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/* Copyright (C) 2003-2005	Rodolphe Quiedeville	<rodolphe@quiedeville.org>
 * Copyright (C) 2004-2015	Laurent Destailleur		<eldy@users.sourceforge.net>
 * Copyright (C) 2009-2012	Regis Houssin			<regis.houssin@inodbox.com>
 * Copyright (C) 2010-2011	Juanjo Menent			<jmenent@2byte.es>
 * Copyright (C) 2012       Cedric Salvador         <csalvador@gpcsolutions.fr>
 * Copyright (C) 2013       Florian Henry		  	<florian.henry@open-concept.pro>
 * Copyright (C) 2015       Marcos GarcĂ­a           <marcosgdf@gmail.com>
 * Copyright (C) 2017       Frédéric France         <frederic.france@netlogic.fr>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

 *	\file       htdocs/compta/facture/class/facture-rec.class.php
 *	\ingroup    facture
 *	\brief      Fichier de la classe des factures recurentes

require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/notify.class.php';
require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/product/class/product.class.php';
require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/compta/facture/class/facture.class.php';
require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/date.lib.php';

 *	Class to manage invoice templates
class FactureRec extends CommonInvoice
	 * @var string ID to identify managed object
	public $element='facturerec';

	 * @var string Name of table without prefix where object is stored
	public $table_element='facture_rec';

	 * @var int    Name of subtable line
	public $table_element_line='facturedet_rec';

	 * @var int Field with ID of parent key if this field has a parent
	public $fk_element='fk_facture';

	 * @var string String with name of icon for myobject. Must be the part after the 'object_' into object_myobject.png
	public $picto='bill';

	 * @var int Entity
	public $entity;

	public $number;
	public $date;
	public $amount;
	public $remise;
	public $tva;
	public $total;
	public $db_table;
	public $propalid;

	public $date_last_gen;
	public $date_when;
	public $nb_gen_done;
	public $nb_gen_max;

	public $frequency;
	public $unit_frequency;

	public $rang;
	public $special_code;

	public $usenewprice=0;

	public $suspended;			// status


	 *	Constructor
	 * 	@param		DoliDB		$db		Database handler
	public function __construct($db)
		$this->db = $db;

	 * 	Create a predefined invoice
	 * 	@param		User	$user		User object
	 * 	@param		int		$facid		Id of source invoice
	 *	@return		int					<0 if KO, id of invoice created if OK
	public function create($user, $facid)
		global $conf;


		// Clean parameters
		if (empty($this->suspended)) $this->suspended=0;

		// No frequency defined then no next date to execution
		if (empty($this->frequency))

		$this->generate_pdf = empty($this->generate_pdf)?0:$this->generate_pdf;


		// Charge facture modele
		$facsrc=new Facture($this->db);
		if ($result > 0)
			// On positionne en mode brouillon la facture
			$this->brouillon = 1;

			$sql = "INSERT INTO ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."facture_rec (";
			$sql.= "titre";
			$sql.= ", fk_soc";
			$sql.= ", entity";
			$sql.= ", datec";
			$sql.= ", amount";
			$sql.= ", remise";
			$sql.= ", note_private";
			$sql.= ", note_public";
			$sql.= ", modelpdf";
			$sql.= ", fk_user_author";
			$sql.= ", fk_projet";
			$sql.= ", fk_account";
			$sql.= ", fk_cond_reglement";
			$sql.= ", fk_mode_reglement";
			$sql.= ", usenewprice";
			$sql.= ", frequency";
			$sql.= ", unit_frequency";
			$sql.= ", date_when";
			$sql.= ", date_last_gen";
			$sql.= ", nb_gen_done";
			$sql.= ", nb_gen_max";
			$sql.= ", auto_validate";
			$sql.= ", generate_pdf";
			$sql.= ", fk_multicurrency";
			$sql.= ", multicurrency_code";
			$sql.= ", multicurrency_tx";
			$sql.= ", suspended";
			$sql.= ") VALUES (";
			$sql.= "'".$this->db->escape($this->titre)."'";
			$sql.= ", ".$facsrc->socid;
			$sql.= ", ".$conf->entity;
			$sql.= ", '".$this->db->idate($now)."'";
			$sql.= ", ".(!empty($facsrc->amount)?$facsrc->amount:'0');
			$sql.= ", ".(!empty($facsrc->remise)?$this->remise:'0');
			$sql.= ", ".(!empty($this->note_private)?("'".$this->db->escape($this->note_private)."'"):"NULL");
			$sql.= ", ".(!empty($this->note_public)?("'".$this->db->escape($this->note_public)."'"):"NULL");
			$sql.= ", ".(!empty($this->modelpdf)?("'".$this->db->escape($this->modelpdf)."'"):"NULL");
			$sql.= ", '".$this->db->escape($user->id)."'";
			$sql.= ", ".(! empty($facsrc->fk_project)?"'".$facsrc->fk_project."'":"null");
			$sql.= ", ".(! empty($facsrc->fk_account)?"'".$facsrc->fk_account."'":"null");
			$sql.= ", ".($facsrc->cond_reglement_id > 0 ? $this->db->escape($facsrc->cond_reglement_id) : "null");
			$sql.= ", ".($facsrc->mode_reglement_id > 0 ? $this->db->escape($facsrc->mode_reglement_id) : "null");
			$sql.= ", ".$this->usenewprice;
			$sql.= ", ".$this->frequency;
			$sql.= ", '".$this->db->escape($this->unit_frequency)."'";
			$sql.= ", ".(!empty($this->date_when)?"'".$this->db->idate($this->date_when)."'":'NULL');
			$sql.= ", ".(!empty($this->date_last_gen)?"'".$this->db->idate($this->date_last_gen)."'":'NULL');
			$sql.= ", ".$this->db->escape($this->nb_gen_done);
			$sql.= ", ".$this->db->escape($this->nb_gen_max);
			$sql.= ", ".$this->db->escape($this->auto_validate);
			$sql.= ", ".$this->db->escape($this->generate_pdf);
			$sql.= ", ".$this->db->escape($facsrc->fk_multicurrency);
			$sql.= ", '".$this->db->escape($facsrc->multicurrency_code)."'";
			$sql.= ", ".$this->db->escape($facsrc->multicurrency_tx);
			$sql.= ", ".$this->db->escape($this->suspended);
			$sql.= ")";

			if ($this->db->query($sql))
				$this->id = $this->db->last_insert_id(MAIN_DB_PREFIX."facture_rec");

				// Fields used into addline later
				$this->fk_multicurrency = $facsrc->fk_multicurrency;
				$this->multicurrency_code = $facsrc->multicurrency_code;
				$this->multicurrency_tx = $facsrc->multicurrency_tx;

				// Add lines
				for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++)
					$tva_tx = $facsrc->lines[$i]->tva_tx;
					if (! empty($facsrc->lines[$i]->vat_src_code) && ! preg_match('/\(/', $tva_tx)) $tva_tx .= ' ('.$facsrc->lines[$i]->vat_src_code.')';

                    $result_insert = $this->addline(

					if ($result_insert < 0)

				if (! empty($this->linkedObjectsIds) && empty($this->linked_objects))	// To use new linkedObjectsIds instead of old linked_objects
					$this->linked_objects = $this->linkedObjectsIds;	// TODO Replace linked_objects with linkedObjectsIds

				// Add object linked
				if (! $error && $this->id && is_array($this->linked_objects) && ! empty($this->linked_objects))
					foreach($this->linked_objects as $origin => $tmp_origin_id)
					    if (is_array($tmp_origin_id))       // New behaviour, if linked_object can have several links per type, so is something like array('contract'=>array(id1, id2, ...))
					        foreach($tmp_origin_id as $origin_id)
					            $ret = $this->add_object_linked($origin, $origin_id);
					            if (! $ret)
					    else                                // Old behaviour, if linked_object has only one link per type, so is something like array('contract'=>id1))
					        $origin_id = $tmp_origin_id;
	    					$ret = $this->add_object_linked($origin, $origin_id);
	    					if (! $ret)

				if ($error)
					return $this->id;
				return -2;
			return -1;

	 * 	Update a line to invoice_rec.
	 *  @param		User	$user					User
	 *  @param		int		$notrigger				No trigger
	 *	@return    	int             				<0 if KO, Id of line if OK
	public function update(User $user, $notrigger = 0)
	    global $conf;

        $error = 0;

