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# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - other
SecurityCode=Bezpečnostný kód
ToolsDesc=All tools not included in other menu entries are grouped here.<br>All the tools can be accessed via the left menu.
BirthdayDate=Birthday date
DateToBirth=Dátum narodenia
BirthdayAlertOn=narodeniny výstraha aktívna
BirthdayAlertOff=narodeniny upozornenia neaktívne
TransKey=Translation of the key TransKey
MonthOfInvoice=Month (number 1-12) of invoice date
TextMonthOfInvoice=Month (text) of invoice date
PreviousMonthOfInvoice=Previous month (number 1-12) of invoice date
TextPreviousMonthOfInvoice=Previous month (text) of invoice date
NextMonthOfInvoice=Following month (number 1-12) of invoice date
TextNextMonthOfInvoice=Following month (text) of invoice date
ZipFileGeneratedInto=Zip file generated into <b>%s</b>.
DocFileGeneratedInto=Doc file generated into <b>%s</b>.
JumpToLogin=Disconnected. Go to login page...
MessageForm=Message on online payment form
MessageOK=Message on the return page for a validated payment
MessageKO=Message on the return page for a canceled payment
ContentOfDirectoryIsNotEmpty=Content of this directory is not empty.
DeleteAlsoContentRecursively=Check to delete all content recursively

YearOfInvoice=Year of invoice date
PreviousYearOfInvoice=Previous year of invoice date
NextYearOfInvoice=Following year of invoice date
DateNextInvoiceBeforeGen=Date of next invoice (before generation)
DateNextInvoiceAfterGen=Date of next invoice (after generation)

Notify_ORDER_VALIDATE=Sales order validated
Notify_ORDER_SENTBYMAIL=Sales order sent by mail
Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_SENTBYMAIL=Purchase order sent by email
Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_VALIDATE=Purchase order recorded
Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_APPROVE=Purchase order approved
Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_REFUSE=Purchase order refused
Notify_PROPAL_VALIDATE=Zákazník návrh overená
Notify_PROPAL_CLOSE_SIGNED=Customer proposal closed signed
Notify_PROPAL_CLOSE_REFUSED=Customer proposal closed refused
Notify_PROPAL_SENTBYMAIL=Komerčné návrh zaslať poštou
Notify_WITHDRAW_TRANSMIT=Prevodovka stiahnutiu
Notify_WITHDRAW_CREDIT=Kreditné stiahnutiu
Notify_WITHDRAW_EMIT=Preveďte stiahnutiu
Notify_COMPANY_CREATE=Tretia strana vytvorená
Notify_COMPANY_SENTBYMAIL=Mails sent from third party card
Notify_BILL_VALIDATE=Zákazník faktúra overená
Notify_BILL_UNVALIDATE=Zákazník faktúra unvalidated
Notify_BILL_PAYED=Customer invoice paid
Notify_BILL_CANCEL=Zákazník faktúra zrušená
Notify_BILL_SENTBYMAIL=Zákazník faktúra zaslaná poštou
Notify_BILL_SUPPLIER_VALIDATE=Vendor invoice validated
Notify_BILL_SUPPLIER_PAYED=Vendor invoice paid
Notify_BILL_SUPPLIER_SENTBYMAIL=Vendor invoice sent by mail
Notify_BILL_SUPPLIER_CANCELED=Vendor invoice cancelled
Notify_CONTRACT_VALIDATE=Zmluva overená
Notify_FICHEINTER_VALIDATE=Intervencie overená
Notify_FICHINTER_ADD_CONTACT=Added contact to Intervention
Notify_FICHINTER_SENTBYMAIL=Intervencie poštou
