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/* Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Laurent Destailleur  <eldy@users.sourceforge.net>
 * Copyright (C) 2006      Rodolphe Quiedeville <rodolphe@quiedeville.org>
 * Copyright (C) 2010      Regis Houssin        <regis.houssin@inodbox.com>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

 *   \file		    htdocs/core/class/interfaces.class.php
 *   \ingroup		core
 *   \brief			Fichier de la classe de gestion des triggers

require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/triggers/dolibarrtriggers.class.php';

 *   Class to manage triggers
class Interfaces
     * @var DoliDB Database handler.
    public $db;

    public $dir;				// Directory with all core and external triggers files

     * @var string[] Error codes (or messages)
    public $errors = array();

     *	Constructor
     *  @param		DoliDB		$db      Database handler
    public function __construct($db)
        $this->db = $db;

    // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
     *   Function called when a Dolibarr business event occurs
     *   This function call all qualified triggers.
     *   @param		string		$action     Trigger event code
     *   @param     object		$object     Objet concerned. Some context information may also be provided into array property object->context.
     *   @param     User		$user       Objet user
     *   @param     Translate	$langs      Objet lang
     *   @param     Conf		$conf       Objet conf
     *   @return    int         			Nb of triggers ran if no error, -Nb of triggers with errors otherwise.
    public function run_triggers($action, $object, $user, $langs, $conf)
        // phpcs:enable
        // Check parameters
        if (! is_object($object) || ! is_object($conf))	// Error
            $this->error='function run_triggers called with wrong parameters action='.$action.' object='.is_object($object).' user='.is_object($user).' langs='.is_object($langs).' conf='.is_object($conf);
            dol_syslog(get_class($this).'::run_triggers '.$this->error, LOG_ERR);
            return -1;
        if (! is_object($langs))	// Warning
            dol_syslog(get_class($this).'::run_triggers was called with wrong parameters action='.$action.' object='.is_object($object).' user='.is_object($user).' langs='.is_object($langs).' conf='.is_object($conf), LOG_WARNING);
        if (! is_object($user))	    // Warning
            dol_syslog(get_class($this).'::run_triggers was called with wrong parameters action='.$action.' object='.is_object($object).' user='.is_object($user).' langs='.is_object($langs).' conf='.is_object($conf), LOG_WARNING);
            global $db;
            $user = new User($db);
        //dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::run_triggers action=".$action." Launch run_triggers", LOG_DEBUG);

        $nbfile = $nbtotal = $nbok = $nbko = 0;

        $files = array();
        $modules = array();
        $orders = array();

        $dirtriggers=array_merge(array('/core/triggers'), $conf->modules_parts['triggers']);
        foreach($dirtriggers as $reldir)
            $dir=dol_buildpath($reldir, 0);
            //print "xx".$dir;exit;

            // Check if directory exists (we do not use dol_is_dir to avoir loading files.lib.php at each call)
            if (! is_dir($newdir)) continue;

            if (is_resource($handle))
                while (($file = readdir($handle))!==false)
                    if (is_readable($newdir."/".$file) && preg_match('/^interface_([0-9]+)_([^_]+)_(.+)\.class\.php$/i', $file, $reg))


                        // Check if trigger file is disabled by name
                        if (preg_match('/NORUN$/i', $file)) continue;
                        // Check if trigger file is for a particular module
                        if (strtolower($reg[2]) != 'all')
                            $module=preg_replace('/^mod/i', '', $reg[2]);
                            if (empty($conf->global->$constparam)) $qualified=false;

                        if (! $qualified)
                            //dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::run_triggers action=".$action." Triggers for file '".$file."' need module to be enabled", LOG_DEBUG);

                        $modName = "Interface".ucfirst($reg[3]);
                        //print "file=$file - modName=$modName\n";
                        if (in_array($modName, $modules))    // $modules = list of modName already loaded
                            dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::run_triggers action=".$action." ".$langs->trans("ErrorDuplicateTrigger", $newdir."/".$file, $fullpathfiles[$modName]), LOG_WARNING);

                        try {
                            //print 'Todo for '.$modName." : ".$newdir.'/'.$file."\n";
                            include_once $newdir.'/'.$file;
                            //print 'Done for '.$modName."\n";
                        catch(Exception $e)
                            dol_syslog('ko for '.$modName." ".$e->getMessage()."\n", LOG_ERR);

                        $modules[$i] = $modName;
                        $files[$i] = $file;
                        $fullpathfiles[$modName] = $newdir.'/'.$file;
                        $orders[$i] = $part1.'_'.$part2.'_'.$part3;   // Set sort criteria value




        // Loop on each trigger
        foreach ($orders as $key => $value)
            $modName = $modules[$key];
            if (empty($modName)) continue;

