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class EscposTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
	protected $printer;
	protected $outputConnector;

	protected function setup() {
		/* Print to nowhere- for testing which inputs are accepted */
		$this -> outputConnector = new DummyPrintConnector();
		$this -> printer = new Escpos($this -> outputConnector);

	protected function checkOutput($expected = null) {
		/* Check those output strings */
		$outp = $this -> outputConnector -> getData();
		if($expected === null) {
			echo "\nOutput was:\n\"" . friendlyBinary($outp) . "\"\n";
		$this -> assertEquals($expected, $outp);

	protected function tearDown() {
		$this -> outputConnector -> finalize();
	protected function requireGraphicsLibrary() {
		if(!EscposImage::isGdLoaded() && !EscposImage::isImagickLoaded()) {
			// If the test is about to do something which requires a library,
			// something must throw an exception.
			$this -> setExpectedException('Exception');

    public function testInitializeOutput() {
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b\x40");

    public function testTextStringOutput() {
		$this -> printer -> text("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog\n");
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog\n");

    public function testTextDefault() {
		$this -> printer -> text();
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@");

    public function testTextString() {
		$this -> printer -> text("String");
		$this -> printer -> text(123);
		$this -> printer -> text();
		$this -> printer -> text(null);
		$this -> printer -> text(1.2);
		$this -> printer -> text(new FooBar("FooBar"));
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@String1231.2FooBar");

    public function testTextObject() {
		$this -> setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException');
		$this -> printer -> text(new DateTime());

    public function testFeedDefault() {
		$this -> printer -> feed();
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x0a");

    public function testFeed3Lines() {
		$this -> printer -> feed(3);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1bd\x03");

    public function testFeedZero() {
		$this -> setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException');
		$this -> printer -> feed(0);

    public function testFeedNonInteger() {
		$this -> setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException');
		$this -> printer -> feed("ab");

    public function testFeedTooLarge() {
		$this -> setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException');
		$this -> printer -> feed(256);

	/* Print mode */
    public function testSelectPrintModeDefault() {
		$this -> printer -> selectPrintMode();
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1b!\x00");

	public function testSelectPrintModeAcceptedValues() {
		/* This iterates over a bunch of numbers, figures out which
           ones contain invalid flags, and checks that the driver
           rejects those, but accepts the good inputs */
		for($i = -1; $i <= 256; $i++) {
			$invalid = ($i < 0) || ($i > 255) || (($i & 2) == 2) || (($i & 4) == 4) || (($i & 64) == 64);
			$failed = false;
			try {
				$this -> printer -> selectPrintMode($i);
			} catch(Exception $e) {
				$failed = true;
			$this -> assertEquals($failed, $invalid);

	/* Underline */
    public function testSetUnderlineDefault() {
		$this -> printer -> setUnderline();
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1b-\x01");

    public function testSetUnderlineOff() {
		$this -> printer -> setUnderline(Escpos::UNDERLINE_NONE);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1b-\x00");

    public function testSetUnderlineOn() {
		$this -> printer -> setUnderline(Escpos::UNDERLINE_SINGLE);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1b-\x01");

    public function testSetUnderlineDbl() {
		$this -> printer -> setUnderline(Escpos::UNDERLINE_DOUBLE);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1b-\x02");

    public function testSetUnderlineAcceptedValues() {
		$this -> printer -> setUnderline(0);
		$this -> printer -> setUnderline(1);
		$this -> printer -> setUnderline(2);
		/* These map to 0 & 1 for interchangeability with setEmphasis */
		$this -> printer -> setUnderline(true);
		$this -> printer -> setUnderline(false);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1b-\x00\x1b-\x01\x1b-\x02\x1b-\x01\x1b-\x00");

    public function testSetUnderlineTooLarge() {
		$this -> setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException');
		$this -> printer -> setUnderline(3);

    public function testSetUnderlineNegative() {
		$this -> setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException');
		$this -> printer -> setUnderline(-1);

    public function testSetUnderlineNonInteger() {
		$this -> setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException');
		$this -> printer -> setUnderline("Hello");