Notify_SHIPPING_VALIDATE=Poštovné overená
Notify_SHIPPING_SENTBYMAIL=Doručenie poštou
Notify_MEMBER_VALIDATE=Člen overená
Notify_MEMBER_MODIFY=Member modified
Notify_MEMBER_RESILIATE=Member terminated
Notify_MEMBER_DELETE=Člen zmazaný
Notify_PROJECT_CREATE=Project creation
Notify_TASK_CREATE=Task created
Notify_TASK_MODIFY=Task modified
Notify_TASK_DELETE=Task deleted
Notify_EXPENSE_REPORT_VALIDATE=Expense report validated (approval required)
Notify_EXPENSE_REPORT_APPROVE=Expense report approved
Notify_HOLIDAY_VALIDATE=Leave request validated (approval required)
Notify_HOLIDAY_APPROVE=Leave request approved
SeeModuleSetup=See setup of module %s
NbOfAttachedFiles=Počet pripojených súborov / dokumentov
TotalSizeOfAttachedFiles=Celková veľkosť pripojených súborov / dokumentov
MaxSize=Maximálny rozmer
AttachANewFile=Pripojte nový súbor / dokument
LinkedObject=Prepojený objekt
NbOfActiveNotifications=Number of notifications (no. of recipient emails)
PredefinedMailTest=__(Hello)__\nThis is a test mail sent to __EMAIL__.\nThe two lines are separated by a carriage return.\n\n__USER_SIGNATURE__
PredefinedMailTestHtml=__(Hello)__\nThis is a <b>test</b> mail (the word test must be in bold).<br>The two lines are separated by a carriage return.<br><br>__USER_SIGNATURE__
PredefinedMailContentSendInvoice=__(Hello)__\n\nPlease find invoice __REF__ attached \n\n__ONLINE_PAYMENT_TEXT_AND_URL__\n\n__(Sincerely)__\n\n__USER_SIGNATURE__
PredefinedMailContentSendInvoiceReminder=__(Hello)__\n\nWe would like to remind you that the invoice  __REF__ seems to have not been paid. A copy of the invoice is attached as a reminder.\n\n__ONLINE_PAYMENT_TEXT_AND_URL__\n\n__(Sincerely)__\n\n__USER_SIGNATURE__
PredefinedMailContentSendProposal=__(Hello)__\n\nPlease find commercial proposal __REF__ attached \n\n\n__(Sincerely)__\n\n__USER_SIGNATURE__
PredefinedMailContentSendSupplierProposal=__(Hello)__\n\nPlease find price request __REF__ attached\n\n\n__(Sincerely)__\n\n__USER_SIGNATURE__
PredefinedMailContentSendOrder=__(Hello)__\n\nPlease find order __REF__ attached\n\n\n__(Sincerely)__\n\n__USER_SIGNATURE__
PredefinedMailContentSendSupplierOrder=__(Hello)__\n\nPlease find our order __REF__ attached\n\n\n__(Sincerely)__\n\n__USER_SIGNATURE__
PredefinedMailContentSendSupplierInvoice=__(Hello)__\n\nPlease find invoice __REF__ attached\n\n\n__(Sincerely)__\n\n__USER_SIGNATURE__
PredefinedMailContentSendShipping=__(Hello)__\n\nPlease find shipping __REF__ attached\n\n\n__(Sincerely)__\n\n__USER_SIGNATURE__
PredefinedMailContentSendFichInter=__(Hello)__\n\nPlease find intervention __REF__ attached\n\n\n__(Sincerely)__\n\n__USER_SIGNATURE__
PredefinedMailContentLink=You can click on the link below to make your payment if it is not already done.\n\n%s\n\n
DemoDesc=Dolibarr is a compact ERP/CRM supporting several business modules. A demo showcasing all modules makes no sense as this scenario never occurs (several hundred available). So, several demo profiles are available.
ChooseYourDemoProfil=Choose the demo profile that best suits your needs...
