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Current File : /home/scgforma/www/soc064/htdocs/public/opensurvey/studs.php

/* Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Laurent Destailleur <eldy@users.sourceforge.net>
 * Copyright (C) 2014      Marcos García       <marcosgdf@gmail.com>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

 *	\file       htdocs/public/opensurvey/studs.php
 *	\ingroup    opensurvey
 *	\brief      Page to list surveys

define("NOLOGIN", 1);		// This means this output page does not require to be logged.
define("NOCSRFCHECK", 1);	// We accept to go on this page from external web site.
require '../../main.inc.php';
require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT."/core/lib/admin.lib.php";
require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT."/core/lib/files.lib.php";
require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT."/opensurvey/class/opensurveysondage.class.php";
require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT."/opensurvey/fonctions.php";

// Init vars
$action=GETPOST('action', 'aZ09');
$numsondage = '';
if (GETPOST('sondage'))
	$numsondage = GETPOST('sondage', 'alpha');

$object=new Opensurveysondage($db);
$result=$object->fetch(0, $numsondage);


//If the survey has not yet finished, then it can be modified
$canbemodified = ((empty($object->date_fin) || $object->date_fin > dol_now()) && $object->status != Opensurveysondage::STATUS_CLOSED);

// Security check
if (empty($conf->opensurvey->enabled)) accessforbidden('', 0, 0, 1);

 * Actions

$nbcolonnes = substr_count($object->sujet, ',') + 1;

$listofvoters=explode(',', $_SESSION["savevoter"]);

// Add comment
if (GETPOST('ajoutcomment', 'alpha'))
	if (!$canbemodified) accessforbidden('', 0, 0, 1);


	$comment = GETPOST("comment", 'none');
	$comment_user = GETPOST('commentuser', 'nohtml');

	if (! $comment)
		setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorFieldRequired", $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("Comment")), null, 'errors');
	if (! $comment_user)
		setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorFieldRequired", $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("User")), null, 'errors');

	if (! in_array($comment_user, $listofvoters))
		setEventMessages($langs->trans("UserMustBeSameThanUserUsedToVote"), null, 'errors');

	if (! $error)
		$resql = $object->addComment($comment, $comment_user);

		if (! $resql) dol_print_error($db);

// Add vote
if (GETPOST("boutonp") || GETPOST("boutonp.x") || GETPOST("boutonp_x"))		// boutonp for chrome, boutonp_x for firefox
	if (!$canbemodified) accessforbidden('', 0, 0, 1);

	//Si le nom est bien entré
	if (GETPOST('nom', 'nohtml'))
		$nouveauchoix = '';
		for ($i=0;$i<$nbcolonnes;$i++)
			if (isset($_POST["choix$i"]) && $_POST["choix$i"] == '1')
			elseif (isset($_POST["choix$i"]) && $_POST["choix$i"] == '2')
			else { // sinon c'est 0

		$nom=substr(GETPOST("nom", 'nohtml'), 0, 64);

		// Check if vote already exists
		$sql = 'SELECT id_users, nom as name';
		$sql.= ' FROM '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'opensurvey_user_studs';
		$sql.= " WHERE id_sondage='".$db->escape($numsondage)."' AND nom = '".$db->escape($nom)."' ORDER BY id_users";
		$resql = $db->query($sql);
		if (! $resql) dol_print_error($db);

		$num_rows = $db->num_rows($resql);
		if ($num_rows > 0)
			setEventMessages($langs->trans("VoteNameAlreadyExists"), null, 'errors');
			$sql = 'INSERT INTO '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'opensurvey_user_studs (nom, id_sondage, reponses)';
			$sql.= " VALUES ('".$db->escape($nom)."', '".$db->escape($numsondage)."','".$db->escape($nouveauchoix)."')";

			if ($resql)
				// Add voter to session
				$_SESSION["savevoter"]=$nom.','.(empty($_SESSION["savevoter"])?'':$_SESSION["savevoter"]);	// Save voter
				$listofvoters=explode(',', $_SESSION["savevoter"]);

				if ($object->mailsonde)
					if ($object->fk_user_creat) {
						$userstatic = new User($db);

						$email = $userstatic->email;
					} else {
						$email = $object->mail_admin;

