['halfday'] = $obj->halfday;
				$tab_result[$i]['statut'] = $obj->statut;
				$tab_result[$i]['fk_validator'] = $obj->fk_validator;
				$tab_result[$i]['date_valid'] = $this->db->jdate($obj->date_valid);
				$tab_result[$i]['fk_user_valid'] = $obj->fk_user_valid;
				$tab_result[$i]['date_refuse'] = $obj->date_refuse;
				$tab_result[$i]['fk_user_refuse'] = $obj->fk_user_refuse;
				$tab_result[$i]['date_cancel'] = $obj->date_cancel;
				$tab_result[$i]['fk_user_cancel'] = $obj->fk_user_cancel;
				$tab_result[$i]['detail_refuse'] = $obj->detail_refuse;

				$tab_result[$i]['user_firstname'] = $obj->user_firstname;
				$tab_result[$i]['user_lastname'] = $obj->user_lastname;
				$tab_result[$i]['user_login'] = $obj->user_login;
				$tab_result[$i]['user_statut'] = $obj->user_statut;
				$tab_result[$i]['user_photo'] = $obj->user_photo;

				$tab_result[$i]['validator_firstname'] = $obj->validator_firstname;
				$tab_result[$i]['validator_lastname'] = $obj->validator_lastname;
				$tab_result[$i]['validator_login'] = $obj->validator_login;
				$tab_result[$i]['validator_statut'] = $obj->validator_statut;
				$tab_result[$i]['validator_photo'] = $obj->validator_photo;

			// Returns 1 and adds the array to the variable
			$this->holiday = $tab_result;
			return 1;
			// SQL Error
			$this->error="Error ".$this->db->lasterror();
			return -1;

	 *	Validate leave request
	 *  @param	User	$user        	User that validate
	 *  @param  int		$notrigger	    0=launch triggers after, 1=disable triggers
	 *  @return int         			<0 if KO, >0 if OK
	public function validate($user = null, $notrigger = 0)
		global $conf, $langs;

		// Define new ref
		if (! $error && (preg_match('/^[\(]?PROV/i', $this->ref) || empty($this->ref) || $this->ref == $this->id))
			$num = $this->getNextNumRef(null);
			$num = $this->ref;
		$this->newref = $num;

		// Update status
		$sql = "UPDATE ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."holiday SET";
		if(!empty($this->statut) && is_numeric($this->statut)) {
			$sql.= " statut = ".$this->statut.",";
		} else {
		$sql.= " ref = '".$this->db->escape($num)."'";
		$sql.= " WHERE rowid= ".$this->id;


		dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::validate", LOG_DEBUG);
		$resql = $this->db->query($sql);
		if (! $resql) {
			$error++; $this->errors[]="Error ".$this->db->lasterror();

		if (! $error)
			if (! $notrigger)
				// Call trigger
				$result=$this->call_trigger('HOLIDAY_VALIDATE', $user);
				if ($result < 0) { $error++; }
				// End call triggers

		// Commit or rollback
		if ($error)
			foreach($this->errors as $errmsg)
				dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::validate ".$errmsg, LOG_ERR);
				$this->error.=($this->error?', '.$errmsg:$errmsg);
			return -1*$error;
			return 1;

	 *	Approve leave request
	 *  @param	User	$user        	User that approve
	 *  @param  int		$notrigger	    0=launch triggers after, 1=disable triggers
	 *  @return int         			<0 if KO, >0 if OK
	public function approve($user = null, $notrigger = 0)
		global $conf, $langs;

		// Update request
		$sql = "UPDATE ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."holiday SET";

		$sql.= " description= '".$this->db->escape($this->description)."',";

		if(!empty($this->date_debut)) {
			$sql.= " date_debut = '".$this->db->idate($this->date_debut)."',";
		} else {
		if(!empty($this->date_fin)) {
			$sql.= " date_fin = '".$this->db->idate($this->date_fin)."',";
		} else {
		$sql.= " halfday = ".$this->halfday.",";
		if(!empty($this->statut) && is_numeric($this->statut)) {
			$sql.= " statut = ".$this->statut.",";
		} else {
		if(!empty($this->fk_validator)) {
			$sql.= " fk_validator = '".$this->db->escape($this->fk_validator)."',";
		} else {
		if(!empty($this->date_valid)) {
			$sql.= " date_valid = '".$this->db->idate($this->date_valid)."',";
		} else {
			$sql.= " date_valid = NULL,";
		if(!empty($this->fk_user_valid)) {
			$sql.= " fk_user_valid = '".$this->db->escape($this->fk_user_valid)."',";
		} else {
			$sql.= " fk_user_valid = NULL,";
		if(!empty($this->date_refuse)) {
			$sql.= " date_refuse = '".$this->db->idate($this->date_refuse)."',";
		} else {
			$sql.= " date_refuse = NULL,";
		if(!empty($this->fk_user_refuse)) {
			$sql.= " fk_user_refuse = '".$this->db->escape($this->fk_user_refuse)."',";
		} else {
			$sql.= " fk_user_refuse = NULL,";
		if(!empty($this->date_cancel)) {
			$sql.= " date_cancel = '".$this->db->idate($this->date_cancel)."',";
		} else {
			$sql.= " date_cancel = NULL,";
		if(!empty($this->fk_user_cancel)) {
			$sql.= " fk_user_cancel = '".$this->db->escape($this->fk_user_cancel)."',";
		} else {
			$sql.= " fk_user_cancel = NULL,";
		if(!empty($this->detail_refuse)) {
			$sql.= " detail_refuse = '".$this->db->escape($this->detail_refuse)."'";
		} else {
			$sql.= " detail_refuse = NULL";

		$sql.= " WHERE rowid= ".$this->id;


		dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::approve", LOG_DEBUG);
		$resql = $this->db->query($sql);
		if (! $resql) {
			$error++; $this->errors[]="Error ".$this->db->lasterror();

		if (! $error)
			if (! $notrigger)
				// Call trigger
				$result=$this->call_trigger('HOLIDAY_APPROVE', $user);
				if ($result < 0) { $error++; }
				// End call triggers

