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Current File : /home/scgforma/www/soc064/htdocs/core/lib/payments.lib.php

 * Copyright (C) 2013	    Marcos GarcĂ­a	        <marcosgdf@gmail.com>
 * Copyright (C) 2018       Frédéric France         <frederic.france@netlogic.fr>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * or see http://www.gnu.org/

 * Returns an array with the tabs for the "Payment" section
 * It loads tabs from modules looking for the entity payment
 * @param Paiement $object Current payment object
 * @return array Tabs for the payment section
function payment_prepare_head(Paiement $object)

	global $langs, $conf;

	$h = 0;
	$head = array();

	$head[$h][0] = DOL_URL_ROOT.'/compta/paiement/card.php?id='.$object->id;
	$head[$h][1] = $langs->trans("Card");
	$head[$h][2] = 'payment';

    // Show more tabs from modules
    // Entries must be declared in modules descriptor with line
    // $this->tabs = array('entity:+tabname:Title:@mymodule:/mymodule/mypage.php?id=__ID__');   to add new tab
    // $this->tabs = array('entity:-tabname);   												to remove a tab
    complete_head_from_modules($conf, $langs, $object, $head, $h, 'payment');

	$head[$h][0] = DOL_URL_ROOT.'/compta/paiement/info.php?id='.$object->id;
	$head[$h][1] = $langs->trans("Info");
	$head[$h][2] = 'info';

	complete_head_from_modules($conf, $langs, $object, $head, $h, 'payment', 'remove');

	return $head;

 * Returns an array with the tabs for the "Supplier payment" section
 * It loads tabs from modules looking for the entity payment_supplier
 * @param Paiement $object Current payment object
 * @return array Tabs for the payment section
function payment_supplier_prepare_head(Paiement $object)
	global $langs, $conf;

	$h = 0;
	$head = array();

	$head[$h][0] = DOL_URL_ROOT.'/fourn/paiement/card.php?id='.$object->id;
	$head[$h][1] = $langs->trans("Card");
	$head[$h][2] = 'payment';

    // Show more tabs from modules
    // Entries must be declared in modules descriptor with line
    // $this->tabs = array('entity:+tabname:Title:@mymodule:/mymodule/mypage.php?id=__ID__');   to add new tab
    // $this->tabs = array('entity:-tabname);   												to remove a tab
    complete_head_from_modules($conf, $langs, $object, $head, $h, 'payment_supplier');

	$head[$h][0] = DOL_URL_ROOT.'/fourn/paiement/info.php?id='.$object->id;
	$head[$h][1] = $langs->trans('Info');
	$head[$h][2] = 'info';

	complete_head_from_modules($conf, $langs, $object, $head, $h, 'payment_supplier', 'remove');

	return $head;

 * Return array of valid payment mode
 * @param	string	$paymentmethod		Filter on this payment method (''=none, 'paypal', ...)
 * @return	array						Array of valid payment method
function getValidOnlinePaymentMethods($paymentmethod = '')
	global $conf;


	if ((empty($paymentmethod) || $paymentmethod == 'paypal') && ! empty($conf->paypal->enabled))
	if ((empty($paymentmethod) || $paymentmethod == 'paybox') && ! empty($conf->paybox->enabled))
	if ((empty($paymentmethod) || $paymentmethod == 'stripe') && ! empty($conf->stripe->enabled))
	return $validpaymentmethod;

 * Return string with full Url
 * @param   string	$type		Type of URL ('free', 'order', 'invoice', 'contractline', 'membersubscription' ...)
 * @param	string	$ref		Ref of object
 * @return	string				Url string
function showOnlinePaymentUrl($type, $ref)
	global $langs;

	// Load translation files required by the page
    $langs->loadLangs(array('payment', 'paybox'));


	$out = img_picto('', 'object_globe.png').' '.$langs->trans("ToOfferALinkForOnlinePayment", $servicename).'<br>';
	$url = getOnlinePaymentUrl(0, $type, $ref);
	$out.= '<input type="text" id="onlinepaymenturl" class="quatrevingtpercent" value="'.$url.'">';
	$out.= ajax_autoselect("onlinepaymenturl", 0);
	return $out;

 * Return string with full Url
 * @param   int		$mode		      0=True url, 1=Url formated with colors
 * @param   string	$type		      Type of URL ('free', 'order', 'invoice', 'contractline', 'membersubscription' ...)
 * @param	string	$ref		      Ref of object
 * @param	int		$amount		      Amount (required for $type='free' only)
 * @param	string	$freetag	      Free tag
 * @param   string  $localorexternal  0=Url for browser, 1=Url for external access
 * @return	string				      Url string
function getOnlinePaymentUrl($mode, $type, $ref = '', $amount = '9.99', $freetag = 'your_tag', $localorexternal = 0)
    global $conf, $dolibarr_main_url_root;

