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# Dolibarr language file - en_US - Accounting Expert
Accounting=Kế toán
ACCOUNTING_EXPORT_SEPARATORCSV=Dấu ngăn cách cột trong file xuất ra
ACCOUNTING_EXPORT_DATE=Äịnh dạng ngày trong file xuất ra
ACCOUNTING_EXPORT_PIECE=Export the number of piece
Selectformat=Select the format for the file
ACCOUNTING_EXPORT_FORMAT=Select the format for the file
ACCOUNTING_EXPORT_ENDLINE=Select the carriage return type
ACCOUNTING_EXPORT_PREFIX_SPEC=Specify the prefix for the file name
ThisService=This service
ThisProduct=This product
DefaultForService=Default for service
DefaultForProduct=Default for product
CantSuggest=Can't suggest
AccountancySetupDoneFromAccountancyMenu=Most setup of the accountancy is done from the menu %s
ConfigAccountingExpert=Cấu hình của các chuyên gia kế toán mô-đun
Journaux=Tạp chí
JournalFinancial=Tạp chí tài chính
BackToChartofaccounts=Quay trở lại biểu đồ của tài khoản
Chartofaccounts=Biểu đồ tài khoản
CurrentDedicatedAccountingAccount=Current dedicated account
AssignDedicatedAccountingAccount=New account to assign
InvoiceLabel=Invoice label
OverviewOfAmountOfLinesNotBound=Overview of amount of lines not bound to an accounting account
OverviewOfAmountOfLinesBound=Overview of amount of lines already bound to an accounting account
OtherInfo=Other information
DeleteCptCategory=Remove accounting account from group
ConfirmDeleteCptCategory=Are you sure you want to remove this accounting account from the accounting account group?
JournalizationInLedgerStatus=Status of journalization
AlreadyInGeneralLedger=Already journalized in ledgers
NotYetInGeneralLedger=Not yet journalized in ledgers
GroupIsEmptyCheckSetup=Group is empty, check setup of the personalized accounting group
DetailByAccount=Show detail by account
AccountWithNonZeroValues=Accounts with non-zero values
ListOfAccounts=List of accounts
CountriesInEEC=Countries in EEC
CountriesNotInEEC=Countries not in EEC
CountriesInEECExceptMe=Countries in EEC except %s
CountriesExceptMe=All countries except %s
AccountantFiles=Export accounting documents

MainAccountForCustomersNotDefined=Main accounting account for customers not defined in setup
MainAccountForSuppliersNotDefined=Main accounting account for vendors not defined in setup
MainAccountForUsersNotDefined=Main accounting account for users not defined in setup
MainAccountForVatPaymentNotDefined=Main accounting account for VAT payment not defined in setup
MainAccountForSubscriptionPaymentNotDefined=Main accounting account for subscription payment not defined in setup

AccountancyArea=Accounting area
AccountancyAreaDescIntro=Usage of the accountancy module is done in several step:
AccountancyAreaDescActionOnce=The following actions are usually executed one time only, or once per year...
AccountancyAreaDescActionOnceBis=Next steps should be done to save you time in future by suggesting you the correct default accounting account when making the journalization (writing record in Journals and General ledger)
AccountancyAreaDescActionFreq=The following actions are usually executed every month, week or day for very large companies...

AccountancyAreaDescJournalSetup=STEP %s: Create or check content of your journal list from menu %s
AccountancyAreaDescChartModel=STEP %s: Create a model of chart of account from menu %s
AccountancyAreaDescChart=STEP %s: Create or check content of your chart of account from menu %s

