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# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - products
ProductRef=Proizvod ref.
ProductLabel=Oznaka proizvoda
ProductLabelTranslated=Prevedena oznaka proizvoda
ProductDescription=Product description
ProductDescriptionTranslated=Preveden opis proizvoda
ProductNoteTranslated=Prevedena napomena proizvoda
ProductServiceCard=Kartica proizvoda/usluga
ProductId=ID proizvoda/usluge
NewProduct=Novi proizvod
NewService=Nova usluga
ProductVatMassChange=Global VAT Update
ProductVatMassChangeDesc=This tool updates the VAT rate defined on <b><u>ALL</u></b> products and services!
MassBarcodeInit=Masovni init barkoda
MassBarcodeInitDesc=Ova stranica se može koristiti za inicijalizaciju barkoda na objektima koji nemaju definiran barkod. Provjerite prije da li su postavke barcode modula podešene.
ProductAccountancyBuyCode=Accounting code (purchase)
ProductAccountancySellCode=Accounting code (sale)
ProductAccountancySellIntraCode=Accounting code (sale intra-Community)
ProductAccountancySellExportCode=Accounting code (sale export)
ProductOrService=Proizvod ili usluga
ProductsAndServices=Proizvodi ili usluge
ProductsOrServices=Proizvodi ili usluge
ProductsPipeServices=Products | Services
ProductsOnSaleOnly=Products for sale only
ProductsOnPurchaseOnly=Products for purchase only
ProductsNotOnSell=Products not for sale and not for purchase
ProductsOnSellAndOnBuy=Proizvoda za prodaju i za nabavu
ServicesOnSaleOnly=Services for sale only
ServicesOnPurchaseOnly=Services for purchase only
ServicesNotOnSell=Services not for sale and not for purchase
ServicesOnSellAndOnBuy=Usluga za prodaju i za nabavu
LastModifiedProductsAndServices=Posljednjih %s izmijenjenih proizvoda / usluga
LastRecordedProducts=Zadnjih %s pohranjenih proizvoda
LastRecordedServices=Zadnjih %s pohranjenih usluga
Stocks=Stocks and location (warehouse) of products
OnSell=Za prodaju
OnBuy=Za nabavu
NotOnSell=Nije za prodaju
ProductStatusOnSell=Za prodaju
ProductStatusNotOnSell=Nije za prodaju
ProductStatusOnSellShort=Za prodaju
ProductStatusNotOnSellShort=Nije za prodaju
ProductStatusOnBuy=Za nabavu
ProductStatusNotOnBuy=Nije za nabavu
ProductStatusOnBuyShort=Za nabavu
ProductStatusNotOnBuyShort=Nije za nabavu
UpdateVAT=Promjeni PDV
UpdateDefaultPrice=Promjeni predefiniranu cijenu
UpdateLevelPrices=Promijeni cijene za svaki nivo
AppliedPricesFrom=Applied from
SellingPrice=Prodajna cijena
SellingPriceHT=Prodajna cijena (bez PDV-a)
SellingPriceTTC=Prodajna cijena (sa PDV-om)
SellingMinPriceTTC=Minimum Selling price (inc. tax)
CostPriceDescription=This price field (excl. tax) can be used to store the average amount this product costs to your company. It may be any price you calculate yourself, for example from the average buying price plus average production and distribution cost.
CostPriceUsage=This value could be used for margin calculation.
SoldAmount=Prodani iznos
PurchasedAmount=Nabavni iznos
NewPrice=Nova cijena
MinPrice=Min. sell price
EditSellingPriceLabel=Edit selling price label
CantBeLessThanMinPrice=Prodajna cijena za ovaj proizvod (%s bez PDV-a) ne može biti manja od najmanje dozvoljene. Ova poruka može se pojaviti i kada ste upisali bitan popust.
ErrorProductAlreadyExists=Proizvod s oznakom %s već postoji
ErrorProductBadRefOrLabel=Neispravna vrijednost za referencu ili oznaku.
ErrorProductClone=Dogodila se greška prilikom kloniranja proizvoda ili usluge
ErrorPriceCantBeLowerThanMinPrice=Greška, cijena ne može biti niža od minimalne cijene.
SupplierRef=Vendor SKU
ShowProduct=Prikaži proizvod
ShowService=Prikaži uslugu
ProductsAndServicesArea=Proizvodi i usluge
ListOfStockMovements=Popis kretanja zaliha
BuyingPrice=Nabavna cijena
PriceForEachProduct=Proizvodi s specifičnom cijenom
SupplierCard=Vendor card
PriceRemoved=Cijena uklonjena
BarcodeType=Vrsta barkoda
SetDefaultBarcodeType=Odredi vrstu barkoda
BarcodeValue=Vrijednost barkoda
NoteNotVisibleOnBill=Bilješka (ne vidi se na računima, ponudama...)
