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/* Copyright (C) 2010-2013	Laurent Destailleur	<eldy@users.sourceforge.net>
 * Copyright (C) 2010-2012	Regis Houssin		<regis.houssin@inodbox.com>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * or see http://www.gnu.org/

 *  \file		htdocs/core/menus/standard/auguria.lib.php
 *  \brief		Library for file auguria menus
require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/menubase.class.php';

 * Core function to output top menu auguria
 * @param 	DoliDB	$db				Database handler
 * @param 	string	$atarget		Target
 * @param 	int		$type_user     	0=Menu for backoffice, 1=Menu for front office
 * @param  	array	$tabMenu        If array with menu entries already loaded, we put this array here (in most cases, it's empty)
 * @param	Menu	$menu			Object Menu to return back list of menu entries
 * @param	int		$noout			Disable output (Initialise &$menu only).
 * @param	string	$mode			'top', 'topnb', 'left', 'jmobile'
 * @return	int						0
function print_auguria_menu($db, $atarget, $type_user, &$tabMenu, &$menu, $noout = 0, $mode = '')
	global $user,$conf,$langs,$dolibarr_main_db_name;


	$listofmodulesforexternal=explode(',', $conf->global->MAIN_MODULES_FOR_EXTERNAL);

	// Show personalized menus
	$menuArbo = new Menubase($db, 'auguria');
	$newTabMenu = $menuArbo->menuTopCharger('', '', $type_user, 'auguria', $tabMenu);

	if (empty($noout)) print_start_menu_array_auguria();

    $usemenuhider = 1;
    global $usemenuhider;

	// Show/Hide vertical menu
	if ($mode != 'jmobile' && $mode != 'topnb' && $usemenuhider && empty($conf->global->MAIN_OPTIMIZEFORTEXTBROWSER))
	    $classname = 'class="tmenu menuhider"';

	    $menu->add('#', '', 0, $showmode, $atarget, "xxx", '', 0, $id, $idsel, $classname);

	$num = count($newTabMenu);
	for($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++)

		$showmode=dol_auguria_showmenu($type_user, $newTabMenu[$i], $listofmodulesforexternal);
		if ($showmode == 1)
			$substitarray = array('__LOGIN__' => $user->login, '__USER_ID__' => $user->id, '__USER_SUPERVISOR_ID__' => $user->fk_user);
			$substitarray['__USERID__'] = $user->id;	// For backward compatibility
			$newTabMenu[$i]['url'] = make_substitutions($newTabMenu[$i]['url'], $substitarray);

			$url = $shorturl = $newTabMenu[$i]['url'];

			if (! preg_match("/^(http:\/\/|https:\/\/)/i", $newTabMenu[$i]['url']))
			    $tmp=explode('?', $newTabMenu[$i]['url'], 2);
				$url = $shorturl = $tmp[0];
				$param = (isset($tmp[1])?$tmp[1]:'');

				// Complete param to force leftmenu to '' to close open menu when we click on a link with no leftmenu defined.
			    if ((! preg_match('/mainmenu/i', $param)) && (! preg_match('/leftmenu/i', $param)) && ! empty($newTabMenu[$i]['url']))
			    if ((! preg_match('/mainmenu/i', $param)) && (! preg_match('/leftmenu/i', $param)) && empty($newTabMenu[$i]['url']))
				//$url.="idmenu=".$newTabMenu[$i]['rowid'];    // Already done by menuLoad
				$url = dol_buildpath($url, 1).($param?'?'.$param:'');
				//$shorturl = $shorturl.($param?'?'.$param:'');
				$shorturl = $url;

				if (DOL_URL_ROOT) $shorturl = preg_replace('/^'.preg_quote(DOL_URL_ROOT, '/').'/', '', $shorturl);

			// TODO Find a generic solution
			if (preg_match('/search_project_user=__search_project_user__/', $shorturl))
			    $search_project_user = GETPOST('search_project_user', 'int');
			    if ($search_project_user) $shorturl=preg_replace('/search_project_user=__search_project_user__/', 'search_project_user='.$search_project_user, $shorturl);
			    else $shorturl=preg_replace('/search_project_user=__search_project_user__/', '', $shorturl);