AccountancyAreaDescVat=STEP %s: Define accounting accounts for each VAT Rates. For this, use the menu entry %s.
AccountancyAreaDescDefault=STEP %s: Define default accounting accounts. For this, use the menu entry %s.
AccountancyAreaDescExpenseReport=STEP %s: Define default accounting accounts for each type of expense report. For this, use the menu entry %s.
AccountancyAreaDescSal=STEP %s: Define default accounting accounts for payment of salaries. For this, use the menu entry %s.
AccountancyAreaDescContrib=STEP %s: Define default accounting accounts for special expenses (miscellaneous taxes). For this, use the menu entry %s.
AccountancyAreaDescDonation=STEP %s: Define default accounting accounts for donation. For this, use the menu entry %s.
AccountancyAreaDescSubscription=STEP %s: Define default accounting accounts for member subscription. For this, use the menu entry %s.
AccountancyAreaDescMisc=STEP %s: Define mandatory default account and default accounting accounts for miscellaneous transactions. For this, use the menu entry %s.
AccountancyAreaDescLoan=STEP %s: Define default accounting accounts for loans. For this, use the menu entry %s.
AccountancyAreaDescBank=STEP %s: Define accounting accounts and journal code for each bank and financial accounts. For this, use the menu entry %s.
AccountancyAreaDescProd=STEP %s: Define accounting accounts on your products/services. For this, use the menu entry %s.

AccountancyAreaDescBind=STEP %s: Check the binding between existing %s lines and accounting account is done, so application will be able to journalize transactions in Ledger in one click. Complete missing bindings. For this, use the menu entry %s.
AccountancyAreaDescWriteRecords=STEP %s: Write transactions into the Ledger. For this, go into menu <strong>%s</strong>, and click into button <strong>%s</strong>.
AccountancyAreaDescAnalyze=STEP %s: Add or edit existing transactions and generate reports and exports.

AccountancyAreaDescClosePeriod=STEP %s: Close period so we can't make modification in a future.

TheJournalCodeIsNotDefinedOnSomeBankAccount=A mandatory step in setup was not complete (accounting code journal not defined for all bank accounts)
Selectchartofaccounts=Select active chart of accounts
ChangeAndLoad=Change and load
Addanaccount=Thêm một tài khoản kế toán
AccountAccounting=Tài khoản kế toán
AccountAccountingShort=Tài khoản
SubledgerAccount=Subledger account
SubledgerAccountLabel=Subledger account label
ShowAccountingAccount=Show accounting account
ShowAccountingJournal=Show accounting journal
AccountAccountingSuggest=Accounting account suggested
MenuDefaultAccounts=Default accounts
MenuBankAccounts=Tài khoản ngân hàng
MenuVatAccounts=Vat accounts
MenuTaxAccounts=Tax accounts
MenuExpenseReportAccounts=Expense report accounts
MenuLoanAccounts=Loan accounts
MenuProductsAccounts=Product accounts
MenuClosureAccounts=Closure accounts
ProductsBinding=Products accounts
TransferInAccounting=Transfer in accounting
RegistrationInAccounting=Registration in accounting
Binding=Binding to accounts
CustomersVentilation=Customer invoice binding
SuppliersVentilation=Vendor invoice binding
ExpenseReportsVentilation=Expense report binding
CreateMvts=Create new transaction
UpdateMvts=Modification of a transaction
ValidTransaction=Validate transaction
WriteBookKeeping=Register transactions in Ledger
AccountBalance=Account balance
ObjectsRef=Source object ref
CAHTF=Total purchase vendor before tax
TotalExpenseReport=Total expense report
InvoiceLines=Lines of invoices to bind
InvoiceLinesDone=Bound lines of invoices
ExpenseReportLines=Lines of expense reports to bind
ExpenseReportLinesDone=Bound lines of expense reports
IntoAccount=Bind line with the accounting account

LineId=Id line
Processing=Chế biến
EndProcessing=Process terminated.
SelectedLines=ÄÆ°á»ng lá»±a chá»n
Lineofinvoice=Dòng của hóa đơn
LineOfExpenseReport=Line of expense report
NoAccountSelected=No accounting account selected
VentilatedinAccount=Binded successfully to the accounting account
NotVentilatedinAccount=Not bound to the accounting account
XLineSuccessfullyBinded=%s products/services successfully bound to an accounting account
XLineFailedToBeBinded=%s products/services were not bound to any accounting account

ACCOUNTING_LIMIT_LIST_VENTILATION=Number of elements to bind shown by page (maximum recommended: 50)
ACCOUNTING_LIST_SORT_VENTILATION_TODO=Begin the sorting of the page "Binding to do" by the most recent elements
ACCOUNTING_LIST_SORT_VENTILATION_DONE=Begin the sorting of the page "Binding done" by the most recent elements