ServiceLimitedDuration=Ako je proizvod usluga ograničenog trajanja:
MultiPricesAbility=Multiple price segments per product/service (each customer is in one price segment)
MultiPricesNumPrices=Broj cijena
AssociatedProductsAbility=Activate virtual products (kits)
AssociatedProducts=Virtual products
AssociatedProductsNumber=Number of products composing this virtual product
ParentProductsNumber=Broj matičnih grupiranih proizvoda
ParentProducts=Matični proizvod
IfZeroItIsNotAVirtualProduct=Ako je 0, ovaj proizvod nije virtualnni proizvod
IfZeroItIsNotUsedByVirtualProduct=If 0, this product is not used by any virtual product
KeywordFilter=Filter po ključnim riječima
CategoryFilter=Filter po kategoriji
ProductToAddSearch=Pronađi proizvod za dodavanje
NoMatchFound=Ništa slično nije pronađeno
ListOfProductsServices=List of products/services
ProductAssociationList=List of products/services that are component(s) of this virtual product/kit
ProductParentList=List of virtual products/services with this product as a component
ErrorAssociationIsFatherOfThis=Jedan od odabranih proizvoda je matični proizvod trenutnog proizvoda
DeleteProduct=Obriši proizvod/uslugu
ConfirmDeleteProduct=Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati ovaj proizvod/uslugu
ProductDeleted=Proizvod/usluga "%s" je izbrisan.
DeleteProductLine=Izbriši stavku proizvoda
ConfirmDeleteProductLine=Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati stavku proizvoda?
QtyMin=Min. purchase quantity
PriceQtyMin=Price quantity min.
PriceQtyMinCurrency=Price (currency) for this qty. (no discount)
VATRateForSupplierProduct=VAT Rate (for this vendor/product)
DiscountQtyMin=Discount for this qty.
NoPriceDefinedForThisSupplier=No price/qty defined for this vendor/product
NoSupplierPriceDefinedForThisProduct=No vendor price/qty defined for this product
PredefinedProductsToSell=Predefined Product
PredefinedServicesToSell=Predefined Service
PredefinedProductsAndServicesToSell=Upisani proizvodi i usluge na prodaju
PredefinedProductsToPurchase=Predefinirani proizvod za kupovinu
PredefinedServicesToPurchase=Predifinirana usluga za kupovinu
PredefinedProductsAndServicesToPurchase=Predefined products/services to purchase
NotPredefinedProducts=Nije predefiniran proizvod/usluga
GenerateThumb=Generiraj sličicu
ServiceNb=Usluga #%s
ListProductServiceByPopularity=Popis proizvoda/usluga poredanih po popularnosti
ListProductByPopularity=Popis proizvoda poredanih po popularnosti
ListServiceByPopularity=Popis usluga poredanih po popularnosti
Finished=Proizveden proizvod
ConfirmCloneProduct=Are you sure you want to clone product or service <b>%s</b>?
CloneContentProduct=Clone all main information of product/service
ClonePricesProduct=Clone prices
CloneCompositionProduct=Clone virtual product/service
CloneCombinationsProduct=Clone product variants
ProductIsUsed=Ovaj proizvod je korišten
NewRefForClone=Ref. novog proizvoda/usluge
SellingPrices=Prodajne cijene
BuyingPrices=Nabavne cijene
CustomerPrices=Cijene kupaca
SuppliersPrices=Vendor prices
SuppliersPricesOfProductsOrServices=Vendor prices (of products or services)
CustomCode=Customs / Commodity / HS code
CountryOrigin=Zemlja porijekla
Nature=Nature of produt (material/finished)
ShortLabel=Kratka oznaka
unitLM=Linear meter
unitM2=Square meter
unitM3=Cubic meter
ProductCodeModel=Predložak ref. proizvoda
ServiceCodeModel=Predložak ref. usluge
CurrentProductPrice=Trenutna cijena
AlwaysUseNewPrice=Uvijek koristi trenutnu cijenu za proizvod/uslugu
AlwaysUseFixedPrice=Koristi fiksnu cijenu
PriceByQuantity=Različite cijene prema količini
DisablePriceByQty=Disable prices by quantity
PriceByQuantityRange=Raspon količine
MultipriceRules=Pravila odjelnih cijena
UseMultipriceRules=Use price segment rules (defined into product module setup) to auto calculate prices of all other segments according to first segment
PercentVariationOver=%% varijacija preko %s
PercentDiscountOver=%% popust preko %s
KeepEmptyForAutoCalculation=Keep empty to have this calculated automatically from weight or volume of products
VariantRefExample=Example: COL
VariantLabelExample=Example: Color
### composition fabrication
ProductsMultiPrice=Proizvodi i cijene za svaki cijenovni odjel
ProductsOrServiceMultiPrice=Cijene kupaca (proizvoda ili usluga, multi)
ProductSellByQuarterHT=Tromjesečni promet proizvoda prije poreza
ServiceSellByQuarterHT=Tromjesečni promet usluga prije poreza
Quarter1=1. tromjesečje
Quarter2=2. tromjesečje
Quarter3=3. tromjesečje
Quarter4=4. tromjesečje
BarCodePrintsheet=Ispis barkoda
PageToGenerateBarCodeSheets=With this tool, you can print sheets of barcode stickers. Choose format of your sticker page, type of barcode and value of barcode, then click on button <b>%s</b>.