		// Commit or rollback
		if ($error)
			foreach($this->errors as $errmsg)
				dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::approve ".$errmsg, LOG_ERR);
				$this->error.=($this->error?', '.$errmsg:$errmsg);
			return -1*$error;
			return 1;

	 *	Update database
	 *  @param	User	$user        	User that modify
	 *  @param  int		$notrigger	    0=launch triggers after, 1=disable triggers
	 *  @return int         			<0 if KO, >0 if OK
	public function update($user = null, $notrigger = 0)
		global $conf, $langs;

		// Update request
		$sql = "UPDATE ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."holiday SET";

		$sql.= " description= '".$this->db->escape($this->description)."',";

		if(!empty($this->date_debut)) {
			$sql.= " date_debut = '".$this->db->idate($this->date_debut)."',";
		} else {
		if(!empty($this->date_fin)) {
			$sql.= " date_fin = '".$this->db->idate($this->date_fin)."',";
		} else {
		$sql.= " halfday = ".$this->halfday.",";
		if(!empty($this->statut) && is_numeric($this->statut)) {
			$sql.= " statut = ".$this->statut.",";
		} else {
		if(!empty($this->fk_validator)) {
			$sql.= " fk_validator = '".$this->db->escape($this->fk_validator)."',";
		} else {
		if(!empty($this->date_valid)) {
			$sql.= " date_valid = '".$this->db->idate($this->date_valid)."',";
		} else {
			$sql.= " date_valid = NULL,";
		if(!empty($this->fk_user_valid)) {
			$sql.= " fk_user_valid = '".$this->db->escape($this->fk_user_valid)."',";
		} else {
			$sql.= " fk_user_valid = NULL,";
		if(!empty($this->date_refuse)) {
			$sql.= " date_refuse = '".$this->db->idate($this->date_refuse)."',";
		} else {
			$sql.= " date_refuse = NULL,";
		if(!empty($this->fk_user_refuse)) {
			$sql.= " fk_user_refuse = '".$this->db->escape($this->fk_user_refuse)."',";
		} else {
			$sql.= " fk_user_refuse = NULL,";
		if(!empty($this->date_cancel)) {
			$sql.= " date_cancel = '".$this->db->idate($this->date_cancel)."',";
		} else {
			$sql.= " date_cancel = NULL,";
		if(!empty($this->fk_user_cancel)) {
			$sql.= " fk_user_cancel = '".$this->db->escape($this->fk_user_cancel)."',";
		} else {
			$sql.= " fk_user_cancel = NULL,";
		if(!empty($this->detail_refuse)) {
			$sql.= " detail_refuse = '".$this->db->escape($this->detail_refuse)."'";
		} else {
			$sql.= " detail_refuse = NULL";

		$sql.= " WHERE rowid= ".$this->id;


		dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::update", LOG_DEBUG);
		$resql = $this->db->query($sql);
		if (! $resql) {
			$error++; $this->errors[]="Error ".$this->db->lasterror();

		if (! $error)
			if (! $notrigger)
				// Call trigger
				$result=$this->call_trigger('HOLIDAY_MODIFY', $user);
				if ($result < 0) { $error++; }
				// End call triggers

		// Commit or rollback
		if ($error)
			foreach($this->errors as $errmsg)
				dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::update ".$errmsg, LOG_ERR);
				$this->error.=($this->error?', '.$errmsg:$errmsg);
			return -1*$error;
			return 1;

	 *   Delete object in database
	 *	 @param		User	$user        	User that delete
	 *   @param     int		$notrigger	    0=launch triggers after, 1=disable triggers
	 *	 @return	int						<0 if KO, >0 if OK
	public function delete($user, $notrigger = 0)
		global $conf, $langs;

		$sql = "DELETE FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."holiday";
		$sql.= " WHERE rowid=".$this->id;


		dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::delete", LOG_DEBUG);
		$resql = $this->db->query($sql);
		if (! $resql) {
			$error++; $this->errors[]="Error ".$this->db->lasterror();

		if (! $error)
			if (! $notrigger)
				// Call trigger
				$result=$this->call_trigger('HOLIDAY_DELETE', $user);
				if ($result < 0) { $error++; }
				// End call triggers

		// Commit or rollback
		if ($error)
			foreach($this->errors as $errmsg)
				dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::delete ".$errmsg, LOG_ERR);
				$this->error.=($this->error?', '.$errmsg:$errmsg);
			return -1*$error;
			return 1;

	 *	Check if a user is on holiday (partially or completely) into a period.
	 *  This function can be used to avoid to have 2 leave requests on same period for example.
	 *  Warning: It consumes a lot of memory because it load in ->holiday all holiday of a dedicated user at each call.
	 *  @param 	int		$fk_user		Id user
	 *  @param 	integer	$dateStart		Start date of period to check
	 *  @param 	integer	$dateEnd		End date of period to check
	 *  @param  int     $halfday        Tag to define how start and end the period to check:
	 *                                  0:Full days, 2:Start afternoon end morning, -1:Start afternoon end afternoon, 1:Start morning end morning
	 * 	@return boolean					False = New range overlap an existing holiday, True = no overlapping (is never on holiday during checked period).
	 *  @see verifDateHolidayForTimestamp()
	public function verifDateHolidayCP($fk_user, $dateStart, $dateEnd, $halfday = 0)
		$this->fetchByUser($fk_user, '', '');

		foreach($this->holiday as $infos_CP)
			if ($infos_CP['statut'] == 4) continue;		// ignore not validated holidays
			if ($infos_CP['statut'] == 5) continue;		// ignore not validated holidays
			 var_dump("old: ".dol_print_date($infos_CP['date_debut'],'dayhour').' '.dol_print_date($infos_CP['date_fin'],'dayhour').' '.$infos_CP['halfday']);
			 var_dump("new: ".dol_print_date($dateStart,'dayhour').' '.dol_print_date($dateEnd,'dayhour').' '.$halfday);

