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# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - errors

# No errors
NoErrorCommitIsDone=No error, we commit
# Errors
ErrorButCommitIsDone=Errors found but we validate despite this
ErrorBadEMail=Email %s is wrong
ErrorBadUrl=Url %s on väärä
ErrorBadValueForParamNotAString=Bad value for your parameter. It appends generally when translation is missing.
ErrorLoginAlreadyExists=Kirjaudu %s on jo olemassa.
ErrorGroupAlreadyExists=Ryhmän %s on jo olemassa.
ErrorRecordNotFound=Levykauppa ei löytynyt.
ErrorFailToCopyFile=Epäonnistui kopioida tiedoston <b>%s</b> ilmaisuksi <b>%s</b> &quot;.
ErrorFailToCopyDir=Failed to copy directory '<b>%s</b>' into '<b>%s</b>'.
ErrorFailToRenameFile=Epäonnistui nimetä tiedoston <b>%s</b> ilmaisuksi <b>%s</b> &quot;.
ErrorFailToDeleteFile=Epäonnistui poistaa tiedoston <b>' %s'.</b>
ErrorFailToCreateFile=Luominen epäonnistui file <b>' %s'.</b>
ErrorFailToRenameDir=Epäonnistui nimetä directory <b>' %s' osaksi' %s'.</b>
ErrorFailToCreateDir=Luominen epäonnistui directory <b>' %s'.</b>
ErrorFailToDeleteDir=Poistaminen ei onnistunut directory <b>' %s'.</b>
ErrorFailToMakeReplacementInto=Failed to make replacement into file '<b>%s</b>'.
ErrorFailToGenerateFile=Failed to generate file '<b>%s</b>'.
ErrorThisContactIsAlreadyDefinedAsThisType=Tämä yhteys on jo määritelty yhteyttä tämän tyypin osalta.
ErrorCashAccountAcceptsOnlyCashMoney=Tämä pankkitili on käteistä huomioon, joten se hyväksyy maksujen tyypin käteisellä vain.
ErrorFromToAccountsMustDiffers=Lähde ja tavoitteet pankkitilit on erilainen.
ErrorBadThirdPartyName=Bad value for third-party name
ErrorProdIdIsMandatory=The %s is mandatory
ErrorBadCustomerCodeSyntax=Bad syntaksi asiakas-koodi
ErrorBadBarCodeSyntax=Bad syntax for barcode. May be you set a bad barcode type or you defined a barcode mask for numbering that does not match value scanned.
ErrorCustomerCodeRequired=Asiakas-koodi tarvitaan
ErrorBarCodeRequired=Barcode required
ErrorCustomerCodeAlreadyUsed=Asiakas-koodi on jo käytetty
ErrorBarCodeAlreadyUsed=Barcode already used
ErrorPrefixRequired=Etunumero tarvitaan
ErrorBadSupplierCodeSyntax=Bad syntax for vendor code
ErrorSupplierCodeRequired=Vendor code required
ErrorSupplierCodeAlreadyUsed=Vendor code already used
ErrorBadParameters=Bad parametrit
ErrorBadValueForParameter=Wrong value '%s' for parameter '%s'
ErrorBadImageFormat=Image file has not a supported format (Your PHP does not support functions to convert images of this format)
ErrorBadDateFormat=Arvo &quot;%s&quot; on väärä päivämäärä muoto
ErrorWrongDate=Päivämäärä ei ole oikein!
ErrorFailedToWriteInDir=Epäonnistui kirjoittaa hakemistoon %s
ErrorFoundBadEmailInFile=Found incorrect email syntax for %s lines in file (example line %s with email=Löytyi virheellinen sähköposti syntaksi %s rivit tiedoston (esimerkiksi rivi %s email= %s)
ErrorUserCannotBeDelete=User cannot be deleted. Maybe it is associated to Dolibarr entities.
ErrorFieldsRequired=Jotkin vaaditut kentät eivät ole täytetty.
