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/* Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Rodolphe Quiedeville <rodolphe@quiedeville.org>
 * Copyright (C) 2003      Eric Seigne          <erics@rycks.com>
 * Copyright (C) 2004-2014 Laurent Destailleur  <eldy@users.sourceforge.net>
 * Copyright (C) 2005-2012 Regis Houssin        <regis.houssin@inodbox.com>
 * Copyright (C) 2011      Juanjo Menent        <jmenent@2byte.es>
 * Copyright (C) 2014      Cedric GROSS         <c.gross@kreiz-it.fr>
 * Copyright (C) 2018-2019  Frédéric France         <frederic.france@netlogic.fr>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

 *  \file       htdocs/comm/action/peruser.php
 *  \ingroup    agenda
 *  \brief      Tab of calendar events per user

require '../../main.inc.php';
require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/comm/action/class/actioncomm.class.php';
require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/societe/class/societe.class.php';
require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/contact/class/contact.class.php';
require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/user/class/usergroup.class.php';
require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/date.lib.php';
require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/agenda.lib.php';
require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/html.formprojet.class.php';
require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/projet/class/project.class.php';

if (! isset($conf->global->AGENDA_MAX_EVENTS_DAY_VIEW)) $conf->global->AGENDA_MAX_EVENTS_DAY_VIEW=3;

$filter = GETPOST("search_filter", 'alpha', 3)?GETPOST("search_filter", 'alpha', 3):GETPOST("filter", 'alpha', 3);
$filtert = GETPOST("search_filtert", "int", 3)?GETPOST("search_filtert", "int", 3):GETPOST("filtert", "int", 3);
$usergroup = GETPOST("search_usergroup", "int", 3)?GETPOST("search_usergroup", "int", 3):GETPOST("usergroup", "int", 3);
//if (! ($usergroup > 0) && ! ($filtert > 0)) $filtert = $user->id;
//$showbirthday = empty($conf->use_javascript_ajax)?GETPOST("showbirthday","int"):1;
$showbirthday = 0;

// If not choice done on calendar owner, we filter on user.
if (empty($filtert) && empty($conf->global->AGENDA_ALL_CALENDARS))

$sortfield = GETPOST("sortfield", 'alpha');
$sortorder = GETPOST("sortorder", 'alpha');
$page = GETPOST("page", "int");
if (empty($page) || $page == -1) { $page = 0; }     // If $page is not defined, or '' or -1
$limit = GETPOST('limit', 'int')?GETPOST('limit', 'int'):$conf->liste_limit;
$offset = $limit * $page;
if (! $sortorder) $sortorder="ASC";
if (! $sortfield) $sortfield="a.datec";

// Security check
$socid = GETPOST("search_socid", "int")?GETPOST("search_socid", "int"):GETPOST("socid", "int");
if ($user->societe_id) $socid=$user->societe_id;
$result = restrictedArea($user, 'agenda', 0, '', 'myactions');
if ($socid < 0) $socid='';

if (! $user->rights->agenda->myactions->read) accessforbidden();
if (! $user->rights->agenda->allactions->read) $canedit=0;
if (! $user->rights->agenda->allactions->read || $filter =='mine')  // If no permission to see all, we show only affected to me

$action='show_peruser'; //We use 'show_week' mode
$resourceid=GETPOST("search_resourceid", "int")?GETPOST("search_resourceid", "int"):GETPOST("resourceid", "int");
$year=GETPOST("year", "int")?GETPOST("year", "int"):date("Y");
$month=GETPOST("month", "int")?GETPOST("month", "int"):date("m");
$week=GETPOST("week", "int")?GETPOST("week", "int"):date("W");
$day=GETPOST("day", "int")?GETPOST("day", "int"):date("d");
$pid=GETPOST("search_projectid", "int", 3)?GETPOST("search_projectid", "int", 3):GETPOST("projectid", "int", 3);
$status=GETPOST("search_status", 'alpha')?GETPOST("search_status", 'alpha'):GETPOST("status", 'alpha');
$type=GETPOST("search_type", 'alpha')?GETPOST("search_type", 'alpha'):GETPOST("type", 'alpha');
$maxprint=((GETPOST("maxprint", 'int')!='')?GETPOST("maxprint", 'int'):$conf->global->AGENDA_MAX_EVENTS_DAY_VIEW);
// Set actioncode (this code must be same for setting actioncode into peruser, listacton and index)
if (GETPOST('search_actioncode', 'array'))
    $actioncode=GETPOST('search_actioncode', 'array', 3);
    if (! count($actioncode)) $actioncode='0';
    $actioncode=GETPOST("search_actioncode", "alpha", 3)?GETPOST("search_actioncode", "alpha", 3):(GETPOST("search_actioncode", "alpha")=='0'?'0':(empty($conf->global->AGENDA_DEFAULT_FILTER_TYPE)?'':$conf->global->AGENDA_DEFAULT_FILTER_TYPE));
if ($actioncode == '' && empty($actioncodearray)) $actioncode=(empty($conf->global->AGENDA_DEFAULT_FILTER_TYPE)?'':$conf->global->AGENDA_DEFAULT_FILTER_TYPE);

$dateselect=dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, GETPOST('dateselectmonth', 'int'), GETPOST('dateselectday', 'int'), GETPOST('dateselectyear', 'int'));
if ($dateselect > 0)
	$day=GETPOST('dateselectday', 'int');
	$month=GETPOST('dateselectmonth', 'int');
	$year=GETPOST('dateselectyear', 'int');

$tmparray=explode('-', $tmp);
$begin_h = GETPOST('begin_h', 'int')!=''?GETPOST('begin_h', 'int'):($tmparray[0] != '' ? $tmparray[0] : 9);
$end_h   = GETPOST('end_h', 'int')?GETPOST('end_h', 'int'):($tmparray[1] != '' ? $tmparray[1] : 18);
if ($begin_h < 0 || $begin_h > 23) $begin_h = 9;
if ($end_h < 1 || $end_h > 24) $end_h = 18;
if ($end_h <= $begin_h) $end_h = $begin_h + 1;

