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/* Copyright (C) 2011       Laurent Destailleur <eldy@users.sourceforge.net>
 * Copyright (C) 2016       Raphaƫl Doursenaud  <rdoursenaud@gpcsolutions.fr>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

 *	\file       htdocs/imports/class/import.class.php
 *	\ingroup    import
 *	\brief      File of class to manage imports

 *	Class to manage imports
class Import
    public $array_import_module;
    public $array_import_perms;
    public $array_import_icon;
    public $array_import_code;
    public $array_import_label;
    public $array_import_tables;
    public $array_import_tables_creator;
    public $array_import_fields;
    public $array_import_fieldshidden;
    public $array_import_entities;
    public $array_import_regex;
    public $array_import_updatekeys;
    public $array_import_examplevalues;
    public $array_import_convertvalue;
    public $array_import_run_sql_after;

	 * @var string Error code (or message)
	public $error='';

	 * @var string[] Error codes (or messages)
	public $errors = array();

     *    Constructor
     *    @param  	DoliDB		$db		Database handler
    public function __construct($db)

    // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
	 *  Load description int this->array_import_module, this->array_import_fields, ... of an importable dataset
	 *  @param		User	$user      	Object user making import
	 *  @param  	string	$filter		Load a particular dataset only. Index will start to 0.
 	 *  @return		int					<0 if KO, >0 if OK
    public function load_arrays($user, $filter = '')
        // phpcs:enable
		global $langs,$conf;

		dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::load_arrays user=".$user->id." filter=".$filter);


        require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/functions2.lib.php';
        $modulesdir = dolGetModulesDirs();

        // Load list of modules
        foreach($modulesdir as $dir)
			if (! is_resource($handle)) continue;

			// Search module files
			while (($file = readdir($handle))!==false)
				if (! preg_match("/^(mod.*)\.class\.php/i", $file, $reg)) continue;


				// Defined if module is enabled
				$part=strtolower(preg_replace('/^mod/i', '', $modulename));
				if (empty($conf->$part->enabled)) $enabled=false;

				if (empty($enabled)) continue;

				// Init load class
				$file = $dir."/".$modulename.".class.php";
				$classname = $modulename;
				require_once $file;
				$module = new $classname($this->db);

				if (isset($module->import_code) && is_array($module->import_code))
					foreach($module->import_code as $r => $value)
						if ($filter && ($filter != $module->import_code[$r])) continue;

						// Test if permissions are ok
						if ($perm[2])
						if ($perm[0]=='user' && $user->admin) $bool=true;
						//print $bool." $perm[0]"."<br>";

						// Load lang file
						if (is_array($langtoload))
							foreach($langtoload as $key)

						// Permission
						// Icon
						// Code du dataset export
						// Libelle du dataset export
						// Array of tables to import (key=alias, value=tablename)
						// Array of tables creator field to import (key=alias, value=creator field name)
						// Array of fields to import (key=field, value=label)
						// Array of hidden fields to import (key=field, value=label)
						// Tableau des entites a exporter (cle=champ, valeur=entite)
						// Tableau des alias a exporter (cle=champ, valeur=alias)
						// Array of columns allowed as UPDATE options
						// Array of examples
						// Tableau des regles de conversion d'une valeur depuis une autre source (cle=champ, valeur=tableau des regles)
						// Sql request to run after import
						// Module

						dol_syslog("Import loaded for module ".$modulename." with index ".$i.", dataset=".$module->import_code[$r].", nb of fields=".count($module->import_fields_array[$r]));
		return 1;

    // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
	 *  Build an import example file.
	 *  Arrays this->array_export_xxx are already loaded for required datatoexport
	 *  @param      string	$model              Name of import engine ('csv', ...)
	 *  @param      string	$headerlinefields   Array of values for first line of example file
	 *  @param      string	$contentlinevalues	Array of values for content line of example file
	 *  @param		string	$datatoimport		Dataset to import
	 *  @return		string						<0 if KO, >0 if OK
    public function build_example_file($model, $headerlinefields, $contentlinevalues, $datatoimport)
        // phpcs:enable
		global $conf,$langs;


		dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::build_example_file ".$model);

		// Creation de la classe d'import du model Import_XXX
		$dir = DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . "/core/modules/import/";
		$file = "import_".$model.".modules.php";
		$classname = "Import".$model;
		require_once $dir.$file;
		$objmodel = new $classname($this->db, $datatoimport);

		$outputlangs=$langs;	// Lang for output

		// Genere en-tete

		// Genere ligne de titre
		$s.=$objmodel->write_title_example($outputlangs, $headerlinefields);

		// Genere ligne de titre
		$s.=$objmodel->write_record_example($outputlangs, $contentlinevalues);

		// Genere pied de page

		return $s;

	 *  Save an export model in database
	 *  @param		User	$user 	Object user that save
	 *  @return		int				<0 if KO, >0 if OK
    public function create($user)
		global $conf;


		// Check parameters
		if (empty($this->model_name))	{ $this->error='ErrorWrongParameters'; return -1; }
		if (empty($this->datatoimport)) { $this->error='ErrorWrongParameters'; return -1; }
		if (empty($this->hexa)) 		{ $this->error='ErrorWrongParameters'; return -1; }


		$sql = 'INSERT INTO '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'import_model (';
		$sql.= 'fk_user, label, type, field';
		$sql.= ')';
		$sql.= " VALUES (".($user->id > 0 ? $user->id : 0).", '".$this->db->escape($this->model_name)."', '".$this->db->escape($this->datatoimport)."', '".$this->db->escape($this->hexa)."')";

		dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::create", LOG_DEBUG);
		if ($resql)
			return 1;
			return -1;

	 *  Load an import profil from database
	 *  @param		int		$id		Id of profil to load
	 *  @return		int				<0 if KO, >0 if OK
    public function fetch($id)
		$sql = 'SELECT em.rowid, em.field, em.label, em.type';
		$sql.= ' FROM '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'import_model as em';
		$sql.= ' WHERE em.rowid = '.$id;

		dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::fetch", LOG_DEBUG);
		$result = $this->db->query($sql);
		if ($result)
			$obj = $this->db->fetch_object($result);
			if ($obj)
				$this->id                   = $obj->rowid;
				$this->hexa                 = $obj->field;
				$this->model_name           = $obj->label;
				$this->datatoimport         = $obj->type;
				$this->fk_user              = $obj->fk_user;
				return 1;
				$this->error="Model not found";
				return -2;
			return -3;

	 *	Delete object in database
	 *	@param      User	$user        	User that delete
	 *  @param      int		$notrigger	    0=launch triggers after, 1=disable triggers
	 *	@return		int						<0 if KO, >0 if OK
    public function delete($user, $notrigger = 0)
		global $conf, $langs;

		$sql = "DELETE FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."import_model";
		$sql.= " WHERE rowid=".$this->id;


		dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::delete", LOG_DEBUG);
		$resql = $this->db->query($sql);
		if (! $resql) { $error++; $this->errors[]="Error ".$this->db->lasterror(); }

		if (! $error)
			if (! $notrigger)
				/* Not used. This is not a business object. To convert it we must herit from CommonObject
                // Call trigger
                if ($result < 0) $error++;
                // End call triggers

		// Commit or rollback
		if ($error)
			foreach($this->errors as $errmsg)
				dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::delete ".$errmsg, LOG_ERR);
				$this->error.=($this->error?', '.$errmsg:$errmsg);
			return -1*$error;
			return 1;