			if ($halfday == 0)
				if ($dateStart >= $infos_CP['date_debut'] && $dateStart <= $infos_CP['date_fin'])
					return false;
				if ($dateEnd <= $infos_CP['date_fin'] && $dateEnd >= $infos_CP['date_debut'])
					return false;
			elseif ($halfday == -1)
				// new start afternoon, new end afternoon
				if ($dateStart >= $infos_CP['date_debut'] && $dateStart <= $infos_CP['date_fin'])
					if ($dateStart < $infos_CP['date_fin'] || in_array($infos_CP['halfday'], array(0, -1))) return false;
				if ($dateEnd <= $infos_CP['date_fin'] && $dateEnd >= $infos_CP['date_debut'])
					if ($dateStart < $dateEnd) return false;
					if ($dateEnd < $infos_CP['date_fin'] || in_array($infos_CP['halfday'], array(0, -1))) return false;
			elseif ($halfday == 1)
				// new start morning, new end morning
				if ($dateStart >= $infos_CP['date_debut'] && $dateStart <= $infos_CP['date_fin'])
					if ($dateStart < $dateEnd) return false;
					if ($dateStart > $infos_CP['date_debut'] || in_array($infos_CP['halfday'], array(0, 1))) return false;
				if ($dateEnd <= $infos_CP['date_fin'] && $dateEnd >= $infos_CP['date_debut'])
					if ($dateEnd > $infos_CP['date_debut'] || in_array($infos_CP['halfday'], array(0, 1))) return false;
			elseif ($halfday == 2)
				// new start afternoon, new end morning
				if ($dateStart >= $infos_CP['date_debut'] && $dateStart <= $infos_CP['date_fin'])
					if ($dateStart < $infos_CP['date_fin'] || in_array($infos_CP['halfday'], array(0, -1))) return false;
				if ($dateEnd <= $infos_CP['date_fin'] && $dateEnd >= $infos_CP['date_debut'])
					if ($dateEnd > $infos_CP['date_debut'] || in_array($infos_CP['halfday'], array(0, 1))) return false;
				dol_print_error('', 'Bad value of parameter halfday when calling function verifDateHolidayCP');

		return true;

	 *	Check that a user is not on holiday for a particular timestamp
	 * 	@param 	int			$fk_user				Id user
	 *  @param	integer	    $timestamp				Time stamp date for a day (YYYY-MM-DD) without hours  (= 12:00AM in english and not 12:00PM that is 12:00)
	 *  @param	string		$status					Filter on holiday status. '-1' = no filter.
	 * 	@return array								array('morning'=> ,'afternoon'=> ), Boolean is true if user is available for day timestamp.
	 *  @see verifDateHolidayCP()
	public function verifDateHolidayForTimestamp($fk_user, $timestamp, $status = '-1')
		global $langs, $conf;


		$sql = "SELECT cp.rowid, cp.date_debut as date_start, cp.date_fin as date_end, cp.halfday, cp.statut";
		$sql.= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."holiday as cp";
		$sql.= " WHERE cp.entity IN (".getEntity('holiday').")";
		$sql.= " AND cp.fk_user = ".(int) $fk_user;
		$sql.= " AND cp.date_debut <= '".$this->db->idate($timestamp)."' AND cp.date_fin >= '".$this->db->idate($timestamp)."'";
		if ($status != '-1') $sql.=" AND cp.statut IN (".$this->db->escape($status).")";

		$resql = $this->db->query($sql);
		if ($resql)
			$num_rows = $this->db->num_rows($resql);	// Note, we can have 2 records if on is morning and the other one is afternoon
			if ($num_rows > 0)
				while ($i < $num_rows)
					$obj = $this->db->fetch_object($resql);

					// Note: $obj->halfday is  0:Full days, 2:Sart afternoon end morning, -1:Start afternoon, 1:End morning
					$arrayofrecord[$obj->rowid]=array('date_start'=>$this->db->jdate($obj->date_start), 'date_end'=>$this->db->jdate($obj->date_end), 'halfday'=>$obj->halfday);

				// We found a record, user is on holiday by default, so is not available is true.
				$isavailablemorning = true;
				foreach($arrayofrecord as $record)
					if ($timestamp == $record['date_start'] && $record['halfday'] == 2)  continue;
					if ($timestamp == $record['date_start'] && $record['halfday'] == -1) continue;
					$isavailablemorning = false;
				$isavailableafternoon = true;
				foreach($arrayofrecord as $record)
					if ($timestamp == $record['date_end'] && $record['halfday'] == 2) continue;
					if ($timestamp == $record['date_end'] && $record['halfday'] == 1) continue;
					$isavailableafternoon = false;
		else dol_print_error($this->db);

		return array('morning'=>$isavailablemorning, 'afternoon'=>$isavailableafternoon);

	 *	Return clicable name (with picto eventually)
	 *	@param	int			$withpicto					0=_No picto, 1=Includes the picto in the linkn, 2=Picto only
	 *  @param  int     	$save_lastsearch_value    	-1=Auto, 0=No save of lastsearch_values when clicking, 1=Save lastsearch_values whenclicking
	 *	@return	string									String with URL
	public function getNomUrl($withpicto = 0, $save_lastsearch_value = -1)
		global $langs;


		$label=$langs->trans("Show").': '.$this->ref;

		$url = DOL_URL_ROOT.'/holiday/card.php?id='.$this->id;

		//if ($option != 'nolink')
		// Add param to save lastsearch_values or not
		$add_save_lastsearch_values=($save_lastsearch_value == 1 ? 1 : 0);
		if ($save_lastsearch_value == -1 && preg_match('/list\.php/', $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"])) $add_save_lastsearch_values=1;
		if ($add_save_lastsearch_values) $url.='&save_lastsearch_values=1';

		$linkstart = '<a href="'.$url.'" title="'.dol_escape_htmltag($label, 1).'" class="classfortooltip">';