$tmparray=explode('-', $tmp);
$begin_d = GETPOST('begin_d', 'int')?GETPOST('begin_d', 'int'):($tmparray[0] != '' ? $tmparray[0] : 1);
$end_d   = GETPOST('end_d', 'int')?GETPOST('end_d', 'int'):($tmparray[1] != '' ? $tmparray[1] : 5);
if ($begin_d < 1 || $begin_d > 7) $begin_d = 1;
if ($end_d < 1 || $end_d > 7) $end_d = 7;
if ($end_d < $begin_d) $end_d = $begin_d + 1;

if ($status == ''   && ! isset($_GET['status']) && ! isset($_POST['status'])) $status=(empty($conf->global->AGENDA_DEFAULT_FILTER_STATUS)?'':$conf->global->AGENDA_DEFAULT_FILTER_STATUS);
if (empty($action) && ! isset($_GET['action']) && ! isset($_POST['action'])) $action=(empty($conf->global->AGENDA_DEFAULT_VIEW)?'show_month':$conf->global->AGENDA_DEFAULT_VIEW);

if (GETPOST('viewcal', 'alpha') && $action != 'show_day' && $action != 'show_week' && $action != 'show_peruser')  {
    $action='show_month'; $day='';
}                                                   // View by month
if (GETPOST('viewweek', 'alpha') || $action == 'show_week') {
    $action='show_week'; $week=($week?$week:date("W")); $day=($day?$day:date("d"));
}  // View by week
if (GETPOST('viewday', 'alpha') || $action == 'show_day')  {
    $action='show_day'; $day=($day?$day:date("d"));
}                                  // View by day

// Load translation files required by the page
$langs->loadLangs(array('users', 'agenda', 'other', 'commercial'));

// Initialize technical object to manage hooks of page. Note that conf->hooks_modules contains array of hook context

 * Actions

if ($action =='delete_action')
    $event = new ActionComm($db);

 * View

$form=new Form($db);
$companystatic=new Societe($db);

llxHeader('', $langs->trans("Agenda"), $help_url);


// Define list of all external calendars (global setup)

$prev = dol_get_first_day_week($day, $month, $year);
$first_day   = $prev['first_day'];
$first_month = $prev['first_month'];
$first_year  = $prev['first_year'];

$week = $prev['week'];

$day = (int) $day;
$next = dol_get_next_week($day, $week, $month, $year);
$next_year  = $next['year'];
$next_month = $next['month'];
$next_day   = $next['day'];

$max_day_in_month = date("t", dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year));

$tmpday = $first_day;
//print 'xx'.$prev_year.'-'.$prev_month.'-'.$prev_day;
//print 'xx'.$next_year.'-'.$next_month.'-'.$next_day;

if ($status == 'done') $title=$langs->trans("DoneActions");
if ($status == 'todo') $title=$langs->trans("ToDoActions");

if ($actioncode || isset($_GET['search_actioncode']) || isset($_POST['search_actioncode'])) {
	if(is_array($actioncode)) {
		foreach($actioncode as $str_action) $param.="&search_actioncode[]=".urlencode($str_action);
	} else $param.="&search_actioncode=".urlencode($actioncode);
if ($resourceid > 0) $param.="&search_resourceid=".urlencode($resourceid);
if ($status || isset($_GET['status']) || isset($_POST['status'])) $param.="&search_status=".urlencode($status);
if ($filter)        $param.="&search_filter=".urlencode($filter);
if ($filtert)       $param.="&search_filtert=".urlencode($filtert);
if ($usergroup)     $param.="&search_usergroup=".urlencode($usergroup);
if ($socid)         $param.="&search_socid=".urlencode($socid);
if ($showbirthday)  $param.="&search_showbirthday=1";
if ($pid)           $param.="&search_projectid=".urlencode($pid);
if ($type)          $param.="&search_type=".urlencode($type);
if ($action == 'show_day' || $action == 'show_week' || $action == 'show_month' || $action != 'show_peruser') $param.='&action='.urlencode($action);
if ($begin_h != '') $param.='&begin_h='.urlencode($begin_h);
if ($end_h != '')   $param.='&end_h='.urlencode($end_h);
if ($begin_d != '') $param.='&begin_d='.urlencode($begin_d);
if ($end_d != '')   $param.='&end_d='.urlencode($end_d);

$prev = dol_get_first_day_week($day, $month, $year);
//print "day=".$day." month=".$month." year=".$year;
//var_dump($prev); exit;
$prev_year  = $prev['prev_year'];
$prev_month = $prev['prev_month'];
$prev_day   = $prev['prev_day'];
$first_day  = $prev['first_day'];
$first_month= $prev['first_month'];
$first_year = $prev['first_year'];

$week = $prev['week'];

$day = (int) $day;
$next = dol_get_next_week($first_day, $week, $first_month, $first_year);
$next_year  = $next['year'];
$next_month = $next['month'];
$next_day   = $next['day'];

// Define firstdaytoshow and lastdaytoshow (warning: lastdaytoshow is last second to show + 1)
$firstdaytoshow=dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, $first_month, $first_day, $first_year);

$nb_weeks_to_show = (! empty($conf->global->AGENDA_NB_WEEKS_IN_VIEW_PER_USER)) ? ((int) $conf->global->AGENDA_NB_WEEKS_IN_VIEW_PER_USER * 7) : 7;
$lastdaytoshow=dol_time_plus_duree($firstdaytoshow, $nb_weeks_to_show, 'd');
//print $firstday.'-'.$first_month.'-'.$first_year;
//print dol_print_date($firstdaytoshow,'dayhour');
//print dol_print_date($lastdaytoshow,'dayhour');

$max_day_in_month = date("t", dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year));

$tmpday = $first_day;

$nav ="<a href=\"?year=".$prev_year."&amp;month=".$prev_month."&amp;day=".$prev_day.$param."\"><i class=\"fa fa-chevron-left\" title=\"".dol_escape_htmltag($langs->trans("Previous"))."\"></i></a> &nbsp; \n";
$nav.=" <span id=\"month_name\">".dol_print_date(dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, $first_month, $first_day, $first_year), "%Y").", ".$langs->trans("Week")." ".$week;
$nav.=" </span>\n";
$nav.=" &nbsp; <a href=\"?year=".$next_year."&amp;month=".$next_month."&amp;day=".$next_day.$param."\"><i class=\"fa fa-chevron-right\" title=\"".dol_escape_htmltag($langs->trans("Next"))."\"></i></a>\n";
$nav.=" &nbsp; (<a href=\"?year=".$nowyear."&amp;month=".$nowmonth."&amp;day=".$nowday.$param."\">".$langs->trans("Today")."</a>)";