			// Define the class (top menu selected or not)
			if (! empty($_SESSION['idmenu']) && $newTabMenu[$i]['rowid'] == $_SESSION['idmenu']) $classname='class="tmenusel"';
			elseif (! empty($_SESSION["mainmenu"]) && $newTabMenu[$i]['mainmenu'] == $_SESSION["mainmenu"]) $classname='class="tmenusel"';
			else $classname='class="tmenu"';
		elseif ($showmode == 2) $classname='class="tmenu"';

		$menu->add($shorturl, $newTabMenu[$i]['titre'], 0, $showmode, ($newTabMenu[$i]['target']?$newTabMenu[$i]['target']:$atarget), ($newTabMenu[$i]['mainmenu']?$newTabMenu[$i]['mainmenu']:$newTabMenu[$i]['rowid']), ($newTabMenu[$i]['leftmenu']?$newTabMenu[$i]['leftmenu']:''), $newTabMenu[$i]['position'], $id, $idsel, $classname);

	// Sort on position
	$menu->liste = dol_sort_array($menu->liste, 'position');

	// Output menu entries
	foreach($menu->liste as $menkey => $menuval)
        if (empty($noout)) print_start_menu_entry_auguria($menuval['idsel'], $menuval['classname'], $menuval['enabled']);
	    if (empty($noout)) print_text_menu_entry_auguria($menuval['titre'], $menuval['enabled'], ($menuval['url']!='#'?DOL_URL_ROOT:'').$menuval['url'], $menuval['id'], $menuval['idsel'], $menuval['classname'], ($menuval['target']?$menuval['target']:$atarget));
	    if (empty($noout)) print_end_menu_entry_auguria($menuval['enabled']);

	if (empty($noout)) print_start_menu_entry_auguria('', 'class="tmenuend"', $showmode);
	if (empty($noout)) print_end_menu_entry_auguria($showmode);

	if (empty($noout)) print_end_menu_array_auguria();

	print "\n";

	return 0;

 * Output start menu array
 * @return	void
function print_start_menu_array_auguria()
    global $conf;

	print '<div class="tmenudiv">';
	print '<ul role="navigation" class="tmenu"'.(empty($conf->global->MAIN_OPTIMIZEFORTEXTBROWSER)?'':' title="Top menu"').'>';

 * Output start menu entry
 * @param	string	$idsel		Text
 * @param	string	$classname	String to add a css class
 * @param	int		$showmode	0 = hide, 1 = allowed or 2 = not allowed
 * @return	void
function print_start_menu_entry_auguria($idsel, $classname, $showmode)
	if ($showmode)
		print '<li '.$classname.' id="mainmenutd_'.$idsel.'">';
		//print '<div class="tmenuleft tmenusep"></div>';
		print '<div class="tmenucenter">';

 * Output menu entry
 * @param	string	$text		Text
 * @param	int		$showmode	0 = hide, 1 = allowed or 2 = not allowed
 * @param	string	$url		Url
 * @param	string	$id			Id
 * @param	string	$idsel		Id sel
 * @param	string	$classname	Class name
 * @param	string	$atarget	Target
 * @return	void
function print_text_menu_entry_auguria($text, $showmode, $url, $id, $idsel, $classname, $atarget)
	global $langs;

	if ($showmode == 1)
		print '<a class="tmenuimage" tabindex="-1" href="'.$url.'"'.($atarget?' target="'.$atarget.'"':'').'>';
		print '<div class="'.$id.' '.$idsel.' topmenuimage"><span class="'.$id.' tmenuimage" id="mainmenuspan_'.$idsel.'"></span></div>';
		print '</a>';
		print '<a '.$classname.' id="mainmenua_'.$idsel.'" href="'.$url.'"'.($atarget?' target="'.$atarget.'"':'').'>';
		print '<span class="mainmenuaspan">';
		print $text;
		print '</span>';
		print '</a>';
	if ($showmode == 2)
		print '<div class="'.$id.' '.$idsel.' topmenuimage tmenudisabled"><span class="'.$id.'" id="mainmenuspan_'.$idsel.'"></span></div>';
		print '<a class="tmenudisabled" id="mainmenua_'.$idsel.'" href="#" title="'.dol_escape_htmltag($langs->trans("NotAllowed")).'">';
		print '<span class="mainmenuaspan">';
		print $text;
		print '</span>';
		print '</a>';