ErrorSubjectIsRequired=The email topic is required
ErrorFailedToCreateDir=Luominen epäonnistui hakemiston. Tarkista, että Web-palvelin käyttäjällä on oikeudet kirjoittaa Dolibarr asiakirjat hakemistoon. Jos parametri <b>safe_mode</b> on käytössä tämän PHP, tarkista, että Dolibarr php tiedostot omistaa web-palvelimen käyttäjä (tai ryhmä).
ErrorNoMailDefinedForThisUser=Ei postia määritelty tälle käyttäjälle
ErrorFeatureNeedJavascript=Tätä ominaisuutta tarvitaan JavaScript on aktivoitu työstä. Muuta tämän setup - näyttö.
ErrorTopMenuMustHaveAParentWithId0=A-valikosta tyyppi "Alkuun" ei voi olla emo-valikosta. Laita 0 vanhemman valikosta tai valita valikosta tyyppi "vasemmisto".
ErrorLeftMenuMustHaveAParentId=A-valikosta tyyppi "vasemmisto" on oltava vanhemman id.
ErrorFileNotFound=Tiedostoa ei löydy (Bad polku väärä oikeudet tai pääsy evätty openbasedir parametri)
ErrorDirNotFound=Directory <b>%s</b> ei löytynyt (Bad polku, väärä oikeudet tai pääsyn lennolle PHP openbasedir tai safe_mode parametri)
ErrorFunctionNotAvailableInPHP=<b>Tehtävä %s</b> tarvitaan tätä ominaisuutta, mutta ei ole käytettävissä tässä versiossa / setup PHP.
ErrorDirAlreadyExists=A-hakemisto on jo olemassa.
ErrorFileAlreadyExists=Tämän niminen tiedosto on jo olemassa.
ErrorPartialFile=Tiedosto ei saanut kokonaan palvelimelta.
ErrorNoTmpDir=Tilapäinen directy %s ei ole.
ErrorUploadBlockedByAddon=Lähetä estetty PHP / Apache plugin.
ErrorFileSizeTooLarge=Tiedoston koko on liian suuri.
ErrorSizeTooLongForIntType=Koko liian pitkä int tyyppi (%s merkkiä maksimi)
ErrorSizeTooLongForVarcharType=Koko liian pitkä jono tyyppi (%s merkkiä maksimi)
ErrorNoValueForSelectType=Please fill value for select list
ErrorNoValueForCheckBoxType=Please fill value for checkbox list
ErrorNoValueForRadioType=Please fill value for radio list
ErrorBadFormatValueList=The list value cannot have more than one comma: <u>%s</u>, but need at least one: key,value
ErrorFieldCanNotContainSpecialCharacters=The field <b>%s</b> must not contains special characters.
ErrorFieldCanNotContainSpecialNorUpperCharacters=The field <b>%s</b> must not contain special characters, nor upper case characters and cannot contain only numbers.
ErrorFieldMustHaveXChar=The field <b>%s</b> must have at least %s characters.
ErrorNoAccountancyModuleLoaded=O kirjanpito moduuli aktivoitu
ErrorExportDuplicateProfil=This profile name already exists for this export set.
ErrorLDAPSetupNotComplete=Dolibarr-LDAP yhteensovitus ei ole täydellinen.
ErrorLDAPMakeManualTest=A. LDIF tiedosto on luotu hakemistoon %s. Yritä ladata se manuaalisesti komentoriviltä on enemmän tietoa virheitä.
ErrorCantSaveADoneUserWithZeroPercentage=Can't save an action with "status not started" if field "done by" is also filled.
ErrorRefAlreadyExists=Ref käytetään luomista jo olemassa.
ErrorPleaseTypeBankTransactionReportName=Please enter the bank statement name where the entry has to be reported (Format YYYYMM or YYYYMMDD)
ErrorRecordHasChildren=Failed to delete record since it has some child records.
