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/* Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Laurent Destailleur  <eldy@users.sourceforge.net>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * or see http://www.gnu.org/

 *  \file		htdocs/core/lib/memory.lib.php
 *  \brief		Set of function for memory/cache management

 * 	Regenerate files .class.php
 *  @param	string      $destdir		Directory
 * 	@param	string		$module			Module name
 *  @param	string      $objectname		Name of object
 * 	@param	string		$newmask		New mask
 *  @param	string      $readdir		Directory source (use $destdir when not defined)
 *  @param	string		$addfieldentry	Array of the field entry to add array('key'=>,'type'=>,''label'=>,'visible'=>,'enabled'=>,'position'=>,'notnull'=>','index'=>,'searchall'=>,'comment'=>,'help'=>,'isameasure')
 *  @param	string		$delfieldentry	Id of field to remove
 * 	@return	int|object					<=0 if KO, Object if OK
 *  @see rebuildObjectSql()
function rebuildObjectClass($destdir, $module, $objectname, $newmask, $readdir = '', $addfieldentry = array(), $delfieldentry = '')
    global $db, $langs;

    if (empty($objectname)) return -1;
    if (empty($readdir)) $readdir=$destdir;

    if (! empty($addfieldentry['arrayofkeyval']) && ! is_array($addfieldentry['arrayofkeyval']))
    	dol_print_error('', 'Bad parameter addfieldentry with a property arrayofkeyval defined but that is not an array.');
    	return -1;

    // Check parameters
    if (count($addfieldentry) > 0)
        if (empty($addfieldentry['name']))
    		setEventMessages($langs->trans('ErrorFieldRequired', $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("Name")), null, 'errors');
    		return -2;
        if (empty($addfieldentry['label']))
    		setEventMessages($langs->trans('ErrorFieldRequired', $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("Label")), null, 'errors');
    		return -2;
    	if (! preg_match('/^(integer|price|sellist|date|varchar|double|text|html)/', $addfieldentry['type'])
    		&& ! preg_match('/^(boolean|real|timestamp)$/', $addfieldentry['type']))
    		setEventMessages($langs->trans('BadValueForType', $objectname), null, 'errors');
    		return -2;

    $pathoffiletoedittarget=$destdir.'/class/'.strtolower($objectname).'.class.php'.($readdir != $destdir ? '.new' : '');
    if (! dol_is_file($pathoffiletoeditsrc))
        setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorFileNotFound", $pathoffiletoeditsrc), null, 'errors');
        return -3;

    //dol_delete_file($pathoffiletoedittmp, 0, 1, 1);

        include_once $pathoffiletoeditsrc;
        if (class_exists($objectname)) $object=new $objectname($db);
        else return -4;

        // Backup old file
        dol_copy($pathoffiletoedittarget, $pathoffiletoedittarget.'.back', $newmask, 1);

        // Edit class files
        $contentclass = file_get_contents(dol_osencode($pathoffiletoeditsrc), 'r');

	    // Update ->fields (add or remove entries)
        if (count($object->fields))
        	if (is_array($addfieldentry) && count($addfieldentry))

        	if (! empty($delfieldentry))

        dol_sort_array($object->fields, 'position');

        $texttoinsert = '// BEGIN MODULEBUILDER PROPERTIES'."\n";
        $texttoinsert.= "\t".'/**'."\n";
        $texttoinsert.= "\t".' * @var array  Array with all fields and their property. Do not use it as a static var. It may be modified by constructor.'."\n";
        $texttoinsert.= "\t".' */'."\n";
        $texttoinsert.= "\t".'public $fields=array('."\n";

        if (count($object->fields))