		$result .= $linkstart;
		if ($withpicto) $result.=img_object(($notooltip?'':$label), $this->picto, ($notooltip?(($withpicto != 2) ? 'class="paddingright"' : ''):'class="'.(($withpicto != 2) ? 'paddingright ' : '').'classfortooltip"'), 0, 0, $notooltip?0:1);
		if ($withpicto != 2) $result.= $this->ref;
		$result .= $linkend;

		return $result;

	 *	Returns the label status
	 *	@param      int		$mode       0=long label, 1=short label, 2=Picto + short label, 3=Picto, 4=Picto + long label, 5=Short label + Picto
	 *	@return     string      		Label
	public function getLibStatut($mode = 0)
		return $this->LibStatut($this->statut, $mode, $this->date_debut);

    // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
	 *	Returns the label of a statut
	 *	@param      int		$statut     id statut
	 *	@param      int		$mode       0=long label, 1=short label, 2=Picto + short label, 3=Picto, 4=Picto + long label, 5=Short label + Picto
	 *  @param		integer	$startdate	Date holiday should start
	 *	@return     string      		Label
	public function LibStatut($statut, $mode = 0, $startdate = '')
        // phpcs:enable
		global $langs;

		if ($mode == 0)
			if ($statut == 1) return $langs->trans('DraftCP');
			elseif ($statut == 2) return $langs->trans('ToReviewCP');
			elseif ($statut == 3) return $langs->trans('ApprovedCP');
			elseif ($statut == 4) return $langs->trans('CancelCP');
			elseif ($statut == 5) return $langs->trans('RefuseCP');
		elseif ($mode == 2)
			if (! empty($startdate) && $startdate > dol_now()) $pictoapproved='statut4';
			if ($statut == 1) return img_picto($langs->trans('DraftCP'), 'statut0').' '.$langs->trans('DraftCP');				// Draft
			elseif ($statut == 2) return img_picto($langs->trans('ToReviewCP'), 'statut1').' '.$langs->trans('ToReviewCP');		// Waiting approval
			elseif ($statut == 3) return img_picto($langs->trans('ApprovedCP'), $pictoapproved).' '.$langs->trans('ApprovedCP');
			elseif ($statut == 4) return img_picto($langs->trans('CancelCP'), 'statut5').' '.$langs->trans('CancelCP');
			elseif ($statut == 5) return img_picto($langs->trans('RefuseCP'), 'statut5').' '.$langs->trans('RefuseCP');
		elseif ($mode == 3)
			if (! empty($startdate) && $startdate > dol_now()) $pictoapproved='statut4';
			if ($statut == 1) return img_picto($langs->trans('DraftCP'), 'statut0');
			elseif ($statut == 2) return img_picto($langs->trans('ToReviewCP'), 'statut1');
			elseif ($statut == 3) return img_picto($langs->trans('ApprovedCP'), $pictoapproved);
			elseif ($statut == 4) return img_picto($langs->trans('CancelCP'), 'statut5');
			elseif ($statut == 5) return img_picto($langs->trans('RefuseCP'), 'statut5');
		elseif ($mode == 5)
			if (! empty($startdate) && $startdate > dol_now()) $pictoapproved='statut4';
			if ($statut == 1) return $langs->trans('DraftCP').' '.img_picto($langs->trans('DraftCP'), 'statut0');				// Draft
			elseif ($statut == 2) return $langs->trans('ToReviewCP').' '.img_picto($langs->trans('ToReviewCP'), 'statut1');		// Waiting approval
			elseif ($statut == 3) return $langs->trans('ApprovedCP').' '.img_picto($langs->trans('ApprovedCP'), $pictoapproved);
			elseif ($statut == 4) return $langs->trans('CancelCP').' '.img_picto($langs->trans('CancelCP'), 'statut5');
			elseif ($statut == 5) return $langs->trans('RefuseCP').' '.img_picto($langs->trans('RefuseCP'), 'statut5');
		elseif ($mode == 6)
			if (! empty($startdate) && $startdate > dol_now()) $pictoapproved='statut4';
			if ($statut == 1) return $langs->trans('DraftCP').' '.img_picto($langs->trans('DraftCP'), 'statut0');				// Draft
			elseif ($statut == 2) return $langs->trans('ToReviewCP').' '.img_picto($langs->trans('ToReviewCP'), 'statut1');		// Waiting approval
			elseif ($statut == 3) return $langs->trans('ApprovedCP').' '.img_picto($langs->trans('ApprovedCP'), $pictoapproved);
			elseif ($statut == 4) return $langs->trans('CancelCP').' '.img_picto($langs->trans('CancelCP'), 'statut5');
			elseif ($statut == 5) return $langs->trans('RefuseCP').' '.img_picto($langs->trans('RefuseCP'), 'statut5');

		else return $statut;

	 *   Affiche un select HTML des statuts de congés payés
	 *   @param 	int		$selected   	Id of preselected status
	 *   @param		string	$htmlname		Name of HTML select field
	 *   @return    string					Show select of status
    public function selectStatutCP($selected = '', $htmlname = 'select_statut')

		global $langs;

		// Liste des statuts
		$name = array('DraftCP','ToReviewCP','ApprovedCP','CancelCP','RefuseCP');
		$nb = count($name)+1;

		// Select HTML
		$statut = '<select name="'.$htmlname.'" class="flat">'."\n";
		$statut.= '<option value="-1">&nbsp;</option>'."\n";

		// Boucle des statuts
		for($i=1; $i < $nb; $i++) {
			if($i==$selected) {
				$statut.= '<option value="'.$i.'" selected>'.$langs->trans($name[$i-1]).'</option>'."\n";
			else {
				$statut.= '<option value="'.$i.'">'.$langs->trans($name[$i-1]).'</option>'."\n";

		$statut.= '</select>'."\n";
		print $statut;

	 *  Met à jour une option du module Holiday Payés
	 *  @param	string	$name       name du paramètre de configuration
	 *  @param	string	$value      vrai si mise à jour OK sinon faux
	 *  @return boolean				ok or ko
    public function updateConfCP($name, $value)

