
Your IP :

Current Path : /home/scgforma/www/soc064/htdocs/public/ticket/
Upload File :
Current File : /home/scgforma/www/soc064/htdocs/public/ticket/create_ticket.php

/* Copyright (C) 2013-2016    Jean-François FERRY <hello@librethic.io>
 * Copyright (C) 2016         Christophe Battarel <christophe@altairis.fr>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

 *       \file       htdocs/public/ticket/create_ticket.php
 *       \ingroup    ticket
 *       \brief      Display public form to add new ticket

if (!defined('NOREQUIREUSER'))  define('NOREQUIREUSER', '1');
if (!defined('NOTOKENRENEWAL')) define('NOTOKENRENEWAL', '1');
if (!defined('NOREQUIREMENU'))  define('NOREQUIREMENU', '1');
if (!defined('NOREQUIREHTML'))  define('NOREQUIREHTML', '1');
if (!defined('NOLOGIN'))        define("NOLOGIN", 1);     // This means this output page does not require to be logged.
if (!defined('NOCSRFCHECK'))    define("NOCSRFCHECK", 1); // We accept to go on this page from external web site.

require '../../main.inc.php';
require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/ticket/class/actions_ticket.class.php';
require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/html.formticket.class.php';
require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/ticket.lib.php';
require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/security.lib.php';
require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/company.lib.php';
require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/payments.lib.php';
require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/extrafields.class.php';
require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/user/class/user.class.php';

// Load translation files required by the page
$langs->loadLangs(array('companies', 'other', 'mails', 'ticket'));

// Get parameters
$id = GETPOST('id', 'int');
$msg_id = GETPOST('msg_id', 'int');

$action = GETPOST('action', 'alpha');

$object = new Ticket($db);

$extrafields = new ExtraFields($db);
$extralabels = $extrafields->fetch_name_optionals_label($object->table_element);

 * Actions

// Add file in email form
if (GETPOST('addfile', 'alpha') && ! GETPOST('add', 'alpha')) {
    ////$res = $object->fetch('','',GETPOST('track_id'));
    ////if($res > 0)
    include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/core/lib/files.lib.php';

    // Set tmp directory TODO Use a dedicated directory for temp mails files
    $vardir = $conf->ticket->dir_output;
    $upload_dir_tmp = $vardir . '/temp';
    if (!dol_is_dir($upload_dir_tmp)) {
    dol_add_file_process($upload_dir_tmp, 0, 0, 'addedfile');
    $action = 'create_ticket';

// Remove file
if (GETPOST('removedfile', 'alpha') && !GETPOST('add', 'alpha')) {

    include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/core/lib/files.lib.php';

    // Set tmp directory
    $vardir = $conf->ticket->dir_output . '/';
    $upload_dir_tmp = $vardir . '/temp';

    // TODO Delete only files that was uploaded from email form
    dol_remove_file_process($_POST['removedfile'], 0, 0);
    $action = 'create_ticket';
if ($action == 'create_ticket' && GETPOST('add', 'alpha')) {
    $error = 0;
    $origin_email = GETPOST('email', 'alpha');
    if (empty($origin_email)) {
        array_push($object->errors, $langs->trans("ErrorFieldRequired", $langs->transnoentities("Email")));
        $action = '';
    } else {
        // Search company saved with email
        $searched_companies = $object->searchSocidByEmail($origin_email, '0');

        // Chercher un contact existant avec cette adresse email
        // Le premier contact trouvé est utilisé pour déterminer le contact suivi
        $contacts = $object->searchContactByEmail($origin_email);

        // Option to require email exists to create ticket
        if (!empty($conf->global->TICKET_EMAIL_MUST_EXISTS) && !$contacts[0]->socid) {
            array_push($object->errors, $langs->trans("ErrorEmailMustExistToCreateTicket"));
            $action = '';

    if (!GETPOST("subject", "none")) {
        array_push($object->errors, $langs->trans("ErrorFieldRequired", $langs->transnoentities("Subject")));
        $action = '';
    } elseif (!GETPOST("message", "none")) {
        array_push($object->errors, $langs->trans("ErrorFieldRequired", $langs->transnoentities("message")));
        $action = '';

    // Check email address
    if (!isValidEmail($origin_email)) {
        array_push($object->errors, $langs->trans("ErrorBadEmailAddress", $langs->transnoentities("email")));
        $action = '';

    if (!$error) {

        $object->track_id = generate_random_id(16);

        $object->subject = GETPOST("subject", "none");
        $object->message = GETPOST("message", "none");
        $object->origin_email = $origin_email;

        $object->type_code = GETPOST("type_code", 'aZ09');
        $object->category_code = GETPOST("category_code", 'aZ09');
        $object->severity_code = GETPOST("severity_code", 'aZ09');
        if (is_array($searched_companies)) {
            $object->fk_soc = $searched_companies[0]->id;

        if (is_array($contacts) and count($contacts) > 0) {
            $object->fk_soc = $contacts[0]->socid;
            $usertoassign = $contacts[0]->id;

