
Your IP :

Current Path : /home/scgforma/www/soc064/htdocs/langs/et_EE/
Upload File :
Current File : /home/scgforma/www/soc064/htdocs/langs/et_EE/admin.lang

# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - admin
VersionProgram=Programmi versioon
VersionLastInstall=Initial install version
VersionLastUpgrade=Viimane versiooniuuendus
FileCheck=Fileset Integrity Checks
FileCheckDesc=This tool allows you to check the integrity of files and the setup of your application, comparing each file with the official one. The value of some setup constants may also be checked. You can use this tool to determine if any files have been modified (e.g by a hacker).
FileIntegrityIsStrictlyConformedWithReference=Files integrity is strictly conformed with the reference.
FileIntegrityIsOkButFilesWereAdded=Files integrity check has passed, however some new files have been added.
FileIntegritySomeFilesWereRemovedOrModified=Files integrity check has failed. Some files were modified, removed or added.
GlobalChecksum=Global checksum
MakeIntegrityAnalysisFrom=Make integrity analysis of application files from
LocalSignature=Embedded local signature (less reliable)
RemoteSignature=Remote distant signature (more reliable)
FilesMissing=Missing Files
FilesUpdated=Updated Files
FilesModified=Muudetud failid
FilesAdded=Lisatud failid
FileCheckDolibarr=Check integrity of application files
AvailableOnlyOnPackagedVersions=The local file for integrity checking is only available when the application is installed from an official package
XmlNotFound=Xml Integrity File of application not found
SessionId=Sessiooni ID
SessionSaveHandler=Sessioonide töötleja
SessionSavePath=Session save location
PurgeSessions=Sessioonide tühjendamine
ConfirmPurgeSessions=Do you really want to purge all sessions? This will disconnect every user (except yourself).
NoSessionListWithThisHandler=Save session handler configured in your PHP does not allow listing all running sessions.
LockNewSessions=Keela uued ühendused
ConfirmLockNewSessions=Are you sure you want to restrict any new Dolibarr connection to yourself? Only user <b>%s</b> will be able to connect after that.
UnlockNewSessions=Luba uued ühendused
YourSession=Sinu sessioon
Sessions=Kasutajate sessioonid
WebUserGroup=Veebiserveri kasutaja/grupp
NoSessionFound=Your PHP configuration seems to not allow listing of active sessions. The directory used to save sessions (<b>%s</b>) may be protected (for example by OS permissions or by PHP directive open_basedir).
DBStoringCharset=Märgistik, mida kasutatakse andmete salvestamiseks andmebaasi
DBSortingCharset=Märgistik, mida kasutada andmete sorteerimiseks andmebaasis
ClientCharset=Client charset
ClientSortingCharset=Client collation
WarningModuleNotActive=Moodul <b>%s</b> peab olema sisse lülitatud.
WarningOnlyPermissionOfActivatedModules=Antud lehel näidatakse vaid aktiivsete moodulitega seotud õigusi. Teisi mooduleid saab aktiveerida Kodu->Seadistamine->Moodulid lehel.
DolibarrSetup=Dolibarri paigaldamine või uuendamine
InternalUser=Sisemine kasutaja
ExternalUser=Väline kasutaja
InternalUsers=Sisemised kasutajad
ExternalUsers=Välised kasutajad
UploadNewTemplate=Upload new template(s)
FormToTestFileUploadForm=Failide üleslaadimise teistimiseks kasutatav vorm (vastavalt seadistustele)
IfModuleEnabled=Märkus: jah töötab vaid siis, kui moodul <b>%s</b> on sisse lülitatud.
RemoveLock=Remove/rename file <b>%s</b> if it exists, to allow usage of the Update/Install tool.
RestoreLock=Restore file <b>%s</b>, with read permission only, to disable any further use of the Update/Install tool.
SecurityFilesDesc=Define here options related to security about uploading files.
ErrorModuleRequirePHPVersion=Viga: see moodul nõuab PHP versiooni %s või uuemat.
ErrorModuleRequireDolibarrVersion=Viga: see moodul nõuab Dolibarri versiooni %s või uuemat.
ErrorDecimalLargerThanAreForbidden=Viga, suurem täpsus kui <b>%s</b> ei ole toetatud.
DictionarySetup=Sõnaraamatu seadistamine
ErrorReservedTypeSystemSystemAuto=Tüübi väärtused 'system' ja 'systemauto' on reserveeritud. Omaloodud kirje väärtuseks võib kasutada väärtust 'user'.
ErrorCodeCantContainZero=Kood ei või sisaldada väärtust 0
DisableJavascript=Keela JavaScript ja Ajax funktsioonid
DisableJavascriptNote=Note: For test or debug purpose. For optimization for blind person or text browsers, you may prefer to use the setup on the profile of user
UseSearchToSelectCompanyTooltip=Suure kolmandate isikute arvu korral (> 100 000) saab kiiruse suurendamiseks seadistada Seadistamine->Muu menüüs konstandi COMPANY_DONOTSEARCH_ANYWHERE väärtuseks 1. Sellisel juhul piirdub otsing sõne algusega.
UseSearchToSelectContactTooltip=Suure kolmandate isikute arvu korral (> 100 000) saab kiiruse suurendamiseks seadistada Seadistamine->Muu menüüs konstandi CONTACT_DONOTSEARCH_ANYWHERE väärtuseks 1. Sellisel juhul piirdub otsing sõne algusega.
DelaiedFullListToSelectCompany=Wait until a key is pressed before loading content of Third Parties combo list.<br>This may increase performance if you have a large number of third parties, but it is less convenient.
DelaiedFullListToSelectContact=Wait until a key is pressed before loading content of Contact combo list.<br>This may increase performance if you have a large number of contacts, but it is less convenient)
NumberOfKeyToSearch=Number of characters to trigger search: %s
NumberOfBytes=Number of Bytes
SearchString=Search string
NotAvailableWhenAjaxDisabled=Ei ole saadaval, kui Ajax on välja lülitatud
AllowToSelectProjectFromOtherCompany=On document of a third party, can choose a project linked to another third party
JavascriptDisabled=JavaScript on välja lülitatud
UsePreviewTabs=Kasuta eelvaate sakke
ShowPreview=Kuva eelvaade
PreviewNotAvailable=Eelvaade pole saadaval
ThemeCurrentlyActive=Hetkel kasutatav teema
CurrentTimeZone=PHP ajavöönd (serveri ajavöönd)
MySQLTimeZone=MySQLi (andmebaasi) ajavöönd
TZHasNoEffect=Dates are stored and returned by database server as if they were kept as submitted string. The timezone has effect only when using the UNIX_TIMESTAMP function (that should not be used by Dolibarr, so database TZ should have no effect, even if changed after data was entered).
NextValue=Järgmine väärtus
NextValueForInvoices=Järgmine väärtus (arved)
NextValueForCreditNotes=Järgmine väärtus (kreeditarved)
NextValueForDeposit=Next value (down payment)
NextValueForReplacements=Järgmine väärtus (asendused)
MustBeLowerThanPHPLimit=Note: <b>your</b> PHP configuration currently limits the maximum filesize for upload to <b>%s</b> %s, irrespective of the value of this parameter
NoMaxSizeByPHPLimit=Märkus: PHP seadistustes pole piiri määratletud
MaxSizeForUploadedFiles=Üleslaetava faili maksimaalne suurus (0 keelab failide üleslaadimise)
UseCaptchaCode=Kasuta sisselogimise lehel graafilist koodi (CAPTCHA)
AntiVirusCommand= Täielik süsteemi rada antiviiruse käsuni
AntiVirusCommandExample= ClamWini põhine näide: C:\\Program~1\\ClamWin\\bin\\clamscan.exe<br>ClamAV põhine näide: /usr/bin/clamscan
AntiVirusParam= Lisaparameetrid, mida käsureal edastada
AntiVirusParamExample= ClamWini põhine näide: --database="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\ClamWin\\lib"
ComptaSetup=Raamatupidamise mooduli seadistamine
UserSetup=Kasutajate haldamise seadistamine
MultiCurrencySetup=Multi-currency setup
MenuLimits=Piirangud ja täpsus
MenuIdParent=Emamenüü ID
DetailMenuIdParent=Emamenüü ID (juurmenüü korral tühi)
DetailPosition=Järjekorranumber menüü asukoha määratlemiseks
NotConfigured=Moodul/Rakendus pole veel seadistatud
OtherOptions=Muud seaded
OtherSetup=Muud seadistused
CurrentValueSeparatorDecimal=Kümnendkoha eraldaja
CurrentValueSeparatorThousand=Tuhandete eraldaja
IdModule=Mooduli ID
IdPermissions=Kasutajaõiguste ID
LanguageBrowserParameter=Parameeter %s
LocalisationDolibarrParameters=Lokaliseerimise parameetrid
ClientTZ=Kliendi ajavöönd (kasutaja)
ClientHour=Kliendi aeg (kasutaja)
OSTZ=Serveri operatsioonisüsteemi ajavöönd
PHPTZ=Time Zone PHP server
CurrentHour=Tund PHP (server)
CurrentSessionTimeOut=Praeguse sessiooni aegumine
YouCanEditPHPTZ=To set a different PHP timezone (not required), you can try to add a .htaccess file with a line like this "SetEnv TZ Europe/Paris"
HoursOnThisPageAreOnServerTZ=Warning, in contrary of other screens, hours on this page are not in your local timezone, but of the timezone of the server.
MaxNbOfLinesForBoxes=Vidinate maksimaalne ridade arv
AllWidgetsWereEnabled=Kõik saadaval vidinad on lubatud
PositionByDefault=Vaikimisi järjestus
MenusDesc=Menu managers set content of the two menu bars (horizontal and vertical).
MenusEditorDesc=The menu editor allows you to define custom menu entries. Use it carefully to avoid instability and permanently unreachable menu entries.<br>Some modules add menu entries (in menu <b>All</b> mostly). If you remove some of these entries by mistake, you can restore them disabling and reenabling the module.
MenuForUsers=Kasutajatele mõeldud menüü
LangFile=.lang fail
Language_en_US_es_MX_etc=Keel (en_US,es_MX,...)
SystemInfo=Süsteemi info
SystemToolsArea=Süsteemi tööriistade ala
SystemToolsAreaDesc=This area provides administration functions. Use the menu to choose the required feature.
PurgeAreaDesc=This page allows you to delete all files generated or stored by Dolibarr (temporary files or all files in <b>%s</b> directory). Using this feature is not normally necessary. It is provided as a workaround for users whose Dolibarr is hosted by a provider that does not offer permissions to delete files generated by the web server.
PurgeDeleteLogFile=Delete log files, including <b>%s</b> defined for Syslog module (no risk of losing data)
PurgeDeleteTemporaryFiles=Delete all temporary files (no risk of losing data). Note: Deletion is done only if the temp directory was created 24 hours ago.
PurgeDeleteTemporaryFilesShort=Kustuta ajutised failid
PurgeDeleteAllFilesInDocumentsDir=Delete all files in directory: <b>%s</b>.<br>This will delete all generated documents related to elements (third parties, invoices etc...), files uploaded into the ECM module, database backup dumps and temporary files.
PurgeRunNow=Tühjenda nüüd
PurgeNothingToDelete=Pole ühtki faili ega kausta, mida kustutada.
PurgeNDirectoriesDeleted=<b>%s</b> faili või kataloogi kustutatud.
PurgeNDirectoriesFailed=Failed to delete <b>%s</b> files or directories.
PurgeAuditEvents=Tühjenda kõik turvalisusega seotud sündmused
ConfirmPurgeAuditEvents=Kas oled kindel, et soovid turvalisusega seotud sündmuste tühjendamise? Kõik turvalogid kustutatakse, muud andmed jäetakse puutumata.
GenerateBackup=Loo varukoopia
RunCommandSummary=Varukoopia loomine käivitati järgneva käsuga
BackupResult=Varundamise tulemus
BackupFileSuccessfullyCreated=Varukoopia edukalt loodud
YouCanDownloadBackupFile=The generated file can now be downloaded
NoBackupFileAvailable=Ãœhtki varukoopia faili pole saadaval.
ExportMethod=Eksportimise meetod
ImportMethod=Importimise meetod
ToBuildBackupFileClickHere=Varukoopia loomiseks klõpsa <a href="%s">siia</a> .
ImportMySqlDesc=To import a MySQL backup file, you may use phpMyAdmin via your hosting or use the mysql command from the Command line.<br>For example:
ImportPostgreSqlDesc=Varukoopia importimiseks pead kasutama käsureal pg_restore käsku:
ImportMySqlCommand=%s %s < minuvarukoopia.sql
ImportPostgreSqlCommand=%s %s minuvarukoopia.sql
FileNameToGenerate=Varukoopia faili nimi:
CommandsToDisableForeignKeysForImport=Käsk, millega keelata välisvõtmete kasutamise keelamine importimisel
CommandsToDisableForeignKeysForImportWarning=Kohustuslik, kui tahad tõmmist hiljem taastamiseks kasutada
ExportCompatibility=Loodud ekspordifaili ühtivus
MySqlExportParameters=MySQLi ekspordi parameetrid
PostgreSqlExportParameters= PostgreSQLi ekspordi parameetrid
UseTransactionnalMode=Kasuta tehingurežiimi
FullPathToMysqldumpCommand=Täielik rada mysqldump käsuni
FullPathToPostgreSQLdumpCommand=Täielik rada pg_dump käsuni
AddDropDatabase=Lisa DROP DATABASE käsk
AddDropTable=Lisa DROP TABLE käsk
NameColumn=Anna veergudele nimed
ExtendedInsert=Laiendatud INSERT
NoLockBeforeInsert=Ära ümbritse INSERT käsku lukustuskäskudega
DelayedInsert=Viivitustega sisestamine
EncodeBinariesInHexa=Kodeeri binaarsed andmed kuueteistkümnendsüsteemis
IgnoreDuplicateRecords=Ignoreeri duplikaatkirjete põhjustatud vead (INSERT IGNORE)
AutoDetectLang=Tuvasta automaatselt (brauseri keel)
FeatureDisabledInDemo=Demoversioonis blokeeritud funktsionaalsus
FeatureAvailableOnlyOnStable=Feature only available on official stable versions
BoxesDesc=Widgets are components showing some information that you can add to personalize some pages. You can choose between showing the widget or not by selecting target page and clicking 'Activate', or by clicking the trashcan to disable it.
OnlyActiveElementsAreShown=Näidatakse ainult elemente <a href="%s">sisse lülitatud moodulitest</a>.
ModulesDesc=The modules/applications determine which features are available in the software. Some modules require permissions to be granted to users after activating the module. Click the on/off button (at end of module line) to enable/disable a module/application.
ModulesMarketPlaceDesc=Alla laadimiseks leiad rohkem mooduleid Internetist.
ModulesDeployDesc=If permissions on your file system allow it, you can use this tool to deploy an external module. The module will then be visible on the tab <strong>%s</strong>.
ModulesMarketPlaces=Otsi katsetuskärgus rakendusi/mooduleid
ModulesDevelopYourModule=Arenda enda äpp/moodul
ModulesDevelopDesc=You may also develop your own module or find a partner to develop one for you.
DOLISTOREdescriptionLong=Instead of switching on <a href="https://www.dolistore.com">www.dolistore.com</a> web site to find an external module, you can use this embedded tool that will perform the search on the external market place for you (may be slow, need an internet access)...
CompatibleUpTo=Ãœhilduv versioooniga %s
NotCompatible=This module does not seem compatible with your Dolibarr %s (Min %s - Max %s).
CompatibleAfterUpdate=This module requires an update to your Dolibarr %s (Min %s - Max %s).
SeeInMarkerPlace=See in Market place
AchatTelechargement=Osta / Laadi alla
GoModuleSetupArea=To deploy/install a new module, go to the Module setup area: <a href="%s">%s</a>.
DoliStoreDesc=DoliStore on ametlik Dolibarr ERP/CRM moodulite müümiseks kasutatav koht
DoliPartnersDesc=List of companies providing custom-developed modules or features.<br>Note: since Dolibarr is an open source application, <i>anyone</i> experienced in PHP programming may develop a module.
WebSiteDesc=External websites for more add-on (non-core) modules...
DevelopYourModuleDesc=Some solutions to develop your own module...
BoxesAvailable=Saadaolevad vidinad
BoxesActivated=Aktiveeritud vidinad
ActivateOn=Aktiveeri lehel
ActiveOn=Aktiveeritud lehel
SourceFile=Lähtekoodi fai
AvailableOnlyIfJavascriptAndAjaxNotDisabled=Saadaval ainult siis, kui JavaScript pole keelatud
UsedOnlyWithTypeOption=Used by some agenda option only
DoNotStoreClearPassword=Encrypt passwords stored in database (NOT as plain-text). It is strongly recommended to activate this option.
MainDbPasswordFileConfEncrypted=Encrypt database password stored in conf.php. It is strongly recommended to activate this option.
InstrucToEncodePass=To have password encoded into the <b>conf.php</b> file, replace the line <br><b>$dolibarr_main_db_pass="...";</b><br>by<br><b>$dolibarr_main_db_pass="crypted:%s";</b>
InstrucToClearPass=To have password decoded (clear) into the <b>conf.php</b> file, replace the line <br><b>$dolibarr_main_db_pass="crypted:...";</b><br>by<br><b>$dolibarr_main_db_pass="%s";</b>
ProtectAndEncryptPdfFiles=Protect generated PDF files. This is NOT recommended as it breaks bulk PDF generation.
ProtectAndEncryptPdfFilesDesc=Protection of a PDF document keeps it available to read and print with any PDF browser. However, editing and copying is not possible anymore. Note that using this feature makes building of a global merged PDFs not working.
