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/* Copyright (C) 2004      Rodolphe Quiedeville <rodolphe@quiedeville.org>
 * Copyright (C) 2004-2012 Laurent Destailleur  <eldy@users.sourceforge.net>
 * Copyright (C) 2005-2012 Regis Houssin        <regis.houssin@inodbox.com>
 * Copyright (C) 2015      Raphaël Doursenaud   <rdoursenaud@gpcsolutions.fr>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

 *      \file       htdocs/install/repair.php
 *      \brief      Run repair script

include_once 'inc.php';
if (file_exists($conffile)) include_once $conffile;
require_once $dolibarr_main_document_root.'/core/lib/admin.lib.php';
include_once $dolibarr_main_document_root.'/core/lib/images.lib.php';
require_once $dolibarr_main_document_root.'/core/class/extrafields.class.php';
require_once 'lib/repair.lib.php';

$step = 2;
$ok = 0;

// Cette page peut etre longue. On augmente le delai autorise.
// Ne fonctionne que si on est pas en safe_mode.

$setuplang=GETPOST("selectlang", 'aZ09', 3)?GETPOST("selectlang", 'aZ09', 3):'auto';


if ($dolibarr_main_db_type == "mysqli") $choix=1;
if ($dolibarr_main_db_type == "pgsql") $choix=2;
if ($dolibarr_main_db_type == "mssql") $choix=3;

dolibarr_install_syslog("--- repair: entering upgrade.php page");
if (! is_object($conf)) dolibarr_install_syslog("repair: conf file not initialized", LOG_ERR);

 * View

pHeader('', "upgrade2", GETPOST('action', 'aZ09'));

// Action to launch the repair script

print '<h3>'.$langs->trans("Repair").'</h3>';

print 'Option standard (\'test\' or \'confirmed\') is '.(GETPOST('standard', 'alpha')?GETPOST('standard', 'alpha'):'undefined').'<br>'."\n";
print 'Option restore_thirdparties_logos (\'test\' or \'confirmed\') is '.(GETPOST('restore_thirdparties_logos', 'alpha')?GETPOST('restore_thirdparties_logos', 'alpha'):'undefined').'<br>'."\n";
print 'Option restore_user_pictures (\'test\' or \'confirmed\') is '.(GETPOST('restore_user_pictures', 'alpha')?GETPOST('restore_user_pictures', 'alpha'):'undefined').'<br>'."\n";
print 'Option clean_linked_elements (\'test\' or \'confirmed\') is '.(GETPOST('clean_linked_elements', 'alpha')?GETPOST('clean_linked_elements', 'alpha'):'undefined').'<br>'."\n";
print 'Option clean_menus (\'test\' or \'confirmed\') is '.(GETPOST('clean_menus', 'alpha')?GETPOST('clean_menus', 'alpha'):'undefined').'<br>'."\n";
print 'Option clean_orphelin_dir (\'test\' or \'confirmed\') is '.(GETPOST('clean_orphelin_dir', 'alpha')?GETPOST('clean_orphelin_dir', 'alpha'):'undefined').'<br>'."\n";
print 'Option clean_product_stock_batch (\'test\' or \'confirmed\') is '.(GETPOST('clean_product_stock_batch', 'alpha')?GETPOST('clean_product_stock_batch', 'alpha'):'undefined').'<br>'."\n";
print 'Option set_empty_time_spent_amount (\'test\' or \'confirmed\') is '.(GETPOST('set_empty_time_spent_amount', 'alpha')?GETPOST('set_empty_time_spent_amount', 'alpha'):'undefined').'<br>'."\n";
print 'Option rebuild_product_thumbs (\'test\' or \'confirmed\') is '.(GETPOST('rebuild_product_thumbs', 'alpha')?GETPOST('rebuild_product_thumbs', 'alpha'):'undefined').'<br>'."\n";
print 'Option force_disable_of_modules_not_found (\'test\' or \'confirmed\') is '.(GETPOST('force_disable_of_modules_not_found', 'alpha')?GETPOST('force_disable_of_modules_not_found', 'alpha'):'undefined').'<br>'."\n";
print 'Option clean_perm_table (\'test\' or \'confirmed\') is '.(GETPOST('clean_perm_table', 'alpha')?GETPOST('clean_perm_table', 'alpha'):'undefined').'<br>'."\n";
print 'Option force_utf8_on_tables, for mysql/mariadb only (\'test\' or \'confirmed\') is '.(GETPOST('force_utf8_on_tables', 'alpha')?GETPOST('force_utf8_on_tables', 'alpha'):'undefined').'<br>'."\n";
print 'Option repair_link_dispatch_lines_supplier_order_lines, (\'test\' or \'confirmed\') is '.(GETPOST('repair_link_dispatch_lines_supplier_order_lines', 'alpha')?GETPOST('repair_link_dispatch_lines_supplier_order_lines', 'alpha'):'undefined').'<br>'."\n";
print '<br>';

print '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" border="0" width="100%">';

// If password is encoded, we decode it
if (preg_match('/crypted:/i', $dolibarr_main_db_pass) || ! empty($dolibarr_main_db_encrypted_pass))
    require_once $dolibarr_main_document_root.'/core/lib/security.lib.php';
    if (preg_match('/crypted:/i', $dolibarr_main_db_pass))
        $dolibarr_main_db_pass = preg_replace('/crypted:/i', '', $dolibarr_main_db_pass);
        $dolibarr_main_db_pass = dol_decode($dolibarr_main_db_pass);
        $dolibarr_main_db_encrypted_pass = $dolibarr_main_db_pass;	// We need to set this as it is used to know the password was initially crypted
    else $dolibarr_main_db_pass = dol_decode($dolibarr_main_db_encrypted_pass);

// $conf is already instancied inside inc.php
$conf->db->type = $dolibarr_main_db_type;
$conf->db->host = $dolibarr_main_db_host;
$conf->db->port = $dolibarr_main_db_port;
$conf->db->name = $dolibarr_main_db_name;
$conf->db->user = $dolibarr_main_db_user;
$conf->db->pass = $dolibarr_main_db_pass;