	/* Emphasis */
    public function testSetEmphasisDefault() {
		$this -> printer -> setEmphasis();
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1bE\x01");

    public function testSetEmphasisOn() {
		$this -> printer -> setEmphasis(true);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1bE\x01");

    public function testSetEmphasisOff() {
		$this -> printer -> setEmphasis(false);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1bE\x00");

    public function testSetEmphasisNonBoolean() {
		$this -> setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException');
		$this -> printer -> setEmphasis(7);

	/* Double strike */
    public function testSetDoubleStrikeDefault() {
		$this -> printer -> setDoubleStrike();
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1bG\x01");

    public function testSetDoubleStrikeOn() {
		$this -> printer -> setDoubleStrike(true);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1bG\x01");

    public function testSetDoubleStrikeOff() {
		$this -> printer -> setDoubleStrike(false);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1bG\x00");

    public function testSetDoubleStrikeNonBoolean() {
		$this -> setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException');
		$this -> printer -> setDoubleStrike(4);

	/* Font */
	public function testSetFontDefault() {
		$this -> printer -> setFont();
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1bM\x00");

	public function testSetFontAcceptedValues() {
		$this -> printer -> setFont(Escpos::FONT_A);
		$this -> printer -> setFont(Escpos::FONT_B);
		$this -> printer -> setFont(Escpos::FONT_C);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1bM\x00\x1bM\x01\x1bM\x02");

	public function testSetFontNegative() {
		$this -> setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException');
		$this -> printer -> setFont(-1);

	public function testSetFontTooLarge() {
		$this -> setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException');
		$this -> printer -> setFont(3);

	public function testSetFontNonInteger() {
		$this -> setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException');
		$this -> printer -> setFont('hello');

	/* Justification */
	public function testSetJustificationDefault() {
		$this -> printer -> setJustification();
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1ba\x00");

	public function testSetJustificationLeft() {
		$this -> printer -> setJustification(Escpos::JUSTIFY_LEFT);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1ba\x00");

	public function testSetJustificationRight() {
		$this -> printer -> setJustification(Escpos::JUSTIFY_RIGHT);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1ba\x02");

	public function testSetJustificationCenter() {
		$this -> printer -> setJustification(Escpos::JUSTIFY_CENTER);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1ba\x01");

	public function testSetJustificationNegative() {
		$this -> setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException');
		$this -> printer -> setJustification(-1);

	public function testSetJustificationTooLarge() {
		$this -> setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException');
		$this -> printer -> setFont(3);

	public function testSetJustificationNonInteger() {
		$this -> setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException');
		$this -> printer -> setJustification('hello');

	/* Reverse feed */
	public function testFeedReverseDefault() {
		$this -> printer -> feedReverse();
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1be\x01");

	public function testFeedReverse3() {
		$this -> printer -> feedReverse(3);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1be\x03");

	public function testFeedReverseNegative() {
		$this -> setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException');
		$this -> printer -> feedReverse(-1);

	public function testFeedReverseTooLarge() {
		$this -> setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException');
		$this -> printer -> feedReverse(256);

	public function testFeedReverseNonInteger() {
		$this -> setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException');
		$this -> printer -> feedReverse('hello');

	/* Cut */
	public function testCutDefault() {
		// TODO check what the accepted range of values should be for $line
		// cut($mode = self::CUT_FULL, $lines = 3)
		$this -> printer -> cut();
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1dVA\x03");