	    $sql = "UPDATE ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."facture_rec SET";
	    $sql.= " fk_soc = ".$this->fk_soc;
        // TODO Add missing fields
	    $sql.= " WHERE rowid = ".$this->id;

	    dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::update", LOG_DEBUG);
	    if ($resql)
	        if (empty($conf->global->MAIN_EXTRAFIELDS_DISABLED)) // For avoid conflicts if trigger used
	            if ($result < 0)

	        if (! $error && ! $notrigger)
	            // Call trigger
	            $result=$this->call_trigger('BILLREC_UPDATE', $user);
	            if ($result < 0)
	                return -2;
	            // End call triggers
	        return 1;
	        return -2;

	 *	Load object and lines
	 *	@param      int		$rowid       	Id of object to load
	 * 	@param		string	$ref			Reference of recurring invoice
	 * 	@param		string	$ref_ext		External reference of invoice
	 * 	@param		int		$ref_int		Internal reference of other object
	 *	@return     int         			>0 if OK, <0 if KO, 0 if not found
	public function fetch($rowid, $ref = '', $ref_ext = '', $ref_int = '')
		$sql = 'SELECT f.rowid, f.entity, f.titre, f.suspended, f.fk_soc, f.amount, f.tva, f.localtax1, f.localtax2, f.total, f.total_ttc';
		$sql.= ', f.remise_percent, f.remise_absolue, f.remise';
		$sql.= ', f.date_lim_reglement as dlr';
		$sql.= ', f.note_private, f.note_public, f.fk_user_author';
        $sql.= ', f.modelpdf';
		$sql.= ', f.fk_mode_reglement, f.fk_cond_reglement, f.fk_projet as fk_project';
		$sql.= ', f.fk_account';
		$sql.= ', f.frequency, f.unit_frequency, f.date_when, f.date_last_gen, f.nb_gen_done, f.nb_gen_max, f.usenewprice, f.auto_validate';
        $sql.= ', f.generate_pdf';
        $sql.= ", f.fk_multicurrency, f.multicurrency_code, f.multicurrency_tx, f.multicurrency_total_ht, f.multicurrency_total_tva, f.multicurrency_total_ttc";
        $sql.= ', p.code as mode_reglement_code, p.libelle as mode_reglement_libelle';
		$sql.= ', c.code as cond_reglement_code, c.libelle as cond_reglement_libelle, c.libelle_facture as cond_reglement_libelle_doc';
		//$sql.= ', el.fk_source';
		$sql.= ' FROM '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'facture_rec as f';
		$sql.= ' LEFT JOIN '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'c_payment_term as c ON f.fk_cond_reglement = c.rowid';
		$sql.= ' LEFT JOIN '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'c_paiement as p ON f.fk_mode_reglement = p.id';
		//$sql.= " LEFT JOIN ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."element_element as el ON el.fk_target = f.rowid AND el.targettype = 'facture'";
		$sql.= ' WHERE f.entity IN ('.getEntity('invoice').')';
		if ($rowid) $sql.= ' AND f.rowid='.$rowid;
		elseif ($ref) $sql.= " AND f.titre='".$this->db->escape($ref)."'";
		/* This field are not used for template invoice
		if ($ref_ext) $sql.= " AND f.ref_ext='".$this->db->escape($ref_ext)."'";
		if ($ref_int) $sql.= " AND f.ref_int='".$this->db->escape($ref_int)."'";

		$result = $this->db->query($sql);
		if ($result)
			if ($this->db->num_rows($result))
				$obj = $this->db->fetch_object($result);

				$this->id                     = $obj->rowid;
				$this->entity                 = $obj->entity;
				$this->titre                  = $obj->titre;
				$this->ref                    = $obj->titre;
				$this->ref_client             = $obj->ref_client;
				$this->suspended              = $obj->suspended;
				$this->type                   = $obj->type;
				$this->datep                  = $obj->dp;
				$this->date                   = $obj->df;
				$this->amount                 = $obj->amount;
				$this->remise_percent         = $obj->remise_percent;
				$this->remise_absolue         = $obj->remise_absolue;
				$this->remise                 = $obj->remise;
				$this->total_ht               = $obj->total;
				$this->total_tva              = $obj->tva;
				$this->total_localtax1        = $obj->localtax1;
				$this->total_localtax2        = $obj->localtax2;
				$this->total_ttc              = $obj->total_ttc;
				$this->paye                   = $obj->paye;
				$this->close_code             = $obj->close_code;
				$this->close_note             = $obj->close_note;
				$this->socid                  = $obj->fk_soc;
				$this->date_lim_reglement     = $this->db->jdate($obj->dlr);
				$this->mode_reglement_id      = $obj->fk_mode_reglement;
				$this->mode_reglement_code    = $obj->mode_reglement_code;
				$this->mode_reglement         = $obj->mode_reglement_libelle;
				$this->cond_reglement_id      = $obj->fk_cond_reglement;
				$this->cond_reglement_code    = $obj->cond_reglement_code;
				$this->cond_reglement         = $obj->cond_reglement_libelle;
				$this->cond_reglement_doc     = $obj->cond_reglement_libelle_doc;
				$this->fk_project             = $obj->fk_project;
				$this->fk_account             = $obj->fk_account;
				$this->fk_facture_source      = $obj->fk_facture_source;
				$this->note_private           = $obj->note_private;
				$this->note_public            = $obj->note_public;
				$this->user_author            = $obj->fk_user_author;
				$this->modelpdf               = $obj->modelpdf;
				$this->rang					  = $obj->rang;
				$this->special_code			  = $obj->special_code;
				$this->frequency			  = $obj->frequency;
				$this->unit_frequency		  = $obj->unit_frequency;
				$this->date_when			  = $this->db->jdate($obj->date_when);
				$this->date_last_gen		  = $this->db->jdate($obj->date_last_gen);
				$this->nb_gen_done			  = $obj->nb_gen_done;
				$this->nb_gen_max			  = $obj->nb_gen_max;
				$this->usenewprice			  = $obj->usenewprice;
				$this->auto_validate		  = $obj->auto_validate;
				$this->generate_pdf           = $obj->generate_pdf;

				// Multicurrency
				$this->fk_multicurrency 		= $obj->fk_multicurrency;
				$this->multicurrency_code 		= $obj->multicurrency_code;
				$this->multicurrency_tx 		= $obj->multicurrency_tx;
				$this->multicurrency_total_ht 	= $obj->multicurrency_total_ht;
				$this->multicurrency_total_tva 	= $obj->multicurrency_total_tva;
				$this->multicurrency_total_ttc 	= $obj->multicurrency_total_ttc;

				if ($this->statut == self::STATUS_DRAFT)	$this->brouillon = 1;

				// Retreive all extrafield
				// fetch optionals attributes and labels

				 * Lines
				if ($result < 0)
					return -3;
				return 1;
				$this->error='Bill with id '.$rowid.' or ref '.$ref.' not found sql='.$sql;
				dol_syslog('Facture::Fetch Error '.$this->error, LOG_ERR);
				return -2;
			return -1;

	 * 	Create an array of invoice lines
	 * 	@return int		>0 if OK, <0 if KO
	public function getLinesArray()
	    return $this->fetch_lines();

    // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
	 *	Recupere les lignes de factures predefinies dans this->lines
	 *  @return     int         1 if OK, < 0 if KO
	public function fetch_lines()
        // phpcs:enable

		// Retreive all extrafield for line
		// fetch optionals attributes and labels
		require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/extrafields.class.php';
		$extrafieldsline=new ExtraFields($this->db);
		$extrafieldsline=$extrafieldsline->fetch_name_optionals_label('facturedet_rec', true);