// For encryption
$conf->db->dolibarr_main_db_encryption	= isset($dolibarr_main_db_encryption)?$dolibarr_main_db_encryption:'';
$conf->db->dolibarr_main_db_cryptkey	= isset($dolibarr_main_db_cryptkey)?$dolibarr_main_db_cryptkey:'';

$db=getDoliDBInstance($conf->db->type, $conf->db->host, $conf->db->user, $conf->db->pass, $conf->db->name, $conf->db->port);

if ($db->connected)
    print '<tr><td class="nowrap">';
    print $langs->trans("ServerConnection")." : $dolibarr_main_db_host</td><td class=\"right\">".$langs->trans("OK")."</td></tr>";
    dolibarr_install_syslog("repair: " . $langs->transnoentities("ServerConnection") . ": " . $dolibarr_main_db_host . $langs->transnoentities("OK"));
    $ok = 1;
    print "<tr><td>".$langs->trans("ErrorFailedToConnectToDatabase", $dolibarr_main_db_name)."</td><td class=\"right\">".$langs->transnoentities("Error")."</td></tr>";
    dolibarr_install_syslog("repair: " . $langs->transnoentities("ErrorFailedToConnectToDatabase", $dolibarr_main_db_name));
    $ok = 0;

if ($ok)
        print '<tr><td class="nowrap">';
        print $langs->trans("DatabaseConnection")." : ".$dolibarr_main_db_name."</td><td class=\"right\">".$langs->trans("OK")."</td></tr>";
        dolibarr_install_syslog("repair: database connection successful: " . $dolibarr_main_db_name);
        print "<tr><td>".$langs->trans("ErrorFailedToConnectToDatabase", $dolibarr_main_db_name)."</td><td class=\"right\">".$langs->trans("Error")."</td></tr>";
        dolibarr_install_syslog("repair: " . $langs->transnoentities("ErrorFailedToConnectToDatabase", $dolibarr_main_db_name));

// Show database version
if ($ok)
    print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans("ServerVersion").'</td>';
    print '<td class="right">'.$version.'</td></tr>';
    dolibarr_install_syslog("repair: " . $langs->transnoentities("ServerVersion") . ": " . $version);
    //print '<td class="right">'.join('.',$versionarray).'</td></tr>';

// Reset forced setup after the setValues
if (defined('SYSLOG_FILE')) $conf->global->SYSLOG_FILE=constant('SYSLOG_FILE');
$conf->global->MAIN_ENABLE_LOG_TO_HTML = 1;

/* Start action here */
$oneoptionset=(GETPOST('standard', 'alpha') || GETPOST('restore_thirdparties_logos', 'alpha') || GETPOST('clean_linked_elements', 'alpha') || GETPOST('clean_menus', 'alpha')
	|| GETPOST('clean_orphelin_dir', 'alpha') || GETPOST('clean_product_stock_batch', 'alpha') || GETPOST('set_empty_time_spent_amount', 'alpha') || GETPOST('rebuild_product_thumbs', 'alpha')
	|| GETPOST('clean_perm_table', 'alpha')
	|| GETPOST('force_disable_of_modules_not_found', 'alpha') || GETPOST('force_utf8_on_tables', 'alpha'));

if ($ok && $oneoptionset)
	// Show wait message
	print '<tr><td colspan="2">'.$langs->trans("PleaseBePatient").'<br><br></td></tr>';

// run_sql: Run repair SQL file
if ($ok && GETPOST('standard', 'alpha'))
	$dir = "mysql/migration/";

    $i = 0;
    $ok = 0;

    // Recupere list fichier
    if (is_resource($handle))
        while (($file = readdir($handle))!==false)
            if (preg_match('/\.sql$/i', $file)) $filesindir[]=$file;

    foreach($filesindir as $file)
        if (preg_match('/repair/i', $file))

    // Loop on each file
    foreach($filelist as $file)
        print '<tr><td class="nowrap">*** ';
        print $langs->trans("Script").'</td><td class="right">'.$file.'</td></tr>';

        $name = substr($file, 0, dol_strlen($file) - 4);

        // Run sql script
        $ok=run_sql($dir.$file, 0, '', 1);

// sync_extrafields: Search list of fields declared and list of fields created into databases, then create fields missing

if ($ok && GETPOST('standard', 'alpha'))
	$extrafields=new ExtraFields($db);
				'socpeople'=>'socpeople', 'commande'=>'commande', 'facture'=>'facture',
				'supplier_proposal'=>'supplier_proposal', 'commande_fournisseur'=>'commande_fournisseur', 'facture_fourn'=>'facture_fourn',
				'adherent_type'=>'adherent_type','user'=>'user','projet'=>'projet', 'projet_task'=>'projet_task');
	print '<tr><td colspan="2"><br>*** Check fields into extra table structure match table of definition. If not add column into table</td></tr>';
	foreach($listofmodulesextra as $tablename => $elementtype)
	    // Get list of fields

	    // Define $arrayoffieldsdesc

	    // Define $arrayoffieldsfound
	    if ($resql)
	        print '<tr><td>Check availability of extra field for '.$tableextra."<br>\n";
	            if (preg_match('/mysql/', $db->type))
	                $fieldname = isset($obj->Key)?$obj->Key:$obj->attname;
	                $fieldtype = isset($obj->Type)?$obj->Type:'varchar';

	            if (empty($fieldname)) continue;
	            if (in_array($fieldname, array('rowid','tms','fk_object','import_key'))) continue;

	        // If it does not match, we create fields
	        foreach($arrayoffieldsdesc as $code => $label)
	            if (! in_array($code, array_keys($arrayoffieldsfound)))
	                print 'Found field '.$code.' declared into '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'extrafields table but not found into desc of table '.$tableextra." -> ";
	                $type=$extrafields->attributes[$elementtype]['type'][$code]; $length=$extrafields->attributes[$elementtype]['size'][$code]; $attribute=''; $default=''; $extra=''; $null='null';

           			if ($type=='boolean') {
        			} elseif($type=='price') {
        			} elseif($type=='phone') {
        			}elseif($type=='mail') {
        			} elseif (($type=='select') || ($type=='sellist') || ($type=='radio') ||($type=='checkbox') ||($type=='chkbxlst')){
        			} elseif ($type=='link') {
        			} else {