	/* Set barcode height */
	public function testSetBarcodeHeightDefault() {
		$this -> printer -> setBarcodeHeight();
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1dh\x08");

	public function testBarcodeHeight10() {
		$this -> printer -> setBarcodeHeight(10);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1dh\x0a");

	public function testSetBarcodeHeightNegative() {
		$this -> setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException');
		$this -> printer -> setBarcodeHeight(-1);

	public function testSetBarcodeHeightTooLarge() {
		$this -> setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException');
		$this -> printer -> setBarcodeHeight(256);

	public function tesSetBarcodeHeightNonInteger() {
		$this -> setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException');
		$this -> printer -> setBarcodeHeight('hello');

	/* Barcode text position */
	public function testSetBarcodeTextPositionDefault() {
		$this -> printer -> setBarcodeTextPosition();
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1dH\x00");
	public function testSetBarcodeTextPositionBelow() {
		$this -> printer -> setBarcodeTextPosition(Escpos::BARCODE_TEXT_BELOW);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1dH\x02");

	public function testSetBarcodeTextPositionBoth() {
		$this -> printer -> setBarcodeTextPosition(Escpos::BARCODE_TEXT_BELOW | Escpos::BARCODE_TEXT_ABOVE);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1dH\x03");
	public function testSetBarcodeTextPositionNegative() {
		$this -> setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException');
		$this -> printer -> setBarcodeTextPosition(-1);
	public function testSetBarcodeTextPositionTooLarge() {
		$this -> setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException');
		$this -> printer -> setBarcodeTextPosition(4);
	public function tesSetBarcodeTextPositionNonInteger() {
		$this -> setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException');
		$this -> printer -> setBarcodeTextPosition('hello');

	/* Barcode - UPC-A */
	public function testBarcodeUpcaNumeric11Char() {
		$this -> printer -> barcode("01234567890", Escpos::BARCODE_UPCA);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1dkA\x0b01234567890");
	public function testBarcodeUpcaNumeric12Char() {
		$this -> printer -> barcode("012345678901", Escpos::BARCODE_UPCA);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1dkA\x0c012345678901");
	public function testBarcodeUpcaNumeric13Char() {
		$this -> setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException');
		$this -> printer -> barcode("0123456789012", Escpos::BARCODE_UPCA);
	public function testBarcodeUpcaNonNumeric12Char() {
		$this -> setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException');
		$this -> printer -> barcode("A12345678901", Escpos::BARCODE_UPCA);

	/* Barcode - UPC-E */
	public function testBarcodeUpceNumeric6Char() {
		$this -> printer -> barcode("123456", Escpos::BARCODE_UPCE);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1dkB\x06123456");

	public function testBarcodeUpceNumeric7Char() {
		$this -> printer -> barcode("0123456", Escpos::BARCODE_UPCE);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1dkB\x070123456");
	public function testBarcodeUpceNumeric8Char() {
		$this -> printer -> barcode("01234567", Escpos::BARCODE_UPCE);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1dkB\x0801234567");
	public function testBarcodeUpceNumeric11Char() {
		$this -> printer -> barcode("01234567890", Escpos::BARCODE_UPCE);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1dkB\x0b01234567890");
	public function testBarcodeUpceNumeric12Char() {
		$this -> printer -> barcode("012345678901", Escpos::BARCODE_UPCE);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1dkB\x0c012345678901");
	public function testBarcodeUpceNumeric9Char() {
		$this -> setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException');
		$this -> printer -> barcode("012345678", Escpos::BARCODE_UPCE);
	public function testBarcodeUpceNonNumeric12Char() {
		$this -> setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException');
		$this -> printer -> barcode("A12345678901", Escpos::BARCODE_UPCE);