ChooseYourDemoProfilMore=...or build your own profile<br>(manual module selection)
DemoFundation=Správa členov nadácie
DemoFundation2=Správa členov a bankový účet nadácie
DemoCompanyServiceOnly=Company or freelance selling service only
DemoCompanyShopWithCashDesk=Správa obchod s pokladňou
DemoCompanyProductAndStocks=Company selling products with a shop
DemoCompanyAll=Company with multiple activities (all main modules)
CreatedBy=Vytvoril %s
ModifiedBy=Zmenil %s
ValidatedBy=Overená %s
ClosedBy=Uzavrel %s
CreatedById=User id who created
ModifiedById=User id who made latest change
ValidatedById=User id who validated
CanceledById=User id who canceled
ClosedById=User id who closed
CreatedByLogin=User login who created
ModifiedByLogin=User login who made latest change
ValidatedByLogin=User login who validated
CanceledByLogin=User login who canceled
ClosedByLogin=User login who closed
FileWasRemoved=Súbor %s bol odstránený
DirWasRemoved=Adresár %s bol odstránený
FeatureNotYetAvailable=Feature not yet available in the current version
FeaturesSupported=Supported features
CalculatedWeight=Vypočítaná hmotnosť
CalculatedVolume=Vypočítaný objem
VolumeUnitdm3=dm³ (L)
VolumeUnitcm3=cm³ (ml)
VolumeUnitmm3=mm³ (µl)
BugTracker=Hlásenie chýb
SendNewPasswordDesc=This form allows you to request a new password. It will be sent to your email address.<br>Change will become effective once you click on the confirmation link in the email.<br>Check your inbox.
BackToLoginPage=Späť na prihlasovaciu stránku
AuthenticationDoesNotAllowSendNewPassword=Režim overovania je <b>%s.</b> <br> V tomto režime je možné Dolibarr neviem ani zmeniť heslo. <br> Obráťte sa na správcu systému, či chcete zmeniť heslo.
EnableGDLibraryDesc=Install or enable GD library on your PHP installation to use this option.
ProfIdShortDesc=<b>Prof Id %s</b> je informácia v závislosti na tretích strán krajiny. <br> Napríklad pre krajiny <b>%s,</b> je to kód <b>%s.</b>
DolibarrDemo=Dolibarr ERP / CRM demo
StatsByNumberOfUnits=Statistics for sum of qty of products/services
StatsByNumberOfEntities=Statistics in number of referring entities (no. of invoice, or order...)
NumberOfProposals=Number of proposals
NumberOfCustomerOrders=Number of sales orders
NumberOfCustomerInvoices=Number of customer invoices
NumberOfSupplierProposals=Number of vendor proposals
NumberOfSupplierOrders=Number of purchase orders
NumberOfSupplierInvoices=Number of vendor invoices
NumberOfContracts=Number of contracts
NumberOfUnitsProposals=Number of units on proposals
NumberOfUnitsCustomerOrders=Number of units on sales orders
NumberOfUnitsCustomerInvoices=Number of units on customer invoices
NumberOfUnitsSupplierProposals=Number of units on vendor proposals
NumberOfUnitsSupplierOrders=Number of units on purchase orders
NumberOfUnitsSupplierInvoices=Number of units on vendor invoices
NumberOfUnitsContracts=Number of units on contracts
EMailTextInterventionAddedContact=A new intervention %s has been assigned to you.
EMailTextInterventionValidated=Zásah %s bol overený.
EMailTextInvoiceValidated=Invoice %s has been validated.
EMailTextInvoicePayed=Invoice %s has been paid.
EMailTextProposalValidated=Proposal %s has been validated.
EMailTextProposalClosedSigned=Proposal %s has been closed signed.
EMailTextOrderValidated=Order %s has been validated.
EMailTextOrderApproved=Order %s has been approved.
EMailTextOrderValidatedBy=Order %s has been recorded by %s.
EMailTextOrderApprovedBy=Order %s has been approved by %s.
EMailTextOrderRefused=Order %s has been refused.
EMailTextOrderRefusedBy=Order %s has been refused by %s.
EMailTextExpeditionValidated=Shipping %s has been validated.
EMailTextExpenseReportValidated=Expense report %s has been validated.
EMailTextExpenseReportApproved=Expense report %s has been approved.
