
Your IP :

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Current File : /home/scgforma/www/soctest/htdocs/admin/tools/listevents.php

/* Copyright (C) 2004-2017  Laurent Destailleur	<eldy@users.sourceforge.net>
 * Copyright (C) 2005-2012  Regis Houssin		<regis.houssin@inodbox.com>
 * Copyright (C) 2015       Bahfir Abbes		<bafbes@gmail.com>
 * Copyright (C) 2018       Frédéric France         <frederic.france@netlogic.fr>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

 *		\file       htdocs/admin/tools/listevents.php
 *      \ingroup    core
 *      \brief      List of security events

require '../../main.inc.php';
require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/events.class.php';
require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/date.lib.php';

if (! $user->admin)

$action=GETPOST('action', 'alpha');
$confirm=GETPOST('confirm', 'alpha');

// Security check
if ($user->societe_id > 0)
	$action = '';
	$socid = $user->societe_id;

// Load translation files required by the page

// Load variable for pagination
$limit = GETPOST('limit', 'int')?GETPOST('limit', 'int'):$conf->liste_limit;
$sortfield = GETPOST('sortfield', 'alpha');
$sortorder = GETPOST('sortorder', 'alpha');
$page = GETPOST('page', 'int');
if (empty($page) || $page == -1) { $page = 0; }     // If $page is not defined, or '' or -1
$offset = $limit * $page;
$pageprev = $page - 1;
$pagenext = $page + 1;
if (! $sortfield) $sortfield="dateevent";
if (! $sortorder) $sortorder="DESC";

$search_code = GETPOST("search_code");
$search_ip   = GETPOST("search_ip");
$search_user = GETPOST("search_user");
$search_desc = GETPOST("search_desc");
$search_ua   = GETPOST("search_ua");

if (GETPOST("date_startmonth") == '' || GETPOST("date_startmonth") > 0) $date_start=dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, GETPOST("date_startmonth"), GETPOST("date_startday"), GETPOST("date_startyear"));
else $date_start=-1;
if (GETPOST("date_endmonth") == '' || GETPOST("date_endmonth") > 0) $date_end=dol_mktime(23, 59, 59, GETPOST("date_endmonth"), GETPOST("date_endday"), GETPOST("date_endyear"));
else $date_end=-1;

// checks:if date_start>date_end  then date_end=date_start + 24 hours
if ($date_start > 0 && $date_end > 0 && $date_start > $date_end) $date_end=$date_start+86400;

$now = dol_now();
$nowarray = dol_getdate($now);

if (empty($date_start)) // We define date_start and date_end
    $date_start=dol_get_first_day($nowarray['year'], $nowarray['mon'], false);
if (empty($date_end))
    $date_end=dol_mktime(23, 59, 59, $nowarray['mon'], $nowarray['mday'], $nowarray['year']);
// Set $date_startmonth...
$tmp = dol_getdate($date_start);
$date_startday = $tmp['mday'];
$date_startmonth = $tmp['mon'];
$date_startyear = $tmp['year'];
$tmp = dol_getdate($date_end);
$date_endday = $tmp['mday'];
$date_endmonth = $tmp['mon'];
$date_endyear = $tmp['year'];

 * Actions


// Purge search criteria
if (GETPOST('button_removefilter_x', 'alpha') || GETPOST('button_removefilter.x', 'alpha') || GETPOST('button_removefilter', 'alpha')) // All tests are required to be compatible with all browsers

// Purge audit events
if ($action == 'confirm_purge' && $confirm == 'yes' && $user->admin)

	$securityevents=new Events($db);

	// Delete events
	$sql = "DELETE FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."events";
	$sql.= " WHERE entity = ".$conf->entity;

	dol_syslog("listevents purge", LOG_DEBUG);
	$resql = $db->query($sql);
	if (! $resql)
		setEventMessages($db->lasterror(), null, 'errors');

	// Add event purge
	$securityevent=new Events($db);
	if ($result > 0)
		dol_syslog($text, LOG_WARNING);
		dol_syslog($securityevent->error, LOG_ERR);

 *	View

llxHeader('', $langs->trans("Audit"));

$form=new Form($db);

$userstatic=new User($db);

$sql = "SELECT e.rowid, e.type, e.ip, e.user_agent, e.dateevent,";
$sql.= " e.fk_user, e.description,";
$sql.= " u.login";
$sql.= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."events as e";
$sql.= " LEFT JOIN ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."user as u ON u.rowid = e.fk_user";
$sql.= " WHERE e.entity IN (".getEntity('event').")";
if ($date_start > 0) $sql.= " AND e.dateevent >= '".$db->idate($date_start)."'";
if ($date_end > 0)   $sql.= " AND e.dateevent <= '".$db->idate($date_end)."'";
if ($search_code) { $usefilter++; $sql.=natural_search("e.type", $search_code, 0); }
if ($search_ip)   { $usefilter++; $sql.=natural_search("e.ip", $search_ip, 0); }
if ($search_user) { $usefilter++; $sql.=natural_search("u.login", $search_user, 0); }
if ($search_desc) { $usefilter++; $sql.=natural_search("e.description", $search_desc, 0); }
if ($search_ua)   { $usefilter++; $sql.=natural_search("e.user_agent", $search_ua, 0); }
$sql.= $db->order($sortfield, $sortorder);

// Count total nb of records
$nbtotalofrecords = '';
/*if (empty($conf->global->MAIN_DISABLE_FULL_SCANLIST))
    $result = $db->query($sql);
    $nbtotalofrecords = $db->num_rows($result);
    if (($page * $limit) > $nbtotalofrecords)	// if total resultset is smaller then paging size (filtering), goto and load page 0
    	$page = 0;
    	$offset = 0;

