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/* Copyright (C) 2003-2007  Rodolphe Quiedeville    <rodolphe@quiedeville.org>
 * Copyright (C) 2004       Sebastien Di Cintio     <sdicintio@ressource-toi.org>
 * Copyright (C) 2004       Benoit Mortier          <benoit.mortier@opensides.be>
 * Copyright (C) 2004       Eric Seigne             <eric.seigne@ryxeo.com>
 * Copyright (C) 2005-2013  Laurent Destailleur     <eldy@users.sourceforge.net>
 * Copyright (C) 2005-2012  Regis Houssin           <regis.houssin@inodbox.com>
 * Copyright (C) 2014       Raphaël Doursenaud      <rdoursenaud@gpcsolutions.fr>
 * Copyright (C) 2018       Josep Lluís Amador      <joseplluis@lliuretic.cat>
 * Copyright (C) 2019       Frédéric France         <frederic.france@netlogic.fr>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

 * \file           htdocs/core/modules/DolibarrModules.class.php
 * \brief          File of parent class of module descriptor class files

 * Class DolibarrModules
 * Parent class for module descriptor class files
class DolibarrModules // Can not be abstract, because we need to instantiate it into unActivateModule to be able to disable a module whose files were removed.
     * @var DoliDb Database handler
    public $db;

     * @var int Module unique ID
     * @see https://wiki.dolibarr.org/index.php/List_of_modules_id
    public $numero;

     * @var   string Publisher name
     * @since 4.0.0
    public $editor_name;

     * @var   string URL of module at publisher site
     * @since 4.0.0
    public $editor_url;

     * @var string Family
     * @see familyinfo
     * Native values: 'crm', 'financial', 'hr', 'projects', 'products', 'ecm', 'technic', 'other'.
     * Use familyinfo to declare a custom value.
    public $family;

     * @var array Custom family informations
     * @see family
     * e.g.:
     * array(
     *     'myownfamily' => array(
     *         'position' => '001',
     *         'label' => $langs->trans("MyOwnFamily")
     *     )
     * );
    public $familyinfo;

     * @var string    Module position on 2 digits
    public $module_position='50';

     * @var string Module name
     * Only used if Module[ID]Name translation string is not found.
     * You can use the following code to automatically derive it from your module's class name:
     * preg_replace('/^mod/i', '', get_class($this))
    public $name;

     * @var string[] Paths to create when module is activated
     * e.g.: array('/mymodule/temp')
    public $dirs = array();

     * @var array Module boxes
    public $boxes = array();

     * @var array Module constants
    public $const = array();

     * @var array Module cron jobs entries
    public $cronjobs = array();

     * @var array Module access rights
    public $rights;

     * @var string Module access rights family
    public $rights_class;

     * @var array Module menu entries
    public $menu = array();

     * @var array Module parts
     *  array(
     *      // Set this to 1 if module has its own trigger directory (/mymodule/core/triggers)
     *      'triggers' => 0,
     *      // Set this to 1 if module has its own login method directory (/mymodule/core/login)
     *      'login' => 0,
     *      // Set this to 1 if module has its own substitution function file (/mymodule/core/substitutions)
     *      'substitutions' => 0,
     *      // Set this to 1 if module has its own menus handler directory (/mymodule/core/menus)
     *      'menus' => 0,
     *      // Set this to 1 if module has its own theme directory (/mymodule/theme)
     *      'theme' => 0,
     *      // Set this to 1 if module overwrite template dir (/mymodule/core/tpl)
     *      'tpl' => 0,
     *      // Set this to 1 if module has its own barcode directory (/mymodule/core/modules/barcode)
     *      'barcode' => 0,
     *      // Set this to 1 if module has its own models directory (/mymodule/core/modules/xxx)
     *      'models' => 0,
     *      // Set this to relative path of css file if module has its own css file
     *      'css' => '/mymodule/css/mymodule.css.php',
     *      // Set this to relative path of js file if module must load a js on all pages
     *      'js' => '/mymodule/js/mymodule.js',
     *      // Set here all hooks context managed by module
     *      'hooks' => array('hookcontext1','hookcontext2')
     *  )
    public $module_parts = array();

     * @var        string Module documents ?
     * @deprecated Seems unused anywhere
    public $docs;

     * @var        string ?
     * @deprecated Seems unused anywhere
    public $dbversion = "-";

     * @var string Error message
    public $error;

     * @var string Module version
     * @see http://semver.org
     * The following keywords can also be used:
     * 'development'
     * 'experimental'
     * 'dolibarr': only for core modules that share its version
     * 'dolibarr_deprecated': only for deprecated core modules
    public $version;

     * @var string Module description (short text)
     * Only used if Module[ID]Desc translation string is not found.
    public $description;

     * @var   string Module description (long text)
     * @since 4.0.0
     * HTML content supported.
    public $descriptionlong;

    // For exports

     * @var string Module export code
    public $export_code;

     * @var string Module export label
    public $export_label;

    public $export_permission;
    public $export_fields_array;
    public $export_TypeFields_array;
    public $export_entities_array;
    public $export_special_array;           // special or computed field
    public $export_dependencies_array;
    public $export_sql_start;
    public $export_sql_end;
    public $export_sql_order;

    // For import

     * @var string Module import code
    public $import_code;

     * @var string Module import label
    public $import_label;

     * @var string Module constant name
    public $const_name;

     * @var bool Module can't be disabled
    public $always_enabled;

     * @var int Module is enabled globally (Multicompany support)
    public $core_enabled;

     * @var        string Relative path to module style sheet
     * @deprecated
     * @see        module_parts
    public $style_sheet = '';

     * @var        0|1|2|3 Where to display the module in setup page
     * @deprecated @since 4.0.0
     * @see        family
     * @see        familyinfo
     * 0: common
     * 1: interface
     * 2: others
     * 3: very specific
    public $special;

     * @var string Name of image file used for this module
     * If file is in theme/yourtheme/img directory under name object_pictoname.png use 'pictoname'
     * If file is in module/img directory under name object_pictoname.png use 'pictoname@module'
    public $picto;

     * @var string[] List of config pages
     * Name of php pages stored into module/admin directory, used to setup module.
     * e.g.: "admin.php@module"
    public $config_page_url;

     * @var string[] List of module class names that must be enabled if this module is enabled.
     * e.g.: array('modAnotherModule', 'FR'=>'modYetAnotherModule')
    public $depends;

     * @var int[] List of module ids to disable if this one is disabled.
    public $requiredby;

     * @var string[] List of module class names as string this module is in conflict with.
     * @see depends
    public $conflictwith;

     * @var string[] Module language files
    public $langfiles;

     * @var array<string,string> Array of warnings to show when we activate the module
     * array('always'='text') or array('FR'='text')
    public $warnings_activation;

