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# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - bills
BillsCustomers=Счета клиента
BillsCustomer=Счёт клиента
BillsSuppliers=Счета-фактуры поставщика
BillsCustomersUnpaid=Неоплаченные счета клиента
BillsCustomersUnpaidForCompany=Unpaid customer invoices for %s
BillsSuppliersUnpaid=Unpaid vendor invoices
BillsSuppliersUnpaidForCompany=Unpaid vendors invoices for %s
BillsLate=Просроченные платежи
BillsStatistics=Статистика счетов клиентов
BillsStatisticsSuppliers=Vendors invoices statistics
DisabledBecauseDispatchedInBookkeeping=Disabled because invoice was dispatched into bookkeeping
DisabledBecauseNotLastInvoice=Disabled because invoice is not erasable. Some invoices were recorded after this one and it will create holes in the counter.
DisabledBecauseNotErasable=Disabled because cannot be erased
InvoiceStandard=Стандартный счёт
InvoiceStandardAsk=Стандартный счёт
InvoiceStandardDesc=Такой вид счёта является общим.
InvoiceDeposit=Down payment invoice
InvoiceDepositAsk=Down payment invoice
InvoiceDepositDesc=This kind of invoice is done when a down payment has been received.
InvoiceProForma=Предварительный счет
InvoiceProFormaAsk=Формальный счёт
InvoiceProFormaDesc=<b>Формальный счёт</b> является образом оригинального счёта, но не имеет бухгалтерской учетной записи.
InvoiceReplacement=Замена счета-фактуры
InvoiceReplacementAsk=Замена счета-фактуры на другой
InvoiceReplacementDesc=<b>Replacement invoice</b> is used to completely replace an invoice with no payment already received.<br><br>Note: Only invoices with no payment on it can be replaced. If the invoice you replace is not yet closed, it will be automatically closed to 'abandoned'.
InvoiceAvoir=Кредитовое авизо
InvoiceAvoirAsk=Кредитовое авизо для исправления счета-фактуры
InvoiceAvoirDesc=The <b>credit note</b> is a negative invoice used to correct the fact that an invoice shows an amount that differs from the amount actually paid (eg the customer paid too much by mistake, or will not pay the complete amount since some products were returned).
invoiceAvoirWithLines=Создать кредитное авизо со строками из оригинального счёта
invoiceAvoirWithPaymentRestAmount=Кредитное авизо с неоплаченным остатком оригинального счёта
invoiceAvoirLineWithPaymentRestAmount=Кредитное авизо на остаток для оплаты
ReplaceInvoice=Заменить счет-фактуру %s
ReplacementInvoice=Заменяющий счёт
ReplacedByInvoice=Заменен счетом-фактурой %s
ReplacementByInvoice=Заменен счетом-фактурой
CorrectInvoice=Правильный счёт %s
CorrectionInvoice=Корректирующий счёт
UsedByInvoice=Использован для оплаты счета-фактуры %s
NotConsumed=Не использован
NoReplacableInvoice=No replaceable invoices
NoInvoiceToCorrect=Нет счетов-фактур для корректировки
InvoiceHasAvoir=Was source of one or several credit notes
CardBill=Карточка счета-фактуры
PredefinedInvoices=Предопределенные Счета-фактуры
InvoiceLine=Строка счета-фактуры
InvoiceCustomer=Счёт клиента
CustomerInvoice=Счёт клиента
CustomersInvoices=Счета-фактуры Покупателей
SupplierInvoice=Vendor invoice
SuppliersInvoices=Vendors invoices
SupplierBill=Vendor invoice
SupplierBills=счета-фактуры Поставщиков
PaymentBack=Возврат платежа
CustomerInvoicePaymentBack=Возврат платежа
PaymentsBack=Возвраты платежа
paymentInInvoiceCurrency=in invoices currency
PaidBack=Возврат платежа
DeletePayment=Удалить платеж
ConfirmDeletePayment=Are you sure you want to delete this payment?
ConfirmConvertToReduc=Do you want to convert this %s into an absolute discount?
ConfirmConvertToReduc2=The amount will be saved among all discounts and could be used as a discount for a current or a future invoice for this customer.
ConfirmConvertToReducSupplier=Do you want to convert this %s into an absolute discount?