$sql.= $db->plimit($conf->liste_limit+1, $offset);
//print $sql;
$result = $db->query($sql);
if ($result)
	$num = $db->num_rows($result);
	$i = 0;

	if (! empty($contextpage) && $contextpage != $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]) $param.='&contextpage='.$contextpage;
	if ($limit > 0 && $limit != $conf->liste_limit) $param.='&limit='.$limit;
	if ($optioncss != '') $param.='&optioncss='.$optioncss;
	if ($search_code) $param.='&search_code='.urlencode($search_code);
	if ($search_ip)   $param.='&search_ip='.urlencode($search_ip);
	if ($search_user) $param.='&search_user='.urlencode($search_user);
	if ($search_desc) $param.='&search_desc='.urlencode($search_desc);
	if ($search_ua)   $param.='&search_ua='.urlencode($search_ua);
	if ($date_startmonth) $param.= "&date_startmonth=".urlencode($date_startmonth);
	if ($date_startday)   $param.= "&date_startday=".urlencode($date_startday);
	if ($date_startyear)  $param.= "&date_startyear=".urlencode($date_startyear);
	if ($date_endmonth)   $param.= "&date_endmonth=".urlencode($date_endmonth);
	if ($date_endday)     $param.= "&date_endday=".urlencode($date_endday);
	if ($date_endyear)    $param.= "&date_endyear=".urlencode($date_endyear);

    if ($num)
        $center='<a class="butActionDelete" href="'.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?action=purge">'.$langs->trans("Purge").'</a>';

	print '<form method="POST" action="'.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'">';

    print_barre_liste($langs->trans("ListOfSecurityEvents"), $page, $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"], $param, $sortfield, $sortorder, $center, $num, $nbtotalofrecords, 'setup', 0, '', '', $limit);

	if ($action == 'purge')
		print $form->formconfirm($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?noparam=noparam', $langs->trans('PurgeAuditEvents'), $langs->trans('ConfirmPurgeAuditEvents'), 'confirm_purge', $formquestion, 'no', 1);

	print '<div class="div-table-responsive">';
	print '<table class="liste" width="100%">';

	// Lignes des champs de filtres
	print '<tr class="liste_titre">';

	print '<td class="liste_titre" width="15%">'.$form->selectDate($date_start, 'date_start', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0).$form->selectDate($date_end, 'date_end', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0).'</td>';

	print '<td class="liste_titre left">';
	print '<input class="flat" type="text" size="10" name="search_code" value="'.$search_code.'">';
	print '</td>';

	// IP
	print '<td class="liste_titre left">';
	print '<input class="flat" type="text" size="10" name="search_ip" value="'.$search_ip.'">';
	print '</td>';

	print '<td class="liste_titre left">';
	print '<input class="flat" type="text" size="10" name="search_user" value="'.$search_user.'">';
	print '</td>';

	print '<td class="liste_titre left">';
	//print '<input class="flat" type="text" size="10" name="search_desc" value="'.$search_desc.'">';
	print '</td>';

	print '<td class="liste_titre maxwidthsearch">';
	print $searchpicto;
	print '</td>';

	print "</tr>\n";

	print '<tr class="liste_titre">';
	print_liste_field_titre("Date", $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"], "e.dateevent", "", $param, 'align="left"', $sortfield, $sortorder);
	print_liste_field_titre("Code", $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"], "e.type", "", $param, 'align="left"', $sortfield, $sortorder);
	print_liste_field_titre("IP", $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"], "e.ip", "", $param, 'align="left"', $sortfield, $sortorder);
	print_liste_field_titre("User", $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"], "u.login", "", $param, 'align="left"', $sortfield, $sortorder);
	print_liste_field_titre("Description", $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"], "e.description", "", $param, 'align="left"', $sortfield, $sortorder);
	print "</tr>\n";

	while ($i < min($num, $limit))
		$obj = $db->fetch_object($result);

		print '<tr class="oddeven">';

		// Date
		print '<td class="nowrap left">'.dol_print_date($db->jdate($obj->dateevent), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').'</td>';

		// Code
		print '<td>'.$obj->type.'</td>';

		// IP
		print '<td class="nowrap">';
		print dol_print_ip($obj->ip);
		print '</td>';

		// Login
		print '<td class="nowrap">';
		if ($obj->fk_user)
			print $userstatic->getLoginUrl(1);
		else print '&nbsp;';
		print '</td>';

		// Description
		print '<td>';
		if (preg_match('/\((.*)\)(.*)/i', $obj->description, $reg))
			$val=explode(',', $reg[1]);
			$text=$langs->trans($val[0], isset($val[1])?$val[1]:'', isset($val[2])?$val[2]:'', isset($val[3])?$val[3]:'', isset($val[4])?$val[4]:'');
			if (! empty($reg[2])) $text.=$reg[2];
		print $text;
		print '</td>';

		// More informations
		print '<td class="right">';
		$htmltext='<b>'.$langs->trans("UserAgent").'</b>: '.($obj->user_agent?$obj->user_agent:$langs->trans("Unknown"));
		print $form->textwithpicto('', $htmltext);
		print '</td>';

		print "</tr>\n";

	if ($num == 0)
		if ($usefilter) print '<tr><td colspan="6">'.$langs->trans("NoEventFoundWithCriteria").'</td></tr>';
		else print '<tr><td colspan="6">'.$langs->trans("NoEventOrNoAuditSetup").'</td></tr>';
	print "</table>";
	print "</div>";

	print "</form>";

// End of page