     * @var array<string,string> Array of warnings to show when we activate an external module
     * array('always'='text') or array('FR'='text')
    public $warnings_activation_ext;

     * @var array Minimum version of PHP required by module.
     * e.g.: PHP ≥ 5.4 = array(5, 4)
    public $phpmin;

     * @var array Minimum version of Dolibarr required by module.
     * e.g.: Dolibarr ≥ 3.6 = array(3, 6)
    public $need_dolibarr_version;

     * @var bool Whether to hide the module.
    public $hidden = false;

     * Constructor. Define names, constants, directories, boxes, permissions
     * @param DoliDB $db Database handler
    public function __construct($db)
        $this->db = $db;
    // We should but can't set this as abstract because this will make dolibarr hang
    // after migration due to old module not implementing. We must wait PHP is able to make
    // a try catch on Fatal error to manage this correctly.
    // We need constructor into function unActivateModule into admin.lib.php

    // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.PublicUnderscore
     * Enables a module.
     * Inserts all informations into database
     * @param array  $array_sql SQL requests to be executed when enabling module
     * @param string $options   String with options when disabling module:
     *                          - 'noboxes' = Do not insert boxes -
     *                          'newboxdefonly' = For boxes, insert def of
     *                          boxes only and not boxes activation
     * @return int                         1 if OK, 0 if KO
    protected function _init($array_sql, $options = '')
        // phpcs:enable
        global $conf;


        // Insert activation module constant
        if (! $err) {

        // Insert new pages for tabs (into llx_const)
        if (! $err) {

        // Insert activation of module's parts
        if (! $err) {

        // Insert constant defined by modules (into llx_const)
        if (! $err && ! preg_match('/newboxdefonly/', $options)) {
            $err+=$this->insert_const();    // Test on newboxdefonly to avoid to erase value during upgrade

        // Insert boxes def into llx_boxes_def and boxes setup (into llx_boxes)
        if (! $err && ! preg_match('/noboxes/', $options)) {

        // Insert cron job entries (entry in llx_cronjobs)
        if (! $err) {

        // Insert permission definitions of module into llx_rights_def. If user is admin, grant this permission to user.
        if (! $err) {
            $err+=$this->insert_permissions(1, null, 1);

        // Insert specific menus entries into database
        if (! $err) {

        // Create module's directories
        if (! $err) {

        // Execute addons requests
        for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++)
            if (! $err) {
                if (is_array($val)) {
                // Add current entity id
                $sql=str_replace('__ENTITY__', $conf->entity, $sql);

                dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::_init ignoreerror=".$ignoreerror."", LOG_DEBUG);
                $result=$this->db->query($sql, $ignoreerror);
                if (! $result) {
                    if (! $ignoreerror) {
                         dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::_init Warning ".$this->db->lasterror(), LOG_WARNING);

        // Return code
        if (! $err) {
            return 1;
            return 0;

    // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.PublicUnderscore
     * Disable function. Deletes the module constants and boxes from the database.
     * @param string[] $array_sql SQL requests to be executed when module is disabled
     * @param string   $options   Options when disabling module:
     * @return int                     1 if OK, 0 if KO
    protected function _remove($array_sql, $options = '')
        // phpcs:enable


        // Remove activation module line (constant MAIN_MODULE_MYMODULE in llx_const)
        if (! $err) {

        // Remove activation of module's new tabs (MAIN_MODULE_MYMODULE_TABS_XXX in llx_const)
        if (! $err) {

        // Remove activation of module's parts (MAIN_MODULE_MYMODULE_XXX in llx_const)
        if (! $err) {

        // Remove constants defined by modules
        if (! $err) {

        // Remove list of module's available boxes (entry in llx_boxes)
        if (! $err && ! preg_match('/(newboxdefonly|noboxes)/', $options)) {
            $err+=$this->delete_boxes();    // We don't have to delete if option ask to keep boxes safe or ask to add new box def only

        // Remove list of module's cron job entries (entry in llx_cronjobs)
        if (! $err) {

        // Remove module's permissions from list of available permissions (entries in llx_rights_def)
        if (! $err) {

        // Remove module's menus (entries in llx_menu)
        if (! $err) {

        // Remove module's directories
        if (! $err) {

        // Run complementary sql requests
        for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++)
            if (! $err) {
                dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::_remove", LOG_DEBUG);
                if (! $result) {

        // Return code
        if (! $err) {
            return 1;
            return 0;

     * Gives the translated module name if translation exists in admin.lang or into language files of module.
     * Otherwise return the module key name.
     * @return string  Translated module name
    public function getName()
        global $langs;

        if ($langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("Module".$this->numero."Name") != ("Module".$this->numero."Name")) {
            // If module name translation exists
            return $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("Module".$this->numero."Name");
            // If module name translation using it's unique id does not exist, we try to use its name to find translation
            if (is_array($this->langfiles)) {
                foreach($this->langfiles as $val)
                    if ($val) { $langs->load($val);

            if ($langs->trans("Module".$this->name."Name") != ("Module".$this->name."Name")) {
                // If module name translation exists
                return $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("Module".$this->name."Name");

            // Last chance with simple label
            return $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv($this->name);

     * Gives the translated module description if translation exists in admin.lang or the default module description
     * @return string  Translated module description
    public function getDesc()
        global $langs;

        if ($langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("Module".$this->numero."Desc") != ("Module".$this->numero."Desc")) {
            // If module description translation exists
            return $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("Module".$this->numero."Desc");
            // If module description translation does not exist using its unique id, we can use its name to find translation
            if (is_array($this->langfiles)) {
                foreach($this->langfiles as $val)
                    if ($val) { $langs->load($val);

            if ($langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("Module".$this->name."Desc") != ("Module".$this->name."Desc")) {
                // If module name translation exists
                return $langs->trans("Module".$this->name."Desc");

            // Last chance with simple label
            return $langs->trans($this->description);

     * Gives the long description of a module. First check README-la_LA.md then README.md
     * If no markdown files found, it returns translated value of the key ->descriptionlong.
     * @return string     Long description of a module from README.md of from property.
    public function getDescLong()
        global $langs;

        include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/files.lib.php';
        include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/geturl.lib.php';

        $pathoffile = $this->getDescLongReadmeFound();

        if ($pathoffile)     // Mostly for external modules
            $content = file_get_contents($pathoffile);

            if ((float) DOL_VERSION >= 6.0) {
                @include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/parsemd.lib.php';

                $content = dolMd2Html(
                        'doc/' => dol_buildpath(strtolower($this->name).'/doc/', 1),
                        'img/' => dol_buildpath(strtolower($this->name).'/img/', 1),
                        'images/' => dol_buildpath(strtolower($this->name).'/images/', 1),
                $content = nl2br($content);
            // Mostly for internal modules
            if (! empty($this->descriptionlong)) {
                if (is_array($this->langfiles)) {
                    foreach($this->langfiles as $val)
                        if ($val) { $langs->load($val);