		$sql = 'SELECT l.rowid, l.fk_product, l.product_type, l.label as custom_label, l.description, l.product_type, l.price, l.qty, l.vat_src_code, l.tva_tx, ';
		$sql.= ' l.localtax1_tx, l.localtax2_tx, l.localtax1_type, l.localtax2_type, l.remise, l.remise_percent, l.subprice,';
		$sql.= ' l.info_bits, l.date_start_fill, l.date_end_fill, l.total_ht, l.total_tva, l.total_ttc, l.fk_product_fournisseur_price as fk_fournprice, l.buy_price_ht as pa_ht,';
		//$sql.= ' l.situation_percent, l.fk_prev_id,';
		//$sql.= ' l.localtax1_tx, l.localtax2_tx, l.localtax1_type, l.localtax2_type, l.remise_percent, l.fk_remise_except, l.subprice,';
		$sql.= ' l.rang, l.special_code,';
		//$sql.= ' l.info_bits, l.total_ht, l.total_tva, l.total_localtax1, l.total_localtax2, l.total_ttc, l.fk_code_ventilation, l.fk_product_fournisseur_price as fk_fournprice, l.buy_price_ht as pa_ht,';
		$sql.= ' l.fk_unit, l.fk_contract_line,';
		$sql.= ' l.fk_multicurrency, l.multicurrency_code, l.multicurrency_subprice, l.multicurrency_total_ht, l.multicurrency_total_tva, l.multicurrency_total_ttc,';
		$sql.= ' p.ref as product_ref, p.fk_product_type as fk_product_type, p.label as product_label, p.description as product_desc';
		$sql.= ' FROM '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'facturedet_rec as l';
		$sql.= ' LEFT JOIN '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'product as p ON l.fk_product = p.rowid';
		$sql.= ' WHERE l.fk_facture = '.$this->id;
		$sql.= ' ORDER BY l.rang';

		dol_syslog('FactureRec::fetch_lines', LOG_DEBUG);
		$result = $this->db->query($sql);
		if ($result)
			$num = $this->db->num_rows($result);
			$i = 0;
			while ($i < $num)
				$objp = $this->db->fetch_object($result);
				$line = new FactureLigneRec($this->db);

				$line->id	            = $objp->rowid;
				$line->rowid	        = $objp->rowid;
				$line->desc             = $objp->description;		// Description line
				$line->description      = $objp->description;		// Description line
				$line->product_type     = $objp->product_type;		// Type of line
				$line->ref              = $objp->product_ref;		// Ref product
				$line->product_ref      = $objp->product_ref;		// Ref product
				$line->libelle          = $objp->product_label;		// deprecated
				$line->product_label	= $objp->product_label;		// Label product
				$line->product_desc     = $objp->product_desc;		// Description product
				$line->fk_product_type  = $objp->fk_product_type;	// Type of product
				$line->qty              = $objp->qty;
				$line->subprice         = $objp->subprice;

				$line->label            = $objp->custom_label;		// @deprecated

				$line->vat_src_code     = $objp->vat_src_code;
				$line->tva_tx           = $objp->tva_tx;
				$line->localtax1_tx     = $objp->localtax1_tx;
				$line->localtax2_tx     = $objp->localtax2_tx;
				$line->localtax1_type   = $objp->localtax1_type;
				$line->localtax2_type   = $objp->localtax2_type;
				$line->remise_percent   = $objp->remise_percent;
				$line->fk_remise_except = $objp->fk_remise_except;
				$line->fk_product       = $objp->fk_product;
				$line->date_start_fill  = $objp->date_start_fill;
				$line->date_end_fill    = $objp->date_end_fill;
				$line->info_bits        = $objp->info_bits;
				$line->total_ht         = $objp->total_ht;
				$line->total_tva        = $objp->total_tva;
				$line->total_ttc        = $objp->total_ttc;
				$line->code_ventilation = $objp->fk_code_ventilation;
				$line->fk_fournprice 	= $objp->fk_fournprice;
				$marginInfos			= getMarginInfos($objp->subprice, $objp->remise_percent, $objp->tva_tx, $objp->localtax1_tx, $objp->localtax2_tx, $line->fk_fournprice, $objp->pa_ht);
				$line->pa_ht 			= $marginInfos[0];
				$line->marge_tx			= $marginInfos[1];
				$line->marque_tx		= $marginInfos[2];
				$line->rang 			= $objp->rang;
				$line->special_code 	= $objp->special_code;
				$line->fk_unit          = $objp->fk_unit;
                $line->fk_contract_line = $objp->fk_contract_line;

				// Ne plus utiliser
				$line->price            = $objp->price;
				$line->remise           = $objp->remise;

				$extralabelsline = $line->fetch_optionals($line->id);

				// Multicurrency
				$line->fk_multicurrency 		= $objp->fk_multicurrency;
				$line->multicurrency_code 		= $objp->multicurrency_code;
				$line->multicurrency_subprice 	= $objp->multicurrency_subprice;
				$line->multicurrency_total_ht 	= $objp->multicurrency_total_ht;
				$line->multicurrency_total_tva 	= $objp->multicurrency_total_tva;
				$line->multicurrency_total_ttc 	= $objp->multicurrency_total_ttc;

				$this->lines[$i] = $line;


			return 1;
			return -3;

	 * 	Delete template invoice
	 *	@param     	User	$user          	User that delete.
	 *	@param		int		$notrigger		1=Does not execute triggers, 0= execute triggers
	 *	@param		int		$idwarehouse	Id warehouse to use for stock change.
	 *	@return		int						<0 if KO, >0 if OK
	public function delete(User $user, $notrigger = 0, $idwarehouse = -1)

	    dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::delete rowid=".$rowid, LOG_DEBUG);


		$sql = "DELETE FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."facturedet_rec WHERE fk_facture = ".$rowid;
		if ($this->db->query($sql))
			$sql = "DELETE FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."facture_rec WHERE rowid = ".$rowid;
			if ($this->db->query($sql))
				// Delete linked object
				$res = $this->deleteObjectLinked();
				if ($res < 0) $error=-3;

		if (! $error)
		    return 1;
	        return $error;

	 * 	Add a line to invoice
     *	@param    	string		$desc            	Description de la ligne
     *	@param    	double		$pu_ht              Prix unitaire HT (> 0 even for credit note)
     *	@param    	double		$qty             	Quantite
     *	@param    	double		$txtva           	Taux de tva force, sinon -1
	 * 	@param		double		$txlocaltax1		Local tax 1 rate (deprecated)
	 *  @param		double		$txlocaltax2		Local tax 2 rate (deprecated)
     *	@param    	int			$fk_product      	Product/Service ID predefined
     *	@param    	double		$remise_percent  	Percentage discount of the line
     *	@param		string		$price_base_type	HT or TTC
     *	@param    	int			$info_bits			VAT npr or not ?
     *	@param    	int			$fk_remise_except	Id remise
     *	@param    	double		$pu_ttc             Prix unitaire TTC (> 0 even for credit note)
     *	@param		int			$type				Type of line (0=product, 1=service)
     *	@param      int			$rang               Position of line
     *	@param		int			$special_code		Special code
     *	@param		string		$label				Label of the line
     *	@param		string		$fk_unit			Unit
	 * 	@param		double		$pu_ht_devise		Unit price in currency
	 *  @param		int			$date_start_fill	1=Flag to fill start date when generating invoice
	 *  @param		int			$date_end_fill		1=Flag to fill end date when generating invoice
	 * 	@param		int			$fk_fournprice		Supplier price id (to calculate margin) or ''
	 * 	@param		int			$pa_ht				Buying price of line (to calculate margin) or ''
     *	@return    	int             				<0 if KO, Id of line if OK
	public function addline($desc, $pu_ht, $qty, $txtva, $txlocaltax1 = 0, $txlocaltax2 = 0, $fk_product = 0, $remise_percent = 0, $price_base_type = 'HT', $info_bits = 0, $fk_remise_except = '', $pu_ttc = 0, $type = 0, $rang = -1, $special_code = 0, $label = '', $fk_unit = null, $pu_ht_devise = 0, $date_start_fill = 0, $date_end_fill = 0, $fk_fournprice = null, $pa_ht = 0)
	    global $mysoc;


		dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::addline facid=$facid,desc=$desc,pu_ht=$pu_ht,qty=$qty,txtva=$txtva,txlocaltax1=$txlocaltax1,txlocaltax2=$txlocaltax2,fk_product=$fk_product,remise_percent=$remise_percent,info_bits=$info_bits,fk_remise_except=$fk_remise_except,price_base_type=$price_base_type,pu_ttc=$pu_ttc,type=$type,fk_unit=$fk_unit,pu_ht_devise=$pu_ht_devise,date_start_fill=$date_start_fill,date_end_fill=$date_end_fill,pa_ht=$pa_ht", LOG_DEBUG);
		include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/price.lib.php';

		// Check parameters
		if ($type < 0) return -1;

		$localtaxes_type=getLocalTaxesFromRate($txtva, 0, $this->thirdparty, $mysoc);

		// Clean vat code
		if (preg_match('/\((.*)\)/', $txtva, $reg))
			$vat_src_code = $reg[1];
			$txtva = preg_replace('/\s*\(.*\)/', '', $txtva);    // Remove code into vatrate.

		if ($this->brouillon)
			// Clean parameters
			if (empty($remise_percent)) $remise_percent=0;
			$pu_ht = price2num($pu_ht);
			$pu_ttc = price2num($pu_ttc);
			$txtva = price2num($txtva);
			$txlocaltax1 = price2num($txlocaltax1);
			$txlocaltax2 = price2num($txlocaltax2);
			if (empty($txtva)) $txtva=0;
			if (empty($txlocaltax1)) $txlocaltax1=0;
			if (empty($txlocaltax2)) $txlocaltax2=0;
			if (empty($info_bits)) $info_bits=0;

			if ($price_base_type=='HT')

			// Calcul du total TTC et de la TVA pour la ligne a partir de
			// qty, pu, remise_percent et txtva
			// TRES IMPORTANT: C'est au moment de l'insertion ligne qu'on doit stocker
			// la part ht, tva et ttc, et ce au niveau de la ligne qui a son propre taux tva.