		$sql = "UPDATE ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."holiday_config SET";
		$sql.= " value = '".$value."'";
		$sql.= " WHERE name = '".$name."'";

		dol_syslog(get_class($this).'::updateConfCP name='.$name.'', LOG_DEBUG);
		$result = $this->db->query($sql);
		if($result) {
			return true;

		return false;

	 *  Return value of a conf parameterfor leave module
	 *  TODO Move this into llx_const table
	 *  @param	string	$name                 Name of parameter
	 *  @param  string  $createifnotfound     'stringvalue'=Create entry with string value if not found. For example 'YYYYMMDDHHMMSS'.
	 *  @return string      		          Value of parameter. Example: 'YYYYMMDDHHMMSS' or < 0 if error
	public function getConfCP($name, $createifnotfound = '')
		$sql = "SELECT value";
		$sql.= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."holiday_config";
		$sql.= " WHERE name = '".$this->db->escape($name)."'";

		dol_syslog(get_class($this).'::getConfCP name='.$name.' createifnotfound='.$createifnotfound, LOG_DEBUG);
		$result = $this->db->query($sql);

		if($result) {

			$obj = $this->db->fetch_object($result);
			// Return value
			if (empty($obj))
				if ($createifnotfound)
					$sql = "INSERT INTO ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."holiday_config(name, value)";
					$sql.= " VALUES('".$this->db->escape($name)."', '".$this->db->escape($createifnotfound)."')";
					$result = $this->db->query($sql);
					if ($result)
						return $createifnotfound;
						return -2;
					return '';
				return $obj->value;
		} else {

			// Erreur SQL
			return -1;

	 *	Met à jour le timestamp de la dernière mise à jour du solde des CP
	 *	@param		int		$userID		Id of user
	 *	@param		int		$nbHoliday	Nb of days
	 *  @param		int		$fk_type	Type of vacation
	 *  @return     int					0=Nothing done, 1=OK, -1=KO
	public function updateSoldeCP($userID = '', $nbHoliday = '', $fk_type = '')
		global $user, $langs;

		$error = 0;

		if (empty($userID) && empty($nbHoliday) && empty($fk_type))

			// Si mise à jour pour tout le monde en début de mois

			$month = date('m', $now);
			$newdateforlastupdate = dol_print_date($now, '%Y%m%d%H%M%S');

			// Get month of last update
			$lastUpdate = $this->getConfCP('lastUpdate', $newdateforlastupdate);
			$monthLastUpdate = $lastUpdate[4].$lastUpdate[5];
			//print 'month: '.$month.' lastUpdate:'.$lastUpdate.' monthLastUpdate:'.$monthLastUpdate;exit;

			// Si la date du mois n'est pas la même que celle sauvegardée, on met à jour le timestamp
			if ($month != $monthLastUpdate)

				$users = $this->fetchUsers(false, false);
				$nbUser = count($users);

				$sql = "UPDATE ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."holiday_config SET";
				$sql.= " value = '".$this->db->escape($newdateforlastupdate)."'";
				$sql.= " WHERE name = 'lastUpdate'";
				$result = $this->db->query($sql);

				$typeleaves=$this->getTypes(1, 1);

				// Update each user counter
				foreach ($users as $userCounter) {
					$nbDaysToAdd = $typeleaves[$userCounter['type']]['newByMonth'];
					if(empty($nbDaysToAdd)) continue;

					dol_syslog("We update leave type id ".$userCounter['type']." for user id ".$userCounter['rowid'], LOG_DEBUG);

					$nowHoliday = $userCounter['nb_holiday'];
					$newSolde = $nowHoliday + $nbDaysToAdd;

					// We add a log for each user
					$this->addLogCP($user->id, $userCounter['rowid'], $langs->trans('HolidaysMonthlyUpdate'), $newSolde, $userCounter['type']);

					$result = $this->updateSoldeCP($userCounter['rowid'], $newSolde, $userCounter['type'], $langs->trans('HolidaysMonthlyUpdate'));

					if ($result < 0)

				if (! $error)
					return 1;
					return -1;

			return 0;
			// Mise à jour pour un utilisateur
			$nbHoliday = price2num($nbHoliday, 5);

			$sql = "SELECT nb_holiday FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."holiday_users";
			$sql.= " WHERE fk_user = ".(int) $userID." AND fk_type = ".(int) $fk_type;
			$resql = $this->db->query($sql);
			if ($resql)
				$num = $this->db->num_rows($resql);

				if ($num > 0)
					// Update for user
					$sql = "UPDATE ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."holiday_users SET";
					$sql.= " nb_holiday = ".$nbHoliday;
					$sql.= " WHERE fk_user = ".(int) $userID." AND fk_type = ".(int) $fk_type;
					$result = $this->db->query($sql);
					if (! $result)
					// Insert for user
					$sql = "INSERT INTO ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."holiday_users(nb_holiday, fk_user, fk_type) VALUES (";
					$sql.= $nbHoliday;
					$sql.= ", ".(int) $userID.", ".(int) $fk_type.")";
					$result = $this->db->query($sql);
					if (! $result)

			if (! $error)
				return 1;
				return -1;

	 *	Retourne un checked si vrai
	 *  @param	string	$name       name du paramètre de configuration
	 *  @return string      		retourne checked si > 0
    public function getCheckOption($name)

		$sql = "SELECT value";
		$sql.= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."holiday_config";
		$sql.= " WHERE name = '".$name."'";

		$result = $this->db->query($sql);

		if($result) {
			$obj = $this->db->fetch_object($result);

			// Si la valeur est 1 on retourne checked
			if($obj->value) {
				return 'checked';