ErrorRecordHasAtLeastOneChildOfType=Object has at least one child of type %s
ErrorRecordIsUsedCantDelete=Can't delete record. It is already used or included into another object.
ErrorModuleRequireJavascript=Javascript ei saa keskeytyä, on tämä ominaisuus toimii. Ottaa käyttöön / poistaa Javascript, mene menu Koti-> Asetukset-> Näyttö.
ErrorPasswordsMustMatch=Molemmat kirjoittaa salasanat on vastattava toisiaan
ErrorContactEMail=A technical error occured. Please, contact administrator to following email <b>%s</b> and provide the error code <b>%s</b> in your message, or add a screen copy of this page.
ErrorWrongValueForField=Field <b>%s</b>: '<b>%s</b>' does not match regex rule <b>%s</b>
ErrorFieldValueNotIn=Field <b>%s</b>: '<b>%s</b>' is not a value found in field <b>%s</b> of <b>%s</b>
ErrorFieldRefNotIn=Field <b>%s</b>: '<b>%s</b>' is not a <b>%s</b> existing ref
ErrorsOnXLines=%s errors found
ErrorFileIsInfectedWithAVirus=Virustentorjuntaohjelma ei voinut tarkistaa tiedoston (tiedosto saattaa olla tartunnan virus)
ErrorSpecialCharNotAllowedForField=Erikoismerkkejä ei sallita kentän "%s"
ErrorNumRefModel=Viittaus olemassa otetaan tietokantaan (%s) ja ei ole yhteensopiva tämän numeroinnin sääntöä. Poista levy tai nimen viittaus aktivoida tämän moduulin.
ErrorQtyTooLowForThisSupplier=Quantity too low for this vendor or no price defined on this product for this vendor
ErrorOrdersNotCreatedQtyTooLow=Some orders haven't been created because of too-low quantities
ErrorModuleSetupNotComplete=Setup of module %s looks to be uncomplete. Go on Home - Setup - Modules to complete.
ErrorBadMask=Virhe naamio
ErrorBadMaskFailedToLocatePosOfSequence=Virhe, maski ilman järjestysnumeroa
ErrorBadMaskBadRazMonth=Virhe, huono palautus arvo
ErrorMaxNumberReachForThisMask=Maximum number reached for this mask
ErrorCounterMustHaveMoreThan3Digits=Counter must have more than 3 digits
ErrorSelectAtLeastOne=Error. Valitse ainakin yksi merkintä.
ErrorDeleteNotPossibleLineIsConsolidated=Delete not possible because record is linked to a bank transaction that is conciliated
ErrorProdIdAlreadyExist=%s on siirretty toiseen kolmanteen
ErrorFailedToSendPassword=Epäonnistui lähettää salasana
ErrorFailedToLoadRSSFile=Ei saada RSS-syötteen. Yritä lisätä jatkuvasti MAIN_SIMPLEXMLLOAD_DEBUG jos virheilmoituksia ei ole tarpeeksi tietoa.
ErrorForbidden=Access denied.<br>You try to access to a page, area or feature of a disabled module or without being in an authenticated session or that is not allowed to your user.
ErrorForbidden2=Lupa tämän sisäänkirjoittautumissivuksesi voidaan määritellä oma Dolibarr järjestelmänvalvoja valikkopalkki %s-> %s.
ErrorForbidden3=Vaikuttaa siltä, että Dolibarr ei käytetä kautta autentikoitu istunnossa. Tutustu Dolibarr setup asiakirjat tietää, miten hallita authentications (htaccess, mod_auth tai muita ...).
ErrorNoImagickReadimage=Tehtävä imagick_readimage ei löydy tässä PHP. Esikatselu ei voi olla käytettävissä. Järjestelmänvalvojat voivat poistaa tämän välilehden valikosta Asetukset - Näyttö.