			$tabprice=calcul_price_total($qty, $pu, $remise_percent, $txtva, $txlocaltax1, $txlocaltax2, 0, $price_base_type, $info_bits, $type, $mysoc, $localtaxes_type, 100, $this->multicurrency_tx, $pu_ht_devise);
			$total_ht  = $tabprice[0];
			$total_tva = $tabprice[1];
			$total_ttc = $tabprice[2];
			$pu_ht = $tabprice[3];

			// MultiCurrency
			$multicurrency_total_ht  = $tabprice[16];
			$multicurrency_total_tva = $tabprice[17];
			$multicurrency_total_ttc = $tabprice[18];
			$pu_ht_devise = $tabprice[19];

			if ($fk_product)
				$product=new Product($this->db);

			$sql = "INSERT INTO ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."facturedet_rec (";
			$sql.= "fk_facture";
			$sql.= ", label";
			$sql.= ", description";
			$sql.= ", price";
			$sql.= ", qty";
			$sql.= ", tva_tx";
			$sql.= ", vat_src_code";
			$sql.= ", localtax1_tx";
			$sql.= ", localtax1_type";
			$sql.= ", localtax2_tx";
			$sql.= ", localtax2_type";
			$sql.= ", fk_product";
			$sql.= ", product_type";
			$sql.= ", remise_percent";
			$sql.= ", subprice";
			$sql.= ", remise";
			$sql.= ", total_ht";
			$sql.= ", total_tva";
			$sql.= ", total_localtax1";
			$sql.= ", total_localtax2";
			$sql.= ", total_ttc";
			$sql.= ", date_start_fill";
			$sql.= ", date_end_fill";
			$sql.= ", fk_product_fournisseur_price";
			$sql.= ", buy_price_ht";
			$sql.= ", info_bits";
			$sql.= ", rang";
			$sql.= ", special_code";
			$sql.= ", fk_unit";
			$sql.= ', fk_multicurrency, multicurrency_code, multicurrency_subprice, multicurrency_total_ht, multicurrency_total_tva, multicurrency_total_ttc';
			$sql.= ") VALUES (";
			$sql.= "'".$facid."'";
			$sql.= ", ".(! empty($label)?"'".$this->db->escape($label)."'":"null");
			$sql.= ", '".$this->db->escape($desc)."'";
			$sql.= ", ".price2num($pu_ht);
			$sql.= ", ".price2num($qty);
			$sql.= ", ".price2num($txtva);
			$sql.= ", '".$this->db->escape($vat_src_code)."'";
			$sql.= ", ".price2num($txlocaltax1);
			$sql.= ", '".$this->db->escape($localtaxes_type[0])."'";
			$sql.= ", ".price2num($txlocaltax2);
			$sql.= ", '".$this->db->escape($localtaxes_type[2])."'";
			$sql.= ", ".(! empty($fk_product)?"'".$fk_product."'":"null");
			$sql.= ", ".$product_type;
			$sql.= ", ".price2num($remise_percent);
			$sql.= ", ".price2num($pu_ht);
			$sql.= ", null";
			$sql.= ", ".price2num($total_ht);
			$sql.= ", ".price2num($total_tva);
			$sql.= ", ".price2num($total_localtax1);
			$sql.= ", ".price2num($total_localtax2);
			$sql.= ", ".price2num($total_ttc);
			$sql.= ", ".(int) $date_start_fill;
			$sql.= ", ".(int) $date_end_fill;
			$sql.= ", ".($fk_fournprice > 0 ? $fk_fournprice : 'null');
			$sql.= ", ".($pa_ht ? price2num($pa_ht) : 0);
			$sql.= ", ".$info_bits;
			$sql.= ", ".$rang;
			$sql.= ", ".$special_code;
			$sql.= ", ".($fk_unit?"'".$this->db->escape($fk_unit)."'":"null");
			$sql.= ", ".(int) $this->fk_multicurrency;
			$sql.= ", '".$this->db->escape($this->multicurrency_code)."'";
			$sql.= ", ".price2num($pu_ht_devise);
			$sql.= ", ".price2num($multicurrency_total_ht);
			$sql.= ", ".price2num($multicurrency_total_tva);
			$sql.= ", ".price2num($multicurrency_total_ttc);
			$sql.= ")";

			dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::addline", LOG_DEBUG);
			if ($this->db->query($sql))
				$lineId = $this->db->last_insert_id(MAIN_DB_PREFIX."facturedet_rec");
				return $lineId;
				return -1;

	 * 	Update a line to invoice
	 *  @param     	int			$rowid           	Id of line to update
	 *	@param    	string		$desc            	Description de la ligne
	 *	@param    	double		$pu_ht              Prix unitaire HT (> 0 even for credit note)
	 *	@param    	double		$qty             	Quantite
	 *	@param    	double		$txtva           	Taux de tva force, sinon -1
	 * 	@param		double		$txlocaltax1		Local tax 1 rate (deprecated)
	 *  @param		double		$txlocaltax2		Local tax 2 rate (deprecated)
	 *	@param    	int			$fk_product      	Product/Service ID predefined
	 *	@param    	double		$remise_percent  	Percentage discount of the line
	 *	@param		string		$price_base_type	HT or TTC
	 *	@param    	int			$info_bits			Bits de type de lignes
	 *	@param    	int			$fk_remise_except	Id remise
	 *	@param    	double		$pu_ttc             Prix unitaire TTC (> 0 even for credit note)
	 *	@param		int			$type				Type of line (0=product, 1=service)
	 *	@param      int			$rang               Position of line
	 *	@param		int			$special_code		Special code
	 *	@param		string		$label				Label of the line
	 *	@param		string		$fk_unit			Unit
	 * 	@param		double		$pu_ht_devise		Unit price in currency
	 * 	@param		int			$notrigger			disable line update trigger
	 *  @param		int			$date_start_fill	1=Flag to fill start date when generating invoice
	 *  @param		int			$date_end_fill		1=Flag to fill end date when generating invoice
	 * 	@param		int			$fk_fournprice		Id of origin supplier price
	 * 	@param		int			$pa_ht				Price (without tax) of product when it was bought
	 *	@return    	int             				<0 if KO, Id of line if OK
	public function updateline($rowid, $desc, $pu_ht, $qty, $txtva, $txlocaltax1 = 0, $txlocaltax2 = 0, $fk_product = 0, $remise_percent = 0, $price_base_type = 'HT', $info_bits = 0, $fk_remise_except = '', $pu_ttc = 0, $type = 0, $rang = -1, $special_code = 0, $label = '', $fk_unit = null, $pu_ht_devise = 0, $notrigger = 0, $date_start_fill = 0, $date_end_fill = 0, $fk_fournprice = null, $pa_ht = 0)
	    global $mysoc;


	    dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::updateline facid=".$facid." rowid=$rowid, desc=$desc, pu_ht=$pu_ht, qty=$qty, txtva=$txtva, txlocaltax1=$txlocaltax1, txlocaltax2=$txlocaltax2, fk_product=$fk_product, remise_percent=$remise_percent, info_bits=$info_bits, fk_remise_except=$fk_remise_except, price_base_type=$price_base_type, pu_ttc=$pu_ttc, type=$type, fk_unit=$fk_unit, pu_ht_devise=$pu_ht_devise", LOG_DEBUG);
	    include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/price.lib.php';

	    // Clean parameters
	    if (empty($remise_percent)) $remise_percent = 0;

	    // Check parameters
	    if ($type < 0) return -1;

	    if ($this->brouillon)
	        // Clean parameters
	        if (empty($info_bits)) $info_bits=0;
		    $txlocaltax1	= price2num($txlocaltax1);
		    $txlocaltax2	= price2num($txlocaltax2);
		    if (empty($txlocaltax1)) $txlocaltax1=0;
		    if (empty($txlocaltax2)) $txlocaltax2=0;

		    if (empty($this->multicurrency_subprice)) $this->multicurrency_subprice=0;
		    if (empty($this->multicurrency_total_ht)) $this->multicurrency_total_ht=0;
		    if (empty($this->multicurrency_total_tva)) $this->multicurrency_total_tva=0;
		    if (empty($this->multicurrency_total_ttc)) $this->multicurrency_total_ttc=0;

	        if ($price_base_type=='HT')

	        // Calculate total with, without tax and tax from qty, pu, remise_percent and txtva
	        // TRES IMPORTANT: C'est au moment de l'insertion ligne qu'on doit stocker
	        // la part ht, tva et ttc, et ce au niveau de la ligne qui a son propre taux tva.