            $objMod = new $modName($this->db);
            if ($objMod)

                if (method_exists($objMod, 'runTrigger'))	// New method to implement
                    //dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::run_triggers action=".$action." Launch runTrigger for file '".$files[$key]."'", LOG_DEBUG);
                    $result=$objMod->runTrigger($action, $object, $user, $langs, $conf);
                elseif (method_exists($objMod, 'run_trigger'))	// Deprecated method
                    dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::run_triggers action=".$action." Launch old method run_trigger (rename your trigger into runTrigger) for file '".$files[$key]."'", LOG_WARNING);
                    $result=$objMod->run_trigger($action, $object, $user, $langs, $conf);
                    dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::run_triggers action=".$action." A trigger was declared for class ".get_class($objMod)." but method runTrigger was not found", LOG_ERR);

                if ($result > 0)
                    // Action OK
                if ($result == 0)
                    // Aucune action faite
                if ($result < 0)
                    // Action KO
                    //dol_syslog("Error in trigger ".$action." - Nb of error string returned = ".count($objMod->errors), LOG_ERR);
                    if (! empty($objMod->errors)) $this->errors=array_merge($this->errors, $objMod->errors);
                    elseif (! empty($objMod->error))  $this->errors[]=$objMod->error;
                    //dol_syslog("Error in trigger ".$action." - Nb of error string returned = ".count($this->errors), LOG_ERR);
                dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::run_triggers action=".$action." Failed to instantiate trigger for file '".$files[$key]."'", LOG_ERR);

        if ($nbko)
            dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::run_triggers action=".$action." Files found: ".$nbfile.", Files launched: ".$nbtotal.", Done: ".$nbok.", Failed: ".$nbko." - Nb of error string returned in this->errors = ".count($this->errors), LOG_ERR);
            return -$nbko;
            //dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::run_triggers Files found: ".$nbfile.", Files launched: ".$nbtotal.", Done: ".$nbok.", Failed: ".$nbko, LOG_DEBUG);
            return $nbok;

     *  Return list of triggers. Function used by admin page htdoc/admin/triggers.
     *  List is sorted by trigger filename so by priority to run.
     *  @param	array		$forcedirtriggers		null=All default directories. This parameter is used by modulebuilder module only.
     * 	@return	array								Array list of triggers
    public function getTriggersList($forcedirtriggers = null)
        global $conf, $langs, $db;

        $files = array();
        $fullpath = array();
        $relpath = array();
        $iscoreorexternal = array();
        $modules = array();
        $orders = array();
        $i = 0;

        $dirtriggers=array_merge(array('/core/triggers/'), $conf->modules_parts['triggers']);
        if (is_array($forcedirtriggers))

        foreach($dirtriggers as $reldir)
            $dir=dol_buildpath($reldir, 0);

            // Check if directory exists (we do not use dol_is_dir to avoid loading files.lib.php at each call)
            if (! is_dir($newdir)) continue;

            if (is_resource($handle))
                while (($file = readdir($handle))!==false)
                    if (is_readable($newdir.'/'.$file) && preg_match('/^interface_([0-9]+)_([^_]+)_(.+)\.class\.php/', $file, $reg))
                        if (preg_match('/\.back$/', $file)) continue;


                        $modName = 'Interface'.ucfirst($reg[3]);
                        //print "file=$file"; print "modName=$modName"; exit;
                        if (in_array($modName, $modules))
                            print '<div class="error">'.$langs->trans("Error").' : '.$langs->trans("ErrorDuplicateTrigger", $modName, "/htdocs/core/triggers/").'</div>';
                            include_once $newdir.'/'.$file;

                        $files[$i] = $file;
                        $fullpath[$i] = $dir.'/'.$file;
                        $relpath[$i] = preg_replace('/^\//', '', $reldir).'/'.$file;
                        $iscoreorexternal[$i] = ($reldir == '/core/triggers/'?'internal':'external');
                        $modules[$i] = $modName;
                        $orders[$i] = $part1.'_'.$part2.'_'.$part3;   // Set sort criteria value



        $triggers = array();
        $j = 0;

        // Loop on each trigger
        foreach ($orders as $key => $value)
            $modName = $modules[$key];
            if (empty($modName)) continue;

            if (! class_exists($modName))
                print 'Error: A trigger file was found but its class "'.$modName.'" was not found.'."<br>\n";

            $objMod = new $modName($db);

            // Define disabledbyname and disabledbymodule

            // Check if trigger file is disabled by name
            if (preg_match('/NORUN$/i', $files[$key])) $disabledbyname=1;
            // Check if trigger file is for a particular module
            if (preg_match('/^interface_([0-9]+)_([^_]+)_(.+)\.class\.php/i', $files[$key], $reg))
                $module=preg_replace('/^mod/i', '', $reg[2]);
                if (strtolower($module) == 'all') $disabledbymodule=0;
                elseif (empty($conf->global->$constparam)) $disabledbymodule=2;

            // We set info of modules
            $triggers[$j]['picto'] = $objMod->picto?img_object('', $objMod->picto):img_object('', 'generic');
            $triggers[$j]['file'] = $files[$key];
            $triggers[$j]['fullpath'] = $fullpath[$key];
            $triggers[$j]['relpath'] = $relpath[$key];
            $triggers[$j]['iscoreorexternal'] = $iscoreorexternal[$key];
            $triggers[$j]['version'] = $objMod->getVersion();
            $triggers[$j]['status'] = img_picto($langs->trans("Active"), 'tick');
            if ($disabledbyname > 0 || $disabledbymodule > 1) $triggers[$j]['status'] = '';

            $text ='<b>'.$langs->trans("Description").':</b><br>';
            if ($disabledbyname == 1)
                if ($disabledbymodule == 2) $text.=$langs->trans("TriggerDisabledAsModuleDisabled", $module).'<br>';
                if ($disabledbymodule == 0) $text.=$langs->trans("TriggerAlwaysActive").'<br>';
                if ($disabledbymodule == 1) $text.=$langs->trans("TriggerActiveAsModuleActive", $module).'<br>';
                if ($disabledbymodule == 2) $text.=$langs->trans("TriggerDisabledAsModuleDisabled", $module).'<br>';

            $triggers[$j]['info'] = $text;
        return $triggers;