ACCOUNTING_LENGTH_DESCRIPTION=Truncate product & services description in listings after x chars (Best = 50)
ACCOUNTING_LENGTH_DESCRIPTION_ACCOUNT=Truncate product & services account description form in listings after x chars (Best = 50)
ACCOUNTING_LENGTH_GACCOUNT=Length of the general accounting accounts (If you set value to 6 here, the account '706' will appear like '706000' on screen)
ACCOUNTING_LENGTH_AACCOUNT=Length of the third-party accounting accounts (If you set value to 6 here, the account '401' will appear like '401000' on screen)
ACCOUNTING_MANAGE_ZERO=Allow to manage different number of zeros at the end of an accounting account. Needed by some countries (like Switzerland). If set to off (default), you can set the following two parameters to ask the application to add virtual zeros.
BANK_DISABLE_DIRECT_INPUT=Disable direct recording of transaction in bank account
ACCOUNTANCY_COMBO_FOR_AUX=Enable combo list for subsidiary account (may be slow if you have a lot of third parties)


ACCOUNTING_RESULT_PROFIT=Result accounting account (Profit)
ACCOUNTING_RESULT_LOSS=Result accounting account (Loss)

ACCOUNTING_ACCOUNT_TRANSFER_CASH=Accounting account of transitional bank transfer
TransitionalAccount=Transitional bank transfer account

ACCOUNTING_ACCOUNT_SUSPENSE=Accounting account of wait
DONATION_ACCOUNTINGACCOUNT=Accounting account to register donations
ADHERENT_SUBSCRIPTION_ACCOUNTINGACCOUNT=Accounting account to register subscriptions

ACCOUNTING_PRODUCT_BUY_ACCOUNT=Accounting account by default for bought products (used if not defined in the product sheet)
ACCOUNTING_PRODUCT_SOLD_ACCOUNT=Accounting account by default for the sold products (used if not defined in the product sheet)
ACCOUNTING_PRODUCT_SOLD_INTRA_ACCOUNT=Accounting account by default for the sold products in EEC (used if not defined in the product sheet)
ACCOUNTING_PRODUCT_SOLD_EXPORT_ACCOUNT=Accounting account by default for the sold products export out of EEC (used if not defined in the product sheet)
ACCOUNTING_SERVICE_BUY_ACCOUNT=Accounting account by default for the bought services (used if not defined in the service sheet)
ACCOUNTING_SERVICE_SOLD_ACCOUNT=Accounting account by default for the sold services (used if not defined in the service sheet)

Doctype=Loại văn bản
Docref=Tài liệu tham khảo
LabelAccount=Tài khoản Label
LabelOperation=Label operation
LetteringCode=Lettering code
Codejournal=Tạp chí
JournalLabel=Journal label
NumPiece=Piece number
TransactionNumShort=Num. transaction
AccountingCategory=Personalized groups
GroupByAccountAccounting=Group by accounting account
AccountingAccountGroupsDesc=You can define here some groups of accounting account. They will be used for personalized accounting reports.
ByAccounts=By accounts
ByPredefinedAccountGroups=By predefined groups
ByPersonalizedAccountGroups=By personalized groups
ByYear=Theo năm
NotMatch=Not Set
DeleteMvt=Delete Ledger lines
DelYear=Year to delete
DelJournal=Journal to delete
ConfirmDeleteMvt=This will delete all lines of the Ledger for year and/or from a specific journal. At least one criterion is required.
ConfirmDeleteMvtPartial=This will delete the transaction from the Ledger (all lines related to same transaction will be deleted)
FinanceJournal=Finance journal
ExpenseReportsJournal=Expense reports journal
DescFinanceJournal=Finance journal including all the types of payments by bank account
DescJournalOnlyBindedVisible=This is a view of record that are bound to an accounting account and can be recorded into the Ledger.
VATAccountNotDefined=Account for VAT not defined
ThirdpartyAccountNotDefined=Account for third party not defined
ProductAccountNotDefined=Account for product not defined
FeeAccountNotDefined=Account for fee not defined
BankAccountNotDefined=Account for bank not defined
CustomerInvoicePayment=Thanh toán hóa đơn của khách hàng
ThirdPartyAccount=Third-party account
NewAccountingMvt=New transaction
NumMvts=Numero of transaction
ListeMvts=List of movements
ErrorDebitCredit=Thẻ ghi nợ và tín dụng không thể có một giá trị cùng một lúc
AddCompteFromBK=Add accounting accounts to the group
ReportThirdParty=List third-party account
DescThirdPartyReport=Consult here the list of third-party customers and vendors and their accounting accounts
ListAccounts=Danh sách các tài khoản kế toán
UnknownAccountForThirdparty=Unknown third-party account. We will use %s
UnknownAccountForThirdpartyBlocking=Unknown third-party account. Blocking error
ThirdpartyAccountNotDefinedOrThirdPartyUnknown=Third-party account not defined or third party unknown. We will use %s
ThirdpartyAccountNotDefinedOrThirdPartyUnknownBlocking=Third-party account not defined or third party unknown. Blocking error.
UnknownAccountForThirdpartyAndWaitingAccountNotDefinedBlocking=Unknown third-party account and waiting account not defined. Blocking error
PaymentsNotLinkedToProduct=Payment not linked to any product / service