                $content = $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv($this->descriptionlong);

        return $content;

     * Return path of file if a README file was found.
     * @return string      Path of file if a README file was found.
    public function getDescLongReadmeFound()
        global $langs;

        $filefound= false;

        // Define path to file README.md.
        // First check README-la_LA.md then README-la.md then README.md
        $pathoffile = dol_buildpath(strtolower($this->name).'/README-'.$langs->defaultlang.'.md', 0);
        if (dol_is_file($pathoffile)) {
            $filefound = true;
        if (! $filefound) {
            $tmp=explode('_', $langs->defaultlang);
            $pathoffile = dol_buildpath(strtolower($this->name).'/README-'.$tmp[0].'.md', 0);
            if (dol_is_file($pathoffile)) {
                $filefound = true;
        if (! $filefound) {
            $pathoffile = dol_buildpath(strtolower($this->name).'/README.md', 0);
            if (dol_is_file($pathoffile)) {
                $filefound = true;

        return ($filefound?$pathoffile:'');

     * Gives the changelog. First check ChangeLog-la_LA.md then ChangeLog.md
     * @return string  Content of ChangeLog
    public function getChangeLog()
        global $langs;

        include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/files.lib.php';
        include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/geturl.lib.php';

        $filefound= false;

        // Define path to file README.md.
        // First check ChangeLog-la_LA.md then ChangeLog.md
        $pathoffile = dol_buildpath(strtolower($this->name).'/ChangeLog-'.$langs->defaultlang.'.md', 0);
        if (dol_is_file($pathoffile)) {
            $filefound = true;
        if (! $filefound) {
            $pathoffile = dol_buildpath(strtolower($this->name).'/ChangeLog.md', 0);
            if (dol_is_file($pathoffile)) {
                $filefound = true;

        if ($filefound)     // Mostly for external modules
            $content = file_get_contents($pathoffile);

            if ((float) DOL_VERSION >= 6.0) {
                @include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/parsemd.lib.php';
                $content = dolMd2Html($content, 'parsedown', array('doc/'=>dol_buildpath(strtolower($this->name).'/doc/', 1)));
                $content = nl2br($content);

        return $content;

     * Gives the publisher name
     * @return string  Publisher name
    public function getPublisher()
        return $this->editor_name;

     * Gives the publisher url
     * @return string  Publisher url
    public function getPublisherUrl()
        return $this->editor_url;

     * Gives module version (translated if param $translated is on)
     * For 'experimental' modules, gives 'experimental' translation
     * For 'dolibarr' modules, gives Dolibarr version
     * @param  int $translated 1=Special version keys are translated, 0=Special version keys are not translated
     * @return string                  Module version
    public function getVersion($translated = 1)
        global $langs;


        $newversion=preg_replace('/_deprecated/', '', $this->version);
        if ($newversion == 'experimental') {
        } elseif ($newversion == 'development') {
        } elseif ($newversion == 'dolibarr') {
        } elseif ($newversion) {
        } else {

        if (preg_match('/_deprecated/', $this->version)) {
            $ret.=($translated?' ('.$langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("Deprecated").')':$this->version);
        return $ret;

     * Tells if module is core or external
     * @return string  'core', 'external' or 'unknown'
    public function isCoreOrExternalModule()
        if ($this->version == 'dolibarr' || $this->version == 'dolibarr_deprecated') {
            return 'core';
        if (! empty($this->version) && ! in_array($this->version, array('experimental','development'))) {
            return 'external';
        if (! empty($this->editor_name) || ! empty($this->editor_url)) {
            return 'external';
        if ($this->numero >= 100000) {
            return 'external';
        return 'unknown';

     * Gives module related language files list
     * @return string[]    Language files list
    public function getLangFilesArray()
        return $this->langfiles;

     * Gives translated label of an export dataset
     * @param int $r Dataset index
     * @return string       Translated databaset label
    public function getExportDatasetLabel($r)
        global $langs;

        if ($langs->trans($langstring) == $langstring) {
            // Translation not found
            return $langs->trans($this->export_label[$r]);
            // Translation found
            return $langs->trans($langstring);

     * Gives translated label of an import dataset
     * @param int $r Dataset index
     * @return string      Translated dataset label
    public function getImportDatasetLabel($r)
        global $langs;

        //print "x".$langstring;
        if ($langs->trans($langstring) == $langstring) {
            // Translation not found
            return $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv($this->import_label[$r]);
            // Translation found
            return $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv($langstring);

     * Gives the last date of activation
     * @return timestamp|string       Date of last activation
    public function getLastActivationDate()
        global $conf;

        $err = 0;

        $sql = "SELECT tms FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."const";
        $sql.= " WHERE ".$this->db->decrypt('name')." = '".$this->db->escape($this->const_name)."'";
        $sql.= " AND entity IN (0, ".$conf->entity.")";

        dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::getLastActiveDate", LOG_DEBUG);
        if (! $resql)
            if ($obj) {
                return $this->db->jdate($obj->tms);

        return '';

     * Gives the last author of activation
     * @return array       Array array('authorid'=>Id of last activation user, 'lastactivationdate'=>Date of last activation)
    public function getLastActivationInfo()
        global $conf;

        $err = 0;

		$sql = "SELECT tms, note FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."const";
		$sql.= " WHERE ".$this->db->decrypt('name')." = '".$this->db->escape($this->const_name)."'";
		$sql.= " AND entity IN (0, ".$conf->entity.")";

        dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::getLastActiveDate", LOG_DEBUG);
        if (! $resql)
            if ($obj->note) {
                $tmp=json_decode($obj->note, true);
            if ($obj) {
                return array('authorid'=>$tmp['authorid'], 'ip'=>$tmp['ip'], 'lastactivationdate'=>$this->db->jdate($obj->tms));

        return array();

    // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.PublicUnderscore
     * Insert constants for module activation
     * @return int Error count (0 if OK)
    protected function _active()
        // phpcs:enable
        global $conf, $user;

        $err = 0;

        // Common module
        $entity = ((! empty($this->always_enabled) || ! empty($this->core_enabled)) ? 0 : $conf->entity);

        $sql = "DELETE FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."const";
        $sql.= " WHERE ".$this->db->decrypt('name')." = '".$this->db->escape($this->const_name)."'";
        $sql.= " AND entity IN (0, ".$entity.")";

        dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::_active delete activation constant", LOG_DEBUG);
        if (! $resql) {

        $note=json_encode(array('authorid'=>(is_object($user)?$user->id:0), 'ip'=>(empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])?'':$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])));

