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# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - ecm
ECMNbOfDocs=No. of documents in directory
ECMSectionManual=Ručni folder
ECMSectionAuto=Automatski folder
ECMSectionsManual=Ručna struktura
ECMSectionsAuto=Automatska struktura
ECMRoot=ECM Root
ECMNewSection=Nov folder
ECMAddSection=Dodaj folder
ECMCreationDate=Datum kreiranja
ECMNbOfFilesInDir=Broj fajlova u folderu
ECMNbOfSubDir=Broj pod-foldera
ECMNbOfFilesInSubDir=Broj fajlova u pod-folderima
ECMArea=DMS/ECM area
ECMAreaDesc=The DMS/ECM (Document Management System / Electronic Content Management) area allows you to save, share and search quickly all kind of documents in Dolibarr.
ECMAreaDesc2=* Automatski folderi su automatski popunjeni prilikom dodavanja dokumenata iz kartice nekog objekta.<br>* Ručni folderi se mogu koristiti za čuvanje dokumenata koji nisu vezani za neki određen objekat.
ECMSectionWasRemoved=Folder <b>%s</b> je obrisan.
ECMSectionWasCreated=Directory <b>%s</b> has been created.
ECMSearchByKeywords=Potraži po ključnoj reči
ECMSearchByEntity=Potraži po objektu
ECMSectionOfDocuments=Folderi dokumenata
ECMDocsBySocialContributions=Dokumenti vezani za poreze i doprinose.
ECMDocsByThirdParties=Dokumenti vezani za subjekte
ECMDocsByProposals=Dokumenti vezani za ponude
ECMDocsByOrders=Dokumenti vezani za narudžbine klijenata
ECMDocsByContracts=Dokumenti vezani za ugovore
ECMDocsByInvoices=Dokumenti vezani za račune klijenata
ECMDocsByProducts=Dokumenti vezani za proizvode
ECMDocsByProjects=Dokumenti vezani za projekte
ECMDocsByUsers=Dokumenti vezani za korisnike
ECMDocsByInterventions=Dokumenti vezani za intervencije
ECMDocsByExpenseReports=Dokumenta povezana za izveštajem o troškovima
ECMDocsByHolidays=Documents linked to holidays
ECMDocsBySupplierProposals=Documents linked to supplier proposals
ECMNoDirectoryYet=Folder nije kreiran
ShowECMSection=Pokaži folder
DeleteSection=Obriši folder
ConfirmDeleteSection=Da li potvrđjujete da želite da obrišete direktorijum <b>%s</b>?
ECMDirectoryForFiles=Relativni folder za fajlove
CannotRemoveDirectoryContainsFilesOrDirs=Removal not possible because it contains some files or sub-directories
CannotRemoveDirectoryContainsFiles=Removal not possible because it contains some files
ECMFileManager=File manager
ECMSelectASection=Select a directory in the tree...
DirNotSynchronizedSyncFirst=This directory seems to be created or modified outside ECM module. You must click on "Resync" button first to synchronize disk and database to get content of this directory.
ReSyncListOfDir=Resync list of directories
HashOfFileContent=Hash of file content
NoDirectoriesFound=No directories found
FileNotYetIndexedInDatabase=File not yet indexed into database (try to re-upload it)