            foreach($object->fields as $key => $val)
                $texttoinsert.= "\t\t'".$key."' => array('type'=>'".$val['type']."', 'label'=>'".$val['label']."',";
                $texttoinsert.= " 'enabled'=>".($val['enabled']!=''?$val['enabled']:1).",";
                $texttoinsert.= " 'visible'=>".($val['visible']!=''?$val['visible']:-1).",";
                $texttoinsert.= " 'position'=>".($val['position']!=''?$val['position']:50).",";
                $texttoinsert.= " 'notnull'=>".($val['notnull']!=''?$val['notnull']:-1).",";
                if ($val['default'])        $texttoinsert.= " 'default'=>'".$val['default']."',";
                if ($val['index'])          $texttoinsert.= " 'index'=>".$val['index'].",";
                if ($val['searchall'])      $texttoinsert.= " 'searchall'=>".$val['searchall'].",";
                if ($val['isameasure'])     $texttoinsert.= " 'isameasure'=>'".$val['isameasure']."',";
                if ($val['foreignkey'])     $texttoinsert.= " 'foreignkey'=>'".$val['foreignkey']."',";
                if ($val['help'])           $texttoinsert.= " 'help'=>\"".preg_replace('/"/', '', $val['help'])."\",";
                if ($val['comment'])        $texttoinsert.= " 'comment'=>\"".preg_replace('/"/', '', $val['comment'])."\",";
                if ($val['showoncombobox']) $texttoinsert.= " 'showoncombobox'=>'".$val['showoncombobox']."',";
                if ($val['arrayofkeyval'])
                	$texttoinsert.= " 'arrayofkeyval'=>array(";
                	foreach($val['arrayofkeyval'] as $key2 => $val2)
                		if ($i) $texttoinsert.=", ";
                	$texttoinsert.= ")";
                $texttoinsert.= "),\n";

        $texttoinsert.= "\t".');'."\n";
		//print ($texttoinsert);exit;

        if (count($object->fields))
        	$typetotypephp=array('integer'=>'integer', 'varchar'=>'string');

        	foreach($object->fields as $key => $val)
                $texttoinsert.= "\t".'public $'.$key.";";
                //if ($key == 'rowid')  $texttoinsert.= ' AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY';
                //if ($key == 'entity') $texttoinsert.= ' DEFAULT 1';
                //$texttoinsert.= ($val['notnull']?' NOT NULL':'');
                //if ($i < count($object->fields)) $texttoinsert.=";";
                $texttoinsert.= "\n";

        $texttoinsert.= "\t".'// END MODULEBUILDER PROPERTIES';


        $contentclass = preg_replace('/\/\/ BEGIN MODULEBUILDER PROPERTIES.*END MODULEBUILDER PROPERTIES/ims', $texttoinsert, $contentclass);


        //file_put_contents($pathoffiletoedittmp, $contentclass);
        file_put_contents(dol_osencode($pathoffiletoedittarget), $contentclass);
        @chmod($pathoffiletoedittarget, octdec($newmask));

        return $object;
    catch(Exception $e)
        print $e->getMessage();
        return -5;

 * 	Save data into a memory area shared by all users, all sessions on server
 *  @param	string      $destdir		Directory
 * 	@param	string		$module			Module name
 *  @param	string      $objectname		Name of object
 * 	@param	string		$newmask		New mask
 *  @param	string      $readdir		Directory source (use $destdir when not defined)
 *  @param	Object		$object			If object was already loaded/known, it is pass to avaoid another include and new.
 * 	@return	int							<=0 if KO, >0 if OK
 *  @see rebuildObjectClass()
function rebuildObjectSql($destdir, $module, $objectname, $newmask, $readdir = '', $object = null)
    global $db, $langs;

    $error = 0;

    if (empty($objectname)) return -1;
    if (empty($readdir)) $readdir=$destdir;


    // Edit .sql file
    $pathoffiletoedittarget=$destdir.'/sql/llx_'.strtolower($module).'_'.strtolower($objectname).'.sql'.($readdir != $destdir ? '.new' : '');
	if (! dol_is_file($pathoffiletoeditsrc))
    	setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorFileNotFound", $pathoffiletoeditsrc), null, 'errors');
    	return -1;