/*$nav.=' &nbsp; <form name="dateselect" action="'.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?action=show_peruser'.$param.'">';
$nav.='<input type="hidden" name="token" value="' . $_SESSION ['newtoken'] . '">';
$nav.='<input type="hidden" name="action" value="' . $action . '">';
$nav.='<input type="hidden" name="filtert" value="' . $filtert . '">';
$nav.='<input type="hidden" name="usergroup" value="' . $usergroup . '">';
$nav.='<input type="hidden" name="actioncode" value="' . $actioncode . '">';
$nav.='<input type="hidden" name="resourceid" value="' . $resourceid . '">';
$nav.='<input type="hidden" name="status" value="' . $status . '">';
$nav.='<input type="hidden" name="socid" value="' . $socid . '">';
$nav.='<input type="hidden" name="projectid" value="' . $projectid . '">';
$nav.='<input type="hidden" name="begin_h" value="' . $begin_h . '">';
$nav.='<input type="hidden" name="end_h" value="' . $end_h . '">';
$nav.='<input type="hidden" name="begin_d" value="' . $begin_d . '">';
$nav.='<input type="hidden" name="end_d" value="' . $end_d . '">';
$nav.='<input type="hidden" name="showbirthday" value="' . $showbirthday . '">';
$nav.= $form->selectDate($dateselect, 'dateselect', 0, 0, 1, '', 1, 0);
$nav.=' <input type="submit" name="submitdateselect" class="button" value="'.$langs->trans("Refresh").'">';

// Must be after the nav definition
//print 'x'.$param;

if ($action == 'show_month') $tabactive='cardmonth';
if ($action == 'show_week') $tabactive='cardweek';
if ($action == 'show_day')  $tabactive='cardday';
if ($action == 'show_list') $tabactive='cardlist';
if ($action == 'show_peruser') $tabactive='cardperuser';

$paramnoaction=preg_replace('/action=[a-z_]+/', '', $param);

$head = calendars_prepare_head($paramnoaction);

print '<form method="POST" id="searchFormList" class="listactionsfilter" action="'.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'">'."\n";

dol_fiche_head($head, $tabactive, $langs->trans('Agenda'), 0, 'action');
print_actions_filter($form, $canedit, $status, $year, $month, $day, $showbirthday, 0, $filtert, 0, $pid, $socid, $action, $listofextcals, $actioncode, $usergroup, '', $resourceid);

// Legend
if ($conf->use_javascript_ajax)
	$s.='<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n";
	$s.='jQuery(document).ready(function () {' . "\n";
	$s.='jQuery("#check_mytasks").click(function() { jQuery(".family_mytasks").toggle(); jQuery(".family_other").toggle(); });' . "\n";
	$s.='jQuery("#check_birthday").click(function() { jQuery(".family_birthday").toggle(); });' . "\n";
	$s.='jQuery(".family_birthday").toggle();' . "\n";
	if ($action=="show_week" || $action=="show_month" || empty($action))
    	$s.='jQuery( "td.sortable" ).sortable({connectWith: ".sortable",placeholder: "ui-state-highlight",items: "div:not(.unsortable)", receive: function( event, ui ) {';
    	$s.='var frm=jQuery("#move_event");frm.attr("action",ui.item.find("a.cal_event").attr("href")).children("#newdate").val(jQuery(event.target).closest("div").attr("id"));frm.submit();}});'."\n";
  	$s.='});' . "\n";
	$s.='</script>' . "\n";
	if (! empty($conf->use_javascript_ajax))
		$s.='<div class="nowrap clear float"><input type="checkbox" id="check_mytasks" name="check_mytasks" checked disabled> ' . $langs->trans("LocalAgenda").' &nbsp; </div>';
		if (is_array($showextcals) && count($showextcals) > 0)
			foreach ($showextcals as $val)
				$htmlname = md5($val['name']);
				$s.='<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n";
				$s.='jQuery(document).ready(function () {' . "\n";
				$s.='		jQuery("#check_ext' . $htmlname . '").click(function() {';
				$s.=' 		/* alert("'.$htmlname.'"); */';
				$s.=' 		jQuery(".family_ext' . $htmlname . '").toggle();';
				$s.='		});' . "\n";
				$s.='});' . "\n";
				$s.='</script>' . "\n";
				$s.='<div class="nowrap float"><input type="checkbox" id="check_ext' . $htmlname . '" name="check_ext' . $htmlname . '" checked> ' . $val ['name'] . ' &nbsp; </div>';

		//$s.='<div class="nowrap float"><input type="checkbox" id="check_birthday" name="check_birthday"> '.$langs->trans("AgendaShowBirthdayEvents").' &nbsp; </div>';

		// Calendars from hooks
	    $parameters=array(); $object=null;
		$reshook=$hookmanager->executeHooks('addCalendarChoice', $parameters, $object, $action);
	    if (empty($reshook))
			$s.= $hookmanager->resPrint;
	    elseif ($reshook > 1)
	    	$s = $hookmanager->resPrint;

if ($user->rights->agenda->myactions->create || $user->rights->agenda->allactions->create)
	$tmpforcreatebutton=dol_getdate(dol_now(), true);

	$newparam.='&month='.str_pad($month, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT).'&year='.$tmpforcreatebutton['year'];

    $newcardbutton.= dolGetButtonTitle($langs->trans("AddAction"), '', 'fa fa-plus-circle', DOL_URL_ROOT.'/comm/action/card.php?action=create&datep='.sprintf("%04d%02d%02d", $tmpforcreatebutton['year'], $tmpforcreatebutton['mon'], $tmpforcreatebutton['mday']).$hourminsec.'&backtopage='.urlencode($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].($newparam?'?'.$newparam:'')));

print load_fiche_titre($s, $link.' &nbsp; &nbsp; '.$nav.' '.$newcardbutton, '');