ConfirmConvertToReducSupplier2=The amount will be saved among all discounts and could be used as a discount for a current or a future invoice for this vendor.
SupplierPayments=Платежи поставщику
ReceivedPayments=Полученные платежи
ReceivedCustomersPayments=Платежи, полученные от покупателей
PayedSuppliersPayments=Payments paid to vendors
ReceivedCustomersPaymentsToValid=Полученные платежи покупателей для подтверждения
PaymentsReportsForYear=Отчеты о платежах за %s
PaymentsReports=Отчеты о платежах
PaymentsAlreadyDone=Платежи уже сделаны
PaymentsBackAlreadyDone=Возврат платежа произведён.
PaymentRule=Правила оплаты
PaymentMode=Payment Type
PaymentTypeDC=Debit/Credit Card
IdPaymentMode=Payment Type (id)
CodePaymentMode=Payment Type (code)
LabelPaymentMode=Payment Type (label)
PaymentModeShort=Payment Type
PaymentTerm=Payment Term
PaymentConditions=Условия оплаты
PaymentConditionsShort=Условия оплаты
PaymentAmount=Сумма платежа
PaymentHigherThanReminderToPay=Платеж больше, чем в напоминании об оплате
HelpPaymentHigherThanReminderToPay=Attention, the payment amount of one or more bills is higher than the outstanding amount to pay. <br> Edit your entry, otherwise confirm and consider creating a credit note for the excess received for each overpaid invoice.
HelpPaymentHigherThanReminderToPaySupplier=Attention, the payment amount of one or more bills is higher than the outstanding amount to pay. <br> Edit your entry, otherwise confirm and consider creating a credit note for the excess paid for each overpaid invoice.
ClassifyPaid=Классифицировать как 'Оплачен'
ClassifyUnPaid=Classify 'Unpaid'
ClassifyPaidPartially=Классифицировать как 'Оплачен частично'
ClassifyCanceled=Классифицировать как 'Аннулирован'
ClassifyClosed=Классифицировать как 'Закрыт'
ClassifyUnBilled=Classify 'Unbilled'
CreateBill=Создать счет-фактуру
CreateCreditNote=Создать кредитовое авизо
AddBill=Создать счёт или кредитное авизо
AddToDraftInvoices=Добавить проект счёта
DeleteBill=Удалить счет-фактуру
SearchACustomerInvoice=Поиск счета-фактуры Покупателю
SearchASupplierInvoice=Search for a vendor invoice
CancelBill=Отменить счет-фактуру
SendRemindByMail=Отправить напоминание по email
DoPayment=Enter payment
DoPaymentBack=Enter refund
ConvertToReduc=Mark as credit available
ConvertExcessReceivedToReduc=Convert excess received into available credit
ConvertExcessPaidToReduc=Convert excess paid into available discount
EnterPaymentReceivedFromCustomer=Ввести платеж, полученный от покупателя
EnterPaymentDueToCustomer=Произвести платеж за счет Покупателя
DisabledBecauseRemainderToPayIsZero=Отключено, потому что оставшаяся оплата нулевая
PriceBase=Ценовая база
BillStatus=Статус счета-фактуры
StatusOfGeneratedInvoices=Status of generated invoices
BillStatusDraft=Проект (должен быть подтвержден)
BillStatusPaidBackOrConverted=Credit note refund or marked as credit available
BillStatusConverted=Paid (ready for consumption in final invoice)
BillStatusValidated=Подтвержден (необходимо оплатить)
BillStatusNotRefunded=Not refunded
BillStatusClosedUnpaid=Закрыт (неоплачен)
BillStatusClosedPaidPartially=Оплачен (частично)
BillShortStatusPaidBackOrConverted=Refunded or converted
BillShortStatusNotRefunded=Not refunded
BillShortStatusClosedPaidPartially=Оплачен (частично)
PaymentStatusToValidShort=На подтверждении
ErrorVATIntraNotConfigured=Intra-Community VAT number not yet defined
ErrorNoPaiementModeConfigured=No default payment type defined. Go to Invoice module setup to fix this.
ErrorCreateBankAccount=Create a bank account, then go to Setup panel of Invoice module to define payment types
ErrorBillNotFound=Счёт %s не существует
ErrorInvoiceAlreadyReplaced=Error, you tried to validate an invoice to replace invoice %s. But this one has already been replaced by invoice %s.