	 *  Créer les entrées pour chaque utilisateur au moment de la configuration
	 *  @param	boolean		$single		Single
	 *  @param	int			$userid		Id user
	 *  @return void
	public function createCPusers($single = false, $userid = '')
		// Si c'est l'ensemble des utilisateurs à ajouter
		if (! $single)
			$arrayofusers = $this->fetchUsers(false, true);

			foreach($arrayofusers as $users)
				$sql = "INSERT INTO ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."holiday_users";
				$sql.= " (fk_user, nb_holiday)";
				$sql.= " VALUES ('".$users['rowid']."','0')";

				if (! $resql) dol_print_error($this->db);
			$sql = "INSERT INTO ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."holiday_users";
			$sql.= " (fk_user, nb_holiday)";
			$sql.= " VALUES ('".$userid."','0')";

			if (! $resql) dol_print_error($this->db);

	 *  Supprime un utilisateur du module Congés Payés
	 *  @param	int		$user_id        ID de l'utilisateur à supprimer
	 *  @return boolean      			Vrai si pas d'erreur, faut si Erreur
    public function deleteCPuser($user_id)

		$sql = "DELETE FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."holiday_users";
		$sql.= " WHERE fk_user = '".$user_id."'";


	 *  Retourne le solde de congés payés pour un utilisateur
	 *  @param	int		$user_id    ID de l'utilisateur
	 *  @param	int		$fk_type	Filter on type
	 *  @return float        		Retourne le solde de congés payés de l'utilisateur
	public function getCPforUser($user_id, $fk_type = 0)
		$sql = "SELECT nb_holiday";
		$sql.= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."holiday_users";
		$sql.= " WHERE fk_user = ".(int) $user_id;
		if ($fk_type > 0) $sql.=" AND fk_type = ".(int) $fk_type;

		dol_syslog(get_class($this).'::getCPforUser user_id='.$user_id.' type_id='.$fk_type, LOG_DEBUG);
		$result = $this->db->query($sql);
			$obj = $this->db->fetch_object($result);
			//return number_format($obj->nb_holiday,2);
			if ($obj) return $obj->nb_holiday;
			else return null;
			return null;

	 *    Get list of Users or list of vacation balance.
	 *    @param      boolean			$stringlist	    If true return a string list of id. If false, return an array with detail.
	 *    @param      boolean   		$type			If true, read Dolibarr user list, if false, return vacation balance list.
	 *    @param      string            $filters        Filters
	 *    @return     array|string|int      			Return an array
	public function fetchUsers($stringlist = true, $type = true, $filters = '')
		global $conf;

		dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::fetchUsers", LOG_DEBUG);

		if ($stringlist)
			if ($type)
				// Si utilisateur de Dolibarr

				$sql = "SELECT u.rowid";
				$sql.= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."user as u";

				if (! empty($conf->multicompany->enabled) && ! empty($conf->global->MULTICOMPANY_TRANSVERSE_MODE))
					$sql.= ", ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."usergroup_user as ug";
					$sql.= " WHERE (ug.fk_user = u.rowid";
					$sql.= " AND ug.entity = ".$conf->entity.")";
					$sql.= " OR u.admin = 1";
					$sql.= " WHERE u.entity IN (0,".$conf->entity.")";
				$sql.= " AND u.statut > 0";
				if ($filters) $sql.=$filters;


				// Si pas d'erreur SQL
				if ($resql) {

					$i = 0;
					$num = $this->db->num_rows($resql);
					$stringlist = '';

					// Boucles du listage des utilisateurs
					while($i < $num)
						$obj = $this->db->fetch_object($resql);

						if ($i == 0) {
							$stringlist.= $obj->rowid;
						} else {
							$stringlist.= ', '.$obj->rowid;

					// Retoune le tableau des utilisateurs
					return $stringlist;
					// Erreur SQL
					$this->error="Error ".$this->db->lasterror();
					return -1;
				// We want only list of vacation balance for user ids
				$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT cpu.fk_user";
				$sql.= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."holiday_users as cpu, ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."user as u";
				$sql.= " WHERE cpu.fk_user = u.user";
				if ($filters) $sql.=$filters;


				// Si pas d'erreur SQL
				if ($resql) {

					$i = 0;
					$num = $this->db->num_rows($resql);
					$stringlist = '';

					// Boucles du listage des utilisateurs
					while($i < $num)
						$obj = $this->db->fetch_object($resql);

						if($i == 0) {
							$stringlist.= $obj->fk_user;
						} else {
							$stringlist.= ', '.$obj->fk_user;

					// Retoune le tableau des utilisateurs
					return $stringlist;
					// Erreur SQL
					$this->error="Error ".$this->db->lasterror();
					return -1;
		{ // Si faux donc return array

			// List for Dolibarr users
			if ($type)
				$sql = "SELECT u.rowid, u.lastname, u.firstname, u.gender, u.photo, u.employee, u.statut, u.fk_user";
				$sql.= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."user as u";

				if (! empty($conf->multicompany->enabled) && ! empty($conf->global->MULTICOMPANY_TRANSVERSE_MODE))
					$sql.= ", ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."usergroup_user as ug";
					$sql.= " WHERE (ug.fk_user = u.rowid";
					$sql.= " AND ug.entity = ".$conf->entity.")";
					$sql.= " OR u.admin = 1";
					$sql.= " WHERE u.entity IN (0,".$conf->entity.")";

					$sql.= " AND u.statut > 0";
					if ($filters) $sql.=$filters;


					// Si pas d'erreur SQL
					if ($resql)
						$i = 0;
						$tab_result = $this->holiday;
						$num = $this->db->num_rows($resql);

						// Boucles du listage des utilisateurs
						while($i < $num) {

							$obj = $this->db->fetch_object($resql);

							$tab_result[$i]['rowid'] = $obj->rowid;		// rowid of user
							$tab_result[$i]['name'] = $obj->lastname;       // deprecated
							$tab_result[$i]['lastname'] = $obj->lastname;
							$tab_result[$i]['firstname'] = $obj->firstname;
							$tab_result[$i]['gender'] = $obj->gender;
							$tab_result[$i]['status'] = $obj->statut;
							$tab_result[$i]['employee'] = $obj->employee;
							$tab_result[$i]['photo'] = $obj->photo;
							$tab_result[$i]['fk_user'] = $obj->fk_user;	// rowid of manager
							//$tab_result[$i]['type'] = $obj->type;
							//$tab_result[$i]['nb_holiday'] = $obj->nb_holiday;