        $sql = "INSERT INTO ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."const (name, value, visible, entity, note) VALUES";
        $sql.= " (".$this->db->encrypt($this->const_name, 1);
        $sql.= ", ".$this->db->encrypt('1', 1);
        $sql.= ", 0, ".$entity;
        $sql.= ", '".$this->db->escape($note)."')";

        dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::_active insert activation constant", LOG_DEBUG);
        if (! $resql) { $err++;

        return $err;

    // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.PublicUnderscore
     * Module deactivation
     * @return int Error count (0 if OK)
    protected function _unactive()
        // phpcs:enable
        global $conf;

        $err = 0;

        // Common module
        $entity = ((! empty($this->always_enabled) || ! empty($this->core_enabled)) ? 0 : $conf->entity);

        $sql = "DELETE FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."const";
        $sql.= " WHERE ".$this->db->decrypt('name')." = '".$this->db->escape($this->const_name)."'";
        $sql.= " AND entity IN (0, ".$entity.")";

        dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::_unactive", LOG_DEBUG);

        return $err;

    // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps,PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.PublicUnderscore
     * Create tables and keys required by module.
     * Files module.sql and module.key.sql with create table and create keys
     * commands must be stored in directory reldir='/module/sql/'
     * This function is called by this->init
     * @param  string $reldir Relative directory where to scan files
     * @return int             <=0 if KO, >0 if OK
    protected function _load_tables($reldir)
        // phpcs:enable
        global $conf;


        if (empty($reldir)) {
            return 1;

        include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/core/lib/admin.lib.php';

        $ok = 1;
        foreach($conf->file->dol_document_root as $dirroot)
            if ($ok) {
                $dir = $dirroot.$reldir;
                $ok = 0;

                $handle=@opendir($dir);         // Dir may not exists
                if (is_resource($handle)) {

                    // Run llx_mytable.sql files, then llx_mytable_*.sql
                    $files = array();
                    while (($file = readdir($handle))!==false)
                        $files[] = $file;
                    foreach ($files as $file)
                        if (preg_match('/\.sql$/i', $file) && ! preg_match('/\.key\.sql$/i', $file) && substr($file, 0, 4) == 'llx_' && substr($file, 0, 4) != 'data') {
                            $result=run_sql($dir.$file, empty($conf->global->MAIN_DISPLAY_SQL_INSTALL_LOG)?1:0, '', 1);
                            if ($result <= 0) { $error++;


                    // Run llx_mytable.key.sql files (Must be done after llx_mytable.sql) then then llx_mytable_*.key.sql
                    $files = array();
                    while (($file = readdir($handle))!==false)
                        $files[] = $file;
                    foreach ($files as $file)
                        if (preg_match('/\.key\.sql$/i', $file) && substr($file, 0, 4) == 'llx_' && substr($file, 0, 4) != 'data') {
                            $result=run_sql($dir.$file, empty($conf->global->MAIN_DISPLAY_SQL_INSTALL_LOG)?1:0, '', 1);
                            if ($result <= 0) { $error++;


                    // Run data_xxx.sql files (Must be done after llx_mytable.key.sql)
                    $files = array();
                    while (($file = readdir($handle))!==false)
                               $files[] = $file;
                    foreach ($files as $file)
                        if (preg_match('/\.sql$/i', $file) && ! preg_match('/\.key\.sql$/i', $file) && substr($file, 0, 4) == 'data') {
                            $result=run_sql($dir.$file, empty($conf->global->MAIN_DISPLAY_SQL_INSTALL_LOG)?1:0, '', 1);
                            if ($result <= 0) { $error++;


                    // Run update_xxx.sql files
                    $files = array();
                    while (($file = readdir($handle))!==false)
                               $files[] = $file;
                    foreach ($files as $file)
                        if (preg_match('/\.sql$/i', $file) && ! preg_match('/\.key\.sql$/i', $file) && substr($file, 0, 6) == 'update') {
                            $result=run_sql($dir.$file, empty($conf->global->MAIN_DISPLAY_SQL_INSTALL_LOG)?1:0, '', 1);
                            if ($result <= 0) { $error++;


                if ($error == 0) {
                    $ok = 1;

        if (! $dirfound) {
            dol_syslog("A module ask to load sql files into ".$reldir." but this directory was not found.", LOG_WARNING);
        return $ok;

    // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
     * Adds boxes
     * @param string $option Options when disabling module ('newboxdefonly'=insert only boxes definition)
     * @return int             Error count (0 if OK)
    public function insert_boxes($option = '')
        // phpcs:enable
        include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/core/class/infobox.class.php';

        global $conf;


        if (is_array($this->boxes)) {
            dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::insert_boxes", LOG_DEBUG);

            $pos_name = InfoBox::getListOfPagesForBoxes();

            foreach ($this->boxes as $key => $value)
                $file  = isset($this->boxes[$key]['file'])?$this->boxes[$key]['file']:'';
                $note  = isset($this->boxes[$key]['note'])?$this->boxes[$key]['note']:'';
                $enabledbydefaulton = isset($this->boxes[$key]['enabledbydefaulton'])?$this->boxes[$key]['enabledbydefaulton']:'Home';

                if (empty($file)) { $file  = isset($this->boxes[$key][1])?$this->boxes[$key][1]:'';    // For backward compatibility
                if (empty($note)) { $note  = isset($this->boxes[$key][2])?$this->boxes[$key][2]:'';    // For backward compatibility

                // Search if boxes def already present
                $sql = "SELECT count(*) as nb FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."boxes_def";
                $sql.= " WHERE file = '".$this->db->escape($file)."'";
                $sql.= " AND entity = ".$conf->entity;
                if ($note) { $sql.=" AND note ='".$this->db->escape($note)."'";

                if ($result) {
                    $obj = $this->db->fetch_object($result);
                    if ($obj->nb == 0) {

                        if (! $err) {
                            $sql = "INSERT INTO ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."boxes_def (file, entity, note)";
                            $sql.= " VALUES ('".$this->db->escape($file)."', ";
                            $sql.= $conf->entity.", ";
                            $sql.= $note?"'".$this->db->escape($note)."'":"null";
                            $sql.= ")";

                            dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::insert_boxes", LOG_DEBUG);
                            if (! $resql) { $err++;
                        if (! $err && ! preg_match('/newboxdefonly/', $option)) {
                            $lastid=$this->db->last_insert_id(MAIN_DB_PREFIX."boxes_def", "rowid");

                            foreach ($pos_name as $key2 => $val2)
                                    //print 'key2='.$key2.'-val2='.$val2."<br>\n";
                                if ($enabledbydefaulton && $val2 != $enabledbydefaulton) { continue;        // Not enabled by default onto this page.