ErrorDiscountAlreadyUsed=Ошибка, скидка уже используется
ErrorInvoiceAvoirMustBeNegative=Ошибка, корректирующий счет-фактура должен иметь отрицательную сумму
ErrorInvoiceOfThisTypeMustBePositive=Ошибка, такой тип счета-фактуры должен иметь положительную сумму
ErrorCantCancelIfReplacementInvoiceNotValidated=Ошибка, невозможно отменить счет-фактуру, который был заменен на другой счет-фактуру, находящийся в статусе Проекта
ErrorThisPartOrAnotherIsAlreadyUsedSoDiscountSerieCantBeRemoved=This part or another is already used so discount series cannot be removed.
ActionsOnBill=Действия со счетом-фактурой
RecurringInvoiceTemplate=Template / Recurring invoice
NoQualifiedRecurringInvoiceTemplateFound=No recurring template invoice qualified for generation.
FoundXQualifiedRecurringInvoiceTemplate=Found %s recurring template invoice(s) qualified for generation.
NotARecurringInvoiceTemplate=Not a recurring template invoice
NewBill=Новый счёт
LastBills=Latest %s invoices
LatestTemplateInvoices=Latest %s template invoices
LatestCustomerTemplateInvoices=Latest %s customer template invoices
LatestSupplierTemplateInvoices=Latest %s vendor template invoices
LastCustomersBills=Latest %s customer invoices
LastSuppliersBills=Latest %s vendor invoices
AllBills=Все счета-фактуры
AllCustomerTemplateInvoices=All template invoices
OtherBills=Другие счета-фактуры
DraftBills=Проекты счетов-фактур
CustomersDraftInvoices=Customer draft invoices
SuppliersDraftInvoices=Vendor draft invoices
ConfirmDeleteBill=Are you sure you want to delete this invoice?
ConfirmValidateBill=Are you sure you want to validate this invoice with reference <b>%s</b>?
ConfirmUnvalidateBill=Are you sure you want to change invoice <b>%s</b> to draft status?
ConfirmClassifyPaidBill=Are you sure you want to change invoice <b>%s</b> to status paid?
ConfirmCancelBill=Are you sure you want to cancel invoice <b>%s</b>?
ConfirmCancelBillQuestion=Why do you want to classify this invoice 'abandoned'?
ConfirmClassifyPaidPartially=Are you sure you want to change invoice <b>%s</b> to status paid?
ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyQuestion=This invoice has not been paid completely. What is the reason for closing this invoice?
ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyReasonAvoir=Remaining unpaid <b>(%s %s)</b> is a discount granted because payment was made before term. I regularize the VAT with a credit note.
ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyReasonDiscount=Remaining unpaid <b>(%s %s)</b> is a discount granted because payment was made before term.
ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyReasonDiscountNoVat=Оставить неоплаченной <b>(%s %s)</b> предоставленную скидку, потому что платёж был сделан перед соглашением. Я подтверждаю потерю НДС на этой скидке.
ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyReasonDiscountVat=Оставить неоплаченной <b>(%s %s)</b> предоставленную скидку, потому что платёж был сделан перед соглашением. Я восстановлю НДС на этой скидке без кредитного авизо.
ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyReasonBadCustomer=Плохой Покупатель
ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyReasonProductReturned=Продукция частично возвращена
ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyReasonOther=Сумма, аннулированная по другим причинам
ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyReasonDiscountNoVatDesc=This choice is possible if your invoice has been provided with suitable comments. (Example «Only the tax corresponding to the price that has been actually paid gives rights to deduction»)
ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyReasonDiscountVatDesc=In some countries, this choice might be possible only if your invoice contains correct notes.
ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyReasonAvoirDesc=Используйте этот выбор, если все остальные не подходят
ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyReasonBadCustomerDesc=A <b>bad customer</b> is a customer that refuses to pay his debt.
ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyReasonProductReturnedDesc=Этот выбор используется при неполной оплате, когда некоторая продукция была возвращена
ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyReasonOtherDesc=Use this choice if all others are not suitable, for example in following situation:<br>- payment not complete because some products were shipped back<br>- amount claimed too important because a discount was forgotten<br>In all cases, amount over-claimed must be corrected in accountancy system by creating a credit note.