// Get event in an array

$sql = 'SELECT';
if ($usergroup > 0) $sql.=" DISTINCT";
$sql.= ' a.id, a.label,';
$sql.= ' a.datep,';
$sql.= ' a.datep2,';
$sql.= ' a.percent,';
$sql.= ' a.fk_user_author,a.fk_user_action,';
$sql.= ' a.transparency, a.priority, a.fulldayevent, a.location,';
$sql.= ' a.fk_soc, a.fk_contact, a.fk_element, a.elementtype, a.fk_project,';
$sql.= ' ca.code, ca.color';
$sql.= ' FROM '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'c_actioncomm as ca, '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX."actioncomm as a";
if (! $user->rights->societe->client->voir && ! $socid) $sql.= " LEFT JOIN ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."societe_commerciaux as sc ON a.fk_soc = sc.fk_soc";
// We must filter on resource table
if ($resourceid > 0) $sql.=", ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."element_resources as r";
// We must filter on assignement table
if ($filtert > 0 || $usergroup > 0) $sql.=", ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."actioncomm_resources as ar";
if ($usergroup > 0) $sql.= " LEFT JOIN ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."usergroup_user as ugu ON ugu.fk_user = ar.fk_element";
$sql.= ' WHERE a.fk_action = ca.id';
$sql.= ' AND a.entity IN ('.getEntity('agenda').')';
// Condition on actioncode
if (! empty($actioncode))
    if (empty($conf->global->AGENDA_USE_EVENT_TYPE))
        if ($actioncode == 'AC_NON_AUTO') $sql.= " AND ca.type != 'systemauto'";
        elseif ($actioncode == 'AC_ALL_AUTO') $sql.= " AND ca.type = 'systemauto'";
            if ($actioncode == 'AC_OTH') $sql.= " AND ca.type != 'systemauto'";
            if ($actioncode == 'AC_OTH_AUTO') $sql.= " AND ca.type = 'systemauto'";
        if ($actioncode == 'AC_NON_AUTO') $sql.= " AND ca.type != 'systemauto'";
        elseif ($actioncode == 'AC_ALL_AUTO') $sql.= " AND ca.type = 'systemauto'";
		if (is_array($actioncode))
  	        	$sql.=" AND ca.code IN ('".implode("','", $actioncode)."')";
  	        	$sql.=" AND ca.code IN ('".implode("','", explode(',', $actioncode))."')";
if ($resourceid > 0) $sql.=" AND r.element_type = 'action' AND r.element_id = a.id AND r.resource_id = ".$db->escape($resourceid);
if ($pid) $sql.=" AND a.fk_project=".$db->escape($pid);
if (! $user->rights->societe->client->voir && ! $socid) $sql.= " AND (a.fk_soc IS NULL OR sc.fk_user = " .$user->id . ")";
if ($socid > 0) $sql.= ' AND a.fk_soc = '.$socid;
// We must filter on assignement table
if ($filtert > 0 || $usergroup > 0) $sql.= " AND ar.fk_actioncomm = a.id AND ar.element_type='user'";
if ($action == 'show_day')
    $sql.= " AND (";
    $sql.= " (a.datep BETWEEN '".$db->idate(dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year))."'";
    $sql.= " AND '".$db->idate(dol_mktime(23, 59, 59, $month, $day, $year))."')";
    $sql.= " OR ";
    $sql.= " (a.datep2 BETWEEN '".$db->idate(dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year))."'";
    $sql.= " AND '".$db->idate(dol_mktime(23, 59, 59, $month, $day, $year))."')";
    $sql.= " OR ";
    $sql.= " (a.datep < '".$db->idate(dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year))."'";
    $sql.= " AND a.datep2 > '".$db->idate(dol_mktime(23, 59, 59, $month, $day, $year))."')";
    $sql.= ')';
    // To limit array
    $sql.= " AND (";
    $sql.= " (a.datep BETWEEN '".$db->idate($firstdaytoshow-(60*60*24*2))."'";   	// Start 2 day before $firstdaytoshow
    $sql.= " AND '".$db->idate($lastdaytoshow+(60*60*24*2))."')";   				// End 2 day after $lastdaytoshow
    $sql.= " OR ";
    $sql.= " (a.datep2 BETWEEN '".$db->idate($firstdaytoshow-(60*60*24*2))."'";
    $sql.= " AND '".$db->idate($lastdaytoshow+(60*60*24*2))."')";
    $sql.= " OR ";
    $sql.= " (a.datep < '".$db->idate($firstdaytoshow-(60*60*24*2))."'";
    $sql.= " AND a.datep2 > '".$db->idate($lastdaytoshow+(60*60*24*2))."')";
    $sql.= ')';
if ($type) $sql.= " AND ca.id = ".$type;
if ($status == '0') { $sql.= " AND a.percent = 0"; }
if ($status == '-1') { $sql.= " AND a.percent = -1"; }	// Not applicable
if ($status == '50') { $sql.= " AND (a.percent > 0 AND a.percent < 100)"; }	// Running already started
if ($status == 'done' || $status == '100') { $sql.= " AND (a.percent = 100)"; }
if ($status == 'todo') { $sql.= " AND (a.percent >= 0 AND a.percent < 100)"; }
// We must filter on assignement table
if ($filtert > 0 || $usergroup > 0)
    $sql.= " AND (";
    if ($filtert > 0) $sql.= "ar.fk_element = ".$filtert;
    if ($usergroup > 0) $sql.= ($filtert>0?" OR ":"")." ugu.fk_usergroup = ".$usergroup;
    $sql.= ")";
// Sort on date
$sql.= ' ORDER BY fk_user_action, datep'; //fk_user_action

dol_syslog("comm/action/peruser.php", LOG_DEBUG);
if ($resql)
    $num = $db->num_rows($resql);

    while ($i < $num)
        $obj = $db->fetch_object($resql);

        // Discard auto action if option is on
        if (! empty($conf->global->AGENDA_ALWAYS_HIDE_AUTO) && $obj->code == 'AC_OTH_AUTO')


        // Create a new object action
        $event=new ActionComm($db);
        $event->datep=$datep;      // datep and datef are GMT date
        $event->authorid=$obj->fk_user_author;		// user id of creator
        $event->userownerid=$obj->fk_user_action;	// user id of owner




        // Defined date_start_in_calendar and date_end_in_calendar property
        // They are date start and end of action but modified to not be outside calendar view.
        if ($event->percentage <= 0)
            if ($datep2 != '' && $datep2 >= $datep) $event->date_end_in_calendar=$datep2;
            else $event->date_end_in_calendar=$datep;
            if ($datep2 != '' && $datep2 >= $datep) $event->date_end_in_calendar=$datep2;
            else $event->date_end_in_calendar=$datep;
        // Define ponctual property
        if ($event->date_start_in_calendar == $event->date_end_in_calendar)