	$ref=str_replace(' ', '', $ref);

	// Define $urlwithroot
	$urlwithouturlroot=preg_replace('/'.preg_quote(DOL_URL_ROOT, '/').'$/i', '', trim($dolibarr_main_url_root));
	$urlwithroot=$urlwithouturlroot.DOL_URL_ROOT;		// This is to use external domain name found into config file
	//$urlwithroot=DOL_MAIN_URL_ROOT;					// This is to use same domain name than current

	$urltouse = DOL_MAIN_URL_ROOT;
	if ($localorexternal) $urltouse = $urlwithroot;

	if ($type == 'free')
	    $out=$urltouse.'/public/payment/newpayment.php?amount='.($mode?'<font color="#666666">':'').$amount.($mode?'</font>':'').'&tag='.($mode?'<font color="#666666">':'').$freetag.($mode?'</font>':'');
		if (! empty($conf->global->PAYMENT_SECURITY_TOKEN))
			if (empty($conf->global->PAYMENT_SECURITY_TOKEN_UNIQUE)) $out.='&securekey='.$conf->global->PAYMENT_SECURITY_TOKEN;
			else $out.='&securekey='.dol_hash($conf->global->PAYMENT_SECURITY_TOKEN, 2);
	elseif ($type == 'order')
	    $out=$urltouse.'/public/payment/newpayment.php?source=order&ref='.($mode?'<font color="#666666">':'');
		if ($mode == 1) $out.='order_ref';
		if ($mode == 0) $out.=urlencode($ref);
		if (! empty($conf->global->PAYMENT_SECURITY_TOKEN))
			if (empty($conf->global->PAYMENT_SECURITY_TOKEN_UNIQUE)) $out.='&securekey='.$conf->global->PAYMENT_SECURITY_TOKEN;
				$out.='&securekey='.($mode?'<font color="#666666">':'');
				if ($mode == 1) $out.="hash('".$conf->global->PAYMENT_SECURITY_TOKEN."' + '".$type."' + order_ref)";
				if ($mode == 0) $out.= dol_hash($conf->global->PAYMENT_SECURITY_TOKEN . $type . $ref, 2);
	elseif ($type == 'invoice')
	    $out=$urltouse.'/public/payment/newpayment.php?source=invoice&ref='.($mode?'<font color="#666666">':'');
		if ($mode == 1) $out.='invoice_ref';
		if ($mode == 0) $out.=urlencode($ref);
		if (! empty($conf->global->PAYMENT_SECURITY_TOKEN))
			if (empty($conf->global->PAYMENT_SECURITY_TOKEN_UNIQUE)) $out.='&securekey='.$conf->global->PAYMENT_SECURITY_TOKEN;
				$out.='&securekey='.($mode?'<font color="#666666">':'');
				if ($mode == 1) $out.="hash('".$conf->global->PAYMENT_SECURITY_TOKEN."' + '".$type."' + invoice_ref)";
				if ($mode == 0) $out.= dol_hash($conf->global->PAYMENT_SECURITY_TOKEN . $type . $ref, 2);
	elseif ($type == 'contractline')
	    $out=$urltouse.'/public/payment/newpayment.php?source=contractline&ref='.($mode?'<font color="#666666">':'');
		if ($mode == 1) $out.='contractline_ref';
		if ($mode == 0) $out.=urlencode($ref);
		if (! empty($conf->global->PAYMENT_SECURITY_TOKEN))
			if (empty($conf->global->PAYMENT_SECURITY_TOKEN_UNIQUE)) $out.='&securekey='.$conf->global->PAYMENT_SECURITY_TOKEN;
				$out.='&securekey='.($mode?'<font color="#666666">':'');
				if ($mode == 1) $out.="hash('".$conf->global->PAYMENT_SECURITY_TOKEN."' + '".$type."' + contractline_ref)";
				if ($mode == 0) $out.= dol_hash($conf->global->PAYMENT_SECURITY_TOKEN . $type . $ref, 2);
	elseif ($type == 'member' || $type == 'membersubscription')
	    $out=$urltouse.'/public/payment/newpayment.php?source=membersubscription&ref='.($mode?'<font color="#666666">':'');
		if ($mode == 1) $out.='member_ref';
		if ($mode == 0) $out.=urlencode($ref);
		if (! empty($conf->global->PAYMENT_SECURITY_TOKEN))
			if (empty($conf->global->PAYMENT_SECURITY_TOKEN_UNIQUE)) $out.='&securekey='.$conf->global->PAYMENT_SECURITY_TOKEN;
				$out.='&securekey='.($mode?'<font color="#666666">':'');
				if ($mode == 1) $out.="hash('".$conf->global->PAYMENT_SECURITY_TOKEN."' + '".$type."' + member_ref)";
				if ($mode == 0) $out.= dol_hash($conf->global->PAYMENT_SECURITY_TOKEN . $type . $ref, 2);
	if ($type == 'donation')
	    $out=$urltouse.'/public/payment/newpayment.php?source=donation&ref='.($mode?'<font color="#666666">':'');
		if ($mode == 1) $out.='donation_ref';
		if ($mode == 0) $out.=urlencode($ref);
		if (! empty($conf->global->PAYMENT_SECURITY_TOKEN))
			if (empty($conf->global->PAYMENT_SECURITY_TOKEN_UNIQUE)) $out.='&securekey='.$conf->global->PAYMENT_SECURITY_TOKEN;
				$out.='&securekey='.($mode?'<font color="#666666">':'');
				if ($mode == 1) $out.="hash('".$conf->global->PAYMENT_SECURITY_TOKEN."' + '".$type."' + donation_ref)";
				if ($mode == 0) $out.= dol_hash($conf->global->PAYMENT_SECURITY_TOKEN . $type . $ref, 2);