 * Output end menu entry
 * @param	int		$showmode	0 = hide, 1 = allowed or 2 = not allowed
 * @return	void
function print_end_menu_entry_auguria($showmode)
	if ($showmode)
		print '</div></li>';
	print "\n";

 * Output menu array
 * @return	void
function print_end_menu_array_auguria()
	print '</ul>';
	print '</div>';
	print "\n";

 * Core function to output left menu auguria
 * @param	DoliDB		$db                 Database handler
 * @param 	array		$menu_array_before  Table of menu entries to show before entries of menu handler
 * @param   array		$menu_array_after   Table of menu entries to show after entries of menu handler
 * @param  	array		$tabMenu       		If array with menu entries already loaded, we put this array here (in most cases, it's empty)
 * @param	Menu		$menu				Object Menu to return back list of menu entries
 * @param	int			$noout				Disable output (Initialise &$menu only).
 * @param	string		$forcemainmenu		'x'=Force mainmenu to mainmenu='x'
 * @param	string		$forceleftmenu		'all'=Force leftmenu to '' (= all)
 * @param	array		$moredata			An array with more data to output
 * @return	int								Nb of entries
function print_left_auguria_menu($db, $menu_array_before, $menu_array_after, &$tabMenu, &$menu, $noout = 0, $forcemainmenu = '', $forceleftmenu = '', $moredata = null)
	global $user,$conf,$langs,$dolibarr_main_db_name,$mysoc;

	$newmenu = $menu;


	$usemenuhider = 0;
	global $usemenuhider;

	// Show logo company
	if (empty($noout) && ! empty($conf->global->MAIN_SHOW_LOGO) && empty($conf->global->MAIN_OPTIMIZEFORTEXTBROWSER))
		if (! empty($mysoc->logo_mini) && is_readable($conf->mycompany->dir_output.'/logos/thumbs/'.$mysoc->logo_mini))
		print "\n".'<!-- Show logo on menu -->'."\n";
		print '<div class="blockvmenuimpair blockvmenulogo">'."\n";
		print '<div class="menu_titre" id="menu_titre_logo"></div>';
		print '<div class="menu_top" id="menu_top_logo"></div>';
		print '<div class="menu_contenu" id="menu_contenu_logo">';
		print '<div class="center"><img title="'.dol_escape_htmltag($title).'" alt="" src="'.$urllogo.'" style="max-width: 70%"></div>'."\n";
		print '</div>';
		print '<div class="menu_end" id="menu_end_logo"></div>';
		print '</div>'."\n";

	if (is_array($moredata) && ! empty($moredata['searchform']))	// searchform can contains select2 code or link to show old search form or link to switch on search page
        print "\n";
        print "<!-- Begin SearchForm -->\n";
        print '<div id="blockvmenusearch" class="blockvmenusearch">'."\n";
        print $moredata['searchform'];
        print '</div>'."\n";
        print "<!-- End SearchForm -->\n";

	if (is_array($moredata) && ! empty($moredata['bookmarks']))
	    print "\n";
	    print "<!-- Begin Bookmarks -->\n";
	    print '<div id="blockvmenubookmarks" class="blockvmenubookmarks">'."\n";
	    print $moredata['bookmarks'];
	    print '</div>'."\n";
	    print "<!-- End Bookmarks -->\n";

	// We update newmenu with entries found into database
	$menuArbo = new Menubase($db, 'auguria');
	$newmenu = $menuArbo->menuLeftCharger($newmenu, $mainmenu, $leftmenu, ($user->societe_id?1:0), 'auguria', $tabMenu);

	// We update newmenu for special dynamic menus
	if ($conf->banque->enabled && $user->rights->banque->lire && $mainmenu == 'bank')	// Entry for each bank account
	    include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/compta/bank/class/account.class.php';     // Required for to get Account::TYPE_CASH for example

