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# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - orders
OrdersArea=Viðskiptavinir pantanir area
SuppliersOrdersArea=Purchase orders area
OrderCard=Panta kort
OrderId=Order Id
OrderDate=Panta dagsetningu
OrderDateShort=Panta dagsetningu
OrderToProcess=Til að framkvæma
NewOrder=New Order
ToOrder=Gera röð
MakeOrder=Gera röð
SupplierOrder=Purchase order
SuppliersOrders=Purchase orders
SuppliersOrdersRunning=Current purchase orders
CustomerOrder=Sales Order
CustomersOrders=Sales Orders
CustomersOrdersRunning=Current sales orders
CustomersOrdersAndOrdersLines=Sales orders and order details
OrdersDeliveredToBill=Sales orders delivered to bill
OrdersToBill=Sales orders delivered
OrdersInProcess=Sales orders in process
OrdersToProcess=Sales orders to process
SuppliersOrdersToProcess=Purchase orders to process
StatusOrderCanceledShort=Hætt við
StatusOrderSentShort=Í ferli
StatusOrderSent=Shipment in process
StatusOrderDelivered=Við reikning
StatusOrderDeliveredShort=Við reikning
StatusOrderToBillShort=Við reikning
StatusOrderToProcessShort=Til að ganga frá
StatusOrderReceivedPartiallyShort=Að hluta til fékk
StatusOrderReceivedAllShort=Products received
StatusOrderCanceled=Hætt við
StatusOrderDraft=Víxill (þarf að vera staðfest)
StatusOrderOnProcess=Ordered - Standby reception
StatusOrderOnProcessWithValidation=Ordered - Standby reception or validation
StatusOrderToBill=Við reikning
StatusOrderReceivedPartially=Að hluta til fékk
StatusOrderReceivedAll=All products received
ShippingExist=A sendingunni til
QtyOrdered=Magn röð
ProductQtyInDraft=Product quantity into draft orders
ProductQtyInDraftOrWaitingApproved=Product quantity into draft or approved orders, not yet ordered
MenuOrdersToBill=Pantanir við reikning
MenuOrdersToBill2=Billable orders
ShipProduct=Skip vöru
CreateOrder=Búa Order
RefuseOrder=Neita röð
ApproveOrder=Approve order
Approve2Order=Approve order (second level)
ValidateOrder=Staðfesta röð
UnvalidateOrder=Unvalidate röð
DeleteOrder=Eyða röð
CancelOrder=Hætta við röð
OrderReopened= Order %s Reopened
AddOrder=Create order
AddToDraftOrders=Add to draft order
ShowOrder=Sýna röð
OrdersOpened=Orders to process
NoDraftOrders=No draft orders
NoOrder=No order
NoSupplierOrder=No purchase order
LastOrders=Latest %s sales orders
LastCustomerOrders=Latest %s sales orders
LastSupplierOrders=Latest %s purchase orders
LastModifiedOrders=Latest %s modified orders
AllOrders=Allar pantanir
NbOfOrders=Fjöldi fyrirmæla
OrdersStatistics=tölfræði Order's
OrdersStatisticsSuppliers=Purchase order statistics
NumberOfOrdersByMonth=Fjöldi fyrirmæla eftir mánuði
AmountOfOrdersByMonthHT=Amount of orders by month (excl. tax)
ListOfOrders=Listi yfir pantanir
CloseOrder=Loka röð
ConfirmCloseOrder=Are you sure you want to set this order to delivered? Once an order is delivered, it can be set to billed.
ConfirmDeleteOrder=Are you sure you want to delete this order?
ConfirmValidateOrder=Are you sure you want to validate this order under name <b>%s</b>?
ConfirmUnvalidateOrder=Are you sure you want to restore order <b>%s</b> to draft status?
ConfirmCancelOrder=Are you sure you want to cancel this order?
ConfirmMakeOrder=Are you sure you want to confirm you made this order on <b>%s</b>?
GenerateBill=Búa til reikning
ClassifyShipped=Classify delivered
DraftOrders=Drög að fyrirmælum
DraftSuppliersOrders=Draft purchase orders
OnProcessOrders=Í pantanir ferli
RefOrder=Tilv. röð
RefCustomerOrder=Ref. order for customer
RefOrderSupplier=Ref. order for vendor
RefOrderSupplierShort=Ref. order vendor
SendOrderByMail=Senda til með pósti
ActionsOnOrder=Aðgerðir á röð
NoArticleOfTypeProduct=Engar greinar af gerðinni 'vara' svo engin shippable grein fyrir þessari röð
OrderMode=Panta aðferð
AuthorRequest=Beiðni Höfundur
UserWithApproveOrderGrant=Notendur veitt með "samþykkja pantanir" leyfi.
PaymentOrderRef=Greiðsla %s kyni s
ConfirmCloneOrder=Are you sure you want to clone this order <b>%s</b>?
DispatchSupplierOrder=Receiving purchase order %s
FirstApprovalAlreadyDone=First approval already done
SecondApprovalAlreadyDone=Second approval already done
SupplierOrderReceivedInDolibarr=Purchase Order %s received %s
SupplierOrderSubmitedInDolibarr=Purchase Order %s submitted
SupplierOrderClassifiedBilled=Purchase Order %s set billed
OtherOrders=Aðrar skipanir
##### Types de contacts #####
TypeContact_commande_internal_SALESREPFOLL=Representative following-up sales order
TypeContact_commande_internal_SHIPPING=Fulltrúi eftirfarandi upp siglinga
TypeContact_commande_external_BILLING=Viðskiptavinur Reikningar samband
TypeContact_commande_external_SHIPPING=Viðskiptavinur siglinga samband
TypeContact_commande_external_CUSTOMER=Viðskiptavinur samband eftirfarandi upp röð
TypeContact_order_supplier_internal_SALESREPFOLL=Representative following-up purchase order
TypeContact_order_supplier_internal_SHIPPING=Fulltrúi eftirfarandi upp siglinga
TypeContact_order_supplier_external_BILLING=Vendor invoice contact
TypeContact_order_supplier_external_SHIPPING=Vendor shipping contact
TypeContact_order_supplier_external_CUSTOMER=Vendor contact following-up order
Error_COMMANDE_ADDON_NotDefined=Constant COMMANDE_ADDON skilgreind ekki
Error_OrderNotChecked=No orders to invoice selected
# Order modes (how we receive order). Not the "why" are keys stored into dict.lang
# Documents models
PDFEinsteinDescription=A heill til líkan (logo. ..)
PDFEratostheneDescription=A heill til líkan (logo. ..)
PDFEdisonDescription=Einföld röð líkan
PDFProformaDescription=A complete proforma invoice (logo…)
CreateInvoiceForThisCustomer=Bill orders
NoOrdersToInvoice=No orders billable
CloseProcessedOrdersAutomatically=Classify "Processed" all selected orders.
OrderCreation=Order creation
OrderCreated=Your orders have been created
OrderFail=An error happened during your orders creation
CreateOrders=Create orders
ToBillSeveralOrderSelectCustomer=To create an invoice for several orders, click first onto customer, then choose "%s".
OptionToSetOrderBilledNotEnabled=Option (from module Workflow) to set order to 'Billed' automatically when invoice is validated is off, so you will have to set status of order to 'Billed' manually.
IfValidateInvoiceIsNoOrderStayUnbilled=If invoice validation is 'No', the order will remain to status 'Unbilled' until the invoice is validated.
CloseReceivedSupplierOrdersAutomatically=Close order to "%s" automatically if all products are received.
SetShippingMode=Set shipping mode