        $ret = $extrafields->setOptionalsFromPost($extralabels, $object);

        // Generate new ref
        $object->ref = $object->getDefaultRef();
        if (!is_object($user)) {
            $user = new User($db);

        $object->context['disableticketemail']=1;		// Disable emails sent by ticket trigger when creation is done from this page, emails are already sent later

        $id = $object->create($user);
        if ($id <= 0) {
            $errors = ($object->error ? array($object->error) : $object->errors);
            array_push($object->errors, $object->error ? array($object->error) : $object->errors);
            $action = 'create_ticket';

        if (!$error && $id > 0) {
            if ($usertoassign > 0) {
                $object->add_contact($usertoassign, "SUPPORTCLI", 'external', $notrigger = 0);

        if (! $error)
        	$action = "infos_success";
        } else {
	    	setEventMessages($object->error, $object->errors, 'errors');
	    	$action = 'create_ticket';

	    if (! $error)
            $res = $object->fetch($id);
            if ($res) {
                // Create form object
                include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/core/class/html.formmail.class.php';
                include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/core/lib/files.lib.php';
                $formmail = new FormMail($db);

                // Init to avoid errors
                $filepath = array();
                $filename = array();
                $mimetype = array();

                $attachedfiles = $formmail->get_attached_files();
                $filepath = $attachedfiles['paths'];
                $filename = $attachedfiles['names'];
                $mimetype = $attachedfiles['mimes'];

                // Send email to customer

                $subject = '[' . $conf->global->MAIN_INFO_SOCIETE_NOM . '] ' . $langs->transnoentities('TicketNewEmailSubject');
                $message .= ($conf->global->TICKET_MESSAGE_MAIL_NEW ? $conf->global->TICKET_MESSAGE_MAIL_NEW : $langs->transnoentities('TicketNewEmailBody')) . "\n\n";
                $message .= $langs->transnoentities('TicketNewEmailBodyInfosTicket') . "\n";

                $url_public_ticket = ($conf->global->TICKET_URL_PUBLIC_INTERFACE ? $conf->global->TICKET_URL_PUBLIC_INTERFACE . '/' : dol_buildpath('/public/ticket/view.php', 2)) . '?track_id=' . $object->track_id;
                $infos_new_ticket = $langs->transnoentities('TicketNewEmailBodyInfosTrackId', '<a href="' . $url_public_ticket . '">' . $object->track_id . '</a>') . "\n";
                $infos_new_ticket .= $langs->transnoentities('TicketNewEmailBodyInfosTrackUrl') . "\n\n";

                $message .= dol_nl2br($infos_new_ticket);
                $message .= $conf->global->TICKET_MESSAGE_MAIL_SIGNATURE ? $conf->global->TICKET_MESSAGE_MAIL_SIGNATURE : $langs->transnoentities('TicketMessageMailSignatureText');

                $sendto = GETPOST('email', 'alpha');

                $from = $conf->global->MAIN_INFO_SOCIETE_NOM . '<' . $conf->global->TICKET_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_FROM . '>';
                $replyto = $from;

                $message = dol_nl2br($message);

                if (!empty($conf->global->TICKET_DISABLE_MAIL_AUTOCOPY_TO)) {
                    $old_MAIN_MAIL_AUTOCOPY_TO = $conf->global->MAIN_MAIL_AUTOCOPY_TO;
                    $conf->global->MAIN_MAIL_AUTOCOPY_TO = '';
                include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/core/class/CMailFile.class.php';
                $mailfile = new CMailFile($subject, $sendto, $from, $message, $filepath, $mimetype, $filename, $sendtocc, '', $deliveryreceipt, -1);
                if ($mailfile->error || $mailfile->errors) {
                    setEventMessages($mailfile->error, $mailfile->errors, 'errors');
                } else {
                    $result = $mailfile->sendfile();
                if (!empty($conf->global->TICKET_DISABLE_MAIL_AUTOCOPY_TO)) {
                    $conf->global->MAIN_MAIL_AUTOCOPY_TO = $old_MAIN_MAIL_AUTOCOPY_TO;

                // Send email to TICKET_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_TO

                $sendto = $conf->global->TICKET_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_TO;

                if ($sendto)
	                $subject = '[' . $conf->global->MAIN_INFO_SOCIETE_NOM . '] ' . $langs->transnoentities('TicketNewEmailSubjectAdmin');
	                $message_admin = $langs->transnoentities('TicketNewEmailBodyAdmin', $object->track_id) . "\n\n";
	                $message_admin .= '<ul><li>' . $langs->trans('Title') . ' : ' . $object->subject . '</li>';
	                $message_admin .= '<li>' . $langs->trans('Type') . ' : ' . $object->type_label . '</li>';
	                $message_admin .= '<li>' . $langs->trans('Category') . ' : ' . $object->category_label . '</li>';
	                $message_admin .= '<li>' . $langs->trans('Severity') . ' : ' . $object->severity_label . '</li>';
	                $message_admin .= '<li>' . $langs->trans('From') . ' : ' . $object->origin_email . '</li>';

