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# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - banks
MenuBankCash=Banks | Cash
MenuVariousPayment=Miscellaneous payments
MenuNewVariousPayment=New Miscellaneous payment
BankName=Ime banke
BankAccount=Bančni račun
BankAccounts=Bančni računi
BankAccountsAndGateways=Bank accounts | Gateways
ShowAccount=Prikaži račun
AccountRef=Referenca finančnega računa
AccountLabel=Naziv finančnega računa
CashAccount=Gotovinski račun
CashAccounts=Gotovinski računi
CurrentAccounts=Trenutni računi
SavingAccounts=Hranilni računi
ErrorBankLabelAlreadyExists=Naziv finančnega računa že obstaja
BankBalanceBefore=Začetno stanje
BankBalanceAfter=Končno stanje
BalanceMinimalAllowed=Minimalno dovoljeno stanje
BalanceMinimalDesired=Minimalno želeno stanje
InitialBankBalance=Začetno stanje
EndBankBalance=Končno stanje
CurrentBalance=Trenutno stanje
FutureBalance=Bodoče stanje
ShowAllTimeBalance=Prikaži stanje od začetka
AllTime=Od začetka
RIB=Transakcijski račun
IBAN=IBAN številka
SwiftValid=BIC/SWIFT valid
SwiftVNotalid=BIC/SWIFT not valid
IbanValid=BAN valid
IbanNotValid=BAN not valid
StandingOrders=Direct Debit orders
StandingOrder=Direct debit order
AccountStatement=Izpisek računa
AccountStatements=Izpiski računa
LastAccountStatements=Zadnji izpiski računa
IOMonthlyReporting=Mesečno poročilo
BankAccountDomiciliation=Bank address
BankAccountCountry=Država računa
BankAccountOwner=Ime lastnika računa
BankAccountOwnerAddress=Naslov lastnika računa
RIBControlError=Integrity check of values failed. This means the information for this account number is not complete or is incorrect (check country, numbers and IBAN).
CreateAccount=Kreiranje računa
NewBankAccount=Nov konto
NewFinancialAccount=Nov finančni račun
MenuNewFinancialAccount=Nov finančni račun
EditFinancialAccount=Urejanje računa
LabelBankCashAccount=Naziv banke ali gotovine
AccountType=Vrsta računa
BankType0=Hranilni račun
BankType1=Trenutni račun
BankType2=Gotovinski račun
AccountsArea=Področje računov
AccountCard=Kartica računa
DeleteAccount=Brisanje računa
ConfirmDeleteAccount=Are you sure you want to delete this account?
BankTransactionByCategories=Bank entries by categories
BankTransactionForCategory=Bank entries for category <b>%s</b>
RemoveFromRubrique=Odstranite link z kategorijo
RemoveFromRubriqueConfirm=Are you sure you want to remove link between the entry and the category?
ListBankTransactions=List of bank entries
IdTransaction=ID transakcije
BankTransactions=Bank entries
BankTransaction=Bank entry
ListTransactions=List entries
ListTransactionsByCategory=List entries/category
TransactionsToConciliate=Entries to reconcile
TransactionsToConciliateShort=To reconcile
Conciliable=Se lahko uskladi
SaveStatementOnly=Save statement only
ReconciliationLate=Reconciliation late
IncludeClosedAccount=Vključi zaprte račune
OnlyOpenedAccount=Samo odprti računi
AccountToCredit=Kreditni konto
AccountToDebit=Debetni konto
DisableConciliation=Onemogoči funkcijo usklajevanja za ta konto
ConciliationDisabled=Funkcija usklajevanja onemogočena
LinkedToAConciliatedTransaction=Linked to a conciliated entry
AddBankRecord=Add entry
AddBankRecordLong=Add entry manually
DateConciliating=Datum uskladitve
BankLineConciliated=Entry reconciled
NotReconciled=Not reconciled
CustomerInvoicePayment=Plačilo kupca
SupplierInvoicePayment=Vendor payment
SubscriptionPayment=Plačilo naročnine
WithdrawalPayment=Debit payment order
SocialContributionPayment=Plačilo socialnega/fiskalnega davka
BankTransfer=Bančni transfer
BankTransfers=Bančni transferji
MenuBankInternalTransfer=Internal transfer
TransferDesc=Transfer from one account to another, Dolibarr will write two records (a debit in source account and a credit in target account). The same amount (except sign), label and date will be used for this transaction)
TransferFromToDone=Zabeležen je bil transfer od <b>%s</b> na <b>%s</b> v znesku <b>%s</b> %s.