        // Check values
        if ($event->date_end_in_calendar < $firstdaytoshow ||
        $event->date_start_in_calendar >= $lastdaytoshow)
            // This record is out of visible range
			//print $i.' - '.dol_print_date($this->date_start_in_calendar, 'dayhour').' - '.dol_print_date($this->date_end_in_calendar, 'dayhour').'<br>'."\n";
        	$event->fetch_userassigned();				// This load $event->userassigned

			if ($event->date_start_in_calendar < $firstdaytoshow) $event->date_start_in_calendar=$firstdaytoshow;
            if ($event->date_end_in_calendar >= $lastdaytoshow) $event->date_end_in_calendar=($lastdaytoshow - 1);

            // Add an entry in actionarray for each day
            $annee = date('Y', $daycursor);
            $mois = date('m', $daycursor);
            $jour = date('d', $daycursor);

            // Loop on each day covered by action to prepare an index to show on calendar
            $loop=true; $j=0;
            $daykey=dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, $mois, $jour, $annee);
                //if ($event->id==408) print 'daykey='.$daykey.' '.$event->datep.' '.$event->datef.'<br>';


                if ($daykey > $event->date_end_in_calendar) $loop=false;
            while ($loop);

            //print 'Event '.$i.' id='.$event->id.' (start='.dol_print_date($event->datep).'-end='.dol_print_date($event->datef);
            //print ' startincalendar='.dol_print_date($event->date_start_in_calendar).'-endincalendar='.dol_print_date($event->date_end_in_calendar).') was added in '.$j.' different index key of array<br>';


// Define theme_datacolor array
$color_file = DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT."/theme/".$conf->theme."/theme_vars.inc.php";
if (is_readable($color_file))
    include_once $color_file;
if (! is_array($theme_datacolor)) $theme_datacolor=array(array(120,130,150), array(200,160,180), array(190,190,220));

$newparam=$param;   // newparam is for birthday links
$newparam=preg_replace('/showbirthday=/i', 'showbirthday_=', $newparam);	// To avoid replacement when replace day= is done
$newparam=preg_replace('/action=show_month&?/i', '', $newparam);
$newparam=preg_replace('/action=show_week&?/i', '', $newparam);
$newparam=preg_replace('/day=[0-9]+&?/i', '', $newparam);
$newparam=preg_replace('/month=[0-9]+&?/i', '', $newparam);
$newparam=preg_replace('/year=[0-9]+&?/i', '', $newparam);
$newparam=preg_replace('/viewweek=[0-9]+&?/i', '', $newparam);
$newparam=preg_replace('/showbirthday_=/i', 'showbirthday=', $newparam);	// Restore correct parameter

echo '<input type="hidden" name="actionmove" value="mupdate">';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="backtopage" value="'.dol_escape_htmltag($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']).'?'.dol_escape_htmltag($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']).'">';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="newdate" id="newdate">' ;

// Line header with list of days

//print "begin_d=".$begin_d." end_d=".$end_d;

$currentdaytoshow = $firstdaytoshow;
echo '<div class="div-table-responsive">';

while($currentdaytoshow<$lastdaytoshow) {

	echo '<table width="100%" class="noborder nocellnopadd cal_month">';

	echo '<tr class="liste_titre">';
	echo '<td></td>';
	$i=0;	// 0 = sunday,
	while ($i < 7)
		if (($i + 1) < $begin_d || ($i + 1) > $end_d)
		echo '<td align="center" colspan="'.($end_h - $begin_h).'">';
		echo $langs->trans("Day".(($i+(isset($conf->global->MAIN_START_WEEK)?$conf->global->MAIN_START_WEEK:1)) % 7));
		print "<br>";
		if ($i) print dol_print_date(dol_time_plus_duree($currentdaytoshow, $i, 'd'), 'day');
		else print dol_print_date($currentdaytoshow, 'day');
		echo "</td>\n";
	echo "</tr>\n";

	echo '<tr class="liste_titre">';
	echo '<td></td>';
	while ($i < 7)
		if (($i + 1) < $begin_d || ($i + 1) > $end_d)
		for ($h = $begin_h; $h < $end_h; $h++)
			echo '<td align="center">';
			print '<small style="font-family: courier">'.sprintf("%02d", $h).'</small>';
			print "</td>";
		echo "</td>\n";
	echo "</tr>\n";

	// Define $usernames
	$usernames = array(); //init
	$usernamesid = array();
	/* Use this to have list of users only if users have events */
	if (! empty($conf->global->AGENDA_SHOWOWNERONLY_ONPERUSERVIEW))
		foreach ($eventarray as $daykey => $notused)
		   // Get all assigned users for each event
		   foreach ($eventarray[$daykey] as $index => $event)
				foreach($listofuserid as $userid => $tmp)
				   	if (! in_array($userid, $usernamesid)) $usernamesid[$userid] = $userid;
	/* Use this list to have for all users */
		$sql = "SELECT u.rowid, u.lastname as lastname, u.firstname, u.statut, u.login, u.admin, u.entity";
		$sql.= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."user as u";
		if ($usergroup > 0)	$sql.= " LEFT JOIN ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."usergroup_user as ug ON u.rowid = ug.fk_user";
		$sql.= " WHERE u.statut = 1 AND u.entity IN (".getEntity('user').")";
		if ($usergroup > 0)	$sql.= " AND ug.fk_usergroup = ".$usergroup;
		//print $sql;
		if ($resql)
		    $num = $db->num_rows($resql);
		    $i = 0;
		    if ($num)
		        while ($i < $num)
		            $obj = $db->fetch_object($resql);
		else dol_print_error($db);
	foreach($usernamesid as $id)
		$tmpuser=new User($db);

	if ($filtert > 0)
		$tmpuser = new User($db);
		$usernames[] = $tmpuser;
	else if ($usergroup)
		$tmpgroup = new UserGroup($db);
		$usernames = $tmpgroup->listUsersForGroup();
		$tmpgroup = new UserGroup($db);
		//$tmpgroup->fetch($usergroup); No fetch, we want all users for all groups
		$usernames = $tmpgroup->listUsersForGroup();