	        $localtaxes_type=getLocalTaxesFromRate($txtva, 0, $this->thirdparty, $mysoc);

	        // Clean vat code
	        if (preg_match('/\((.*)\)/', $txtva, $reg))
	        	$vat_src_code = $reg[1];
	        	$txtva = preg_replace('/\s*\(.*\)/', '', $txtva);    // Remove code into vatrate.

	        $tabprice=calcul_price_total($qty, $pu, $remise_percent, $txtva, $txlocaltax1, $txlocaltax2, 0, $price_base_type, $info_bits, $type, $mysoc, $localtaxes_type, 100, $this->multicurrency_tx, $pu_ht_devise);

	        $total_ht  = $tabprice[0];
	        $total_tva = $tabprice[1];
	        $total_ttc = $tabprice[2];
		    $pu_ht  = $tabprice[3];
		    $pu_tva = $tabprice[4];
		    $pu_ttc = $tabprice[5];

		    // MultiCurrency
		    $multicurrency_total_ht  = $tabprice[16];
		    $multicurrency_total_tva = $tabprice[17];
		    $multicurrency_total_ttc = $tabprice[18];
		    $pu_ht_devise = $tabprice[19];

	        if ($fk_product)
	            $product=new Product($this->db);

	        $sql = "UPDATE ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."facturedet_rec SET ";
	        $sql.= "fk_facture = '".$facid."'";
	        $sql.= ", label=".(! empty($label)?"'".$this->db->escape($label)."'":"null");
	        $sql.= ", description='".$this->db->escape($desc)."'";
	        $sql.= ", price=".price2num($pu_ht);
	        $sql.= ", qty=".price2num($qty);
	        $sql.= ", tva_tx=".price2num($txtva);
	        $sql.= ", vat_src_code='".$this->db->escape($vat_src_code)."'";
		    $sql.= ", localtax1_tx=".$txlocaltax1;
		    $sql.= ", localtax1_type='".$this->db->escape($localtaxes_type[0])."'";
		    $sql.= ", localtax2_tx=".$txlocaltax2;
		    $sql.= ", localtax2_type='".$this->db->escape($localtaxes_type[2])."'";
	        $sql.= ", fk_product=".(! empty($fk_product)?"'".$fk_product."'":"null");
	        $sql.= ", product_type=".$product_type;
	        $sql.= ", remise_percent='".price2num($remise_percent)."'";
	        $sql.= ", subprice='".price2num($pu_ht)."'";
	        $sql.= ", total_ht='".price2num($total_ht)."'";
	        $sql.= ", total_tva='".price2num($total_tva)."'";
	        $sql.= ", total_localtax1='".price2num($total_localtax1)."'";
	        $sql.= ", total_localtax2='".price2num($total_localtax2)."'";
	        $sql.= ", total_ttc='".price2num($total_ttc)."'";
	        $sql.= ", date_start_fill=".((int) $date_start_fill);
	        $sql.= ", date_end_fill=".((int) $date_end_fill);
	        $sql.= ", fk_product_fournisseur_price=".($fk_fournprice > 0 ? $fk_fournprice : 'null');
	        $sql.= ", buy_price_ht=".($pa_ht ? price2num($pa_ht) : 0);
	        $sql.= ", info_bits=".$info_bits;
	        $sql.= ", rang=".$rang;
	        $sql.= ", special_code=".$special_code;
	        $sql.= ", fk_unit=".($fk_unit?"'".$this->db->escape($fk_unit)."'":"null");
	        $sql.= ', multicurrency_subprice = '.$pu_ht_devise;
	        $sql.= ', multicurrency_total_ht = '.$multicurrency_total_ht;
	        $sql.= ', multicurrency_total_tva = '.$multicurrency_total_tva;
	        $sql.= ', multicurrency_total_ttc = '.$multicurrency_total_ttc;
	        $sql.= " WHERE rowid = ".$rowid;

	        dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::updateline", LOG_DEBUG);
	        if ($this->db->query($sql))
	            return 1;
	            return -1;

	 * Return the next date of
	 * @return  int|false   false if KO, timestamp if OK
	public function getNextDate()
		if (empty($this->date_when)) return false;
		return dol_time_plus_duree($this->date_when, $this->frequency, $this->unit_frequency);

	 * Return if maximum number of generation is reached
	 * @return	boolean			False by default, True if maximum number of generation is reached
	public function isMaxNbGenReached()
		$ret = false;
		if ($this->nb_gen_max > 0 && ($this->nb_gen_done >= $this->nb_gen_max)) $ret = true;
		return $ret;

	 * Format string to output with by striking the string if max number of generation was reached
	 * @param	string		$ret	Default value to output
	 * @return	boolean				False by default, True if maximum number of generation is reached
	public function strikeIfMaxNbGenReached($ret)
		// Special case to strike the date
		return ($this->isMaxNbGenReached()?'<strike>':'').$ret.($this->isMaxNbGenReached()?'</strike>':'');

	 *  Create all recurrents invoices (for all entities if multicompany is used).
	 *  A result may also be provided into this->output.
	 *  WARNING: This method change temporarly context $conf->entity to be in correct context for each recurring invoice found.
	 *  @param	int		$restrictioninvoiceid		0=All qualified template invoices found. > 0 = restrict action on invoice ID
	 *  @param	int		$forcevalidation		1=Force validation of invoice whatever is template auto_validate flag.
	 *  @return	int								0 if OK, < 0 if KO (this function is used also by cron so only 0 is OK)
	public function createRecurringInvoices($restrictioninvoiceid = 0, $forcevalidation = 0)
		global $conf, $langs, $db, $user, $hookmanager;


		// Load translation files required by the page

		$now = dol_now();
		$today = dol_mktime(23, 59, 59, $tmparray['mon'], $tmparray['mday'], $tmparray['year']);   // Today is last second of current day

		dol_syslog("createRecurringInvoices restrictioninvoiceid=".$restrictioninvoiceid." forcevalidation=".$forcevalidation);

		$sql = 'SELECT rowid FROM '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'facture_rec';
		$sql.= ' WHERE frequency > 0';      // A recurring invoice is an invoice with a frequency
		$sql.= " AND (date_when IS NULL OR date_when <= '".$db->idate($today)."')";
		$sql.= ' AND (nb_gen_done < nb_gen_max OR nb_gen_max = 0)';
		$sql.= ' AND suspended = 0';
		$sql.= ' AND entity = '.$conf->entity;	// MUST STAY = $conf->entity here
		if ($restrictioninvoiceid > 0)
			$sql.=' AND rowid = '.$restrictioninvoiceid;
		$sql.= $db->order('entity', 'ASC');
		//print $sql;exit;
		$parameters = array(
			'restrictioninvoiceid' => $restrictioninvoiceid,
			'forcevalidation' => $forcevalidation,
		$reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks('beforeCreationOfRecurringInvoices', $parameters, $sql); // note that $sql might be modified by hooks

		$resql = $db->query($sql);
		if ($resql)
			$num = $db->num_rows($resql);

			if ($num)
				$this->output.=$langs->trans("FoundXQualifiedRecurringInvoiceTemplate", $num)."\n";

			$saventity = $conf->entity;

			while ($i < $num)     // Loop on each template invoice. If $num = 0, test is false at first pass.
				$line = $db->fetch_object($resql);


				$invoiceidgenerated = 0;

