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/* Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Olivier Geffroy		 <jeff@jeffinfo.com>
 * Copyright (C) 2013-2019 Alexandre Spangaro	 <aspangaro@open-dsi.fr>
 * Copyright (C) 2014      Ari Elbaz (elarifr)  <github@accedinfo.com>
 * Copyright (C) 2014 	    Florian Henry        <florian.henry@open-concept.pro>
 * Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Laurent Destailleur  <eldy@users.sourceforge.net>
 * Copyright (C) 2017      Open-DSI             <support@open-dsi.fr>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

 * \file		htdocs/core/modules/modAccounting.class.php
 * \ingroup		Double entry accounting
 * \brief		Module to activate the double entry accounting module
include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT .'/core/modules/DolibarrModules.class.php';

 * Description and activation class for module accounting expert
class modAccounting extends DolibarrModules
	 *   Constructor. Define names, constants, directories, boxes, permissions
	 *   @param      DoliDB		$db      Database handler
	public function __construct($db)
		global $conf;

		$this->db = $db;
		$this->numero = 50400;

		$this->family = "financial";
		$this->module_position = '61';
		// Module label (no space allowed), used if translation string 'ModuleXXXName' not found (where XXX is value of numeric property 'numero' of module)
		$this->name = preg_replace('/^mod/i', '', get_class($this));
		$this->description = "Double entry accounting management";

		// Possible values for version are: 'development', 'experimental', 'dolibarr' or 'dolibarr_deprecated' or version
		$this->version = 'dolibarr';

		$this->const_name = 'MAIN_MODULE_' . strtoupper($this->name);
		$this->picto = 'accounting';

		// Data directories to create when module is enabled
		$this->dirs = array('/accounting/temp');

		// Config pages
		$this->config_page_url = array();

		// Dependencies
		$this->depends = array("modFacture","modBanque","modTax"); // List of modules id that must be enabled if this module is enabled
		$this->requiredby = array(); // List of modules id to disable if this one is disabled
		$this->conflictwith = array("modComptabilite"); // List of modules are in conflict with this module
		$this->phpmin = array(5, 4); // Minimum version of PHP required by module
		$this->need_dolibarr_version = array(3, 9); // Minimum version of Dolibarr required by module
		$this->langfiles = array("accountancy","compta");

		// Constants
		// List of particular constants to add when module is enabled (key, 'chaine', value, desc, visible, 'current' or 'allentities', deleteonunactive)
		// Example: $this->const=array(0=>array('MYMODULE_MYNEWCONST1','chaine','myvalue','This is a constant to add',1),
		//                             1=>array('MYMODULE_MYNEWCONST2','chaine','myvalue','This is another constant to add',0, 'current', 1)
		// );
		$this->const = array();
		$this->const[1] = array(
				"With this constants on, third party code is always required whatever is numbering module behaviour", 0, 'current', 1
		$this->const[2] = array(
				"With this constants on, bank account number is always required", 0, 'current', 1
		$this->const[3] = array(
				"", 0, 'current', 0
		$this->const[4] = array(
				"", 0, 'current', 0
		$this->const[5] = array(
				"", 0, 'current', 0
		$this->const[6] = array(
				"", 0, 'current', 0
		$this->const[7] = array(
				"", 0, 'current', 0
		$this->const[8] = array(
				"", 0, 'current', 0
		$this->const[9] = array(
				"", 0, 'current', 0
		$this->const[10] = array(
				"", 0, 'current', 0
		$this->const[11] = array (
				"", 0, 'current', 0
		$this->const[12] = array(
				"", 0, 'current', 0
		$this->const[13] = array(
				"", 0, 'current', 0

		// Tabs
		$this->tabs = array();

		// Css
		$this->module_parts = array();

		// Boxes
		$this->boxes = array();

		// Permissions
		$this->rights_class = 'accounting';

		$this->rights = array(); // Permission array used by this module
		$r = 0;

		$this->rights[$r][0] = 50440;
		$this->rights[$r][1] = 'Manage chart of accounts, setup of accountancy';
		$this->rights[$r][2] = 'r';
		$this->rights[$r][3] = 0;
		$this->rights[$r][4] = 'chartofaccount';
		$this->rights[$r][5] = '';