NumberOfStickers=Broj naljepnica za ispis na stranici
PrintsheetForOneBarCode=Ispiši nekoliko naljepnica s istim barkodom
BuildPageToPrint=Generiraj stranicu za ispis
FillBarCodeTypeAndValueManually=Popuni ručno tip barkoda i vrijednost.
FillBarCodeTypeAndValueFromProduct=Popuni tip barkoda i vrijednost iz barkoda proizvoda.
FillBarCodeTypeAndValueFromThirdParty=Fill barcode type and value from barcode of a third party.
DefinitionOfBarCodeForProductNotComplete=Definition of type or value of barcode not complete for product %s.
DefinitionOfBarCodeForThirdpartyNotComplete=Definition of type or value of barcode non complete for third party %s.
BarCodeDataForProduct=Barcode information of product %s:
BarCodeDataForThirdparty=Barcode information of third party %s:
ResetBarcodeForAllRecords=Define barcode value for all record (this will also reset barcode value already defined with new values)
PriceByCustomer=Različite cijene za svakog kupca
PriceCatalogue=Jedinstvena prodajna cijena po proizvodu/usluzi
PricingRule=Rules for selling prices
AddCustomerPrice=Dodaj cijenu po kupcu
ForceUpdateChildPriceSoc=Postavi istu cijenu za sve poslovnice kupca
PriceByCustomerLog=Zabilježi prijašnje cijene kupca
MinimumPriceLimit=Minimalna cijena ne može biti niža od %s.
MinimumRecommendedPrice=Minimum recommended price is: %s
PriceExpressionEditor=Uređivanje izraza cijena
PriceExpressionSelected=Odabrani izraz cijene
PriceExpressionEditorHelp1="cijena = 2 + 2" ili "2 + 2" za postavljanje cijene. Koristite ; za odvajanje izraza
PriceExpressionEditorHelp2=Možete pristupiti EkstraPoljima s varijablama <b>#extrafield_myextrafieldkey#</b> i globalnim varijablama <b>#global_mycode#</b>
PriceExpressionEditorHelp3=In both product/service and vendor prices there are these variables available:<br><b>#tva_tx# #localtax1_tx# #localtax2_tx# #weight# #length# #surface# #price_min#</b>
PriceExpressionEditorHelp4=In product/service price only: <b>#supplier_min_price#</b><br>In vendor prices only: <b>#supplier_quantity# and #supplier_tva_tx#</b>
PriceExpressionEditorHelp5=Dostupne globalne vrijednosti:
PriceMode=Način cijena
DefaultPrice=Predefinirana cijena
ComposedProductIncDecStock=Povečaj/smanji zalihu po promjeni matičnog proizvoda
ComposedProduct=Child products
MinSupplierPrice=Minimum buying price
MinCustomerPrice=Minimum selling price
DynamicPriceConfiguration=Dinamična konfiguracija cijene
DynamicPriceDesc=You may define mathematical formulae to calculate Customer or Vendor prices. Such formulas can use all mathematical operators, some constants and variables. You can define here the variables you wish to use. If the variable needs an automatic update, you may define the external URL to allow Dolibarr to update the value automatically.