	                $result = 0;
	                if (GETPOST('standard', 'alpha') == 'confirmed')
	                	$result=$db->DDLAddField($tableextra, $code, $field_desc, "");

		                if ($result < 0)
	    	                print "KO ".$db->lasterror."<br>\n";
	                    	print "OK<br>\n";
	                	print ' - Mode test, no column added.';

	        print "</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>\n";

// clean_data_ecm_dir: Clean data into ecm_directories table
if ($ok && GETPOST('standard', 'alpha'))

// clean declaration constants
if ($ok && GETPOST('standard', 'alpha'))
	print '<tr><td colspan="2"><br>*** Clean module_parts entries of modules not enabled</td></tr>';

	$sql ="SELECT name, entity, value";
	$sql.=" FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."const as c";
	$sql.=" ORDER BY name, entity";

	$resql = $db->query($sql);
	if ($resql)
		$num = $db->num_rows($resql);

		if ($num)

			$i = 0;
			while ($i < $num)

				$reg = array();
				if (preg_match('/MAIN_MODULE_(.*)_(.*)/i', $obj->name, $reg))

					$sql2 ="SELECT COUNT(*) as nb";
					$sql2.=" FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."const as c";
					$sql2.=" WHERE name LIKE 'MAIN_MODULE_".$name."'";
					$sql2.=" AND entity = ".$obj->entity;
					$resql2 = $db->query($sql2);
					if ($resql2)
						$obj2 = $db->fetch_object($resql2);
						if ($obj2 && $obj2->nb == 0)
							// Module not found, so we canremove entry
							$sqldelete = "DELETE FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."const WHERE name = '".$db->escape($obj->name)."' AND entity = ".$obj->entity;

							if (GETPOST('standard', 'alpha') == 'confirmed')

								print '<tr><td>Widget '.$obj->name.' set in entity '.$obj->entity.' with value '.$obj->value.' -> Module not enabled in entity '.$obj->entity.', we delete record</td></tr>';
								print '<tr><td>Widget '.$obj->name.' set in entity '.$obj->entity.' with value '.$obj->value.' -> Module not enabled in entity '.$obj->entity.', we should delete record (not done, mode test)</td></tr>';
							//print '<tr><td>Constant '.$obj->name.' set in entity '.$obj->entity.' with value '.$obj->value.' -> Module found in entity '.$obj->entity.', we keep record</td></tr>';



// clean box of not enabled modules
if ($ok && GETPOST('standard', 'alpha'))
	print '<tr><td colspan="2"><br>*** Clean definition of boxes of modules not enabled</td></tr>';

	$sql ="SELECT file, entity FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."boxes_def";
	$sql.=" WHERE file like '%@%'";

	$resql = $db->query($sql);
	if ($resql)
		$num = $db->num_rows($resql);

		if ($num)

			$i = 0;
			while ($i < $num)

				$reg = array();
				if (preg_match('/^(.+)@(.+)$/i', $obj->file, $reg))

					$sql2 ="SELECT COUNT(*) as nb";
					$sql2.=" FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."const as c";
					$sql2.=" WHERE name = 'MAIN_MODULE_".strtoupper($module)."'";
					$sql2.=" AND entity = ".$obj->entity;
					$sql2.=" AND value <> 0";
					$resql2 = $db->query($sql2);
					if ($resql2)
						$obj2 = $db->fetch_object($resql2);
						if ($obj2 && $obj2->nb == 0)
							// Module not found, so we canremove entry
							$sqldeletea = "DELETE FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."boxes WHERE entity = ".$obj->entity." AND box_id IN (SELECT rowid FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."boxes_def WHERE file = '".$obj->file."' AND entity = ".$obj->entity.")";
							$sqldeleteb = "DELETE FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."boxes_def WHERE file = '".$obj->file."' AND entity = ".$obj->entity;

							if (GETPOST('standard', 'alpha') == 'confirmed')

								print '<tr><td>Constant '.$obj->file.' set in boxes_def for entity '.$obj->entity.' but MAIN_MODULE_'.strtoupper($module).' not defined in entity '.$obj->entity.', we delete record</td></tr>';
								print '<tr><td>Constant '.$obj->file.' set in boxes_def for entity '.$obj->entity.' but MAIN_MODULE_'.strtoupper($module).' not defined in entity '.$obj->entity.', we should delete record (not done, mode test)</td></tr>';
							//print '<tr><td>Constant '.$obj->name.' set in entity '.$obj->entity.' with value '.$obj->value.' -> Module found in entity '.$obj->entity.', we keep record</td></tr>';



// restore_thirdparties_logos: Move logos to correct new directory.
if ($ok && GETPOST('restore_thirdparties_logos'))


	print '<tr><td colspan="2"><br>*** Restore thirdparties logo<br>';

	$sql="SELECT s.rowid, s.nom as name, s.logo FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."societe as s ORDER BY s.nom";
	if ($resql)

		while($i < $num)

			$name=preg_replace('/ /','_',$name);

			$tmp=explode('.', $obj->logo);
			if (isset($tmp[1])) $ext='.'.$tmp[1];

			if (! empty($name))
				print 'Check thirdparty '.$obj->rowid.' name='.$obj->name.' logo='.$obj->logo.' file '.$filetotest." exists=".$exists."<br>\n";
				if ($exists)
					if (! $existt)
						if (GETPOST('restore_thirdparties_logos', 'alpha') == 'confirmed')

						print "  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; -> Copy file ".$filetotest." -> ".$filetarget."<br>\n";
						if (GETPOST('restore_thirdparties_logos', 'alpha') == 'confirmed')
							dol_copy($filetotest, $filetarget, '', 0);

					if (! $existtt)
						if (GETPOST('restore_thirdparties_logos', 'alpha') == 'confirmed')
						print "  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; -> Copy file ".$filetotestsmall." -> ".$filetargetsmall."<br>\n";
						if (GETPOST('restore_thirdparties_logos', 'alpha') == 'confirmed')
							dol_copy($filetotestsmall, $filetargetsmall, '', 0);


	print '</td></tr>';