				$facture = null;
				$facturerec = new FactureRec($db);

				if ($facturerec->id > 0)
					// Set entity context
					$conf->entity = $facturerec->entity;

					dol_syslog("createRecurringInvoices Process invoice template id=".$facturerec->id.", ref=".$facturerec->ref.", entity=".$facturerec->entity);

					$facture = new Facture($db);
					$facture->fac_rec = $facturerec->id;    // We will create $facture from this recurring invoice
					$facture->fk_fac_rec_source = $facturerec->id;    // We will create $facture from this recurring invoice

					$facture->type = self::TYPE_STANDARD;
					$facture->brouillon = 1;
					$facture->date = (empty($facturerec->date_when)?$now:$facturerec->date_when);	// We could also use dol_now here but we prefer date_when so invoice has real date when we would like even if we generate later.
					$facture->socid = $facturerec->socid;

					$invoiceidgenerated = $facture->create($user);
					if ($invoiceidgenerated <= 0)
						$this->errors = $facture->errors;
						$this->error = $facture->error;
					if (! $error && ($facturerec->auto_validate || $forcevalidation))
						$result = $facture->validate($user);
						if ($result <= 0)
							$this->errors = $facture->errors;
							$this->error = $facture->error;
					if (! $error && $facturerec->generate_pdf)
						// We refresh the object in order to have all necessary data (like date_lim_reglement)
						$result = $facture->generateDocument($facturerec->modelpdf, $langs);
						if ($result <= 0)
							$this->errors = $facture->errors;
							$this->error = $facture->error;
					$this->error="Failed to load invoice template with id=".$line->rowid.", entity=".$conf->entity."\n";
					$this->errors[]="Failed to load invoice template with id=".$line->rowid.", entity=".$conf->entity;
					dol_syslog("createRecurringInvoices Failed to load invoice template with id=".$line->rowid.", entity=".$conf->entity);

				if (! $error && $invoiceidgenerated >= 0)
					$db->commit("createRecurringInvoices Process invoice template id=".$facturerec->id.", ref=".$facturerec->ref);
					dol_syslog("createRecurringInvoices Process invoice template ".$facturerec->ref." is finished with a success generation");
					$this->output.=$langs->trans("InvoiceGeneratedFromTemplate", $facture->ref, $facturerec->ref)."\n";
					$db->rollback("createRecurringInvoices Process invoice template id=".$facturerec->id.", ref=".$facturerec->ref);

				$parameters = array(
					'cpt'        => $i,
					'total'      => $num,
					'errorCount' => $error,
					'invoiceidgenerated' => $invoiceidgenerated,
					'facturerec' => $facturerec,	// it's an object which PHP passes by "reference", so modifiable by hooks.
					'this'       => $this,		// it's an object which PHP passes by "reference", so modifiable by hooks.
				$reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks('afterCreationOfRecurringInvoice', $parameters, $facture);  // note: $facture can be modified by hooks (warning: $facture can be null)


			$conf->entity = $saventity;      // Restore entity context
		else dol_print_error($db);


		return $error?$error:0;

	 *	Return clicable name (with picto eventually)
	 * @param	int		$withpicto       			Add picto into link
	 * @param  string	$option          			Where point the link
	 * @param  int		$max             			Maxlength of ref
	 * @param  int		$short           			1=Return just URL
	 * @param  string   $moretitle       			Add more text to title tooltip
     * @param	int  	$notooltip		 			1=Disable tooltip
     * @param  int		$save_lastsearch_value    	-1=Auto, 0=No save of lastsearch_values when clicking, 1=Save lastsearch_values whenclicking
	 * @return string 			         			String with URL
	public function getNomUrl($withpicto = 0, $option = '', $max = 0, $short = 0, $moretitle = '', $notooltip = '', $save_lastsearch_value = -1)
		global $langs;


		$label = '<u>' . $langs->trans("ShowInvoice") . '</u>';
		if (! empty($this->ref))
			$label .= '<br><b>'.$langs->trans('Ref') . ':</b> ' . $this->ref;
		if (! empty($this->date_last_gen))
			$label .= '<br><b>'.$langs->trans('DateLastGeneration') . ':</b> ' . dol_print_date($this->date_last_gen, 'dayhour');
		if ($this->frequency > 0)
			if (! empty($this->date_when))
				$label .= '<br><b>'.$langs->trans('NextDateToExecution') . ':</b> ';
				$label .= (empty($this->suspended)?'':'<strike>'). dol_print_date($this->date_when, 'day').(empty($this->suspended)?'':'</strike>');	// No hour for this property
				if (! empty($this->suspended)) $label .= ' ('.$langs->trans("Disabled").')';

        $url = DOL_URL_ROOT.'/compta/facture/fiche-rec.php?facid='.$this->id;

        if ($short) return $url;

        if ($option != 'nolink')
        	// Add param to save lastsearch_values or not
        	$add_save_lastsearch_values=($save_lastsearch_value == 1 ? 1 : 0);
        	if ($save_lastsearch_value == -1 && preg_match('/list\.php/', $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"])) $add_save_lastsearch_values=1;
        	if ($add_save_lastsearch_values) $url.='&save_lastsearch_values=1';

		$linkstart = '<a href="'.$url.'" title="'.dol_escape_htmltag($label, 1).'" class="classfortooltip">';

		$result .= $linkstart;
		if ($withpicto) $result.=img_object(($notooltip?'':$label), ($this->picto?$this->picto:'generic'), ($notooltip?(($withpicto != 2) ? 'class="paddingright"' : ''):'class="'.(($withpicto != 2) ? 'paddingright ' : '').'classfortooltip"'), 0, 0, $notooltip?0:1);
		if ($withpicto != 2) $result.= $this->ref;
		$result .= $linkend;

		return $result;

	 *  Return label of object status
	 *  @param      int		$mode			0=long label, 1=short label, 2=Picto + short label, 3=Picto, 4=Picto + long label, 5=short label + picto, 6=Long label + picto
	 *  @param      integer	$alreadypaid    Not used on recurring invoices
	 *  @return     string			        Label of status
	public function getLibStatut($mode = 0, $alreadypaid = -1)

		return $this->LibStatut($this->frequency?1:0, $this->suspended, $mode, $alreadypaid, empty($this->type)?0:$this->type);

    // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
	 *	Return label of a status
	 *	@param    	int  	$recur         	Is it a recurring invoice ?
	 *	@param      int		$status        	Id status (suspended or not)
	 *	@param      int		$mode          	0=long label, 1=short label, 2=Picto + short label, 3=Picto, 4=Picto + long label, 5=short label + picto, 6=long label + picto
	 *	@param		integer	$alreadypaid	Not used for recurring invoices
	 *	@param		int		$type			Type invoice
	 *	@return     string        			Label of status
	public function LibStatut($recur, $status, $mode = 0, $alreadypaid = -1, $type = 0)
        // phpcs:enable
		global $langs;

		//print "$recur,$status,$mode,$alreadypaid,$type";
		if ($mode == 0)
			if ($recur)
				if ($status == self::STATUS_SUSPENDED) return $langs->trans('Disabled');
				else return $langs->trans('Active');
				if ($status == self::STATUS_SUSPENDED) return $langs->trans('Disabled');
				else return $langs->trans("Draft");
		elseif ($mode == 1)
			if ($recur)
				if ($status == self::STATUS_SUSPENDED) return $langs->trans('Disabled');
				else return $langs->trans('Active');
				if ($status == self::STATUS_SUSPENDED) return $langs->trans('Disabled');
				else return $langs->trans("Draft");
		elseif ($mode == 2)
			if ($recur)
				if ($status == self::STATUS_SUSPENDED) return img_picto($langs->trans('Disabled'), 'statut6').' '.$langs->trans('Disabled');
				else return img_picto($langs->trans('Active'), 'statut4').' '.$langs->trans('Active');
				if ($status == self::STATUS_SUSPENDED) return img_picto($langs->trans('Disabled'), 'statut6').' '.$langs->trans('Disabled');
				else return img_picto($langs->trans('Draft'), 'statut0').' '.$langs->trans('Draft');
		elseif ($mode == 3)
			if ($recur)
				if ($status == self::STATUS_SUSPENDED) return img_picto($langs->trans('Disabled'), 'statut6');
				else return img_picto($langs->trans('Active'), 'statut4');
				if ($status == self::STATUS_SUSPENDED) return img_picto($langs->trans('Disabled'), 'statut6');
				else return img_picto($langs->trans('Draft'), 'statut0');
		elseif ($mode == 4)
			if ($recur)
				if ($status == self::STATUS_SUSPENDED) return img_picto($langs->trans('Disabled'), 'statut6').' '.$langs->trans('Disabled');
				else return img_picto($langs->trans('Active'), 'statut4').' '.$langs->trans('Active');
				if ($status == self::STATUS_SUSPENDED) return img_picto($langs->trans('Disabled'), 'statut6').' '.$langs->trans('Disabled');
				else return img_picto($langs->trans('Draft'), 'statut0').' '.$langs->trans('Draft');
		elseif ($mode == 5 || $mode == 6)
			if ($mode == 5) $prefix='Short';
			if ($recur)
				if ($status == self::STATUS_SUSPENDED) return '<span class="xhideonsmartphone">'.$langs->trans('Disabled').' </span>'.img_picto($langs->trans('Disabled'), 'statut6');
				else return '<span class="xhideonsmartphone">'.$langs->trans('Active').' </span>'.img_picto($langs->trans('Active'), 'statut4');
				if ($status == self::STATUS_SUSPENDED) return '<span class="xhideonsmartphone">'.$langs->trans('Disabled').' </span>'.img_picto($langs->trans('Disabled'), 'statut6');
				else return $langs->trans('Draft').' '.img_picto($langs->trans('Active'), 'statut0');