OfficialWebSite=Dolibarri ametlik veebileht
OfficialWebSiteLocal=Kohalik veebisait (%s)
OfficialWiki=Dolibarri dokumentatsioon / Wiki
OfficialDemo=Dolibarri online demo
OfficialMarketPlace=Väliste moodulite ja lisade ametlik müügikoht
OfficialWebHostingService=Viidatavad veebimajutuse pakkujad (pilveteenused)
ReferencedPreferredPartners=Eelistatud partnerid
OtherResources=Muud ressursid
ExternalResources=Välised ressursid
ForDocumentationSeeWiki=Kasutaja või arendaja dokumentatsiooni (KKK jms) võid leida<br>ametlikust Dolibarri Wikist:<br><a href="%s" target="_blank"><b>%s</b></a>
ForAnswersSeeForum=Muude küsimuste või abi küsimise tarbeks saab kasutada Dolibarri foorumit:<br><a href="%s" target="_blank"><b>%s</b></a>
HelpCenterDesc1=Here are some resources for getting help and support with Dolibarr.
HelpCenterDesc2=Some of these resources are only available in <b>english</b>.
CurrentMenuHandler=Praegune menüü töötleja
LeftMargin=Vasak serv
TopMargin=Ãœlemine serv
PaperSize=Paberi tüüp
SpaceX=Space X
SpaceY=Space Y
NewByMonth=New by month
EMailsSetup=E-posti seadistamine
EMailsDesc=This page allows you to override your default PHP parameters for email sending. In most cases on Unix/Linux OS, the PHP setup is correct and these parameters are unnecessary.
EmailSenderProfiles=Emails sender profiles
MAIN_MAIL_SMTP_PORT=SMTP/SMTPS Port (default value in php.ini: <b>%s</b>)
MAIN_MAIL_SMTP_SERVER=SMTP/SMTPS Host (default value in php.ini: <b>%s</b>)
MAIN_MAIL_SMTP_PORT_NotAvailableOnLinuxLike=SMTP/SMTPS Port (Not defined into PHP on Unix-like systems)
MAIN_MAIL_SMTP_SERVER_NotAvailableOnLinuxLike=SMTP/SMTPS Host (Not defined into PHP on Unix-like systems)
MAIN_MAIL_EMAIL_FROM=Sender email for automatic emails (default value in php.ini: <b>%s</b>)
MAIN_MAIL_ERRORS_TO=Email used for error returns emails (fields 'Errors-To' in emails sent)
MAIN_MAIL_AUTOCOPY_TO= Copy (Bcc) all sent emails to
MAIN_DISABLE_ALL_MAILS=Disable all email sending (for test purposes or demos)
MAIN_MAIL_FORCE_SENDTO=Send all emails to (instead of real recipients, for test purposes)
MAIN_MAIL_ENABLED_USER_DEST_SELECT=Add employee users with email into allowed recipient list
MAIN_MAIL_SENDMODE=E-posti saatmise viis
MAIN_MAIL_SMTPS_ID=SMTP-ID (kui saatev server nõuab autentimist)
MAIN_MAIL_SMTPS_PW=SMTP parool (kui saatev server nõuab autentimist)
MAIN_MAIL_EMAIL_TLS=Kasutage TLS (SSL) krüpteerimist
MAIN_MAIL_EMAIL_DKIM_ENABLED=E-posti allkirja loomiseks kasutage DKIM-i
MAIN_MAIL_EMAIL_DKIM_DOMAIN=Email Domain for use with dkim
MAIN_MAIL_EMAIL_DKIM_PRIVATE_KEY=Private key for dkim signing
MAIN_DISABLE_ALL_SMS=Disable all SMS sending (for test purposes or demos)
MAIN_SMS_SENDMODE=SMSi saatmiseks kasutatav meetod
MAIN_MAIL_SMS_FROM=Default sender phone number for SMS sending
MAIN_MAIL_DEFAULT_FROMTYPE=Default sender email for manual sending (User email or Company email)
UserEmail=Kasutaja e-post
CompanyEmail=Ettevõtte e-post
FeatureNotAvailableOnLinux=Funktsionaalsus pole kasutatav Unixi laadsel süsteemil. Kontrolli oma sendmail programmi seadistust.
SubmitTranslation=If the translation for this language is not complete or you find errors, you can correct this by editing files in directory <b>langs/%s</b> and submit your change to www.transifex.com/dolibarr-association/dolibarr/
SubmitTranslationENUS=If translation for this language is not complete or you find errors, you can correct this by editing files into directory <b>langs/%s</b> and submit modified files on dolibarr.org/forum or for developers on github.com/Dolibarr/dolibarr.
ModuleSetup=Moodulite seadistamine
ModulesSetup=Moodulid / rakenduse seadistamine
ModuleFamilyCrm=Kliendisuhete haldamine (CRM)
ModuleFamilySrm=Müügisuhete haldamine (VRM)
ModuleFamilyProducts=Toote haldamine (PM)
ModuleFamilyHr=Personalijuhtimine (HR)
ModuleFamilyTechnic=Multimoodulite tööriistad
ModuleFamilyExperimental=Eksperimentaalsed moodulid
ModuleFamilyFinancial=Finantsmoodulid (raamatupidamine/rahahaldus)
ModuleFamilyECM=Dokumendihaldus (ECM)
ModuleFamilyPortal=Websites and other frontal application
ModuleFamilyInterface=Interfaces with external systems
MenuHandlers=Menüüde töötlejad
MenuAdmin=Menüü toimeti
DoNotUseInProduction=Ära kasuta tootmispaigaldustes
ThisIsAlternativeProcessToFollow=See on käsitsi töödeldav alternatiivne seadistus:
StepNb=Samm %s
FindPackageFromWebSite=Find a package that provides the features you need (for example on the official web site %s).
DownloadPackageFromWebSite=Download package (for example from the official web site %s).
UnpackPackageInDolibarrRoot=Unpack/unzip the packaged files into your Dolibarr server directory: <b>%s</b>
UnpackPackageInModulesRoot=To deploy/install an external module, unpack/unzip the packaged files into the server directory dedicated to external modules:<br><b>%s</b>
SetupIsReadyForUse=Module deployment is finished. You must however enable and setup the module in your application by going to the page setup modules: <a href="%s">%s</a>.
NotExistsDirect=The alternative root directory is not defined to an existing directory.<br>
InfDirAlt=Since version 3, it is possible to define an alternative root directory. This allows you to store, into a dedicated directory, plug-ins and custom templates.<br>Just create a directory at the root of Dolibarr (eg: custom).<br>
InfDirExample=<br>Then declare it in the file <strong>conf.php</strong><br> $dolibarr_main_url_root_alt='/custom'<br>$dolibarr_main_document_root_alt='/path/of/dolibarr/htdocs/custom'<br>If these lines are commented with "#", to enable them, just uncomment by removing the "#" character.
YouCanSubmitFile=Teise võimalusena võite mooduli .zip failipaketi üles laadida:
CurrentVersion=Praegune Dolibarr versioon
CallUpdatePage=Browse to the page that updates the database structure and data: %s.
LastStableVersion=Viimane stabiilne versioon
LastActivationDate=Viimane aktiveerimise kuupäev
LastActivationAuthor=Viimane aktiveerimise autor
LastActivationIP=Viimane aktiveerimise IP
UpdateServerOffline=Update server offline
WithCounter=Manage a counter
GenericMaskCodes=Sa võid sisestada suvalise numeratsiooni maski. Järgnevas maskis saab kasutada järgmisi silte:<br><b>{000000}</b> vastab arvule, mida suurendatakse iga sündmuse %s korral. Sisesta niipalju nulle, kui soovid loenduri pikkuseks. Loendurile lisatakse vasakult alates niipalju nulle, et ta oleks maskiga sama pikk.<br><b>{000000+000}</b> on eelmisega sama, kuid esimesele %s lisatakse nihe, mis vastab + märgist paremal asuvale arvule.<br><b>{000000@x}</b> on eelmisega sama, ent kuuni x jõudmisel nullitakse loendur (x on 1 ja 12 vahel, või 0 seadistuses määratletud majandusaasta alguse kasutamiseks, või 99 loenduri nullimiseks iga kuu alguses). Kui kasutad seda funktsiooni ja x on 2 või kõrgem, siis on jada {yy}{mm} or {yyyy}{mm} nõutud.<br><b>{dd}</b> päev (01 kuni 31).<br><b>{mm}</b> kuu (01 kuni 12).<br><b>{yy}</b>, <b>{yyyy}</b> või <b>{y}</b> aasta 2, 4 või 1 numbri kasutamisks.<br>
GenericMaskCodes2=<b>{cccc}</b> the client code on n characters<br><b>{cccc000}</b> the client code on n characters is followed by a counter dedicated for customer. This counter dedicated to customer is reset at same time than global counter.<br><b>{tttt}</b> The code of third party type on n characters (see menu Home - Setup - Dictionary - Types of third parties). If you add this tag, the counter will be different for each type of third party.<br>
GenericMaskCodes3=Kõik teised maskis olevad tähemärgid jäävad puutuamata.<br>Tühikud ei ole lubatud.<br>
GenericMaskCodes4a=<u>Example on the 99th %s of the third party TheCompany, with date 2007-01-31:</u><br>
GenericMaskCodes4b=<u>Näiteks 2007-03-01 loodud kolmas isik:</u> <br>
GenericMaskCodes4c=<u>Näiteks 2007-03-01 loodud toode:</u><br>
GenericMaskCodes5=<b>ABC{yy}{mm}-{000000}</b> will give <b>ABC0701-000099</b><br><b>{0000+100@1}-ZZZ/{dd}/XXX</b> will give <b>0199-ZZZ/31/XXX</b><br><b>IN{yy}{mm}-{0000}-{t}</b> will give <b>IN0701-0099-A</b> if the type of company is 'Responsable Inscripto' with code for type that is 'A_RI'
GenericNumRefModelDesc=Lisab määratletud maskile vastava kohandatava arvu.
ServerAvailableOnIPOrPort=Server on saadaval aadressil <b>%s</b> pordil <b>%s</b>
ServerNotAvailableOnIPOrPort=Server ei ole kättesaadav aadressil <b>%s</b> pordi <b>%s</b>
DoTestServerAvailability=Test serveri ühendust
DoTestSend=Testi saatmist
DoTestSendHTML=Testi HTMLi saatmist
ErrorCantUseRazIfNoYearInMask=Viga: ei saa kasutada seadet @ iga aasta alguses loenduri nullimiseks kui jada {yy} or {yyyy} ei sisaldu maskis.
ErrorCantUseRazInStartedYearIfNoYearMonthInMask=Viga: ei saa kasutada võimalust @, kui maskis ei sisaldu jada {yy} {mm} või {yyyy} {mm}.
UMask=Umask parameeter uute failide loomiseks Unix/Linux/BSD/Mac failisüsteemidel.
UMaskExplanation=See parameeter võimaldab määratleda Dolibarri poolt loodud failide vaikimise õigused (näiteks üleslaadimise ajal)<br> See peab olema kaheksandsüsteemi väärtus (nt 0666 tähendab lubada kõigile lugemise ja kirjutamise õigused)<br>Windows serveris seda parameetrit ei kasutata.
SeeWikiForAllTeam=Vaadake Wiki lehekülge, kus on nimekiri osalejatest ja nende organisatsioonist
UseACacheDelay= Eksportimise vastuse vahemällu salvestamise viivitus (0 või tühi vahemälu mitte kasutamiseks)
DisableLinkToHelpCenter=Peida link "<b>Vajad abi või tuge</b>" sisselogimise lehel
DisableLinkToHelp=Peida link veebipõhisele abile &quot; <b>%s</b> &quot;
AddCRIfTooLong=There is no automatic text wrapping, text that is too long will not display on documents. Please add carriage returns in the text area if needed.
ConfirmPurge=Are you sure you want to execute this purge?<br>This will permanently delete all your data files with no way to restore them (ECM files, attached files...).
MinLength=Minimaalne pikkus
LanguageFilesCachedIntoShmopSharedMemory=Jagatud mällu laetud .lang failid
ExamplesWithCurrentSetup=Praeguse konfiguratsiooniga näited
ListOfDirectories=OpenDocument mallide kaustad
ListOfDirectoriesForModelGenODT=List of directories containing templates files with OpenDocument format.<br><br>Put here full path of directories.<br>Add a carriage return between eah directory.<br>To add a directory of the GED module, add here <b>DOL_DATA_ROOT/ecm/yourdirectoryname</b>.<br><br>Files in those directories must end with <b>.odt</b> or <b>.ods</b>.
NumberOfModelFilesFound=Nendes kataloogides leiduvate ODT / ODS-malli failide arv
ExampleOfDirectoriesForModelGen=Süntaksi näited:<br>c:\\mydir<br>/home/mydir<br>DOL_DATA_ROOT/ecm/ecmdir
FollowingSubstitutionKeysCanBeUsed=<br>Enne dokumendimallide loomist loe wikis olevat dokumentatsiooni:
FirstnameNamePosition=Nimi/perekonnanimi ametikoht
DescWeather=Juhtpaneelil kuvatakse järgmised pildid, kui hilisemate toimingute arv on järgmine:
KeyForWebServicesAccess=Veebiteenuste kasutamise võti (parameeter "dolibarrkey" webservices moodulis)
TestSubmitForm=Sisestamise testimiseks mõeldud vorm
ThisForceAlsoTheme=Using this menu manager will also use its own theme whatever the user choice. Also this menu manager specialized for smartphones does not work on all smartphone. Use another menu manager if you experience problems with yours.
ThemeDir=Kestade kataloog
ConnectionTimeout=Ãœhenduse aegumine
ResponseTimeout=Vastuse aegumine
SmsTestMessage=Test sõnum __TELEFONIST__TELEFONI__
ModuleMustBeEnabledFirst=Selle funktsiooni kasutamiseks tuleb kõigepealt aktiveerida moodul <b>%s</b> .
SecurityToken=URLide kaitsmiseks kasutatav võti
NoSmsEngine=No SMS sender manager available. A SMS sender manager is not installed with the default distribution because they depend on an external vendor, but you can find some on %s
PDFDesc=PDFi globaalsed seaded.
PDFAddressForging=Rules for address boxes
HideAnyVATInformationOnPDF=Peida kõik müügimaksu / käibemaksuga seotud andmed
PDFRulesForSalesTax=Müügimaksu / käibemaksu reeglid
PDFLocaltax=%s reeglid
HideLocalTaxOnPDF=Hide %s rate in column Tax Sale
HideDescOnPDF=Hide products description
HideRefOnPDF=Hide products ref.
HideDetailsOnPDF=Hide product lines details
PlaceCustomerAddressToIsoLocation=Use french standard position (La Poste) for customer address position
UrlGenerationParameters=URLide turvamise parameetrid
SecurityTokenIsUnique=Kasuta iga URLi jaoks unikaalset turvalise võtme parameetrit
EnterRefToBuildUrl=Sisesta viide objektile %s
GetSecuredUrl=Saada arvutatud URL
ButtonHideUnauthorized=Hide buttons for non-admin users for unauthorized actions instead of showing greyed disabled buttons
OldVATRates=Vana käibemaksumäär
NewVATRates=Uus käibemaksumäär
PriceBaseTypeToChange=Muuda hindadel, mille baasväärtus on defineeritud kui
MassConvert=Launch bulk conversion
PriceFormatInCurrentLanguage=Price Format In Current Language
TextLong=Pikk tekst
DateAndTime=Kuupäev ja tund
Boolean=Tõeväärtus (üks märkeruut)
ExtrafieldPhone = Telefon
ExtrafieldPrice = Hind
ExtrafieldMail = E-post
ExtrafieldUrl = URL
ExtrafieldSelect = Valikute nimekiri
ExtrafieldSelectList = Vali tabelist
ExtrafieldSeparator=Eraldaja (mitte väli)
ExtrafieldRadio=Raadionupud (ainult üks valik)
ExtrafieldCheckBoxFromList=Märkeruudud tabelist
ExtrafieldLink=Viide objektile
ComputedFormula=Arvutatud väli
ComputedFormulaDesc=You can enter here a formula using other properties of object or any PHP coding to get a dynamic computed value. You can use any PHP compatible formulas including the "?" condition operator, and following global object: <strong>$db, $conf, $langs, $mysoc, $user, $object</strong>.<br><strong>WARNING</strong>: Only some properties of $object may be available. If you need a properties not loaded, just fetch yourself the object into your formula like in the second example.<br>Using a computed field means you can't enter yourself any value from interface. Also, if there is a syntax error, the formula may return nothing.<br><br>Example of formula:<br>$object->id < 10 ? round($object->id / 2, 2): ($object->id + 2 * $user->id) * (int) substr($mysoc->zip, 1, 2)<br><br>Example to reload object<br>(($reloadedobj = new Societe($db)) && ($reloadedobj->fetch($obj->id ? $obj->id: ($obj->rowid ? $obj->rowid: $object->id)) > 0)) ? $reloadedobj->array_options['options_extrafieldkey'] * $reloadedobj->capital / 5: '-1'<br><br>Other example of formula to force load of object and its parent object:<br>(($reloadedobj = new Task($db)) && ($reloadedobj->fetch($object->id) > 0) && ($secondloadedobj = new Project($db)) && ($secondloadedobj->fetch($reloadedobj->fk_project) > 0)) ? $secondloadedobj->ref: 'Parent project not found'
Computedpersistent=Store computed field
ComputedpersistentDesc=Computed extra fields will be stored in the database, however, the value will only be recalculated when the object of this field is changed. If the computed field depends on other objects or global data this value might be wrong!!
