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# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - stocks
WarehouseCard=Lao kaart
ParentWarehouse=Parent warehouse
NewWarehouse=New warehouse / Stock Location
WarehouseEdit=Muuda ladu
MenuNewWarehouse=Uus ladu
WarehouseSourceNotDefined=Ühtki ladu pole määratletud.
AddWarehouse=Create warehouse
AddOne=Lisa üks
DefaultWarehouse=Default warehouse
ValidateSending=Kustuta saatmine
CancelSending=Tühista saatmine
DeleteSending=Kustuta saatmine
StocksByLotSerial=Stocks by lot/serial
LotSerialList=List of lot/serials
ErrorWarehouseRefRequired=Lao viide on nõutud
ListOfWarehouses=Ladude nimekiri
ListOfStockMovements=Laojääkide nimekiri
ListOfInventories=List of inventories
MovementId=Movement ID
StockMovementForId=Movement ID %d
ListMouvementStockProject=List of stock movements associated to project
StocksArea=Warehouses area
AllWarehouses=All warehouses
IncludeAlsoDraftOrders=Include also draft orders
LocationSummary=Asukoha lühike nimi
NumberOfDifferentProducts=Erinevate toodete arv
NumberOfProducts=Toodete koguarv
LastMovement=Latest movement
LastMovements=Latest movements
StockCorrection=Stock correction
CorrectStock=Õige laojääk
StockTransfer=Laojäägi ülekanne
TransferStock=Transfer stock
MassStockTransferShort=Mass stock transfer
StockMovement=Stock movement
StockMovements=Stock movements
NumberOfUnit=Ãœhikute arv
UnitPurchaseValue=Ãœhiku ostuhind
StockTooLow=Laojääk on liiga madal
StockLowerThanLimit=Stock lower than alert limit (%s)
PMPValue=Kaalutud keskmine hind
EnhancedValueOfWarehouses=Ladude väärtus
UserWarehouseAutoCreate=Create a user warehouse automatically when creating a user
AllowAddLimitStockByWarehouse=Manage also values for minimum and desired stock per pairing (product-warehouse) in addition to values per product
IndependantSubProductStock=Product stock and subproduct stock are independent
QtyDispatched=Saadetud kogus
QtyDispatchedShort=Qty dispatched
QtyToDispatchShort=Qty to dispatch
OrderDispatch=Item receipts
RuleForStockManagementDecrease=Choose Rule for automatic stock decrease (manual decrease is always possible, even if an automatic decrease rule is activated)
RuleForStockManagementIncrease=Choose Rule for automatic stock increase (manual increase is always possible, even if an automatic increase rule is activated)
DeStockOnBill=Decrease real stocks on validation of customer invoice/credit note
DeStockOnValidateOrder=Decrease real stocks on validation of sales order
DeStockOnShipment=Decrease real stocks on shipping validation
DeStockOnShipmentOnClosing=Decrease real stocks when shipping is set to closed
ReStockOnBill=Increase real stocks on validation of vendor invoice/credit note
ReStockOnValidateOrder=Increase real stocks on purchase order approval
ReStockOnDispatchOrder=Increase real stocks on manual dispatching into warehouse, after purchase order receipt of goods
StockOnReception=Increase real stocks on validation of reception
StockOnReceptionOnClosing=Increase real stocks when reception is set to closed
OrderStatusNotReadyToDispatch=Tellimus kas ei ole veel jõudnud või ei ole enam staatuses, mis lubab toodete lattu saatmist.
StockDiffPhysicTeoric=Explanation for difference between physical and virtual stock
NoPredefinedProductToDispatch=Selle objektiga ei ole seotud ettemääratud tooteid, seega ei ole vaja laojäägi saatmist.
StockLimitShort=Hoiatuse piir
StockLimit=Koguse piir hoiatuseks
StockLimitDesc=(empty) means no warning.<br>0 can be used for a warning as soon as stock is empty.
PhysicalStock=Physical Stock
RealStock=Reaalne laojääk
RealStockDesc=Physical/real stock is the stock currently in the warehouses.