ConfirmClassifyAbandonReasonOtherDesc=Этот выбор будет использоваться во всех других случаях. Например, потому, что вы планируете создать заменяющий счет-фактуру.
ConfirmCustomerPayment=Do you confirm this payment input for <b>%s</b> %s?
ConfirmSupplierPayment=Do you confirm this payment input for <b>%s</b> %s?
ConfirmValidatePayment=Are you sure you want to validate this payment? No change can be made once payment is validated.
ValidateBill=Подтвердить счет-фактуру
UnvalidateBill=Unvalidate счет
NumberOfBills=No. of invoices
NumberOfBillsByMonth=No. of invoices per month
AmountOfBills=Сумма счетов-фактур
AmountOfBillsHT=Amount of invoices (net of tax)
AmountOfBillsByMonthHT=Сумма счетов-фактур за месяц (за вычетом налога)
ShowSocialContribution=Show social/fiscal tax
ShowBill=Показать счет-фактуру
ShowInvoice=Показать счет-фактуру
ShowInvoiceReplace=Показать заменяющий счет-фактуру
ShowInvoiceAvoir=Показать кредитое авизо
ShowInvoiceDeposit=Show down payment invoice
ShowInvoiceSituation=Show situation invoice
UseSituationInvoices=Allow situation invoice
UseSituationInvoicesCreditNote=Allow situation invoice credit note
Retainedwarranty=Retained warranty
RetainedwarrantyDefaultPercent=Retained warranty default percent
ToPayOn=To pay on %s
toPayOn=to pay on %s
RetainedWarranty=Retained Warranty
PaymentConditionsShortRetainedWarranty=Retained warranty payment terms
DefaultPaymentConditionsRetainedWarranty=Default retained warranty payment terms
setPaymentConditionsShortRetainedWarranty=Set retained warranty payment terms
setretainedwarranty=Set retained warranty
setretainedwarrantyDateLimit=Set retained warranty date limit
RetainedWarrantyDateLimit=Retained warranty date limit
RetainedWarrantyNeed100Percent=The situation invoice need to be at 100%% progress to be displayed on PDF
ShowPayment=Показать платеж
AlreadyPaid=Уже оплачен
AlreadyPaidBack=Already paid back
AlreadyPaidNoCreditNotesNoDeposits=Already paid (without credit notes and down payments)
RemainderToPay=Оставить неоплаченным
RemainderToTake=Remaining amount to take
RemainderToPayBack=Remaining amount to refund
Rest=В ожидании
AmountExpected=Заявленная сумма
ExcessReceived=Полученный излишек
ExcessPaid=Excess paid
EscompteOffered=Предоставлена скидка (за досрочный платеж)
SendBillRef=Представление счёта %s
SendReminderBillRef=Представление счёта %s (напоминание)
StandingOrders=Direct debit orders
StandingOrder=Прямой дебетовый заказ
NoDraftBills=Нет проектов счетов-фактур
NoOtherDraftBills=Нет других проектов счетов-фактур
NoDraftInvoices=Нет проектов счетов
RefBill=Референс Счета-фактуры
ToBill=Для выставления
RemainderToBill=Остаток к выставлению
SendBillByMail=Отправить счет-фактуру по email
SendReminderBillByMail=Отправить напоминание по email
RelatedCommercialProposals=Связанные коммерческие предложения
RelatedRecurringCustomerInvoices=Related recurring customer invoices
MenuToValid=Для проверки
DateMaxPayment=Payment due on
DateInvoice=Дата счета-фактуры
DatePointOfTax=Point of tax
NoInvoice=Нет счетов-фактур
ClassifyBill=Классифицировать счет-фактуру
SupplierBillsToPay=Unpaid vendor invoices
CustomerBillsUnpaid=Неоплаченные счета клиента
NonPercuRecuperable=Не подлежащий взысканию
SetConditions=Set Payment Terms
SetMode=Set Payment Type
SetRevenuStamp=Set revenue stamp
RecurringInvoices=Recurring invoices
RepeatableInvoice=Шаблоны счёта
RepeatableInvoices=Шаблоны счетов