						// Retoune le tableau des utilisateurs
						return $tab_result;
						// Erreur SQL
						$this->errors[]="Error ".$this->db->lasterror();
						return -1;
				// List of vacation balance users
				$sql = "SELECT cpu.fk_type, cpu.nb_holiday, u.rowid, u.lastname, u.firstname, u.gender, u.photo, u.employee, u.statut, u.fk_user";
				$sql.= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."holiday_users as cpu, ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."user as u";
				$sql.= " WHERE cpu.fk_user = u.rowid";
				if ($filters) $sql.=$filters;


				// Si pas d'erreur SQL
				if ($resql)
					$i = 0;
					$tab_result = $this->holiday;
					$num = $this->db->num_rows($resql);

					// Boucles du listage des utilisateurs
					while($i < $num)
						$obj = $this->db->fetch_object($resql);

						$tab_result[$i]['rowid'] = $obj->rowid;				// rowid of user
						$tab_result[$i]['name'] = $obj->lastname;			// deprecated
						$tab_result[$i]['lastname'] = $obj->lastname;
						$tab_result[$i]['firstname'] = $obj->firstname;
						$tab_result[$i]['gender'] = $obj->gender;
						$tab_result[$i]['status'] = $obj->statut;
						$tab_result[$i]['employee'] = $obj->employee;
						$tab_result[$i]['photo'] = $obj->photo;
						$tab_result[$i]['fk_user'] = $obj->fk_user;			// rowid of manager

						$tab_result[$i]['type'] = $obj->fk_type;
						$tab_result[$i]['nb_holiday'] = $obj->nb_holiday;

					// Retoune le tableau des utilisateurs
					return $tab_result;
					// Erreur SQL
					$this->error="Error ".$this->db->lasterror();
					return -1;

    // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
	 * Return list of people with permission to validate leave requests.
	 * Search for permission "approve leave requests"
	 * @return  array       Array of user ids
	public function fetch_users_approver_holiday()
        // phpcs:enable

		$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT ur.fk_user";
		$sql.= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."user_rights as ur, ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."rights_def as rd";
		$sql.= " WHERE ur.fk_id = rd.id and rd.module = 'holiday' AND rd.perms = 'approve'";                                              // Permission 'Approve';
		$sql.= "UNION";
		$sql.= " SELECT DISTINCT ugu.fk_user";
		$sql.= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."usergroup_user as ugu, ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."usergroup_rights as ur, ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."rights_def as rd";
		$sql.= " WHERE ugu.fk_usergroup = ur.fk_usergroup AND ur.fk_id = rd.id and rd.module = 'holiday' AND rd.perms = 'approve'";       // Permission 'Approve';
		//print $sql;

		dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::fetch_users_approver_holiday sql=".$sql);
		$result = $this->db->query($sql);
			$num_lignes = $this->db->num_rows($result); $i = 0;
			while ($i < $num_lignes)
				$objp = $this->db->fetch_object($result);
				array_push($users_validator, $objp->fk_user);
			return $users_validator;
			dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::fetch_users_approver_holiday  Error ".$this->error, LOG_ERR);
			return -1;

	 *	Compte le nombre d'utilisateur actifs dans Dolibarr
	 *  @return     int      retourne le nombre d'utilisateur
	public function countActiveUsers()
		$sql = "SELECT count(u.rowid) as compteur";
		$sql.= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."user as u";
		$sql.= " WHERE u.statut > 0";

		$result = $this->db->query($sql);
		$objet = $this->db->fetch_object($result);

		return $objet->compteur;
	 *	Compte le nombre d'utilisateur actifs dans Dolibarr sans CP
	 *  @return     int      retourne le nombre d'utilisateur
    public function countActiveUsersWithoutCP()

		$sql = "SELECT count(u.rowid) as compteur";
		$sql.= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."user as u LEFT OUTER JOIN ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."holiday_users hu ON (hu.fk_user=u.rowid)";
		$sql.= " WHERE u.statut > 0 AND hu.fk_user IS NULL";

		$result = $this->db->query($sql);
		$objet = $this->db->fetch_object($result);

		return $objet->compteur;

	 *  Compare le nombre d'utilisateur actif de Dolibarr à celui des utilisateurs des congés payés
	 *  @param    int	$userDolibarrWithoutCP	Number of active users in Dolibarr without holidays
	 *  @param    int	$userCP    				Number of active users into table of holidays
	 *  @return   int							<0 if KO, >0 if OK
	public function verifNbUsers($userDolibarrWithoutCP, $userCP)
		if (empty($userCP)) $userCP=0;
		dol_syslog(get_class($this).'::verifNbUsers userDolibarr='.$userDolibarrWithoutCP.' userCP='.$userCP);
		return 1;

	 * addLogCP
	 * @param 	int		$fk_user_action		Id user creation
	 * @param 	int		$fk_user_update		Id user update
	 * @param 	string	$label				Label
	 * @param 	int		$new_solde			New value
	 * @param	int		$fk_type			Type of vacation
	 * @return 	int							Id of record added, 0 if nothing done, < 0 if KO
	public function addLogCP($fk_user_action, $fk_user_update, $label, $new_solde, $fk_type)
		global $conf, $langs;


		$prev_solde = price2num($this->getCPforUser($fk_user_update, $fk_type), 5);
		$new_solde = price2num($new_solde, 5);
		//print "$prev_solde == $new_solde";

		if ($prev_solde == $new_solde) return 0;


		// Insert request
		$sql = "INSERT INTO ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."holiday_logs (";
		$sql.= "date_action,";
		$sql.= "fk_user_action,";
		$sql.= "fk_user_update,";
		$sql.= "type_action,";
		$sql.= "prev_solde,";
		$sql.= "new_solde,";
		$sql.= "fk_type";
		$sql.= ") VALUES (";
		$sql.= " '".$this->db->idate(dol_now())."',";
		$sql.= " '".$fk_user_action."',";
		$sql.= " '".$fk_user_update."',";
		$sql.= " '".$this->db->escape($label)."',";
		$sql.= " '".$prev_solde."',";
		$sql.= " '".$new_solde."',";
		$sql.= " ".$fk_type;
		$sql.= ")";

		if (! $resql)
			$error++; $this->errors[]="Error ".$this->db->lasterror();

		if (! $error)
			$this->optRowid = $this->db->last_insert_id(MAIN_DB_PREFIX."holiday_logs");