ExtrafieldParamHelpPassword=Leaving this field blank means this value will be stored without encryption (field must be only hidden with star on screen).<br>Set  'auto' to use the default encryption rule to save password into database (then value read will be the hash only, no way to retrieve original value)
ExtrafieldParamHelpselect=List of values must be lines with format key,value (where key can't be '0')<br><br> for example: <br>1,value1<br>2,value2<br>code3,value3<br>...<br><br>In order to have the list depending on another complementary attribute list:<br>1,value1|options_<i>parent_list_code</i>:parent_key<br>2,value2|options_<i>parent_list_code</i>:parent_key <br><br>In order to have the list depending on another list:<br>1,value1|<i>parent_list_code</i>:parent_key<br>2,value2|<i>parent_list_code</i>:parent_key
ExtrafieldParamHelpcheckbox=List of values must be lines with format key,value (where key can't be '0')<br><br> for example: <br>1,value1<br>2,value2<br>3,value3<br>...
ExtrafieldParamHelpradio=List of values must be lines with format key,value (where key can't be '0')<br><br> for example: <br>1,value1<br>2,value2<br>3,value3<br>...
ExtrafieldParamHelpsellist=List of values comes from a table<br>Syntax: table_name:label_field:id_field::filter<br>Example: c_typent:libelle:id::filter<br><br>- idfilter is necessarly a primary int key<br>- filter can be a simple test (eg active=1) to display only active value<br>You can also use $ID$ in filter witch is the current id of current object<br>To do a SELECT in filter use $SEL$<br>if you want to filter on extrafields use syntax  extra.fieldcode=... (where field code is the code of extrafield)<br><br>In order to have the list depending on another complementary attribute list:<br>c_typent:libelle:id:options_<i>parent_list_code</i>|parent_column:filter <br><br>In order to have the list depending on another list:<br>c_typent:libelle:id:<i>parent_list_code</i>|parent_column:filter
ExtrafieldParamHelpchkbxlst=List of values comes from a table<br>Syntax: table_name:label_field:id_field::filter<br>Example: c_typent:libelle:id::filter<br><br>filter can be a simple test (eg active=1) to display only active value<br>You can also use $ID$ in filter witch is the current id of current object<br>To do a SELECT in filter use $SEL$<br>if you want to filter on extrafields use syntax  extra.fieldcode=... (where field code is the code of extrafield)<br><br>In order to have the list depending on another complementary attribute list:<br>c_typent:libelle:id:options_<i>parent_list_code</i>|parent_column:filter <br><br>In order to have the list depending on another list:<br>c_typent:libelle:id:<i>parent_list_code</i>|parent_column:filter
ExtrafieldParamHelplink=Parameters must be ObjectName:Classpath<br>Syntax: ObjectName:Classpath<br>Examples:<br>Societe:societe/class/societe.class.php<br>Contact:contact/class/contact.class.php
ExtrafieldParamHelpSeparator=Keep empty for a simple separator<br>Set this to 1 for a collapsing separator (open by default for new session, then status is kept for each user session)<br>Set this to 2 for a collapsing separator (collapsed by default for new session, then status is kept fore each user session)
LibraryToBuildPDF=Library used for PDF generation
LocalTaxDesc=Some countries may apply two or three taxes on each invoice line. If this is the case, choose the type for the second and third tax and its rate. Possible type are:<br>1: local tax apply on products and services without vat (localtax is calculated on amount without tax)<br>2: local tax apply on products and services including vat (localtax is calculated on amount + main tax)<br>3: local tax apply on products without vat (localtax is calculated on amount without tax)<br>4: local tax apply on products including vat (localtax is calculated on amount + main vat)<br>5: local tax apply on services without vat (localtax is calculated on amount without tax)<br>6: local tax apply on services including vat (localtax is calculated on amount + tax)
LinkToTestClickToDial=Sisesta telefoninumber, millele kasutaja helistab ClickToDial nupu testimisel <strong>%s</strong>
RefreshPhoneLink=Värskenda linki
LinkToTest=Kasutaja <strong>%s</strong> jaoks genereeriti klõpsatav link (testimiseks klõpsa telefoninumbril)
KeepEmptyToUseDefault=Jäta tühjaks vaikeväärtuse kasutamiseks
DefaultLink=Vaikimisi link
SetAsDefault=Määra vaikimisi
ValueOverwrittenByUserSetup=Hoiatus: kasutaja võib selle väärtuse üle kirjutada oma seadetega (iga kasutaja saab määratleda isikliku clicktodial URLi)
ExternalModule=Väline moodul - paigaldatud kausta %s
BarcodeInitForthird-parties=Mass-vöötkoodi loomine kolmandatele osapooltele
BarcodeInitForProductsOrServices=Toodete/teenuste jaoks massiline vöötkoodide loomine või lähtestamine
CurrentlyNWithoutBarCode=Praegu on teil <strong>%s</strong> kirje <strong>%s</strong> %s kohta ilma vöötkoodi määramata.
InitEmptyBarCode=Järgmise %s tühja kirje lähtestamise väärtus
EraseAllCurrentBarCode=Kustuta kõik hetkel kasutatavad vöötkoodide väärtused
ConfirmEraseAllCurrentBarCode=Kas soovite kindlasti kõik praegused vöötkoodi väärtused kustutada?
AllBarcodeReset=Kõik triipkoodi väärtused on eemaldatud
NoBarcodeNumberingTemplateDefined=No numbering barcode template enabled in the Barcode module setup.
EnableFileCache=Luba faili vahemälu
ShowDetailsInPDFPageFoot=Lisage jalusesse rohkem üksikasju, näiteks ettevõtte aadress või juhtide nimed (ettevõtte registrikood, kapital ja KMKR number).
NoDetails=Jaluses ei ole täiendavaid andmeid
DisplayCompanyInfo=Kuva ettevõtte aadressi
DisplayCompanyManagers=Kuva haldajate nimed
DisplayCompanyInfoAndManagers=Kuva ettevõtte aadress ja haldaja nimed
EnableAndSetupModuleCron=If you want to have this recurring invoice generated automatically, module *%s* must be enabled and correctly setup. Otherwise, generation of invoices must be done manually from this template using the *Create* button. Note that even if you enabled automatic generation, you can still safely launch manual generation. Generation of duplicates for the same period is not possible.
ModuleCompanyCodeCustomerAquarium=%s followed by customer code for a customer accounting code
ModuleCompanyCodeSupplierAquarium=%s followed by vendor code for a vendor accounting code
ModuleCompanyCodePanicum=Return an empty accounting code.
ModuleCompanyCodeDigitaria=Accounting code depends on third-party code. The code is composed of the character "C" in the first position followed by the first 5 characters of the third-party code.
Use3StepsApproval=By default, Purchase Orders need to be created and approved by 2 different users (one step/user to create and one step/user to approve. Note that if user has both permission to create and approve, one step/user will be enough). You can ask with this option to introduce a third step/user approval, if amount is higher than a dedicated value (so 3 steps will be necessary: 1=validation, 2=first approval and 3=second approval if amount is enough).<br>Set this to empty if one approval (2 steps) is enough, set it to a very low value (0.1) if a second approval (3 steps) is always required.
UseDoubleApproval=Use a 3 steps approval when amount (without tax) is higher than...
WarningPHPMail=WARNING: It is often better to setup outgoing emails to use the email server of your provider instead of the default setup. Some email providers (like Yahoo) do not allow you to send an email from another server than their own server. Your current setup uses the server of the application to send email and not the server of your email provider, so some recipients (the one compatible with the restrictive DMARC protocol), will ask your email provider if they can accept your email and some email providers (like Yahoo) may respond "no" because the server is not theirs, so few of your sent Emails may not be accepted (be careful also of your email provider's sending quota).<br>If your Email provider (like Yahoo) has this restriction, you must change Email setup to choose the other method "SMTP server" and enter the SMTP server and credentials provided by your Email provider.
WarningPHPMail2=If your email SMTP provider need to restrict email client to some IP addresses (very rare), this is the IP address of the mail user agent (MUA) for your ERP CRM application: <strong>%s</strong>.
ClickToShowDescription=Klõpsake kirjelduse nägemiseks
DependsOn=See moodul vajab moodulit
RequiredBy=See moodul on mooduli(te) poolt nõutav
TheKeyIsTheNameOfHtmlField=This is the name of the HTML field. Technical knowledge is required to read the content of the HTML page to get the key name of a field.
PageUrlForDefaultValues=You must enter the relative path of the page URL. If you include parameters in URL, the default values will be effective if all parameters are set to same value.
PageUrlForDefaultValuesCreate=<br>Example:<br>For the form to create a new third party, it is <strong>%s</strong>.<br>For URL of external modules installed into custom directory, do not include the "custom/", so use path like <strong>mymodule/mypage.php</strong> and not custom/mymodule/mypage.php.<br>If you want default value only if url has some parameter, you can use <strong>%s</strong>
PageUrlForDefaultValuesList=<br>Example:<br>For the page that lists third parties, it is <strong>%s</strong>.<br>For URL of external modules installed into custom directory, do not include the "custom/" so use a path like <strong>mymodule/mypagelist.php</strong> and not custom/mymodule/mypagelist.php.<br>If you want default value only if url has some parameter, you can use <strong>%s</strong>
AlsoDefaultValuesAreEffectiveForActionCreate=Also note that overwritting default values for form creation works only for pages that were correctly designed (so with parameter action=create or presend...)
EnableDefaultValues=Lubage vaikeväärtuste kohandamine
EnableOverwriteTranslation=Lubage ülekirjutatud tõlke kasutamine
GoIntoTranslationMenuToChangeThis=A translation has been found for the key with this code. To change this value, you must edit it from Home-Setup-translation.
WarningSettingSortOrder=Warning, setting a default sort order may result in a technical error when going on the list page if field is an unknown field. If you experience such an error, come back to this page to remove the default sort order and restore default behavior.
ProductDocumentTemplates=Dokumendi mallid tootedokumendi loomiseks
FreeLegalTextOnExpenseReports=Free legal text on expense reports
WatermarkOnDraftExpenseReports=Watermark on draft expense reports
AttachMainDocByDefault=Set this to 1 if you want to attach main document to email by default (if applicable)
FilesAttachedToEmail=Lisage fail
SendEmailsReminders=Send agenda reminders by emails
davDescription=Setup a WebDAV server
DAVSetup=Setup of module DAV
DAV_ALLOW_PRIVATE_DIR=Enable the generic private directory (WebDAV dedicated directory named "private" - login required)
DAV_ALLOW_PRIVATE_DIRTooltip=The generic private directory is a WebDAV directory anybody can access with its application login/pass.
DAV_ALLOW_PUBLIC_DIR=Enable the generic public directory (WebDAV dedicated directory named "public" - no login required)
DAV_ALLOW_PUBLIC_DIRTooltip=The generic public directory is a WebDAV directory anybody can access (in read and write mode), with no authorization required (login/password account).
DAV_ALLOW_ECM_DIR=Enable the DMS/ECM private directory (root directory of the DMS/ECM module - login required)
DAV_ALLOW_ECM_DIRTooltip=The root directory where all files are manually uploaded when using the DMS/ECM module. Similarly as access from the web interface, you will need a valid login/password with adecuate permissions to access it.
# Modules
Module0Name=Kasutajad ja grupid
Module0Desc=Users / Employees and Groups management
Module1Name=Kolmandad isikud
Module1Desc=Ettevõtete ja kontaktide haldamine (kliendid, huvilised ...)
Module2Desc=Äritegevuse seadistamine
Module10Name=Raamatupidamine (lihtsustatud)
Module10Desc=Simple accounting reports (journals, turnover) based on database content. Does not use any ledger table.
Module20Desc=Pakkumiste haldamine
Module22Name=Mass Emailings
Module22Desc=Manage bulk emailing
Module23Desc=Energiatarbimise järelevalve
Module25Desc=Müügitellimuste haldamine
Module30Desc=Management of invoices and credit notes for customers. Management of invoices and credit notes for suppliers
Module40Desc=Tarnijad ja ostuhaldus (ostutellimused ja arveldus)
Module42Name=Debug Logs
Module42Desc=Logging facilities (file, syslog, ...). Such logs are for technical/debug purposes.
Module49Desc=Toimetaja haldamine
Module50Desc=Management of Products
Module51Desc=Paberkirjade masspostituse haldamine
Module52Desc=Stock management (for products only)
Module53Desc=Management of Services
Module54Desc=Management of contracts (services or recurring subscriptions)
Module55Desc=Vöötkoodide haldamine
Module56Desc=Telefonitehnika integratsioon
Module57Name=Bank Direct Debit payments
Module57Desc=Management of Direct Debit payment orders. It includes generation of SEPA file for European countries.
Module58Desc=ClickToDial süsteemiga (Asterisk jne) integreerimine
Module59Desc=Lisa Dolibarri kontost Bookmark4u konto genereerimise funktsioo
Module70Desc=Sekkumiste haldamine
Module75Name=Kulud ja lähetused
Module75Desc=Kulude ja lähetuste haldamine
Module80Desc=Shipments and delivery note management
Module85Name=Pangad ja kassa
Module85Desc=Panga- ja kassakontode haldamine
Module100Name=Väline veebileht
Module100Desc=Add a link to an external website as a main menu icon. Website is shown in a frame under the top menu.
Module105Name=Mailman ja SPIP
Module105Desc=Mailman või SPIP liides liikme mooduli jaoks
Module200Desc=LDAP kausta sünkroniseerimine
Module210Desc=PostNuke integratsioon
Module240Name=Andmete eksport
Module240Desc=Tool to export Dolibarr data (with assistants)
Module250Name=Andmete import
Module250Desc=Tool to import data into Dolibarr (with assistants)
Module310Desc=Ãœhenduse liikmete haldamine
Module320Name=RSS voog
Module320Desc=Add a RSS feed to Dolibarr pages
Module330Name=Bookmarks & Shortcuts
Module330Desc=Create shortcuts, always accessible, to the internal or external pages to which you frequently access
Module400Name=Projects or Leads
Module400Desc=Management of projects, leads/opportunities and/or tasks. You can also assign any element (invoice, order, proposal, intervention, ...) to a project and get a transversal view from the project view.
Module410Desc=WebCalendari integratsioon
Module500Name=Taxes & Special Expenses
Module500Desc=Management of other expenses (sale taxes, social or fiscal taxes, dividends, ...)
Module510Desc=Record and track employee payments
Module520Desc=Management of loans
Module600Name=Notifications on business event
Module600Desc=Send email notifications triggered by a business event: per user (setup defined on each user), per third-party contacts (setup defined on each third party) or by specific emails
Module600Long=Note that this module sends emails in real-time when a specific business event occurs. If you are looking for a feature to send email reminders for agenda events, go into the setup of module Agenda.
Module610Name=Product Variants
Module610Desc=Creation of product variants (color, size etc.)
Module700Desc=Annetuste haldamine
Module770Name=Kulude aruanne
Module770Desc=Manage expense reports claims (transportation, meal, ...)
Module1120Name=Vendor Commercial Proposals
Module1120Desc=Request vendor commercial proposal and prices
Module1200Desc=Mantise integratsioon
Module1520Name=Document Generation
Module1520Desc=Mass email document generation
Module1780Desc=Siltide/kategooriate loomine (tooted, kliendid, hankijad, kontaktid või liikmed)
Module2000Name=WYSIWYG toimeti
Module2000Desc=Allow text fields to be edited/formatted using CKEditor (html)
Module2200Name=Dynamic Prices
Module2200Desc=Use maths expressions for auto-generation of prices
Module2300Name=Plaanitud käivitused
Module2300Desc=Scheduled jobs management (alias cron or chrono table)
Module2400Desc=Track events. Log automatic events for tracking purposes or record manual events or meetings. This is the principal module for good Customer or Vendor Relationship Management.
Module2500Name=DMS / ECM
Module2500Desc=Document Management System / Electronic Content Management. Automatic organization of your generated or stored documents. Share them when you need.
Module2600Name=API/Web services (SOAP server)
Module2600Desc=Lülita sisse Dolibarri SOAPi server API võimaldamiseks
Module2610Name=API/Web services (REST server)
Module2610Desc=Enable the Dolibarr REST server providing API services
Module2660Name=Call WebServices (SOAP client)
Module2660Desc=Enable the Dolibarr web services client (Can be used to push data/requests to external servers. Only Purchase orders are currently supported.)
Module2700Desc=Use online Gravatar service (www.gravatar.com) to show photo of users/members (found with their emails). Needs Internet access
Module2800Desc=FTP klient
Module2900Desc=GeoIP Maxmind konverteerimise võimekus
Module3200Name=Unalterable Archives
Module3200Desc=Enable an unalterable log of business events. Events are archived in real-time. The log is a read-only table of chained events that can be exported. This module may be mandatory for some countries.
Module4000Desc=Human resources management (management of department, employee contracts and feelings)
Module5000Desc=Võimaldab hallata mitut ettevõtet
Module6000Desc=Workflow management (automatic creation of object and/or automatic status change)
Module10000Desc=Create websites (public) with a WYSIWYG editor. Just setup your web server (Apache, Nginx, ...) to point to the dedicated Dolibarr directory to have it online on the internet with your own domain name.
Module20000Name=Leave Request Management
Module20000Desc=Define and track employee leave requests
Module39000Name=Product Lots
Module39000Desc=Lots, serial numbers, eat-by/sell-by date management for products
Module40000Desc=Use alternative currencies in prices and documents
Module50000Desc=Offer customers a PayBox online payment page (credit/debit cards). This can be used to allow your customers to make ad-hoc payments or payments related to a specific Dolibarr object (invoice, order etc...)
Module50100Name=POS SimplePOS
Module50100Desc=Point of Sale module SimplePOS (simple POS).
Module50150Name=POS TakePOS
Module50150Desc=Point of Sale module TakePOS (touchscreen POS).
Module50200Desc=Offer customers a PayPal online payment page (PayPal account or credit/debit cards). This can be used to allow your customers to make ad-hoc payments or payments related to a specific Dolibarr object (invoice, order etc...)
Module50300Desc=Offer customers a Stripe online payment page (credit/debit cards). This can be used to allow your customers to make ad-hoc payments or payments related to a specific Dolibarr object (invoice, order etc...)