ChangeIntoRepeatableInvoice=Конвертировать в шаблон счёта
CreateRepeatableInvoice=Создать шаблон счёта
CreateFromRepeatableInvoice=Создать из шаблона счёта
CustomersInvoicesAndInvoiceLines=Customer invoices and invoice details
CustomersInvoicesAndPayments=Счета-фактуры Покупателям и платежи
ExportDataset_invoice_1=Customer invoices and invoice details
ExportDataset_invoice_2=Счета-фактуры Покупателям и платежи
ProformaBill=Встречный вексель:
AddDiscount=Создать абсолютную скидку
AddRelativeDiscount=Создать относительная скидка
EditRelativeDiscount=Отредактировать относительную скидку
AddGlobalDiscount=Добавить скидку
EditGlobalDiscounts=Редактировать абсолютной скидки
AddCreditNote=Создать кредитовое авизо
ShowDiscount=Показать скидку
ShowReduc=Показать вычет
RelativeDiscount=Относительная скидка
GlobalDiscount=Глобальная скидка
CreditNote=Кредитовое авизо
CreditNotes=Кредитовое авизо
CreditNotesOrExcessReceived=Credit notes or excess received
Deposit=Down payment
Deposits=Down payments
DiscountFromCreditNote=Скидка из кредитового авизо %s
DiscountFromDeposit=Down payments from invoice %s
DiscountFromExcessReceived=Payments in excess of invoice %s
DiscountFromExcessPaid=Payments in excess of invoice %s
AbsoluteDiscountUse=Такой тип кредита может быть использован по счету-фактуре до его подтверждения
CreditNoteDepositUse=Invoice must be validated to use this kind of credits
NewGlobalDiscount=Новая фиксированная скидка
NewRelativeDiscount=Новая относительная скидку
DiscountType=Discount type
NoteReason=Примечание / Основание
DiscountStillRemaining=Discounts or credits available
DiscountAlreadyCounted=Discounts or credits already consumed
CustomerDiscounts=Customer discounts
SupplierDiscounts=Vendors discounts
BillAddress=Адрес выставления
HelpEscompte=This discount is a discount granted to customer because payment was made before term.
HelpAbandonBadCustomer=This amount has been abandoned (customer said to be a bad customer) and is considered as an exceptional loss.
HelpAbandonOther=This amount has been abandoned since it was an error (wrong customer or invoice replaced by another for example)
IdSocialContribution=Social/fiscal tax payment id
PaymentId=Код платежа
PaymentRef=Payment ref.
InvoiceId=Код счета-фактуры
InvoiceRef=Ref. счета-фактуры
InvoiceDateCreation=Дата создания счета-фактуры
InvoiceStatus=Статус Счета-фактуры
InvoiceNote=Примечание к счету-фактуре
InvoicePaid=Счет-фактура оплачен
OrderBilled=Order billed
DonationPaid=Donation paid
PaymentNumber=Номера платежа
RemoveDiscount=Удалить скидку
WatermarkOnDraftBill=Водяной знак на проекте счета (ничего, если пусто)
InvoiceNotChecked=Счет-фактура не выбран
ConfirmCloneInvoice=Are you sure you want to clone this invoice <b>%s</b>?
DisabledBecauseReplacedInvoice=Действия отключены поскольку счет-фактура был заменен
DescTaxAndDividendsArea=This area presents a summary of all payments made for special expenses. Only records with payments during the fixed year are included here.
NbOfPayments=No. of payments
SplitDiscount=Разделить скидку на две
ConfirmSplitDiscount=Are you sure you want to split this discount of <b>%s</b> %s into two smaller discounts?
TypeAmountOfEachNewDiscount=Input amount for each of two parts:
TotalOfTwoDiscountMustEqualsOriginal=The total of the two new discounts must be equal to the original discount amount.
ConfirmRemoveDiscount=Are you sure you want to remove this discount?
