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# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - marges

TotalMargin=Total Marjă
MarginOnProducts=Marjă / Produse
MarginOnServices=Marjă / Servicii
MarginRate=Rată Marjă
MarkRate=Rată marcă
DisplayMarginRates=Afişează ratele marjă
DisplayMarkRates=Afişează rate marcă
InputPrice=Preţ intrare
margin=Managementul marje profit
margesSetup=Setare Management marje profit
MarginDetails=Detalii Marjă
ProductMargins=Marjă Produs
CustomerMargins=Marje Client
SalesRepresentativeMargins=Marje Reprezentanţi vănzări
UserMargins=Marje Utilizator
ProductService=Produs sau serviciu
AllProducts=Toate produsele ÅŸi serviciile
ChooseProduct/Service=Alege produs sau serviciu
ForceBuyingPriceIfNull=Force buying/cost price to selling price if not defined
ForceBuyingPriceIfNullDetails=If buying/cost price not defined, and this option "ON", margin will be zero on line (buying/cost price = selling price), otherwise ("OFF"), marge will be equal to suggested default.
MARGIN_METHODE_FOR_DISCOUNT=Metoda marje pentru discounturi globale
UseDiscountAsProduct=Ca produs
UseDiscountAsService=Ca serviciu
UseDiscountOnTotal=Pe subtotal
MARGIN_METHODE_FOR_DISCOUNT_DETAILS=Definiti daca discontul global e tratat ca un produs, serviciu, sau numai pe total la calcularea marjei.
MARGIN_TYPE=Buying/Cost price suggested by default for margin calculation
MargeType1=Margin on Best vendor price
MargeType2=Margin on Weighted Average Price (WAP)
MargeType3=Margin on Cost Price
MarginTypeDesc=* Margin on best buying price = Selling price - Best vendor price defined on product card<br>* Margin on Weighted Average Price (WAP) = Selling price - Product Weighted Average Price (WAP) or best supplier price if WAP not yet defined<br>* Margin on Cost price = Selling price - Cost price defined on product card or WAP if cost price not defined, or best supplier price if WAP not yet defined
CostPrice=Preţ de cost
UnitCharges=Cheluieli unitare
AgentContactType=Tip contact agent comercial
AgentContactTypeDetails=Defineşte ce tip de contact ( legat pe factură) va fi utilizat pentru raportul marjei pe reprezentanti de vânzări
rateMustBeNumeric=Rata trebuie să fie numerică
markRateShouldBeLesserThan100=Rata mîrcii trebuie să fie mai mica de 100
ShowMarginInfos=Arată informaţii marjă
CheckMargins=Margins detail
MarginPerSaleRepresentativeWarning=The report of margin per user use the link between third parties and sale representatives to calculate the margin of each sale representative. Because some thirdparties may not have any ddiated sale representative and some thirdparties may be linked to several, some amounts may not be included into this report (if there is no sale representative) and some may appear on different lines (for each sale representative).