	 *  Initialise an instance with random values.
	 *  Used to build previews or test instances.
	 *	id must be 0 if object instance is a specimen.
	 *	@param	string		$option		''=Create a specimen invoice with lines, 'nolines'=No lines
	 *  @return	void
	public function initAsSpecimen($option = '')
		global $user,$langs,$conf;

		$nownotime=dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, $arraynow['mon'], $arraynow['mday'], $arraynow['year']);

        // Load array of products prodids
		$num_prods = 0;
		$prodids = array();

		$sql = "SELECT rowid";
		$sql.= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."product";
		$sql.= " WHERE entity IN (".getEntity('product').")";
		$resql = $this->db->query($sql);
		if ($resql)
			$num_prods = $this->db->num_rows($resql);
			$i = 0;
			while ($i < $num_prods)
				$row = $this->db->fetch_row($resql);
				$prodids[$i] = $row[0];

		// Initialize parameters
		$this->ref = 'SPECIMEN';
		$this->socid = 1;
		$this->date = $nownotime;
		$this->date_lim_reglement = $nownotime + 3600 * 24 *30;
		$this->cond_reglement_id   = 1;
		$this->cond_reglement_code = 'RECEP';
		$this->mode_reglement_id   = 0;		// Not forced to show payment mode CHQ + VIR
		$this->mode_reglement_code = '';	// Not forced to show payment mode CHQ + VIR
		$this->note_public='This is a comment (public)';
		$this->note_private='This is a comment (private)';
		$this->note='This is a comment (private)';

		if (empty($option) || $option != 'nolines')
			// Lines
			$nbp = 5;
			$xnbp = 0;
			while ($xnbp < $nbp)
				$line=new FactureLigne($this->db);
				$line->desc=$langs->trans("Description")." ".$xnbp;
				if ($xnbp == 1)        // Qty is negative (product line)
					$prodid = mt_rand(1, $num_prods);
				elseif ($xnbp == 2)    // UP is negative (free line)
				elseif ($xnbp == 3)    // Discount is 50% (product line)
					$prodid = mt_rand(1, $num_prods);
				else    // (product line)
					$prodid = mt_rand(1, $num_prods);


				$this->total_ht       += $line->total_ht;
				$this->total_tva      += $line->total_tva;
				$this->total_ttc      += $line->total_ttc;
			$this->revenuestamp = 0;

			// Add a line "offered"
			$line=new FactureLigne($this->db);
			$line->desc=$langs->trans("Description")." (offered line)";
			$line->total_ttc=0;    // 90 * 1.196
			$prodid = mt_rand(1, $num_prods);


		$this->usenewprice = 1;

	 * Function used to replace a thirdparty id with another one.
	 * @param DoliDB $db Database handler
	 * @param int $origin_id Old thirdparty id
	 * @param int $dest_id New thirdparty id
	 * @return bool
	public static function replaceThirdparty(DoliDB $db, $origin_id, $dest_id)
		$tables = array(

		return CommonObject::commonReplaceThirdparty($db, $origin_id, $dest_id, $tables);

     *	Update frequency and unit
     *	@param     	int		$frequency		value of frequency
     *	@param     	string	$unit 			unit of frequency  (d, m, y)
     *	@return		int						<0 if KO, >0 if OK
    public function setFrequencyAndUnit($frequency, $unit)
        if (! $this->table_element) {
            dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::setFrequencyAndUnit was called on objet with property table_element not defined", LOG_ERR);
            return -1;

        if (!empty($frequency) && empty($unit)) {
            dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::setFrequencyAndUnit was called on objet with params frequency defined but unit not defined", LOG_ERR);
            return -2;

        $sql = 'UPDATE '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.$this->table_element;
        $sql.= ' SET frequency = '.($frequency?$this->db->escape($frequency):'null');
        if (!empty($unit)) {
        	$sql.= ', unit_frequency = \''.$this->db->escape($unit).'\'';
        $sql.= ' WHERE rowid = '.$this->id;

        dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::setFrequencyAndUnit", LOG_DEBUG);
        if ($this->db->query($sql)) {
            $this->frequency = $frequency;
            if (!empty($unit)) $this->unit_frequency = $unit;
            return 1;
            return -1;

     *	Update the next date of execution
     *	@param     	datetime	$date					date of execution
     *	@param     	int			$increment_nb_gen_done	0 do nothing more, >0 increment nb_gen_done
     *	@return		int									<0 if KO, >0 if OK
    public function setNextDate($date, $increment_nb_gen_done = 0)
        if (! $this->table_element)
            dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::setNextDate was called on objet with property table_element not defined", LOG_ERR);
            return -1;
        $sql = 'UPDATE '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.$this->table_element;
        $sql.= " SET date_when = ".($date ? "'".$this->db->idate($date)."'" : "null");
        if ($increment_nb_gen_done>0) $sql.= ', nb_gen_done = nb_gen_done + 1';
        $sql.= ' WHERE rowid = '.$this->id;

        dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::setNextDate", LOG_DEBUG);
        if ($this->db->query($sql))
            $this->date_when = $date;
            if ($increment_nb_gen_done>0) $this->nb_gen_done++;
            return 1;
            return -1;

     *	Update the maximum period
     *	@param     	int		$nb		number of maximum period
     *	@return		int				<0 if KO, >0 if OK
    public function setMaxPeriod($nb)
        if (! $this->table_element)
            dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::setMaxPeriod was called on objet with property table_element not defined", LOG_ERR);
            return -1;

        if (empty($nb)) $nb=0;

        $sql = 'UPDATE '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.$this->table_element;
        $sql.= ' SET nb_gen_max = '.$nb;
        $sql.= ' WHERE rowid = '.$this->id;

        dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::setMaxPeriod", LOG_DEBUG);
        if ($this->db->query($sql))
            $this->nb_gen_max = $nb;
            return 1;
            return -1;

     *	Update the auto validate flag of invoice
     *	@param     	int		$validate		0 to create in draft, 1 to create and validate invoice
     *	@return		int						<0 if KO, >0 if OK
    public function setAutoValidate($validate)
        if (! $this->table_element)
            dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::setAutoValidate was called on objet with property table_element not defined", LOG_ERR);
            return -1;

        $sql = 'UPDATE '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.$this->table_element;
        $sql.= ' SET auto_validate = '.$validate;
        $sql.= ' WHERE rowid = '.$this->id;

        dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::setAutoValidate", LOG_DEBUG);
        if ($this->db->query($sql))
            $this->auto_validate = $validate;
            return 1;
            return -1;

     *	Update the auto generate documents
     *	@param     	int		$validate		0 no document, 1 to generate document
     *	@return		int						<0 if KO, >0 if OK
    public function setGeneratePdf($validate)
        if (! $this->table_element)
            dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::setGeneratePdf was called on objet with property table_element not defined", LOG_ERR);
            return -1;

        $sql = 'UPDATE '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.$this->table_element;
        $sql.= ' SET generate_pdf = '.$validate;
        $sql.= ' WHERE rowid = '.$this->id;

        dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::setGeneratePdf", LOG_DEBUG);
        if ($this->db->query($sql))
            $this->generate_pdf = $validate;
            return 1;
            return -1;