                                $sql = "INSERT INTO ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."boxes (box_id,position,box_order,fk_user,entity)";
                                $sql.= " VALUES (".$lastid.", ".$key2.", '0', 0, ".$conf->entity.")";

                                dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::insert_boxes onto page ".$key2."=".$val2."", LOG_DEBUG);
                                if (! $resql) { $err++;

                        if (! $err) {
                    // else box already registered into database

        return $err;

    // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
     * Removes boxes
     * @return int Error count (0 if OK)
    public function delete_boxes()
        // phpcs:enable
        global $conf;


        if (is_array($this->boxes)) {
            foreach ($this->boxes as $key => $value)
                //$titre = $this->boxes[$key][0];
                $file  = $this->boxes[$key]['file'];
                //$note  = $this->boxes[$key][2];

                // TODO If the box is also included by another module and the other module is still on, we should not remove it.
                // For the moment, we manage this with hard coded exception
                //print "Remove box ".$file.'<br>';
                if ($file == 'box_graph_product_distribution.php') {
                    if (! empty($conf->produit->enabled) || ! empty($conf->service->enabled)) {
                        dol_syslog("We discard disabling of module ".$file." because another module still active require it.");

                if (empty($file)) { $file  = isset($this->boxes[$key][1])?$this->boxes[$key][1]:'';    // For backward compatibility

                if ($this->db->type == 'sqlite3') {
                    // sqlite doesn't support "USING" syntax.
                    // TODO: remove this dependency.
                    $sql = "DELETE FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."boxes ";
                    $sql .= "WHERE ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."boxes.box_id IN (";
                    $sql .= "SELECT ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."boxes_def.rowid ";
                    $sql .= "FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."boxes_def ";
                    $sql .= "WHERE ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."boxes_def.file = '".$this->db->escape($file)."') ";
                    $sql .= "AND ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."boxes.entity = ".$conf->entity;
                } else {
                    $sql = "DELETE FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."boxes";
                    $sql.= " USING ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."boxes, ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."boxes_def";
                    $sql.= " WHERE ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."boxes.box_id = ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."boxes_def.rowid";
                    $sql.= " AND ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."boxes_def.file = '".$this->db->escape($file)."'";
                    $sql.= " AND ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."boxes.entity = ".$conf->entity;

                dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::delete_boxes", LOG_DEBUG);
                if (! $resql) {

                $sql = "DELETE FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."boxes_def";
                $sql.= " WHERE file = '".$this->db->escape($file)."'";
                $sql.= " AND entity = ".$conf->entity;

                dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::delete_boxes", LOG_DEBUG);
                if (! $resql) {

        return $err;

    // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
     * Adds cronjobs
     * @return int             Error count (0 if OK)
    public function insert_cronjobs()
        // phpcs:enable
        include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/core/class/infobox.class.php';

        global $conf;


        if (is_array($this->cronjobs)) {
            dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::insert_cronjobs", LOG_DEBUG);

            foreach ($this->cronjobs as $key => $value)
                $entity  = isset($this->cronjobs[$key]['entity'])?$this->cronjobs[$key]['entity']:$conf->entity;
                $label  = isset($this->cronjobs[$key]['label'])?$this->cronjobs[$key]['label']:'';
                $jobtype  = isset($this->cronjobs[$key]['jobtype'])?$this->cronjobs[$key]['jobtype']:'';
                $class  = isset($this->cronjobs[$key]['class'])?$this->cronjobs[$key]['class']:'';
                $objectname  = isset($this->cronjobs[$key]['objectname'])?$this->cronjobs[$key]['objectname']:'';
                $method = isset($this->cronjobs[$key]['method'])?$this->cronjobs[$key]['method']:'';
                $command  = isset($this->cronjobs[$key]['command'])?$this->cronjobs[$key]['command']:'';
                $parameters  = isset($this->cronjobs[$key]['parameters'])?$this->cronjobs[$key]['parameters']:'';
                $comment = isset($this->cronjobs[$key]['comment'])?$this->cronjobs[$key]['comment']:'';
                $frequency = isset($this->cronjobs[$key]['frequency'])?$this->cronjobs[$key]['frequency']:'';
                $unitfrequency = isset($this->cronjobs[$key]['unitfrequency'])?$this->cronjobs[$key]['unitfrequency']:'';
                $priority = isset($this->cronjobs[$key]['priority'])?$this->cronjobs[$key]['priority']:'';
                $datestart = isset($this->cronjobs[$key]['datestart'])?$this->cronjobs[$key]['datestart']:'';
                $dateend = isset($this->cronjobs[$key]['dateend'])?$this->cronjobs[$key]['dateend']:'';
                $status = isset($this->cronjobs[$key]['status'])?$this->cronjobs[$key]['status']:'';
                $test = isset($this->cronjobs[$key]['test'])?$this->cronjobs[$key]['test']:'';                    // Line must be enabled or not (so visible or not)

                // Search if cron entry already present
                $sql = "SELECT count(*) as nb FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."cronjob";
                $sql.= " WHERE module_name = '".$this->db->escape(empty($this->rights_class)?strtolower($this->name):$this->rights_class)."'";
                if ($class) {
                    $sql.= " AND classesname = '".$this->db->escape($class)."'";
                if ($objectname) {
                    $sql.= " AND objectname = '".$this->db->escape($objectname)."'";
                if ($method) {
                    $sql.= " AND methodename = '".$this->db->escape($method)."'";
                if ($command) {
                    $sql.= " AND command = '".$this->db->escape($command)."'";
                $sql.= " AND entity = ".$entity;    // Must be exact entity


                if ($result) {
                    $obj = $this->db->fetch_object($result);
                    if ($obj->nb == 0) {

                        if (! $err) {
                            $sql = "INSERT INTO ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."cronjob (module_name, datec, datestart, dateend, label, jobtype, classesname, objectname, methodename, command, params, note,";
                            if (is_int($frequency)) { $sql.= ' frequency,'; }
                            if (is_int($unitfrequency)) { $sql.= ' unitfrequency,'; }
                            if (is_int($priority)) { $sql.= ' priority,'; }
                            if (is_int($status)) { $sql.= ' status,'; }
                            $sql.= " entity, test)";
                            $sql.= " VALUES (";
                            $sql.= "'".$this->db->escape(empty($this->rights_class)?strtolower($this->name):$this->rights_class)."', ";
                            $sql.= "'".$this->db->idate($now)."', ";
                            $sql.= ($datestart ? "'".$this->db->idate($datestart)."'" : "'".$this->db->idate($now)."'").", ";
                            $sql.= ($dateend   ? "'".$this->db->idate($dateend)."'"   : "NULL").", ";
                            $sql.= "'".$this->db->escape($label)."', ";
                            $sql.= "'".$this->db->escape($jobtype)."', ";
                            $sql.= ($class?"'".$this->db->escape($class)."'":"null").",";
                            $sql.= ($objectname?"'".$this->db->escape($objectname)."'":"null").",";
                            $sql.= ($method?"'".$this->db->escape($method)."'":"null").",";
                            $sql.= ($command?"'".$this->db->escape($command)."'":"null").",";
                            $sql.= ($parameters?"'".$this->db->escape($parameters)."'":"null").",";
                            $sql.= ($comment?"'".$this->db->escape($comment)."'":"null").",";
                            if(is_int($frequency)) { $sql.= "'".$this->db->escape($frequency)."', ";
                            if(is_int($unitfrequency)) { $sql.= "'".$this->db->escape($unitfrequency)."', ";
                            if(is_int($priority)) {$sql.= "'".$this->db->escape($priority)."', ";
                            if(is_int($status)) { $sql.= "'".$this->db->escape($status)."', ";
                            $sql.= $entity.",";
                            $sql.= "'".$this->db->escape($test)."'";
                            $sql.= ")";

