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# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - marges

TotalMargin=Skupna marža
MarginOnProducts=Marža / proizvod
MarginOnServices=Marža / storitev
MarginRate=Stopnja marže
MarkRate=Ciljna stopnja
DisplayMarginRates=Prikaži stopnje marž
DisplayMarkRates=Prikaži ciljne stopnje
InputPrice=Vhodna cena
margin=Upravljanje profitnih marž
margesSetup=Nastavitve uporavljanja profitnih marž
MarginDetails=Podatki o marži
ProductMargins=Marže proizvoda
CustomerMargins=Marže kupcev
SalesRepresentativeMargins=Marža prodajnega predstavnika
UserMargins=Marže uporabnikov
ProductService=Proizvod ali storitev
AllProducts=Vsi proizvodi in storitve
ChooseProduct/Service=Izberi proizvod ali storitev
ForceBuyingPriceIfNull=Force buying/cost price to selling price if not defined
ForceBuyingPriceIfNullDetails=If buying/cost price not defined, and this option "ON", margin will be zero on line (buying/cost price = selling price), otherwise ("OFF"), marge will be equal to suggested default.
MARGIN_METHODE_FOR_DISCOUNT=Metoda marž pri globalnih popustih
UseDiscountAsProduct=Kot proizvod
UseDiscountAsService=Kot storitev
UseDiscountOnTotal=V delni vsoti
MARGIN_METHODE_FOR_DISCOUNT_DETAILS=Določa, če se globalni popust smatra kot proizvod, storitev, ali samo delna vsota pri izračunu marže.
MARGIN_TYPE=Privzeto predlagana nabavna cena s stroški za izračun marže
MargeType1=Margin on Best vendor price
MargeType2=Marža na uravnoteženo povprečno ceno (WAP)
MargeType3=Margin on Cost Price
MarginTypeDesc=* Margin on best buying price = Selling price - Best vendor price defined on product card<br>* Margin on Weighted Average Price (WAP) = Selling price - Product Weighted Average Price (WAP) or best supplier price if WAP not yet defined<br>* Margin on Cost price = Selling price - Cost price defined on product card or WAP if cost price not defined, or best supplier price if WAP not yet defined
CostPrice=Stroškovna cena
UnitCharges=Stroški po enoti
AgentContactType=Tip kontakta komercialnega agenta
AgentContactTypeDetails=Določa, kateri tip kontakta (povezava na računu) bo uporabljen za poročilo o maržah po prodajnih predstavnikih
rateMustBeNumeric=Stopnja mora biti numerična vrednost
markRateShouldBeLesserThan100=Označena vrednost mora biti manjša od 100
ShowMarginInfos=Prikaži informacije o marži
CheckMargins=Margins detail
MarginPerSaleRepresentativeWarning=The report of margin per user use the link between third parties and sale representatives to calculate the margin of each sale representative. Because some thirdparties may not have any ddiated sale representative and some thirdparties may be linked to several, some amounts may not be included into this report (if there is no sale representative) and some may appear on different lines (for each sale representative).