Module50400Name=Accounting (double entry)
Module50400Desc=Accounting management (double entries, support general and auxiliary ledgers). Export the ledger in several other accounting software formats.
Module54000Desc=Direct print (without opening the documents) using Cups IPP interface (Printer must be visible from server, and CUPS must be installed on server).
Module55000Name=Poll, Survey or Vote
Module55000Desc=Create online polls, surveys or votes (like Doodle, Studs, RDVz etc...)
Module59000Desc=Marginaalide haldamise moodu
Module60000Desc=Komisjonitasude haldamise moodu
Module62000Desc=Add features to manage Incoterms
Module63000Desc=Manage resources (printers, cars, rooms, ...) for allocating to events
Permission11=Müügiarvete vaatamine
Permission12=Müügiarvete loomine/toimetamine
Permission13=Müügiarvete muutmine
Permission14=Müügiarvete kinnitamine
Permission15=Müügiarvete saatmine e-postiga
Permission16=Müügiarvetega seotud maksete loomine
Permission19=Müügiarvete kustutamine
Permission21=Pakkumiste vaatamine
Permission22=Pakkumiste loomine/muutmine
Permission24=Pakkumiste kinnitamine
Permission25=Pakkumiste saatmine
Permission26=Pakkumiste sulgemine
Permission27=Pakkumiste kustutamine
Permission28=Pakkumiste ekspor
Permission31=Toodete vaatamine
Permission32=Toodete loomine/muutmine
Permission34=Toodete kustutamine
Permission36=Peidetud toodete vaatamine/haldamine
Permission38=Toodete eksport
Permission41=Read projects and tasks (shared project and projects I'm contact for). Can also enter time consumed, for me or my hierarchy, on assigned tasks (Timesheet)
Permission42=Create/modify projects (shared project and projects I'm contact for). Can also create tasks and assign users to project and tasks
Permission44=Delete projects (shared project and projects I'm contact for)
Permission45=Export projects
Permission61=Sekkumiste vaatamine
Permission62=Sekkumiste loomine/muutmine
Permission64=Sekkumiste kustutamine
Permission67=Sekkumiste eksport
Permission71=Liikmete vaatamine
Permission72=Liikmete loomine/muutmine
Permission74=Liikmete kustutamine
Permission75=Setup types of membership
Permission76=Ekspordi anded
Permission78=Tellimuste vaatamine
Permission79=Tellimuste loomine/muutmine
Permission81=Müügitellimuste vaatamine
Permission82=Müügitellimuste loomine/muutmine
Permission84=Müügitellimuste kinnitamine
Permission86=Müügitellimuste saatmine
Permission87=Müügitellimuste sulgemine
Permission88=Müügitellimuste tühistamine
Permission89=Müügitellimuste kustutamine
Permission91=Read social or fiscal taxes and vat
Permission92=Create/modify social or fiscal taxes and vat
Permission93=Delete social or fiscal taxes and vat
Permission94=Export social or fiscal taxes
Permission95=Aruannete vaatamine
Permission101=Saatmiste vaatamine
Permission102=Saatmiste loomine/muutmine
Permission104=Saatmiste kinnitamine
Permission106=Saatmiste ekspor
Permission109=Saatmiste kustutamine
Permission111=Finantskontode vaatamine
Permission112=Tehingute loomine/muutmine/kustutamine ja võrdlemine
Permission113=Setup financial accounts (create, manage categories)
Permission114=Reconcile transactions
Permission115=Tehingute ja kontosaldode ekspor
Permission116=Kontode vahelised kanded
Permission117=Manage checks dispatching
Permission121=Kasutajaga seotud kolmandate isikute vaatamine
Permission122=Kasutajaga seotud kolmandate isikute loomine/muutmine
Permission125=Kasutajaga seotud kolmandate isikute kustutamine
Permission126=Kolmandate isikute eksport
Permission141=Read all projects and tasks (also private projects for which I am not a contact)
Permission142=Create/modify all projects and tasks (also private projects for which I am not a contact)
Permission144=Delete all projects and tasks (also private projects i am not contact for)
Permission146=Pakkujate vaatamine
Permission147=Statistika vaatamine
Permission151=Read direct debit payment orders
Permission152=Create/modify a direct debit payment orders
Permission153=Send/Transmit direct debit payment orders
Permission154=Record Credits/Rejections of direct debit payment orders
Permission161=Read contracts/subscriptions
Permission162=Create/modify contracts/subscriptions
Permission163=Activate a service/subscription of a contract
Permission164=Disable a service/subscription of a contract
Permission165=Delete contracts/subscriptions
Permission167=Export contracts
Permission171=Read trips and expenses (yours and your subordinates)
Permission172=Create/modify trips and expenses
Permission173=Delete trips and expenses
Permission174=Read all trips and expenses
Permission178=Export trips and expenses
Permission180=Hankijate vaatamine
Permission181=Read purchase orders
Permission182=Create/modify purchase orders
Permission183=Validate purchase orders
Permission184=Approve purchase orders
Permission185=Order or cancel purchase orders
Permission186=Receive purchase orders
Permission187=Close purchase orders
Permission188=Cancel purchase orders
Permission192=Ridade loomine
Permission193=Ridade kustutamine
Permission194=Read the bandwidth lines
Permission202=ADSL-ühenduste loomine
Permission203=Ãœhendustellimuste tellimine
Permission204=Ãœhenduste tellimine
Permission205=Ãœhenduste haldamine
Permission206=Ãœhenduste vaatamine
Permission211=Telefonitehnika vaatamine
Permission212=Tellimuse read
Permission213=Aktiveeri rida
Permission214=Telefonitehnika seadistamine
Permission215=Pakkujate seadistamine
Permission221=E-kirjade lugemine
Permission222=E-kirjade loomine/muutmine (teema, saajad jne)
Permission223=E-kirjade kinnitamine (lubab saatmise)
Permission229=E-kirjade kustutamine
Permission237=Saajate ja info vaatamine
Permission238=Kirjade käsitsi saatmine
Permission239=Kirjade kustutamine pärast kinnitamist või saatmist
Permission241=Kategooriate vaatamine
Permission242=Kategooriate loomine/muutmine
Permission243=Kategooriate kustutamine
Permission244=Peidetud kategooriate sisu vaatamine
Permission251=Teiste kasutajate ja gruppide vaatamine
PermissionAdvanced251=Teiste kasutajate vaatamine
Permission252=Teiste kasutajate õiguste vaatamine
Permission253=Create/modify other users, groups and permissions
PermissionAdvanced253=Väliste ja sisemiste kasutajate ja õiguste loomine/muutmine
Permission254=Ainult väliste kasutajate loomine/muutmine
Permission255=Teiste kasutajate paroolide muutmine
Permission256=Teiste kasutajate kustutamine või keelamine
Permission262=Extend access to all third parties (not only third parties for which that user is a sale representative).<br>Not effective for external users (always limited to themselves for proposals, orders, invoices, contracts, etc.).<br>Not effective for projects (only rules on project permissions, visibility and assignment matters).
Permission271=CA vaatamine
Permission272=Arvete vaatamine
Permission273=Arvete väljastamine
Permission281=Kontaktide vaatamine
Permission282=Kontaktide loomine/muutmine
Permission283=Kontaktide kustutamine
Permission286=Kontaktide ekspor
Permission291=Tariifide vaatamine
Permission292=Tariifide õiguste seadmine
Permission293=Modify customer's tariffs
Permission300=Read barcodes
Permission301=Create/modify barcodes
Permission302=Delete barcodes
Permission311=Teenuste vaatamine
Permission312=Assign service/subscription to contract
Permission331=Järjehoidjate vaatamine
Permission332=Järjehoidjate loomine/muutmine
Permission333=Järjehoidjate kustutamine
Permission341=Oma õiguste vaatamine
Permission342=Oma info loomine/muutmine
Permission343=Oma parooli muutmine
Permission344=Oma õiguste muutmine
Permission351=Gruppide vaatamine
Permission352=Gruppide õiguste vaatamine
Permission353=Gruppide loomine/muutmine
Permission354=Gruppide kustutamine või blokeerimine
Permission358=Kasutajate eksportimine
Permission401=Allahindluste vaatamine
Permission402=Allahindluste loomine/muutmine
Permission403=Allahindluste kinnitamine
Permission404=Allahindluste kustutamine
Permission430=Use Debug Bar
Permission511=Read payments of salaries
Permission512=Create/modify payments of salaries
Permission514=Delete payments of salaries
Permission517=Palkade eksportimine
Permission520=Read Loans
Permission522=Create/modify loans
Permission524=Delete loans
Permission525=Access loan calculator
Permission527=Export loans
Permission531=Teenuste vaatamine
Permission532=Teenuste loomine/muutmine
Permission534=Teenuste kustutamine
Permission536=Peidetud teenuste vaatamine/haldamine
Permission538=Teenuste eksport
Permission650=Read Bills of Materials
Permission651=Create/Update Bills of Materials
Permission652=Delete Bills of Materials
Permission701=Annetuste vaatamine
Permission702=Annetuste loomine/muutmine
Permission703=Annetuste kustutamine
Permission771=Read expense reports (yours and your subordinates)
Permission772=Create/modify expense reports
Permission773=Delete expense reports
Permission774=Read all expense reports (even for user not subordinates)
Permission775=Approve expense reports
Permission776=Pay expense reports
Permission779=Export expense reports
Permission1001=Laojääkide vaatamine
Permission1002=Create/modify warehouses
Permission1003=Delete warehouses
Permission1004=Lao liikumiste vaatamine
Permission1005=Lao liikumiste loomine/muutmine
Permission1101=Tarnekorralduste vaatamine
Permission1102=Tarnekorralduste loomine/muutmine
Permission1104=Tarnekorralduste kinnitamine
Permission1109=Tarnekorralduste kustutamine
Permission1121=Read supplier proposals
Permission1122=Create/modify supplier proposals
Permission1123=Validate supplier proposals
Permission1124=Send supplier proposals
Permission1125=Delete supplier proposals
Permission1126=Close supplier price requests
Permission1181=Hankijate vaatamine
Permission1182=Read purchase orders
Permission1183=Create/modify purchase orders
Permission1184=Validate purchase orders
Permission1185=Approve purchase orders
Permission1186=Order purchase orders
Permission1187=Acknowledge receipt of purchase orders
Permission1188=Delete purchase orders
Permission1190=Approve (second approval) purchase orders
Permission1201=Eksportimise tulemuse kätte saamine
Permission1202=Ekspordi loomine/muutmine
Permission1231=Read vendor invoices
Permission1232=Create/modify vendor invoices
Permission1233=Validate vendor invoices
Permission1234=Delete vendor invoices
Permission1235=Send vendor invoices by email
Permission1236=Export vendor invoices, attributes and payments
Permission1237=Export purchase orders and their details
Permission1251=Väliste andmete massiline import andmebaasi (andmete laadimine)
Permission1321=Müügiarvete, atribuutide ja maksete eksport
Permission1322=Reopen a paid bill
Permission1421=Export sales orders and attributes
Permission2401=Oma kontoga seotud juhtumite (tegevuste või ülesannete) vaatamine
Permission2402=Oma kontoga seotud juhtumite (tegevuste või ülesannete) loomine/muutmine
Permission2403=Oma kontoga seotud juhtumite (tegevuste või ülesannete) kustutamine
Permission2411=Teiste kontodega seotud juhtumite (tegevuste või ülesannete) vaatamine
Permission2412=Teiste kontodega seotud juhtumite (tegevuste või ülesannete) loomine/muutmine
Permission2413=Teiste kontodega seotud juhtumite (tegevuste või ülesannete) kustutamine
Permission2414=Export actions/tasks of others
Permission2501=Dokumentide vaatamine/alla laadimine
Permission2502=Dokumentide alla laadimine
Permission2503=Dokumentide üles laadimine või kustutamine
Permission2515=Dokumendikaustade seadistamine
Permission2801=FTP kliendi kasutamine lugemisrežiimis (ainult sirvimine ja alla laadimine)
Permission2802=FTP kliendi kasutamine kirjutusrežiimis (failide kustutamine või üles laadimine)
Permission3200=Read archived events and fingerprints
Permission4001=See employees
Permission4002=Create employees
Permission4003=Delete employees
Permission4004=Export employees
Permission10001=Read website content
Permission10002=Create/modify website content (html and javascript content)
Permission10003=Create/modify website content (dynamic php code). Dangerous, must be reserved to restricted developers.
Permission10005=Delete website content
Permission20001=Read leave requests (your leave and those of your subordinates)
Permission20002=Create/modify your leave requests (your leave and those of your subordinates)
Permission20003=Delete leave requests
Permission20004=Read all leave requests (even of user not subordinates)
Permission20005=Create/modify leave requests for everybody (even of user not subordinates)
Permission20006=Admin leave requests (setup and update balance)
Permission23001=Read Scheduled job
Permission23002=Create/update Scheduled job
Permission23003=Delete Scheduled job
Permission23004=Execute Scheduled job
Permission50101=Use Point of Sale
Permission50201=Tehingute vaatamine
Permission50202=Tehingute impor
Permission50401=Bind products and invoices with accounting accounts
Permission50411=Read operations in ledger
Permission50412=Write/Edit operations in ledger
Permission50414=Delete operations in ledger
Permission50415=Delete all operations by year and journal in ledger
Permission50418=Export operations of the ledger
Permission50420=Report and export reports (turnover, balance, journals, ledger)
Permission50430=Define and close a fiscal period
Permission50440=Manage chart of accounts, setup of accountancy
Permission51001=Read assets
Permission51002=Create/Update assets
Permission51003=Delete assets
Permission51005=Setup types of asset
Permission55001=Küsitluste vaatamine
Permission55002=Küsitluste loomine/muutmine
Permission59001=Marginaalide vaatamine
Permission59002=Marginaalide määratlemine
Permission59003=Read every user margin
Permission63001=Read resources
Permission63002=Create/modify resources
Permission63003=Delete resources
Permission63004=Link resources to agenda events
DictionaryCompanyType=Third-party types
DictionaryCompanyJuridicalType=Third-party legal entities
DictionaryProspectLevel=Huvilise potentsiaal
DictionaryCivility=Title of civility
DictionaryActions=Types of agenda events
DictionarySocialContributions=Types of social or fiscal taxes
DictionaryVAT=Käibe- või müügimaksumäärad
DictionaryRevenueStamp=Amount of tax stamps
DictionaryPaymentModes=Payment Modes
DictionaryTypeContact=Kontakti/Aadressi tüübid
DictionaryTypeOfContainer=Website - Type of website pages/containers
DictionaryEcotaxe=Ökomaks (WEEE)
DictionaryFormatCards=Card formats
DictionaryFees=Expense report - Types of expense report lines
DictionaryStaff=Number of Employees
DictionarySource=Pakkumiste/tellimuste päritolu
DictionaryAccountancyCategory=Personalized groups for reports
DictionaryAccountancysystem=Kontoplaani mudelid
DictionaryAccountancyJournal=Accounting journals
DictionaryEMailTemplates=Email Templates
DictionaryMeasuringUnits=Measuring Units
DictionaryProspectStatus=Huvilise staatus
DictionaryHolidayTypes=Types of leave
DictionaryOpportunityStatus=Lead status for project/lead
DictionaryExpenseTaxCat=Expense report - Transportation categories
DictionaryExpenseTaxRange=Expense report - Range by transportation category
SetupSaved=Seadistused salvestatud
SetupNotSaved=Setup not saved
BackToModuleList=Back to Module list
BackToDictionaryList=Back to Dictionaries list
TypeOfRevenueStamp=Type of tax stamp
VATManagement=Sales Tax Management
VATIsUsedDesc=By default when creating prospects, invoices, orders etc. the Sales Tax rate follows the active standard rule:<br>If the seller is not subject to Sales tax, then Sales tax defaults to 0. End of rule.<br>If the (seller's country = buyer's country), then the Sales tax by default equals the Sales tax of the product in the seller's country. End of rule.<br>If the seller and buyer are both in the European Community and goods are transport-related products (haulage, shipping, airline), the default VAT is 0. This rule is dependant on the seller's country - please consult with your accountant. The VAT should be paid by the buyer to the customs office in their country and not to the seller. End of rule.<br>If the seller and buyer are both in the European Community and the buyer is not a company (with a registered intra-Community VAT number) then the VAT defaults to the VAT rate of the seller's country. End of rule.<br>If the seller and buyer are both in the European Community and the buyer is a company (with a registered intra-Community VAT number), then the VAT is 0 by default. End of rule.<br>In any other case the proposed default is Sales tax=0. End of rule.
VATIsNotUsedDesc=By default the proposed Sales tax is 0 which can be used for cases like associations, individuals or small companies.
VATIsUsedExampleFR=In France, it means companies or organizations having a real fiscal system (Simplified real or normal real). A system in which VAT is declared.
VATIsNotUsedExampleFR=In France, it means associations that are non Sales tax declared or companies, organizations or liberal professions that have chosen the micro enterprise fiscal system (Sales tax in franchise) and paid a franchise Sales tax without any Sales tax declaration.  This choice will display the reference "Non applicable Sales tax - art-293B of CGI" on invoices.
##### Local Taxes #####
LocalTax1IsNotUsed=Ära kasuta teist maksu
LocalTax1IsUsedDesc=Use a second type of tax (other than first one)
LocalTax1IsNotUsedDesc=Do not use other type of tax (other than first one)
LocalTax1Management=Teist liiki maks
LocalTax2IsNotUsed=Ära kasuta kolmandat maksu
LocalTax2IsUsedDesc=Use a third type of tax (other than first one)
LocalTax2IsNotUsedDesc=Do not use other type of tax (other than first one)
LocalTax2Management=Kolmandat liiki maks
LocalTax1ManagementES=RE haldamine
LocalTax1IsUsedDescES=The RE rate by default when creating prospects, invoices, orders etc. follow the active standard rule:<br>If the buyer is not subjected to RE, RE by default=0. End of rule.<br>If the buyer is subjected to RE then the RE by default. End of rule.<br>
LocalTax1IsNotUsedDescES=Vaikimisi pakutud RE on 0. Reegli lõpp.