// restore_user_pictures: Move pictures to correct new directory.
if ($ok && GETPOST('restore_user_pictures', 'alpha'))


	print '<tr><td colspan="2"><br>*** Restore user pictures<br>';

	$sql="SELECT s.rowid, s.firstname, s.lastname, s.login, s.photo FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."user as s ORDER BY s.rowid";
	if ($resql)

		while($i < $num)

			 $name=preg_replace('/ /','_',$name);

			$tmp=explode('.', $obj->photo);
			if (isset($tmp[1])) $ext='.'.$tmp[1];

			if (! empty($name))
				$filetotest=$dolibarr_main_data_root.'/users/'.substr(sprintf('%08d', $obj->rowid), -1, 1).'/'.substr(sprintf('%08d', $obj->rowid), -2, 1).'/'.$name.$ext;
				$filetotestsmall=$dolibarr_main_data_root.'/users/'.substr(sprintf('%08d', $obj->rowid), -1, 1).'/'.substr(sprintf('%08d', $obj->rowid), -2, 1).'/thumbs/'.$name.'_small'.$ext;
				$filetotestmini=$dolibarr_main_data_root.'/users/'.substr(sprintf('%08d', $obj->rowid), -1, 1).'/'.substr(sprintf('%08d', $obj->rowid), -2, 1).'/thumbs/'.$name.'_mini'.$ext;
				print 'Check user '.$obj->rowid.' lastname='.$obj->lastname.' fistname='.$obj->firstname.' photo='.$obj->photo.' file '.$filetotest." exists=".$exists."<br>\n";
				if ($exists)

					if (! $existt)
						if (GETPOST('restore_user_pictures', 'alpha') == 'confirmed')

						print "  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; -> Copy file ".$filetotest." -> ".$filetarget."<br>\n";
						if (GETPOST('restore_user_pictures', 'alpha') == 'confirmed')
							dol_copy($filetotest, $filetarget, '', 0);

					if (! $existtt)
						if (GETPOST('restore_user_pictures', 'alpha') == 'confirmed')

						print "  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; -> Copy file ".$filetotestsmall." -> ".$filetargetsmall."<br>\n";
						if (GETPOST('restore_user_pictures', 'alpha') == 'confirmed')
							dol_copy($filetotestsmall, $filetargetsmall, '', 0);

					if (! $existtt)
						if (GETPOST('restore_user_pictures', 'alpha') == 'confirmed')

						print "  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; -> Copy file ".$filetotestmini." -> ".$filetargetmini."<br>\n";
						if (GETPOST('restore_user_pictures', 'alpha') == 'confirmed')
							dol_copy($filetotestmini, $filetargetmini, '', 0);


	print '</td></tr>';

// rebuild_product_thumbs: Rebuild thumbs for product files
if ($ok && GETPOST('rebuild_product_thumbs', 'alpha'))
    global $maxwidthsmall, $maxheightsmall, $maxwidthmini, $maxheightmini;

    print '<tr><td colspan="2"><br>*** Rebuild product thumbs<br>';

    $sql="SELECT s.rowid, s.ref FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."product as s ORDER BY s.ref";
    if ($resql)

        while($i < $num)

            if (! empty($obj->ref))
                $files=dol_dir_list($dolibarr_main_data_root.'/produit/'.$obj->ref, 'files', 0);
                foreach($files as $file)
					// Generate thumbs.
					if (image_format_supported($file['fullname']) == 1)
                        if (GETPOST('rebuild_product_thumbs', 'alpha') == 'confirmed')
                            // Used on logon for example
                            $imgThumbSmall = vignette($file['fullname'], $maxwidthsmall, $maxheightsmall, '_small', 50, "thumbs");
					    print 'Check product '.$obj->rowid.", file ".$file['fullname']." -> ".$imgThumbSmall." maxwidthsmall=".$maxwidthsmall." maxheightsmall=".$maxheightsmall."<br>\n";
                        if (GETPOST('rebuild_product_thumbs', 'alpha') == 'confirmed')
                            // Create mini thumbs for image (Ratio is near 16/9)
                            // Used on menu or for setup page for example
                            $imgThumbMini = vignette($file['fullname'], $maxwidthmini, $maxheightmini, '_mini', 50, "thumbs");
					    print 'Check product '.$obj->rowid.", file ".$file['fullname']." -> ".$imgThumbMini." maxwidthmini=".$maxwidthmini." maxheightmini=".$maxheightmini."<br>\n";


    print '</td></tr>';

// clean_linked_elements: Check and clean linked elements
if ($ok && GETPOST('clean_linked_elements', 'alpha'))
    print '<tr><td colspan="2"><br>*** Check table of linked elements and delete orphelins links</td></tr>';
	// propal => order
	print '<tr><td colspan="2">'.checkLinkedElements('propal', 'commande')."</td></tr>\n";

	// propal => invoice
	print '<tr><td colspan="2">'.checkLinkedElements('propal', 'facture')."</td></tr>\n";

	// order => invoice
	print '<tr><td colspan="2">'.checkLinkedElements('commande', 'facture')."</td></tr>\n";

	// order => shipping
	print '<tr><td colspan="2">'.checkLinkedElements('commande', 'shipping')."</td></tr>\n";

	// shipping => delivery
	print '<tr><td colspan="2">'.checkLinkedElements('shipping', 'delivery')."</td></tr>\n";

	// order_supplier => invoice_supplier
	print '<tr><td colspan="2">'.checkLinkedElements('order_supplier', 'invoice_supplier')."</td></tr>\n";

// clean_menus: Check orphelins menus
if ($ok && GETPOST('clean_menus', 'alpha'))
	print '<tr><td colspan="2"><br>*** Clean menu entries coming from disabled modules</td></tr>';

	$sql ="SELECT rowid, module";
	$sql.=" FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."menu as c";
	$sql.=" WHERE module IS NOT NULL AND module <> ''";
	$sql.=" ORDER BY module";

	$resql = $db->query($sql);
	if ($resql)
		$num = $db->num_rows($resql);
		if ($num)
			$i = 0;
			while ($i < $num)