	// Load array of colors by type
	$sql="SELECT code, color, libelle FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."c_actioncomm ORDER BY position";
	while ($obj = $db->fetch_object($resql))

	// Loop on each user to show calendar
	$todayarray=dol_getdate($now, 'fast');
	$sav = $tmpday;
	$showheader = true;
	$var = false;
	foreach ($usernames as $username)
		$var = ! $var;
		echo "<tr>";
		echo '<td class="tdoverflowmax100 cal_current_month cal_peruserviewname'.($var?' cal_impair':'').'">';
		print $username->getNomUrl(-1, '', 0, 0, 20, 1, '');
		print '</td>';
		$tmpday = $sav;

		// Lopp on each day of week
		$i = 0;
		for ($iter_day = 0; $iter_day < 8; $iter_day++)

			if (($i + 1) < $begin_d || ($i + 1) > $end_d)

	        // Show days of the current week
			$curtime = dol_time_plus_duree($currentdaytoshow, $iter_day, 'd');
			$tmparray = dol_getdate($curtime, 'fast');
			$tmpday = $tmparray['mday'];
			$tmpmonth = $tmparray['mon'];
			$tmpyear = $tmparray['year'];

			if ($iter_day == 6) $style.=' cal_other_month';
			if ($todayarray['mday']==$tmpday && $todayarray['mon']==$tmpmonth && $todayarray['year']==$tmpyear) $today=1;
			if ($today) $style='cal_today_peruser';

			show_day_events2($username, $tmpday, $tmpmonth, $tmpyear, $monthshown, $style, $eventarray, 0, $maxnbofchar, $newparam, 1, 300, $showheader, $colorsbytype, $var);

		echo "</tr>\n";
		$showheader = false;

	echo "</table>\n";
	echo "<br>";

	$currentdaytoshow =  dol_time_plus_duree($currentdaytoshow, 7, 'd');

echo '</div>';

if (! empty($conf->global->AGENDA_USE_EVENT_TYPE) && ! empty($conf->global->AGENDA_USE_COLOR_PER_EVENT_TYPE))
	print '<br>'.$langs->trans("Legend").': <br>';
	foreach($colorsbytype as $code => $color)
		if ($color)
			print '<div style="float: left; padding: 2px; margin-right: 6px;"><div style="'.($color?'background: #'.$color.';':'').'width:16px; float: left; margin-right: 4px;">&nbsp;</div>';
			print $langs->trans("Action".$code)!="Action".$code?$langs->trans("Action".$code):$labelbytype[$code];
			//print $code;
			print '</div>';
	print '<div style="float: left; padding: 2px; margin-right: 6px;"><div class="peruser_busy" style="width:16px; float: left; margin-right: 4px;">&nbsp;</div>';
	print $langs->trans("Other");
	print '</div>';
	/* TODO Show this if at least one cumulated event
	print '<div style="float: left; padding: 2px; margin-right: 6px;"><div style="background: #222222; width:16px; float: left; margin-right: 4px;">&nbsp;</div>';
	print $langs->trans("SeveralEvents");
	print '</div>';

print "\n".'</form>';
print "\n";

// Add js code to manage click on a box
print '<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
	jQuery(".onclickopenref").click(function() {
		var ref=$(this).attr(\'ref\');
		var res = ref.split("_");
		var userid = res[1];
		var year = res[2];
		var month = res[3];
		var day = res[4];
		var hour = res[5];
		var min = res[6];
		var ids = res[7];
		if (ids == \'none\') /* No event */
			/* alert(\'no event\'); */
			url = "'.DOL_URL_ROOT.'/comm/action/card.php?action=create&assignedtouser="+userid+"&datep="+year+month+day+hour+min+"00&backtopage='.urlencode($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?year='.$year.'&month='.$month.'&day='.$day).'"
			window.location.href = url;
		else if (ids.indexOf(",") > -1)	/* There is several events */
			/* alert(\'several events\'); */
			url = "'.DOL_URL_ROOT.'/comm/action/list.php?filtert="+userid+"&dateselectyear="+year+"&dateselectmonth="+month+"&dateselectday="+day;
			window.location.href = url;
		else	/* One event */
			/* alert(\'one event\'); */
			url = "'.DOL_URL_ROOT.'/comm/action/card.php?action=view&id="+ids
			window.location.href = url;

// End of page

 * Show event line of a particular day for a user
 * @param   User    $username		Login
 * @param   int		$day            Day
 * @param   int		$month          Month
 * @param   int		$year           Year
 * @param   int		$monthshown     Current month shown in calendar view
 * @param   string	$style          Style to use for this day
 * @param   array	$eventarray    	Array of events
 * @param   int		$maxprint       Nb of actions to show each day on month view (0 means no limit)
 * @param   int		$maxnbofchar    Nb of characters to show for event line
 * @param   string	$newparam       Parameters on current URL
 * @param   int		$showinfo       Add extended information (used by day view)
 * @param   int		$minheight      Minimum height for each event. 60px by default.
 * @param	boolean	$showheader		Show header
 * @param	array	$colorsbytype	Array with colors by type
 * @param	bool	$var			true or false for alternat style on tr/td
 * @return	void
function show_day_events2($username, $day, $month, $year, $monthshown, $style, &$eventarray, $maxprint = 0, $maxnbofchar = 16, $newparam = '', $showinfo = 0, $minheight = 60, $showheader = false, $colorsbytype = array(), $var = false)
	global $db;
	global $user, $conf, $langs, $hookmanager, $action;
	global $filter, $filtert, $status, $actioncode;	// Filters used into search form
	global $theme_datacolor;	// Array with a list of different we can use (come from theme)
	global $cachethirdparties, $cachecontacts, $cacheusers, $cacheprojects, $colorindexused;
	global $begin_h, $end_h;

	$cases1 = array();	// Color first half hour
	$cases2 = array(); // Color second half hour

	$curtime = dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year, false, 0);

	$i=0; $numother=0; $numbirthday=0; $numical=0; $numicals=array();
	$ymd=sprintf("%04d", $year).sprintf("%02d", $month).sprintf("%02d", $day);

	$colorindexused[$user->id] = 0;			// Color index for current user (user->id) is always 0
	$nextindextouse=count($colorindexused);	// At first run this is 0, so first user has 0, next 1, ...
	//if ($username->id && $day==1) var_dump($eventarray);