	/* Barcode - JAN13 */
	public function testBarcodeJan13Numeric12Char() {
		$this -> printer -> barcode("012345678901", Escpos::BARCODE_JAN13);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1dkC\x0c012345678901");
	public function testBarcodeJan13Numeric13Char() {
		$this -> printer -> barcode("0123456789012", Escpos::BARCODE_JAN13);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1dkC\x0d0123456789012");
	public function testBarcodeJan13Numeric11Char() {
		$this -> setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException');
		$this -> printer -> barcode("01234567890", Escpos::BARCODE_JAN13);
	public function testBarcodeJan13NonNumeric13Char() {
		$this -> setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException');
		$this -> printer -> barcode("A123456789012", Escpos::BARCODE_JAN13);
	/* Barcode - JAN8 */
	public function testBarcodeJan8Numeric7Char() {
		$this -> printer -> barcode("0123456", Escpos::BARCODE_JAN8);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1dkD\x070123456");
	public function testBarcodeJan8Numeric8Char() {
		$this -> printer -> barcode("01234567", Escpos::BARCODE_JAN8);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1dkD\x0801234567");
	public function testBarcodeJan8Numeric9Char() {
		$this -> setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException');
		$this -> printer -> barcode("012345678", Escpos::BARCODE_JAN8);
	public function testBarcodeJan8NonNumeric8Char() {
		$this -> setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException');
		$this -> printer -> barcode("A1234567", Escpos::BARCODE_JAN8);
	/* Barcode - Code39 */
	public function testBarcodeCode39AsDefault() {
		$this -> printer -> barcode("1234");
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1dkE\x041234");		

	public function testBarcodeCode39Text() {
		$this -> printer -> barcode("ABC 012", Escpos::BARCODE_CODE39);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1dkE\x07ABC 012");
	public function testBarcodeCode39SpecialChars() {
		$this -> printer -> barcode("$%+-./", Escpos::BARCODE_CODE39);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1dkE\x06$%+-./");
	public function testBarcodeCode39Asterisks() {
		$this -> printer -> barcode("*TEXT*", Escpos::BARCODE_CODE39);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1dkE\x06*TEXT*");
	public function testBarcodeCode39AsterisksUnmatched() {
		$this -> setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException');
		$this -> printer -> barcode("*TEXT", Escpos::BARCODE_CODE39);
	public function testBarcodeCode39AsteriskInText() {
		$this -> setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException');
		$this -> printer -> barcode("12*34", Escpos::BARCODE_CODE39);
	public function testBarcodeCode39Lowercase() {
		$this -> setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException');
		$this -> printer -> barcode("abcd", Escpos::BARCODE_CODE39);
	public function testBarcodeCode39Empty() {
		$this -> setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException');
		$this -> printer -> barcode("**", Escpos::BARCODE_CODE39);

	/* Barcode - ITF */
	public function testBarcodeItfNumericEven() {
		$this -> printer -> barcode("1234", Escpos::BARCODE_ITF);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1dkF\x041234");		
	public function testBarcodeItfNumericOdd() {
		$this -> setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException');
		$this -> printer -> barcode("123", Escpos::BARCODE_ITF);
	public function testBarcodeItfNonNumericEven() {
		$this -> setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException');
		$this -> printer -> barcode("A234", Escpos::BARCODE_ITF);

	/* Barcode - Codabar */
	public function testBarcodeCodabarNumeric() {
		$this -> printer -> barcode("A012345A", Escpos::BARCODE_CODABAR);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1dkG\x08A012345A");
	public function testBarcodeCodabarSpecialChars() {
		$this -> printer -> barcode("A012$+-./:A", Escpos::BARCODE_CODABAR);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1dkG\x0bA012$+-./:A");
	public function testBarcodeCodabarNotWrapped() {
		$this -> setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException');
		$this -> printer -> barcode("012345", Escpos::BARCODE_CODABAR);
	public function testBarcodeCodabarStartStopWrongPlace() {
		$this -> setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException');
		$this -> printer -> barcode("012A45", Escpos::BARCODE_CODABAR);

	/* Barcode - Code93 */
	public function testBarcodeCode93Valid() {
		$this -> printer -> barcode("012abcd", Escpos::BARCODE_CODE93);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1dkH\x07012abcd");

	public function testBarcodeCode93Empty() {
		$this -> setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException');
		$this -> printer -> barcode("", Escpos::BARCODE_CODE93);