				$modulecondarray = explode('|', $obj->module);				// Name of module

				print '<tr><td>';
				print $modulecond;


				if ($modulecond)		// And menu entry for module $modulecond was found in database.
					foreach($modulecondarray as $tmpname)
						if ($tmpname == 'margins') $tmpname='margin';		// TODO Remove this when normalized

						$result = 0;
						if (! empty($conf->$tmpname)) $result = $conf->$tmpname->enabled;
						if ($result) $moduleok++;

					if (! $moduleok && $modulecond)
						print ' - Module condition '.$modulecond.' seems ko, we delete menu entry.';
						if (GETPOST('clean_menus') == 'confirmed')
							$sql2 ="DELETE FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."menu WHERE module = '".$modulecond."'";
							if (! $resql2)
								print ' - <span class="warning">Cleaned</span>';
							print ' - <span class="warning">Canceled (test mode)</span>';
						print ' - Module condition '.$modulecond.' is ok, we do nothing.';

				if (!$error) $db->commit();
				else $db->rollback();


				if ($error) break;

			print '<tr><td>No menu entries of disabled menus found</td></tr>';

// clean_orphelin_dir: Run purge of directory
if ($ok && GETPOST('clean_orphelin_dir', 'alpha'))
    foreach ($listmodulepart as $modulepart)
        $upload_dir = isset($conf->$modulepart->dir_output)?$conf->$modulepart->dir_output:'';
        if ($modulepart == 'company') $upload_dir = $conf->societe->dir_output; // TODO change for multicompany sharing
        if ($modulepart == 'invoice') $upload_dir = $conf->facture->dir_output;
        if ($modulepart == 'invoice_supplier') $upload_dir = $conf->fournisseur->facture->dir_output;
        if ($modulepart == 'order') $upload_dir = $conf->commande->dir_output;
        if ($modulepart == 'order_supplier') $upload_dir = $conf->fournisseur->commande->dir_output;
        if ($modulepart == 'contract') $upload_dir = $conf->contrat->dir_output;

        if (empty($upload_dir)) continue;

        print '<tr><td colspan="2"><br>*** Clean orphelins files into files '.$upload_dir.'</td></tr>';

        $filearray=dol_dir_list($upload_dir, "files", 1, '', array('^SPECIMEN\.pdf$','^\.','(\.meta|_preview.*\.png)$','^temp$','^payments$','^CVS$','^thumbs$'), '', SORT_DESC, 1, true);

        // To show ref or specific information according to view to show (defined by $module)
        if ($modulepart == 'company')
            include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/societe/class/societe.class.php';
            $object_instance=new Societe($db);
        if ($modulepart == 'invoice')
            include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/compta/facture/class/facture.class.php';
            $object_instance=new Facture($db);
        elseif ($modulepart == 'invoice_supplier')
            include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/fourn/class/fournisseur.facture.class.php';
            $object_instance=new FactureFournisseur($db);
        elseif ($modulepart == 'propal')
            include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/comm/propal/class/propal.class.php';
            $object_instance=new Propal($db);
        elseif ($modulepart == 'order')
            include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/commande/class/commande.class.php';
            $object_instance=new Commande($db);
        elseif ($modulepart == 'order_supplier')
            include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/fourn/class/fournisseur.commande.class.php';
            $object_instance=new CommandeFournisseur($db);
        elseif ($modulepart == 'contract')
            include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/contrat/class/contrat.class.php';
            $object_instance=new Contrat($db);
        elseif ($modulepart == 'tax')
            include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/compta/sociales/class/chargesociales.class.php';
            $object_instance=new ChargeSociales($db);

        foreach($filearray as $key => $file)
            if (!is_dir($file['name'])
            && $file['name'] != '.'
            && $file['name'] != '..'
            && $file['name'] != 'CVS'
                // Define relative path used to store the file
                $relativefile=preg_replace('/'.preg_quote($upload_dir.'/', '/').'/', '', $file['fullname']);

                $id=0; $ref=''; $object_instance->id=0; $object_instance->ref=''; $label='';

                // To show ref or specific information according to view to show (defined by $module)
                if ($modulepart == 'invoice')          {
                    preg_match('/(.*)\/[^\/]+$/', $relativefile, $reg);  $ref=$reg[1];
                if ($modulepart == 'invoice_supplier') {
                    preg_match('/(\d+)\/[^\/]+$/', $relativefile, $reg); $id=empty($reg[1])?'':$reg[1];
                if ($modulepart == 'propal')           {
                    preg_match('/(.*)\/[^\/]+$/', $relativefile, $reg);  $ref=$reg[1];
                if ($modulepart == 'order')            {
                    preg_match('/(.*)\/[^\/]+$/', $relativefile, $reg);  $ref=$reg[1];
                if ($modulepart == 'order_supplier')   {
                    preg_match('/(.*)\/[^\/]+$/', $relativefile, $reg);  $ref=$reg[1];
                if ($modulepart == 'contract')         {
                    preg_match('/(.*)\/[^\/]+$/', $relativefile, $reg);  $ref=$reg[1];
                if ($modulepart == 'tax')              {
                    preg_match('/(\d+)\/[^\/]+$/', $relativefile, $reg); $id=$reg[1];

                if ($id || $ref)
                    //print 'Fetch '.$id.' or '.$ref.'<br>';
                    $result=$object_instance->fetch($id, $ref);
                    //print $result.'<br>';
                    if ($result == 0)    // Not found but no error
                        // Clean of orphelins directories are done into repair.php
                        print '<tr><td colspan="2">';
                        print 'Delete orphelins file '.$file['fullname'].'<br>';
                        if (GETPOST('clean_orphelin_dir', 'alpha') == 'confirmed')
                            dol_delete_file($file['fullname'], 1, 1, 1);
                            dol_delete_dir(dirname($file['fullname']), 1);
                        print "</td></tr>";
                    elseif ($result < 0) print 'Error in '.get_class($object_instance).'.fetch of id'.$id.' ref='.$ref.', result='.$result.'<br>';

