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/* Copyright (C) 2017   Laurent Destailleur  <eldy@users.sourcefore.net>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

 * 	\defgroup   blockedlog   Module BlockedLog
 *  \brief      Add a log into a block chain for some actions.
 *  \file       htdocs/core/modules/modBlockedLog.class.php
 *  \ingroup    blockedlog
 *  \brief      Description and activation file for module BlockedLog
include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT .'/core/modules/DolibarrModules.class.php';

 *	Class to describe a BlockedLog module
class modBlockedLog extends DolibarrModules
     *   Constructor. Define names, constants, directories, boxes, permissions
     *   @param      DoliDB		$db      Database handler
    public function __construct($db)
        global $langs, $conf, $mysoc;

        $this->db = $db;
        $this->numero = 3200;
        // Key text used to identify module (for permissions, menus, etc...)
        $this->rights_class = 'blockedlog';

        // Family can be 'crm','financial','hr','projects','products','ecm','technic','other'
        // It is used to group modules in module setup page
        $this->family = "base";
        // Module position in the family on 2 digits ('01', '10', '20', ...)
        $this->module_position = '75';
        // Module label (no space allowed), used if translation string 'ModuleXXXName' not found (where XXX is value of numeric property 'numero' of module)
        $this->name = preg_replace('/^mod/i', '', get_class($this));
        $this->description = "Enable a log on some business events into a non reversible log. This module may be mandatory for some countries.";
        // Possible values for version are: 'development', 'experimental', 'dolibarr' or version
        $this->version = 'dolibarr';
        // Key used in llx_const table to save module status enabled/disabled (where MYMODULE is value of property name of module in uppercase)
        $this->const_name = 'MAIN_MODULE_'.strtoupper($this->name);
        // Name of image file used for this module.

        // Data directories to create when module is enabled
        $this->dirs = array();

        // Config pages
        $this->config_page_url = array('blockedlog.php?withtab=1@blockedlog');

        // Dependancies
        $this->hidden = false;	// A condition to disable module
        $this->depends = array('always'=>'modFacture');	   // List of modules id that must be enabled if this module is enabled
        $this->requiredby = array();	                   // List of modules id to disable if this one is disabled
        $this->conflictwith = array();	                   // List of modules id this module is in conflict with
        $this->langfiles = array('blockedlog');

        $this->warnings_activation = array();                     // Warning to show when we activate module. array('always'='text') or array('FR'='textfr','ES'='textes'...)
        $this->warnings_activation_ext = array();                 // Warning to show when we activate an external module. array('always'='text') or array('FR'='textfr','ES'='textes'...)
        $this->warnings_unactivation = array('FR'=>'BlockedLogAreRequiredByYourCountryLegislation');

        // Currently, activation is not automatic because only companies (in France) making invoices to non business customers must
        // enable this module.
        /*if (! empty($conf->global->BLOCKEDLOG_DISABLE_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_COUNTRY))
            $tmp=explode(',', $conf->global->BLOCKEDLOG_DISABLE_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_COUNTRY);
            $this->automatic_activation = array();
            foreach($tmp as $key)

        $this->always_enabled = (!empty($conf->blockedlog->enabled)
            && !empty($conf->global->BLOCKEDLOG_DISABLE_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_COUNTRY)
            && in_array($mysoc->country_code, explode(',', $conf->global->BLOCKEDLOG_DISABLE_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_COUNTRY))
            && $this->alreadyUsed(1));

        // Constants
        $this->const = array(
            1=>array('BLOCKEDLOG_DISABLE_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_COUNTRY', 'chaine', 'FR', 'This is list of country code where the module may be mandatory', 0, 'current', 0)

        // New pages on tabs
        // -----------------
        $this->tabs = array();

        // Boxes
        $this->boxes = array();

        // Permissions
        // -----------------
        $this->rights = array();		// Permission array used by this module