Pcgtype=Group of account
Pcgsubtype=Subgroup of account
PcgtypeDesc=Group and subgroup of account are used as predefined 'filter' and 'grouping' criteria for some accounting reports. For example, 'INCOME' or 'EXPENSE' are used as groups for accounting accounts of products to build the expense/income report.

TotalVente=Total turnover before tax
TotalMarge=Lợi nhuận tổng doanh thu

DescVentilCustomer=Consult here the list of customer invoice lines bound (or not) to a product accounting account
DescVentilMore=In most cases, if you use predefined products or services and you set the account number on the product/service card, the application will be able to make all the binding between your invoice lines and the accounting account of your chart of accounts, just in one click with the button <strong>"%s"</strong>. If account was not set on product/service cards or if you still have some lines not bound to an account, you will have to make a manual binding from the menu "<strong>%s</strong>".
DescVentilDoneCustomer=Consult here the list of the lines of invoices customers and their product accounting account
DescVentilTodoCustomer=Bind invoice lines not already bound with a product accounting account
ChangeAccount=Change the product/service accounting account for selected lines with the following accounting account:
DescVentilSupplier=Consult here the list of vendor invoice lines bound or not yet bound to a product accounting account
DescVentilDoneSupplier=Consult here the list of the lines of vendor invoices and their accounting account
DescVentilTodoExpenseReport=Bind expense report lines not already bound with a fee accounting account
DescVentilExpenseReport=Consult here the list of expense report lines bound (or not) to a fee accounting account
DescVentilExpenseReportMore=If you setup accounting account on type of expense report lines, the application will be able to make all the binding between your expense report lines and the accounting account of your chart of accounts, just in one click with the button <strong>"%s"</strong>. If account was not set on fees dictionary or if you still have some lines not bound to any account, you will have to make a manual binding from the menu "<strong>%s</strong>".
DescVentilDoneExpenseReport=Consult here the list of the lines of expenses reports and their fees accounting account

ValidateHistory=Bind Automatically
AutomaticBindingDone=Automatic binding done

ErrorAccountancyCodeIsAlreadyUse=Lỗi, bạn không thể xóa tài khoản kế toán này bởi vì nó được sử dụng
MvtNotCorrectlyBalanced=Movement not correctly balanced. Debit = %s | Credit = %s
FicheVentilation=Binding card
GeneralLedgerIsWritten=Transactions are written in the Ledger
GeneralLedgerSomeRecordWasNotRecorded=Some of the transactions could not be journalized. If there is no other error message, this is probably because they were already journalized.
NoNewRecordSaved=No more record to journalize
ListOfProductsWithoutAccountingAccount=List of products not bound to any accounting account
ChangeBinding=Change the binding
Accounted=Accounted in ledger
NotYetAccounted=Not yet accounted in ledger

## Admin
ApplyMassCategories=Apply mass categories
AddAccountFromBookKeepingWithNoCategories=Available account not yet in the personalized group
CategoryDeleted=Category for the accounting account has been removed
AccountingJournals=Accounting journals
AccountingJournal=Accounting journal
NewAccountingJournal=New accounting journal
ShowAccoutingJournal=Show accounting journal
NatureOfJournal=Nature of Journal
AccountingJournalType1=Miscellaneous operations
AccountingJournalType4=Ngân hàng
AccountingJournalType5=Expenses report
ErrorAccountingJournalIsAlreadyUse=This journal is already use
AccountingAccountForSalesTaxAreDefinedInto=Note: Accounting account for Sales tax are defined into menu <b>%s</b> - <b>%s</b>
NumberOfAccountancyEntries=Number of entries
NumberOfAccountancyMovements=Number of movements