		$this->rights[$r][0] = 50401;
		$this->rights[$r][1] = 'Bind products and invoices with accounting accounts';
		$this->rights[$r][2] = 'r';
		$this->rights[$r][3] = 0;
		$this->rights[$r][4] = 'bind';
		$this->rights[$r][5] = 'write';

		$this->rights[$r][0] = 50402;
		$this->rights[$r][1] = 'Make binding with products and invoices';
		$this->rights[$r][2] = 'r';
		$this->rights[$r][3] = 0;
		$this->rights[$r][4] = 'ventilation';
		$this->rights[$r][5] = 'dispatch_advanced';

		$this->rights[$r][0] = 50411;
		$this->rights[$r][1] = 'Read operations in Ledger';
		$this->rights[$r][2] = 'r';
		$this->rights[$r][3] = 0;
		$this->rights[$r][4] = 'mouvements';
		$this->rights[$r][5] = 'lire';

		$this->rights[$r][0] = 50412;
		$this->rights[$r][1] = 'Write/Edit operations in Ledger';
		$this->rights[$r][2] = 'w';
		$this->rights[$r][3] = 0;
		$this->rights[$r][4] = 'mouvements';
		$this->rights[$r][5] = 'creer';

		$this->rights[$r][0] = 50420;
		$this->rights[$r][1] = 'Report and export reports (turnover, balance, journals, ledger)';
		$this->rights[$r][2] = 'r';
		$this->rights[$r][3] = 0;
		$this->rights[$r][4] = 'comptarapport';
		$this->rights[$r][5] = 'lire';

		$this->rights[$r][0] = 50430;
		$this->rights[$r][1] = 'Define and close a fiscal year';
		$this->rights[$r][2] = 'r';
		$this->rights[$r][3] = 0;
		$this->rights[$r][4] = 'fiscalyear';
		$this->rights[$r][5] = '';

		// Menus
		$this->menu = 1;        // This module add menu entries. They are coded into menu manager.

		// Exports


		$this->export_sql_start[$r]='SELECT DISTINCT ';
		$this->export_sql_end[$r]  =' FROM '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'accounting_account as aa';
        $this->export_sql_end[$r] .=' ,'.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'accounting_system as ac';
		$this->export_sql_end[$r] .=' WHERE ac.pcg_version = aa.fk_pcg_version AND aa.entity IN ('.getEntity('accounting').') ';

		// Imports

		// General ledger
		$this->import_entities_array[$r]=array();	// We define here only fields that use another icon that the one defined into import_icon
		$this->import_tables_array[$r]=array('b'=>MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'accounting_bookkeeping');	// List of tables to insert into (insert done in same order)
		$this->import_fieldshidden_array[$r]=array('b.doc_type'=>'const-import_from_external', 'b.fk_doc'=>'const-0', 'b.fk_docdet'=>'const-0', 'b.fk_user_author'=>'user->id', 'b.date_creation'=>'const-'.dol_print_date(dol_now(), 'standard'));    // aliastable.field => ('user->id' or 'lastrowid-'.tableparent)
		    'b.piece_num'=>'123 (!!! use next value not already used)',
			'b.doc_date'=>dol_print_date(dol_now(), "%Y-%m-%d"),
			'b.doc_ref'=>'My document ABC',
            //'b.journal_label'=>"Sale journal",
            //'b.label_compte'=>'Product account 707',
            'b.label_operation'=>"Sale of ABC",

		// Chart of accounts
		$this->import_label[$r]="Chartofaccounts"; // Translation key
		$this->import_entities_array[$r]=array();		// We define here only fields that use another icon that the one defined into import_icon
		$this->import_tables_creator_array[$r]=array('aa'=>'fk_user_author');    // Fields to store import user id
		$this->import_examplevalues_array[$r]=array('aa.fk_pcg_version'=>"PCG99-ABREGE",'aa.account_number'=>"707",'aa.label'=>"Product sales",'aa.account_parent'=>"ref:7 or id:1407","aa.fk_accounting_category"=>"","aa.pcg_type"=>"PROD",'aa.pcg_subtype'=>'PRODUCT','aa.active'=>'1','aa.datec'=>"2017-04-28");