EMailTextHolidayValidated=Leave request %s has been validated.
EMailTextHolidayApproved=Leave request %s has been approved.
ImportedWithSet=Dovoz súbor dát
DolibarrNotification=Automatické upozornenie
ResizeDesc=Zadajte novú šírku <b>alebo</b> výšku novej. Pomer budú uchovávané pri zmene veľkosti ...
NewLength=Nová šírka
NewHeight=Nová výška
NewSizeAfterCropping=Nová veľkosť po oreze
DefineNewAreaToPick=Definovať novú oblasť na obrázok pre jeho vyzdvihnutie (ľavým tlačidlom myši na obrázok a potom ťahajte, kým sa nedostanete na protiľahlej roh)
CurrentInformationOnImage=This tool was designed to help you to resize or crop an image. This is the information on the current edited image
ImageEditor=Editor obrázkov
YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification=Táto správa sa zobrazí, pretože Váš e-mail bol pridaný na zoznam cieľov, ktoré majú byť o jednotlivých akciách na %s %s softvéru.
YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification2=Táto akcia je nasledovné:
ThisIsListOfModules=Toto je zoznam modulov predom zvolených tohto demo profilu (iba najbežnejšie moduly sú vidieť v tejto ukážke). Editovať mať viac osobné demo a kliknite na tlačidlo &quot;Štart&quot;.
UseAdvancedPerms=Použite pokročilé oprávnenie niektorých modulov
FileFormat=Formát súboru
SelectAColor=Vyberte si farbu
AddFiles=Pridať súbory
StartUpload=Začnite nahrávať
CancelUpload=Zrušenie nahrávania
FileIsTooBig=Súbory je príliš veľký
PleaseBePatient=Prosím o chvíľku strpenia ...
NewPassword=New password
ResetPassword=Reset password
RequestToResetPasswordReceived=A request to change your password has been received.
NewKeyIs=To je vaše nové kľúče k prihláseniu
NewKeyWillBe=Váš nový kľúč pre prihlásenie do softvéru bude
ClickHereToGoTo=Kliknite tu pre prechod na %s
YouMustClickToChange=Musíte však najprv kliknúť na nasledujúci odkaz pre potvrdenie tejto zmeny hesla
ForgetIfNothing=Ak ste o túto zmenu, stačí zabudnúť na tento e-mail. Vaše prihlasovacie údaje sú v bezpečí.
IfAmountHigherThan=If amount higher than <strong>%s</strong>
SourcesRepository=Repository for sources
PassEncoding=Password encoding
PermissionsAdd=Permissions added
PermissionsDelete=Permissions removed
YourPasswordMustHaveAtLeastXChars=Your password must have at least <strong>%s</strong> chars
YourPasswordHasBeenReset=Your password has been reset successfully
ApplicantIpAddress=IP address of applicant
SMSSentTo=SMS sent to %s
MissingIds=Missing ids
ThirdPartyCreatedByEmailCollector=Third party created by email collector from email MSGID %s
ContactCreatedByEmailCollector=Contact/address created by email collector from email MSGID %s
ProjectCreatedByEmailCollector=Project created by email collector from email MSGID %s
TicketCreatedByEmailCollector=Ticket created by email collector from email MSGID %s

##### Export #####
ExportsArea=Vývoz plocha
AvailableFormats=Dostupné formáty
LibraryUsed=Knižnica používa
LibraryVersion=Library version
ExportableDatas=Reexportovateľné údaje
NoExportableData=Exportovať žiadne údaje (žiadne moduly s prevoditeľnými načítanie dát, alebo chýbajúce oprávnenia)
##### External sites #####
WebsiteSetup=Setup of module website
WEBSITE_IMAGEDesc=Relative path of the image media. You can keep this empty as this is rarely used (it can be used by dynamic content to show a preview of a list of blog posts).
LinesToImport=Lines to import

MemoryUsage=Memory usage
RequestDuration=Duration of request