					//Linked user may not have an email set
					if ($email) {
						include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/CMailFile.class.php';

						$application = ($conf->global->MAIN_APPLICATION_TITLE ? $conf->global->MAIN_APPLICATION_TITLE : 'Dolibarr ERP/CRM');

						$body = str_replace('\n', '<br>', $langs->transnoentities('EmailSomeoneVoted', $nom, getUrlSondage($numsondage, true)));

						$cmailfile=new CMailFile("[".$application."] ".$langs->trans("Poll").': '.$object->titre, $email, $conf->global->MAIN_MAIL_EMAIL_FROM, $body, null, null, null, '', '', 0, -1);
			else dol_print_error($db);
		setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorFieldRequired", $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("Name")), null, 'errors');

// Update vote
$testmodifier = false;
$testligneamodifier = false;
$ligneamodifier = -1;
for ($i=0; $i<$nblignes; $i++)
	if (isset($_POST['modifierligne'.$i]))

	//test to see if a line is to be modified
	if (isset($_POST['validermodifier'.$i]))

if ($testmodifier)
	$nouveauchoix = '';
	for ($i=0;$i<$nbcolonnes;$i++)
		if (isset($_POST["choix".$i]) && $_POST["choix".$i] == '1')
		elseif (isset($_POST["choix".$i]) && $_POST["choix".$i] == '2')
		else { // sinon c'est 0

	if (!$canbemodified) accessforbidden('', 0, 0, 1);

	$sql = 'UPDATE '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX."opensurvey_user_studs";
	$sql.= " SET reponses = '".$db->escape($nouveauchoix)."'";
	$sql.= " WHERE id_users = '".$db->escape($idtomodify)."'";

	$resql = $db->query($sql);
	if (! $resql) dol_print_error($db);

// Delete comment
$idcomment=GETPOST('deletecomment', 'int');
if ($idcomment)
	if (!$canbemodified) accessforbidden('', 0, 0, 1);

	$resql = $object->deleteComment($idcomment);

 * View

$form=new Form($db);

llxHeaderSurvey($object->titre, "", 0, 0, $arrayofjs, $arrayofcss);

if (empty($object->ref))     // For survey, id is a hex string
    print $langs->trans("ErrorRecordNotFound");



// Define format of choices
$toutsujet=explode(",", $object->sujet);
foreach ($toutsujet as $value)
	$tmp=explode('@', $value);
$toutsujet=str_replace("°", "'", $toutsujet);

print '<div class="survey_invitation">'.$langs->trans("YouAreInivitedToVote").'</div>';
print $langs->trans("OpenSurveyHowTo").'<br><br>';

print '<div class="corps"> '."\n";

//affichage du titre du sondage
$titre=str_replace("\\", "", $object->titre);
print '<strong>'.dol_htmlentities($titre).'</strong><br><br>'."\n";

//affichage des commentaires du sondage
if ($object->commentaires)
	print dol_htmlentitiesbr($object->commentaires);
	print '<br>'."\n";

print '</div>'."\n";

//The survey has expired, users can't vote or do any action
if (!$canbemodified) {

	print '<div style="text-align: center"><p>'.$langs->trans('SurveyExpiredInfo').'</p></div>';


print '<form name="formulaire" action="studs.php?sondage='.$numsondage.'"'.'#bas" method="POST">'."\n";
print '<input type="hidden" name="sondage" value="' . $numsondage . '"/>';

print '<div class="cadre"> '."\n";
print '<br><br>'."\n";

// Start to show survey result
print '<table class="resultats">'."\n";

// Show choice titles
if ($object->format=="D")
	//display of survey topics
	print '<tr>'."\n";
	print '<td></td>'."\n";

	//display of years
	for ($i=0;$i<$nbofsujet;$i++)
		if (isset($toutsujet[$i+1]) && date('Y', intval($toutsujet[$i])) == date('Y', intval($toutsujet[$i+1]))) {
		} else {
			print '<td colspan='.$colspan.' class="annee">'.date('Y', intval($toutsujet[$i])).'</td>'."\n";

	print '</tr>'."\n";
	print '<tr>'."\n";
	print '<td></td>'."\n";