		// Commit or rollback
		if ($error)
			foreach($this->errors as $errmsg)
				dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::addLogCP ".$errmsg, LOG_ERR);
				$this->error.=($this->error?', '.$errmsg:$errmsg);
			return -1*$error;
			return $this->optRowid;

	 *  Liste le log des congés payés
	 *  @param	string	$order      Filtrage par ordre
	 *  @param  string	$filter     Filtre de séléction
	 *  @return int         		-1 si erreur, 1 si OK et 2 si pas de résultat
	public function fetchLog($order, $filter)
		global $langs;

		$sql = "SELECT";
		$sql.= " cpl.rowid,";
		$sql.= " cpl.date_action,";
		$sql.= " cpl.fk_user_action,";
		$sql.= " cpl.fk_user_update,";
		$sql.= " cpl.type_action,";
		$sql.= " cpl.prev_solde,";
		$sql.= " cpl.new_solde,";
		$sql.= " cpl.fk_type";
		$sql.= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."holiday_logs as cpl";
		$sql.= " WHERE cpl.rowid > 0"; // To avoid error with other search and criteria

		// Filtrage de séléction
		if(!empty($filter)) {
			$sql.= " ".$filter;

		// Ordre d'affichage
		if(!empty($order)) {
			$sql.= " ".$order;

		dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::fetchLog", LOG_DEBUG);

		// Si pas d'erreur SQL
		if ($resql) {

			$i = 0;
			$tab_result = $this->logs;
			$num = $this->db->num_rows($resql);

			// Si pas d'enregistrement
			if(!$num) {
				return 2;

			// On liste les résultats et on les ajoutent dans le tableau
			while($i < $num) {

				$obj = $this->db->fetch_object($resql);

				$tab_result[$i]['rowid'] = $obj->rowid;
				$tab_result[$i]['date_action'] = $obj->date_action;
				$tab_result[$i]['fk_user_action'] = $obj->fk_user_action;
				$tab_result[$i]['fk_user_update'] = $obj->fk_user_update;
				$tab_result[$i]['type_action'] = $obj->type_action;
				$tab_result[$i]['prev_solde'] = $obj->prev_solde;
				$tab_result[$i]['new_solde'] = $obj->new_solde;
				$tab_result[$i]['fk_type'] = $obj->fk_type;

			// Retourne 1 et ajoute le tableau à la variable
			$this->logs = $tab_result;
			return 1;
			// Erreur SQL
			$this->error="Error ".$this->db->lasterror();
			return -1;

	 *  Return array with list of types
	 *  @param		int		$active		Status of type. -1 = Both
	 *  @param		int		$affect		Filter on affect (a request will change sold or not). -1 = Both
	 *  @return     array	    		Return array with list of types
	public function getTypes($active = -1, $affect = -1)
		global $mysoc;

		$sql = "SELECT rowid, code, label, affect, delay, newByMonth";
		$sql.= " FROM " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "c_holiday_types";
		$sql.= " WHERE (fk_country IS NULL OR fk_country = ".$mysoc->country_id.')';
		if ($active >= 0) $sql.=" AND active = ".((int) $active);
		if ($affect >= 0) $sql.=" AND affect = ".((int) $affect);

		$result = $this->db->query($sql);
		if ($result)
			$num = $this->db->num_rows($result);
			if ($num)
				while ($obj = $this->db->fetch_object($result))
					$types[$obj->rowid] = array('rowid'=> $obj->rowid, 'code'=> $obj->code, 'label'=>$obj->label, 'affect'=>$obj->affect, 'delay'=>$obj->delay, 'newByMonth'=>$obj->newByMonth);

				return $types;
		else dol_print_error($this->db);

		return array();

	 *  Initialise an instance with random values.
	 *  Used to build previews or test instances.
	 *	id must be 0 if object instance is a specimen.
	 *  @return	void
	public function initAsSpecimen()
		global $user,$langs;

		// Initialise parameters

		$this->description='SPECIMEN description';

	// phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
     *      Load this->nb for dashboard
     *      @return     int         <0 if KO, >0 if OK
    public function load_state_board()
        // phpcs:enable

        $sql = "SELECT count(h.rowid) as nb";
        $sql.= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."holiday as h";
        $sql.= " WHERE h.statut > 1";
        $sql.= " AND h.entity IN (".getEntity('holiday').")";

        if ($resql) {
            while ($obj=$this->db->fetch_object($resql)) {
            return 1;
            return -1;

    // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
     *      Load indicators for dashboard (this->nbtodo and this->nbtodolate)
     *      @param	User	$user   		Objet user
     *      @return WorkboardResponse|int 	<0 if KO, WorkboardResponse if OK
    public function load_board($user)
        // phpcs:enable
        global $conf, $langs;

        if ($user->societe_id) return -1;   // protection pour eviter appel par utilisateur externe


        $userchildids = $user->getAllChildIds(1);

        $sql = "SELECT h.rowid, h.date_debut";
        $sql.= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."holiday as h";
        $sql.= " WHERE h.statut = 2";
        $sql.= " AND h.entity IN (".getEntity('holiday').")";
        $sql.= " AND (h.fk_user IN (".join(',', $userchildids).")";
        $sql.= " OR h.fk_validator IN (".join(',', $userchildids)."))";

        if ($resql)

            $response = new WorkboardResponse();
            $response->img=img_object('', "holiday");

            while ($obj=$this->db->fetch_object($resql))

                if ($this->db->jdate($obj->date_debut) < ($now - $conf->holiday->approve->warning_delay)) {

            return $response;
            return -1;