	/* Barcode - Code128 */
	public function testBarcodeCode128ValidA() {
		$this -> printer -> barcode("{A" . "012ABCD", Escpos::BARCODE_CODE128);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1dkI\x09{A012ABCD");

	public function testBarcodeCode128ValidB() {
		$this -> printer -> barcode("{B" . "012ABCDabcd", Escpos::BARCODE_CODE128);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1dkI\x0d{B012ABCDabcd");
	public function testBarcodeCode128ValidC() {
		$this -> printer -> barcode("{C" . chr ( 21 ) . chr ( 32 ) . chr ( 43 ), Escpos::BARCODE_CODE128);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1dkI\x05{C\x15 +");
	public function testBarcodeCode128NoCodeSet() {
		$this -> setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException');
		$this -> printer -> barcode("ABCD", Escpos::BARCODE_CODE128);
	/* Pulse */
	function testPulseDefault() {
		$this -> printer -> pulse();
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1bp0<x");

	function testPulse1() {
		$this -> printer -> pulse(1);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1bp1<x");
	function testPulseEvenMs() {
		$this -> printer -> pulse(0, 2, 2);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1bp0\x01\x01");
	function testPulseOddMs() {
		$this -> printer -> pulse(0, 3, 3); // Should be rounded down and give same output
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1bp0\x01\x01");
	function testPulseTooHigh() {
		$this -> setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException');
		$this -> printer -> pulse(0, 512, 2);
	function testPulseTooLow() {
		$this -> setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException');
		$this -> printer -> pulse(0, 0, 2);
	function testPulseNotANumber() {
		$this -> setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException');
		$this -> printer -> pulse("fish");
	/* Set reverse */
    public function testSetReverseColorsDefault() {
		$this -> printer -> setReverseColors();
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1dB\x01");

    public function testSetReverseColorsOn() {
		$this -> printer -> setReverseColors(true);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1dB\x01");

    public function testSetReverseColorsOff() {
		$this -> printer -> setReverseColors(false);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1dB\x00");

    public function testSetReverseColorsNonBoolean() {
		$this -> setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException');
		$this -> printer -> setReverseColors(7);

	/* Bit image print */
	public function testBitImageBlack() {
		$this -> requireGraphicsLibrary();
		$img = new EscposImage(dirname(__FILE__)."/resources/canvas_black.png");
		$this -> printer -> bitImage($img);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1dv0\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00\x80");

	public function testBitImageWhite() {
		$this -> requireGraphicsLibrary();
		$img = new EscposImage(dirname(__FILE__)."/resources/canvas_white.png");
		$this -> printer -> bitImage($img);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1dv0\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00\x00");
	public function testBitImageBoth() {
		$this -> requireGraphicsLibrary();
		$img = new EscposImage(dirname(__FILE__)."/resources/black_white.png");
		$this -> printer -> bitImage($img);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1dv0\x00\x01\x00\x02\x00\xc0\x00");
	public function testBitImageTransparent() {
		$this -> requireGraphicsLibrary();
		$img = new EscposImage(dirname(__FILE__)."/resources/black_transparent.png");
		$this -> printer -> bitImage($img);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1dv0\x00\x01\x00\x02\x00\xc0\x00");
	/* Graphics print */
	public function testGraphicsWhite() {
		$this -> requireGraphicsLibrary();
		$img = new EscposImage(dirname(__FILE__)."/resources/canvas_white.png");
		$this -> printer -> graphics($img);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1d(L\x0b\x000p0\x01\x011\x01\x00\x01\x00\x00\x1d(L\x02\x0002");
	public function testGraphicsBlack() {
		$this -> requireGraphicsLibrary();
		$img = new EscposImage(dirname(__FILE__)."/resources/canvas_black.png");
		$this -> printer -> graphics($img);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1d(L\x0b\x000p0\x01\x011\x01\x00\x01\x00\x80\x1d(L\x02\x0002");
	public function testGraphicsBoth() {
		$this -> requireGraphicsLibrary();
		$img = new EscposImage(dirname(__FILE__)."/resources/black_white.png");
		$this -> printer -> graphics($img);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1d(L\x0c\x000p0\x01\x011\x02\x00\x02\x00\xc0\x00\x1d(L\x02\x0002");
	public function testGraphicsTransparent() {
		$this -> requireGraphicsLibrary();
		$img = new EscposImage(dirname(__FILE__)."/resources/black_transparent.png");
		$this -> printer -> graphics($img);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1d(L\x0c\x000p0\x01\x011\x02\x00\x02\x00\xc0\x00\x1d(L\x02\x0002");