	//display of months
	for ($i=0;$i<$nbofsujet;$i++) {
		$cur = intval($toutsujet[$i]);	// intval() est utiliser pour supprimer le suffixe @* qui déplaît logiquement à strftime()

		if (isset($toutsujet[$i+1]) === false) {
			$next = false;
		} else {
			$next = intval($toutsujet[$i+1]);

		if ($next && dol_print_date($cur, "%B") == dol_print_date($next, "%B") && dol_print_date($cur, "%Y") == dol_print_date($next, "%Y")){
		} else {
			print '<td colspan='.$colspan.' class="mois">'.dol_print_date($cur, "%B").'</td>'."\n";

	print '</tr>'."\n";
	print '<tr>'."\n";
	print '<td></td>'."\n";

	//display of days
	for ($i=0;$i<$nbofsujet;$i++) {
		$cur = intval($toutsujet[$i]);
		if (isset($toutsujet[$i+1]) === false) {
			$next = false;
		} else {
			$next = intval($toutsujet[$i+1]);
		if ($next && dol_print_date($cur, "%a %e") == dol_print_date($next, "%a %e") && dol_print_date($cur, "%B") == dol_print_date($next, "%B")) {
		} else {
			print '<td colspan="'.$colspan.'" class="jour">'.dol_print_date($cur, "%a %e").'</td>'."\n";

	print '</tr>'."\n";

	//Display schedules
	if (strpos($object->sujet, '@') !== false) {
		print '<tr>'."\n";
		print '<td></td>'."\n";

		for ($i=0; isset($toutsujet[$i]); $i++) {
			$heures=explode('@', $toutsujet[$i]);
			if (isset($heures[1])) {
				print '<td class="heure">'.dol_htmlentities($heures[1]).'</td>'."\n";
			} else {
				print '<td class="heure"></td>'."\n";

		print '</tr>'."\n";
	//display of survey topics
	print '<tr>'."\n";
	print '<td></td>'."\n";

	for ($i=0; isset($toutsujet[$i]); $i++)
		$tmp=explode('@', $toutsujet[$i]);
		print '<td class="sujet">'.$tmp[0].'</td>'."\n";

	print '</tr>'."\n";

// Loop on each answer
$sumfor = array();
$sumagainst = array();
$compteur = 0;
$sql ="SELECT id_users, nom as name, id_sondage, reponses";
$sql.=" FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."opensurvey_user_studs";
$sql.=" WHERE id_sondage = '".$db->escape($numsondage)."'";
if (! $resql)
while ($compteur < $num)

	$ensemblereponses = $obj->reponses;

	// ligne d'un usager pré-authentifié
	$mod_ok = (in_array($obj->name, $listofvoters));

	if (!$mod_ok && !$object->allow_spy) {

	print '<tr>'."\n";

	// Name
	print '<td class="nom">'.dol_htmlentities($obj->name).'</td>'."\n";

	// si la ligne n'est pas a changer, on affiche les données
	if (! $testligneamodifier)
		for ($i = 0; $i < $nbcolonnes; $i++)
			$car = substr($ensemblereponses, $i, 1);
			//print 'xx'.$i."-".$car.'-'.$listofanswers[$i]['format'].'zz';