RealStockWillAutomaticallyWhen=The real stock will be modified according to this rule (as defined in the Stock module):
VirtualStock=Virtuaalne laojääk
VirtualStockDesc=Virtual stock is the calculated stock available once all open/pending actions (that affect stocks) are closed (purchase orders received, sales orders shipped etc.)
IdWarehouse=Lao ID
DescWareHouse=Lao kirjeldus
LieuWareHouse=Lao lokaliseerimine
WarehousesAndProducts=Laod ja tooted
WarehousesAndProductsBatchDetail=Warehouses and products (with detail per lot/serial)
AverageUnitPricePMPShort=Kaalutud keskmine sisendhind
AverageUnitPricePMP=Kaalutud keskmine sisendhind
SellPriceMin=Ühiku müügihind
EstimatedStockValueSellShort=Value for sell
EstimatedStockValueSell=Value for sell
EstimatedStockValueShort=Sisesta laojäägi väärtus
EstimatedStockValue=Sisesta laojäägi väärtus
DeleteAWarehouse=Kustuta ladu
ConfirmDeleteWarehouse=Are you sure you want to delete the warehouse <b>%s</b>?
PersonalStock=Isiklik laojääk %s
ThisWarehouseIsPersonalStock=See ladu esitab isiklikku varu, mis kuulub üksusele %s %s
SelectWarehouseForStockDecrease=Vali laojäägi vähendamiseks kasutatav ladu
SelectWarehouseForStockIncrease=Vali laojäägi suurendamiseks kasutatav ladu
NoStockAction=Laojäägi tegevust ei ole
DesiredStock=Desired Stock
DesiredStockDesc=This stock amount will be the value used to fill the stock by replenishment feature.
ReplenishmentOrders=Tellimuste värskendamine
VirtualDiffersFromPhysical=According to increase/decrease stock options, physical stock and virtual stock (physical + current orders) may differ
UseVirtualStockByDefault=Use virtual stock by default, instead of physical stock, for replenishment feature
UseVirtualStock=Kasuta virtuaalset ladu
UsePhysicalStock=Use physical stock
CurentSelectionMode=Current selection mode
CurentlyUsingVirtualStock=Virtuaalne laojääk
CurentlyUsingPhysicalStock=Füüsiline laojääk
RuleForStockReplenishment=Laojäägi värskendamise reegel
SelectProductWithNotNullQty=Select at least one product with a qty not null and a vendor
AlertOnly= Ainult hoiatused
WarehouseForStockDecrease=Laojäägi vähendamiseks kasutatakse ladu <b>%s</b>
WarehouseForStockIncrease=Laojäägi suurendamiseks kasutatakse ladu <b>%s</b>
ForThisWarehouse=Antud lao tarbeks
ReplenishmentStatusDesc=This is a list of all products with a stock lower than desired stock (or lower than alert value if checkbox "alert only" is checked). Using the checkbox, you can create purchase orders to fill the difference.
ReplenishmentOrdersDesc=This is a list of all open purchase orders including predefined products. Only open orders with predefined products, so orders that may affect stocks, are visible here.
NbOfProductBeforePeriod=Toote %s laojääk enne valitud perioodi (< %s)
NbOfProductAfterPeriod=Toote %s laojääk pärast valitud perioodi (> %s)
MassMovement=Mass movement
SelectProductInAndOutWareHouse=Vali toode, kogus, lähteladu ja sihtladu, siis klõpsa "%s". Kui see on kõigi soovitud liikumiste jaoks tehtud, klõpsa "%s".