## Export
ExportDraftJournal=Export draft journal
Modelcsv=Mô hình xuất khẩu
Selectmodelcsv=Chá»n má»™t mô hình xuất khẩu
Modelcsv_normal=Cổ điển xuất khẩu
Modelcsv_CEGID=Export for CEGID Expert Comptabilité
Modelcsv_COALA=Export for Sage Coala
Modelcsv_bob50=Export for Sage BOB 50
Modelcsv_ciel=Export for Sage Ciel Compta or Compta Evolution
Modelcsv_quadratus=Export for Quadratus QuadraCompta
Modelcsv_ebp=Export for EBP
Modelcsv_cogilog=Export for Cogilog
Modelcsv_agiris=Export for Agiris
Modelcsv_LDCompta=Export for LD Compta (v9 & higher) (Test)
Modelcsv_openconcerto=Export for OpenConcerto (Test)
Modelcsv_configurable=Export CSV Configurable
Modelcsv_FEC=Export FEC
Modelcsv_Sage50_Swiss=Export for Sage 50 Switzerland
ChartofaccountsId=Chart of accounts Id

## Tools - Init accounting account on product / service
InitAccountancy=Init accountancy
InitAccountancyDesc=This page can be used to initialize an accounting account on products and services that does not have accounting account defined for sales and purchases.
DefaultBindingDesc=This page can be used to set a default account to use to link transactions record about payment salaries, donation, taxes and vat when no specific accounting account were already set.
DefaultClosureDesc=This page can be used to set parameters used for accounting closures.
OptionModeProductSell=Mode sales
OptionModeProductSellIntra=Mode sales exported in EEC
OptionModeProductSellExport=Mode sales exported in other countries
OptionModeProductBuy=Mode purchases
OptionModeProductSellDesc=Show all products with accounting account for sales.
OptionModeProductSellIntraDesc=Show all products with accounting account for sales in EEC.
OptionModeProductSellExportDesc=Show all products with accounting account for other foreign sales.
OptionModeProductBuyDesc=Show all products with accounting account for purchases.
CleanFixHistory=Remove accounting code from lines that not exists into charts of account
CleanHistory=Reset all bindings for selected year
PredefinedGroups=Predefined groups
WithoutValidAccount=Without valid dedicated account
WithValidAccount=With valid dedicated account
ValueNotIntoChartOfAccount=This value of accounting account does not exist into chart of account
AccountRemovedFromGroup=Account removed from group
SaleLocal=Local sale
SaleExport=Export sale
SaleEEC=Sale in EEC

## Dictionary
Range=Range of accounting account

## Error
SomeMandatoryStepsOfSetupWereNotDone=Some mandatory steps of setup was not done, please complete them
ErrorNoAccountingCategoryForThisCountry=No accounting account group available for country %s (See Home - Setup - Dictionaries)
ErrorInvoiceContainsLinesNotYetBounded=You try to journalize some lines of the invoice <strong>%s</strong>, but some other lines are not yet bounded to accounting account. Journalization of all invoice lines for this invoice are refused.
ErrorInvoiceContainsLinesNotYetBoundedShort=Some lines on invoice are not bound to accounting account.
ExportNotSupported=The export format setuped is not supported into this page
BookeppingLineAlreayExists=Lines already existing into bookkeeping
NoJournalDefined=No journal defined
Binded=Lines bound
ToBind=Lines to bind
UseMenuToSetBindindManualy=Lines not yet bound, use menu <a href="%s">%s</a> to make the binding manually

## Import
ImportAccountingEntries=Accounting entries
DateExport=Date export
WarningReportNotReliable=Warning, this report is not based on the Ledger, so does not contains transaction modified manually in the Ledger. If your journalization is up to date, the bookkeeping view is more accurate.
ExpenseReportJournal=Expense Report Journal
InventoryJournal=Inventory Journal