			if (empty($listofanswers[$i]['format']) || ! in_array($listofanswers[$i]['format'], array('yesno','foragainst')))
				if (((string) $car) == "1") print '<td class="ok">OK</td>'."\n";
				else print '<td class="non">KO</td>'."\n";
				// Total
				if (! isset($sumfor[$i])) $sumfor[$i] = 0;
				if (((string) $car) == "1") $sumfor[$i]++;
			if (! empty($listofanswers[$i]['format']) && $listofanswers[$i]['format'] == 'yesno')
				if (((string) $car) == "1") print '<td class="ok">'.$langs->trans("Yes").'</td>'."\n";
				elseif (((string) $car) == "0") print '<td class="non">'.$langs->trans("No").'</td>'."\n";
				else print '<td class="vide">&nbsp;</td>'."\n";
				// Total
				if (! isset($sumfor[$i])) $sumfor[$i] = 0;
				if (! isset($sumagainst[$i])) $sumagainst[$i] = 0;
				if (((string) $car) == "1") $sumfor[$i]++;
				if (((string) $car) == "0") $sumagainst[$i]++;
			if (! empty($listofanswers[$i]['format']) && $listofanswers[$i]['format'] == 'foragainst')
				if (((string) $car) == "1") print '<td class="ok">'.$langs->trans("For").'</td>'."\n";
				elseif (((string) $car) == "0") print '<td class="non">'.$langs->trans("Against").'</td>'."\n";
				else print '<td class="vide">&nbsp;</td>'."\n";
				// Total
				if (! isset($sumfor[$i])) $sumfor[$i] = 0;
				if (! isset($sumagainst[$i])) $sumagainst[$i] = 0;
				if (((string) $car) == "1") $sumfor[$i]++;
				if (((string) $car) == "0") $sumagainst[$i]++;
		//sinon on remplace les choix de l'utilisateur par une ligne de checkbox pour recuperer de nouvelles valeurs
		if ($compteur == $ligneamodifier)
			for ($i = 0; $i < $nbcolonnes; $i++)
				$car = substr($ensemblereponses, $i, 1);
				print '<td class="vide">';
				if (empty($listofanswers[$i]['format']) || ! in_array($listofanswers[$i]['format'], array('yesno','foragainst')))
					print '<input type="checkbox" name="choix'.$i.'" value="1" ';
					if ($car == '1') print 'checked';
					print '>';
				if (! empty($listofanswers[$i]['format']) && $listofanswers[$i]['format'] == 'yesno')
					print $form->selectarray("choix".$i, $arraychoice, $car);
				if (! empty($listofanswers[$i]['format']) && $listofanswers[$i]['format'] == 'foragainst')
					print $form->selectarray("choix".$i, $arraychoice, $car);
				print '</td>'."\n";
			for ($i = 0; $i < $nbcolonnes; $i++)
				$car = substr($ensemblereponses, $i, 1);
				if (empty($listofanswers[$i]['format']) || ! in_array($listofanswers[$i]['format'], array('yesno','foragainst')))
					if (((string) $car) == "1") print '<td class="ok">OK</td>'."\n";
					else print '<td class="non">KO</td>'."\n";
					// Total
					if (! isset($sumfor[$i])) $sumfor[$i] = 0;
					if (((string) $car) == "1") $sumfor[$i]++;
				if (! empty($listofanswers[$i]['format']) && $listofanswers[$i]['format'] == 'yesno')
					if (((string) $car) == "1") print '<td class="ok">'.$langs->trans("For").'</td>'."\n";
					elseif (((string) $car) == "0") print '<td class="non">'.$langs->trans("Against").'</td>'."\n";
					else print '<td class="vide">&nbsp;</td>'."\n";
					// Total
					if (! isset($sumfor[$i])) $sumfor[$i] = 0;
					if (! isset($sumagainst[$i])) $sumagainst[$i] = 0;
					if (((string) $car) == "1") $sumfor[$i]++;
					if (((string) $car) == "0") $sumagainst[$i]++;
				if (! empty($listofanswers[$i]['format']) && $listofanswers[$i]['format'] == 'foragainst')
					if (((string) $car) == "1") print '<td class="ok">'.$langs->trans("For").'</td>'."\n";
					elseif (((string) $car) == "0") print '<td class="non">'.$langs->trans("Against").'</td>'."\n";
					else print '<td class="vide">&nbsp;</td>'."\n";
					// Total
					if (! isset($sumfor[$i])) $sumfor[$i] = 0;
					if (! isset($sumagainst[$i])) $sumagainst[$i] = 0;
					if (((string) $car) == "1") $sumfor[$i]++;
					if (((string) $car) == "0") $sumagainst[$i]++;

	// Button edit at end of line
	if ($compteur != $ligneamodifier && $mod_ok)
		print '<td class="casevide"><input type="submit" class="button" name="modifierligne'.$compteur.'" value="'.dol_escape_htmltag($langs->trans("Edit")).'"></td>'."\n";

	//demande de confirmation pour modification de ligne
	for ($i=0; $i<$nblignes; $i++)
		if (isset($_POST["modifierligne".$i]))
			if ($compteur == $i)
				print '<td class="casevide">';
				print '<input type="hidden" name="idtomodify'.$compteur.'" value="'.$obj->id_users.'">';
				print '<input type="submit" class="button" name="validermodifier'.$compteur.'" value="'.dol_escape_htmltag($langs->trans("Save")).'">';
				print '</td>'."\n";

	print '</tr>'."\n";