ErrorRecordAlreadyExists=Record jo olemassa
ErrorLabelAlreadyExists=This label already exists
ErrorCantReadFile=Failed to read file ' %s'
ErrorCantReadDir=Lukeminen epäonnistui directory ' %s'
ErrorBadLoginPassword=Bad arvo kirjautumistunnus tai salasana
ErrorLoginDisabled=Tilisi on poistettu käytöstä
ErrorFailedToRunExternalCommand=Epäonnistui suorittaa ulkoista komentoa. Tarkista se on saatavilla ja runnable teidän PHP palvelimelta. Jos PHP <b>Vikasietotila</b> on käytössä, tarkista, että komento on sisällä hakemiston määritelty parametri <b>safe_mode_exec_dir.</b>
ErrorFailedToChangePassword=Ei vaihda salasana
ErrorLoginDoesNotExists=Käyttäjälle <b>sisäänkirjoittautumissivuksesi %s</b> ei löydy.
ErrorLoginHasNoEmail=Tämä käyttäjä ei ole sähköpostiosoitetta. Process aborted.
ErrorBadValueForCode=Bad arvotyypeillä koodin. Yritä uudelleen uuteen arvoon ...
ErrorBothFieldCantBeNegative=Kentät %s ja %s voi olla sekä kielteisiä
ErrorFieldCantBeNegativeOnInvoice=Field <strong>%s</strong> cannot be negative on this type of invoice. If you want to add a discount line, just create the discount first with link %s on screen and apply it to the invoice. You can also ask your admin to set option FACTURE_ENABLE_NEGATIVE_LINES to 1 to allow the old behaviour.
ErrorQtyForCustomerInvoiceCantBeNegative=Quantity for line into customer invoices can't be negative
ErrorWebServerUserHasNotPermission=Käyttäjätili <b>%s</b> käyttää myös toteuttaa web-palvelimella ei ole lupaa, että
ErrorNoActivatedBarcode=Ei viivakoodin tyyppi aktivoitu
ErrUnzipFails=Failed to unzip %s with ZipArchive
ErrNoZipEngine=No engine to zip/unzip %s file in this PHP
ErrorFileMustBeADolibarrPackage=The file %s must be a Dolibarr zip package
ErrorModuleFileRequired=You must select a Dolibarr module package file
ErrorPhpCurlNotInstalled=The PHP CURL is not installed, this is essential to talk with Paypal
ErrorFailedToAddToMailmanList=Failed to add record %s to Mailman list %s or SPIP base
ErrorFailedToRemoveToMailmanList=Failed to remove record %s to Mailman list %s or SPIP base
ErrorNewValueCantMatchOldValue=New value can't be equal to old one
ErrorFailedToValidatePasswordReset=Failed to reinit password. May be the reinit was already done (this link can be used only one time). If not, try to restart the reinit process.
ErrorToConnectToMysqlCheckInstance=Connect to database fails. Check database server is running (for example, with mysql/mariadb, you can launch it from command line with 'sudo service mysql start').
ErrorFailedToAddContact=Yhteystiedon lisääminen epäonnistui
ErrorDateMustBeBeforeToday=Päivämäärä ei voi olla isompi kuin tämä päivämäärä
ErrorPaymentModeDefinedToWithoutSetup=A payment mode was set to type %s but setup of module Invoice was not completed to define information to show for this payment mode.
ErrorPHPNeedModule=Error, your PHP must have module <b>%s</b> installed to use this feature.
ErrorOpenIDSetupNotComplete=You setup Dolibarr config file to allow OpenID authentication, but URL of OpenID service is not defined into constant %s
ErrorWarehouseMustDiffers=Source and target warehouses must differs
ErrorBadFormat=Bad format!
ErrorMemberNotLinkedToAThirpartyLinkOrCreateFirst=Error, this member is not yet linked to any third party. Link member to an existing third party or create a new third party before creating subscription with invoice.
ErrorThereIsSomeDeliveries=Error, there is some deliveries linked to this shipment. Deletion refused.