     *  Update the model for documents
     *  @param     	string		$model		model of document generator
     *  @return		int						<0 if KO, >0 if OK
    public function setModelPdf($model)
        if (! $this->table_element)
            dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::setModelPdf was called on objet with property table_element not defined", LOG_ERR);
            return -1;

        $sql = 'UPDATE '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.$this->table_element;
        $sql.= ' SET modelpdf = "' . $model . '"';
        $sql.= ' WHERE rowid = '.$this->id;

        dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::setModelPdf", LOG_DEBUG);
        if ($this->db->query($sql))
            $this->modelpdf = $model;
            return 1;
            return -1;

 *	Class to manage invoice lines of templates.
 *  Saved into database table llx_facturedet_rec
class FactureLigneRec extends CommonInvoiceLine
	 * @var string ID to identify managed object
	public $element='facturedetrec';

	 * @var string Name of table without prefix where object is stored
	public $table_element='facturedet_rec';

	public $date_start_fill;
	public $date_end_fill;

     * 	Delete line in database
     *  @param		User	$user		Object user
     *  @param		int		$notrigger	Disable triggers
     *	@return		int					<0 if KO, >0 if OK
    public function delete(User $user, $notrigger = false)


	    if (! $error) {
	        if (! $notrigger) {
	            // Call triggers
	            $result=$this->call_trigger('LINEBILLREC_DELETE', $user);
	            if ($result < 0) { $error++; } // Do also here what you must do to rollback action if trigger fail
	            // End call triggers

	    if (! $error)
    		$sql = 'DELETE FROM '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.$this->table_element.' WHERE rowid='.$this->id;

    		$res = $this->db->query($sql);
    		if($res===false) {
    		    $this->errors[] = $this->db->lasterror();

    	// Commit or rollback
		if ($error) {
		    return -1;
		} else {
		    return 1;

     *	Recupere les lignes de factures predefinies dans this->lines
     *	@param		int 	$rowid		Id of invoice
     *	@return     int         		1 if OK, < 0 if KO
    public function fetch($rowid)
    	$sql = 'SELECT l.rowid, l.fk_facture ,l.fk_product, l.product_type, l.label as custom_label, l.description, l.product_type, l.price, l.qty, l.vat_src_code, l.tva_tx,';
    	$sql.= ' l.localtax1_tx, l.localtax2_tx, l.localtax1_type, l.localtax2_type, l.remise, l.remise_percent, l.subprice,';
    	$sql.= ' l.date_start_fill, l.date_end_fill, l.info_bits, l.total_ht, l.total_tva, l.total_ttc,';
    	$sql.= ' l.rang, l.special_code,';
    	$sql.= ' l.fk_unit, l.fk_contract_line,';
    	$sql.= ' p.ref as product_ref, p.fk_product_type as fk_product_type, p.label as product_label, p.description as product_desc';
    	$sql.= ' FROM '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'facturedet_rec as l';
    	$sql.= ' LEFT JOIN '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'product as p ON l.fk_product = p.rowid';
    	$sql.= ' WHERE l.rowid = '.$rowid;
    	$sql.= ' ORDER BY l.rang';

    	dol_syslog('FactureRec::fetch', LOG_DEBUG);
    	$result = $this->db->query($sql);
    	if ($result)

    		$objp = $this->db->fetch_object($result);

    		$this->id	            = $objp->rowid;
    		$this->label            = $objp->custom_label;		// Label line
    		$this->desc             = $objp->description;		// Description line
    		$this->description      = $objp->description;		// Description line
    		$this->product_type     = $objp->product_type;		// Type of line
    		$this->ref              = $objp->product_ref;		// Ref product
    		$this->product_ref      = $objp->product_ref;		// Ref product
    		$this->libelle          = $objp->product_label;		// deprecated
    		$this->product_label	= $objp->product_label;		// Label product
    		$this->product_desc     = $objp->product_desc;		// Description product
    		$this->fk_product_type  = $objp->fk_product_type;	// Type of product
    		$this->qty              = $objp->qty;
    		$this->price			= $objp->price;
    		$this->subprice         = $objp->subprice;
    		$this->fk_facture		= $objp->fk_facture;
    		$this->vat_src_code     = $objp->vat_src_code;
    		$this->tva_tx           = $objp->tva_tx;
    		$this->localtax1_tx     = $objp->localtax1_tx;
    		$this->localtax2_tx     = $objp->localtax2_tx;
    		$this->localtax1_type   = $objp->localtax1_type;
    		$this->localtax2_type   = $objp->localtax2_type;
    		$this->remise_percent   = $objp->remise_percent;
    		$this->fk_remise_except = $objp->fk_remise_except;
    		$this->fk_product       = $objp->fk_product;
    		$this->date_start_fill  = $objp->date_start_fill;
    		$this->date_end_fill    = $objp->date_end_fill;
    		$this->info_bits        = $objp->info_bits;
    		$this->total_ht         = $objp->total_ht;
    		$this->total_tva        = $objp->total_tva;
    		$this->total_ttc        = $objp->total_ttc;
    		$this->code_ventilation = $objp->fk_code_ventilation;
    		$this->rang 			= $objp->rang;
    		$this->special_code 	= $objp->special_code;
    		$this->fk_unit          = $objp->fk_unit;
    		$this->fk_contract_line = $objp->fk_contract_line;

    		return 1;
    		return -3;

     * 	Update a line to invoice_rec.
     *  @param		User	$user					User
     *  @param		int		$notrigger				No trigger
     *	@return    	int             				<0 if KO, Id of line if OK
    public function update(User $user, $notrigger = 0)
    	global $conf;

    	$error = 0;

    	include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/price.lib.php';

    	$sql = "UPDATE ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."facturedet_rec SET";
    	$sql.= " fk_facture = ".$this->fk_facture;
    	$sql.= ", label=".(! empty($this->label)?"'".$this->db->escape($this->label)."'":"null");
    	$sql.= ", description='".$this->db->escape($this->desc)."'";
    	$sql.= ", price=".price2num($this->price);
    	$sql.= ", qty=".price2num($this->qty);
    	$sql.= ", tva_tx=".price2num($this->tva_tx);
    	$sql.= ", vat_src_code='".$this->db->escape($this->vat_src_code)."'";
    	$sql.= ", localtax1_tx=".price2num($this->localtax1_tx);
    	$sql.= ", localtax1_type='".$this->db->escape($this->localtax1_type)."'";
    	$sql.= ", localtax2_tx=".price2num($this->localtax2_tx);
    	$sql.= ", localtax2_type='".$this->db->escape($this->localtax2_type)."'";
    	$sql.= ", fk_product=".($this->fk_product > 0 ? $this->fk_product :"null");
    	$sql.= ", product_type=".$this->product_type;
    	$sql.= ", remise_percent='".price2num($this->remise_percent)."'";
    	$sql.= ", subprice='".price2num($this->subprice)."'";
    	$sql.= ", info_bits='".price2num($this->info_bits)."'";
    	$sql.= ", date_start_fill=".(int) $this->date_start_fill;
    	$sql.= ", date_end_fill=".(int) $this->date_end_fill;
    	if (empty($this->skip_update_total)) {
    		$sql.= ", total_ht=".price2num($this->total_ht);
	    	$sql.= ", total_tva=".price2num($this->total_tva);
	    	$sql.= ", total_localtax1=".price2num($this->total_localtax1);
	    	$sql.= ", total_localtax2=".price2num($this->total_localtax2);
	    	$sql.= ", total_ttc=".price2num($this->total_ttc);
    	$sql.= ", rang=".$this->rang;
    	$sql.= ", special_code=".$this->special_code;
    	$sql.= ", fk_unit=".($this->fk_unit ?"'".$this->db->escape($this->fk_unit)."'":"null");
    	$sql.= ", fk_contract_line=".($this->fk_contract_line?$this->fk_contract_line:"null");
    	$sql.= " WHERE rowid = ".$this->id;

    	dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::updateline", LOG_DEBUG);
        if ($resql)
    		if (empty($conf->global->MAIN_EXTRAFIELDS_DISABLED)) // For avoid conflicts if trigger used
    			if ($result < 0)

    		if (! $error && ! $notrigger)
    			// Call trigger
    			$result=$this->call_trigger('LINEBILLREC_UPDATE', $user);
    			if ($result < 0)
    				return -2;
    			// End call triggers
            return 1;
            return -2;