// Add line to add new record
if ($ligneamodifier < 0 && (! isset($_SESSION['nom'])))
	print '<tr>'."\n";
	print '<td class="nom">'."\n";
	if (isset($_SESSION['nom']))
		print '<input type=hidden name="nom" value="'.$_SESSION['nom'].'">'.$_SESSION['nom']."\n";
	} else {
		print '<input type="text" name="nom" placeholder="'.dol_escape_htmltag($langs->trans("Name")).'" maxlength="64" size="24">'."\n";
	print '</td>'."\n";

	// affichage des cases de formulaire checkbox pour un nouveau choix
	for ($i=0;$i<$nbcolonnes;$i++)
		print '<td class="vide">';
		if (empty($listofanswers[$i]['format']) || ! in_array($listofanswers[$i]['format'], array('yesno','foragainst')))
			print '<input type="checkbox" name="choix'.$i.'" value="1"';
			if (isset($_POST['choix'.$i]) && $_POST['choix'.$i] == '1')
				print ' checked';
			print '>';
		if (! empty($listofanswers[$i]['format']) && $listofanswers[$i]['format'] == 'yesno')
			print $form->selectarray("choix".$i, $arraychoice, GETPOST('choix'.$i));
		if (! empty($listofanswers[$i]['format']) && $listofanswers[$i]['format'] == 'foragainst')
			print $form->selectarray("choix".$i, $arraychoice, GETPOST('choix'.$i));
		print '</td>'."\n";

	// Affichage du bouton de formulaire pour inscrire un nouvel utilisateur dans la base
	print '<td><input type="image" name="boutonp" value="'.$langs->trans("Vote").'" src="'.dol_buildpath('/opensurvey/img/add-24.png', 1).'"></td>'."\n";
	print '</tr>'."\n";

// Select value of best choice (for checkbox columns only)
for ($i=0; $i < $nbcolonnes; $i++)
	if (empty($listofanswers[$i]['format']) || ! in_array($listofanswers[$i]['format'], array('yesno','foragainst')))
	if (isset($sumfor[$i]))
		if ($i == 0)
			$meilleurecolonne = $sumfor[$i];
		if (! isset($meilleurecolonne) || $sumfor[$i] > $meilleurecolonne)
			$meilleurecolonne = $sumfor[$i];

if ($object->allow_spy) {
	// Show line total
	print '<tr>'."\n";
	print '<td align="center">'. $langs->trans("Total") .'</td>'."\n";
	for ($i = 0; $i < $nbcolonnes; $i++)
		$showsumfor = isset($sumfor[$i])?$sumfor[$i]:'';
		$showsumagainst = isset($sumagainst[$i])?$sumagainst[$i]:'';
		if (empty($showsumfor)) $showsumfor = 0;
		if (empty($showsumagainst)) $showsumagainst = 0;

		print '<td>';
		if (empty($listofanswers[$i]['format']) || ! in_array($listofanswers[$i]['format'], array('yesno','foragainst'))) print $showsumfor;
		if (! empty($listofanswers[$i]['format']) && $listofanswers[$i]['format'] == 'yesno') print $langs->trans("Yes").': '.$showsumfor.'<br>'.$langs->trans("No").': '.$showsumagainst;
		if (! empty($listofanswers[$i]['format']) && $listofanswers[$i]['format'] == 'foragainst') print $langs->trans("For").': '.$showsumfor.'<br>'.$langs->trans("Against").': '.$showsumagainst;
		print '</td>'."\n";
	print '</tr>';
	// Show picto winner
	if ($nbofcheckbox >= 2)
		print '<tr>'."\n";
		print '<td class="somme"></td>'."\n";
		for ($i=0; $i < $nbcolonnes; $i++)
			//print 'xx'.(! empty($listofanswers[$i]['format'])).'-'.$sumfor[$i].'-'.$meilleurecolonne;
			if (empty($listofanswers[$i]['format']) || ! in_array($listofanswers[$i]['format'], array('yesno','foragainst')) && isset($sumfor[$i]) && isset($meilleurecolonne) && $sumfor[$i] == $meilleurecolonne)
				print '<td class="somme"><img src="'.dol_buildpath('/opensurvey/img/medaille.png', 1).'"></td>'."\n";
			} else {
				print '<td class="somme"></td>'."\n";
		print '</tr>'."\n";
print '</table>'."\n";
print '</div>'."\n";

if ($object->allow_spy) {
	$toutsujet=explode(",", $object->sujet);
	$toutsujet=str_replace("°", "'", $toutsujet);