		$sql = "SELECT rowid, label, courant, rappro, courant";
		$sql.= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."bank_account";
		$sql.= " WHERE entity = ".$conf->entity;
		$sql.= " AND clos = 0";
		$sql.= " ORDER BY label";

		$resql = $db->query($sql);
		if ($resql)
			$numr = $db->num_rows($resql);
			$i = 0;

			if ($numr > 0) 	$newmenu->add('/compta/bank/list.php', $langs->trans("BankAccounts"), 0, $user->rights->banque->lire);

			while ($i < $numr)
				$objp = $db->fetch_object($resql);
				$newmenu->add('/compta/bank/card.php?id='.$objp->rowid, $objp->label, 1, $user->rights->banque->lire);
				if ($objp->rappro && $objp->courant != Account::TYPE_CASH && empty($objp->clos))  // If not cash account and not closed and can be reconciliate
					$newmenu->add('/compta/bank/bankentries_list.php?id='.$objp->rowid, $langs->trans("Conciliate"), 2, $user->rights->banque->consolidate);
		else dol_print_error($db);

	if (! empty($conf->accounting->enabled) && !empty($user->rights->accounting->mouvements->lire) && $mainmenu == 'accountancy') 	// Entry in accountancy journal for each bank account
		$newmenu->add('', $langs->trans("Journalization"), 0, $user->rights->accounting->comptarapport->lire, '', 'accountancy', 'accountancy');

		// Multi journal
		$sql = "SELECT rowid, code, label, nature";
		$sql.= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."accounting_journal";
		$sql.= " WHERE entity = ".$conf->entity;
		$sql.= " AND active = 1";
		$sql.= " ORDER BY label DESC";

		$resql = $db->query($sql);
		if ($resql)
			$numr = $db->num_rows($resql);
			$i = 0;

			if ($numr > 0)
				while ($i < $numr)
					$objp = $db->fetch_object($resql);


					// Must match array $sourceList defined into journals_list.php
					if ($objp->nature == 2 && ! empty($conf->facture->enabled)) $nature="sells";
					if ($objp->nature == 3 && ! empty($conf->fournisseur->enabled)) $nature="purchases";
					if ($objp->nature == 4 && ! empty($conf->banque->enabled)) $nature="bank";
					if ($objp->nature == 5 && ! empty($conf->expensereport->enabled)) $nature="expensereports";
					if ($objp->nature == 1) $nature="various";
					if ($objp->nature == 8) $nature="inventory";
					if ($objp->nature == 9) $nature="hasnew";

					// To enable when page exists
					if (! empty($conf->global->ACCOUNTANCY_SHOW_DEVELOP_JOURNAL))
						if ($nature == 'various' || $nature == 'hasnew' || $nature == 'inventory') $nature='';

					if ($nature)
                        $journallabel=$langs->transnoentities($objp->label);	// Labels in this table are set by loading llx_accounting_abc.sql. Label can be 'ACCOUNTING_SELL_JOURNAL', 'InventoryJournal', ...
                        if (empty($leftmenu) || preg_match('/accountancy/', $leftmenu)) $newmenu->add('/accountancy/journal/'.$nature.'journal.php?mainmenu=accountancy&leftmenu=accountancy_journal&id_journal='.$objp->rowid, $journallabel, 2, $user->rights->accounting->comptarapport->lire);
				// Should not happend. Entries are added
				$newmenu->add('', $langs->trans("NoJournalDefined"), 2, $user->rights->accounting->comptarapport->lire);
		else dol_print_error($db);

		$sql = "SELECT rowid, label, accountancy_journal";
		$sql.= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."bank_account";
		$sql.= " WHERE entity = ".$conf->entity;
		$sql.= " AND clos = 0";
		$sql.= " ORDER BY label";