	// We are in a particular day for $username, now we scan all events
	foreach ($eventarray as $daykey => $notused)
		$annee = date('Y', $daykey);
		$mois = date('m', $daykey);
		$jour = date('d', $daykey);
		//print $annee.'-'.$mois.'-'.$jour.' '.$year.'-'.$month.'-'.$day."<br>\n";

		if ($day==$jour && $month==$mois && $year==$annee)	// Is it the day we are looking for when calling function ?
			// Scan all event for this date
			foreach ($eventarray[$daykey] as $index => $event)

				$ponct=($event->date_start_in_calendar == $event->date_end_in_calendar);

				if (! in_array($username->id, $keysofuserassigned)) continue;	// We discard record if event is from another user than user we want to show
				//if ($username->id != $event->userownerid) continue;	// We discard record if event is from another user than user we want to show

				$reshook=$hookmanager->executeHooks('formatEvent', $parameters, $event, $action);    // Note that $action and $object may have been modified by some hooks
				if ($reshook < 0) setEventMessages($hookmanager->error, $hookmanager->errors, 'errors');

				// Define $color (Hex string like '0088FF') and $cssclass of event
				$color=-1; $cssclass=''; $colorindex=-1;
				if (in_array($user->id, $keysofuserassigned))

					if (empty($cacheusers[$event->userownerid]))
						$newuser=new User($db);

					// We decide to choose color of owner of event (event->userownerid is user id of owner, event->userassigned contains all users assigned to event)
					if (! empty($cacheusers[$event->userownerid]->color)) $color=$cacheusers[$event->userownerid]->color;

					if (! empty($conf->global->AGENDA_USE_COLOR_PER_EVENT_TYPE)) $color=$event->type_color;
				elseif ($event->type_code == 'ICALEVENT')
					if (! empty($event->icalname))
						if (! isset($numicals[dol_string_nospecial($event->icalname)])) {
							$numicals[dol_string_nospecial($event->icalname)] = 0;

					$cssclass=(! empty($event->icalname)?'family_ext'.md5($event->icalname):'family_other unsortable');
				elseif ($event->type_code == 'BIRTHDAY')
					$numbirthday++; $colorindex=2; $cssclass='family_birthday unsortable'; $color=sprintf("%02x%02x%02x", $theme_datacolor[$colorindex][0], $theme_datacolor[$colorindex][1], $theme_datacolor[$colorindex][2]);
					$cssclass=(! empty($event->icalname)?'family_ext'.md5($event->icalname):'family_other');

					if (empty($cacheusers[$event->userownerid]))
						$newuser=new User($db);

					// We decide to choose color of owner of event (event->userownerid is user id of owner, event->userassigned contains all users assigned to event)
					if (! empty($cacheusers[$event->userownerid]->color)) $color=$cacheusers[$event->userownerid]->color;

					if (! empty($conf->global->AGENDA_USE_COLOR_PER_EVENT_TYPE)) $color=$event->type_color;

				if ($color < 0)	// Color was not set on user card. Set color according to color index.
					// Define color index if not yet defined
					if (isset($colorindexused[$idusertouse]))
						$colorindex=$colorindexused[$idusertouse];	// Color already assigned to this user
						if (! empty($theme_datacolor[$nextindextouse+1])) $nextindextouse++;	// Prepare to use next color
					// Define color
					$color=sprintf("%02x%02x%02x", $theme_datacolor[$colorindex][0], $theme_datacolor[$colorindex][1], $theme_datacolor[$colorindex][2]);
				//$cssclass=$cssclass.' '.$cssclass.'_day_'.$ymd;

				// Define all rects with event (cases1 is first half hour, cases2 is second half hour)
				for ($h = $begin_h; $h < $end_h; $h++)
					//if ($username->id == 1 && $day==1) print 'h='.$h;
					$newcolor = ''; //init
					if (empty($event->fulldayevent))
						$a = dol_mktime((int) $h, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year, false, 0);
						$b = dol_mktime((int) $h, 30, 0, $month, $day, $year, false, 0);
						$c = dol_mktime((int) $h+1, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year, false, 0);

						if ($dateendtouse==$event->date_start_in_calendar) $dateendtouse++;

						//print dol_print_date($event->date_start_in_calendar,'dayhour').'-'.dol_print_date($a,'dayhour').'-'.dol_print_date($b,'dayhour').'<br>';

						if ($event->date_start_in_calendar < $b && $dateendtouse > $a)
							$cases1[$h][$event->id]['string']=dol_print_date($event->date_start_in_calendar, 'dayhour');
		                    if ($event->date_end_in_calendar && $event->date_end_in_calendar != $event->date_start_in_calendar)
				        		$tmpa=dol_getdate($event->date_start_in_calendar, true);
				        		$tmpb=dol_getdate($event->date_end_in_calendar, true);
				        		if ($tmpa['mday'] == $tmpb['mday'] && $tmpa['mon'] == $tmpb['mon'] && $tmpa['year'] == $tmpb['year']) $cases1[$h][$event->id]['string'].='-'.dol_print_date($event->date_end_in_calendar, 'hour');
				        		else $cases1[$h][$event->id]['string'].='-'.dol_print_date($event->date_end_in_calendar, 'dayhour');
							if ($event->label) $cases1[$h][$event->id]['string'].=' - '.$event->label;
							if ($event->fk_project > 0)
								if (empty($cacheprojects[$event->fk_project]))
									$tmpproj=new Project($db);
								$cases1[$h][$event->id]['string'].=', '.$langs->trans("Project").': '.$cacheprojects[$event->fk_project]->ref.' - '.$cacheprojects[$event->fk_project]->title;
							if ($event->socid > 0)
								if (empty($cachethirdparties[$event->socid]))
									$tmpthirdparty=new Societe($db);
								$cases1[$h][$event->id]['string'].=', '.$cachethirdparties[$event->socid]->name;
							if ($event->contactid > 0)
								if (empty($cachecontacts[$event->contactid]))
									$tmpcontact=new Contact($db);
								$cases1[$h][$event->id]['string'].=', '.$cachecontacts[$event->contactid]->getFullName($langs);
						if ($event->date_start_in_calendar < $c && $dateendtouse > $b)
							$cases2[$h][$event->id]['string']=dol_print_date($event->date_start_in_calendar, 'dayhour');
							if ($event->date_end_in_calendar && $event->date_end_in_calendar != $event->date_start_in_calendar)
				        		$tmpa=dol_getdate($event->date_start_in_calendar, true);
				        		$tmpb=dol_getdate($event->date_end_in_calendar, true);
				        		if ($tmpa['mday'] == $tmpb['mday'] && $tmpa['mon'] == $tmpb['mon'] && $tmpa['year'] == $tmpb['year']) $cases2[$h][$event->id]['string'].='-'.dol_print_date($event->date_end_in_calendar, 'hour');
				        		else $cases2[$h][$event->id]['string'].='-'.dol_print_date($event->date_end_in_calendar, 'dayhour');
							if ($event->label) $cases2[$h][$event->id]['string'].=' - '.$event->label;
							if ($event->fk_project > 0)
								if (empty($cacheprojects[$event->fk_project]))
									$tmpproj=new Project($db);
								$cases2[$h][$event->id]['string'].=', '.$langs->trans("Project").': '.$cacheprojects[$event->fk_project]->ref.' - '.$cacheprojects[$event->fk_project]->title;
							if ($event->socid > 0)
								if (empty($cachethirdparties[$event->socid]))
									$tmpthirdparty=new Societe($db);
								$cases2[$h][$event->id]['string'].=', '.$cachethirdparties[$event->socid]->name;
							if ($event->contactid > 0)
								if (empty($cachecontacts[$event->contactid]))
									$tmpcontact=new Contact($db);
								$cases2[$h][$event->id]['string'].=', '.$cachecontacts[$event->contactid]->getFullName($langs);