        $this->rights[$r][0] = $this->numero + $r;	// Permission id (must not be already used)
        $this->rights[$r][1] = 'Read archived events and fingerprints';	// Permission label
        $this->rights[$r][3] = 0; 					// Permission by default for new user (0/1)
        $this->rights[$r][4] = 'read';				// In php code, permission will be checked by test if ($user->rights->mymodule->level1->level2)
        $this->rights[$r][5] = '';

        // Main menu entries
        // -----------------
        'fk_menu'=>'fk_mainmenu=tools',		    // Use 'fk_mainmenu=xxx' or 'fk_mainmenu=xxx,fk_leftmenu=yyy' where xxx is mainmenucode and yyy is a leftmenucode
        'type'=>'left',			                // This is a Left menu entry
        'langs'=>'blockedlog',	        // Lang file to use (without .lang) by module. File must be in langs/code_CODE/ directory.
        'enabled'=>'$conf->blockedlog->enabled',  // Define condition to show or hide menu entry. Use '$conf->mymodule->enabled' if entry must be visible if module is enabled. Use '$leftmenu==\'system\'' to show if leftmenu system is selected.
        'perms'=>'$user->rights->blockedlog->read',			    // Use 'perms'=>'$user->rights->mymodule->level1->level2' if you want your menu with a permission rules
        'user'=>2);				                // 0=Menu for internal users, 1=external users, 2=both

     * Check if module was already used before unactivation linked to warnings_unactivation property
     * @return	boolean		True if already used, otherwise False
    public function alreadyUsed()
        require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/blockedlog/class/blockedlog.class.php';
        $b=new BlockedLog($this->db);
        return $b->alreadyUsed(1);

     *      Function called when module is enabled.
     *      The init function add constants, boxes, permissions and menus (defined in constructor) into Dolibarr database.
     *      It also creates data directories.
     *      @param      string	$options    Options when enabling module ('', 'noboxes')
     *      @return     int             	1 if OK, 0 if KO
    public function init($options = '')
        global $conf, $user;

        $sql = array();

        // If already used, we add an entry to show we enable module
           require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/blockedlog/class/blockedlog.class.php';

           $object=new stdClass();
        $object->id = 1;
        $object->element = 'module';
        $object->ref = 'systemevent';
        $object->entity = $conf->entity;
        $object->date = dol_now();

        $b=new BlockedLog($this->db);
        $result = $b->setObjectData($object, 'MODULE_SET', 0);
        if ($result < 0)
            $this->error = $b->error;
            $this->errors = $b->erros;
            return 0;

        $res = $b->create($user);
        if ($res<=0) {
            $this->error = $b->error;
            $this->errors = $b->errors;
            return $res;

        return $this->_init($sql, $options);

     * Function called when module is disabled.
     * The remove function removes tabs, constants, boxes, permissions and menus from Dolibarr database.
     * Data directories are not deleted
     * @param      string	$options    Options when enabling module ('', 'noboxes')
     * @return     int             		1 if OK, 0 if KO
    public function remove($options = '')

        global $conf, $user;

        $sql = array();

        // If already used, we add an entry to show we enable module
        require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/blockedlog/class/blockedlog.class.php';

        $object=new stdClass();
        $object->id = 1;
        $object->element = 'module';
        $object->ref = 'systemevent';
        $object->entity = $conf->entity;
        $object->date = dol_now();

        $b=new BlockedLog($this->db);
        $result = $b->setObjectData($object, 'MODULE_RESET', 0);
        if ($result < 0)
            $this->error = $b->error;
            $this->errors = $b->erros;
            return 0;

        if ($b->alreadyUsed(1))
            $res = $b->create($user, '0000000000'); // If already used for something else than SET or UNSET, we log with error
            $res = $b->create($user);
        if ($res<=0) {
            $this->error = $b->error;
            $this->errors = $b->errors;
            return $res;

        return $this->_remove($sql, $options);