	/* QR code */
	public function testQRCodeDefaults() {
		// Test will fail if default values change
		$this -> printer -> qrCode("1234");
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1d(k\x04\x001A2\x00\x1d(k\x03\x001C\x03\x1d(k\x03\x001E0\x1d(k\x07\x001P01234\x1d(k\x03\x001Q0");
	public function testQRCodeDefaultsAreCorrect() {
		// Below tests assume that defaults are as written here (output string should be same as above)
		$this -> printer -> qrCode("1234", Escpos::QR_ECLEVEL_L, 3, Escpos::QR_MODEL_2);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1d(k\x04\x001A2\x00\x1d(k\x03\x001C\x03\x1d(k\x03\x001E0\x1d(k\x07\x001P01234\x1d(k\x03\x001Q0");
	public function testQRCodeEmpty() {
		$this -> printer -> qrCode('');
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@"); // No commands actually sent
	public function testQRCodeChangeEC() {
		$this -> printer -> qrCode("1234", Escpos::QR_ECLEVEL_H);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1d(k\x04\x001A2\x00\x1d(k\x03\x001C\x03\x1d(k\x03\x001E3\x1d(k\x07\x001P01234\x1d(k\x03\x001Q0");
	public function testQRCodeChangeSize() {
		$this -> printer -> qrCode("1234", Escpos::QR_ECLEVEL_L, 7);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1d(k\x04\x001A2\x00\x1d(k\x03\x001C\x07\x1d(k\x03\x001E0\x1d(k\x07\x001P01234\x1d(k\x03\x001Q0");
	public function testQRCodeChangeModel() {
		$this -> printer -> qrCode("1234", Escpos::QR_ECLEVEL_L, 3, Escpos::QR_MODEL_1);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1d(k\x04\x001A1\x00\x1d(k\x03\x001C\x03\x1d(k\x03\x001E0\x1d(k\x07\x001P01234\x1d(k\x03\x001Q0");

	/* Feed form - Required on page-mode only printers */
	public function testFeedForm() {
		$this -> printer -> feedForm();
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x0c");
	/* Get status  */
	public function testGetStatus() {
		$this -> markTestIncomplete("Status check test code not implemented.");
		// TODO some unit testing here on statuses
		// $a = $this -> printer -> getPrinterStatus(Escpos::STATUS_PRINTER);

	/* Set text size  */
	public function testSetTextSizeNormal() {
		$this -> printer -> setTextSize(1, 1);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1d!\x00");

	public function testSetTextSizeWide() {
		$this -> printer -> setTextSize(4, 1);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1d!0");

	public function testSetTextSizeNarrow() {
		$this -> printer -> setTextSize(1, 4);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1d!\x03");

	public function testSetTextSizeLarge() {
		$this -> printer -> setTextSize(4, 4);
		$this -> checkOutput("\x1b@\x1d!3");

	public function testSetTextSizeInvalid() {
		$this -> setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException');
		$this -> printer -> setTextSize(0, 9);

 * For testing that string-castable objects are handled
class FooBar {
	private $foo;
	public function __construct($foo) {
		$this -> foo = $foo;
	public function __toString() {
		return $this -> foo;