// clean_linked_elements: Check and clean linked elements
if ($ok && GETPOST('clean_product_stock_batch', 'alpha'))
    $methodtofix=GETPOST('methodtofix', 'alpha')?GETPOST('methodtofix', 'alpha'):'updatestock';

    print '<tr><td colspan="2"><br>*** Clean table product_batch, methodtofix='.$methodtofix.' (possible values: updatestock or updatebatch)</td></tr>';

    $sql ="SELECT p.rowid, p.ref, p.tobatch, ps.rowid as psrowid, ps.fk_entrepot, ps.reel, SUM(pb.qty) as reelbatch";
    $sql.=" FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."product as p, ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."product_stock as ps LEFT JOIN ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."product_batch as pb ON ps.rowid = pb.fk_product_stock";
    $sql.=" WHERE p.rowid = ps.fk_product";
    $sql.=" AND p.tobatch = 1";
    $sql.=" GROUP BY p.rowid, p.ref, p.tobatch, ps.rowid, ps.fk_entrepot, ps.reel";
    $sql.=" HAVING reel != SUM(pb.qty) or SUM(pb.qty) IS NULL";
    print $sql;
    $resql = $db->query($sql);
    if ($resql)
        $num = $db->num_rows($resql);

        if ($num)
            $i = 0;
            while ($i < $num)
                print '<tr><td>Product '.$obj->rowid.'-'.$obj->ref.' in warehose '.$obj->fk_entrepot.' -> '.$obj->psrowid.': '.$obj->reel.' (product_stock.reel) != '.($obj->reelbatch?$obj->reelbatch:'0').' (sum product_batch)';

                // Fix
                if ($obj->reel != $obj->reelbatch)
                    if ($methodtofix == 'updatebatch')
                        // Method 1
                        print ' -> Insert qty '.($obj->reel - $obj->reelbatch).' with lot 000000 linked to fk_product_stock='.$obj->psrowid;
                        if (GETPOST('clean_product_stock_batch') == 'confirmed')
                            $sql2 ="INSERT INTO ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."product_batch(fk_product_stock, batch, qty)";
                            $sql2.="VALUES(".$obj->psrowid.", '000000', ".($obj->reel - $obj->reelbatch).")";
                            if (! $resql2)
                                // TODO If it fails, we must make update
                                //$sql2 ="UPDATE ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."product_batch";
                                //$sql2.=" SET ".$obj->psrowid.", '000000', ".($obj->reel - $obj->reelbatch).")";
                                //$sql2.=" WHERE fk_product_stock = ".$obj->psrowid"
                    if ($methodtofix == 'updatestock')
                        // Method 2
                        print ' -> Update qty of product_stock with qty = '.($obj->reelbatch?$obj->reelbatch:'0').' for ps.rowid = '.$obj->psrowid;
                        if (GETPOST('clean_product_stock_batch') == 'confirmed')


                            $sql2 ="UPDATE ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."product_stock";
                            $sql2.=" SET reel = ".($obj->reelbatch?$obj->reelbatch:'0')." WHERE rowid = ".$obj->psrowid;
                            if ($resql2)
                                // We update product_stock, so we must field stock into product too.
                                $sql3='UPDATE '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'product p SET p.stock= (SELECT SUM(ps.reel) FROM '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'product_stock ps WHERE ps.fk_product = p.rowid)';
                                if (! $resql3)

                            if (!$error) $db->commit();
                            else $db->rollback();


            print '<tr><td colspan="2">Nothing to do</td></tr>';

// clean_product_stock_negative_if_batch
if ($ok && GETPOST('clean_product_stock_negative_if_batch', 'alpha'))
    print '<tr><td colspan="2"><br>Clean table product_batch, methodtofix='.$methodtofix.' (possible values: updatestock or updatebatch)</td></tr>';

    $sql ="SELECT p.rowid, p.ref, p.tobatch, ps.rowid as psrowid, ps.fk_entrepot, ps.reel, SUM(pb.qty) as reelbatch";
    $sql.=" FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."product as p, ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."product_stock as ps, ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."product_batch as pb";
    $sql.=" WHERE p.rowid = ps.fk_product AND ps.rowid = pb.fk_product_stock";
    $sql.=" AND p.tobatch = 1";
    $sql.=" GROUP BY p.rowid, p.ref, p.tobatch, ps.rowid, ps.fk_entrepot, ps.reel";
    $sql.=" HAVING reel != SUM(pb.qty)";
    $resql = $db->query($sql);
    if ($resql)
        $num = $db->num_rows($resql);

        if ($num)
            $i = 0;
            while ($i < $num)
                print '<tr><td>'.$obj->rowid.'-'.$obj->ref.'-'.$obj->fk_entrepot.' -> '.$obj->psrowid.': '.$obj->reel.' != '.$obj->reelbatch;

                // TODO

// set_empty_time_spent_amount
if ($ok && GETPOST('set_empty_time_spent_amount', 'alpha'))
    print '<tr><td colspan="2"><br>*** Set value of time spent without amount</td></tr>';

    $sql ="SELECT COUNT(ptt.rowid) as nb, u.rowid as user_id, u.login, u.thm as user_thm";
    $sql.=" FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."projet_task_time as ptt, ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."user as u";
    $sql.=" WHERE ptt.fk_user = u.rowid";
    $sql.=" AND ptt.thm IS NULL and u.thm > 0";
    $sql.=" GROUP BY u.rowid, u.login, u.thm";

    $resql = $db->query($sql);
    if ($resql)
        $num = $db->num_rows($resql);

        if ($num)
            $i = 0;
            while ($i < $num)
                print '<tr><td>'.$obj->login.'-'.$obj->user_id.' ('.$obj->nb.' lines to fix) -> '.$obj->user_thm;


                if (GETPOST('set_empty_time_spent_amount') == 'confirmed')
                    $sql2 ="UPDATE ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."projet_task_time";
                    $sql2.=" SET thm = ".$obj->user_thm." WHERE thm IS NULL AND fk_user = ".$obj->user_id;
                    if (! $resql2)

                if (!$error) $db->commit();
                else $db->rollback();


                if ($error) break;

            print '<tr><td>No time spent with empty line on users with a hourly rate defined</td></tr>';