	// For multicompany
	if (! empty($out) && ! empty($conf->multicompany->enabled)) $out.="&entity=".$conf->entity; // Check the entity because we may have the same reference in several entities

	return $out;

 * Show footer of company in HTML pages
 * @param   Societe		$fromcompany	Third party
 * @param   Translate	$langs			Output language
 * @param	int			$addformmessage	Add the payment form message
 * @param	string		$suffix			Suffix to use on constants
 * @param	Object		$object			Object related to payment
 * @return	void
function htmlPrintOnlinePaymentFooter($fromcompany, $langs, $addformmessage = 0, $suffix = '', $object = null)
    global $conf;

    // Juridical status
    if ($fromcompany->forme_juridique_code)
        $line1.=($line1?" - ":"").getFormeJuridiqueLabel($fromcompany->forme_juridique_code);
    // Capital
    if ($fromcompany->capital)
        $line1.=($line1?" - ":"").$langs->transnoentities("CapitalOf", $fromcompany->capital)." ".$langs->transnoentities("Currency".$conf->currency);
    // Prof Id 1
    if ($fromcompany->idprof1 && ($fromcompany->country_code != 'FR' || ! $fromcompany->idprof2))
        $field=$langs->transcountrynoentities("ProfId1", $fromcompany->country_code);
        if (preg_match('/\((.*)\)/i', $field, $reg)) $field=$reg[1];
        $line1.=($line1?" - ":"").$field.": ".$fromcompany->idprof1;
    // Prof Id 2
    if ($fromcompany->idprof2)
        $field=$langs->transcountrynoentities("ProfId2", $fromcompany->country_code);
        if (preg_match('/\((.*)\)/i', $field, $reg)) $field=$reg[1];
        $line1.=($line1?" - ":"").$field.": ".$fromcompany->idprof2;

    // Second line of company infos
    // Prof Id 3
    if ($fromcompany->idprof3)
        $field=$langs->transcountrynoentities("ProfId3", $fromcompany->country_code);
        if (preg_match('/\((.*)\)/i', $field, $reg)) $field=$reg[1];
        $line2.=($line2?" - ":"").$field.": ".$fromcompany->idprof3;
    // Prof Id 4
    if ($fromcompany->idprof4)
        $field=$langs->transcountrynoentities("ProfId4", $fromcompany->country_code);
        if (preg_match('/\((.*)\)/i', $field, $reg)) $field=$reg[1];
        $line2.=($line2?" - ":"").$field.": ".$fromcompany->idprof4;
    // IntraCommunautary VAT
    if ($fromcompany->tva_intra != '')
        $line2.=($line2?" - ":"").$langs->transnoentities("VATIntraShort").": ".$fromcompany->tva_intra;

    print '<br>';

    print '<div class="center">'."\n";
    if ($addformmessage)
    	print '<!-- object = '.$object->element.' -->';
    	print '<br>';

    	if (! empty($conf->global->$parammessageform)) print $langs->transnoentities($conf->global->$parammessageform);
    	elseif (! empty($conf->global->ONLINE_PAYMENT_MESSAGE_FORM)) print $langs->transnoentities($conf->global->ONLINE_PAYMENT_MESSAGE_FORM);

    	// Add other message if VAT exists
    	if ($object->total_vat != 0 || $object->total_tva != 0)
    		if (! empty($conf->global->$parammessageform)) print $langs->transnoentities($conf->global->$parammessageform);
    		elseif (! empty($conf->global->ONLINE_PAYMENT_MESSAGE_FORMIFVAT)) print $langs->transnoentities($conf->global->ONLINE_PAYMENT_MESSAGE_FORMIFVAT);

    print '<font style="font-size: 10px;"><br><hr>'."\n";
    print $fromcompany->name.'<br>';
    print $line1;
    if (strlen($line1.$line2) > 50) print '<br>';
    else print ' - ';
    print $line2;
    print '</font></div>'."\n";