                            if (! $resql) { $err++;

                        if (! $err) {
                    // else box already registered into database

        return $err;

    // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
     * Removes boxes
     * @return int Error count (0 if OK)
    public function delete_cronjobs()
        // phpcs:enable
        global $conf;


        if (is_array($this->cronjobs)) {
            $sql = "DELETE FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."cronjob";
            $sql.= " WHERE module_name = '".$this->db->escape(empty($this->rights_class)?strtolower($this->name):$this->rights_class)."'";
            $sql.= " AND entity = ".$conf->entity;
            $sql.= " AND test = '1'";        // We delete on lines that are not set with a complete test that is '$conf->module->enabled' so when module is disabled, the cron is also removed.
              // For crons declared with a '$conf->module->enabled', there is no need to delete the line, so we don't loose setup if we reenable module.

            dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::delete_cronjobs", LOG_DEBUG);
            if (! $resql) {

        return $err;

    // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
     * Removes tabs
     * @return int Error count (0 if OK)
    public function delete_tabs()
        // phpcs:enable
        global $conf;


        $sql = "DELETE FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."const";
        $sql.= " WHERE ".$this->db->decrypt('name')." like '".$this->db->escape($this->const_name)."_TABS_%'";
        $sql.= " AND entity = ".$conf->entity;

        dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::delete_tabs", LOG_DEBUG);
        if (! $this->db->query($sql)) {

        return $err;

    // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
     * Adds tabs
     * @return int  Error count (0 if ok)
    public function insert_tabs()
        // phpcs:enable
        global $conf;


        if (! empty($this->tabs)) {
            dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::insert_tabs", LOG_DEBUG);

            foreach ($this->tabs as $key => $value)
                if (is_array($value) && count($value) == 0) { continue;    // Discard empty arrays

                $newvalue = $value;

                if (is_array($value)) {
                    $newvalue = $value['data'];
                    if (isset($value['entity'])) { $entity = $value['entity'];

                if ($newvalue) {
                    $sql = "INSERT INTO ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."const (";
                    $sql.= "name";
                    $sql.= ", type";
                    $sql.= ", value";
                    $sql.= ", note";
                    $sql.= ", visible";
                    $sql.= ", entity";
                    $sql.= ")";
                    $sql.= " VALUES (";
                    $sql.= $this->db->encrypt($this->const_name."_TABS_".$i, 1);
                    $sql.= ", 'chaine'";
                    $sql.= ", ".$this->db->encrypt($newvalue, 1);
                    $sql.= ", null";
                    $sql.= ", '0'";
                    $sql.= ", ".$entity;
                    $sql.= ")";

                    $resql = $this->db->query($sql);
                    if (! $resql) {
                         dol_syslog($this->db->lasterror(), LOG_ERR);
                        if ($this->db->lasterrno() != 'DB_ERROR_RECORD_ALREADY_EXISTS') {
                            $this->error = $this->db->lasterror();
                            $this->errors[] = $this->db->lasterror();
        return $err;

    // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
     * Adds constants
     * @return int Error count (0 if OK)
    public function insert_const()
        // phpcs:enable
        global $conf;


        if (empty($this->const)) { return 0;

        dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::insert_const", LOG_DEBUG);

        foreach ($this->const as $key => $value)
            $name      = $this->const[$key][0];
            $type      = $this->const[$key][1];
            $val       = $this->const[$key][2];
            $note      = isset($this->const[$key][3])?$this->const[$key][3]:'';
            $visible   = isset($this->const[$key][4])?$this->const[$key][4]:0;
            $entity    = (! empty($this->const[$key][5]) && $this->const[$key][5]!='current')?0:$conf->entity;

            // Clean
            if (empty($visible)) { $visible='0';
            if (empty($val) && $val != '0') { $val='';

            $sql = "SELECT count(*)";
            $sql.= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."const";
            $sql.= " WHERE ".$this->db->decrypt('name')." = '".$this->db->escape($name)."'";
            $sql.= " AND entity = ".$entity;

            if ($result) {
                $row = $this->db->fetch_row($result);

                if ($row[0] == 0)   // If not found
                    $sql = "INSERT INTO ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."const (name,type,value,note,visible,entity)";
                    $sql.= " VALUES (";
                    $sql.= $this->db->encrypt($name, 1);
                    $sql.= ",'".$type."'";
                    $sql.= ",".(($val != '')?$this->db->encrypt($val, 1):"''");
                    $sql.= ",".($note?"'".$this->db->escape($note)."'":"null");
                    $sql.= ",'".$visible."'";
                    $sql.= ",".$entity;
                    $sql.= ")";

                    if (! $this->db->query($sql) ) {
                    dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::insert_const constant '".$name."' already exists", LOG_WARNING);

        return $err;

    // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
     * Removes constants tagged 'deleteonunactive'
     * @return int <0 if KO, 0 if OK
    public function delete_const()
        // phpcs:enable
        global $conf;


        if (empty($this->const)) { return 0;

        foreach ($this->const as $key => $value)
            $name      = $this->const[$key][0];
            $deleteonunactive = (! empty($this->const[$key][6]))?1:0;

            if ($deleteonunactive) {
                $sql = "DELETE FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."const";
                $sql.= " WHERE ".$this->db->decrypt('name')." = '".$name."'";
                $sql.= " AND entity in (0, ".$conf->entity.")";
                dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::delete_const", LOG_DEBUG);
                if (! $this->db->query($sql)) {

        return $err;

    // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
     * Adds access rights
     * @param  int $reinitadminperms If 1, we also grant them to all admin users
     * @param  int $force_entity     Force current entity
     * @param  int $notrigger        1=Does not execute triggers, 0= execute triggers
     * @return int                     Error count (0 if OK)
    public function insert_permissions($reinitadminperms = 0, $force_entity = null, $notrigger = 0)
        // phpcs:enable
        global $conf,$user;