RecordMovement=Record transfer
ReceivingForSameOrder=Receipts for this order
StockMovementRecorded=Stock movements recorded
RuleForStockAvailability=Rules on stock requirements
StockMustBeEnoughForInvoice=Stock level must be enough to add product/service to invoice (check is done on current real stock when adding a line into invoice whatever the rule for automatic stock change)
StockMustBeEnoughForOrder=Stock level must be enough to add product/service to order (check is done on current real stock when adding a line into order whatever the rule for automatic stock change)
StockMustBeEnoughForShipment= Stock level must be enough to add product/service to shipment (check is done on current real stock when adding a line into shipment whatever the rule for automatic stock change)
MovementLabel=Label of movement
TypeMovement=Type of movement
DateMovement=Date of movement
InventoryCode=Movement or inventory code
IsInPackage=Contained into package
WarehouseAllowNegativeTransfer=Stock can be negative
qtyToTranferIsNotEnough=You don't have enough stock from your source warehouse and your setup does not allow negative stocks.
ShowWarehouse=Näita ladu
MovementCorrectStock=Stock correction for product %s
MovementTransferStock=Stock transfer of product %s into another warehouse
InventoryCodeShort=Inv./Mov. code
NoPendingReceptionOnSupplierOrder=No pending reception due to open purchase order
ThisSerialAlreadyExistWithDifferentDate=This lot/serial number (<strong>%s</strong>) already exists but with different eatby or sellby date (found <strong>%s</strong> but you enter <strong>%s</strong>).
OpenAll=Open for all actions
OpenInternal=Open only for internal actions
UseDispatchStatus=Use a dispatch status (approve/refuse) for product lines on purchase order reception
OptionMULTIPRICESIsOn=Option "several prices per segment" is on. It means a product has several selling price so value for sell can't be calculated
ProductStockWarehouseCreated=Stock limit for alert and desired optimal stock correctly created
ProductStockWarehouseUpdated=Stock limit for alert and desired optimal stock correctly updated
ProductStockWarehouseDeleted=Stock limit for alert and desired optimal stock correctly deleted
AddNewProductStockWarehouse=Set new limit for alert and desired optimal stock
AddStockLocationLine=Decrease quantity then click to add another warehouse for this product
InventoryDate=Inventory date
NewInventory=New inventory
inventorySetup = Inventory Setup
inventoryCreatePermission=Create new inventory
inventoryReadPermission=View inventories
inventoryWritePermission=Update inventories
inventoryValidatePermission=Validate inventory
inventoryListEmpty=No inventory in progress
inventoryCreateDelete=Create/Delete inventory
inventoryCreate=Create new
inventorySelectWarehouse=Warehouse choice
inventoryOfWarehouse=Inventory for warehouse: %s
inventoryErrorQtyAdd=Error: one quantity is less than zero
inventoryMvtStock=By inventory
inventoryWarningProductAlreadyExists=This product is already into list
SelectCategory=Kategooriate filter
SelectFournisseur=Vendor filter
INVENTORY_DISABLE_VIRTUAL=Virtual product (kit): do not decrement stock of a child product
INVENTORY_USE_MIN_PA_IF_NO_LAST_PA=Use the buy price if no last buy price can be found
INVENTORY_USE_INVENTORY_DATE_FROM_DATEMVT=Stock movement has date of inventory
inventoryChangePMPPermission=Allow to change PMP value for a product
ColumnNewPMP=New unit PMP
OnlyProdsInStock=Do not add product without stock
TheoricalQty=Theorique qty
TheoricalValue=Theorique qty
LastPA=Last BP
CurrentPA=Curent BP
RealQty=Real Qty
RealValue=Real Value
RegulatedQty=Regulated Qty
AddInventoryProduct=Add product to inventory
ApplyPMP=Apply PMP
FlushInventory=Flush inventory
ConfirmFlushInventory=Do you confirm this action?
InventoryFlushed=Inventory flushed
ExitEditMode=Exit edition
inventoryDeleteLine=Kustuta rida
RegulateStock=Regulate Stock
StockSupportServices=Stock management supports Services
StockSupportServicesDesc=By default, you can stock only products of type "product". You may also stock a product of type "service" if both module Services and this option are enabled.
ReceiveProducts=Receive items
StockIncreaseAfterCorrectTransfer=Increase by correction/transfer
StockDecreaseAfterCorrectTransfer=Decrease by correction/transfer
StockIncrease=Stock increase
StockDecrease=Stock decrease