ErrorCantDeletePaymentReconciliated=Can't delete a payment that had generated a bank entry that was reconciled
ErrorCantDeletePaymentSharedWithPayedInvoice=Can't delete a payment shared by at least one invoice with status Paid
ErrorPriceExpression1=Cannot assign to constant '%s'
ErrorPriceExpression2=Cannot redefine built-in function '%s'
ErrorPriceExpression3=Undefined variable '%s' in function definition
ErrorPriceExpression4=Kielletty merkki '%s'
ErrorPriceExpression5=Odottamaton virhe '%s'
ErrorPriceExpression6=Wrong number of arguments (%s given, %s expected)
ErrorPriceExpression8=Odottamaton operaatio '%s'
ErrorPriceExpression9=An unexpected error occured
ErrorPriceExpression10=Operator '%s' lacks operand
ErrorPriceExpression11=Expecting '%s'
ErrorPriceExpression14=Division by zero
ErrorPriceExpression17=Undefined variable '%s'
ErrorPriceExpression19=Expression not found
ErrorPriceExpression20=Empty expression
ErrorPriceExpression21=Empty result '%s'
ErrorPriceExpression22=Negative result '%s'
ErrorPriceExpression23=Unknown or non set variable '%s' in %s
ErrorPriceExpression24=Variable '%s' exists but has no value
ErrorPriceExpressionInternal=Internal error '%s'
ErrorPriceExpressionUnknown=Unknown error '%s'
ErrorSrcAndTargetWarehouseMustDiffers=Source and target warehouses must differs
ErrorTryToMakeMoveOnProductRequiringBatchData=Error, trying to make a stock movement without lot/serial information, on product '%s' requiring lot/serial information
ErrorCantSetReceptionToTotalDoneWithReceptionToApprove=All recorded receptions must first be verified (approved or denied) before being allowed to do this action
ErrorCantSetReceptionToTotalDoneWithReceptionDenied=All recorded receptions must first be verified (approved) before being allowed to do this action
ErrorGlobalVariableUpdater0=HTTP request failed with error '%s'
ErrorGlobalVariableUpdater1=Invalid JSON format '%s'
ErrorGlobalVariableUpdater2=Puuttuva parametri '%s'
ErrorGlobalVariableUpdater3=The requested data was not found in result
ErrorGlobalVariableUpdater4=SOAP ohjelma epäonnistui virheellä '%s'
ErrorGlobalVariableUpdater5=No global variable selected
ErrorFieldMustBeANumeric=Field <b>%s</b> must be a numeric value
ErrorMandatoryParametersNotProvided=Mandatory parameter(s) not provided
ErrorOppStatusRequiredIfAmount=You set an estimated amount for this lead. So you must also enter it's status.
ErrorFailedToLoadModuleDescriptorForXXX=Failed to load module descriptor class for %s
ErrorBadDefinitionOfMenuArrayInModuleDescriptor=Bad Definition Of Menu Array In Module Descriptor (bad value for key fk_menu)
ErrorSavingChanges=An error has occurred when saving the changes
ErrorWarehouseRequiredIntoShipmentLine=Warehouse is required on the line to ship
ErrorFileMustHaveFormat=Tiedoston on oltava formaatissa %s
ErrorSupplierCountryIsNotDefined=Country for this vendor is not defined. Correct this first.
ErrorsThirdpartyMerge=Failed to merge the two records. Request canceled.
ErrorStockIsNotEnoughToAddProductOnOrder=Stock is not enough for product %s to add it into a new order.
ErrorStockIsNotEnoughToAddProductOnInvoice=Stock is not enough for product %s to add it into a new invoice.
ErrorStockIsNotEnoughToAddProductOnShipment=Stock is not enough for product %s to add it into a new shipment.
ErrorStockIsNotEnoughToAddProductOnProposal=Stock is not enough for product %s to add it into a new proposal.
