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# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - multicurrency
MultiCurrency=Multi currency
ErrorAddRateFail=Error in added rate
ErrorAddCurrencyFail=Error in added currency
ErrorDeleteCurrencyFail=Error delete fail
multicurrency_syncronize_error=Synchronisation error: %s
MULTICURRENCY_USE_RATE_ON_DOCUMENT_DATE=Use date of document to find currency rate, instead of using latest known rate
multicurrency_useOriginTx=When an object is created from another, keep the original rate of source object (otherwise use the latest known rate)
CurrencyLayerAccount=CurrencyLayer API
CurrencyLayerAccount_help_to_synchronize=You sould create an account on their website to use this functionnality<br>Get your <b>API key</b><br />If you use a free account you can't change the <b>currency source</b> (USD by default)<br />But if your main currency isn't USD you can use the <b>alternate currency source</b> to force you main currency<br /><br />You are limited at 1000 synchronizations per month
multicurrency_appId=API key
multicurrency_appCurrencySource=Currency source
multicurrency_alternateCurrencySource=Alternate currency source
CurrenciesUsed=Currencies used
CurrenciesUsed_help_to_add=Add the differents currencies and rates you need to use on you <b>proposals</b>, <b>orders</b>, etc.
MulticurrencyReceived=Received, original currency
MulticurrencyRemainderToTake=Remaining amout, original currency
MulticurrencyPaymentAmount=Payment amount, original currency
AmountToOthercurrency=Amount To (in currency of receiving account)