			break;	// We found the date we were looking for. No need to search anymore.

	// Now output $casesX
	for ($h = $begin_h; $h < $end_h; $h++)
		if (isset($cases1[$h]) && $cases1[$h] != '')
			//$title1.=count($cases1[$h]).' '.(count($cases1[$h])==1?$langs->trans("Event"):$langs->trans("Events"));
			if (count($cases1[$h]) > 1) $title1.=count($cases1[$h]).' '.(count($cases1[$h])==1?$langs->trans("Event"):$langs->trans("Events"));
			if (empty($conf->global->AGENDA_NO_TRANSPARENT_ON_NOT_BUSY)) $style1='peruser_notbusy';
			else $style1='peruser_busy';
			foreach($cases1[$h] as $id => $ev)
				if ($ev['busy']) $style1='peruser_busy';
		if (isset($cases2[$h]) && $cases2[$h] != '')
			//$title2.=count($cases2[$h]).' '.(count($cases2[$h])==1?$langs->trans("Event"):$langs->trans("Events"));
			if (count($cases2[$h]) > 1) $title2.=count($cases2[$h]).' '.(count($cases2[$h])==1?$langs->trans("Event"):$langs->trans("Events"));
			if (empty($conf->global->AGENDA_NO_TRANSPARENT_ON_NOT_BUSY)) $style2='peruser_notbusy';
			else $style2='peruser_busy';
			foreach($cases2[$h] as $id => $ev)
				if ($ev['busy']) $style2='peruser_busy';

		if (is_array($cases1[$h]) && count($cases1[$h]) && array_keys($cases1[$h])) $ids1=join(',', array_keys($cases1[$h]));
		if (is_array($cases2[$h]) && count($cases2[$h]) && array_keys($cases2[$h])) $ids2=join(',', array_keys($cases2[$h]));

		if ($h == $begin_h) echo '<td class="'.$style.'_peruserleft cal_peruser'.($var?' cal_impair '.$style.'_impair':'').'">';
		else echo '<td class="'.$style.' cal_peruser'.($var?' cal_impair '.$style.'_impair':'').'">';
		if (is_array($cases1[$h]) && count($cases1[$h]) == 1)	// only 1 event
			$output = array_slice($cases1[$h], 0, 1);
			$title1=$langs->trans("Ref").' '.$ids1.($title1?' - '.$title1:'');
			if ($output[0]['string']) $title1.=($title1?' - ':'').$output[0]['string'];
			if ($output[0]['color']) $color1 = $output[0]['color'];
		elseif (is_array($cases1[$h]) && count($cases1[$h]) > 1)
			$title1=$langs->trans("Ref").' '.$ids1.($title1?' - '.$title1:'');

		if (is_array($cases2[$h]) && count($cases2[$h]) == 1)	// only 1 event
			$output = array_slice($cases2[$h], 0, 1);
			$title2=$langs->trans("Ref").' '.$ids2.($title2?' - '.$title2:'');
			if ($output[0]['string']) $title2.=($title2?' - ':'').$output[0]['string'];
			if ($output[0]['color']) $color2 = $output[0]['color'];
		elseif (is_array($cases2[$h]) && count($cases2[$h]) > 1)
			$title2=$langs->trans("Ref").' '.$ids2.($title2?' - '.$title2:'');
		print '<table class="nobordernopadding" width="100%">';
		print '<tr><td ';
		if ($style1 == 'peruser_notbusy') print 'style="border: 1px solid #'.($color1?$color1:"888").' !important" ';
		elseif ($color1)
			print ($color1?'style="background: #'.$color1.';"':'');
		print 'class="';
		print ($style1?$style1.' ':'');
		print 'onclickopenref'.($title1?' cursorpointer':'').'" ref="ref_'.$username->id.'_'.sprintf("%04d", $year).'_'.sprintf("%02d", $month).'_'.sprintf("%02d", $day).'_'.sprintf("%02d", $h).'_00_'.($ids1?$ids1:'none').'"'.($title1?' title="'.$title1.'"':'').'>';
		print $string1;
		print '</td><td ';
		if ($style2 == 'peruser_notbusy') print 'style="border: 1px solid #'.($color2?$color2:"888").' !important" ';
		elseif ($color2)
			print ($color2?'style="background: #'.$color2.';"':'');
		print 'class="';
		print ($style2?$style2.' ':'');
		print 'onclickopenref'.($title1?' cursorpointer':'').'" ref="ref_'.$username->id.'_'.sprintf("%04d", $year).'_'.sprintf("%02d", $month).'_'.sprintf("%02d", $day).'_'.sprintf("%02d", $h).'_30_'.($ids2?$ids2:'none').'"'.($title2?' title="'.$title2.'"':'').'>';
		print $string2;
		print '</td></tr>';
		print '</table>';
		print '</td>';