	$meilleursujet = '';

	for ($i = 0; $i < $nbcolonnes; $i++) {
		if (isset($sumfor[$i]) && isset($meilleurecolonne) && $sumfor[$i] == $meilleurecolonne) {
			$meilleursujet.=", ";
			if ($object->format=="D") {
				$meilleursujetexport = $toutsujet[$i];

				if (strpos($toutsujet[$i], '@') !== false) {
					$toutsujetdate = explode("@", $toutsujet[$i]);
					$meilleursujet .= dol_print_date($toutsujetdate[0], 'daytext'). ' ('.dol_print_date($toutsujetdate[0], '%A').')' . ' - ' . $toutsujetdate[1];
				} else {
					$meilleursujet .= dol_print_date($toutsujet[$i], 'daytext'). ' ('.dol_print_date($toutsujet[$i], '%A').')';
				$tmps=explode('@', $toutsujet[$i]);
				$meilleursujet .= dol_htmlentities($tmps[0]);


	$meilleursujet=substr("$meilleursujet", 1);
	$meilleursujet = str_replace("°", "'", $meilleursujet);

	// Show best choice
	if ($nbofcheckbox >= 2)
		$vote_str = $langs->trans('votes');
		print '<p class="affichageresultats">'."\n";

		if (isset($meilleurecolonne) && $compteursujet == "1") {
			print '<img src="'.dol_buildpath('/opensurvey/img/medaille.png', 1).'"> ' . $langs->trans('TheBestChoice') . ": <b>".$meilleursujet."</b> " . $langs->trans('with') . " <b>$meilleurecolonne </b>" . $vote_str . ".\n";
		} elseif (isset($meilleurecolonne)) {
			print '<img src="'.dol_buildpath('/opensurvey/img/medaille.png', 1).'"> ' . $langs->trans('TheBestChoices')  . ": <b>".$meilleursujet."</b> " . $langs->trans('with') . "  <b>$meilleurecolonne </b>" . $vote_str . ".\n";

		print '</p><br>'."\n";

print '<br>';

// Comment list
$comments = $object->getComments();

if ($comments)
	print "<br><b>" . $langs->trans("CommentsOfVoters") . ":</b><br>\n";

	foreach ($comments as $obj) {
		// ligne d'un usager pré-authentifié
		//$mod_ok = (in_array($obj->name, $listofvoters));

		print '<div class="comment"><span class="usercomment">';
		if (in_array($obj->usercomment, $listofvoters)) print '<a href="'.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?deletecomment='.$obj->id_comment.'&sondage='.$numsondage.'"> '.img_picto('', 'delete.png', '', false, 0, 0, '', 'nomarginleft').'</a> ';
		//else print img_picto('', 'ellipsis-h', '', false, 0, 0, '', 'nomarginleft').' ';
		print dol_htmlentities($obj->usercomment).':</span> <span class="comment">'.dol_nl2br(dol_htmlentities($obj->comment))."</span></div>";

// Form to add comment
if ($object->allow_comments) {
	print '<div class="addcomment">' .$langs->trans("AddACommentForPoll") . "<br>\n";

	print '<textarea name="comment" rows="'.ROWS_2.'" class="quatrevingtpercent">'.dol_escape_htmltag(GETPOST('comment', 'none'), 0, 1).'</textarea><br>'."\n";
	print $langs->trans("Name") .': ';
	print '<input type="text" name="commentuser" maxlength="64" value="'.GETPOST('commentuser', 'nohtml').'"> &nbsp; '."\n";
	print '<input type="submit" class="button" name="ajoutcomment" value="'.dol_escape_htmltag($langs->trans("AddComment")).'"><br>'."\n";
	print '</form>'."\n";

	print '</div>'."\n";	// div add comment

print '<br><br>';

print '<a name="bas"></a>'."\n";