ValidateCheckReceipt=Validate this check receipt?
ConfirmValidateCheckReceipt=Are you sure you want to validate this check receipt, no change will be possible once this is done?
DeleteCheckReceipt=Delete this check receipt?
ConfirmDeleteCheckReceipt=Are you sure you want to delete this check receipt?
BankChecks=Bančni čeki
BankChecksToReceipt=Checks awaiting deposit
BankChecksToReceiptShort=Checks awaiting deposit
ShowCheckReceipt=Prikaži prevzemnico čekovnih nakazil
NumberOfCheques=No. of check
DeleteTransaction=Delete entry
ConfirmDeleteTransaction=Are you sure you want to delete this entry?
ThisWillAlsoDeleteBankRecord=This will also delete generated bank entry
PlannedTransactions=Planned entries
ExportDataset_banque_1=Bank entries and account statement
ExportDataset_banque_2=Potrdilo o avansu
TransactionOnTheOtherAccount=Transakcija na drug račun
PaymentNumberUpdateSucceeded=Payment number updated successfully
PaymentNumberUpdateFailed=Številke plačila ni mogoče posodobiti
PaymentDateUpdateSucceeded=Payment date updated successfully
PaymentDateUpdateFailed=Datuma plačila ni mogoče posodobiti
BankTransactionLine=Bank entry
AllAccounts=All bank and cash accounts
BackToAccount=Nazaj na račun
ShowAllAccounts=Prikaži vse račune
FutureTransaction=Future transaction. Unable to reconcile.
SelectChequeTransactionAndGenerate=Select/filter checks to include in the check deposit receipt and click on "Create".
InputReceiptNumber=Izberi bančni izpisek, povezan s posredovanjem. Uporabi numerično vrednost, ki se lahko sortira: YYYYMM ali YYYYMMDD
EventualyAddCategory=Eventuelno določi kategorijo, v katero se razvrsti zapis
ToConciliate=To reconcile?
ThenCheckLinesAndConciliate=Nato preveri vrstice na bančnem izpisku in klikni
DefaultRIB=Privzet BAN
AllRIB=Vsi BAN-i
LabelRIB=Naziv BAN-a
NoBANRecord=Ni BAN zapisa
DeleteARib=Izbriši BAN zapis
ConfirmDeleteRib=Are you sure you want to delete this BAN record?
RejectCheck=Vrnjen ček
ConfirmRejectCheck=Are you sure you want to mark this check as rejected?
RejectCheckDate=Datum vrnitve čeka
CheckRejected=Vrnjen ček
CheckRejectedAndInvoicesReopened=Vrnjen ček in ponovno odprti računi
BankAccountModelModule=Document templates for bank accounts
DocumentModelSepaMandate=Template of SEPA mandate. Useful for European countries in EEC only.
DocumentModelBan=Template to print a page with BAN information.
NewVariousPayment=New miscellaneous payment
VariousPayment=Miscellaneous payment
VariousPayments=Miscellaneous payments
ShowVariousPayment=Show miscellaneous payment
AddVariousPayment=Add miscellaneous payment
SEPAMandate=SEPA mandate
YourSEPAMandate=Your SEPA mandate
FindYourSEPAMandate=This is your SEPA mandate to authorize our company to make direct debit order to your bank. Return it signed (scan of the signed document) or send it by mail to
AutoReportLastAccountStatement=Automatically fill the field 'number of bank statement' with last statement number when making reconciliation
CashControl=POS cash fence
NewCashFence=New cash fence