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# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - holiday
MenuReportMonth=Mesačný výkaz
MenuAddCP=New leave request
NotActiveModCP=You must enable the module Leave to view this page.
AddCP=Make a leave request
DateDebCP=Dátum začatia
DateFinCP=Dátum ukončenia
DateCreateCP=Dátum vytvorenia
ToReviewCP=Čaká na schválenie
ListeCP=List of leave
LeaveId=Leave ID
ReviewedByCP=Will be approved by
UserForApprovalID=User for approval ID
UserForApprovalFirstname=First name of approval user
UserForApprovalLastname=Last name of approval user
UserForApprovalLogin=Login of approval user
SendRequestCP=Create leave request
DelayToRequestCP=Leave requests must be made at least <b>%s day(s)</b> before them.
MenuConfCP=Balance of leave
SoldeCPUser=Leave balance is <b>%s</b> days.
ErrorEndDateCP=Musíte vybrať koncový dátum je väčší ako dátum začatia.
ErrorSQLCreateCP=SQL chyba pri tvorbe:
ErrorIDFicheCP=An error has occurred, the leave request does not exist.
ReturnCP=Späť na predchádzajúcu stránku
ErrorUserViewCP=You are not authorized to read this leave request.
InfosWorkflowCP=Informácie Workflow
TitreRequestCP=Leave request
TypeOfLeaveId=Type of leave ID
TypeOfLeaveCode=Type of leave code
TypeOfLeaveLabel=Type of leave label
NbUseDaysCP=Number of days of vacation consumed
NbUseDaysCPShort=Days consumed
NbUseDaysCPShortInMonth=Days consumed in month
DateStartInMonth=Start date in month
DateEndInMonth=End date in month
TitleDeleteCP=Delete the leave request
ConfirmDeleteCP=Confirm the deletion of this leave request?
ErrorCantDeleteCP=Error you don't have the right to delete this leave request.
CantCreateCP=You don't have the right to make leave requests.
InvalidValidatorCP=You must choose an approbator to your leave request.
NoDateDebut=Musíte vybrať počiatočný dátum.
NoDateFin=Musíte vybrať dátum ukončenia.
ErrorDureeCP=Your leave request does not contain working day.
TitleValidCP=Approve the leave request
ConfirmValidCP=Are you sure you want to approve the leave request?
DateValidCP=Dátum schválenia
TitleToValidCP=Send leave request
ConfirmToValidCP=Are you sure you want to send the leave request?
TitleRefuseCP=Refuse the leave request
ConfirmRefuseCP=Are you sure you want to refuse the leave request?
NoMotifRefuseCP=Musíte si vybrať dôvod pre odmietnutie žiadosti.
TitleCancelCP=Cancel the leave request
ConfirmCancelCP=Are you sure you want to cancel the leave request?
DetailRefusCP=Dôvod odmietnutia
DateRefusCP=Dátum odmietnutia
DateCancelCP=Dátum zrušenia
DefineEventUserCP=Priradenie výnimočnú dovolenku pre užívateľa
addEventToUserCP=Priradenie opustiť
NotTheAssignedApprover=You are not the assigned approver
ErrorAddEventToUserCP=Došlo k chybe pri pridávaní výnimočnú dovolenku.
AddEventToUserOkCP=Pridanie mimoriadnej dovolenky bola dokončená.
MenuLogCP=View change logs
LogCP=Log of updates of available vacation days
UserUpdateCP=Pre užívateľa
PrevSoldeCP=Predchádzajúci Balance
NewSoldeCP=New Balance
alreadyCPexist=A leave request has already been done on this period.
FirstDayOfHoliday=First day of vacation
LastDayOfHoliday=Last day of vacation
BoxTitleLastLeaveRequests=Latest %s modified leave requests
HolidaysMonthlyUpdate=Mesačná aktualizácia
ManualUpdate=Manuálna aktualizácia
HolidaysCancelation=Leave request cancelation
EmployeeLastname=Employee last name
EmployeeFirstname=Employee first name
TypeWasDisabledOrRemoved=Leave type (id %s) was disabled or removed
LastHolidays=Latest %s leave requests
AllHolidays=All leave requests
HalfDay=Half day
NotTheAssignedApprover=You are not the assigned approver
LEAVE_PAID=Paid vacation
LEAVE_SICK=Sick leave
LEAVE_OTHER=Other leave
LEAVE_PAID_FR=Paid vacation
## Configuration du Module ##
LastUpdateCP=Latest automatic update of leave allocation
MonthOfLastMonthlyUpdate=Month of latest automatic update of leave allocation
UpdateConfCPOK=Aktualizované úspešne.
Module27130Name= Management of leave requests
Module27130Desc= Management of leave requests
ErrorMailNotSend=Došlo k chybe pri odosielaní e-mail:
NoticePeriod=Notice period
HolidaysToValidate=Validate leave requests
HolidaysToValidateBody=Below is a leave request to validate
HolidaysToValidateDelay=This leave request will take place within a period of less than %s days.
HolidaysToValidateAlertSolde=The user who made this leave request does not have enough available days.
HolidaysValidated=Validated leave requests
HolidaysValidatedBody=Your leave request for %s to %s has been validated.
HolidaysRefused=Request denied
HolidaysRefusedBody=Your leave request for %s to %s has been denied for the following reason:
HolidaysCanceled=Canceled leaved request
HolidaysCanceledBody=Your leave request for %s to %s has been canceled.
FollowedByACounter=1: This type of leave need to be followed by a counter. Counter is incremented manually or automatically and when a leave request is validated, counter is decremented.<br>0: Not followed by a counter.
NoLeaveWithCounterDefined=There is no leave types defined that need to be followed by a counter
GoIntoDictionaryHolidayTypes=Go into <strong>Home - Setup - Dictionaries - Type of leave</strong> to setup the different types of leaves.
HolidaySetup=Setup of module Holiday
HolidaysNumberingModules=Leave requests numbering models
TemplatePDFHolidays=Template for leave requests PDF
FreeLegalTextOnHolidays=Free text on PDF
WatermarkOnDraftHolidayCards=Watermarks on draft leave requests
HolidaysToApprove=Holidays to approve