LocalTax1IsUsedExampleES=Hispaanias on tegu spetsialistidega, kellele kohalduvad mõned Hispaania IAE spetsiifilised osad.
LocalTax1IsNotUsedExampleES=Hispaanias on nad spetsialistid ja organisatsioonid, kellele kohalduvad mõningad Hispaania IAE spetsiifilised osad.
LocalTax2ManagementES=IRPF haldamine
LocalTax2IsUsedDescES=The IRPF rate by default when creating prospects, invoices, orders etc. follow the active standard rule:<br>If the seller is not subjected to IRPF, then IRPF by default=0. End of rule.<br>If the seller is subjected to IRPF then the IRPF by default. End of rule.<br>
LocalTax2IsNotUsedDescES=Vaikimisi pakutud IRPF on 0. Reegli lõpp.
LocalTax2IsUsedExampleES=Hispaanias on nad vabakutselised ja spetsialistid, kes pakuvad teenuseid ja ettevõtted, kes on valinud moodulipõhise maksusüsteemi.
LocalTax2IsNotUsedExampleES=In Spain they are businesses not subject to tax system of modules.
CalcLocaltax=Reports on local taxes
CalcLocaltax1=Müügid - Ostud
CalcLocaltax1Desc=Kohalike maksude aruannete arvutamiseks kasutatakse kohalike maksude müügi ja kohalike maksude ostude vahet
CalcLocaltax2Desc=Kohalike maksude aruanded on kohalike maksude ostude summas
CalcLocaltax3Desc=Kohalike maksude aruanded on kohalike maksude müükide summas
LabelUsedByDefault=Vaikimisi kasutatav silt, kui koodile ei leitud tõlke vastet
LabelOnDocuments=Dokumentide silt
LabelOrTranslationKey=Label or translation key
ValueOfConstantKey=Value of constant
NbOfDays=No. of days
AtEndOfMonth=Kuu lõpus
AlwaysActive=Alati aktiivne
AddExtensionThemeModuleOrOther=Deploy/install external app/module
DocumentRootServer=Veebiserveri juurkaust
DataRootServer=Andmefailide kataloog
VirtualServerName=Virtuaalserveri nimi
PhpWebLink=Web-Php link
DatabaseServer=Andmebaasi host
DatabaseName=Andmebaasi nimi
DatabasePort=Andmebaasi port
DatabaseUser=Andmebaasi kasutaja
DatabasePassword=Andmebaasi parool
TableName=Tabeli nimi
NbOfRecord=No. of records
DriverType=Draiveri tüüp
SummarySystem=Süsteemiinfo kokkuvõte
SummaryConst=Kõikide Dolibarri seadistusparameetrite nimekiri
DefaultMenuManager= Standardne menüü haldaja
DefaultMenuSmartphoneManager=Nutitelefoni menüü haldaja
Skin=Kesta kujundus
DefaultSkin=Vaikimisi kesta kujundus
MaxSizeList=Nimekirja maksimaalne pikkus
DefaultMaxSizeList=Default max length for lists
DefaultMaxSizeShortList=Default max length for short lists (i.e. in customer card)
MessageOfDay=Päeva sõnu
MessageLogin=Sisselogimise lehe sõnu
LoginPage=Login page
BackgroundImageLogin=Background image
PermanentLeftSearchForm=Vasakus menüüs on alati otsingu vorm
DefaultLanguage=Default language
EnableMultilangInterface=Enable multilanguage support
EnableShowLogo=Näita vasakul menüüs logo
CompanyIds=Company/Organization identities
CompanyObject=Object of the company
DoNotSuggestPaymentMode=Ära soovita
NoActiveBankAccountDefined=Aktiivset pangakontot pole määratletud
OwnerOfBankAccount=Pangakonto %s omani
BankModuleNotActive=Pangakontode moodul pole sisse lülitatud
ShowBugTrackLink=Show link "<strong>%s</strong>"
DelaysOfToleranceBeforeWarning=Delay before displaying a warning alert for:
DelaysOfToleranceDesc=Set the delay before an alert icon %s is shown onscreen for the late element.
Delays_MAIN_DELAY_ACTIONS_TODO=Planned events (agenda events) not completed
Delays_MAIN_DELAY_PROJECT_TO_CLOSE=Project not closed in time
Delays_MAIN_DELAY_TASKS_TODO=Planned task (project tasks) not completed
Delays_MAIN_DELAY_ORDERS_TO_PROCESS=Order not processed
Delays_MAIN_DELAY_SUPPLIER_ORDERS_TO_PROCESS=Purchase order not processed
Delays_MAIN_DELAY_PROPALS_TO_CLOSE=Proposal not closed
Delays_MAIN_DELAY_PROPALS_TO_BILL=Proposal not billed
Delays_MAIN_DELAY_SUPPLIER_BILLS_TO_PAY=Unpaid vendor invoice
Delays_MAIN_DELAY_TRANSACTIONS_TO_CONCILIATE=Pending bank reconciliation
Delays_MAIN_DELAY_MEMBERS=Delayed membership fee
Delays_MAIN_DELAY_CHEQUES_TO_DEPOSIT=Check deposit not done
Delays_MAIN_DELAY_EXPENSEREPORTS=Expense report to approve
SetupDescription1=Before starting to use Dolibarr some initial parameters must be defined and modules enabled/configured.
SetupDescription2=The following two sections are mandatory (the two first entries in the Setup menu):
SetupDescription3=<a href="%s">%s -> %s</a><br>Basic parameters used to customize the default behavior of your application (e.g for country-related features).
SetupDescription4=<a href="%s">%s -> %s</a><br>This software is a suite of many modules/applications, all more or less independent. The modules relevant to your needs must be enabled and configured. New items/options are added to menus with the activation of a module.
SetupDescription5=Other Setup menu entries manage optional parameters.
LogEvents=Sündmuste turvaaudit
InfoDolibarr=About Dolibarr
InfoBrowser=About Browser
InfoOS=About OS
InfoWebServer=About Web Server
InfoDatabase=About Database
InfoPHP=About PHP
InfoPerf=About Performances
BrowserName=Sirvija nimi
BrowserOS=Sirvija operatsioonisüsteem
ListOfSecurityEvents=Dolibarri turvasündmuste nimekiri
SecurityEventsPurged=Turvasündmused tühjendatud
LogEventDesc=Enable logging for specific security events. Administrators the log via menu <b>%s - %s</b>. Warning, this feature can generate a large amount of data in the database.
AreaForAdminOnly=Setup parameters can be set by <b>administrator users</b> only.
SystemInfoDesc=Süsteemi info sisaldab mitmesugust tehnilist infot, mida ei saa muuta ning mis on nähtav vaid administraatoritele.
SystemAreaForAdminOnly=This area is available to administrator users only. Dolibarr user permissions cannot change this restriction.
CompanyFundationDesc=Edit the information of the company/entity. Click on "%s" or "%s" button at the bottom of the page.
AccountantDesc=If you have an external accountant/bookkeeper, you can edit here its information.
AccountantFileNumber=Accountant code
DisplayDesc=Parameters affecting the look and behaviour of Dolibarr can be modified here.
AvailableModules=Available app/modules
ToActivateModule=Moodulite aktiveerimiseks mine süsteemi seadistusesse (Kodu->Seadistamine->Moodulid).
SessionTimeOut=Sessiooni aegumise aeg
SessionExplanation=This number guarantees that the session will never expire before this delay, if the session cleaner is done by Internal PHP session cleaner (and nothing else). Internal PHP session cleaner does not guarantee that the session will expire after this delay. It will expire, after this delay, and when the session cleaner is run, so every <b>%s/%s</b> access, but only during access made by other sessions (if value is 0, it means clearing of session is done only by an external process).<br>Note: on some servers with an external session cleaning mechanism (cron under debian, ubuntu ...), the sessions can be destroyed after a period defined by an external setup, no matter what the value entered here is.
TriggersAvailable=Saadaval olevad trigerid
TriggersDesc=Triggers are files that will modify the behavior of Dolibarr workflow once copied into the directory <b>htdocs/core/triggers</b>. They realize new actions, activated on Dolibarr events (new company creation, invoice validation, ...).
TriggerDisabledByName=Selles failis olevaid trigereid saab blokeerida <b>-NORUN</b> sufiksiga nende nimes.
TriggerDisabledAsModuleDisabled=Selles failis olevad trigerid on blokeeritud, kuna moodul <b>%s</b> on blokeeritud.
TriggerAlwaysActive=Selles failis olevad trigerid on alati aktiivsed hoolimata aktiveeritud Dolibarri moodulitest.
TriggerActiveAsModuleActive=Selles failis olevad trigerid on aktiivsed, kuna moodul <b>%s</b> on aktiivne.
GeneratedPasswordDesc=Choose the method to be used for auto-generated passwords.
DictionaryDesc=Insert all reference data. You can add your values to the default.
ConstDesc=This page allows you to edit (override) parameters not available in other pages. These are mostly reserved parameters for developers/advanced troubleshooting. For a full list of the parameters available <a href="https://wiki.dolibarr.org/index.php/Setup_Other#List_of_known_hidden_options" title="External Site - opens in a new window" target="_blank">see here</a>.
MiscellaneousDesc=All other security related parameters are defined here.
LimitsSetup=Piiride/täpsuse seadistamine
LimitsDesc=You can define limits, precisions and optimizations used by Dolibarr here
MAIN_MAX_DECIMALS_UNIT=Max. decimals for unit prices
MAIN_MAX_DECIMALS_TOT=Max. decimals for total prices
MAIN_MAX_DECIMALS_SHOWN=Max. decimals for prices <b>shown on screen</b>. Add an ellipsis <b>...</b> after this parameter (e.g. "2...") if you want to see "<b>...</b>" suffixed to the truncated price.
MAIN_ROUNDING_RULE_TOT=Step of rounding range (for countries where rounding is done on something other than base 10. For example, put 0.05 if rounding is done by 0.05 steps)
UnitPriceOfProduct=Toote neto ühikuhind
TotalPriceAfterRounding=Total price (excl/vat/incl tax) after rounding
ParameterActiveForNextInputOnly=Parameeter kehtib vaid järgmise sisestuse ajal
NoEventOrNoAuditSetup=No security event has been logged. This is normal if Audit has not been enabled in the "Setup - Security - Events" page.
NoEventFoundWithCriteria=No security event has been found for this search criteria.
SeeLocalSendMailSetup=Vaata oma kohaliku sendmaili seadistust
BackupDesc=A <b>complete</b> backup of a Dolibarr installation requires two steps.
BackupDesc2=Backup the contents of the "documents" directory (<b>%s</b>) containing all uploaded and generated files. This will also include all the dump files generated in Step 1.
BackupDesc3=Backup the structure and contents of your database (<b>%s</b>) into a dump file. For this, you can use the following assistant.
BackupDescX=The archived directory should be stored in a secure place.
BackupDescY=Loodud tõmmisfaili peaks säilitama turvalises kohas.
BackupPHPWarning=Backup cannot be guaranteed with this method. Previous one recommended.
RestoreDesc=To restore a Dolibarr backup, two steps are required.
RestoreDesc2=Restore the backup file (zip file for example) of the "documents" directory to a new Dolibarr installation or into this current documents directory (<b>%s</b>).
RestoreDesc3=Restore the database structure and data from a backup dump file into the database of the new Dolibarr installation or into the database of this current installation (<b>%s</b>). Warning, once the restore is complete, you must use a login/password, that existed from the backup time/installation to connect again.<br>To restore a backup database into this current installation, you can follow this assistant.
RestoreMySQL=MySQLi import
ForcedToByAModule= Aktiveeritud moodul on antud reegli väärtuseks sundinud <b>%s</b>
PreviousDumpFiles=Existing backup files
WeekStartOnDay=First day of the week
RunningUpdateProcessMayBeRequired=Running the upgrade process seems to be required (Program version %s differs from Database version %s)
YouMustRunCommandFromCommandLineAfterLoginToUser=Antud käsu peab käivitama käsurealt pärast kasutajaga <b>%s</b> sisse logimist või lisades -W võtme käsu lõppu parooli <b>%s</b> kasutamiseks.
YourPHPDoesNotHaveSSLSupport=Antud PHP ei võimalda SSL funktsioone
DownloadMoreSkins=Veel alla laetavaid kujundusi
SimpleNumRefModelDesc=Returns the reference number with format %syymm-nnnn where yy is year, mm is month and nnnn is sequential with no reset
ShowProfIdInAddress=Show professional id with addresses
ShowVATIntaInAddress=Hide intra-Community VAT number with addresses
TranslationUncomplete=Osaline tõlge
MAIN_DISABLE_METEO=Disable meteorological view
MeteoStdMod=Standard mode
MeteoStdModEnabled=Standard mode enabled
MeteoPercentageMod=Percentage mode
MeteoPercentageModEnabled=Percentage mode enabled
MeteoUseMod=Click to use %s
TestLoginToAPI=Testi API sisse logimist
ProxyDesc=Some features of Dolibarr require internet access. Define here the internet connection parameters such as access through a proxy server if necessary.
ExternalAccess=External/Internet Access
MAIN_PROXY_USE=Use a proxy server (otherwise access is direct to the internet)
MAIN_PROXY_HOST=Proxy server: Name/Address
MAIN_PROXY_PORT=Proxy server: Port
MAIN_PROXY_USER=Proxy server: Login/User
MAIN_PROXY_PASS=Proxy server: Password
DefineHereComplementaryAttributes=Define here any additional/custom attributes that you want to be included for: %s
ExtraFields=Täiendavad atribuudid
ExtraFieldsLines=Lisaatribuudid (read)
ExtraFieldsLinesRec=Complementary attributes (templates invoices lines)
ExtraFieldsSupplierOrdersLines=Complementary attributes (order lines)
ExtraFieldsSupplierInvoicesLines=Complementary attributes (invoice lines)
ExtraFieldsThirdParties=Complementary attributes (third party)
ExtraFieldsContacts=Complementary attributes (contacts/address)
ExtraFieldsMember=Täiendavad atribuudid (member e liige)
ExtraFieldsMemberType=Täiendavad atribuudid (member type e liikme liik)
ExtraFieldsCustomerInvoices=Täiendavad atribuudid (arved)
ExtraFieldsCustomerInvoicesRec=Complementary attributes (templates invoices)
ExtraFieldsSupplierOrders=Täiendavad atribuudid (orders e tellimused)
ExtraFieldsSupplierInvoices=Täiendavad atribuudid (invoices e arved)
ExtraFieldsProject=Täiendavad atribuudid (projects e projektid)
ExtraFieldsProjectTask=Täiendavad atribuudid (tasks e ülesanded)
ExtraFieldsSalaries=Complementary attributes (salaries)
ExtraFieldHasWrongValue=Atribuudil %s on vale väärtus.
AlphaNumOnlyLowerCharsAndNoSpace=ainult tühikuteta väikesed tähed ja numbrid
SendmailOptionNotComplete=Hoiatus: mõnedel Linuxi süsteemidel peab e-kirja saatmiseks sendmaili käivitamise seadistus sisaldama võtit -ba (php.ini failis parameeter mail.force_extra_parameters). Kui mõned adressaadid ei saa kunagi kirju kätte, siis proovi parameetri väärtust mail.force_extra_parameters = -ba
PathToDocuments=Dokumentide rada
SendmailOptionMayHurtBuggedMTA=Feature to send mails using method "PHP mail direct" will generate a mail message that might not be parsed correctly by some receiving mail servers. The result is that some mails can't be read by people hosted by those bugged platforms. This is the case for some Internet providers (Ex: Orange in France). This is not a problem with Dolibarr or PHP but with the receiving mail server. You can however add an option MAIN_FIX_FOR_BUGGED_MTA to 1 in Setup - Other to modify Dolibarr to avoid this. However, you may experience problems with other servers that strictly use the SMTP standard. The other solution (recommended) is to use the method "SMTP socket library" which has no disadvantages.
TranslationSetup=Setup of translation
TranslationKeySearch=Search a translation key or string
TranslationOverwriteKey=Overwrite a translation string
TranslationDesc=How to set the display language:<br>* Default/Systemwide: menu <strong>Home -> Setup -> Display</strong><br>* Per user: Click on the username at the top of the screen and modify the <strong>User Display Setup</strong> tab on the user card.
TranslationOverwriteDesc=You can also override strings filling the following table. Choose your language from "%s" dropdown, insert the translation key string into "%s" and your new translation into "%s"
TranslationOverwriteDesc2=You can use the other tab to help you know which translation key to use
TranslationString=Translation string
CurrentTranslationString=Current translation string
WarningAtLeastKeyOrTranslationRequired=A search criteria is required at least for key or translation string
NewTranslationStringToShow=New translation string to show
OriginalValueWas=The original translation is overwritten. Original value was:<br><br>%s
TransKeyWithoutOriginalValue=You forced a new translation for the translation key '<strong>%s</strong>' that does not exist in any language files
TotalNumberOfActivatedModules=Activated application/modules: <b>%s</b> / <b>%s</b>
YouMustEnableOneModule=Pead vähemalt 1 mooduli sisse lülitama
ClassNotFoundIntoPathWarning=Class %s not found in PHP path
YesInSummer=Suviti 'jah'
OnlyFollowingModulesAreOpenedToExternalUsers=Note, only the following modules are available to external users (irrespective of the permissions of such users) and only if permissions are granted:<br>
SuhosinSessionEncrypt=Sessiooni andmehoidla krüpteeritud Suhosini poolt
ConditionIsCurrently=Olek on hetkel %s
YouUseBestDriver=You use driver %s which is the best driver currently available.
YouDoNotUseBestDriver=You use driver %s but driver %s is recommended.