ErrorFailedToLoadLoginFileForMode=Failed to get the login key for mode '%s'.
ErrorModuleNotFound=Moduulitiedostoa ei löydetty.
ErrorFieldAccountNotDefinedForBankLine=Value for Accounting account not defined for source line id %s (%s)
ErrorFieldAccountNotDefinedForInvoiceLine=Value for Accounting account not defined for invoice id %s (%s)
ErrorFieldAccountNotDefinedForLine=Value for Accounting account not defined for the line (%s)
ErrorBankStatementNameMustFollowRegex=Error, bank statement name must follow the following syntax rule %s
ErrorPhpMailDelivery=Check that you don't use a too high number of recipients and that your email content is not similar to a Spam. Ask also your administrator to check firewall and server logs files for a more complete information.
ErrorUserNotAssignedToTask=User must be assigned to task to be able to enter time consumed.
ErrorTaskAlreadyAssigned=Tehtävä on jo määrätty käyttäjälle
ErrorModuleFileSeemsToHaveAWrongFormat=The module package seems to have a wrong format.
ErrorFilenameDosNotMatchDolibarrPackageRules=The name of the module package (<strong>%s</strong>) does not match expected name syntax: <strong>%s</strong>
ErrorDuplicateTrigger=Error, duplicate trigger name %s. Already loaded from %s.
ErrorNoWarehouseDefined=Virhe, varastoa ei tunnistettu
ErrorBadLinkSourceSetButBadValueForRef=The link you use is not valid. A 'source' for payment is defined, but value for 'ref' is not valid.
ErrorTooManyErrorsProcessStopped=Too many errors. Process was stopped.
ErrorMassValidationNotAllowedWhenStockIncreaseOnAction=Mass validation is not possible when option to increase/decrease stock is set on this action (you must validate one by one so you can define the warehouse to increase/decrease)
ErrorObjectMustHaveStatusDraftToBeValidated=Object %s must have status 'Draft' to be validated.
ErrorObjectMustHaveLinesToBeValidated=Object %s must have lines to be validated.
ErrorOnlyInvoiceValidatedCanBeSentInMassAction=Only validated invoices can be sent using the "Send by email" mass action.
ErrorChooseBetweenFreeEntryOrPredefinedProduct=You must choose if article is a predefined product or not
ErrorDiscountLargerThanRemainToPaySplitItBefore=The discount you try to apply is larger than remain to pay. Split the discount in 2 smaller discounts before.
ErrorFileNotFoundWithSharedLink=File was not found. May be the share key was modified or file was removed recently.
ErrorProductBarCodeAlreadyExists=The product barcode %s already exists on another product reference.
ErrorNoteAlsoThatSubProductCantBeFollowedByLot=Note also that using virtual product to have auto increase/decrease of subproducts is not possible when at least one subproduct (or subproduct of subproducts) needs a serial/lot number.
ErrorDescRequiredForFreeProductLines=Description is mandatory for lines with free product
ErrorAPageWithThisNameOrAliasAlreadyExists=The page/container <strong>%s</strong> has the same name or alternative alias that the one your try to use
ErrorDuringChartLoad=Error when loading chart of accounts. If few accounts were not loaded, you can still enter them manually.
ErrorBadSyntaxForParamKeyForContent=Bad syntax for param keyforcontent. Must have a value starting with %s or %s
ErrorVariableKeyForContentMustBeSet=Error, the constant with name %s (with text content to show) or %s (with external url to show) must be set.
ErrorURLMustStartWithHttp=URL %s must start with http:// or https://
ErrorNewRefIsAlreadyUsed=Error, the new reference is already used
ErrorDeletePaymentLinkedToAClosedInvoiceNotPossible=Error, delete payment linked to a closed invoice is not possible.
ErrorSearchCriteriaTooSmall=Search criteria too small.
# Warnings
WarningParamUploadMaxFileSizeHigherThanPostMaxSize=Your PHP parameter upload_max_filesize (%s) is higher than PHP parameter post_max_size (%s). This is not a consistent setup.
