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# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - users
HRMArea=HRM area
UserCard=Notandi kort
GroupCard=Group kort
EditPassword=Breyta lykilorði
SendNewPassword=Endurfæða og senda lykilorð
SendNewPasswordLink=Send link to reset password
ReinitPassword=Endurfæða lykilorð
PasswordChangedTo=Lykilorð breytt í: %s
SubjectNewPassword=Your new password for %s
GroupRights=Group heimildir
UserRights=Notandi heimildir
UserGUISetup=User Display Setup
DisableAUser=Slökkva notanda
DeleteAUser=Eyða notanda
EnableAUser=Virkja notanda
DeleteAGroup=Eyða hópi
ConfirmDisableUser=Are you sure you want to disable user <b>%s</b>?
ConfirmDeleteUser=Are you sure you want to delete user <b>%s</b>?
ConfirmDeleteGroup=Are you sure you want to delete group <b>%s</b>?
ConfirmEnableUser=Are you sure you want to enable user <b>%s</b>?
ConfirmReinitPassword=Are you sure you want to generate a new password for user <b>%s</b>?
ConfirmSendNewPassword=Are you sure you want to generate and send new password for user <b>%s</b>?
NewUser=Nýr notandi
CreateUser=Búa til notanda
LoginNotDefined=Innskráning er ekki skilgreind.
NameNotDefined=Nafnið er ekki skilgreind.
SuperAdministrator=Super Administrator
SuperAdministratorDesc=Stjórnandi með öllum réttindum
DefaultRights=Default Permissions
DefaultRightsDesc=Define here the <u>default</u> permissions that are automatically granted to a <u>new</u> user (to modify permissions for existing users, go to the user card).
DolibarrUsers=Dolibarr notendur
ListOfGroups=Listi yfir alla hópa
NewGroup=Nýr hópur
CreateGroup=Búa til hóp
RemoveFromGroup=Fjarlægja úr hópi
PasswordChangedAndSentTo=Lykilorð breyst og sendur <b>til %s .</b>
PasswordChangeRequest=Request to change password for <b>%s</b>
PasswordChangeRequestSent=Beiðni um að breyta lykilorðinu <b>fyrir %s </b> sent <b>til %s .</b>
ConfirmPasswordReset=Confirm password reset
MenuUsersAndGroups=Notendur & Groups
LastGroupsCreated=Latest %s groups created
LastUsersCreated=Latest %s users created
ShowGroup=Sýna hópur
ShowUser=Sýna notanda
NonAffectedUsers=Non áhrif notendur
UserModified=Notandi breytt hefur verið
PhotoFile=Photo skrá
ListOfUsersInGroup=Notendalisti í þessum hópi
ListOfGroupsForUser=Listi yfir alla hópa fyrir þennan notanda
LinkToCompanyContact=Hlekkur til þriðja aðila / samband
LinkedToDolibarrMember=Tengill á meðlimur
LinkedToDolibarrUser=Tengill á Dolibarr notanda
LinkedToDolibarrThirdParty=Tengill á Dolibarr þriðja aðila
CreateDolibarrLogin=Búa til notanda
CreateDolibarrThirdParty=Búa til þriðja aðila
LoginAccountDisableInDolibarr=Reikningur óvirkur í Dolibarr.
UsePersonalValue=Nota persónulega gildi
InternalUser=Innri notandi
ExportDataset_user_1=Users and their properties
DomainUser=Lén notanda %s
CreateInternalUserDesc=This form allows you to create an internal user in your company/organization. To create an external user (customer, vendor etc.  ..), use the button 'Create Dolibarr User' from that third-party's contact card.
InternalExternalDesc=An <b>internal</b> user is a user that is part of your company/organization.<br>An <b>external</b> user is a customer, vendor or other.<br><br>In both cases, permissions defines rights on Dolibarr, also external user can have a different menu manager than internal user (See Home - Setup - Display)
PermissionInheritedFromAGroup=Heimild veitt vegna þess að arfur frá einni í hópnum notanda.
UserWillBeInternalUser=Búið notandi vilja vera innri notanda (vegna þess að ekki tengd við ákveðna þriðja aðila)
UserWillBeExternalUser=Búið notandi vilja vera ytri notandi (vegna þess að tengjast ákveðnum þriðja aðila)
IdPhoneCaller=Auðkenni sími sem hringir
NewUserCreated=User %s  búinn til
NewUserPassword=Lykilorð breyta fyrir %s
EventUserModified=User %s  breytt
UserDisabled=User %s  fatlaðra
UserEnabled=User %s  virkjaður
UserDeleted=User %s  eytt
NewGroupCreated=Group %s  búinn til
GroupModified=Group %s modified
GroupDeleted=Group %s  eytt
ConfirmCreateContact=Are you sure you want to create a Dolibarr account for this contact?
ConfirmCreateLogin=Are you sure you want to create a Dolibarr account for this member?
ConfirmCreateThirdParty=Are you sure you want to create a third party for this member?
LoginToCreate=Innskráning til að búa til
NameToCreate=Nafn þriðja aðila til að stofna
YourRole=hlutverk þín
YourQuotaOfUsersIsReached=kvóta þinn af virkum notendum er náð!
NbOfUsers=No. of users
NbOfPermissions=No. of permissions
DontDowngradeSuperAdmin=Aðeins superadmin getur lækkunar a superadmin
HierarchicView=Hierarchical view
UseTypeFieldToChange=Use field Type to change
LoginUsingOpenID=Use OpenID to login
WeeklyHours=Hours worked (per week)
ExpectedWorkedHours=Expected worked hours per week
ColorUser=Color of the user
DisabledInMonoUserMode=Disabled in maintenance mode
UserAccountancyCode=User accounting code
UserLogoff=User logout
UserLogged=User logged
DateEmployment=Employment Start Date
DateEmploymentEnd=Employment End Date
CantDisableYourself=You can't disable your own user record