RelatedBill=Связанный счёт
RelatedBills=Связанные счета-фактуры
RelatedCustomerInvoices=Связанные счета клиента
RelatedSupplierInvoices=Related vendor invoices
LatestRelatedBill=Последний связанный счёт
WarningBillExist=Warning, one or more invoices already exist
MergingPDFTool=Merging PDF tool
AmountPaymentDistributedOnInvoice=Payment amount distributed on invoice
PaymentOnDifferentThirdBills=Allow payments on different third parties bills but same parent company
PaymentNote=Payment note
ListOfPreviousSituationInvoices=List of previous situation invoices
ListOfNextSituationInvoices=List of next situation invoices
ListOfSituationInvoices=List of situation invoices
CurrentSituationTotal=Total current situation
DisabledBecauseNotEnouthCreditNote=To remove a situation invoice from cycle, this invoice's credit note total must cover this invoice total
RemoveSituationFromCycle=Remove this invoice from cycle
ConfirmRemoveSituationFromCycle=Remove this invoice %s from cycle ?
ConfirmOuting=Confirm outing
FrequencyPer_d=Every %s days
FrequencyPer_m=Every %s months
FrequencyPer_y=Every %s years
FrequencyUnit=Frequency unit
toolTipFrequency=Examples:<br><b>Set 7, Day</b>: give a new invoice every 7 days<br><b>Set 3, Month</b>: give a new invoice every 3 month
NextDateToExecution=Date for next invoice generation
NextDateToExecutionShort=Date next gen.
DateLastGeneration=Date of latest generation
DateLastGenerationShort=Date latest gen.
MaxPeriodNumber=Max. number of invoice generation
NbOfGenerationDone=Number of invoice generation already done
NbOfGenerationDoneShort=Number of generation done
MaxGenerationReached=Maximum number of generations reached
InvoiceAutoValidate=Validate invoices automatically
GeneratedFromRecurringInvoice=Generated from template recurring invoice %s
DateIsNotEnough=Date not reached yet
InvoiceGeneratedFromTemplate=Invoice %s generated from recurring template invoice %s
GeneratedFromTemplate=Generated from template invoice %s
WarningInvoiceDateInFuture=Warning, the invoice date is higher than current date
WarningInvoiceDateTooFarInFuture=Warning, the invoice date is too far from current date
ViewAvailableGlobalDiscounts=View available discounts
# PaymentConditions
PaymentConditionShortRECEP=Due Upon Receipt
PaymentConditionRECEP=Due Upon Receipt
PaymentConditionShort30D=30 дней
PaymentCondition30D=30 дней
PaymentConditionShort30DENDMONTH=30 days of month-end
PaymentCondition30DENDMONTH=Within 30 days following the end of the month
PaymentConditionShort60D=60 дней
PaymentCondition60D=60 дней
PaymentConditionShort60DENDMONTH=60 days of month-end
PaymentCondition60DENDMONTH=Within 60 days following the end of the month
PaymentConditionPT_DELIVERY=О доставке
PaymentConditionPT_ORDER=В заказе
PaymentConditionPT_5050=50%% аванс, 50%% после доставки
PaymentConditionShort10D=10 days
PaymentCondition10D=10 days
PaymentConditionShort10DENDMONTH=10 days of month-end
PaymentCondition10DENDMONTH=Within 10 days following the end of the month
PaymentConditionShort14D=14 days
PaymentCondition14D=14 days
PaymentConditionShort14DENDMONTH=14 days of month-end
PaymentCondition14DENDMONTH=Within 14 days following the end of the month
FixAmount=Fixed amount
VarAmount=Произвольное значение (%% от суммы)
VarAmountOneLine=Variable amount (%% tot.) - 1 line with label '%s'
# PaymentType
PaymentTypeVIR=Банковский перевод
PaymentTypeShortVIR=Банковский перевод
PaymentTypePRE=Direct debit payment order
PaymentTypeShortPRE=Debit payment order
PaymentTypeCB=Кредитная карта
PaymentTypeShortCB=Кред. карта
PaymentTypeTIP=TIP (Documents against Payment)
PaymentTypeShortTIP=TIP Payment
PaymentTypeVAD=Online payment
PaymentTypeShortVAD=Online payment
PaymentTypeTRA=Bank draft
BankDetails=Банковские реквизиты
BankCode=Код банка
DeskCode=Branch code
BankAccountNumber=Номер счета
IBANNumber=IBAN account number
BICNumber=BIC/SWIFT code
RegulatedOn=Регулируемый по
ChequeNumber=Чек N
ChequeOrTransferNumber=Чек/Перевод N
ChequeBordereau=Check schedule
ChequeMaker=Check/Transfer transmitter
ChequeBank=Банк чека
NetToBePaid=Чистыми к оплате
PrettyLittleSentence=Согласен с суммой причитающихся платежей по чекам выписанным на мое имя, как член ассоциации бухгалтерского учета, утвержденный Финансовой администрацией.