NbOfObjectIsLowerThanNoPb=You have only %s %s in the database. This does not require any particular optimization.
SearchOptim=Otsingu optimeerimine
YouHaveXObjectUseSearchOptim=You have %s %s in the database. You should add the constant %s to 1 in Home-Setup-Other. Limit the search to the beginning of strings which makes it possible for the database to use indexes and you should get an immediate response.
YouHaveXObjectAndSearchOptimOn=You have %s %s in the database and constant %s is set to 1 in Home-Setup-Other.
BrowserIsOK=You are using the %s web browser. This browser is ok for security and performance.
BrowserIsKO=You are using the %s web browser. This browser is known to be a bad choice for security, performance and reliability. We recommend using Firefox, Chrome, Opera or Safari.
PHPModuleLoaded=PHP component %s is loaded
PreloadOPCode=Preloaded OPCode is used
AddRefInList=Display Customer/Vendor ref. info list (select list or combobox) and most of hyperlink.<br>Third Parties will appear with a name format of "CC12345 - SC45678 - The Big Company corp." instead of "The Big Company corp".
AddAdressInList=Display Customer/Vendor adress info list (select list or combobox)<br>Third Parties will appear with a name format of "The Big Company corp. - 21 jump street 123456 Big town - USA" instead of "The Big Company corp".
AskForPreferredShippingMethod=Ask for preferred shipping method for Third Parties.
FieldEdition=Välja %s muutmine
FillThisOnlyIfRequired=Näide: +2 (täida vaid siis, kui koged ajavööndi nihkega probleeme)
GetBarCode=Hangi triipkood
##### Module password generation
PasswordGenerationStandard=Tagastab parooli, mis vastab Dolibarri sisemisele algoritmile: 8 tähemärki pikk ja koosneb väikestest tähtedest ja numbritest.
PasswordGenerationNone=Do not suggest a generated password. Password must be typed in manually.
PasswordGenerationPerso=Return a password according to your personally defined configuration.
SetupPerso=According to your configuration
PasswordPatternDesc=Password pattern description
##### Users setup #####
RuleForGeneratedPasswords=Rules to generate and validate passwords
DisableForgetPasswordLinkOnLogonPage=Do not show the "Password Forgotten" link on the Login page
UsersSetup=Kasutajate mooduli seadistamine
UserMailRequired=Email required to create a new user
##### HRM setup #####
HRMSetup=HRM module setup
##### Company setup #####
CompanySetup=Ettevõtete mooduli seadistamine
CompanyCodeChecker=Options for automatic generation of customer/vendor codes
AccountCodeManager=Options for automatic generation of customer/vendor accounting codes
NotificationsDesc=Email notifications can be sent automatically for some Dolibarr events.<br>Recipients of notifications can be defined:
NotificationsDescUser=* per user, one user at a time.
NotificationsDescContact=* per third-party contacts (customers or vendors), one contact at a time.
NotificationsDescGlobal=* or by setting global email addresses in this setup page.
ModelModules=Document Templates
DocumentModelOdt=Generate documents from OpenDocument templates (.ODT / .ODS files from LibreOffice, OpenOffice, KOffice, TextEdit,...)
WatermarkOnDraft=Mustandi vesimärk
JSOnPaimentBill=Activate feature to autofill payment lines on payment form
CompanyIdProfChecker=Rules for Professional IDs
MustBeUnique=Must be unique?
MustBeMandatory=Mandatory to create third parties (if VAT number or type of company defined) ?
MustBeInvoiceMandatory=Mandatory to validate invoices?
TechnicalServicesProvided=Technical services provided
#####DAV #####
WebDAVSetupDesc=This is the link to access the WebDAV directory. It contains a "public" dir open to any user knowing the URL (if public directory access allowed) and a "private" directory that needs an existing login account/password for access.
WebDavServer=Root URL of %s server: %s
##### Webcal setup #####
WebCalUrlForVCalExport=Eksportimise link <b>%s</b> formaati on saadaval järgmisel aadressil: %s
##### Invoices #####
BillsSetup=Arvete mooduli seadistamine
BillsNumberingModule=Arvete ja kreeditarvete numeratsiooni mudel
BillsPDFModules=Arve dokumentide mudelid
BillsPDFModulesAccordindToInvoiceType=Invoice documents models according to invoice type
PaymentsPDFModules=Payment documents models
ForceInvoiceDate=Sunni arve kuupäevaks arve kinnitamise kuupäev
SuggestedPaymentModesIfNotDefinedInInvoice=Soovitatav vaikimisi makseviis arvel, kui seda pole arvel määratletud
SuggestPaymentByRIBOnAccount=Suggest payment by withdrawal on account
SuggestPaymentByChequeToAddress=Suggest payment by check to
FreeLegalTextOnInvoices=Vaba tekst arvetel
WatermarkOnDraftInvoices=Vesimärk arvete mustanditel (puudub, kui tühi)
PaymentsNumberingModule=Payments numbering model
SuppliersPayment=Tarnija maksed
SupplierPaymentSetup=Vendor payments setup
##### Proposals #####
PropalSetup=Pakkumiste mooduli seadistamine
ProposalsNumberingModules=Pakkumiste numeratsiooni mudelid
ProposalsPDFModules=Pakkumiste dokumentatsiooni mudelid
SuggestedPaymentModesIfNotDefinedInProposal=Suggested payments mode on proposal by default if not defined for proposal
FreeLegalTextOnProposal=Vaba tekst pakkumistel
WatermarkOnDraftProposal=Vesimärk pakkumiste mustanditel (puudub, kui tühi)
BANK_ASK_PAYMENT_BANK_DURING_PROPOSAL=Ask for bank account destination of proposal
##### SupplierProposal #####
SupplierProposalSetup=Price requests suppliers module setup
SupplierProposalNumberingModules=Price requests suppliers numbering models
SupplierProposalPDFModules=Price requests suppliers documents models
FreeLegalTextOnSupplierProposal=Free text on price requests suppliers
WatermarkOnDraftSupplierProposal=Watermark on draft price requests suppliers (none if empty)
BANK_ASK_PAYMENT_BANK_DURING_SUPPLIER_PROPOSAL=Ask for bank account destination of price request
WAREHOUSE_ASK_WAREHOUSE_DURING_ORDER=Ask for Warehouse Source for order
##### Suppliers Orders #####
BANK_ASK_PAYMENT_BANK_DURING_SUPPLIER_ORDER=Ask for bank account destination of purchase order
##### Orders #####
OrdersSetup=Sales Orders management setup
OrdersNumberingModules=Tellimuste numeratsiooni mudelid
OrdersModelModule=Tellimuste dokumentide mudelid
FreeLegalTextOnOrders=Vaba tekst tellimustel
WatermarkOnDraftOrders=Vesimärk tellimuste mustanditel (puudub, kui tühi)
ShippableOrderIconInList=Add an icon in Orders list which indicate if order is shippable
BANK_ASK_PAYMENT_BANK_DURING_ORDER=Ask for bank account destination of order
##### Interventions #####
InterventionsSetup=Sekkumiste mooduli seadistamine
FreeLegalTextOnInterventions=Vaba tekst sekkumiste dokumentidel
FicheinterNumberingModules=Sekkumiste numeratsiooni mudelid
TemplatePDFInterventions=Sekkumiste kaartide dokumentide mudelid
WatermarkOnDraftInterventionCards=Vesimärk sekkumiste kaartidel (puudub, kui tühi)
##### Contracts #####
ContractsSetup=Contracts/Subscriptions module setup
ContractsNumberingModules=Lepingute numeratsiooni moodulid
TemplatePDFContracts=Lepingute dokumentide mudelid
FreeLegalTextOnContracts=Vaba tekst lepingutes
WatermarkOnDraftContractCards=Vesimärk lepingu mustanditel (mitte midagi, kui tühi)
##### Members #####
MembersSetup=Liikmete mooduli seadistamine
MemberMainOptions=Põhilised seaded
AdherentLoginRequired= Halda iga liikme kasutajanime
AdherentMailRequired=Email required to create a new member
MemberSendInformationByMailByDefault=Liikmetele e-kirja kinnituse saatmise (kinnitamise või uue tellimuse puhul) märkeruut on vaikimisi valitud
VisitorCanChooseItsPaymentMode=Visitor can choose from available payment modes
MEMBER_REMINDER_EMAIL=Enable automatic reminder <b>by email</b> of expired subscriptions. Note: Module <strong>%s</strong> must be enabled and correctly setup to send reminders.
##### LDAP setup #####
LDAPSetup=LDAP seadistamine
LDAPGlobalParameters=Ãœldised parameetrid
LDAPMembersTypesSynchro=Liikmete tüübid
LDAPSynchronization=LDAP sünkroniseerimine
LDAPFunctionsNotAvailableOnPHP=Antud PHP ei toeta LDAP funktsioone
LDAPToDolibarr=LDAP -> Dolibarr
DolibarrToLDAP=Dolibarr -> LDAP
LDAPNamingAttribute=Võti LDAPis
LDAPSynchronizeUsers=Kasutajate organisatsioon LDAPis
LDAPSynchronizeGroups=Gruppide organisatsioon LDAPis
LDAPSynchronizeContacts=Kontaktide organisatsioon LDAPis
LDAPSynchronizeMembers=Ãœhenduse liikmete organisatsioon LDAPis
LDAPSynchronizeMembersTypes=Organization of foundation's members types in LDAP
LDAPPrimaryServer=Primaarne server
LDAPSecondaryServer=Sekundaarne server
LDAPServerPort=Serveri port
LDAPServerPortExample=Default port: 389
LDAPServerProtocolVersion=Protokolli versiooni
LDAPServerUseTLS=Kasuta TLSi
LDAPServerUseTLSExample=LDAPi server kasutab TLSi
LDAPServerDn=Serveri DN
LDAPAdminDn=Administraatori DN
LDAPAdminDnExample=Complete DN (ex: cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com or cn=Administrator,cn=Users,dc=example,dc=com for active directory)
LDAPPassword=Administraatori parool
LDAPUserDn=Kasutajate DN
LDAPUserDnExample=Täielik DN (nt: ou=users,dc=example,dc=com)
LDAPGroupDn=Gruppide DN
LDAPGroupDnExample=Täielik DN (nt: ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com)
LDAPServerExample=Serveri aadress (nt: localhost,, ldaps://ldap.example.com/)
LDAPServerDnExample=Täielik DN (nt: dc=example,dc=com)
LDAPDnSynchroActive=Kasutajate ja gruppide sünkroniseerimine
LDAPDnSynchroActiveExample=LDAPist Dolibarri või Dolibarrist LDAPi sünkroniseerimine
LDAPDnContactActive=Kontaktide sünkroniseerimine
LDAPDnContactActiveExample=Aktiveeritud/aktiveerimata sünkroniseerimine
LDAPDnMemberActive=Liikmete sünkroniseerimine
LDAPDnMemberActiveExample=Aktiveeritud/aktiveerimata sünkroniseerimine
LDAPDnMemberTypeActive=Members types' synchronization
LDAPDnMemberTypeActiveExample=Aktiveeritud/aktiveerimata sünkroniseerimine
LDAPContactDn=Dolibarri kontaktide DN
LDAPContactDnExample=Täielik DN (nt: ou=contacts,dc=example,dc=com)
LDAPMemberDn=Dolibarri liikmete DN
LDAPMemberDnExample=Täielik DN (nt: ou=members,dc=example,dc=com)
LDAPMemberObjectClassList=objectClass nimekiri
LDAPMemberObjectClassListExample=objectClass nimekiri kirjete atribuutide määratlemiseks (nt: top,inetOrgPerson või top,user Active Directory jaoks)
LDAPMemberTypeDn=Dolibarr members types DN
LDAPMemberTypepDnExample=Complete DN (ex: ou=memberstypes,dc=example,dc=com)
LDAPMemberTypeObjectClassList=objectClass nimekiri
LDAPMemberTypeObjectClassListExample=objectClass nimekiri kirjete atribuutide määratlemiseks (nt: top,groupOfUniqueNames)
LDAPUserObjectClassList=objectClass nimekiri
LDAPUserObjectClassListExample=objectClass nimekiri kirjete atribuutide määratlemiseks (nt: top,inetOrgPerson või top,user Active Directory jaoks)
LDAPGroupObjectClassList=objectClass nimekiri
LDAPGroupObjectClassListExample=objectClass nimekiri kirjete atribuutide määratlemiseks (nt: top,groupOfUniqueNames)
LDAPContactObjectClassList=objectClass nimekiri
LDAPContactObjectClassListExample=objectClass nimekiri kirjete atribuutide määratlemiseks (nt: top,inetOrgPerson või top,user Active Directory jaoks)
LDAPTestConnect=Testi LDAPi ühendust
LDAPTestSynchroContact=Test kontaktide sünkroniseerimist
LDAPTestSynchroUser=Test kasutajate sünkroniseerimist
LDAPTestSynchroGroup=Test gruppide sünkroniseerimist
LDAPTestSynchroMember=Test liikmete sünkroniseerimist
LDAPTestSynchroMemberType=Test member type synchronization
LDAPTestSearch= Testi LDAPi otsingut
LDAPSynchroOK=Sünkroniseerimise testimine edukas
LDAPSynchroKO=Sünkroniseerimise testimine ebaõnnestus
LDAPSynchroKOMayBePermissions=Failed synchronization test. Check that the connection to the server is correctly configured and allows LDAP updates
LDAPTCPConnectOK=TCP ühendust LDAPi serveriga õnnestus (server=%s, port=%s)
LDAPTCPConnectKO=TCP ühendust LDAPi serveriga ebaõnnestus (server=%s, port=%s)
LDAPBindOK=Connect/Authenticate to LDAP server successful (Server=%s, Port=%s, Admin=%s, Password=%s)
LDAPBindKO=Connect/Authenticate to LDAP server failed (Server=%s, Port=%s, Admin=%s, Password=%s)
LDAPSetupForVersion3=LDAPi server seadistatud versioonile 3
LDAPSetupForVersion2=LDAPi server seadistatud versioonile 2
LDAPDolibarrMapping=Dolibarri kaardistus
LDAPLdapMapping=LDAPi kaardistus
LDAPFieldLoginUnix=Kasutajanimi (unix)
LDAPFieldLoginExample=Example: uid
LDAPFilterConnectionExample=Example: &(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)
LDAPFieldLoginSamba=Kasutajanimi (samba, activedirectory)
LDAPFieldLoginSambaExample=Example: samaccountname
LDAPFieldFullname=Täielik nimi
LDAPFieldFullnameExample=Example: cn
LDAPFieldPasswordNotCrypted=Password not encrypted
LDAPFieldPasswordCrypted=Password encrypted
LDAPFieldPasswordExample=Example: userPassword
LDAPFieldCommonNameExample=Example: cn
LDAPFieldNameExample=Example: sn
LDAPFieldFirstNameExample=Example: givenName
LDAPFieldMail=E-posti aadress
LDAPFieldMailExample=Example: mail
LDAPFieldPhone=Ametitelefoni number
LDAPFieldPhoneExample=Example: telephonenumber
LDAPFieldHomePhone=Isiklik telefoninumber
LDAPFieldHomePhoneExample=Example: homephone
LDAPFieldMobileExample=Example: mobile
LDAPFieldFaxExample=Example: facsimiletelephonenumber
LDAPFieldAddressExample=Example: street
LDAPFieldZipExample=Example: postalcode
LDAPFieldTownExample=Example: l
LDAPFieldDescriptionExample=Example: description
LDAPFieldNotePublic=Public Note
LDAPFieldNotePublicExample=Example: publicnote
LDAPFieldGroupMembers= Grupi liikmed
LDAPFieldGroupMembersExample= Example: uniqueMember
LDAPFieldCompanyExample=Example: o
LDAPFieldSidExample=Example: objectsid
LDAPFieldEndLastSubscription=Tellimuse lõpu kuupäev
LDAPFieldTitle=Job position
LDAPFieldTitleExample=Näide: tiitel
LDAPSetupNotComplete=LDAP setup ei ole täielik (mine sakile Muu)
LDAPNoUserOrPasswordProvidedAccessIsReadOnly=Administraatorit või parooli pole sisestatud. LDAPi ligipääs on anonüümne ja ainult lugemisrežiimis.
LDAPDescContact=Sellel leheküljel saab määratleda LDAPi atribuutide nimesid LDAPi puus kõigi Dolibarri kontaktides leitud andmete kohta.
LDAPDescUsers=Sellel leheküljel saab määratleda LDAPi atribuutide nimesid LDAPi puus kõigi Dolibarri kontaktides leitud andmete kohta.
LDAPDescGroups=Sellel leheküljel saab määratleda LDAPi atribuutide nimesid LDAPi puus kõigi Dolibarri kontaktides leitud andmete kohta.
LDAPDescMembers=Sellel leheküljel saab määratleda LDAPi atribuutide nimesid LDAPi puus kõigi Dolibarri kontaktides leitud andmete kohta.
LDAPDescMembersTypes=This page allows you to define LDAP attributes name in LDAP tree for each data found on Dolibarr members types.
LDAPDescValues=Näiteväärtused on mõeldud <b>OpenLDAP</b> tarbeks koos järgnevate laetud skeemidega: <b>core.schema, cosine.schema, inetorgperson.schema</b>). Kui kasutad neid väärtusi ja OpenLDAPi, siis muuda LDAPi seadistusfaili <b>slapd.conf</b> kõigi nende skeemide laadimiseks.
ForANonAnonymousAccess=Autenditud ligipääsu jaoks (näiteks kirjutusõiguse jaoks)
PerfDolibarr=Jõudluse seadistamise/optimeerimise aruanne
YouMayFindPerfAdviceHere=This page provides some checks or advice related to performance.
NotInstalled=Not installed, so your server is not slowed down by this.