	                if (is_array($extrafields->attributes[$object->table_element]['label']))
	                	foreach($extrafields->attributes[$object->table_element]['label'] as $key => $val)
	                		$enabled = 1;
	                		if ($qualified && isset($extrafields->attributes[$object->table_element]['list'][$key]))
	                			$enabled = dol_eval($extrafields->attributes[$object->table_element]['list'][$key], 1);
	                		$perms = 1;
	                		if ($perms && isset($extrafields->attributes[$object->table_element]['perms'][$key]))
	                			$perms = dol_eval($extrafields->attributes[$object->table_element]['perms'][$key], 1);

	                		if (empty($enabled) || $enabled == 2) $qualified = false;
	                		if (empty($perms)) $qualified = false;
	                		if ($qualified) $message_admin .= '<li>' . $langs->trans($key) . ' : ' . $value . '</li>';

	                $message_admin .= '</ul>';
	                $message_admin .= '<p>' . $langs->trans('Message') . ' : <br>' . $object->message . '</p>';
	                $message_admin .= '<p><a href="' . dol_buildpath('/ticket/card.php', 2) . '?track_id=' . $object->track_id . '">' . $langs->trans('SeeThisTicketIntomanagementInterface') . '</a></p>';

	                $from = $conf->global->MAIN_INFO_SOCIETE_NOM . '<' . $conf->global->TICKET_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_FROM . '>';
	                $replyto = $from;

	                $message_admin = dol_nl2br($message_admin);

	                if (!empty($conf->global->TICKET_DISABLE_MAIL_AUTOCOPY_TO)) {
	                    $old_MAIN_MAIL_AUTOCOPY_TO = $conf->global->MAIN_MAIL_AUTOCOPY_TO;
	                    $conf->global->MAIN_MAIL_AUTOCOPY_TO = '';
	                include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/core/class/CMailFile.class.php';
	                $mailfile = new CMailFile($subject, $sendto, $from, $message_admin, $filepath, $mimetype, $filename, $sendtocc, '', $deliveryreceipt, -1);
	                if ($mailfile->error || $mailfile->errors) {
                        setEventMessages($mailfile->error, $mailfile->errors, 'errors');
                    } else {
	                    $result = $mailfile->sendfile();
	                if (!empty($conf->global->TICKET_DISABLE_MAIL_AUTOCOPY_TO)) {
	                    $conf->global->MAIN_MAIL_AUTOCOPY_TO = $old_MAIN_MAIL_AUTOCOPY_TO;

            // Copy files into ticket directory
            $destdir = $conf->ticket->dir_output . '/' . $object->track_id;
            if (! dol_is_dir($destdir)) {
            foreach ($filename as $i => $val) {
            	dol_move($filepath[$i], $destdir . '/' . $filename[$i], 0, 1);

            //setEventMessages($langs->trans('YourTicketSuccessfullySaved'), null, 'mesgs');

            // Make a redirect to avoid to have ticket submitted twice if we make back
            setEventMessages($langs->trans('MesgInfosPublicTicketCreatedWithTrackId', '<strong>' . $object->track_id . '</strong>'), null, 'warnings');
            setEventMessages($langs->trans('PleaseRememberThisId'), null, 'warnings');
            header("Location: index.php");
    } else {
        setEventMessages($object->error, $object->errors, 'errors');

 * View

$form = new Form($db);
$formticket = new FormTicket($db);

    print '<div class="error">' . $langs->trans('TicketPublicInterfaceForbidden') . '</div>';

$arrayofjs = array();
$arrayofcss = array('/opensurvey/css/style.css', '/ticket/css/styles.css.php');

llxHeaderTicket($langs->trans("CreateTicket"), "", 0, 0, $arrayofjs, $arrayofcss);

print '<div style="width:60%; margin: 0 auto;" class="ticketpublicarea">';

if ($action != "infos_success") {
    $formticket->withfromsocid = isset($socid) ? $socid : $user->societe_id;
    $formticket->withtitletopic = 1;
    $formticket->withcompany = 0;
    $formticket->withusercreate = 1;
    $formticket->fk_user_create = 0;
    $formticket->withemail = 1;
    $formticket->ispublic = 1;
    $formticket->withfile = 2;
    $formticket->action = 'create_ticket';

    $formticket->param = array('returnurl' => $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].($conf->entity > 1 ? '?entity='.$conf->entity : ''));

    if (empty($defaultref)) {
        $defaultref = '';

    print load_fiche_titre($langs->trans('NewTicket'), '', '', 0, 0, 'marginleftonly');

    print '<div class="info marginleftonly marginrightonly">' . $langs->trans('TicketPublicInfoCreateTicket') . '</div>';

print '</div>';

// End of page
htmlPrintOnlinePaymentFooter($mysoc, $langs, 1, $suffix, $object);

llxFooter('', 'public');