// force_disable_of_modules_not_found
if ($ok && GETPOST('force_disable_of_modules_not_found', 'alpha'))
    print '<tr><td colspan="2"><br>*** Force modules not found physicaly to be disabled (only modules adding js, css or hooks can be detected as removed physicaly)</td></tr>';


    foreach($arraylistofkey as $key)
	    $sql ="SELECT DISTINCT name, value";
	    $sql.=" FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."const as c";
	    $sql.=" WHERE name LIKE 'MAIN_MODULE_%_".strtoupper($key)."'";
	    $sql.=" ORDER BY name";

	    $resql = $db->query($sql);
	    if ($resql)
	        $num = $db->num_rows($resql);
	        if ($num)
	            $i = 0;
	            while ($i < $num)
	                $constantname = $obj->name;				// Name of constant for hook or js or css declaration

	                print '<tr><td>';
	                print $constantname;


	                $reg = array();
	                if (preg_match('/MAIN_MODULE_(.*)_'.strtoupper($key).'/i', $constantname, $reg))

	                    if ($name)		// An entry for key $key and module $name was found in database.
	                    	$reloffile = '';
							$result = 'found';

	                    	if ($key == 'hooks') $reloffile=$name.'/class/actions_'.$name.'.class.php';
	                    	if ($key == 'js')
	                    		$reloffile=preg_replace('/^\//', '', $valuearray[0]);
	                    	if ($key == 'css')
		                    	if ($value && count($valuearray)==0) $valuearray[0]=$value;	// If value was not a json array but a string
	                    		$reloffile=preg_replace('/^\//', '', $valuearray[0]);

	                    	if ($reloffile)
		                    	//var_dump($key.' - '.$value.' - '.$reloffile);
		                    	try {
		                        	$result = dol_buildpath($reloffile, 0, 2);
		                    	catch(Exception $e)
									// No catch yet
									$result = 'found';	// If error, we force lke if we found to avoid any deletion

	                        if (! $result)
	                            print ' - File of '.$key.' ('.$reloffile.') NOT found, we disable the module.';
	                            if (GETPOST('force_disable_of_modules_not_found') == 'confirmed')
	                                $sql2 ="DELETE FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."const WHERE name = 'MAIN_MODULE_".strtoupper($name)."_".strtoupper($key)."'";
	                                if (! $resql2)
	                                $sql3 ="DELETE FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."const WHERE name = 'MAIN_MODULE_".strtoupper($name)."'";
	                                if (! $resql3)
	                                    print ' - <span class="warning">Cleaned</span>';
	                                print ' - <span class="warning">Canceled (test mode)</span>';
	                            print ' - File of '.$key.' ('.$reloffile.') found, we do nothing.';

	                    if (!$error) $db->commit();
	                    else $db->rollback();


	                if ($error) break;

	            print '<tr><td>No active module with missing files found by searching on MAIN_MODULE_(.*)_'.strtoupper($key).'</td></tr>';

// clean_old_module_entries: Clean data into const when files of module were removed without being
if ($ok && GETPOST('clean_perm_table', 'alpha'))
	print '<tr><td colspan="2"><br>*** Clean table user_rights from lines of external modules no more enabled</td></tr>';

	foreach($conf->modules as $key => $val)
	$sql = 'SELECT id, libelle, module from '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'rights_def WHERE module not in ('.$listofmods.') AND id > 100000';
	$resql = $db->query($sql);
	if ($resql)
		$num = $db->num_rows($resql);
		if ($num)
			$i = 0;
			while ($i < $num)
				if ($obj->id > 0)
					print '<tr><td>Found line with id '.$obj->id.', label "'.$obj->libelle.'" of module "'.$obj->module.'" to delete';
					if (GETPOST('clean_perm_table', 'alpha') == 'confirmed')
						$sqldelete = 'DELETE FROM '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'rights_def WHERE id = '.$obj->id;
						$resqldelete = $db->query($sqldelete);
						if (! $resqldelete)
						print ' - deleted';
					print '</td></tr>';
			print '<tr><td>No lines of a disabled external module (with id > 100000) found into table rights_def</td></tr>';

// force utf8 on tables
if ($ok && GETPOST('force_utf8_on_tables', 'alpha'))
    print '<tr><td colspan="2"><br>*** Force page code and collation of tables into utf8/utf8_unicode_ci (for mysql/mariadb only)</td></tr>';

    if ($db->type == "mysql" || $db->type == "mysqli")
    	$force_utf8_on_tables = GETPOST('force_utf8_on_tables', 'alpha');

    	$listoftables = $db->DDLListTables($db->database_name);

        // Disable foreign key checking for avoid errors
    	if ($force_utf8_on_tables == 'confirmed')
    		$sql='SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0';
    		print '<!-- '.$sql.' -->';
    		$resql = $db->query($sql);

        foreach($listoftables as $table)
        	// do not convert llx_const if mysql encrypt/decrypt is used
        	if ($conf->db->dolibarr_main_db_encryption != 0 && preg_match('/\_const$/', $table)) continue;

            print '<tr><td colspan="2">';
            print $table;
            $sql='ALTER TABLE '.$table.' CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci';
            print '<!-- '.$sql.' -->';
            if ($force_utf8_on_tables == 'confirmed')
            	$resql = $db->query($sql);
            	print ' - Done ('.($resql?'OK':'KO').')';
            else print ' - Disabled';
            print '</td></tr>';

        // Enable foreign key checking
        if ($force_utf8_on_tables == 'confirmed')
        	$sql='SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1';
        	print '<!-- '.$sql.' -->';
        	$resql = $db->query($sql);
        print '<tr><td colspan="2">Not available with database type '.$db->type.'</td></tr>';

if ($ok && GETPOST('repair_link_dispatch_lines_supplier_order_lines')) {
     * This script is meant to be run when upgrading from a dolibarr version < 3.8
     * to a newer version.
     * Version 3.8 introduces a new column in llx_commande_fournisseur_dispatch, which
     * matches the dispatch to a specific supplier order line (so that if there are
     * several with the same product, the user can specifically tell which products of
     * which line were dispatched where).
     * However when migrating, the new column has a default value of 0, which means that
     * old supplier orders whose lines were dispatched using the old dolibarr version
     * have unspecific dispatch lines, which are not taken into account by the new version,
     * thus making the order look like it was never dispatched at all.
     * This scripts sets this foreign key to the first matching supplier order line whose
     * product (and supplier order of course) are the same as the dispatch’s.
     * If the dispatched quantity is more than indicated on the order line (this happens if
     * there are several order lines for the same product), it creates new dispatch lines
     * pointing to the other order lines accordingly, until all the dispatched quantity is
     * accounted for.