IntracommunityVATNumber=Intra-Community VAT ID
PaymentByChequeOrderedTo=Check payments (including tax) are payable to %s, send to
PaymentByChequeOrderedToShort=Check payments (incl. tax) are payable to
PaymentByTransferOnThisBankAccount=Payment by transfer to the following bank account
VATIsNotUsedForInvoice=* Неприменяемых НДС арт-293B из CGI
LawApplicationPart1=По применению закона 80.335 от 12/05/80
LawApplicationPart2=товары остаются в собственности
LawApplicationPart3=the seller until full payment of
LawApplicationPart4=их стоимости.
LimitedLiabilityCompanyCapital=SARL с капиталом
UseDiscount=Использовать скидку
UseCredit=Использовать кредит
UseCreditNoteInInvoicePayment=Уменьшить сумму к оплате по этому кредиту
MenuChequeDeposits=Check Deposits
MenuChequesReceipts=Check receipts
NewChequeDeposit=Новое поступление
ChequesReceipts=Check receipts
ChequesArea=Check deposits area
ChequeDeposits=Check deposits
DepositId=Id deposit
NbCheque=Number of checks
CreditNoteConvertedIntoDiscount=Этот %s должен быть преобразован в %s
UsBillingContactAsIncoiveRecipientIfExist=Use contact/address with type 'billing contact' instead of third-party address as recipient for invoices
ShowUnpaidAll=Показать все неоплаченные счета-фактуры
ShowUnpaidLateOnly=Показать только просроченные неоплаченные счета-фактуры
PaymentInvoiceRef=Оплата счета-фактуры %s
ValidateInvoice=Подтвердить счет-фактуру
ValidateInvoices=Validate invoices
DisabledBecausePayments=Невозможно, поскольку есть некоторые платежи
CantRemovePaymentWithOneInvoicePaid=Не удается удалить оплаты поскольку есть по крайней мере один счет-фактура классифицированный как 'оплачен'
ExpectedToPay=Ожидаемые платежи
CantRemoveConciliatedPayment=Can't remove reconciled payment
PayedByThisPayment=Оплачен этим платежом
ClosePaidInvoicesAutomatically=Классифицируйте все стандартные, авансовые или заменяющие счета как полностью оплаченные.
ClosePaidCreditNotesAutomatically=Classify "Paid" all credit notes entirely paid back.
ClosePaidContributionsAutomatically=Classify "Paid" all social or fiscal contributions paid entirely.
AllCompletelyPayedInvoiceWillBeClosed=All invoices with no remainder to pay will be automatically closed with status "Paid".
ToMakePaymentBack=Возврат платежа
ListOfYourUnpaidInvoices=Список неоплаченных счетов
NoteListOfYourUnpaidInvoices=Примечание: Этот список содержит счета только тех контрагентов, которые связаны с нами, как представители по сбыту.
RevenueStamp=Штамп о уплате налогов
YouMustCreateInvoiceFromThird=This option is only available when creating an invoice from tab "Customer" of third party
YouMustCreateInvoiceFromSupplierThird=This option is only available when creating an invoice from tab "Vendor" of third party
YouMustCreateStandardInvoiceFirstDesc=You have to create a standard invoice first and convert it to "template" to create a new template invoice
PDFCrabeDescription=Шаблон Счета-фактуры Crabe. Полный шаблон (вспомогательные опции НДС, скидки, условия платежей, логотип и т.д. ..)
PDFSpongeDescription=Invoice PDF template Sponge. A complete invoice template
PDFCrevetteDescription=Invoice PDF template Crevette. A complete invoice template for situation invoices
TerreNumRefModelDesc1=Функция возвращает номер в формате %syymm-nnnn  для стандартных счетов и %syymm-nnnn для кредитных авизо, где yy год,  mm месяц и nnnn является непрерывной последовательностью и не возвращает 0
MarsNumRefModelDesc1=Return number with format %syymm-nnnn for standard invoices, %syymm-nnnn for replacement invoices, %syymm-nnnn for down payment invoices and %syymm-nnnn for credit notes where yy is year, mm is month and nnnn is a sequence with no break and no return to 0
TerreNumRefModelError=Документ, начинающийся с $syymm, уже существует и не совместим с этой моделью последовательности. Удалите или переименуйте его, чтобы активировать этот модуль.