WarningPasswordSetWithNoAccount=A password was set for this member. However, no user account was created. So this password is stored but can't be used to login to Dolibarr. It may be used by an external module/interface but if you don't need to define any login nor password for a member, you can disable option "Manage a login for each member" from Member module setup. If you need to manage a login but don't need any password, you can keep this field empty to avoid this warning. Note: Email can also be used as a login if the member is linked to a user.
WarningMandatorySetupNotComplete=Click here to setup mandatory parameters
WarningEnableYourModulesApplications=Click here to enable your modules and applications
WarningSafeModeOnCheckExecDir=Varoitus, PHP vaihtoehto <b>safe_mode</b> on niin komento on tallennettu hakemistoon ilmoittama php parametri <b>safe_mode_exec_dir.</b>
WarningBookmarkAlreadyExists=Kirjanmerkki tämän otsikon tai tämän tavoitteen (URL) on jo olemassa.
WarningPassIsEmpty=Varoitus, tietokannan salasana on tyhjä. Tämä on turvallisuus reikään. Sinun tulisi lisätä salasanan tietokantaan ja muuttaa conf.php tiedosto vastaavasti.
WarningConfFileMustBeReadOnly=Varoitus, config tiedosto <b>(htdocs / conf / conf.php)</b> voidaan korvata jonka web-palvelin. Tämä on vakava tietoturva-aukko. Muokkaa käyttöoikeuksia tiedoston luettavaksi vain tila-käyttöjärjestelmän käyttäjä käyttää Web-palvelimeen. Jos käytät Windows ja FAT oman levy, sinun täytyy tietää, että tämä tiedostojärjestelmä ei mahdollista lisätä käyttöoikeuksia tiedostoon, joten ei voi olla täysin turvallista.
WarningsOnXLines=Varoitukset <b>%s</b> lähde linjat
WarningNoDocumentModelActivated=No model, for document generation, has been activated. A model will be chosen by default until you check your module setup.
WarningLockFileDoesNotExists=Warning, once setup is finished, you must disable the installation/migration tools by adding a file <b>install.lock</b> into directory <b>%s</b>. Omitting the creation of this file is a grave security risk.
WarningUntilDirRemoved=All security warnings (visible by admin users only) will remain active as long as the vulnerability is present (or that constant MAIN_REMOVE_INSTALL_WARNING is added in Setup->Other Setup).
WarningCloseAlways=Warning, closing is done even if amount differs between source and target elements. Enable this feature with caution.
WarningUsingThisBoxSlowDown=Warning, using this box slow down seriously all pages showing the box.
WarningClickToDialUserSetupNotComplete=Setup of ClickToDial information for your user are not complete (see tab ClickToDial onto your user card).
WarningFeatureDisabledWithDisplayOptimizedForBlindNoJs=Feature disabled when display setup is optimized for blind person or text browsers.
WarningPaymentDateLowerThanInvoiceDate=Payment date (%s) is earlier than invoice date (%s) for invoice %s.
WarningTooManyDataPleaseUseMoreFilters=Too many data (more than %s lines). Please use more filters or set the constant %s to a higher limit.
WarningSomeLinesWithNullHourlyRate=Some times were recorded by some users while their hourly rate was not defined. A value of 0 %s per hour was used but this may result in wrong valuation of time spent.
WarningYourLoginWasModifiedPleaseLogin=Your login was modified. For security purpose you will have to login with your new login before next action.
WarningAnEntryAlreadyExistForTransKey=An entry already exists for the translation key for this language
WarningNumberOfRecipientIsRestrictedInMassAction=Warning, number of different recipient is limited to <b>%s</b> when using the mass actions on lists
WarningDateOfLineMustBeInExpenseReportRange=Warning, the date of line is not in the range of the expense report
WarningProjectClosed=Project is closed. You must re-open it first.