		$resql = $db->query($sql);
		if ($resql)
			$numr = $db->num_rows($resql);
			$i = 0;

			if ($numr > 0)
			while ($i < $numr)
				$objp = $db->fetch_object($resql);
				$newmenu->add('/accountancy/journal/bankjournal.php?id_account='.$objp->rowid, $langs->trans("Journal").' - '.$objp->label, 1, $user->rights->accounting->comptarapport->lire,'','accountancy','accountancy_journal');
		else dol_print_error($db);

		// Add other journal

	if ($conf->ftp->enabled && $mainmenu == 'ftp')	// Entry for FTP
		while ($i <= $MAXFTP)
			//print $paramkey;
			if (! empty($conf->global->$paramkey))

				$newmenu->add($link, dol_trunc($conf->global->$paramkey, 24));

	// Build final $menu_array = $menu_array_before +$newmenu->liste + $menu_array_after
	if (is_array($menu_array_before)) $menu_array=array_merge($menu_array_before, $menu_array);
	if (is_array($menu_array_after))  $menu_array=array_merge($menu_array, $menu_array_after);
	if (! is_array($menu_array)) return 0;

	// Show menu
	if (empty($noout))
		$altok=0; $blockvmenuopened=false; $lastlevel0='';
		for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++)     // Loop on each menu entry
			if (! empty($conf->global->MAIN_MENU_HIDE_UNAUTHORIZED) && empty($menu_array[$i]['enabled'])) 	$showmenu=false;

			// Begin of new left menu block
			if (empty($menu_array[$i]['level']) && $showmenu)
				for($j = ($i + 1); $j < $num; $j++)
				    if (empty($menu_array[$j]['level'])) $lastopened=false;
				if ($altok % 2 == 0)
					print '<div class="blockvmenu blockvmenuimpair'.$invert.($lastopened?' blockvmenulast':'').($altok == 1 ? ' blockvmenufirst':'').'">'."\n";
					print '<div class="blockvmenu blockvmenupair'.$invert.($lastopened?' blockvmenulast':'').($altok == 1 ? ' blockvmenufirst':'').'">'."\n";

			// Add tabulation
			$tabul=($menu_array[$i]['level'] - 1);
			if ($tabul > 0)
				for ($j=0; $j < $tabul; $j++)

			// $menu_array[$i]['url'] can be a relative url, a full external url. We try substitution
			$substitarray = array('__LOGIN__' => $user->login, '__USER_ID__' => $user->id, '__USER_SUPERVISOR_ID__' => $user->fk_user);
			$substitarray['__USERID__'] = $user->id;	// For backward compatibility
			$menu_array[$i]['url'] = make_substitutions($menu_array[$i]['url'], $substitarray);

			$url = $shorturl = $shorturlwithoutparam = $menu_array[$i]['url'];
			if (! preg_match("/^(http:\/\/|https:\/\/)/i", $menu_array[$i]['url']))
				$tmp=explode('?', $menu_array[$i]['url'], 2);
				$url = $shorturl = $tmp[0];
				$param = (isset($tmp[1])?$tmp[1]:'');    // params in url of the menu link

				// Complete param to force leftmenu to '' to close open menu when we click on a link with no leftmenu defined.
				if ((! preg_match('/mainmenu/i', $param)) && (! preg_match('/leftmenu/i', $param)) && ! empty($menu_array[$i]['mainmenu']))
				if ((! preg_match('/mainmenu/i', $param)) && (! preg_match('/leftmenu/i', $param)) && empty($menu_array[$i]['mainmenu']))
				//$url.="idmenu=".$menu_array[$i]['rowid'];    // Already done by menuLoad
				$url = dol_buildpath($url, 1).($param?'?'.$param:'');
				$shorturlwithoutparam = $shorturl;
				$shorturl = $shorturl.($param?'?'.$param:'');

			print '<!-- Process menu entry with mainmenu='.$menu_array[$i]['mainmenu'].', leftmenu='.$menu_array[$i]['leftmenu'].', level='.$menu_array[$i]['level'].' enabled='.$menu_array[$i]['enabled'].', position='.$menu_array[$i]['position'].' -->'."\n";