ApplicativeCache=Rakenduse vahemälu
MemcachedNotAvailable=Puhvermälu ei leitud. Jõudluse suurendamiseks paigalda puhverserver Memcached ja selle kasutamist võimaldav moodul.<br>Rohkem infot siit <a href="http://wiki.dolibarr.org/index.php/Module_MemCached_EN">http://wiki.dolibarr.org/index.php/Module_MemCached_EN</a>.<br>Pane tähele, et paljud veebimajutused sellist serverit teenusena ei paku.
MemcachedModuleAvailableButNotSetup=Puhvri jaoks kasutatav moodul memcached on olemas, kuid mooduli seadistamine on lõpuni viimata
MemcachedAvailableAndSetup=Memcached serverit kasutav memcached moodul on sisse lülitatud.
OPCodeCache=OPCode vahemälu
NoOPCodeCacheFound=No OPCode cache found. Maybe you are using an OPCode cache other than XCache or eAccelerator (good), or maybe you don't have OPCode cache (very bad).
HTTPCacheStaticResources=HTTP vahemälu staatiliste ressursside jaoks (CSS, pildid, JavaScript)
FilesOfTypeCached=%s tüüpi failid hoiab HTTP server vahemälus
FilesOfTypeNotCached=%s tüüpi faile ei hoia HTTP server vahemälus
FilesOfTypeCompressed=%s tüüpi faile pakib HTTP server kokk
FilesOfTypeNotCompressed=%s tüüpi faile ei paki HTTP server kokk
CacheByServer=Serveri vahemäl
CacheByServerDesc=For example using the Apache directive "ExpiresByType image/gif A2592000"
CacheByClient=Brauseri vahemälu
CompressionOfResources=HTTP vastuste kokku pakkimine
CompressionOfResourcesDesc=For example using the Apache directive "AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE"
TestNotPossibleWithCurrentBrowsers=Such an automatic detection is not possible with current browsers
DefaultValuesDesc=Here you may define the default value you wish to use when creating a new record, and/or default filters or the sort order when you list records.
DefaultCreateForm=Default values (to use on forms)
DefaultSearchFilters=Default search filters
DefaultSortOrder=Default sort orders
DefaultFocus=Default focus fields
DefaultMandatory=Mandatory form fields
##### Products #####
ProductSetup=Toodete mooduli seadistamine
ServiceSetup=Teenuste mooduli seadistamine
ProductServiceSetup=Toodete ja teenuste mooduli seadistamine
NumberOfProductShowInSelect=Maximum number of products to show in combo select lists (0=no limit)
ViewProductDescInFormAbility=Display product descriptions in forms (otherwise shown in a tooltip popup)
MergePropalProductCard=Activate in product/service Attached Files tab an option to merge product PDF document to proposal PDF azur if product/service is in the proposal
ViewProductDescInThirdpartyLanguageAbility=Display products descriptions in the language of the third party
UseSearchToSelectProductTooltip=Also if you have a large number of products (> 100 000), you can increase speed by setting constant PRODUCT_DONOTSEARCH_ANYWHERE to 1 in Setup->Other. Search will then be limited to start of string.
UseSearchToSelectProduct=Wait until you press a key before loading content of product combo list (This may increase performance if you have a large number of products, but it is less convenient)
SetDefaultBarcodeTypeProducts=Vaikimisi vöötkoodi tüüp toodetel
SetDefaultBarcodeTypeThirdParties=Vaikimisi vöötkoodi tüüpi kolmandatel isikutel
UseUnits=Define a unit of measure for Quantity during order, proposal or invoice lines edition
ProductCodeChecker= Tootekoodide (tooted või teenused) genereerimiseks kasutatav moodul
ProductOtherConf= Toodete/teenuste seadistamine
IsNotADir=is not a directory!
##### Syslog #####
SyslogSetup=Logide mooduli seadistamine
SyslogOutput=Logide väljundid
SyslogFilename=Faili nimi ja rada
YouCanUseDOL_DATA_ROOT=Võid kasutada DOL_DATA_ROOT/dolibarr.log Dolibarri "documents" kausta faili salvestamiseks, aga logifaili salvestamiseks võib ka mõnda muud rada kasutada.
ErrorUnknownSyslogConstant=Konstant %s ei ole tuntud Syslogi konstant
OnlyWindowsLOG_USER=Windows toetab vaid LOG_USER direktiivi
CompressSyslogs=Compression and backup of debug log files (generated by module Log for debug)
SyslogFileNumberOfSaves=Log backups
ConfigureCleaningCronjobToSetFrequencyOfSaves=Configure cleaning scheduled job to set log backup frequency
##### Donations #####
DonationsSetup=Annetuste mooduli seadistamine
DonationsReceiptModel=Annetuse kviitungi mall
##### Barcode #####
BarcodeSetup=Vöötkoodi seadistamine
PaperFormatModule=Trükkimise formaadi moodu
BarcodeEncodeModule=Vöötkoodi kodeeringu liik
CodeBarGenerator=Vöötkoodi generaator
ChooseABarCode=Generaatorit pole määratletud
FormatNotSupportedByGenerator=Antud generaator ei toeta seda formaati
BarcodeDescEAN8=EAN8 tüüpi vöötkood
BarcodeDescEAN13=EAN13 tüüpi vöötkood
BarcodeDescUPC=UPC tüüpi vöötkood
BarcodeDescISBN=ISBN tüüpi vöötkood
BarcodeDescC39=C39 tüüpi vöötkood
BarcodeDescC128=C128 tüüpi vöötkood
BarcodeDescDATAMATRIX=Barcode of type Datamatrix
BarcodeDescQRCODE=Barcode of type QR code
GenbarcodeLocation=Bar code generation command line tool (used by internal engine for some bar code types). Must be compatible with "genbarcode".<br>For example: /usr/local/bin/genbarcode
BarcodeInternalEngine=Sisemine mootor
BarCodeNumberManager=Automaatselt määratletud vöötkoodide haldamine
##### Prelevements #####
WithdrawalsSetup=Setup of module Direct Debit payments
##### ExternalRSS #####
ExternalRSSSetup=Välise RSS impordi seadistamine
NewRSS=Uus RSS voog
RSSUrlExample=Huvitav RSS voog
##### Mailing #####
MailingSetup=E-posti mooduli sedistamine
MailingEMailFrom=Sender email (From) for emails sent by emailing module
MailingEMailError=Return Email (Errors-to) for emails with errors
MailingDelay=Seconds to wait after sending next message
##### Notification #####
NotificationSetup=Email Notification module setup
NotificationEMailFrom=Sender email (From) for emails sent by the Notifications module
##### Sendings #####
SendingsSetup=Shipping module setup
SendingsReceiptModel=Saatekviitungi mudel
SendingsNumberingModules=Saatmiste numeratsiooni moodulid
SendingsAbility=Support shipping sheets for customer deliveries
NoNeedForDeliveryReceipts=In most cases, shipping sheets are used both as sheets for customer deliveries (list of products to send) and sheets that are received and signed by customer. Hence the product deliveries receipt is a duplicated feature and is rarely activated.
FreeLegalTextOnShippings=Free text on shipments
##### Deliveries #####
DeliveryOrderNumberingModules=Saatedokumentide numeratsiooni moodul
DeliveryOrderModel=Saatedokumentide mudel
DeliveriesOrderAbility=Saatedokumentide tugi
FreeLegalTextOnDeliveryReceipts=Vaba tekst saatedokumentidel
##### FCKeditor #####
AdvancedEditor=Keerulisem toimeti
ActivateFCKeditor=Aktiveeri keerulisem toimeti järgmistel lehtedel:
FCKeditorForCompany=WYSIWIG loomine/muutmine elementide kirjeldustes ja märkustes (välja arvatud tooted/teenused)
FCKeditorForProduct=WYSIWIG loomine/muutmine toodete/teenuste kirjeldustes ja märkustes
FCKeditorForProductDetails=WYSIWIG creation/edition of products details lines for all entities (proposals, orders, invoices, etc...). <font class="warning">Warning: Using this option for this case is seriously not recommended as it can create problems with special characters and page formatting when building PDF files.</font>
FCKeditorForMailing= WYSIWIG loomine/muutmine masspostitusel (Tööriistad->E-kirjad)
FCKeditorForUserSignature=WYSIWIG loomine/muutmine kasutaja allkirjas
FCKeditorForMail=WYSIWIG creation/edition for all mail (except Tools->eMailing)
##### Stock #####
StockSetup=Stock module setup
IfYouUsePointOfSaleCheckModule=If you use the Point of Sale module (POS) provided by default or an external module, this setup may be ignored by your POS module. Most POS modules are designed by default to create an invoice immediately and decrease stock irrespective of the options here. So if you need or not to have a stock decrease when registering a sale from your POS, check also your POS module setup.
##### Menu #####
MenuDeleted=Menüü kustutatud
TreeMenuPersonalized=Isikustatud menüüd
NotTopTreeMenuPersonalized=Personalized menus not linked to a top menu entry
NewMenu=Uus menüü
Menu=Menüü valik
MenuHandler=Menüü töötleja
MenuModule=Lähtekoodi moodul
HideUnauthorizedMenu= Peida volitamata menüüd (hall)
DetailId=ID menüü
DetailMenuHandler=Menüü töötleja uue menüü asukoha jaoks
DetailMenuModule=Mooduli nimi, kui menüükanne tuleb moodulist
DetailType=Menüü tüüp (üleval või vasakul)
DetailTitre=Menüü etikett või silt koodis tõlkimise jaoks
DetailUrl=URL, kuhu menüü saadab (täielik URLi link või väline link http:// kujul)
DetailEnabled=Tingimus kande näitamiseks või mitte näitamiseks
DetailRight=Volitamata hallide menüüde näitamise tingimus
DetailLangs=Keelefaili nimi siltide koodide tõlke jaoks
DetailTarget=Target for links (_blank top opens a new window)
DetailLevel=Tase (-1: ülemine menüü, 0: päise menüü, >0 menüü ja alammenüü)
ModifMenu=Menüü muutmine
DeleteMenu=Kustuta menüükanne
ConfirmDeleteMenu=Are you sure you want to delete menu entry <b>%s</b>?
FailedToInitializeMenu=Failed to initialize menu
##### Tax #####
TaxSetup=Taxes, social or fiscal taxes and dividends module setup
OptionVatMode=KM kuupäev
OptionVATDefault=Standard basis
OptionVatDefaultDesc=VAT is due:<br>- on delivery of goods (based on invoice date)<br>- on payments for services
OptionVatDebitOptionDesc=VAT is due:<br>- on delivery of goods (based on invoice date)<br>- on invoice (debit) for services
OptionPaymentForProductAndServices=Cash basis for products and services
OptionPaymentForProductAndServicesDesc=VAT is due:<br>- on payment for goods<br>- on payments for services
SummaryOfVatExigibilityUsedByDefault=Time of VAT eligibility by default according to chosen option:
OnInvoice=Arve esitamisel
SupposedToBePaymentDate=Kasutatakse maksekuupäeva
SupposedToBeInvoiceDate=Kasutatakse arve kuupäeva
InvoiceDateUsed=Kasutatakse arve kuupäeva
YourCompanyDoesNotUseVAT=Your company has been defined to not use VAT (Home - Setup - Company/Organization), so there is no VAT options to setup.
AccountancyCode=Accounting Code
AccountancyCodeSell=Müügikonto kood
AccountancyCodeBuy=Ostukonto kood
##### Agenda #####
AgendaSetup=Tegevuste ja päevakava mooduli seadistamine
PasswordTogetVCalExport=Ekspordilingi autoriseerimise võti
PastDelayVCalExport=Ära ekspordi tegevusi, mis on vanemad kui
AGENDA_USE_EVENT_TYPE=Use events types (managed in menu Setup -> Dictionaries -> Type of agenda events)
AGENDA_USE_EVENT_TYPE_DEFAULT=Automatically set this default value for type of event in event create form
AGENDA_DEFAULT_FILTER_TYPE=Automatically set this type of event in search filter of agenda view
AGENDA_DEFAULT_FILTER_STATUS=Automatically set this status for events in search filter of agenda view
AGENDA_DEFAULT_VIEW=Vaikimisi avatav sakk päevakava avamisel
AGENDA_REMINDER_EMAIL=Enable event reminder <b>by emails</b> (remind option/delay can be defined on each event). Note: Module <strong>%s</strong> must be enabled and correctly setup to have reminder sent at the correct frequency.
AGENDA_REMINDER_BROWSER=Enable event reminder <b>on user's browser</b> (when event date is reached, each user is able to refuse this from the browser confirmation question)
AGENDA_REMINDER_BROWSER_SOUND=Enable sound notification
AGENDA_SHOW_LINKED_OBJECT=Show linked object into agenda view
##### Clicktodial #####
ClickToDialSetup=Click To Dial mooduli seadistamine
ClickToDialUrlDesc=Url called when a click on phone picto is done.  In URL, you can use tags<br><b>__PHONETO__</b> that will be replaced with the phone number of person to call<br><b>__PHONEFROM__</b> that will be replaced with phone number of calling person (yours)<br><b>__LOGIN__</b> that will be replaced with clicktodial login (defined on user card)<br><b>__PASS__</b> that will be replaced with clicktodial password (defined on user card).
ClickToDialDesc=This module makea phone numbers clickable links. A click on the icon will make your phone call the number. This can be used to call a call-center system from Dolibarr that can call the phone number on a SIP system for example.
ClickToDialUseTelLink=Use just a link "tel:" on phone numbers
ClickToDialUseTelLinkDesc=Use this method if your users have a softphone or a software interface installed on the same computer as the browser, and called when you click on a link in your browser that starts with "tel:". If you need a full server solution (no need of local software installation), you must set this to "No" and fill next field.
##### Point Of Sale (CashDesk) #####
CashDesk=Point of Sale
CashDeskSetup=Point of Sales module setup
CashDeskThirdPartyForSell=Default generic third party to use for sales
CashDeskBankAccountForSell=Sularahamaksete vastu võtmiseks kasutatav konto
CashDeskBankAccountForCheque= Default account to use to receive payments by check
CashDeskBankAccountForCB= Krediitkaardimaksete vastu võtmiseks kasutatav konto
CashDeskDoNotDecreaseStock=Disable stock decrease when a sale is done from Point of Sale (if "no", stock decrease is done for each sale done from POS, irrespective of the option set in module Stock).
CashDeskIdWareHouse=Force and restrict warehouse to use for stock decrease
StockDecreaseForPointOfSaleDisabled=Stock decrease from Point of Sale disabled
StockDecreaseForPointOfSaleDisabledbyBatch=Stock decrease in POS is not compatible with module Serial/Lot management (currently active) so stock decrease is disabled.
CashDeskYouDidNotDisableStockDecease=You did not disable stock decrease when making a sale from Point of Sale. Hence a warehouse is required.
##### Bookmark #####
BookmarkSetup=Järjehoidjate mooduli seadistamine
BookmarkDesc=This module allows you to manage bookmarks. You can also add shortcuts to any Dolibarr pages or external web sites on your left menu.
NbOfBoomarkToShow=Maksimaalne vasakus menüüs näidatav järjehoidjate arv
##### WebServices #####
WebServicesSetup=Veebiteenuste mooduli seadistamine
WebServicesDesc=Selle mooduli võimaldamisel muutub Dolibarr veebiteenuse serveriks ning pakub erinevaid veebiteenuseid.
WSDLCanBeDownloadedHere=Pakutavate teenuste WSDL kirjeldusfaile saab alla laadida siit
EndPointIs=SOAP clients must send their requests to the Dolibarr endpoint available at URL
##### API ####
ApiSetup=API module setup
ApiDesc=By enabling this module, Dolibarr become a REST server to provide miscellaneous web services.
ApiProductionMode=Enable production mode (this will activate use of a cache for services management)
ApiExporerIs=You can explore and test the APIs at URL
OnlyActiveElementsAreExposed=Only elements from enabled modules are exposed
ApiKey=Key for API
WarningAPIExplorerDisabled=The API explorer has been disabled. API explorer is not required to provide API services. It is a tool for developer to find/test REST APIs. If you need this tool, go into setup of module API REST to activate it.
##### Bank #####
BankSetupModule=Pangamooduli seadistamine
FreeLegalTextOnChequeReceipts=Free text on check receipts
BankOrderShow=Pangakontode näitamise järjekord maadel, mis kasutavad "detailne panga number" võimalust
BankOrderGlobalDesc=Üldine kuvamise järjekord
BankOrderESDesc=Hispaania kuvamise järjekord
ChequeReceiptsNumberingModule=Check Receipts Numbering Module
##### Multicompany #####
MultiCompanySetup=Mitme ettevõtte mooduli seadistamine
##### Suppliers #####
SuppliersSetup=Vendor module setup
SuppliersCommandModel=Complete template of purchase order (logo...)
SuppliersInvoiceModel=Complete template of vendor invoice (logo...)
SuppliersInvoiceNumberingModel=Vendor invoices numbering models
IfSetToYesDontForgetPermission=If set to yes, don't forget to provide permissions to groups or users allowed for the second approval
##### GeoIPMaxmind #####
GeoIPMaxmindSetup=GeoIP Maxmind mooduli seadistamine
PathToGeoIPMaxmindCountryDataFile=Path to file containing Maxmind ip to country translation.<br>Examples:<br>/usr/local/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat<br>/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat<br>/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb
NoteOnPathLocation=Pane tähele, et IP-aadressi ja riiki siduv andmefail peab olema PHP poolt loetavas kaustas (kontrolli PHP open_basedir seadistust ja failisüsteemi õigusi).
YouCanDownloadFreeDatFileTo=Maxmind GeoIP <b>tasuta demo versiooni</b> saab alla laadida aadressilt %s.
YouCanDownloadAdvancedDatFileTo=Maxmind GeoIP <b>täielikuma uuendustega versiooni</b> saab alla laadida aadressilt %s.