CactusNumRefModelDesc1=Return number with format %syymm-nnnn for standard invoices, %syymm-nnnn for credit notes and %syymm-nnnn for down payment invoices where yy is year, mm is month and nnnn is a sequence with no break and no return to 0
##### Types de contacts #####
TypeContact_facture_internal_SALESREPFOLL=Четко отследить счет-фактуру Покупателю
TypeContact_facture_external_BILLING=обратитесь в отдел счетов-фактур Покупателям
TypeContact_facture_external_SHIPPING=обратитесь в службу доставки
TypeContact_facture_external_SERVICE=обратитесь в клиентскую службу
TypeContact_invoice_supplier_internal_SALESREPFOLL=Representative following-up vendor invoice
TypeContact_invoice_supplier_external_BILLING=Vendor invoice contact
TypeContact_invoice_supplier_external_SHIPPING=Vendor shipping contact
TypeContact_invoice_supplier_external_SERVICE=Vendor service contact
# Situation invoices
InvoiceFirstSituationAsk=First situation invoice
InvoiceFirstSituationDesc=The <b>situation invoices</b> are tied to situations related to a progression, for example the progression of a construction. Each situation is tied to an invoice.
InvoiceSituation=Situation invoice
InvoiceSituationAsk=Invoice following the situation
InvoiceSituationDesc=Create a new situation following an already existing one
SituationAmount=Situation invoice amount(net)
SituationDeduction=Situation subtraction
ModifyAllLines=Изменить все строки
CreateNextSituationInvoice=Create next situation
ErrorFindNextSituationInvoice=Error unable to find next situation cycle ref
ErrorOutingSituationInvoiceOnUpdate=Unable to outing this situation invoice.
ErrorOutingSituationInvoiceCreditNote=Unable to outing linked credit note.
NotLastInCycle=This invoice is not the latest in cycle and must not be modified.
DisabledBecauseNotLastInCycle=The next situation already exists.
DisabledBecauseFinal=This situation is final.
CantBeLessThanMinPercent=The progress can't be smaller than its value in the previous situation.
NoSituations=No open situations
InvoiceSituationLast=Финальный и основной счёт
PDFCrevetteSituationNumber=Situation N°%s
PDFCrevetteSituationInvoiceLineDecompte=Situation invoice - COUNT
PDFCrevetteSituationInvoiceTitle=Situation invoice
PDFCrevetteSituationInvoiceLine=Situation N°%s: Inv. N°%s on %s
TotalSituationInvoice=Total situation
invoiceLineProgressError=Invoice line progress can't be greater than or equal to the next invoice line
updatePriceNextInvoiceErrorUpdateline=Error: update price on invoice line: %s
ToCreateARecurringInvoice=To create a recurring invoice for this contract, first create this draft invoice, then convert it into an invoice template and define the frequency for generation of future invoices.
ToCreateARecurringInvoiceGene=To generate future invoices regularly and manually, just go on menu <strong>%s - %s - %s</strong>.
ToCreateARecurringInvoiceGeneAuto=If you need to have such invoices generated automatically, ask your administrator to enable and setup module <strong>%s</strong>. Note that both methods (manual and automatic) can be used together with no risk of duplication.
DeleteRepeatableInvoice=Delete template invoice
ConfirmDeleteRepeatableInvoice=Are your sure you want to delete the template invoice?
CreateOneBillByThird=Create one invoice per third party (otherwise, one invoice per order)
BillCreated=%s bill(s) created
StatusOfGeneratedDocuments=Status of document generation
DoNotGenerateDoc=Do not generate document file
AutogenerateDoc=Auto generate document file
AutoFillDateFrom=Set start date for service line with invoice date
AutoFillDateFromShort=Set start date
AutoFillDateTo=Set end date for service line with next invoice date
AutoFillDateToShort=Set end date
MaxNumberOfGenerationReached=Max number of gen. reached
BILL_DELETEInDolibarr=Счёт удалён