			// Menu level 0
			if ($menu_array[$i]['level'] == 0)
				if ($menu_array[$i]['enabled'])     // Enabled so visible
					print '<div class="menu_titre">'.$tabstring;
					if ($shorturlwithoutparam) print '<a class="vmenu" href="'.$url.'"'.($menu_array[$i]['target']?' target="'.$menu_array[$i]['target'].'"':'').'>';
					else print '<span class="vmenu">';
					print ($menu_array[$i]['prefix']?$menu_array[$i]['prefix']:'').$menu_array[$i]['titre'];
					if ($shorturlwithoutparam) print '</a>';
					else print '</span>';
					print '</div>'."\n";
				elseif ($showmenu)                 // Not enabled but visible (so greyed)
					print '<div class="menu_titre">'.$tabstring.'<font class="vmenudisabled">'.$menu_array[$i]['titre'].'</font></div>'."\n";
				if ($showmenu)
					print '<div class="menu_top"></div>'."\n";

			// Menu level > 0
			if ($menu_array[$i]['level'] > 0)
				$cssmenu = '';
				if ($menu_array[$i]['url']) $cssmenu = ' menu_contenu'.dol_string_nospecial(preg_replace('/\.php.*$/', '', $menu_array[$i]['url']));

				if ($menu_array[$i]['enabled'] && $lastlevel0 == 'enabled')     // Enabled so visible, except if parent was not enabled.
					print '<div class="menu_contenu'.$cssmenu.'">'.$tabstring;
					if ($shorturlwithoutparam) print '<a class="vsmenu" href="'.$url.'"'.($menu_array[$i]['target']?' target="'.$menu_array[$i]['target'].'"':'').'>';
					else print '<span class="vsmenu">';
					print $menu_array[$i]['titre'];
					if ($shorturlwithoutparam) print '</a>';
					else print '</span>';
					// If title is not pure text and contains a table, no carriage return added
					if (! strstr($menu_array[$i]['titre'], '<table')) print '<br>';
					print '</div>'."\n";
				elseif ($showmenu && $lastlevel0 == 'enabled')       // Not enabled but visible (so greyed), except if parent was not enabled.
					print '<div class="menu_contenu'.$cssmenu.'">'.$tabstring.'<font class="vsmenudisabled vsmenudisabledmargin">'.$menu_array[$i]['titre'].'</font><br></div>'."\n";

			// If next is a new block or if there is nothing after
			if (empty($menu_array[$i+1]['level']))               // End menu block
				if ($showmenu)
					print '<div class="menu_end"></div>'."\n";
				if ($blockvmenuopened) { print '</div>'."\n"; $blockvmenuopened=false; }

		if ($altok) print '<div class="blockvmenuend"></div>';    // End menu block

	return count($menu_array);

 * Function to test if an entry is enabled or not
 * @param	string		$type_user					0=We need backoffice menu, 1=We need frontoffice menu
 * @param	array		$menuentry					Array for menu entry
 * @param	array		$listofmodulesforexternal	Array with list of modules allowed to external users
 * @return	int										0=Hide, 1=Show, 2=Show gray
function dol_auguria_showmenu($type_user, &$menuentry, &$listofmodulesforexternal)
	global $conf;

	//print 'type_user='.$type_user.' module='.$menuentry['module'].' enabled='.$menuentry['enabled'].' perms='.$menuentry['perms'];
	//print 'ok='.in_array($menuentry['module'], $listofmodulesforexternal);
	if (empty($menuentry['enabled'])) return 0;	// Entry disabled by condition
	if ($type_user && $menuentry['module'])
		$tmploops=explode('|', $menuentry['module']);
		foreach($tmploops as $tmploop)
			if (in_array($tmploop, $listofmodulesforexternal)) {
				$found++; break;
		if (! $found) return 0;	// Entry is for menus all excluded to external users
	if (! $menuentry['perms'] && $type_user) return 0; 											// No permissions and user is external
	if (! $menuentry['perms'] && ! empty($conf->global->MAIN_MENU_HIDE_UNAUTHORIZED))	return 0;	// No permissions and option to hide when not allowed, even for internal user, is on
	if (! $menuentry['perms']) return 2;															// No permissions and user is external
	return 1;