        $entity=(! empty($force_entity) ? $force_entity : $conf->entity);

        dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::insert_permissions", LOG_DEBUG);

        // Test if module is activated
        $sql_del = "SELECT ".$this->db->decrypt('value')." as value";
        $sql_del.= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."const";
        $sql_del.= " WHERE ".$this->db->decrypt('name')." = '".$this->db->escape($this->const_name)."'";
        $sql_del.= " AND entity IN (0,".$entity.")";


        if ($resql) {
            if ($obj !== null && ! empty($obj->value) && ! empty($this->rights)) {
                // If the module is active
                foreach ($this->rights as $key => $value)
                    $r_id       = $this->rights[$key][0];
                    $r_desc     = $this->rights[$key][1];
                    $r_type     = isset($this->rights[$key][2])?$this->rights[$key][2]:'';
                    $r_def      = $this->rights[$key][3];
                    $r_perms    = $this->rights[$key][4];
                    $r_subperms = isset($this->rights[$key][5])?$this->rights[$key][5]:'';
                    $r_modul = empty($this->rights_class)?strtolower($this->name):$this->rights_class;

                    if (empty($r_type)) { $r_type='w'; }
                    if (empty($r_def)) { $r_def=0; }

                    // Search if perm already present
                    $sql = "SELECT count(*) as nb FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."rights_def";
                    $sql.= " WHERE id = ".$r_id." AND entity = ".$entity;

                    if ($resqlselect) {
                        $objcount = $this->db->fetch_object($resqlselect);
                        if ($objcount && $objcount->nb == 0) {
                            if (dol_strlen($r_perms) ) {
                                if (dol_strlen($r_subperms) ) {
                                    $sql = "INSERT INTO ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."rights_def";
                                    $sql.= " (id, entity, libelle, module, type, bydefault, perms, subperms)";
                                    $sql.= " VALUES ";
                                    $sql.= "(".$r_id.",".$entity.",'".$this->db->escape($r_desc)."','".$r_modul."','".$r_type."',".$r_def.",'".$r_perms."','".$r_subperms."')";
                                    $sql = "INSERT INTO ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."rights_def";
                                    $sql.= " (id, entity, libelle, module, type, bydefault, perms)";
                                    $sql.= " VALUES ";
                                    $sql.= "(".$r_id.",".$entity.",'".$this->db->escape($r_desc)."','".$r_modul."','".$r_type."',".$r_def.",'".$r_perms."')";
                                 $sql = "INSERT INTO ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."rights_def ";
                                 $sql .= " (id, entity, libelle, module, type, bydefault)";
                                 $sql .= " VALUES ";
                                 $sql .= "(".$r_id.",".$entity.",'".$this->db->escape($r_desc)."','".$r_modul."','".$r_type."',".$r_def.")";

                            $resqlinsert=$this->db->query($sql, 1);

                            if (! $resqlinsert) {
                                if ($this->db->errno() != "DB_ERROR_RECORD_ALREADY_EXISTS") {
                                else { dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::insert_permissions record already exists", LOG_INFO);



                    // If we want to init permissions on admin users
                    if ($reinitadminperms) {
                        if (! class_exists('User')) {
                            include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/user/class/user.class.php';
                        $sql="SELECT rowid FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."user WHERE admin = 1";
                        dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::insert_permissions Search all admin users", LOG_DEBUG);
                        $resqlseladmin=$this->db->query($sql, 1);
                        if ($resqlseladmin) {
                            while ($i < $num)
                                  dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::insert_permissions Add permission to user id=".$obj2->rowid);

                                  $tmpuser=new User($this->db);
                                  $result = $tmpuser->fetch($obj2->rowid);
                                if ($result > 0) {
                                    $tmpuser->addrights($r_id, '', '', 0, 1);
                                    dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::insert_permissions Failed to add the permission to user because fetch return an error", LOG_ERR);

                if ($reinitadminperms && ! empty($user->admin))  // Reload permission for current user if defined
                    // We reload permissions

        return $err;

    // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
     * Removes access rights
     * @return int                     Error count (0 if OK)
    public function delete_permissions()
        // phpcs:enable
        global $conf;


        $sql = "DELETE FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."rights_def";
        $sql.= " WHERE module = '".$this->db->escape(empty($this->rights_class)?strtolower($this->name):$this->rights_class)."'";
        $sql.= " AND entity = ".$conf->entity;
        dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::delete_permissions", LOG_DEBUG);
        if (! $this->db->query($sql)) {

        return $err;

    // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
     * Adds menu entries
     * @return int     Error count (0 if OK)
    public function insert_menus()
        // phpcs:enable
        global $user;

        if (! is_array($this->menu) || empty($this->menu)) { return 0;

        include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/core/class/menubase.class.php';

        dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::insert_menus", LOG_DEBUG);



        foreach ($this->menu as $key => $value)
            $menu = new Menubase($this->db);

            //$menu->module=strtolower($this->name);    TODO When right_class will be same than module name

            if (! $this->menu[$key]['fk_menu']) {
                if (preg_match('/^r=/', $fk_parent))    // old deprecated method
                    $fk_parent=str_replace('r=', '', $fk_parent);
                    if (isset($this->menu[$fk_parent]['rowid'])) {
                elseif (preg_match('/^fk_mainmenu=([a-zA-Z0-9_]+),fk_leftmenu=([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)$/', $fk_parent, $reg)) {
                elseif (preg_match('/^fk_mainmenu=([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)$/', $fk_parent, $reg)) {
                if (! $foundparent) {
                    dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::insert_menus ".$this->error." ".$this->menu[$key]['fk_menu'], LOG_ERR);

            if (! $err) {
                $result=$menu->create($user);    // Save menu entry into table llx_menu
                if ($result > 0) {
                    dol_syslog(get_class($this).'::insert_menus result='.$result." ".$this->error, LOG_ERR);

        if (! $err) {
            dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::insert_menus ".$this->error, LOG_ERR);

        return $err;

    // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
     * Removes menu entries
     * @return int Error count (0 if OK)
    public function delete_menus()
        // phpcs:enable
        global $conf;


        //$module=strtolower($this->name);        TODO When right_class will be same than module name

        $sql = "DELETE FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."menu";
        $sql.= " WHERE module = '".$this->db->escape($module)."'";
        $sql.= " AND entity = ".$conf->entity;

        dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::delete_menus", LOG_DEBUG);
        if (! $resql) {

        return $err;

    // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
     * Creates directories
     * @return int Error count (0 if OK)
    public function create_dirs()
        // phpcs:enable
        global $langs, $conf;


        if (isset($this->dirs) && is_array($this->dirs)) {
            foreach ($this->dirs as $key => $value)

                if (! is_array($value)) { $dir=$value;    // Default simple mode
                } else {
                    $constname = $this->const_name."_DIR_";
                    $dir       = $this->dirs[$key][1];
                    $addtodatabase = empty($this->dirs[$key][2])?'':$this->dirs[$key][2]; // Create constante in llx_const
                    $subname   = empty($this->dirs[$key][3])?'':strtoupper($this->dirs[$key][3]); // Add submodule name (ex: $conf->module->submodule->dir_output)
                    $forcename = empty($this->dirs[$key][4])?'':strtoupper($this->dirs[$key][4]); // Change the module name if different

                    if (! empty($forcename)) { $constname = 'MAIN_MODULE_'.$forcename."_DIR_";
                    if (! empty($subname)) {   $constname = $constname.$subname."_";

                    $name = $constname.strtoupper($this->dirs[$key][0]);

                // Define directory full path ($dir must start with "/")
                if (empty($conf->global->MAIN_MODULE_MULTICOMPANY) || $conf->entity == 1) { $fulldir = DOL_DATA_ROOT.$dir;
                } else { $fulldir = DOL_DATA_ROOT."/".$conf->entity.$dir;
                // Create dir if it does not exists
                if (! empty($fulldir) && ! file_exists($fulldir)) {
                    if (dol_mkdir($fulldir, DOL_DATA_ROOT) < 0) {
                         $this->error = $langs->trans("ErrorCanNotCreateDir", $fulldir);
                         dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::_init ".$this->error, LOG_ERR);

                // Define the constant in database if requested (not the default mode)
                if (! empty($addtodatabase)) {
                    $result = $this->insert_dirs($name, $dir);
                    if ($result) { $err++;

        return $err;

    // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
     * Adds directories definitions
     * @param string $name Name
     * @param string $dir  Directory
     * @return int             Error count (0 if OK)
    public function insert_dirs($name, $dir)
        // phpcs:enable
        global $conf;


        $sql = "SELECT count(*)";
        $sql.= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."const";
        $sql.= " WHERE ".$this->db->decrypt('name')." = '".$name."'";
        $sql.= " AND entity = ".$conf->entity;

        dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::insert_dirs", LOG_DEBUG);
        if ($result) {
            $row = $this->db->fetch_row($result);

            if ($row[0] == 0) {
                $sql = "INSERT INTO ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."const (name,type,value,note,visible,entity)";
                $sql.= " VALUES (".$this->db->encrypt($name, 1).",'chaine',".$this->db->encrypt($dir, 1).",'Directory for module ".$this->name."','0',".$conf->entity.")";

                dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::insert_dirs", LOG_DEBUG);

        return $err;

    // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
     * Removes directories
     * @return int Error count (0 if OK)
    public function delete_dirs()
        // phpcs:enable
        global $conf;


        $sql = "DELETE FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."const";
        $sql.= " WHERE ".$this->db->decrypt('name')." LIKE '".$this->db->escape($this->const_name)."_DIR_%'";
        $sql.= " AND entity = ".$conf->entity;

        dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::delete_dirs", LOG_DEBUG);
        if (! $this->db->query($sql)) {

        return $err;

    // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
     * Adds generic parts
     * @return int Error count (0 if OK)
    public function insert_module_parts()
        // phpcs:enable
        global $conf;


        if (is_array($this->module_parts) && ! empty($this->module_parts)) {
            foreach($this->module_parts as $key => $value)
                if (is_array($value) && count($value) == 0) { continue;    // Discard empty arrays

                $entity=$conf->entity; // Reset the current entity
                $newvalue = $value;

                // Serialize array parameters
                if (is_array($value)) {
                    // Can defined other parameters
                    // Example when $key='hooks', then $value is an array('data'=>array('hookcontext1','hookcontext2'), 'entity'=>X)
                    if (isset($value['data']) && is_array($value['data'])) {
                        $newvalue = json_encode($value['data']);
                        if (isset($value['entity'])) { $entity = $value['entity'];
                    elseif (isset($value['data']) && !is_array($value['data'])) {
                        $newvalue = $value['data'];
                        if (isset($value['entity'])) { $entity = $value['entity'];
                    else    // when hook is declared with syntax 'hook'=>array('hookcontext1','hookcontext2',...)
                        $newvalue = json_encode($value);

                $sql = "INSERT INTO ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."const (";
                $sql.= "name";
                $sql.= ", type";
                $sql.= ", value";
                $sql.= ", note";
                $sql.= ", visible";
                $sql.= ", entity";
                $sql.= ")";
                $sql.= " VALUES (";
                $sql.= $this->db->encrypt($this->const_name."_".strtoupper($key), 1);
                $sql.= ", 'chaine'";
                $sql.= ", ".$this->db->encrypt($newvalue, 1);
                $sql.= ", null";
                $sql.= ", '0'";
                $sql.= ", ".$entity;
                $sql.= ")";

                dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::insert_module_parts for key=".$this->const_name."_".strtoupper($key), LOG_DEBUG);

                $resql=$this->db->query($sql, 1);
                if (! $resql) {
                    if ($this->db->lasterrno() != 'DB_ERROR_RECORD_ALREADY_EXISTS') {
                         dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::insert_module_parts for ".$this->const_name."_".strtoupper($key)." Record already exists.", LOG_WARNING);
        return $error;

    // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
     * Removes generic parts
     * @return int Error count (0 if OK)
    public function delete_module_parts()
        // phpcs:enable
        global $conf;


        if (is_array($this->module_parts) && ! empty($this->module_parts)) {
            foreach($this->module_parts as $key => $value)
                // If entity is defined
                if (is_array($value) && isset($value['entity'])) { $entity = $value['entity'];

                $sql = "DELETE FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."const";
                $sql.= " WHERE ".$this->db->decrypt('name')." LIKE '".$this->db->escape($this->const_name)."_".strtoupper($key)."'";
                $sql.= " AND entity = ".$entity;

                dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::delete_const_".$key."", LOG_DEBUG);
                if (! $this->db->query($sql)) {
        return $err;

     * Function called when module is enabled.
     * The init function adds tabs, constants, boxes, permissions and menus (defined in constructor) into Dolibarr database.
     * It also creates data directories
     * @param  string $options Options when enabling module ('', 'newboxdefonly', 'noboxes')
     *                         'noboxes' = Do not insert boxes 'newboxdefonly' = For boxes,
     *                         insert def of boxes only and not boxes activation
     * @return int                1 if OK, 0 if KO
    public function init($options = '')
        return $this->_init(array(), $options);

     * Function called when module is disabled.
     * The remove function removes tabs, constants, boxes, permissions and menus from Dolibarr database.
     * Data directories are not deleted
     * @param  string $options Options when enabling module ('', 'noboxes')
     * @return int                     1 if OK, 0 if KO
    public function remove($options = '')
        return $this->_remove(array(), $options);