TestGeoIPResult=Testi IP->riik teisendust
##### Projects #####
ProjectsNumberingModules=Projektide numeratsiooni moodul
ProjectsSetup=Projektide mooduli seadistamine
ProjectsModelModule=Projektiaruannete dokumendi mudel
TasksNumberingModules=Ãœlesannete numeratsiooni moodu
TaskModelModule=Ãœlesannete aruande dokumendi mudel
UseSearchToSelectProject=Wait until a key is pressed before loading content of Project combo list.<br>This may improve performance if you have a large number of projects, but it is less convenient.
##### ECM (GED) #####
##### Fiscal Year #####
AccountingPeriods=Accounting periods
AccountingPeriodCard=Accounting period
NewFiscalYear=New accounting period
OpenFiscalYear=Open accounting period
CloseFiscalYear=Close accounting period
DeleteFiscalYear=Delete accounting period
ConfirmDeleteFiscalYear=Are you sure to delete this accounting period?
ShowFiscalYear=Show accounting period
AlwaysEditable=Can always be edited
MAIN_APPLICATION_TITLE=Force visible name of application (warning: setting your own name here may break autofill login feature when using DoliDroid mobile application)
NbMajMin=Minimum number of uppercase characters
NbNumMin=Minimum number of numeric characters
NbSpeMin=Minimum number of special characters
NbIteConsecutive=Maximum number of repeating same characters
NoAmbiCaracAutoGeneration=Do not use ambiguous characters ("1","l","i","|","0","O") for automatic generation
SalariesSetup=Setup of module salaries
SortOrder=Sort order
TypePaymentDesc=0:Customer payment type, 1:Vendor payment type, 2:Both customers and suppliers payment type
IncludePath=Include path (defined into variable %s)
ExpenseReportsSetup=Setup of module Expense Reports
TemplatePDFExpenseReports=Document templates to generate expense report document
ExpenseReportsIkSetup=Setup of module Expense Reports - Milles index
ExpenseReportsRulesSetup=Setup of module Expense Reports - Rules
ExpenseReportNumberingModules=Expense reports numbering module
NoModueToManageStockIncrease=No module able to manage automatic stock increase has been activated. Stock increase will be done on manual input only.
YouMayFindNotificationsFeaturesIntoModuleNotification=You may find options for email notifications by enabling and configuring the module "Notification".
ListOfNotificationsPerUser=List of automatic notifications per user*
ListOfNotificationsPerUserOrContact=List of possible automatic notifications (on business event) available per user* or per contact**
ListOfFixedNotifications=List of automatic fixed notifications
GoOntoUserCardToAddMore=Go to the tab "Notifications" of a user to add or remove notifications for users
GoOntoContactCardToAddMore=Go on the tab "Notifications" of a third party to add or remove notifications for contacts/addresses
BackupDumpWizard=Wizard to build the backup file
SomethingMakeInstallFromWebNotPossible=Installation of external module is not possible from the web interface for the following reason:
SomethingMakeInstallFromWebNotPossible2=For this reason, process to upgrade described here is a manual process only a privileged user may perform.
InstallModuleFromWebHasBeenDisabledByFile=Install of external module from application has been disabled by your administrator. You must ask him to remove the file <strong>%s</strong> to allow this feature.
ConfFileMustContainCustom=Installing or building an external module from application need to save the module files into directory <strong>%s</strong>. To have this directory processed by Dolibarr, you must setup your <strong>conf/conf.php</strong> to add the 2 directive lines:<br><strong>$dolibarr_main_url_root_alt='/custom';</strong><br><strong>$dolibarr_main_document_root_alt='%s/custom';</strong>
HighlightLinesOnMouseHover=Highlight table lines when mouse move passes over
HighlightLinesColor=Highlight color of the line when the mouse passes over (use 'ffffff' for no highlight)
HighlightLinesChecked=Highlight color of the line when it is checked (use 'ffffff' for no highlight)
TextTitleColor=Text color of Page title
LinkColor=Color of links
PressF5AfterChangingThis=Press CTRL+F5 on keyboard or clear your browser cache after changing this value to have it effective
NotSupportedByAllThemes=Will works with core themes, may not be supported by external themes
BackgroundColor=Background color
TopMenuBackgroundColor=Background color for Top menu
TopMenuDisableImages=Hide images in Top menu
LeftMenuBackgroundColor=Background color for Left menu
BackgroundTableTitleColor=Background color for Table title line
BackgroundTableTitleTextColor=Text color for Table title line
BackgroundTableLineOddColor=Background color for odd table lines
BackgroundTableLineEvenColor=Background color for even table lines
MinimumNoticePeriod=Minimum notice period (Your leave request must be done before this delay)
NbAddedAutomatically=Number of days added to counters of users (automatically) each month
EnterAnyCode=This field contains a reference to identify line. Enter any value of your choice, but without special characters.
UnicodeCurrency=Enter here between braces, list of byte number that represent the currency symbol. For example: for $, enter [36] - for brazil real R$ [82,36] - for €, enter [8364]
ColorFormat=The RGB color is in HEX format, eg: FF0000
PositionIntoComboList=Position of line into combo lists
SellTaxRate=Sale tax rate
RecuperableOnly=Yes for VAT "Not Perceived but Recoverable" dedicated for some state in France. Keep value to "No" in all other cases.
UrlTrackingDesc=If the provider or transport service offers a page or web site to check the status of your shipments, you may enter it here. You can use the key {TRACKID} in the URL parameters so the system will replace it with the tracking number the user entered into the shipment card.
OpportunityPercent=When you create a lead, you will define an estimated amount of project/lead. According to status of the lead, this amount may be multiplied by this rate to evaluate a total amount all your leads may generate. Value is a percentage (between 0 and 100).
TemplateForElement=This template record is dedicated to which element
TypeOfTemplate=Type of template
TemplateIsVisibleByOwnerOnly=Template is visible to owner only
VisibleEverywhere=Visible everywhere
VisibleNowhere=Visible nowhere
FixTZ=Ajavööndi parandus
FillFixTZOnlyIfRequired=Example: +2 (fill only if problem experienced)
ExpectedChecksum=Expected Checksum
CurrentChecksum=Current Checksum
ForcedConstants=Required constant values
MailToSendOrder=Sales orders
MailToSendSupplierRequestForQuotation=Quotation request
MailToSendSupplierOrder=Purchase orders
MailToSendSupplierInvoice=Tarnija arved
MailToThirdparty=Kolmandad isikud
MailToProject=Projects page
ByDefaultInList=Show by default on list view
YouUseLastStableVersion=You use the latest stable version
TitleExampleForMajorRelease=Example of message you can use to announce this major release (feel free to use it on your web sites)
TitleExampleForMaintenanceRelease=Example of message you can use to announce this maintenance release (feel free to use it on your web sites)
ExampleOfNewsMessageForMajorRelease=Dolibarr ERP & CRM %s is available. Version %s is a major release with a lot of new features for both users and developers. You can download it from the download area of https://www.dolibarr.org portal (subdirectory Stable versions). You can read <a href="https://github.com/Dolibarr/dolibarr/blob/develop/ChangeLog">ChangeLog</a> for complete list of changes.
ExampleOfNewsMessageForMaintenanceRelease=Dolibarr ERP & CRM %s is available. Version %s is a maintenance version, so contains only bug fixes. We recommend all users to upgrade to this version. A maintenance release does not introduce new features or changes to the database. You may download it from the download area of https://www.dolibarr.org portal (subdirectory Stable versions). You can read the <a href="https://github.com/Dolibarr/dolibarr/blob/develop/ChangeLog">ChangeLog</a> for complete list of changes.
MultiPriceRuleDesc=When option "Several levels of prices per product/service" is enabled, you can define different prices (one per price level) for each product. To save you time, here you may enter a rule to autocalculate a price for each level based on the price of the first level, so you will have to only enter a price for the first level for each product. This page is designed to save you time but is useful only if your prices for each level are relative to first level. You can ignore this page in most cases.
ModelModulesProduct=Templates for product documents
ToGenerateCodeDefineAutomaticRuleFirst=To be able to generate codes automatically, you must first define a manager to auto-define the barcode number.
SeeSubstitutionVars=See * note for list of possible substitution variables
SeeChangeLog=See ChangeLog file (english only)
AllPublishers=All publishers
UnknownPublishers=Unknown publishers
AddRemoveTabs=Add or remove tabs
AddDataTables=Add object tables
AddDictionaries=Add dictionaries tables
AddData=Add objects or dictionaries data
AddBoxes=Add widgets
AddSheduledJobs=Add scheduled jobs
AddHooks=Add hooks
AddTriggers=Add triggers
AddMenus=Add menus
AddPermissions=Add permissions
AddExportProfiles=Add export profiles
AddImportProfiles=Add import profiles
AddOtherPagesOrServices=Add other pages or services
AddModels=Add document or numbering templates
AddSubstitutions=Add keys substitutions
DetectionNotPossible=Detection not possible
UrlToGetKeyToUseAPIs=Url to get token to use API (once token has been received it is saved in database user table and must be provided on each API call)
ListOfAvailableAPIs=List of available APIs
activateModuleDependNotSatisfied=Module "%s" depends on module "%s", that is missing, so module "%1$s" may not work correctly. Please install module "%2$s" or disable module "%1$s" if you want to be safe from any surprise
CommandIsNotInsideAllowedCommands=The command you are trying to run is not in the list of allowed commands defined in parameter <strong>$dolibarr_main_restrict_os_commands</strong> in the <strong>conf.php</strong> file.
LandingPage=Landing page
SamePriceAlsoForSharedCompanies=If you use a multicompany module, with the choice "Single price", the price will also be the same for all companies if products are shared between environments
ModuleEnabledAdminMustCheckRights=Module has been activated. Permissions for activated module(s) were given to admin users only. You may need to grant permissions to other users or groups manually if necessary.
UserHasNoPermissions=This user has no permissions defined
TypeCdr=Use "None" if the date of payment term is date of invoice plus a delta in days (delta is field "%s")<br>Use "At end of month", if, after delta, the date must be increased to reach the end of month (+ an optional "%s" in days)<br>Use "Current/Next" to have payment term date being the first Nth of the month after delta (delta is field "%s", N is stored into field "%s")
BaseCurrency=Reference currency of the company (go into setup of company to change this)
WarningNoteModuleInvoiceForFrenchLaw=This module %s is compliant with French laws (Loi Finance 2016).
WarningNoteModulePOSForFrenchLaw=This module %s is compliant with French laws (Loi Finance 2016) because module Non Reversible Logs is automatically activated.
WarningInstallationMayBecomeNotCompliantWithLaw=You are trying to install module %s that is an external module. Activating an external module means you trust the publisher of that module and that you are sure that this module does not adversely impact the behavior of your application, and is compliant with laws of your country (%s). If the module introduces an illegal feature, you become responsible for the use of illegal software.
NothingToSetup=There is no specific setup required for this module.
SetToYesIfGroupIsComputationOfOtherGroups=Set this to yes if this group is a computation of other groups
EnterCalculationRuleIfPreviousFieldIsYes=Enter calculation rule if previous field was set to Yes (For example 'CODEGRP1+CODEGRP2')
SeveralLangugeVariatFound=Several language variants found
GDPRContact=Data Protection Officer (DPO, Data Privacy or GDPR contact)
GDPRContactDesc=If you store data about European companies/citizens, you can name the contact who is responsible for the General Data Protection Regulation here
HelpOnTooltip=Help text to show on tooltip
HelpOnTooltipDesc=Put text or a translation key here for the text to show in a tooltip when this field appears in a form
YouCanDeleteFileOnServerWith=You can delete this file on the server with Command Line:<br>%s
ChartLoaded=Chart of account loaded
SocialNetworkSetup=Setup of module Social Networks
EnableFeatureFor=Enable features for <strong>%s</strong>
VATIsUsedIsOff=Note: The option to use Sales Tax or VAT has been set to <strong>Off</strong> in the menu %s - %s, so Sales tax or Vat used will always be 0 for sales.
SwapSenderAndRecipientOnPDF=Swap sender and recipient address position on PDF documents
FeatureSupportedOnTextFieldsOnly=Warning, feature supported on text fields only. Also an URL parameter action=create or action=edit must be set OR page name must end with 'new.php' to trigger this feature.
EmailCollector=Email collector
EmailCollectorDescription=Add a scheduled job and a setup page to scan regularly email boxes (using IMAP protocol) and record emails received into your application, at the right place and/or create some records automatically (like leads).
NewEmailCollector=New Email Collector
EMailHost=Host of email IMAP server
MailboxSourceDirectory=Mailbox source directory
MailboxTargetDirectory=Mailbox target directory
EmailcollectorOperations=Operations to do by collector
MaxEmailCollectPerCollect=Max number of emails collected per collect
CollectNow=Collect now
ConfirmCloneEmailCollector=Are you sure you want to clone the Email collector %s ?
DateLastCollectResult=Date latest collect tried
DateLastcollectResultOk=Date latest collect successfull
LastResult=Latest result
EmailCollectorConfirmCollectTitle=Email collect confirmation
EmailCollectorConfirmCollect=Do you want to run the collection for this collector now ?
NoNewEmailToProcess=No new email (matching filters) to process
NothingProcessed=Nothing done
XEmailsDoneYActionsDone=%s emails qualified, %s emails successfully processed (for %s record/actions done)
RecordEvent=Record email event
CreateLeadAndThirdParty=Create lead (and third party if necessary)
CreateTicketAndThirdParty=Create ticket (and third party if necessary)
CodeLastResult=Latest result code
NbOfEmailsInInbox=Number of emails in source directory
LoadThirdPartyFromName=Load third party searching on %s (load only)
LoadThirdPartyFromNameOrCreate=Load third party searching on %s (create if not found)
WithDolTrackingID=Dolibarr Tracking ID found
WithoutDolTrackingID=Dolibarr Tracking ID not found
MainMenuCode=Menu entry code (mainmenu)
ECMAutoTree=Show automatic ECM tree
OperationParamDesc=Define values to use for action, or how to extract values. For example:<br>objproperty1=SET:abc<br>objproperty1=SET:a value with replacement of __objproperty1__<br>objproperty3=SETIFEMPTY:abc<br>objproperty4=EXTRACT:HEADER:X-Myheaderkey.*[^\\s]+(.*)<br>options_myextrafield=EXTRACT:SUBJECT:([^\\s]*)<br>object.objproperty5=EXTRACT:BODY:My company name is\\s([^\\s]*)<br><br>Use a ; char as separator to extract or set several properties.
OpeningHours=Opening hours
OpeningHoursDesc=Enter here the regular opening hours of your company.
ResourceSetup=Configuration of Resource module
UseSearchToSelectResource=Use a search form to choose a resource (rather than a drop-down list).
DisabledResourceLinkUser=Disable feature to link a resource to users
DisabledResourceLinkContact=Disable feature to link a resource to contacts
ConfirmUnactivation=Confirm module reset
OnMobileOnly=On small screen (smartphone) only
DisableProspectCustomerType=Disable the "Prospect + Customer" third party type (so third party must be Prospect or Customer but can't be both)
MAIN_OPTIMIZEFORTEXTBROWSER=Simplify interface for blind person
MAIN_OPTIMIZEFORTEXTBROWSERDesc=Enable this option if you are a blind person, or if you use the application from a text browser like Lynx or Links.
MAIN_OPTIMIZEFORCOLORBLIND=Change  interface's color for color blind person
MAIN_OPTIMIZEFORCOLORBLINDDesc=Enable this option if you are a color blind person, in some case interface will change color setup to increase contrast.
ThisValueCanOverwrittenOnUserLevel=This value can be overwritten by each user from its user page - tab '%s'
DefaultCustomerType=Default thirdparty type for "New customer" creation form
ABankAccountMustBeDefinedOnPaymentModeSetup=Note: The bank account must be defined on the module of each payment mode (Paypal, Stripe, ...) to have this feature working.
RootCategoryForProductsToSell=Root category of products to sell
RootCategoryForProductsToSellDesc=If defined, only products inside this category or childs of this category will be available in the Point Of Sale
DebugBar=Debug Bar
DebugBarDesc=Toolbar that comes with a plenty of tools to simplify debugging
DebugBarSetup=DebugBar Setup
GeneralOptions=General Options
LogsLinesNumber=Number of lines to show on logs tab
UseDebugBar=Use the debug bar
DEBUGBAR_LOGS_LINES_NUMBER=Number of last log lines to keep in console
WarningValueHigherSlowsDramaticalyOutput=Warning, higher values slows dramaticaly output
ModuleActivated=Module %s is activated and slows the interface
EXPORTS_SHARE_MODELS=Export models are share with everybody
ExportSetup=Setup of module Export
InstanceUniqueID=Unique ID of the instance
SmallerThan=Smaller than
LargerThan=Larger than
IfTrackingIDFoundEventWillBeLinked=Note that If a tracking ID is found into incoming email, the event will be automatically linked to the related objects.
WithGMailYouCanCreateADedicatedPassword=With a GMail account, if you enabled the 2 steps validation, it is recommanded to create a dedicated second password for the application instead of using your own account passsword from https://myaccount.google.com/.
EndPointFor=End point for %s : %s
DeleteEmailCollector=Delete email collector
ConfirmDeleteEmailCollector=Are you sure you want to delete this email collector?
RecipientEmailsWillBeReplacedWithThisValue=Recipient emails will be always replaced with this value
AtLeastOneDefaultBankAccountMandatory=At least 1 default bank account must be defined
RESTRICT_API_ON_IP=Allow available APIs to some host IP only (wildcard not allowed, use space between values). Empty means every hosts can use the available APIs.
RESTRICT_ON_IP=Allow access to some host IP only (wildcard not allowed, use space between values). Empty means every hosts can access.
BaseOnSabeDavVersion=Based on the library SabreDAV version
NotAPublicIp=Not a public IP
MakeAnonymousPing=Make an anonymous Ping '+1' to the Dolibarr foundation server (done 1 time only after installation) to allow the foundation to count the number of Dolibarr installation.