	$repair_link_dispatch_lines_supplier_order_lines = GETPOST('repair_link_dispatch_lines_supplier_order_lines', 'alpha');

    echo '<tr><th>Repair llx_commande_fournisseur_dispatch.fk_commandefourndet</th></tr>';
    echo '<tr><td>Repair in progress. This may take a while.</td></tr>';

    $sql_dispatch = 'SELECT * FROM ' . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . 'commande_fournisseur_dispatch WHERE COALESCE(fk_commandefourndet, 0) = 0';
    $resql_dispatch = $db->query($sql_dispatch);
    $n_processed_rows = 0;
    $errors = array();
    if ($resql_dispatch) {
        if ($db->num_rows($resql_dispatch) == 0) {
            echo '<tr><td>Nothing to do.</td></tr>';
        while ($obj_dispatch = $db->fetch_object($resql_dispatch)) {
            $sql_line = 'SELECT line.rowid, line.qty FROM ' . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . 'commande_fournisseurdet AS line'
                .       ' WHERE line.fk_commande = ' . $obj_dispatch->fk_commande
                .       ' AND   line.fk_product  = ' . $obj_dispatch->fk_product;
            $resql_line = $db->query($sql_line);

            // s’il y a plusieurs lignes avec le même produit sur cette commande fournisseur,
            // on divise la ligne de dispatch en autant de lignes qu’on en a sur la commande pour le produit
            // et on met la quantité de la ligne dans la limite du "budget" indiqué par dispatch.qty

            $remaining_qty = $obj_dispatch->qty;
            $first_iteration = true;
            if (!$resql_line) {
                echo '<tr><td>Unable to find a matching supplier order line for dispatch #' . $obj_dispatch->rowid . '</td></tr>';
                $errors[] = $sql_line;
            if ($db->num_rows($resql_line) == 0) continue;
            while ($obj_line = $db->fetch_object($resql_line)) {
                if (!$remaining_qty) break;
                if (!$obj_line->rowid) {
                $qty_for_line = min($remaining_qty, $obj_line->qty);
                if ($first_iteration) {
                    $sql_attach = 'UPDATE ' . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . 'commande_fournisseur_dispatch'
                        .        ' SET fk_commandefourndet = ' . $obj_line->rowid . ', qty = ' . $qty_for_line
                        .        ' WHERE rowid = ' . $obj_dispatch->rowid;
                    $first_iteration = false;
                } else {
                    $sql_attach_values = array(
                        $obj_dispatch->datec ? '"' . $db->escape($obj_dispatch->datec) . '"' : 'NULL',
                        $obj_dispatch->comment ? '"' . $db->escape($obj_dispatch->comment) . '"' : 'NULL',
                        $obj_dispatch->status ?: 'NULL',
                        $obj_dispatch->tms ? '"' . $db->escape($obj_dispatch->tms) . '"': 'NULL',
                        $obj_dispatch->batch ?: 'NULL',
                        $obj_dispatch->eatby ? '"' . $db->escape($obj_dispatch->eatby) . '"': 'NULL',
                        $obj_dispatch->sellby ? '"' . $db->escape($obj_dispatch->sellby) . '"': 'NULL'
                    $sql_attach_values = join(', ', $sql_attach_values);

                    $sql_attach = 'INSERT INTO ' . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . 'commande_fournisseur_dispatch'
                        .         ' (fk_commande, fk_product, fk_commandefourndet, qty, fk_entrepot, fk_user, datec, comment, status, tms, batch, eatby, sellby)'
                        .         ' VALUES (' . $sql_attach_values . ')';

                if ($repair_link_dispatch_lines_supplier_order_lines == 'confirmed')
	                $resql_attach = $db->query($sql_attach);
                	$resql_attach = true;	// Force success in test mode

                if ($resql_attach) {
                    $remaining_qty -= $qty_for_line;
                } else {
                    $errors[] = $sql_attach;

                $first_iteration = false;

            // report progress every 256th row
            if (!($n_processed_rows & 0xff)) {
                echo '<tr><td>Processed ' . $n_processed_rows . ' rows with ' . count($errors) . ' errors…' . "</td></tr>\n";
    } else {
        echo '<tr><td>Unable to find any dispatch without an fk_commandefourndet.' . "</td></tr>\n";
        echo $sql_dispatch . "\n";
    echo '<tr><td>Fixed ' . $n_processed_rows . ' rows with ' . count($errors) . ' errors…' . "</td></tr>\n";
    echo '<tr><td>DONE.' . "</td></tr>\n";

    if (count($errors)) {
        echo '<tr><td>The transaction was rolled back due to errors: nothing was changed by the script.</td></tr>';
    } else {

    echo '<tr><td><h3>SQL queries with errors:</h3></tr></td>';
    echo '<tr><td>' . join('</td></tr><tr><td>', $errors) . '</td></tr>';

print '</table>';

if (empty($actiondone))
    print '<div class="error">'.$langs->trans("ErrorWrongParameters").'</div>';

if ($oneoptionset)
	print '<div class="center" style="padding-top: 10px"><a href="../index.php?mainmenu=home&leftmenu=home'.(isset($_POST["login"])?'&username='.urlencode($_POST["login"]):'').'">';
	print $langs->trans("GoToDolibarr");
	print '</a></div>';
	print '<div class="center warning" style="padding-top: 10px">';
	print $langs->trans("SetAtLeastOneOptionAsUrlParameter");
	print '</div>';

dolibarr_install_syslog("--- repair: end");
pFooter(1, $setuplang);

if ($db->connected) $db->close();

// Return code if ran from command line
if (! $ok && isset($argv[1])) exit(1);