    // Load object from myobject.class.php
    	if (! is_object($object))
    		include_once $pathoffiletoclasssrc;
        	if (class_exists($objectname)) $object=new $objectname($db);
        	else return -1;
    catch(Exception $e)
        print $e->getMessage();

    // Backup old file
    dol_copy($pathoffiletoedittarget, $pathoffiletoedittarget.'.back', $newmask, 1);

    $contentsql = file_get_contents(dol_osencode($pathoffiletoeditsrc), 'r');

    $texttoinsert = '-- BEGIN MODULEBUILDER FIELDS'."\n";
    if (count($object->fields))
        foreach($object->fields as $key => $val)

            $type = $val['type'];
            $type = preg_replace('/:.*$/', '', $type);		// For case type = 'integer:Societe:societe/class/societe.class.php'

            if ($type == 'html') $type = 'text';            // html modulebuilder type is a text type in database
            elseif ($type == 'price') $type = 'double';            // html modulebuilder type is a text type in database
            elseif ($type == 'link' || $type == 'sellist') $type = 'integer';
            $texttoinsert.= "\t".$key." ".$type;
            if ($key == 'rowid')  $texttoinsert.= ' AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY';
            if ($key == 'entity') $texttoinsert.= ' DEFAULT 1';
            	if ($val['default'] != '')
            		if (preg_match('/^null$/i', $val['default'])) $texttoinsert.= " DEFAULT NULL";
            		elseif (preg_match('/varchar/', $type)) $texttoinsert.= " DEFAULT '".$db->escape($val['default'])."'";
            		else $texttoinsert.= (($val['default'] > 0)?' DEFAULT '.$val['default']:'');
            $texttoinsert.= (($val['notnull'] > 0)?' NOT NULL':'');
            if ($i < count($object->fields)) $texttoinsert.=", ";
            $texttoinsert.= "\n";
    $texttoinsert.= "\t".'-- END MODULEBUILDER FIELDS';

    $contentsql = preg_replace('/-- BEGIN MODULEBUILDER FIELDS.*END MODULEBUILDER FIELDS/ims', $texttoinsert, $contentsql);

    $result = file_put_contents($pathoffiletoedittarget, $contentsql);
    if ($result)
    	@chmod($pathoffiletoedittarget, octdec($newmask));

    // Edit .key.sql file
    $pathoffiletoedittarget=$destdir.'/sql/llx_'.strtolower($module).'_'.strtolower($objectname).'.key.sql'.($readdir != $destdir ? '.new' : '');

    $contentsql = file_get_contents(dol_osencode($pathoffiletoeditsrc), 'r');

    $texttoinsert = '-- BEGIN MODULEBUILDER INDEXES'."\n";
    if (count($object->fields))
        foreach($object->fields as $key => $val)
            if (! empty($val['index']))
                $texttoinsert.= "ALTER TABLE llx_".strtolower($module).'_'.strtolower($objectname)." ADD INDEX idx_".strtolower($module).'_'.strtolower($objectname)."_".$key." (".$key.");";
                $texttoinsert.= "\n";
            if (! empty($val['foreignkey']))
            	$tmp=explode('.', $val['foreignkey']);
            	if (! empty($tmp[0]) && ! empty($tmp[1]))
            		$texttoinsert.= "ALTER TABLE llx_".strtolower($module).'_'.strtolower($objectname)." ADD CONSTRAINT llx_".strtolower($module).'_'.strtolower($objectname)."_".$key." FOREIGN KEY (".$key.") REFERENCES ".$tmp[0]."(".$tmp[1].");";
            		$texttoinsert.= "\n";
    $texttoinsert.= '-- END MODULEBUILDER INDEXES';

    $contentsql = preg_replace('/-- BEGIN MODULEBUILDER INDEXES.*END MODULEBUILDER INDEXES/ims', $texttoinsert, $contentsql);


    $result2 = file_put_contents($pathoffiletoedittarget, $contentsql);
    if ($result)
    	@chmod($pathoffiletoedittarget, octdec($newmask));

    return $error ? -1 : 1;