AddVariable=Dodaj varijablu
AddUpdater=Dodaj promjenjivač
GlobalVariables=Globalne varijable
VariableToUpdate=Variabla za promjeniti
GlobalVariableUpdaters=External updaters for variables
GlobalVariableUpdaterType0=JSON data
GlobalVariableUpdaterHelp0=Parses JSON data from specified URL, VALUE specifies the location of relevant value,
GlobalVariableUpdaterHelpFormat0=Format for request {"URL": "http://example.com/urlofjson", "VALUE": "array1,array2,targetvalue"}
GlobalVariableUpdaterType1=WebService data
GlobalVariableUpdaterHelp1=Parses WebService data from specified URL, NS specifies the namespace, VALUE specifies the location of relevant value, DATA should contain the data to send and METHOD is the calling WS method
GlobalVariableUpdaterHelpFormat1=Format for request is {"URL": "http://example.com/urlofws", "VALUE": "array,targetvalue", "NS": "http://example.com/urlofns", "METHOD": "myWSMethod", "DATA": {"your": "data", "to": "send"}}
UpdateInterval=Interval promjene (minute)
LastUpdated=Latest update
CorrectlyUpdated=Ispravno promjenjeno
PropalMergePdfProductActualFile=Datoteke za dodati u PDF Azur su/je
PropalMergePdfProductChooseFile=Odaberite PDF datoteke
IncludingProductWithTag=Ukljući proizvode/usluge iz kategorije
DefaultPriceRealPriceMayDependOnCustomer=Predefinirana cijena, stvarna cijena može ovisiti o kupcu
WarningSelectOneDocument=Molimo odaberite barem jedan dokument
NbOfQtyInProposals=Količina po ponudama
ClinkOnALinkOfColumn=Kliknite na poveznicu kolone %s za detaljan pregled...
ProductsOrServicesTranslations=Products/Services translations
TranslatedLabel=Prevedena oznaka
TranslatedDescription=Preveden opis
TranslatedNote=Prevedene napomene
ProductWeight=Masa 1 proizvoda
ProductVolume=Volumen 1 proizvoda
WeightUnits=Jedinica težine
VolumeUnits=Jedinica volumena
SizeUnits=Jedinica veličine
DeleteProductBuyPrice=Obriši nabavnu cijenu
ConfirmDeleteProductBuyPrice=Jeste li sigurni da želite obrisati ovu nabavnu cijenu ?
SubProduct=Sub product
ProductSheet=Product sheet
ServiceSheet=Service sheet
PossibleValues=Possible values
GoOnMenuToCreateVairants=Go on menu %s - %s to prepare attribute variants (like colors, size, ...)
UseProductFournDesc=Add a feature to define the descriptions of products defined by the vendors in addition to descriptions for customers
ProductSupplierDescription=Vendor description for the product
VariantAttributes=Variant attributes
ProductAttributes=Variant attributes for products
ProductAttributeName=Variant attribute %s
ProductAttribute=Variant attribute
ProductAttributeDeleteDialog=Are you sure you want to delete this attribute? All values will be deleted
ProductAttributeValueDeleteDialog=Are you sure you want to delete the value "%s" with reference "%s" of this attribute?
ProductCombinationDeleteDialog=Are you sure want to delete the variant of the product "<strong>%s</strong>"?
ProductCombinationAlreadyUsed=There was an error while deleting the variant. Please check it is not being used in any object
PropagateVariant=Propagate variants
HideProductCombinations=Hide products variant in the products selector
NewProductCombination=New variant
EditProductCombination=Editing variant
NewProductCombinations=New variants
EditProductCombinations=Editing variants
SelectCombination=Select combination
ProductCombinationGenerator=Variants generator
PriceImpact=Price impact
WeightImpact=Weight impact
NewProductAttribute=Novi atribut
NewProductAttributeValue=New attribute value
ErrorCreatingProductAttributeValue=There was an error while creating the attribute value. It could be because there is already an existing value with that reference
ProductCombinationGeneratorWarning=If you continue, before generating new variants, all previous ones will be DELETED. Already existing ones will be updated with the new values
TooMuchCombinationsWarning=Generating lots of variants may result in high CPU, memory usage and Dolibarr not able to create them. Enabling the option "%s" may help reduce memory usage.
DoNotRemovePreviousCombinations=Do not remove previous variants
UsePercentageVariations=Use percentage variations
PercentageVariation=Percentage variation
ErrorDeletingGeneratedProducts=There was an error while trying to delete existing product variants
NbOfDifferentValues=No. of different values
NbProducts=No. of products
ParentProduct=Parent product
HideChildProducts=Hide variant products
ShowChildProducts=Show variant products
NoEditVariants=Go to Parent product card and edit variants price impact in the variants tab
ConfirmCloneProductCombinations=Would you like to copy all the product variants to the other parent product with the given reference?
CloneDestinationReference=Destination product reference
ErrorCopyProductCombinations=There was an error while copying the product variants
ErrorDestinationProductNotFound=Destination product not found
ErrorProductCombinationNotFound=Product variant not found
ActionAvailableOnVariantProductOnly=Action only available on the variant of product
ProductsPricePerCustomer=Product prices per customers